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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.06 MB, 954x838, en2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5133539 No.5133539 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for right wing art and art by right wing artists. Post work by yourself or others.

>> No.5133542

im a milque toast fence shitter

>> No.5133544
File: 1.05 MB, 3058x1563, ic swedefag challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some challenges I did for /ic/.

I've been called right wing but I honestly don't know if I truly am.

I do like Trump though, despite his flaws.

>> No.5133545
File: 740 KB, 2500x1512, CHUD TO STUD IC challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133546
File: 1001 KB, 4950x2124, ic doomer feels updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133547
File: 1.04 MB, 774x1142, ha2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you are far right, by modern standards. Welcome to the club!

>> No.5133555
File: 3.52 MB, 1652x844, ch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your design of buff chud, it's very characterful

>> No.5133556

Any artists with twitter? Or were they all purged in the recent ban?

>> No.5133557
File: 487 KB, 972x807, ArmstrongPP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks King, but it's literally Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising ayy

>> No.5133563
File: 1.82 MB, 1229x617, off1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Stonetoss hasn't been banned so I imagine the others are safe too. For now.

>> No.5133564

Do you take bitcoin commissions?

>> No.5133567
File: 1.67 MB, 1229x564, re1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have a wallet yet, maybe I should open one. What did you have in mind? You can dm me on twitter @dullsignal if you want.

>> No.5133574

are you a woman? your art looks fujo-ish

>> No.5133580

Pine hill militia, what that? I'm not familiar with these concepts.

>> No.5133587

probably a european americaboo

>> No.5133594
File: 2.75 MB, 1481x704, mil1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pine hill militia is a fictional militia created for my work, a distilling of the concept of the militia envisioned by the founding fathers of the US

>> No.5133610

No offence, but you draw like a faggot.

>> No.5133612

everything about their work screams fujo who memed herself into genuine right wing politics though her fetish for boys in fatigues and tactical gear.
the lack of answer makes me think they probably are a woman.
to be honest they have the potential to convert leagues of fakebois to white nationalism if they're smart about it, it's good propaganda.

>> No.5133626

What constitutes as "right wing art" as opposed to "left wing art" or "centrist art"?

>> No.5133641
File: 207 KB, 660x373, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art espousing right wing ideas like general armament vs left wing ideas like gender shenanigans vs no political ideas

>> No.5133642

right wing art is greek statues with glitch filters and inspiring quotes, left wing art is racialy ambiguous transmen with leg hair getting upset about something, centrist art is fruit bowls.

>> No.5133646

My interpretation.
Right wing art is art that's created to promote or depict or inspired by the ideals of the right, left wing art is art that's created to promote or depict or inspired by the ideals of the left, centrist art is everything else because centrism isn't a thing or perhaps it's everything (that cannot be placed within the left right dichotomy)

>> No.5133650
File: 1.97 MB, 1223x610, eg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also very true.

>> No.5133662
File: 158 KB, 1200x823, Pregnant Anne Frank rescued by Confederates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does this sit on the art political spectrum?

>> No.5133669

i think they are ftm actually
looks like the kind of weird fetishisation of masculinity from the outside that ftms do, a confusion of wanting to be the twinky militia boy and wanting to fuck him
enbies live rent free in their head so i'm putting all my chips on 'truscum' ftm desperately trying to larp as a man
unfortunately one look at their art gives it away, gays don't even draw guys like that.

>> No.5133687

It sits south.

>> No.5133695

absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.5133718
File: 586 KB, 1668x2388, C73D47A6-A957-442A-BCDD-9ABDE6C82BD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m grinding so I can make a comic with only white europeans in europe.

>> No.5133720

this thread is dryer than ... something really dry. i cant even come up with a creative simile, thats how much this thread is sucking.

>> No.5133726
File: 2.29 MB, 1434x655, cf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool anon, and a radical idea at this point. I hope the grinding doesn't get you down, remember to do at least a few very short comics to get used to the workflow, because it's more than just lots of drawings on one page. Your style could already work well for a comic, illustrated in a sort of watercolor style with a lot of blank white left in place. Good luck

>> No.5133730

I wonder: do non-straight right wingers get off - sexually, egotistically, or both - on the fact of their non-straightness? I’ve seen a fair number of right wing femboys act particularly faggy in parading their political beliefs online, so there has to be *something* to it - I would imagine. Maybe that’s just a femboy thing more generally though.

>> No.5133734

This is something I've wondered too. How do gays and non-white conservatives, especially the far-right ones, cope with the fact that the right wing utopia doesn't include them?

>> No.5133747
File: 113 KB, 481x399, sgfsm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, we have started a matrix room for discussing Right Wing Culture Creation and sharing work.
About 20 people have joined so far and it's a fairly active place.
If you are a right wing artist please consider joining.
You will need to download or used a browser-based Element client. Matrix and Halogen are both good clients. You don't need an email to sign up to Matrix. Once logged in, click the compass icon and search for "rwcc", full name is #rwcc:matrix.org

>> No.5133790

as long as he's cute its not gay

>> No.5133794
File: 76 KB, 1092x1040, EdzEGi3XkAEWFFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

righties will call lefties snowflakes and then make generals like this lmao

>> No.5133830


>> No.5133838

I'm as conservative as they come but your art is dogshit

>> No.5133845

Maybe they’re trying implying that this thread is basically a right wing safe space? Idk that’s all that comes to mind.

>> No.5133858

trannies fuck off

>> No.5133862
File: 255 KB, 500x298, 1586702584222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safe space


>> No.5133866

God, you fucking dweeb

>> No.5133868

Not agreeing with them, just saying I think that’s what they’re saying. Relax.

>> No.5133872

oh nah anon I just don't have many reaction images and just picked that one of spongebob yelling lol

>> No.5133873

I'm pretty left wing (economically) and I like it actually, though it's the contrast between the tumblr-ish style and the content I find most interesting.

>> No.5133880

Lol no worries then

>> No.5133884
File: 547 KB, 2025x2025, Thot Salem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using institutional power to ban your opponents so you don't have to debate them vs making a thread on a mongolian parchment scribbling forum


>> No.5133926

This is the third time I've read this post and I still don't understand anything of what you just said and I can't be fucked to google.
I like to draw big fat milky tits, where does that put me on the political spectrum?

>> No.5133934
File: 3.33 MB, 1742x2939, Fire Up The Grill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking Thread.
I'm liking the art I'm seeing in here.
Posting a few of my old webcomics from before my twitter was nuked by a flashmob spurred on by a cringey autistic transexual.
Might pick it up again one day, but for now it's on break.

>> No.5133936
File: 584 KB, 1085x880, Trump 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please indulge my cringe.

>> No.5133939
File: 2.83 MB, 939x3697, RBG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133942
File: 1.51 MB, 1510x1462, Sticker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133945
File: 2.04 MB, 1592x1171, Ban Evasion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133949

Why is all "right wing art" pseudo tumblr homofash niggatry?
It's like recolored edits of sjw art. Is this what politics does to a mf'er brain?

>> No.5133950

I dunno I think there's a diverse mix on display in this thread alone.
I think you're just mad and should probably go dilate.

>> No.5133954

absolutely based

>> No.5133956
File: 2.71 MB, 1698x1690, newpfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5133964

It's literall the same shit besides this guy (>>5133934)
Cope harder and seethe transserite homofagscist.

>> No.5133966

Post more right wing art
make more right wing art
it's the only answer that will make sure there's more of the diversity you crave.

>> No.5133967
File: 188 KB, 590x469, 1606263607272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice bro
>tried looking up thudpanels on twitter

>> No.5133973

made fun of Trump, RBG, Joe Biden, Women's March, BLM, Vaush and even drew the Prophet Muhammad and sent it to a bunch of angry arab leaders.
They didn't do shit.
But I pissed off the black version of Chris Chan, (an autistic Transexual who draws comics about himself) and I got mass-reported to death.
I kind of expected it, but god damn, who'd have thought.
shit sucks.
I might come back one day

>> No.5133980
File: 1021 KB, 599x600, future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some stuff I did in 2018
Contact me via

>> No.5133985
File: 986 KB, 600x603, trump-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also inked this the day he won in 2016.

>> No.5133996
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x1500, ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this a while back during the Zimmerman case, good times.

>> No.5133999

see there's more right wing art than you think.
This general for /ic/ is a great idea.

>> No.5134006
File: 1.55 MB, 2200x1244, 00 front cover and back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this was a year after that, did a tank girl redo where she was a confederate rebel qt who drives a weaponized wagon instead of a thot who drives a tank.

>> No.5134010
File: 1.43 MB, 1656x1374, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no text as I had to move on due to time constraits but the arts quite nice looking back all these years later.

>> No.5134011
File: 1.89 MB, 2000x2666, 03 no text bub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5134013
File: 1.16 MB, 2142x1164, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are just random best ones as the whole comic is quite long and I cba postin it all and whackin up the thread

>> No.5134017

Every time competence/skill/work-ethic is espoused by an /ic anon, they are committing acts of far right extremism.

>> No.5134033

>itt: pure trash
this is why the right wing can't and will never dominate arts and media. how ironic that the group who glorifies ancient greek and roman culture creates the most unappealing art.

>> No.5134048


>> No.5134049
File: 1.82 MB, 2500x3231, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least no-one is being abrasive, there's nothing wrong with having some form of political thought or themes in your art no matter what you draw. If anything I think it's an interesting perspective and it's foolish to consider and brush over individuality and paint the right as one large group. No not every right wing person wants to paint greek and roman staues sometimes they just want to make something funny or at least have some fun with the ideas. I'm not going to insult you because this thread is just to share art we've done in a certain theme and you have entered the thread with some form of bias as to what yu think of the other side. Stop being tribal and enjoy whatever comes, pic related my art now. I don't focus so much on the message as more so the beauty of the subject.

I don't know I'm not gonna argue with you I just wanted to point out your group think and bias.

>> No.5134063
File: 33 KB, 489x488, 1597938538635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightards constantly gatekept out of an industry that they believe is a fair playing field
>leftards on the internet go and act smug about most (((relevant artists))) being left wing
leftards are speds who love to pretend they are not in control. luckily the right wingers seem to be waking up to your faggotry.

>> No.5134069

I don't consider myself right wing, so I don't care whether right wing art is in the mainstream or not, but holy hell your bias is on full blast here.
>using your own preference as a definitive standard
>applying a one-dimensional answer to a multi-dimensional phenomenon (i.e., what makes certain art dominate the field)
>taking a few examples to generalize about thousands of people
You're either ignorant or dishonest if you don't think that, assuming they knew they were right wing, so many people would jump through hoops to stop right wing artists from making it into the mainstream. I mean, you can already see this sort of behavior in certain parts of the internet (e.g., leftists on twitter mass flagging right wing webcomic makers).

>> No.5134082

yeah was gonna say this thread is a great example of how/why left wingers dominate art

right wing art is just bad. Its soulless, boring, and worst of all, as evident by this thread, the same right wingers that espouse rote, traditionalist practice of fundamentals....appear unable to exhibit any of those skills. its honestly embarrassing

even when its technically proficient(sculptors like Breker) it lacks creativity and never really leaves a mark for that reason

>> No.5134089


>> No.5134154

>It's souless
>It's boring
>It's bad
You're the definition of a crab dude.
Why don't you go find some other thread to post in.
Or better yet, shut up and draw.

>> No.5134182
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1600, ssbrit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I helped the creator of der seig with some concept and coger art so i gues ill show some of it here it here

>> No.5134197
File: 452 KB, 1200x1600, der seig line art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5134201

This shit is so unironically faggy I wonder how many times a week you were shoved in a locker during school days

>> No.5134229

Nice. Keep it up

>> No.5134268
File: 107 KB, 900x750, pebblethrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discussing right wing culture
I'm not donating to your patreon.

>> No.5134272
File: 3.66 MB, 2093x1300, kali_yuga__neobabylon_asplode__2094x1300__final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this one a year ago... shit, a year ago today. Took a solid week, good times. Already feels outdated though.

>> No.5134279


>> No.5134289

WTF is this thread lmao

>> No.5134290

I like this. Comfy.

>> No.5134292

lmao snowflake needs a safe space?

>> No.5134304
File: 234 KB, 424x427, 1609710789553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh lookat these d00ds hahaha

>> No.5134358

Grifters gotta grift

>> No.5134397
File: 370 KB, 700x971, MAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5134543

no way, fujos hate america and democracy, this person draws gay rednecks which is uniquely nonamerican

>> No.5134548

>bunch of faggots sitting at a cafe like homos
>girl who looks like a man
>blushing faggot


>> No.5134554

faggots are drawn to authoritarianism because lack of father figures in their lives, which is why so many are into fascism

>> No.5134561

God, the seeth in this thread lol
Good art anon.

>> No.5134575


What's your opinion on that artist who draws cartoony homo art and porn of famous nazis? Do you find it insulting?

>> No.5134600
File: 20 KB, 255x247, 1598975204433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightwingers always claiming that their art is censored
>turns out their art is just dogshit

kek, this thread

>> No.5134615 [DELETED] 

Lol it's just one seething samefag over and over.

>> No.5134656
File: 16 KB, 191x191, ara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another argument for horseshoe theory

>> No.5134710

>Contact me via
Why would I want to, lmao?

>> No.5134757 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 680x635, 0FAFB63B-7285-4817-8417-C2C30109738A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5134758
File: 39 KB, 680x635, 0C656D6F-23F1-42A2-A5AA-D5AD1F24D28F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Right Wing Art General - RWAG (...)
>01/14/21(Thu)18:43:51 No.5133539
>3.06 MB
>3.06 MB PNG
>This is a thread for right wing art and art by right wing artists. Post work by yourself or others.

>> No.5134760

post your work tranny

>> No.5134783

You already tried this months ago and after a few threads of discussion you agreed that it has no place on /ic/ any more than a commie propaganda general.


>> No.5134788

>bad art with trannies
>very vague right wing art (/fit/ =! right wing)
>effeminate twigs wearing skinny jeans posing as fashion models
>good intended but still amateurish disney and anime inspire art
>this hot garbage style >>5133934 (and well done alienating everyone faggot)
Not trying to be negative here but if this is all there's to it then there's a really long way to go to be able to compete with leftist artists.

The closest thing to a good piece with the potential to be shared in a massive and organic way is this >>5133884, but i dunno if the artist is right wing (bashing thots is almost universal).

>> No.5134794

>more "my side is better than your side" b8
and this is relevant to 'artwork and critique' because?

>> No.5134795

for that to happen they would have had to STAY in europe, it's simply too unrealistic but is also valid, go for it OP, make your fantasy world

>> No.5134798

this one is based

>> No.5134800

oh no, you are retarded lol

>> No.5134802
File: 324 KB, 840x930, Natzee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gay people losing their shit because boogeyman word
>derail thread into muh left is betta
And then you fags wonder why more people are getting pushed to the right.

>> No.5134803

I'm being 100% honest here. I know all the artists who posted their art itt worked hard and all, but the competition will be really fierce. Right wing art must rise to be as good as the leftist artists of yesteryear, the ones that normies instantly recognize, not the diversity hires of current Marvel that not even the most hardcore SJW know or care about.

>> No.5134805

are you ok?

>> No.5134807
File: 754 KB, 1111x1350, lighth0use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lighthouse is pretty popular in rightwing circles

>> No.5134810

yes, are you?

>> No.5134811
File: 605 KB, 564x718, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old painting of mine
believe it was a commission originally

>> No.5134816
File: 859 KB, 614x980, dbx04hh-8b0b1342-882f-467c-970f-df0788a833c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another old painting of mine. this one definitely was a commission. i believe this man is enoch powell, i think he was a conservative politician in the UK

>> No.5134819

All ""art"" that explicitly and deliberately submits under a political paradigm is reductive propaganda. You're not artists. If you want to have a contest over who can make the best agitprop, take it somewhere else.

>> No.5134820
File: 700 KB, 711x737, d4b5a9c1c31763a2611f26535ed34fff-dbe3jox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive painted christ quite a lot, this is among my favorite. also a commission i believe.

>> No.5134821

Not to mention left wing art has and will have full support from all the MSM and most social media platforms. The only path to cultural victory through art the right has is somehow stealing normies' attention away from SJW approved art and towards its side, and this can only be achieved by shining brightly enough it catches people's sight. Otherwise it'll be the same people sharing and commenting the same content ad infinitum.

>> No.5134826


>> No.5134833
File: 847 KB, 1582x2048, 15FREEDOMS1-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

propaganda is certainly art you fucking retard lmfao in fact propaganda makes some of the most compelling artwork

>> No.5134836

this, actually.
OP, you're the same guy who tried to start this trend before, right? this is the "artwork and critique" board, the purpose is to git gud together - a purely apolitical shared purpose. don't turn it into just another platform for activist mudflinging.

>> No.5134842

Only for the braindead unable to see past partisan politics.

Nah, other anon's right. OP is an unironic faggot or a larping fujo, or a tranny that used to be a fujo.
If they were male, they would draw the characters in an actually masculine way, since they're supposed to be a militia. Instead, they mostly have slim, muscleless bodies and generally effeminate features. They're all twinks in fatigues with curvy legs and boots stylized to look like doc martens/fashion boots instead of actual combat boots. The anon that said that they looked like 'fashion models in fatigues' was right. The visuals are more like those of a boyband than a fictional armed group.

If OP is a fag or a tranny, there also isn't any place for them in the politics they espouse. Male fags tend to draw differently though. They could be a tranny because their art reeks of tumblr.
Lanky twinks, jean texture filter, tumblr nose and cheeks (why are they flushed and blushing in a clerical room?). Even some of the white boys look almost ambiguously brown; you could argue that they're just tanned (very brown), but considering the color of the paper and one guy's shirt, they certainly aren't Nordic.

Plus, they won't even respond to questions asking about their gender, kek.

This panel is actually pretty nice. The rest are painted very incompetently though. You should stick to objects and silhouettes if you want to post decent shit, instead of garbage paintings with baby hands >>5134010 >>5134013
and jaw tumors. >>5134006

>> No.5134843

how did he rendered those so realistically, did he read fun with a pencil?

>> No.5134844

There is no patreon. We do it for free.

>one of the great SOVL-masters of /fag/ is also based and redpilled
Noice. Git in here >>5133747
If you're sick of Twitter's censorship, there's a decentralized alternative called "Pleroma". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOiCACmjKBM
(TL;DR - It works kind of like email where you can use whatever provider you want or even become your own provider, and all the providers can communicate with each other).
Two instances that seem pretty based are neckbeard.xyz and shitposter.club
Even if they don't have the audience you're looking for, you can use it as a blog/gallery for your art and a backup in case you get suspended off of twitter again.

>> No.5134851

as someone from britbong land

>> No.5134855

>The only one shitting up threads are the people complaining that the threads will be shit up by people.
If this ain't your cup of tea, just go lol.
What's so difficult about that?

>> No.5134861

>it's just one general bro don't worry about it :)
you're off-topic. what's so difficult to understand about that? go back to your containment board cunt.

>> No.5134862

I mean, if you look at art like this, it should become obvious that OP is a fujo or tranny that got too deep into her military fetish and larp, right?

These men are drawn like men, and have visible musculature, proper builds, etc. I don't think the style is very good - some of what's been posted is rather shit, in terms of actual quality - but it is certainly very male. Very masculine.

Another example of masculine armed men taken to an extreme in fiction would be in 40K. In either case, you can tell that the artists/origins are actually male and not from some retard tranny that thinks they aren't a fujo because they took some pills, because they don't draw a faggy little boyband in cosplay and call it "right wing art!".

>> No.5134866
File: 246 KB, 1500x999, 501954-wikimedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think people who suggest that threads on propaganda are somehow destroying the integrity of a board that habitually posts porn and cumbrained bullshit all the time are retarded. political art are important cultural pieces that capture a moment in history and should be admired like any other piece of artwork. communist, fascist, monarchism and secular democracy. all these ideologies have had great artists who dedicated time expressing their interest in each one. to disregard them and their art merely because its political is the most peanut brained take i've ever read just go back to jerking off to your faggot ass anime cum art.

>> No.5134875

Second that, but less talky more work posty

>> No.5134876

it would be fine if you made the production of propaganda a collaborative, cross-ideological effort and looked at it from the standpoint of craftsmanship, like people who produce pornography do. you're selling a product that harms the minds of the people who consume it, recognize that and you can have your /propaganda/ general

>> No.5134879

i already did

>> No.5134886
File: 69 KB, 768x432, skynews-london-coronavirus-protests_5109387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We leftwing artists sipping on fart flavoured champagne while you rightoids toil away trying to even come close to our level of accomplishment.
Sorry our counter culture offends you bro.

Just my take bro.
You think the british police have exercised a reasonable amount of restraint when enforcing lockdown laws? I guess you have a higher tolerance for abuse of power than I do.

>> No.5134887

>just wear the mask and social distance and this will all be over
>ok now we just have to lockdown and this will all be over
>ok now you have to take the vaccine so it will all be over
>whoops the vaccine didn't work we have to lockdown again and keep wearing the mask
>we're sure it will all be over this time, we promise
Refusing to wear the muzzle is the greatest act of noncompliance a powerless Joe Schmoe individual can achieve, since the politicians obviously don't give a fuck and the other institutions are all toeing the line. The lockdowns have caused many other problems and everyone pretends they're not happening.

>> No.5134888

Lol make me

>> No.5134889

>it would be fine if you made the production of propaganda a collaborative, cross-ideological effort

>collaborative, cross-ideological effort

obviously you are confused on what the word propaganda entails

>> No.5134891

You're equivocating. Threads on propaganda aren't necessarily the same as political art. In addition, threads studying the historical value of cultural pieces are not akin to threads promoting certain cultural values in the present time. Learn to use the English language.

However, if you want to acknowledge that this is a thread on propaganda and is therefore designed to turn people to your message (since you implied it was the case in your statement), which is generally a harmful one, then go ahead. But a thread that ends up simply engaging in discussion that attempts to turn people to your message instead of drawing or discussing the details of the drawings isn't actually about art.

So this is propaganda, then?

Figures you wouldn't want to actually talk about the features of the art, considering you paint, what - floating heads in space with muddy watercolors?

>> No.5134893
File: 645 KB, 722x525, Prancing la-la homo man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A collaborative cross-ideological effort.
What's the point in designing art by committee to make sure it appeals to everyone?
What other art is made like this?

>> No.5134896

I don't think you take my meaning.
you suggested that these threads are not destroying the integrity of this board, but the fact that you need a thread just for your ideological echochamber shows that you're trying to astroturf your ideology on this board using the production of art as a pretext. if you just want to produce propaganda you can share a dorm with the commies.

>> No.5134897

honestly you write too much, im not going to read this. the point remains if you have a problem with this out of everything else posted here your priorities are backwards and theres no point in arguing with you anyway i hope your popped hemorrhoids recover

>> No.5134899


If you want to draw political art, why can't there be a political art/propaganda general? Left or right wing, it shouldn't matter. Why do you need your ideological hugbox that prevents you from accepting and discussing art within the same realm/around the same topics, albeit from different perspectives?

"I can't read so I'm better than you."

Are you seriously right wing with this sort of zero-IQ mentality? You sound like a faggot living off of social security and welfare.

>> No.5134902

I'll make it even more simple:
producing high-quality propaganda and discussing it on a technical level is on-topic /ic/core, discussing the political ideologies represented in that propaganda is astroturfing.

>> No.5134906

> But a thread that ends up simply engaging in discussion that attempts to turn people to your message instead of drawing or discussing the details of the drawings isn't actually about art.
you nailed it.

>> No.5134907

hey man i already said that you won this little bullshit argument on the internet that only you and (to a lesser extent) i are reading so enjoy the dopamine drip and go channel your productivity into writing more essays somewhere else

>> No.5134911

Ironically, I probably do have rather right-wing views (economically, at the least), but associating with these retards grinds my gears.

This is the internet; you don't need to be redneck trash online.

The other anon just proved you wrong by being capable of actually reading, though. Perhaps you should consider taking advantage of the highschool education so generously provided to you by the state.

>> No.5134917

he didnt prove me wrong, i didnt read it. and the only people who did are faggot nobodies whos opinions dont matter. looks like i win again.

>> No.5134922

If your desire is to voice your political opinions - or opinions in general - via a ranty little pontification in a public board online (one designed for discussion), but you aren't at all willing to do anything other than spew dogma and discussion is a foreign concept, you should consider just shutting the fuck up and not embarrassing everyone else.

>> No.5134929

I'm center-right as well, not just economically but even when it comes to many cultural and social issues, but that doesn't mean I want politics to infect every aspect of my life and every online space I visit.

>> No.5134938
File: 199 KB, 720x620, poleetecks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i hold ideas that can be considered political, does that put me in a category and does that make my art political?

I think you should just stop seeking your identity in the things you consume.

>> No.5134941

If you want to make a general for that just make one dude.
God damn.
It's not that hard.
Chose your own destiny

>> No.5134948

the point of contention is that this thread doesn't belong on /ic/, not making more bloody generals to compensate for it.

>> No.5134954

Been here for a while, I'm not right or left wing, but I give my sympathies to the right. I'm pro freedom of speech. How well freedom of speech is defined is still controversial in today's politics.

Also you guys should probably check for astroturfers, extremists, and generally people who will make things kinda shit for everyone.

>> No.5134958

I don't want to make a general for it, because I don't center my being around partisan American political designations. But if you want to discuss art in relation to politics, again - why do you need an ideological hugbox when this is an art board, and the focus should be the art, not the ideology?

If the general should belong on /ic/, then it should be actually a general - that is, it should have a scope that encompasses both perspectives and any other ones in the same area.

Yeah. I am somewhat conservative on a number of issues in general, including social ones - although I suppose my position is diluted by my lacking belief in religion, and IMO policies like Iceland's prenatal testing to encourage abortion of children with Downs are very beneficial.

Nonetheless, those views of mine really don't belong on an art board when they aren't relevant to actual artwork. The same applies to the parroted views of a large number of anons in here.

>> No.5134977
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1610597032048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah well a bunch of right wing artists don't agree with that.
Go draw

I see your point.
But I think there's a room for a counter cultures on this board.
If you posted punk art general people wouldn't be like, this is excluding other kinds of cultures like emo and scene.
I believe Right wing art has a through line that makes it a kind of internet subculture.
Maybe that through line is more like a tangled ball of Christmas lights than a line but maybe we're all on more similar pages than we think in terms of subject and style.
I don't know.
Right Wing Art General might be a place to get closer to finding out though.
Just think of this as another Furry Art General.
If it's not in your interest don't post.

Simple as.

>> No.5134983


You can't even clearly define why you believe your cause to be so different as to require an incredibly not-general, specific "general".

The furry art general isn't limited to only furred animals; scaled animals and other anthros are included. The stylized art general doesn't limit the style to CalArts. The anime art general doesn't limit people to 90's shit.

You're not defending artistic uniqueness because there really isn't as much as you think there is. You're just defending your ideological hugbox.

>> No.5134989

>those views of mine really don't belong on an art board when they aren't relevant to actual artwork
this is really all that needs to be said on the matter. "what are some national socialist pets" doesn't belong on /an/, "share communist recipes" doesn't belong on /ck/. it's always just a pretext for pushing the ideology. if you don't respect board culture don't spend your time on image boards, and don't start complaining when you get pushback for your misplaced political activism.

>here's our concept for a new right-wing propaganda general
>very nice,... but what does that have to do with artwork and critique
>artwork and critique?

>> No.5134994

I disagree.
Go draw now.

>> No.5134999

Yeah, agreed. I just put them out there because there was that illiterate faggot up there probably thinking he was pwning the libs by not being able to read.

If it's about art, you don't need a hugbox based around the political stance when the topics covered are similar, just from different perspectives.

If it's about politics, fuck off to your board.

"I disagree but can't voice my opinions in a comprehendible manner without expressing wishy-washy inconclusive sentiments based on my gut feelings and emotional disinclination to have my ideas challenged."

tldr, ok retard.

>> No.5135001

this thread isn't your personal hugbox
>b-but you're not a right-winger, you're not supposed to be here! if you don't like it just leave
this is /ic/. if you don't like the board culture go make your colony somewhere else. this is our land, you're the foreign savages.

>> No.5135003
File: 61 KB, 568x640, 1450764264017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wasted enough time and opinion on you in the previous replies.
I got drawings to draw
Commissions to answer.
Discord is open.
I'm busy dude.
Go find something to do.

>> No.5135006

I hope so.

I want to talk about my fictional gay bois.

>> No.5135008
File: 81 KB, 850x850, 1608243711804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like other anon said.
You got shit to do? Then go, faggot. Nobody is keeping you here to defend baby's first political hugbox except you.

>> No.5135011

Not that Anon, but if you planning on making another thread; start defining what makes right-wing art.
I don't give a shit about what you believe, but the mentally ill autists can't defy their programming.

>> No.5135013

youre in luck because op is probably a tranny """male""" fujo lmao

>> No.5135015

The definition of right wing art is it makes weak transexuals on /ic/ upset.

That's the official definition

There case closed lol

>> No.5135016

Shoo yourself.

>> No.5135024

I can't help noticing that you're still here and not drawing or networking on discord. Disgraceful loser.

>> No.5135031

>start defining what makes right-wing art
Not the person you're replying to but that's impossible.
The "Right Wing" is a collection of ideologies that can't ever reach a consensus on anything.

The traditionalists can't get along with the libertarians, the fascists hate socialists but want more state intervention and hate freedom, the christians don't know what the fuck are they doing (e.g. they claim to follow the Bible but believe in feminism, conveniently skipping all the parts of their religion that preaches about male authority) and the libertarians literally don't give a shit about anything beyond their own personal gain to the point it kills their own proposed systems. Fuck this gay earth and fuck this thread.

>> No.5135069
File: 889 KB, 861x707, Screenshot 2021-01-15 174624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that the thread has been thoroughly derailed by trannies,

what's everyone working on?
Painting that cringelord vaush right now.

>> No.5135078
File: 2.10 MB, 2300x2975, Vaush Moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come along way from the first time I drew him.
I was almost kind of hesitant to do heavy linework when I started making right-wing webcomics, since it doesn't really fit the mold, but over time I stopped trying to re-style everything and just leaned into my old style of working.

>> No.5135087

>The furry art general isn't limited to only furred animals; scaled animals and other anthros are included. The stylized art general doesn't limit the style to CalArts. The anime art general doesn't limit people to 90's shit.
So if this was a political art general that allowed for any wing and all ideologies you would be okay with it?

>> No.5135089
File: 2.00 MB, 1489x1179, colour png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also posting more art because this thread doesn't deserve to just descend into a bunch of seething.

>> No.5135093

You know what's weird?

I was in that boy phase when I was early fujo but got out of it after I got a boyfriend (ex) and military. Still a fujo, don't think myself as a guy, but I feel kinda bad for all the fujos that actually went through with transitioning if it had something to do with bl.

The fujos I know are into the old House MD, Sherlock, Supernatural, Avengers and Hannibal stuff. The male characters are older. Older males fit the interest of older fujos that have grown out of the feminine yaoi phase.

>> No.5135095

>gets called out for shameless astroturfing
>has no counterargument, doesn't even try to engage on a factual basis
>just defaults to "trannytrannytranny aaaaaaah I'm going insane" like always
mental illness
yes. your willingness to share a thread with other artists engaging in the same trade - producing political art - would prove that you're here as artists and not as political agents.

>> No.5135097

Lol aren’t you the guy who got run off of twitter for drawing a black teenager getting lynched

>> No.5135099
File: 1.47 MB, 1530x817, Therapy Time posting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's already an interesting divide in how trump is depicted by a few artists in the thread, so we're already diversifying our interpretations dude.

I should really make more of these they were fun to work on.

>> No.5135103

Furries and weebs don't jump at each others' throats like if their lives depended on it.

>a political art general that allowed for any wing and all ideologies
Not him but that'd be an endless shit flinging pit that would destroy this board by separating artists based on their political affiliation which in turn would destroy honest posting and feedback everywhere else. There's reason why 4chan has a political containment board.

Politicsfags get out and stay out.

>> No.5135104
File: 1.72 MB, 1246x1725, 8 Deliciousness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see here >>5133973

bitch had it fucking coming though

>> No.5135107

Yeah, if, again, the topics and conversations are generally centered around the actual art, and not just political posting better suited to another board.
I don't think it'd work out very well because, realistically, it'd just end up as "trannies" "nazis" faggots" "fascists" "dilate and seethe" "go back to your mom's basement retard lmao", but it'd be a better attempt at actually discussing and creating political art.

I think your purposefully ugly caricatures of people you don't like would work better and make a better point if your drawings of people like Trump weren't also incredibly ugly.

Also, calling everyone you disagree with a tranny just means that you're an embarrassment of a person. Effectively the same as leftists calling all right-wingers nazis or fascists.

>> No.5135113


it probably depends on the area of fujo because you have the ones that like boybands/young feminine yaoi characters and you have the ones that like older men with crows eyes

but OPs art looks like fujo tumblr art from a kpop fan or ex-weeb trying to branch away from anime or something, all those lanky twinks with thin frames but drawn in a way you can bet it's a woman doing it, and you dont just pick up all those stylistic traits from consuming unrelated content accidentally

>> No.5135121
File: 591 KB, 1085x880, Trump 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think your purposefully ugly caricatures of people you don't like would work better and make a better point if your drawings of people like Trump weren't also incredibly ugly.
I think you really underestimating how ugly people really are dude.
>implying I like trump
nah dude.

>> No.5135126

Ah, my bad about the assumption.
And sure, a lot of people aren't particularly attractive, but depicting someone as attractive helps to sell things better when you're portraying others as purposefully ugly. If everything's ugly, it just blurs together.

>> No.5135129
File: 721 KB, 965x1170, Ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfinished comic.
subject: trannies
lol sorry not sorry

>> No.5135131

Here's an idea OP: make an art general in /pol/ where it belongs so it doesn't shit up /ic/ with your garbage, and you get a ton more followers.
Everyone else, report this shit thread.

>> No.5135135
File: 1009 KB, 1200x1599, derseigv6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made some progress on it today

>> No.5135143

nice uniform aesthetic.
you should do some character sheets as seen here

>> No.5135144

Dliate, tranny, stop shilling your faggy nonsense.

Learn to stop using soft airbrushes or markers for shading and get some line confidence. Back to /beg/.

>> No.5135165

>you agreed that it has no place on /ic/
Ah shit, I remember that. OP, I know you're still participating in this thread. Stop ignoring the accusation and hoping noone notices.

>> No.5135168
File: 623 KB, 1200x1600, gestapo trenchcoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do admit i overuse airprush and cut tool
and the drawing looks rough and unfinished but its just a sketch its not meant to be clean i just want to put all the pieces in to place to see what works and what doesnt
> Back to /beg/
no one said this is an advanced or intermediete thread and i did not call my self a profesional or something ,how about you pyw faggot

>> No.5135198

transcends reductive categorization

>> No.5135205
File: 748 KB, 1200x1600, ressistence A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not good with military stuff but i can try
if you want to see the finished pieces how should i conntact you ?

>> No.5135211

what's your social media ? I 'll give you a follow

>> No.5135213

Why are there skinny faggots in military clothes? People who work physically demanding jobs don't look like that

>> No.5135220


>> No.5135222

more importantly, imagine being a fag and fetishizing totalitarian ideologies that have a long history of labeling people like you subhuman just because you're degenerates and working you to death in forced labor camps.

>> No.5135242

i dont have any , dont feel confident in my art to start posting my art on on some sort of gayretardsdraw.com art website i will post it on beg in a few days

>> No.5135257

Females don't make up the bulk of the military, yet it's fine for them to be posted with military uniform and portrayed in mainstream anime.

>> No.5135273

But it's never all females or all fags unless they're like magic girls or mecha pilots. So it makes no sense for every single militia member to be a muscleless twink

>> No.5135281

>yet it's fine for them to be posted with military uniform and portrayed in mainstream anime
Because they're portrayed as attractive for wanking, lanky lackeys aren't attractive.

>> No.5135289

Don't be bummed.
Military Historical Twitter accounts are pretty numerous, they have a pretty tight little community. and are all pretty based.

check out

>> No.5135295

>twatter links

>> No.5135307

>But it's never all females or all fags unless they're like magic girls or mecha pilots.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of military type anime these days have those kawaii military gurls. Can't watch dumb shit that doesn't actually portray guys in uniform.

>muscleless twink

The characters don't look like they're in the military. And even if they were, not everyone in the military is security forces. You see twinks in the Air Force, some people are reserve, and most don't directly deal with combat.

You have things like neighborhood patrols in some parts of the US. They're not always physically built.

There might be different groups in Europe but I'm not aware of how they're suppose to be built as well.

I mean, this is artist interpretation. Every thing depends on the artist's pov. It's not hurting anyone, at least not as much as the Nazi furries. Those guys are weird.

>> No.5135308


>> No.5135328
File: 2.03 MB, 2448x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP just want to shill 'his' shitty fujo art under the guise of it being right wing lol.

Best way to avoid criticism, huh? As if I'm going to post my regular work on a trash thread like this.

The ssbrit shit looks bad too, retard, not just the sketch. The trenchcoat looks no better. You want to talk sketches? I'll give you a sketch, right here.

People draw cute military girls because they are cute, and they are attracted to them or want to see themselves in them (if female).

Men tend to draw men that are physically well-built if they want to draw an ideal self.

What reason would you have to draw an entire cast of boyband twinks? OP is clearly attracted to them, and a larping fujo. If you changed the hair colors, it could be Kpop fanart.

>> No.5135358
File: 78 KB, 875x1000, 1leathercoat-875x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his is technically more on-model than yours.
guess you ain't as good as you think you are.

>> No.5135362

I didn't even know he used that as a ref, retard. I used his as a reference and stylized it.

If you can't understand that I was creating a stylized drawing while referencing an already stylized drawing, and not doing photorealism, then maybe you ought to check yourself into the nearest brain damage ward.

>> No.5135365

>The ssbrit shit looks bad too, retard, not just the sketch. The trenchcoat looks no better. You want to talk sketches? I'll give you a sketch, right here.
look man you took this way too personaly ,i told you allready i know it looks messy and blurry ,i didnt say the three magical letters to change the subject of me being a beg artist you telling me to go back to beg just rubbed me the wrong way like i dont have a right to post anywhere else, i will admit that when i picked up digital painting three months ago i havent used any other brush besides the first brush-airbrush and i dont finish most of my work, happy now? since you think arbrush is so bad what else should i use ?

>> No.5135376

lol so mad though.

>> No.5135380
File: 73 KB, 349x642, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
He drew two buttons literally on top of the belt. If you think that's what constitutes "on-model", go to the optometrist.

You told me to post work and I posted work, kek.

You're posting a shitter garbage thread made by some larping fujo or tranny or both, that's just trying to shill its own work, like you've done something special and political by drawing coats and soldiers. So yeah, go back to /beg/; if anything, it's probably more productive.

Use a harder brush with a harder edge. The hard round can be a meme but it doesn't have to be, and is in fact very usable. Give up the airbrush for now and switch to something that at least has an edge, except for doing airbrushed gradients.

>> No.5135382

mad about the buttons huh?

>> No.5135386

I see that you're only textposting. Could it be that you're on ic, and you don't even draw?

>> No.5135399
File: 57 KB, 800x450, sailormoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of this thread is my work.

I feel bad because there were some reall cool artists posting interesting pieces like
before you decided that people liking what you don't like wasn't ok.
you really shit the bed on this one huh?
started out mad about right-wing art, now you're drawing trenchcoats, seething (dilating), furiously responding, getting mad about buttons on a trench coat.

>> No.5135407
File: 1.92 MB, 1301x908, Untitled-2 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135411
File: 1.59 MB, 1489x1179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're the faggot that can only draw ugly bastards with horrible proportions all day long, right.

Maybe learn that arms don't curve like bananas before you keep going, alright? And try keeping their widths consistent. Your birth defects don't have to affect everything you draw.

>started out mad about right-wing art

Point out where I've been mad about right-wing art, lmao. Art by a blatant tranny doesn't count. But maybe you're just a faggot too, which is why you're defending her.

>> No.5135412

salut fellow cartoonist.

>> No.5135417

a valid crit.
I'm not ashamed to admit it.
you still mad as fuck tho boy

>> No.5135422

I'm mad because I responded to your obviously off-topic crit? Okay, if that's what you want to believe. It doesn't make me angry if I point out that a stylized drawing based off an already sloppy stylized drawing is not going to be a realistic photostudy. It means that I'm pointing out the obvious, but apparently it needed to be said.

You want to know something funny? The troomer has the most visually appealing art out of the lot of you, and yet they're a larping tranny. The rest of this shit is pretty garbage. The guy with the wagon did a nice wagon as well, especially with the silhouettes and barn, but his faces and bodies are shit otherwise.

>> No.5135426
File: 687 B, 67x20, Screenshot 2021-01-15 202725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally stopped reading right here ^

>> No.5135430

Ah, you're illiterate as well? What a waste of your highschool-level education.

If you think that everyone that dislikes your shit is just 'mad' or that disagrees with your offtopic crit is, again, just 'mad', then you're not even going into the discussion with good faith. You're telling me to dilate, but I've said in the thread that I'm not even a leftist. May as well go the full way and tell me "die, fascist nazi" instead.

>> No.5135435

if you feel like you want to die, you should definitely do that.
I won't miss you.

>> No.5135436

>like you've done something special and political by drawing coats and soldiers
who unironicaly thinks like that do you think i posted in this thread to show everyone how special and cool i am, i saw a right wing art thread and i had some nazi art in my folder

thanks for the brush sugestion btw would have taken me a way longer time to get out of my airbrush comfortzone if you havent called me a retard

>> No.5135444
File: 144 KB, 522x653, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, can't die. Too engrossed with perusing through all the wonky, flabby banana arms you've drawn.

Reckon the retard literally above you thinks in a similar way, even if he won't admit it to himself.

Hard round can be a meme, but even if you use a softer brush, try something with at least 50-80% hardness and less blending so you don't waste your time pushing paint around on the page like this (purposefully exaggerated example). Blocking in larger shapes will help you avoid that.

>> No.5135494

damn dude its been like 4 hours and you are still in here mad as fuck did you ever think of drawing instead of writing novels on /ic/ about things you dont like

>> No.5135497

Some of us are able to multitask, yes.

>> No.5135531
File: 128 KB, 1280x960, Mastodon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not very good at it, but it doesn't matter. It's the fun of doing it that's important.

>> No.5135559

noooo you can't be good at art and right-wing you just can't! be left-wing now!

>> No.5135571

Am I supposed to think Mastodon is in the wrong here?
>oh no this social media company doesn't want me posting about how people who are trans should die in order to protect the aryan soul

>> No.5135618
File: 2.49 MB, 2172x2172, mck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135625

This is excellent lmao, great simplification and coloring.

>> No.5135628
File: 1.18 MB, 894x894, fitton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135632
File: 680 KB, 639x622, ffffffffffffffffffffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135634
File: 1.60 MB, 1566x855, spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135647
File: 581 KB, 876x1069, thx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5135664

These are great dude, you should join the art room if you haven't already (you can use Matrix instead of Halogen if you don't want to use an email to sign up to use Element) https://halogen.chat/#/room/#rwcc:matrix.org

>> No.5135727

That place holds loli hentai
You niggas are probably fine

>> No.5135734

I'm not even rightwing
But yes you are quite mad at the moment

>> No.5135740

really really good shit

>> No.5135743

That 2nd jacket already looks great
You really don't need to add anything more.

>> No.5135996

Those are great, post more

>> No.5136042


i like the designs, but they look like homos. not what i would envision a militia to be taken seriously

>> No.5136089
File: 8 KB, 240x231, 1575227324229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody anywhere wants to admit it.
threads like this should have never been an obligation to exist in the first place..

anyone who calls themself a "right wingers" or a "left wingers" or whoever are both fucking retards who have bought into a narrative that they shouldn't have gone along with, especially when such ideologies are filled with people who are also generally unwilling to hold opposing viewpoints on their own ideology, in fear of cancellation from the same side they're supposed to "support". any of you would've stuck out like sore thumbs 15 years ago and would have gotten mocked by the masses because this kind of shit wasn't supposed to be normalised, at all and never.

the fact that a thread like this exists just proves how tiring this whole drama is.
admittedly, """some""" stuff here isn't really that bad and it isn't as obnoxious as stuff on the left and some of the good art on the left isnt as obnoxious as shit you see on the right but why should any of you care? overall?

every single one of you should fucking hate that its all come to this.
the fact that we've gotten to a point where it seems like its obligatory to make stupid threads like this proves how fucking crazy this whole world has gotten.

this entire dichotomy should have never been normalised in the first place. and yet, everybody wants it to be. what a sad state of artistic affairs.

>> No.5136094
File: 1.90 MB, 1462x1159, tls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not right wing but i'm more not left wing

>> No.5136109
File: 325 KB, 480x716, 1506866335956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire dichotomy should have never been normalised in the first place. and yet, everybody wants it to be.
it's worse, it's just a few fanatics dragging everyone else along - and we're letting them.
anyway, good post.

>> No.5136114

The entire establishment is not "few fanatics"

>> No.5136125

>and we're letting them
have you ever stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, the world doesn't revolve around your fragile little ego?

>> No.5136158
File: 26 KB, 399x399, 1581509625698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

counter argument;
If there was a thread full of gay porn and trans propaganda nobody would say shit and would get viciously shut down if they'd complain.
Also, you cannot have this kinda stuff on the normie internet without a high probability of getting censored or removed for going against the allowed narrative.

The only arguments against this thread it's about the name, not even the art itself
>right wing bad must shut it down
Sure, most of the faggots here buy into the whole id-pol bs, but so does the other side.
4chan is just one place where freedom of speech hasn't completely died, but as you can see in this thread, they don't even want to allow a few faggots to share their autistic political drawings because of "right wing", because if it's "right wing" it's automatically propaganda, which is the oldest trick in the leftist playbook;
The left calls everything their opponents do as propaganda, but what they do, is "normal".
And we are to accept it or we get branded as heretics and should get removed.

If you don't allow other narratives, in any form of media, to be discusses about without trying to shut them down, people are going to radicalize themselves even more and this shit is only going to get worse.

You don't silence an opponent you know you can best.
You silence people because they could unravel your lies.

>> No.5136187


My dream tool

>> No.5136189

I agree with the sentiment of basically this entire post except for one thing.

>If you don't allow other narratives, in any form of media, to be discusses about without trying to shut them down, people are going to radicalize themselves even more and this shit is only going to get worse.

the way I see it, it's not that the people trying to report, spam, and complain all over this thread should stop out of some perceived reward they may gain, from the people they see as enemies not becoming further entrenched in an ideology they find to be antagonistic.

It's more like they just don't have the fucking right to tell us what we can and can't post.

they're not mods and they're not cops.

>> No.5136347

You are a king.

>> No.5136404

general armament is a pretty far left idea too

>> No.5136439

Holy shit go make some tea or something dude. You're going fucking mental

>> No.5136551
File: 176 KB, 960x960, coconut milk momma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're coconut milk-wing?

>> No.5136558

>If there was a thread full of gay porn and trans propaganda nobody would say shit and would get viciously shut down if they'd complain.
What? A threads like that would have the trans discord, suicide rate, and bathroom memes all over it.

>> No.5136600

You are sound like (and evidently draw like) a bunch of faggots. God thank you I'm not american

>> No.5136809

thank you for the shotout anon. Here's more from my history/military mutuals if anyone's interested:


>> No.5136811

By 2050 human population will reach 10 billion.

>> No.5136881
File: 261 KB, 1200x1600, pinehill militia man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did as i promissed ,hope you like it

>> No.5136885
File: 57 KB, 430x714, res1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha very cool anon, thank you for taking the time. Here's a doodle in response

>> No.5136907
File: 133 KB, 930x759, 1610552188451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing art is just butt ugly politics drawing
You would think rolling with the trumps for 4 years would've gave you niggers some taste but i guess thats just not the case

>> No.5136915

makes me cringe when the creator signs their work like that

>> No.5136916

>you're selling a product that harms the minds of the people who consume it
oh, so like porn

>> No.5136926

that's the joke, yes.

>> No.5136961

This thread is so fucking gay.

>> No.5136986

seconding >>5136558, feel free to voice your political opinions when politics comes up in art-related discussion, otherwise you're off-topic.
this is a consistent standard and it applies to commie-niggers as much as it does to you. disgusting activist larper.

>> No.5137033

holy shit. The first general that draws worse than /asg/

>> No.5137040
File: 176 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20181222_193014_153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw something instead of shit posting u homos

>> No.5137052

watermarks are gigacringe. if your work isnt recognizable just off style alone your ngmi

>> No.5137117
File: 671 KB, 1200x1600, pinehill militia man coloured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coloured it ,i dont know how to shade guns or other metalic objects so the fn fal turned out muddy

>> No.5137143

That's some tism bro
Have sex you tard

>> No.5137146

>You don't silence an opponent you know you can best.
>You silence people because they could unravel your lies.

>> No.5137352


>> No.5137949

Don't worry anon I couldn't beat you at it anyway

>> No.5138264

Just because hypocrisy is legal doesn't mean it's a good thing

The official instances ban National Socialism by name (hence the comic) and demand active moderation against the various -isms and -phobias. We're talking about people who think Twitter is too far right for their taste

>> No.5138282

I'm trying not to cringe here. This is by Hitler's standard's would have been degenerate art kek.


>> No.5138313

I see what you mean by people taking sides and how stupid it is for taking on the narrative, but this can't be avoided anymore. You either share a right or left point of view. Not by what you say but how you live your life.

AN example would be people who wear masks and don't wear mask. You could argue that it's not political ( masks ) But it really is. It separates those who support government rules and those who do not.

I don't think it';s retarded. AT some point you won't have a choice and when you do make it, I hope you're not going to be a cringe lord alt-rightist who larps about conspiracies.

>> No.5138321

>right wing = hitler
Very big brain you got there, bro. Every stereotype about leftists is true.

>> No.5138332

>never my fault always someone elses

>> No.5138347

What on earth is this reply supposed to mean? Why are you running away from the fact you just conflated the entire right wing, which encompasses half of the political compass, with Hitler? The majority of people that fought with Hitler would be considered right-wing by leftists

>> No.5138414

It's okay, there is still some hope for you. Hopefully it's just a faze.

>> No.5139715

And yet you're the one who felt compelled to try and attack it for existing

>> No.5139723

yes. if you try to make a commie propaganda general you'll be met with the same result, as it should be.

>> No.5139803

Even so the assertion they're the ones who are snow flakes is a bit hypocritical

>> No.5139814

fair enough, I agree that lefties are the bigger snowflakes. now can we get back to drawing instead of doing political community building projects on the artwork and critique board?

>> No.5140108

i can see why left winger artists control culture after seeing whats in this thread.

>> No.5140142

I mean it's not really hard to understand. Rightoids have a really hard time with creative acts in general. That's why almost everything here is directed AT something rather than focused on creating for creativity's sake. The best they can do is point at someone and say "I like that and will draw that thing as a good thing" or "I don't like that so I will draw that thing as a bad thing"

>> No.5140165

glad you distilled that down far better than I was able to. i tried to write a full post but got tired of it. everything here is bland and on the nose. its like if every annoying leftie drew nothing but coathangars, AOC, and black men on their knees or some shit.

the best example of anything moderately right wing ive seen in media recently was death stranding coming off as pro-life, and it probably wasnt even intended.

if this threads an example of what to expect from righties while lefties sit and make children cartoons that only show a small snippet of their ideals or characters that just passively have qualities they like, there will never be positive right influences in media. they need to stop fetishizing history through their art and instead work on creating history with the ideas they want to pass on.

>> No.5140174
File: 71 KB, 680x680, 3n4o4aj2d6s31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delusional. The great writers of our cultural heritage had their own, well-formulated beliefs that don't fall neatly into any one traditionalist ideal, but they certainly weren't progressives either, those ideologies are just different orthodoxies.
now please stop necroing this thread.

>> No.5140178

i will concede at least righties do good in humor, but not art+humor. only maybe stonetoss really gets that well

>> No.5140184

>Rightoids have a really hard time with creative acts in general
nah, far-right nutters are pretty creative when it comes to defending their despotic cult leader in charge

>> No.5140204

Like I said, their acts of creativity generally have to be directed at something as opposed to being substantive on their own. A lot of extremely conservative people can be technically excellent artists, but they're never really very good creatives.

>> No.5140214

rightists can make art if it's for god, but not otherwise.

>> No.5140217

Oh for the love of God, stop sucking your own dick. Progressives don't have any more of a 'sustantive, positive ideal' than conservatives do.
Go ahead, try describing the ways in which progressive fiction is creative and groundbreaking.

>> No.5140219 [DELETED] 
File: 2.10 MB, 4128x3096, gesture study 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right wing art appreciates and captures the natural beauty of life, left wing art seeks to subvert and/or destroy it. This subversion is poison to the human mind, but the appreciation of it is like a divine blessing

>> No.5140224

it's just what they get off on now.
sucking each other farts and grinning with their shit covered teeth at each other while they jerk off over their unwarranted sense of self-importance

>> No.5140227
File: 1.44 MB, 3055x3673, gesture study 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right wing art captures and preserves the natural beauty of life. Left wing art subverts and/or destroys it.

>> No.5140236
File: 1.28 MB, 1584x2376, archreducedabit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guarantee that the person arguing against right wing creativity has never created anything of value and never will

>> No.5140238

and you guys accuse leftists of sucking their own dicks holy shit

>> No.5140245

Yes. Conservative thought without a divine, transcendental ideal is just fascism. Mainstream progressive thought has long abandoned the personal transcendental horizon, which is why it's so unapologetically controlling and authoritarian.

>> No.5140257

>whew, good thing I can just lazily dismiss legitimate criticism by pointing out that some retard claims to be on the same team as the person making it
is this the famous leftist innovation I've heard so much about? I guess newthink is one of your strongpoints.

>> No.5140275
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics ruin every single fucking board holy shit

>> No.5140281

do your part by brigading the brigaders
though really mods should just do their job and move these kinds of threads to /pol/ or /trash/

>> No.5140308
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rockwell had some quite progressive ideas, though the magazines he painted for often wouldn't let him express them.

>> No.5140335

>being against segregation and the KKK is progressive
imagine being this deluded

>> No.5140362

Wow this is beautiful. Blog/twitter?

>> No.5140426

For the time it was

>> No.5140427

Nothing wrong with taking inspiration from those who oppose your politics. Japan took inspiration from the west despite them nuking their country twice, repurposing it into a unique cultural identity (anime) that has influenced the west. Progressives took inspiration from right-wing creators like Tolkein and Lovecraft, whereas Rightists take inspiration from left-wing creators like Orwell.
Nah, case in point: Lovecraft. He was very anti-immigration when he created his short stories and he used it to create plenty of his horror work. He was more edgy than a /pol/ user if you've googled the name of his cat.

A notable difference between him and modern rw creators however, is that he didn't make his work outdated by referencing the current events at the time. Instead, he was subtle; hiding his beliefs behind characters and monsters. People in this thread should take a cue and follow his example.

You never see leftists make every single one of their antagonists Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump, they just make antagonists who sound, act, or look like people they hate.
Right-wing art can be anything just like left-wing art. If you like doing topical stuff, go ahead. If you want to make strawmen, do it. If you want to do a grant story, start now.

The key thing is to remain motivated, you need a group for it and it's best to start one with friends. Share it on outlets like Matrix/Element/Telegram.

>> No.5140445

Oh, you're using the definition of "if it changed the status quo for the better it was progressive". According to that understanding both right-wingers and left-wingers can be progressive, traditionalist or reactionary - it completely dissolves the "all the creative entrepreneurs and free-thinkers are leftists" narrative.

>> No.5140949

Truly you have captured and preserved the natural beauty of life there

>> No.5141103
File: 1.05 MB, 718x899, Screenshot_20210117-191830_Instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5141316

It doesn't