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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4953096 No.4953096 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4953148

More of a realization, but if I get maybe 2 retweets from people with big follower bases per OC art but I only follow like 70 people, how much will I get retweeted if I followed thirty times that number? The vent part is having to do that work.

>> No.4953158
File: 21 KB, 468x351, 5e817d90baacc1453a0da531f22eeefb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get distracted with music so I dont work or draw but if im not listening to music I want to slam a mace to my forehead

>> No.4953159

I fucking feel this. It's like the silence is so damning that focusing on music is the only way to keep sane, but at the same time, that makes it another attention of focus and I can't focus on something else. Maybe we just have to deal with ourselves, anon.

>> No.4953169
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I'm an idiot

>> No.4953180
File: 365 KB, 600x376, 1587565138950.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art doesn't take talent, motivation takes talent. i'd bet all the whiny losers in this board have shit genes and shit upbringings. eugenics would get rid of all failed artists (which is ironic considering hitler failed art school)

>> No.4953188

He didn't fail, he got pushed out due to the stupid new fad of art. Look at who got in the school instead of him.

>> No.4953193

>talent doesn't exist
>only the geneticaly born right people can do art!

>> No.4953192

you know what i meant you pedantic faggot, you're just trying to nitpick and be obtuse to downplay my point.
if you said this shit to my face, i would crush your nuts between my toes.

>> No.4953197 [DELETED] 

i'm doing vilppu's figure course right now
should i even bother going past the construction stuff
this rendering stuff is completely lost on me and he's talking about anatomy stuff that i can't even understand now

>> No.4953201

Bad reading comprehension

>> No.4953206

>art doesn't take talent
>eugenics would get rid of all failed artists
>talent is usually associated with genes, if you have bad genes you can't make it

>> No.4953272

man you zoomers really are something..

>> No.4953277
File: 211 KB, 800x450, cover1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the hashtag #STEMartists on twitter
>nearly all the posts are better than 90% of /ic/ despite drawing as a hobby while studying a difficult subject, some of them even being double or triple majors
>tfw STEM major, nearly had a mental breakdown over my courses, barely feel like I have any free time, and my art is still shit
I don't know how the fuck some people do it. How do they balance their lives so effortlessly? How are they so good? How??? HOW??????

>> No.4953289

Chek’d. Also, most of them probably want to die as much as the rest of us. Alternatively, they’re coasting with Bs get degrees mindsets and focusing more on art.

>> No.4953293

The difference is they didn't have that massive cloud over their head like you and me where we feel like we'll die.

>> No.4953295

commissions are not a sustainable way of living, wageslavery is inevitable

>> No.4953311

Sir, this is the vent thread, not the cope thread.

>> No.4953380
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>tfw work on STEM and do art in my free time
>Im terrible at both
I fucking hate my shit brains

>> No.4953396

A high IQ means less studying required and more free time for art.
Or, they don't care about grades like the other guy said. Or, they just don't sleep. I know lots of people in my STEM program who don't sleep.

Personally I drew a lot when I was younger so I already had a good foundation. But I've been drawing a lot recently here and there because I got an iPad. It's very easy to draw anywhere even just for a few minutes and it adds up.

>> No.4953418

I'm 27.

>> No.4953420
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Same, but Jesus promised the meek will inherit the earth. Keep your chin up dumbbro, we'll make it someday

>> No.4953421

I'm venting my realisation

>> No.4953441
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Drawing is the first thing in my whole life people complimented me on and I've become very quickly addicted to the feel of people praising things I draw. While it's a morivator to continue I'm getting the feeling this might bite me in the ass somehow

>> No.4953591

Made it into the art industry.
Full time job
But I no longer draw for fun.

I want to but anytime I pick up A pen outside of work...I can't get my hand to move.

>> No.4953594

Maybe because you think fun is a thing you have to do. You keep holding onto this idea that you have free time, so you should draw for "fun". How about ignore that and just draw something? If you mean it bores you, then ignore that thought and keep going.

>> No.4953612
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Amen, pepe

>> No.4953614

Just don't get complacent and avoid giving crits to people... your ego might slip through unnoticed.

>> No.4953620

the grinding trap sucks because I feel like I can't "Draw what I want" without it looking like hot dog shit, so I never feel good enough to escape it.

>> No.4953633

take the doodlepill and start coping

>> No.4953660

I hate niggers trannies and especially women.

>> No.4953663

Be glad you realized it sooner. One of my senior is already a decade deep and the only thing he ever wanted is to get out, but he can't. Everything in his livelihood are tied to that job and he can't afford to abandon it all. I'm not sure if his therapy sessions and medications helps him at all at this point

>> No.4953669
File: 51 KB, 578x327, C56E083D-B591-47BB-A6B8-DAD83AB539F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every line I draw feels like I’m about to crash the car so I go very slowly. Is this natural?

>> No.4953671


>> No.4953674

Konsui, I'm begging you, give me just 1 chance, 1 date. I LOVE YOU KONSUI.

>> No.4953683
File: 13 KB, 205x245, ibuiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had to sleep because of suicidal ideations
>didnt draw today
>wondering whether i should start now at 12am


>> No.4953692

How did you guys choose your style? It's the thing stopping me from actually drawint, because I can't escape from my loophole of constantly trying to find a style that clicks. How did you manage?

>> No.4953715

I'm late, but I'll post in case you read it. Just draw even if it's only one mark. Set your bar low, there's no reason to set it high if you'll miss it every time. Set it low and feel glad you got it done and if you want to, you can do more.

>> No.4953717

I would say this is natural for people who have low self-esteem and can't trust his own hand. You should try crashing the car a lot until you learn to trust yourself to not crash it. It's not about words or thoughts, just a feeling.

>> No.4953737

I wish I had started drawing when I was in uni and had 5 days a week free, instead of only having an hour or two after work and gym to do an exercise from Keys to Drawing or something and a for fun picture. This is going to be a slog to get better.

>> No.4953774

I'm not one to typically say this kind of thing but I feel like the women on this board are really helping shit up the place, on par with the underaged retards

>> No.4953782

You just have to keep drawing and drawing and drawing and see what sticks.
How long have you been drawing?

>> No.4953824

Op wait come back lmfao

>> No.4953841

You're just now figuring this out? Histrionic femoids, mentally ill third worlders living in favelas, and attention seeking teenagers are the reason this board is shit. These people consider creation to be anathema. They are either immature or, in the case of women and third worlders, literally incapable of comprehending what it means to create. And in many cases they hate those who do create.

>> No.4953847
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My art insta was removed without any way for me to get it back. They say I can request help in 24 hours but it's been that way for a few weeks now. I posted some political stuff earlier this year cause I live in america and there's tons of drama. I didn't even post it to my wall, that was art only. And they banned it. I had that account since like 2010.. I just made another account but man I'm already burned out. Are there any other art forums besides twitter and IG that are used mainstream?

>> No.4953857
File: 23 KB, 540x541, 1584143375409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still haven't drawn anything. Good night, broskis.

>> No.4953858

Good night, I drew nothing either, so I feel the pain so hard.

>> No.4953860
File: 713 KB, 765x803, referefdasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4953862

What can I do to make this board better?

>> No.4953863

Post work when prompted to.

>> No.4953864

Stop hinting that you're female every other post

>> No.4953865
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>> No.4953867

That's one of the crappy woman threads yeah

>> No.4953869

hey sexism is not cool!!

>> No.4953870

Someone on /ic/ is rich enough to afford an ad?

>> No.4953876

Don't care you larping bitch

>> No.4953880

>live action
dumb ass

>> No.4953886

Yes trannies larp as women

>> No.4953888

At least now you learn not to rely solely on one account. Have at least 3 accounts (personal, lewd & shitpost) at all time.

hey what doesn't kill you makes you stronger

>> No.4953906

I was just asking a question, anon. Not everyone has ulterior motives.

>> No.4953921
File: 689 KB, 550x503, 1598261849947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I wanted to be a comic artist/writer and have a webtoons but watching these Sakuga MAD's are making me realize why I got into drawing in the first place... animation. I fucking love animating but there's no work in it, not for 2d at least. I could stay up all night animating.

What should I do? Both disciplines take too much effort and one will get sidelined for the other. Fuck.

>> No.4953947

How do you stop feeling like shit so much?
I stress about everything and feel like garbage. Playing d&d, feel like shit.
Running, feel like shit.
Cooking, feel like shit.
Drawing, Feel like shit.

>> No.4953948

>no work in 2d animation
There's always more work anon, it just doesn't pay very well. Studios are always looking for more people to work at least in Japan, Philippines, maybe China, Taiwan and Korea too, but not much do I hear about those places.

>> No.4953977
File: 145 KB, 1032x1280, 1603430256891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turns out that good parents and a stable upbringing is the ultimate foundation of success

>> No.4953983

So who got into the school instead of him anon, very interesting information

>> No.4953985

Bussa nut

>> No.4953991

It's the key to instilling kids with proper reward circuitry. A well cared for child will be able to sit and study for 8 hours with minor breaks in between. A dopamine addict kid who grew up on the internet/vidya will fuck around for 8 hours with minor study breaks in between.

>> No.4953993

This is the dumbest post I've ever seen. It completely ignores why the latter kid does what he does. This is why parents fail all the time.

>> No.4953997

>completely ignores why the latter kid does what he does
Why does he do what he does?

>> No.4954012 [DELETED] 


yuck, narcissism

>> No.4954013

Your problem is that you are a brainlet

>> No.4954016

This, but unironically.
>gives you actual good goals
>actually talks things out with you
>maintains a healthy relationship where both grow and not they try to force one to grow
instead of
>do x or you're going to fucking die
>do you want to die

>> No.4954017

>get intense inspiration to draw the night before an early work shift

I either go to bed now or keep drawing, and I'm so so tempted to keep drawing

>> No.4954053

I wish there was something, anything in this world I genuinely enjoyed and not just powered through for the sake of a result or because I'm a raging attentionwhore.

>> No.4954055

There is nothing in the world that is an instant button release for happiness except drugs, and you pay the price for even using those. Learn to be grateful for what you have, or at least content with it. this is the key to happiness

>> No.4954061

Shitty parent(s)

>> No.4954067

Ok should've worded my post in a less vague fashion I guess.
I wish I was able to say "I enjoy art" like other people do because for me it's nothing but a chore I power through for the sake of a result.
I said nothing about "instant" pleasure or being ungrateful, no need to sound all patronizing

>> No.4954069

People should stop blaming everything on their parents, because what does it solve?
Like yeah, you had shit parents, I did too, so what should I just go and kill myself because apparently I'm "ngmi" because of the thing I had no control over growing up? Come on

>> No.4954075
File: 21 KB, 337x360, 20200830_121152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of the fact that the only people interested in commissioning me are fetish artist when my content is purely SFW. Also I'm tired that I am not being recognized for my work even when I work hard and grind. I learnt, since 2014 that the only way to be famous is not to be a girl, but just to be an attention whore (girls have an easier time to do so) that keep blabering and begging for attention.

Guess I'll work as a cashier and just draw as a hobby

>> No.4954079


>> No.4954081

No, quality doesn't matter, only the ability of being obnoxious, annoying and noisy

>> No.4954084

quality matters too

>> No.4954137

Not him but quality matters fuck all."Quality" doesn't even mean anything, because if you make "quality" (skilled, creative?) art that doesn't fit the approved criteria of the moment it won't be considered good. Making art that doesn't read well as a thumbnail is now a flaw when it was not before. Making art with subdued colors is now a flaw when it was not before. Making art that looks outdated will get you called boring or bad no matter what. Most anime art is literal polished turds with glaring flaws but it's well-liked because people have accepted that anime faces look good. Porn is probably the most obvious indicator that quality doesn't matter and people can't even judge the skill of an artist correctly. An artist can receive praise for his genius when he makes a shitty 2 minute sketch but a nobody will get criticized for not making his work tight enough. Quality at this point makes more sense as a synonym of conventionally made or a catch-all for confirmation bias.
I can't believe how people still think that success in art is anything but being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.4954141

t. salty landscape artist

>> No.4954146

I'm not but that's a prime example. You can make "quality" landscapes all you want but you won't get a fraction of the feedback of someone posting a half-assed anime girl's face.
The point is that inherent "quality" matters almost nothing.

>> No.4954150

I think its a psyop
You can't just do stem and also get gud at art
that was made by these hyperactive autists to demotivate normal people
I knew people who was always be like DUH IM GOOD AT ART ,DID I TELL YOU I ALSO MAJOR IN COMPSCI?
They usually kinda mental too
Don't pay mind to it, they're probably nutcases, liars, or the parents have been tinkering around with CRISPR,

>> No.4954155

virgin human drawer vs chad landscape artist

>> No.4954169

In case you haven't noticed, people lie a fucking lot on social media. Every other twitter user says they're double gay half inuit albino bi trans dragonkin on a wheelchair because that gets them 1000000 likes by default, where are these people IRL? Or everyone who goes about their financial troubles and begs for money on the internet always have tattoos or a collection of useless shit in their nice little flat. The internet makes you unhinged from reality, learn to figure out that people lie as much as they can if that helps them project a better image of themselves and it's relatively safe (and on the internet you can get away with pretending you're teenage girl for years).

>> No.4954229

Compsci is barely a science, so it’s not hard to believe they can do both

>> No.4954251

>double gay half inuit albino bi trans dragonkin on a wheelchair
Kek, tru

>> No.4954262


>> No.4954291

Leave this board forever, roastoid.

>> No.4954425
File: 112 KB, 555x574, 1586334631138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>talk to cute girl on okcupid.
>ask her to meet up
>she asks if we can talk on zoom
>don't see why not.
>talking for all of 20 seconds
>"oh i think the connection is bad, you're breaking up"
>let's end the meeting and ill send you another invite
>meeting ends
>send invite
>no response
>no response
>no response
>message her on okcupid
>this profile is private or has been deleted
>get depressed
>don't draw anything for a week
I'm back on it today. But fuck I hate women sometimes.

>> No.4954427

i think okcupid deleted my 6 year old account because i refused to enter my phone number.
either that or i deleted it in a depression funk and completely forgot, but i think its more likely they did it.

>> No.4954430

Some people are born winners, they will naturally excel at anything they will set their mind on with barely any effort. Other are like us...

>> No.4954444
File: 172 KB, 709x1000, 1589776951507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are just better than everyone else dude. As long as you live, you'll meet all kinds of people that don't even seem human and just are gods are everything they do.

>> No.4954445

If we really rewarded "natural born winners" then we would be experiencing a new golden age of art. Instead what we get is by-the-numbers reiteration of the same shit, paper thin narratives, corporate fuckery, plagiarism, and all forms of smoke and mirrors set up by complete hacks. Ironically the only reason why there seem to be so many "competent" artists around is that we have enormous technological crutches available (3D rendering, billions of photo references to mishmash together), studios of artists posing as individuals in East Asia and last but not least, a completely braindead audience with the trashiest taste in art since forever, who not only values seeing the thing they know again for the 1000th time over anything else, but for the first time in human history is trained to praise pathological liars and social climbers.
Please tell me what is it that these "natural born winners" have made that is valuable in the last half a century.

>> No.4954453

How??? Music, if it's new to me or I'm too closely focused on it, distracts me from reading, but art requires none of that, so it's the only activity I can do for hours while listening to music without the music distracting me. Besides, when I do manage to read with music on, I'm not really paying close attention to the music due to reading. But when drawing, I can pay full attention. HOW do you guys fail to do something I do effortlessly? I can't tell if you guys or I am the norm.

>> No.4954463

I wonder how many artists on Twitter are grad students in other fields than STEM. I'm a PhD student in a non-STEM field so I'd like to find out.

>> No.4954469
File: 27 KB, 600x399, ticktock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers are already in their late 20s

>> No.4954593

ive never given them my phone number anon. i dont have the app, i use it on my laptop.

>> No.4954685


>> No.4954784
File: 14 KB, 500x500, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm wired to pursue art. I have the biggest and most passionate dreams, and if I say so myself I can do make pretty good art if I'm to follow my heart but it's impossible to do when encompassing other people I have in my life.
There is no way for me to have my heart on my sleeves if I'm under constant stress about the future.

If only art could be done like a normie job where you don't have to feel I could make it my main occupation, sadly there's no way to make a living doing fine arts or studies non-stop. I just want to die I think.

>> No.4954901

I finally got pseudo fired today but since I work at a call center they offered me a new campaign where I work from 9am to 9pm at $15 hr plus commission.

On one hand I was thinking I shouldn’t accept and just get unemployment but then I don’t want to go through the hell of submitting applications and going on interviews again. Plus this job is just a wall down from my house so there is 0 travel.

On the other hand I work 3 days a week and if I work really hard I can work from home in 3 months which would be nice. I feel like I don’t have a choice anyway. I’m gonna be working here until I’m in my 30s at this point however I’m fine with it. I know it’ll be stable as I been here for 3 years no problem. It’s not like anyone else wants to hire an autistic guy like me anyway. And when gunberment bucks runs out it’ll be a rerun he’ll of neetdom all over again with massive depression. I think I made right decision....anyway 3 day work days is a good deal.

>> No.4954961

Stability is good, it's hard to draw when you don't even know when you can draw. But if I was sure the next 3 years were going to be the same routine? I could prep so much. When every other day is chaos, it's just not feasible to see further than a week.

>> No.4955044

>complete in 2 hours
>scant knowledge with illustrator
>They decided to go for something more simple

This is why I didn't go into graphic design.

>> No.4955075
File: 417 KB, 1200x2127, 1200px-Hermes_and_the_infant_Dionysus_by_Praxiteles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to feel bad about my botched circomcision destroying most of the feeling in my penis and requiring the tip to be amputated, but the truth is after coming to this board and seeing how coom has devoured 99% of you and your artistic creativity, I realize I actually have a distinct advantage over all of you. I can create art freely without being driving only by desire to coom. I can create art that speaks to a deeper part of the soul, and will resonate with an audience on a deeper level. Coom art is only memorable up until the point of ejaculation. But truly good art speaks to you for a lifetime. And that's the art I shall create. Feels good man.

>> No.4955132

Good that you found a way to channel your frustrations, but you sound snobby, PYW

>> No.4955178

Are you even Muslim or Jewish or did you lose your penis because your parents are uneducated Americans who think the human body doesn't work just fine as it is?
I think the same, but at this point true art doesn't even register to people's brains anymore. I doubt there will be anything left to remember in 20 years since everything will collapse soon.

>> No.4955224
File: 212 KB, 422x449, 2DA709CA-97B8-44D8-BF8F-0F3108411E9E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I get more depressed and my art skills regress thanks to this, I am finding it harder to see the skill in other people’s art. All I see is natural talent. This in turn makes me more depressed, and the cycle continues. It’s weird because aside from when I was an absolute beg years ago I was never this bitter
Suicide soon maybe

This really was blackpilling

>> No.4955232


Thanks guys, yeah I should push through it. I'm gonna be getting an influx of cash so I might start putting it towards a game passion project that seems to be the only happy thought when it comes to art. Maybe its just been the worst art block I've had in my life.

Also haha therapy just might be a good idea in general.

>> No.4955238

Unironically high IQ post

>> No.4955244

Im pretty much over porn. It has no control over me especially when I’m drawing, and I still have all my feeling in my dick too. Can still watch porn if I want to. Feels good man

>> No.4955273
File: 30 KB, 540x482, yqwm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all day pretty much drawing
>have atleast 2 images I call finished, and 5 or some WIPs
>overall a very productive day
>somehow still feel empty inside
>don't feel accomplished whatsoever

The fuck is wrong with my brain? I should be happy right now but I don't feel anything.

>> No.4955277

Maybe it's not your brain is that is wrong, but your mindset. You assume you must feel something and as a result you believe it's weird to feel nothing. Why not just discard that belief and understand that it was a productive day and move on? No need to linger on such thoughts unless it's been happening for multiple years.

>> No.4955291

.....If it's a problem with my mindset then it's literally also an issue with my brain.

>> No.4955428

i've been in a real art slump this past month, even when i'm pretty proud with the final results of my finished pieces. It feels like i'm forcing it too much. Probably a result of doing inktober everyday. God i'm glad that i chose not to turn my art into a job, this shit is souldraining.

>> No.4955500

>Most anime art is literal polished turds with glaring flaws

This one flabbergasts me.

I see anime coomdrawings with hours of dedicated rendering and linework, but then so many of them suffer from basic anatomical flaws and perspective issues.

>> No.4955540

Should I fully commit to drawing anime or realism?

>> No.4955548

back in the non inspired hole again, cant escape. everything i fucking draw i hate, now i feel as though i made absolutely no progress. looking at my art from a few weeks ago and wondering how i had the patience to draw

>> No.4955551

Why should it surprise you? I think you're too focused on the fundamentals to realize that drawings can be whatever dude. It doesn't have to follow any sort of "rules" you believe it does. What exists on the page doesn't even have to be real, it doesn't even have to a thing, it could just be scribbles. Anime art is nothing in comparison to that, it's just some weird bias people have.

>> No.4955575

>last three months
>read three books
>watched two full courses
>filled out six sketchbooks
>draw for hours every day
>made a lot of conscious improvements
>baseline of doodling exactly the same as before


>> No.4955610

>t. porn artist

>> No.4955639

he's right, though. there are a hundred thousand ways to represent things in a drawing. even skilled, master-tier artists all have vastly differing styles and ways to present their subject matter of choice. following that, you don't have to be anywhere close to mastery to produce something that people will find visually appealing in one way or another.

>> No.4955908

Yeah, a lot of professional Japanese coom art is like this too. It's because Japanese people mainly learn by copying other anime art instead of studying real life. Copying other art is a good way to learn stylistic techniques but it won't ever cover up a lack of understanding of fundamentals. Your average normie won't care though as long as the rendering is nice and it has things that stimulate their coomer brains. I'm tired of coom these days but I respect only those coom artists who understand what they're doing.

>> No.4956014
File: 137 KB, 681x681, Shinjiiiiiiii-kun-252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally found a job, as part time cashier but i'm scared and my mind is trying to convince me to quit before i even try, and go back to my neet life i fought so hard to escape. I'm know im out of my element, and don't want to disappoint anyone. I'm scared of failure but running away without trying would feel even worse.
I have to try. I have to try. I have to try. What the worst that could happen? I go back to zero. Yeah, there's issue with failure because even if i do ill be back to where i started zero. I just have to think about failing positively.

>> No.4956037

3 months though. Anon don't worry. Improvement comes faster as you get better. It's the reverse as it is to other skills, where improvement slows down as you get better.

>> No.4956039

Anon, use the cashier job to fund your art education. Save up for those 1000 dollar critiqued courses, they'll help you grow exponentially, especially if you use your money wisely.

>> No.4956238
File: 209 KB, 405x347, 1450402862403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you keep up with motivation? I've started drawing with lots of motivation and trying to grind out the basics, but most of that motivation is already gone and I always slack off.
What are your guys' ideas to try to keep yourself motivated to draw more?

>> No.4956239

Why are you crabbing him? He's already bottom of the barrel, this is a NEET scared of working part time as a cashier, he has almost no hope of making it as your competition, leave him alone.

>> No.4956256
File: 171 KB, 326x322, Mom+found+the+tooth+cavity+_978e15c518eda69b1d2c8115c28b74a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky you i can't take any compliments from anyone irl since i automatically assume they're just being nice

>> No.4956293

commit to drawing only with pen

>> No.4956294

im sorry no one ever bothered to care about your development
anon, what you do matters

>> No.4956295


>> No.4956297

Only ever Jack off once you complete a drawing and make yourself addicted to porn

>> No.4956418

I can't focus on art with this state of mind im in right now. My mind is on 100 and i'm struggling to sleep. I don't even work till a couple of days from now but i feels like i have to clock in right now. I hate not knowing what will happen. not being in control. But i know i can't run way.
What am i suppose to say when this situation happens? How do i react when that situation happens? My mind is trying to generate all these hypothetical situations but can't the solution that i have no experience with. it's making making me super anxious.
I don't even know how i got this job. I'm worthless with no value. The most i ever worked was 6 months between 2 restaurants. Dropping fries and bussing tables. Why couldn't they have just told me no. I don't want to disappoint anyone. I already disappoint myself. I hate this

>> No.4956430
File: 14 KB, 267x253, 1593761925774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I barely know you and I already like you a lot. Fuck.

I know how you feel, except towards different situations. I just kinda seize up and can only think of disaster, because all my previous experiences led directly to disaster, no matter how much effort I put into it. There's nothing I can tell you that will make things better, except that there's only up from here. The more days pass where nothing bad happens, the more confidence you'll have, the more comfortable you'll be, and the more secure you'll be. But that can only come if you wait. Just take a break from art for now until your anxiety comes down. Rent a movie or order some takeout. It'll be okay.

>> No.4956436

kill yourself please

>> No.4956480

what a retarded response to his post. he didnt say anything wrong, lots of people like art which has obvious flaws because art is not only about technical skill. please point out where he is wrong

>> No.4956489
File: 389 KB, 1080x1160, 06000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't finish anything, all i do is mindless doodles and no matter how hard i try to make something for a post, i can't get anything to work :(

>> No.4956515
File: 30 KB, 412x433, Older.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back to zero
I hope they're paying you, because 'failing' a cashier is just gonna cost you a job not the savings.
Also, first-job nerves is normal.

My first (real) job was as an engineer, yeah I was fucking nervous because dozens of lives depend on me doing my job properly
>that there's only up from here
What a horrible thing to say.
There's ALWAYS going to be setbacks. There's ALWAYS going to be bad days and you'll get reprimanded and criticized a lot if it's your first time.
You just need to learn how to get up again and keep going

>> No.4956523

Shading is killing me. I'm not sure if it's the paper or my technique, but it always looks like I did it on very rough paper and unless I press REALLY hard down there are always huge white spots that look even worse on camera. having an initial layin with a hard pencil and going over it with a soft one just makes it worse (or vice versa). I feel like such a poser and I have long since given up on making it, but this is the only skill I truly care about.

>> No.4956535

Hold on maybe I'm not sharpening my pencil enough. I'm going to bed.

>> No.4956570

if you're pressing down hard enough that there's a shine in the graphite you've pressed too hard. also go with a softer lead like 2B, any old paper should work fine, but my favourites are seawhite sketchbooks and pink pig sketchbooks which are both cheap

>> No.4956687

if he's trying to do realistic rendering then the paper has to be rather flat, dirt cheap copy paper usually fits the bill, but things that are one step up can have real dumb textures.

>> No.4956735

any issue with texture on any kind of thicker paper is usually to do with drawing it too small, unless what you're thinking of is cold press or something, anything sold as a drawing sketchbook is completely fine. i find copy paper to be too textureless and thin personally, to where you don't have as much control over the values as with slightly thicker paper.

>> No.4956889
File: 120 KB, 465x750, 1479550772838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma, the woman who raised me, died some years ago when I was in my early teens.
I didn't know how to talk to her in her last months, just sat quietly in the hospital. When she died I didn't know how to cry or how to pray to her.

When I was in her funeral -which take 3 days here- I was constantly criticized by relatives because I didn't know the proper greetings.
Today I realized that I genuinely can't remember her voice or face anymore and I haven't properly cried for her in these years.

>> No.4956937

I dunno, even when I'm doing full size A3 drawings my shading tends to look really rough and amateurish. I don't know how doing just a wash of tone manages to come out looking so bad.

>> No.4957194
File: 142 KB, 1080x1005, toppi-universal-tarot-14-temperanza-15-diavolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck am i reading the /vent/ thread?
There is no info in it.
My monitor crapped out - no programming for at least a week - i have no excuses left.

But still i scroll.
Mindlessly scroll.
Mindlessly consooooom.

>> No.4957204

Sounds like you have autism.

>> No.4957221

I don't mind seeing doomposting on here since it's an anonymous vent thread, but god is it such a turnoff to see those same types of posts on an artist's page. I'm not going to follow anyone who constantly cries about art making them suicidal and wishing they could get a following, no matter how good their art is (they're usually /beg/, though).

>> No.4957225

You're so cynical man. :( What are the odds he's going to fuck up his cashiering job?

>> No.4957226

Just tell them to get it over with and kill themselves like I do. Works like a charm to get it off of my feed.

>> No.4957243

Hey man, it's my personal Twitter. I'll complain about the kind of shit I want.

>> No.4957245

>wishing they could get a following

getting followers, likes, retweets, whatever is like cooming, once you bust a nut and get that dopamine, you immediately go back to being unsatisfied and soon thirst for another coom

>> No.4957287

My grandmother is also the one who raised me, but I'm blessed to still have her. Bishop Jakes' sermons have helped me through a lot of tough times, I hope he can help you feel less lonely.


>> No.4957292

Request threads are shit and I don't know what to draw without them.

>> No.4957302
File: 675 KB, 500x451, 1581007062222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say that, life isn't perfect but you need to keep your head up regardless is what I'm saying.

If you falter at the first hurdle and cry "I didn't expect this!" lifes' gonna be much harder than if you got up and tried again

>> No.4957588

when I feel depressed I just quietly delete my account.

>> No.4957773

Hi me.

>> No.4957874

what can i say m8, that's just not right. i've got some generic step-up-from-copy-paper paper from costco for my printer. the texture on it is uniform, shows through graphite from several feet away, and generally makes it obnoxious to work with. it'ld be an exercise in pointless frustration trying to do realistic rendering on it.

>> No.4958114
File: 69 KB, 817x762, 20200707_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite often, I'll take a close look at myself and realize that I've been rather stagnate the past few years.
My skill level, my motivation issues, my goals, and my fears have all remained the same.
I want to break from this rut and draw without the years of mental constraints holding me back.
I know that I'm never going to be a highly skilled, well received artist. I'm mostly okay with that.
I just want to get SOMEWHERE with art.

>> No.4958123
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 1572596834138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. I'm not smart enough to reach the top echelons of anything. I just hope I can make some people happy with my art

>> No.4958143

Please be my artist gf..I can tell by your art you're female, please respond.

>> No.4958213
File: 59 KB, 244x243, nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw coom for the first time
>jack off to it
>post it on 4chan
>think about how other people are jacking off to it
I feel weird now

>> No.4958240

I know youre trying to sound badass, but telling someone to kill themselves on social media gets you a ban fast

>> No.4958387
File: 62 KB, 907x482, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard to practice when your own art makes you want to implode, I don't have time to grind I just want to have fun, I just want to get to a point where I can enjoy my own drawings, like enjoy the activity, but *gag* they're so awful

>> No.4958391

I fucking hate playing the social media game so much it makes me want to blow my own brains out

>> No.4958471
File: 336 KB, 632x510, 1593848096355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate twitter and i hate popular artists even more for being gossip spreading niggers that would rather police people than actually do shit
Why does the internet art world feel more like a competition now than in the pre-tumblr era where it was more for fun? Was it money? It feels like everyone is just trying to get their stupid fucking meme number up on twitter even though it matters jack shit since you can just draw coomershit and finally be able to make as much as a mcdicks worker does through patreon or some shit. Everyone is a pedo groomer tracer now or some shit and its just some soulless competition to get to the top in some really vain attempt to get into the industry by drawing Dawn from Pokemon with double Ds even though that never works unless you're like Zone or Noill and the people hiring you want to do some monkey-tier cleanup work for their fighting game aimed at coomers.

>> No.4958492

>Why does the internet art world feel more like a competition now than in the pre-tumblr era where it was more for fun?
corporatization of the once wild and chaotic internet. same way the wild west went

>> No.4958495

The art scene back then was just as shit. It was a walled garden, gate keeping circlejerk that only the assholes in California oils benefit from. How that the internet is high speed and more resources are out there things have shifted from that to now everyone can be “their own”. It’s why machinima died, there is no need for an agency. No need for a 3rd party. Anyone can make their own discord server and garner hundreds of users instead of being tied to a forum and moderated by a select yes men who gatekeep.

The only thing that sucks about modern era internet is that every tranny to your parents to Stacy at Starbucks has access to the net from their smartphones or tablets. So the quality degraded rapidly.

>> No.4958498

>old exclusive club was shit
>it's not exclusive anymore so it's shit

>> No.4958504

Let me phrase that differently; the internet now is better, the millions of users who poured in after the iPhone got upgraded is what ruined it. You had no resources, everything was exclusive. And only a select few sucked each other off (the very people you see today at light box expo or who go on podcasts).

>> No.4958505

this is not popular artist issue, it's americans issue
avoid americans on every social medias and you will be free from 90% of cancerous shit you see on internet

>> No.4958506

But without America your country wouldn’t exist.

>> No.4958512

good luck avoiding burgers and tedious burger garbage on the english web m8

>> No.4958540

>Social media
You gotta grab it by the haunches and fuck it in the ass.

>> No.4958542

pls elaborate

>> No.4958545

If Hitler won he would have made sure to preserve the arts
Japan wouldn't become retarded with American tacky shit so no anime
No SJW shit
You destroyed the world

>> No.4958554

I gave myself a rotator cuff injury from drawing too much. I relearned how to draw using my shoulder to help prevent carpal tunnel.

What do I do? Not being able to draw makes me really fucking depressed.

>> No.4958564

Japan should have just left us alone. If they didn’t Pearl Harbor us then Hitler would have won as we didn’t interfere and anime would exist and flourish thanks to less Zion infiltration. Other countries fuck themselves over. The moment you mess with American sovereignty is when we bomb you, not the other way around.

>> No.4958568
File: 56 KB, 512x500, 9E881B57-14E6-418F-BA31-D12D1633FFD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw from the hip

>> No.4958569

So basically an Apple iPad Pro 12.9 constitutes 50% of making it

>> No.4958580

>t. 900 pound walrus watching his country getting fucked over by a Chinese communist agenda

>> No.4958592

I'm so fucking tired of popular Japanese artists having conversations on the TL without using the reply function. They make a new post for each reply and retweet the people they're replying to. Holy shit this is so annoying. What's the point of shoving that shit in your followers' face?? To show off that you're friends with other popular artists??? I followed you for your art, not this shit. I thought I could avoid annoying stuff on social media by avoiding obnoxious American artists but there's no escape. They even comment on politics a sometimes and it's even more annoying when they talk about American politics without understanding the full picture. Do I have to mute everyone and just come back to look at the art separately? Social media was not made for autists like myself.

>> No.4958605

The iPad is a great device and would replace my pc if it had internal cooling.

>> No.4958608

>Social media was not made for autists like myself.

Literally just don't use it. You won't miss it.

>> No.4958610

It’s done on purpose yes. Japanese are hivemind and mimic who they see as acceptable behavior. They know what they’re doing.

>> No.4958637

I have no idea but it's probably a tacit agreement to maximize followers
>To show off that you're friends with other popular artists???
>I followed you for your art, not this shit.
You are entitled to nothing, dumb consoomer

>> No.4958717

Its called having a support system. When you don't see light at the end of the tunnel and you don't have a single person cheering you on and at least giving some guidance outside of "just do thing and everything will work out" you lose confidence and motivation.

>> No.4958733

If your willing to ask that question, your probably not part of the problem.

>> No.4958735


>> No.4958747

women will always flake on the internet if your not an unironic megachad. Gotta meet women in real life to decrease that flake percentage from 90% to about 50%. Don't worry anon, we're all going to make it.

>> No.4958855

I hate this shitty website and every single person on it, me included.

>> No.4958866

shoot myself, got it

>> No.4958935

why do i have to have depression and be so self hating
i thought it was okay if i had this to be an artist, like thats just part of the process
but when i talk with so many good artists it seems like they never had to deal with it. just makes me feel like i'm not meant to be an artist

>> No.4958950

Interacting with strangers is scary I guess I have social anxiety to some degree, but it means that any time some artist is super nice to me with their comments or if they draw for me or something I never know how to properly respond and I'm totally incapable of being like them, going to other artists and mingling, commenting on their posts regularly to get their attention, anything like that. It sucks when you know artists get followers easy because they are basically networking with other people, but I'm so not cut out for that.

>> No.4958996
File: 8 KB, 183x182, brendan just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost my non-art day job months ago at the onset of the pandemic
>co-graduates are in the industry or are making bank through patreon
>haven't had a commission in almost two years
>colleague puts out her commission sheet
>someone literally commissioned her to draw a stick figure for her first commission

I know Marcus Aurelius said something about how beliefs compound into our perception of reality and how we can't let the externals affect us, but dang. I am glad that she got her money for the stick figure, but I wonder how to pull at least $200. Retweeting on twitter it feels like screaming into the void. At least /ic/ responds a couple of times or follows on the self-promo threads.

>> No.4959265

i asked her to meet in person tho and she said no because of fagarona. but then she knew i wasnt busy so i was just sitting there texting her so why would i not talk to her online? it seemed dumb. even tho zoom wouldnt have been my choice i am not anti phone call so whats the difference. i just shaved and put on a clean shirt and yea apparently that wasnt enough for the bitch

>> No.4959271

my friend's wife asked me to illustrate her book. i came up with all these character designs, and shes like no, and shows me a character she made out of pipe cleaners with 2 dots for eyes and wants it to look like that. even in 3d she made a stick figure. and wanted it like that. i still don't know what she wants from me. she's like no simpler simpler simpler. no simpler. im gonna tell her to ask someone else.

>> No.4959274


>> No.4959398
File: 30 KB, 311x362, 1596050788960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People only care about my nsfw stuff
I fucking hate coomers

>> No.4959404

You learned a valuable lesson, thumbnails always come first

>> No.4959442

I used to draw for fun, then I found this board about a year ago and now I feel like I'm wasting my time unless I'm constantly grinding funides. I know I can just leave if I want but a part of me will like my art is worthless unless it gets to a certain technical level, I just want to draw comics and cool character design, but it's way to intimidating now.

>> No.4959446

Stfu you should be glad coomers are even paying you any attention.

>> No.4959453

Shout out to the fags who can't stop crying about "coomer" artists for one minute

>> No.4959470
File: 84 KB, 904x864, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nsfw client creeply attempting to initiate rp about their shitty oc

>> No.4959562
File: 23 KB, 348x540, emergency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel as though 90% of my work is absolute shit and anything that turns out well is just a stroke of luck. I'm so riddled with fear and anxiety that sometimes I can barely put the pencil to the paper. That voice in my head keeps screaming at every line that it looks wrong and it's not turning out well and I should just give up, and I don't know how to make it stop. My good days are so few and rare compared to bad ones. I know I can do this but it's like my body and mind won't let me. I don't know how to fix that.

>> No.4959599

Same bro, same...

>> No.4959626

Not really a vent but it didn't fit anywhere else
Saw a guy on the bus drawing using loomis, gmi

>> No.4959630


Are you in socal? Creepy.

>> No.4959636

Yes I am, actually

>> No.4959637


>> No.4959691
File: 369 KB, 641x480, HAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even in 3d she made a stick figure. and wanted it like that
what in the world

>> No.4959726
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1452934128473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any art center bros here?

>> No.4959727

I did my first day today. It wasn't too bad once i realized that i can't control every little thing someone thinks of me, and can't prepare for everything, i calmed down a lot. Shifts arnt too long so, I'll try to get some drawing in after work is done. I won't give up.
Thanks fellas. Your words were really encouraging. Helped out a bunch.

>> No.4959826

Yea, that's how it be anon. Even women you've met before will flake on you at the last second for shits and giggles. Don't take it to hard, I know its really hard to get over someone overtly wasting your time, but that's women for you. Take it as an early sign that she's not worth shit and save you time and money. Girlfriends are pretty overrated anyway.

>> No.4959849

I think I don't draw enough to actually improve. Even though I spend so much time stressing about finding time in my schedule, I think that what I'm doing isn't building me up to anything and I'm going to stay at this level forever.

>> No.4959864

That is fucking suicide fuel

>> No.4959895

why'd you have to tell me this

>> No.4959899

>Draw something I liked
>Post it
>No favorites
>No likes
>No comments
Maybe social media really isn't for me

>> No.4959903

Link it

>> No.4959915

never it sucks

>> No.4959917

Social media is how "they" are poisoning Japan from the outside in. Japanese Twitter is a fucking cesspool of Nips basically copy-pasting translated American political talking points and forming a false consensus over it. Japanese were slower to have their youth generation get twisted by the internet, but it is definitely happening now and Japan is gonna suck hard when the 100 year olds who know better die off and we are stuck with brainwashed faggots.

>> No.4959928

Judging from the amount of replies and how the responses are. Guess it’s really time to leave this shithole. Most of you fuckers are perma /beg/s. Thanks for the free resources , I guess?

>> No.4959933

See u tomorrow, loser

>> No.4960045

yo what up

>> No.4960086

I just found out I'm too old for the bachelors program for Gobelins but too young for the Masters program.

>> No.4960264

I am filled with ideas nonstop all day, every day, and the second I put the pencil to the paper: poof. It's not even like I don't know how to draw my ideas out so I don't. My brain just goes full retard and can't remember. Then of course, cue me getting all comfy in bed later and boom, idea diarrhea. I gotta start keeping a fucking notebook.

>> No.4960270

here i i no my
i am king decide everything let noone in one little universe

>> No.4960364

I need to accept to myself that I only like drawing anime. I don't have to draw realistic.

>> No.4960373

What a cope, you just can’t draw realistic

>> No.4960374

I learned something about this actually. For me, it was that I had an idea, but I was too focused on the technical aspects of it, like how the fuck do I do this lighting or this anatomy, you know what fuck all of those barriers. It makes you not touch the paper and you may not understand it because it happens at such a rapid subconscious speed. If you just drew, even terribly, it's not like that's the final draft. The idea sucks, no you can fucking make changes. This step might help you, don't know if it will, helped me though.

>> No.4960420

>Finish a crappy drawing badly stylized

>Unhappy with the result,starts To Feel bad but the process was ok

>So ashamed that I don't want to show it to anybody on my social media accounts

>post on /ic/ and get a critique,feels bad but that's ok,the critique is usefull

> a friend come in my room and criticize my work

>he point out à big incoherence in the helmet of my character

-he make fun of the stylized look

>feels bad bad even more,want to destroy this work

>A part of my brain think that I can't draw anything that's not poorly rendered primitive forms in perspective now

When the fuck does all went wrong?

>> No.4960469

They're unironic faggots and their art is shitty cartooned doodles. LMAO at your life!

>> No.4960474
File: 39 KB, 568x372, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody got mogged by this

>> No.4960497

I feel like i have no direction in studying. I know what i have to study to get better. Anatomy, proportions fore shortening etc etc. I spend hours trying to absorbing the info, reading material, drawing it and aking mental notes of things. Then i keep thinking about all the /ngmi/ people and start to stress if im actually studying right.

tl:dr i feel like im studying wrong sometimes and idk what to do about it

>> No.4960513

Same,I used to make fun of the NGMI and perma beg but now this make me more sad and stressed out than anything.

>> No.4960556

What is the right answer?

>> No.4960565

Pussy. come onn

>> No.4960609
File: 40 KB, 540x521, 1601476536519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>day 984186864666154 incarnated as human livestock cell
>endless hell and no love in sight
God, please save me.

>> No.4960618
File: 266 KB, 366x489, 1573935507657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw if I'm not also "watching" something.
I sit down to draw and spend 2 hours looking for the right thing to watch in the background.

>> No.4960620

>better than 90% of /ic/
You can say that about literally anyone that isn't from here.

>> No.4960621

Because that mindset didn't come from your brain, but from outside ideas.
The garden is fine, as long as you keep the weeds rooted.

>> No.4960622
File: 346 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4960657

>200 times older than the universe
shouldn't you be able to ask God personally at this point?

>> No.4960664

Time is not a straight line, anon.

>> No.4960682

I recently started taking an art class in my college and it fucking sucks. I have to draw about social issues. Sure, I care about politics but I don't want to draw about how "women are oppressed" or how "black lives matter". I just want to draw coom shit. I already know the world is depressing, I don't want my art to be depressing.

>> No.4960683

>I don't want my art to be depressing.
coom is pretty depressing desu

>> No.4960812

>he doesn't know
Music is food for the SOUL

>> No.4960814

draw coom and bullshit about it. literally what every non-brainlet does in arts. shit all over them with your superior merit and wit.

>> No.4960924
File: 5 KB, 471x108, 1243235346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4960938

this, drawing mindless fap material isn't any better than some social issues shit.

>> No.4960953
File: 876 KB, 1280x720, 1549186716798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of went off on someome like this. They'd message me asking me random lewd shit saying they want to commissiom me for a third time, would ask for the prices yet again, make small talk for over 3 weeks. I ended up saying I'm very busy and can't be continuing these conversations, let me know when your idea is complete and you have the details for the commission and I'll take it. It's been two weeks of peace now so I'm glad. People need to stop using small time artists as a friend outlet in their DMs

>> No.4960976

pick 2

>> No.4961079

This, most of the people I know with STEM degrees have wealthy enough parents that they don't need to worry about making a quick buck and getting good in a single year, plus easy access to equipment and tools, tutors telling them what to do instead of spending hours looking for resources and housing in major cities full of stimuli and positive communities helping them out.
Who would've thought that playing on easy mode makes your life easier.

>> No.4961111

This is actually really deep. Got me thinking.

>> No.4961238

The more I browse this board the more I feel it's just some weird purgatorial den of mental illness and I'll get afflicted if I hang around too much.

>> No.4961244

Congrats. You're a normalfag. Try Reddit instead.

>> No.4961326


>He didnt read the mystical poetry of Rumi
>He didnt make coom paintings and bullshit about how men and women will never understand one another emotionally or romantically.
>He didnt make volumes of drawings of sexy bodies without faces and dump erotic poetry on top of them to make them look meaningful to plebs

You wont make it in this art game! Its time to hang up your brush!

>> No.4961331


Ding ding ding!
Only come here to post Vilppu memes and get free books. The rest? Fuggedaboudit.

>> No.4961332

It literally is

Your autism is nothing to be proud of. 4chan is for autists who don’t realise they’re stupid and Reddit is for stupid people who think they’re much smarter than they are. Get off the internet entirely if you want to be a normalfag

>> No.4961338

If you don't like /ic/, then leave dude.

>> No.4961348
File: 273 KB, 1047x205, 23bc500c57def74dbd6d2c1fb3413251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you retarded fucking cunts made me hate art as a whole
you're all the fucking same
art normies
commercial goblins

>> No.4961369

the japanese are annoying faggots in general

>> No.4961584
File: 64 KB, 480x360, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the coompill. Also on a side note, I find it funny that I have a berserk image called egg.

>> No.4961589

That doesn't matter. I do my studies. But when it comes to personal drawing I always want to default to anime because I dont like drawing realistic faces. I don't like real faces, I find them boring. I dont want to be a Xerox for reddit gold.
Majority of this board might be happier if they just picked up photography.

>> No.4961597

At last I truly see
>autists are anal retentive about every idiosyncracy, and lack any social or conflict resolution skills...
/ic/ is the autist/ic/ art forum.

>> No.4961652
File: 84 KB, 395x395, 146346457568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unintentionally turn my characters into lolies

>> No.4961677

my hand is hurting
my hand is hurting and my art still sucks
why is this hurting, why does this need to happen to me right now
i just want to get better, this is what i fucking get thinking i could be an artist

>> No.4961700






>> No.4961714


>> No.4962255
File: 87 KB, 307x286, Master, this isn't weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I post art, the more I lose followers.

>> No.4962264

the /lsg/ agenda continues apace

>> No.4962292
File: 121 KB, 820x597, 1595550375364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to everyone who feels like they're NGMI:


>> No.4962294

Do STEMcels really?

>> No.4962297
File: 2.93 MB, 2550x3300, Epson_10272020032345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


funny i have the opposite problem

>> No.4962298
File: 580 KB, 865x1390, try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4962304

>Aphrodite's child
Based and good taste pilled

>> No.4962310

I haven't drawn a thing in months.
My contempt for people has sucked all the joy to make art out of me. I enjoy the process but what's the point if everyone just wants the same terrible generic garbage? I just don't understand how people think anymore, I don't relate to them, I feel like I don't even qualify as human anymore. I don't want anything to do with them. Art only feels like a gigantic waste of time, and being in the same environment as "artists" only makes me upset. I haven't seen any genuine beauty made by artists in maybe a decade. I see all this horrible shit get praised by the public and I just don't understand why at the same time they completely ignore the rare good thing and let it die.
And above all this is a barrier of irony that ensures your only response will be that you are taking things too seriously and you should just stop thinking and enjoy this entropic spiral of nonsense.
I just can't enjoy art like this. If I have to mindlessly waste time making inconsequential decorations then what is the point? I could just drink and lay down on the couch while I think about all the stuff that only I care about.

>> No.4962338

I'm cursed to have an extremely specific idea of what I think looks cute, in facial features with drawings. I have an obsession with how the occipital bone curves and meets the jawline , which meets the chin, which meets the ear. I draw featureless heads and create the same lines over and over again, slightly varying to create the look I want.

I check out other artists to see how they create these contours but no artist does it exactly the way I like consistently. Meanwhile, i am a /beg/ and cannot draw what I like. Sometimes I see artists draw exactly what I think is cute, but it's lightning in a bottle. They only do it once, and I peruse through dozens of images from them and never again find a character drawn with occipital bone/jawline/chin that has the same charm/appeal .

>> No.4962343

Sorry, I meant the cheek bone, not occipital bone

>> No.4962357

That contempt is well earned, but like any rule, the exceptions make it what it is. (And there are exceptions) My advice is to find those and stick to the ideas that make them what they are, and focus on those qualities. You already can see you won't get anywhere you want to go otherwise. Just in personal experience, following that quality over quantity makes it worthwhile, and is the only way to go.

>> No.4962374

Welcome to having a refined taste i guess?
To me it sounds like the artists version of having a model train or stamp collection. Something weirdly specific that most people gloss over.
I have the opposite problem, I appreciate most of what I see on some level which means I tend to mix things that I think most people would find stylistically incongruent and strange, if not jarring.

>> No.4962418

I appreciate lots of things. But they're pretty "normal". I like shiny eyes. I like cute button noses. I like certain shapes and proportions of bodies. But with the same interest, or perhaps greater interest, I fixate on the cheekbone and jawline and chin. And I notice not as many artists do which confuses me because it's such an important part of framing the face that many artists work so hard on arranging to be cute (i.e. eye, nose, mouth , eyebrow placement)

>> No.4962591

This is so very true....Wish I heard this years ago

>> No.4962609

I hate cooming so much,after that my "creative energy" is gone and I can't think proprely.
And I'm not the kind of guy who coom everyday (maybe once or twice a week)
I feel like my progress would be faster if I haven't these regular urges...

>> No.4962647

I feel like I was messed with for a long while now. Like an inside joke. While I'm sad someone else was benefiting. Like a sick joke.

But I have the last laugh now.

>> No.4962754

I've known faggots like this, spergs who run with assumptions all the way to revenge. Most annoying fucks to deal with ever

>> No.4962788

ah yes revenge
a requirement to fix everything

>> No.4962815
File: 29 KB, 632x464, 1460333518149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people bragging about STEM on LinkedIn or Twitter are just in a gigantic circlejerk where they spout of ignorant optimistic bullshit but it has no actual meaning or value. It's literally pleddit. Just go to fucking pleddit. I'm not even saying that as a generic insult that's just what it is and you sound like you would be happier there.

>> No.4962888

Why is sai so hard

>> No.4962893
File: 16 KB, 399x400, 1560664725912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I have the last laugh now

>> No.4962904
File: 213 KB, 220x165, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4962917

anon, becoming a famous coomer artist isn't easy...
its also not good for your brain/sexual relationships to be looking at that stuff all day.

>> No.4962928

I never know what to draw and never feel like it either, is there any way I can trick my brain into feeling like drawing?

>> No.4962986

>Drawn all my life
>Never very good
>Lack the work ethic to put the necessary time into it
>Constantly frustrated
>Really, hate it
>Can't quit, I am compelled to do it.
>It's like there's a noise inside my head that keeps buzzing and buzzing and only goes away if I draw something

>Hate my job
>Have art career aspirations
>Really just want to get out of the fucking warehouse
>Figure that schooling will give me the motivation to power through the fundies
>Enroll in local university courses offered online
>Everyone I tell congratulate me, it's a big deal
>Start courses
>Holy fuck this is unbearably awful
>Remember that I dropped out of high school because I hate school so much
>Big plan has backfired
>Instead of lighting a fire under my ass it's just made drawing even more awful
>Drawing + Stress + Pressure = Misery
>Have no idea what I'm supposed to do with my life now
>Start skipping work to "do homework"
>Probably going to get fired
>Homework is just to draw a fucking chair from a few angles
>Fucking hate it so much
>Overdue just because I hate doing it

The only way out is suicide right?

>> No.4962999

Downsize your life, live in a tiny flat in an affordable area, work the bare minimum you can to survive and draw with the rest of your time. No pressure, no obligations. Just do your thing

>> No.4963024


I'm already as downsized as I can get.

>> No.4963027

And you’re genuinely working the bare minimum you can to survive?

>> No.4963044

I feel like you would be alot happier if you just gave up art and lived your life doing something else.

>> No.4963050


Sounds like a recipe for more misery.


That's like saying fags would be happier if they just fucked women. It's not that easy. If I could kill every artistic urge and instinct in my head I would, but I can't. It's always buzzing in my ears.

>> No.4963053

No one is putting a gun to your head and making your do this. The "buzzing" you talk about just sounds like your ego.

There's nothing wrong with giving up, especially if something causes you so much misery.

>> No.4963060


I've given up before. I went two years without drawing. It doesn't stick. I am compelled to do this.

>> No.4963073

I know this is a vent thread and all but jesus.
what you're doing is just the equivalent of why are you hitting yourself.

>> No.4963077


Roger Ebert asked Klaus Kinski, a notorious diva, why on Earth he would agree to go out into the middle of the Amazon to float on a raft swarming with rats and monkeys for the sake of Werner Herzog, who he hated. Kinski grimly replied "It was my fate."

Our passions choose us, and don't care if we hate them.

>> No.4963078

Saw this video today, maybe it might help you.

>> No.4963083

In your case its not a passion, just plain mental illness.

>> No.4963085


Is there a difference? The word "passion" is derived from "suffering" in Greek and Latin.

>> No.4963089

Yeah, I'd say there is a stark difference going by your original post. But have at it i suppose.

>> No.4963092


>> No.4963143

>Fell for the Krita meme

I switched from CSP to Krita, and i can't fucking sketch for shit anymore.
Well it's more like it doesn't feel right, can't find a soft spot with opacity and stabilizer.

Fuck it have god tier feature, but it feels like shit.
In CSP the trait were smooth, everything felt so responsive even with micrometers actions.

>> No.4963197

I wish people would stop commissioning me annoying subjects to draw. Flannel is a pain in the ass to paint around, and why does it have to be cargo pants? I can do it, but boy do I not want to as although im making money from it, the money to time spent ratio is just not worth it

>> No.4963220
File: 377 KB, 1192x1124, Untimely_Meditations_by_Friedrich_Nietzsche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4963289
File: 1.70 MB, 500x281, tumblr_3621885a8bd91dd5475e24fc561a1b36_d7a3aab1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My (probably flawed) understanding of spirituality is that, breaking through fears in order to reach what you want serve as an inspiration to others on a similar path. Happiness can not be injected into you because you are the one avoiding it. The universe has no other choice of being the opposite of what you are because of duality.
Theoretically at least, I hope consciousness wasn't a mistake.

>> No.4963401

I don't take advice from people who post anime. It's exactly the kind of stuff I hate.

>> No.4963417

What does this say to me exactly? That I should just be a Sakimichan copycat? Of course if one quantifies art it's the only outcome.

>> No.4963418

>Have no followers
>Post whatever I want
>Is comfy
>No opportunities because no social media numbers

>Have followers
>Feel pressured to post what they like (switching between niches is difficult)
>Opportunities for people to buy my shit
>Not comfy
I hate it.

>> No.4963422

good artists never needed to do that
good artists all come from good lifes
if you're anything but that you should just kill yourself if you want to be an artist. maybe you'll matter in death

>> No.4963499
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, iaJ3i4i_pCNQJJE .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to answer the captchas a little wrong every time to see how wrong can I answer it and still pass.

>> No.4963501

do you turn your lolis into characters?

>> No.4963509
File: 134 KB, 860x853, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the world is gonna know your name
gets me every time anons, I wanna make it so badly.

>> No.4963619

Remember all the great artists (not only visual artists) who were ignored during their lifetimes and discovered posthumously. Why do you think they made art?

>> No.4963848


Update: I spoke to a doctor and got a Zoloft prescription.

>> No.4963849

Not that anon but
>There's nothing wrong with giving up, especially if something causes you so much misery.
Next to >gitgud or kys
Is actually kind of nice.

>> No.4963884
File: 152 KB, 866x923, TEH MEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I resigned from my job so I could spend a year drawing and learning to get a job that doesn't make me want to put a slug in the back of my head, basically doing a tehmeh. The day I'm set to return to move back in with my parents the entire family got covid symtoms. It's been almost a month, they've all got it still. Mums having trouble breathing and I feel useless and like I can't do anything, I want to draw I have commisions but I feel like I have little control which is affecting my ability and confidence.

I know the answer to my issue, just get to work and stop being a bitch but I've got no-one I can really talk about my worries because I stonewall everyone when it comes to emotions.

>> No.4963987

>tfw giving up on drawing actually helped me feel better
Am I the ultimate ngmi?

>> No.4964209

if you never had a dream to draw why are you drawing

>> No.4964223

I was impressed with Js commitment with time but I attempted his routine yesterday and found I easily can max 10 to 11 hours per day if I didn’t have a pet to keep happy and drop minor things to keep me sane in the day and also language learning . Now I’m not so impressed. I still got 8 hours in which is fine, not gonna kill my wrist.

>> No.4964252
File: 559 KB, 1080x720, shitty attempt at sakuga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching these Sakuga MAD's are making me realize why I got into drawing in the first place... animation.
Fucking same, dude. pyw? If you enjoy animation, then you should keep animating. There should be plenty of work for it out there. idk what country you're from but if it doesn't have a good industry for it or any at all, you can always do freelance work online. I'd say just keep practicing at it and make a portfolio or something. Hopefully we're all gonna make it. Webm is mine from late 2018-ish, kinda cringe but it was fun to draw.

>> No.4964370

>good artists never needed to train their art, learn anything, or work to get a roof abover their head
Post your work, crab.

>> No.4964459

im not a good artist

>> No.4964947

Good artist needed to train but they did at an early age and had supportive or well off families

>> No.4965092

>Remember all the great artists (not only visual artists) who were ignored during their lifetimes and discovered posthumously. Why do you think they made art?
I always end up giving it another try, again and again and again. I have these slumps but I never quit, I cannot quit. I have tried quitting for good and getting a regular job, I wanted to kill myself and I had to go back to art. There is nothing for me but art but knowing that I'll just have to die in sad misery for this shit nobody cares about makes me infinitely sad and angry. Why do I have to go down like this? It's like a death sentence. Should I just look forward that some money launderer "discovers" me in the future and makes money off my corpse when I'm no longer relevant? What is the fucking point of doing this? Even the sad losers of the past had some kind of support from their peers, a lot of people like to say how Van Gogh died miserable and penniless but he was part of something. Other post-impressionists acknowledged him. It's simply impossible to go on without an ounce of acknowledgement for years and years. This shit is going to kill me, my physical health is slowly disintegrating because of this.
It's impossible to commit fully in this state of mind, there needs to be a fucking light to paint, it's impossible to keep going with 0 validation 0 feedback 0 everything.
I just need enough so I stop thinking "why the fuck am I doing this" while I draw.
It's the absolute minimum.

>> No.4965117

dont do art for validation. do it because there is something in your soul that wants to get out. if life is going to be endless suffering then at least go out doing something you believe in

>> No.4965195

I felt the same when I gave up STEM and dropped out of college. I'll probably be stuck in lower middle class for the rest of my life but man the amount of serenity I felt once I finally did it was worth it.

>> No.4965212

This post really resonates with me.

>> No.4965247

>dont do art for validation. do it because there is something in your soul
there it is, the shitty answer
no I don't do art for validation, but it's impossible to go on with 0 fucking validation. It's like running a marathon while starving and sleep deprived, no matter how much you believe you can't do it. It simply cannot be done, I don't have the strength to keep going when literally nobody gives a single fuck, for decades.

>> No.4965271

validation can be fuel. but good art is not created for validation

>> No.4965880

I know it's just a phase but I just don't feel like drawing anymore. I should at least finish my comms before I go lazing around not drawing (especially when I know I could finish them within the next week if I really focus in on) but man am I feeling so apathetic towards art rn.