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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 291 KB, 592x401, females.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4939659 No.4939659 [Reply] [Original]

is drawing a good similar interest to meet females?

>> No.4939667


>> No.4939674


>> No.4939678
File: 134 KB, 934x1000, Differentguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you're Chad.

>> No.4939683

Men does the same shit, fatso.

>> No.4939740
File: 246 KB, 1000x1415, Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4939745

She's prettier in her real photo wtf. First case of ugly in their ideal self.

>> No.4939756

me in the top right

>> No.4939767

Most of my followers are females. Unless you do coom or machines you're probably gonna have plenty of women followers.

>> No.4939769

Nope if you want to meet women you need a social hobby.

>> No.4939779

>seething manlet

>> No.4939781

This is the human mind when it reaches adulthood without interacting with women

>> No.4939789

Have confidence in your skills. Post a real photo or realistic doodle of yourself in a neutral expression with a confident look on your social media pages.

Good thing you can easily become a Chad with confidence. It is the most powerful aphrodisiac.

Hottest jobs to women?

>fire fighters

Why? Confidence

Hottest fitness hobby?
>mountain climbing

Why? Confidence

Hottest facial expression?
>A neutral face without a smile

Why? because you're too confident to give a shit and for some reason men who smile less have higher testosterone and women instinctively seek out high T Chads.

It's why they end up with douchebags. The douche doesn't care and is confident.
But it is not limited to Chad's. Women end up with fat short troll men because they have confidence. Women can smell fear and it turns the pussy into a dry desert. A friend of mine is gangly and average looking but he gets women all the time because he is on anti psychotic meds that destroy his ability to care what others think. Women mistake him not caring for confidence. It's the ultimate way to get women on easy mode.

>> No.4939826

You guys have us woman all wrong. The players are attracted to impressive men, but the real girls are attracted to personality.

>> No.4939831

Damn u tripping transfag

>> No.4939836

First of all I’m a woman. Second of all I’m pan, not trans. Lastly go fuck your self.

>> No.4939848


>> No.4939849

>First of all I’m a woman.
me too, and i say stfu

>> No.4939852

Holy fuck women and trannies deserve execution asap

>> No.4939859

Here’s my Michael Jackson’s Thriller parody: FUCK YOU HATERS, SEE YOU NEVER, GO DOWN TO HELLLLLLL. That’s all I have so far :)

>> No.4939898


>> No.4939901


>> No.4939906

Trannies don't count.

>> No.4939917

kys faggot

>> No.4939937
File: 7 KB, 227x222, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to tumbler faggot

>> No.4939963

If you don’t care about art then leave this board. Also no if you can’t draw then women won’t be Interested in you. And even if you can, you also gotta be a normal, decent person, so stop with your incel mentality.

>> No.4939980

I just wanna beat women, not even sex or dating, and get away with it, is that too much to ask?

>> No.4940069

As a woman: you're retarded

>> No.4940070
File: 530 KB, 766x960, 7B193A21-8BC2-4ECE-B1CA-FAFC0D494D3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then correct him roastie. Go on, I’m waiting...

>> No.4940075

Blackpill is Invincible.

>> No.4940077


>> No.4940097
File: 3.43 MB, 750x1334, D666C673-7B03-4A97-BFC1-12A95CA485AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain’t goin no where. And we are all humans so if woman and trans need execution everyone does! Also I didn’t come from Reddit with all those rapist teens such as anon4939980.

>> No.4940103

Women literally don't care about mutual interests if you're not attractive to them.

>> No.4940104

If your not a girl you don’t know that for sure.

>> No.4940118

holy shit dude talk to a female

>> No.4940136


ACAB, scrote.

>> No.4940138

Bro I literally had 2 relationships because I draw the girls I was flirting with. Girls love drawings of herselves

>> No.4940154

>Women literally don't care about mutual interests if you're not attractive to them.
So?Do you think men care about the mutual interests they may have with an unattractive woman? I know I don't.

>> No.4940178

What's his name?

>> No.4940179
File: 578 KB, 768x546, darius wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets me matches on tinder desu
>"omg your art is SOOOO good uwu xDD"

>> No.4940184

It’s a girl

>> No.4940203

The shy guy got a good laugh out of me.

>> No.4940210
File: 107 KB, 310x298, 1635_WeirdChamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put your art as images on your profile or what? or an instargam link or whatever

>> No.4940214

If you're over 19 and haven't had a girlfriend nothing will help unless you find yourself an autist or fatty. You will be socially awkward forever most likely, doesn't matter your hobby, fitness, etc. Your only hope is money

>> No.4940215

You want a girl to ask you out? If you're a guy, give up. Real life isn't a weeb sitcom, there are no domineering muscle mommies to pick you up and almost suffocate you with their triple F breasts as they hug you. You will not be aggressively hunted down in a sexual fashion by a tsundere, and you will never be a tomboy's boytoy. Either ask her out or give up.

>> No.4940217
File: 2.47 MB, 1068x601, gigachad Darius version 0.5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes King, I connect my Instagram to my Tinder but there's some fuckery with that specific function and instead of showing ALL your IG pics it shows every other one, if that makes sense.

I mean it'll still show your stuff, but it won't show everything.

>> No.4940220
File: 34 KB, 809x808, 1477126561606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot
>there will be no shy girl who works up the confidence to ask and blunder it

>> No.4940238

you're retarded, too

>> No.4940241

Not an argument. Offer evidence or anecdotes to the contrary, otherwise you’re just baiting for (You)s

>> No.4940243

But girls usually ask me out. I’m v handsome.

>> No.4940246

I’m sure your just a baiter, you are probally a unattractive nerd.

>> No.4940281

>offer anecdotes about a random anon
Yeah you're on the spectrum

>> No.4940283


>> No.4940332


>nigga behind the tree

10 out of 10.

>> No.4940348

hahaha no.
Not even close.

>> No.4940409

This is true

>> No.4940532
File: 62 KB, 592x401, proko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Doctor, I Am Pagliacci.

>> No.4940578
File: 99 KB, 1600x900, APERTURA-juan-sanchez-1600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4940787

drawing is something you mostly do by yourself, you can and should share your drawings with other artists but if you are trying to meet a woman you should like take a dance class or sign up for an intramural softball team or something. honestly though calling women "females" like a ferengi is not attractive bro

>> No.4940795

please die die DIE

>> No.4941597

Imagine being the incel who spent his time making this picture

>> No.4941696

I think most people nowadays use "females" instead of girls is because of trans people.

>> No.4941700

I want an artsy gf ahhhh I'm not even ugly just really autistic ahhhhh

>> No.4941898

lmao the one behind the tree

>> No.4941906
File: 177 KB, 533x388, hahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the next 4 words go without saying

>> No.4941918

This is what no pussy does to a nigga.

>> No.4941927

No, fuck off

>> No.4942134

The fattest and dumpiest girls will still have dozens of men willing to fuck them.

It's not even remotely the same.

>> No.4942162
File: 248 KB, 2700x1500, penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you came from twitter or Tumblr stop LARPing and go back to /lgbt/ faggot

>> No.4942815
File: 1.67 MB, 450x435, Acension of sides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some elaborate bait.

>> No.4942857

Have you tried not being ugly?

>> No.4943021

I too remember discovering PUA for the very first time. Confidence won’t change you looks sorry to say.

>> No.4943024

Brutal blackpill
Stfu roastie

>> No.4943074

Just workout


>> No.4943103

Some of this is correct. Policemen uniforms are hot as hell though.

>> No.4943107

i laugh with you when i see your posts. let us join forces and show /ic/ how it is done.

>> No.4943152

What do you draw?

>> No.4943169

Hi im a boiler and you are retarded, find a cock and allow it to fix your brain

>> No.4943190

umm hi hello if there are any girl artists here please maybe we can play genshin impact together haha and maybe draw our favorite characters thatd be fun then we can coop together :)

>> No.4943308

Heh heh that means you like to fuck pans

>> No.4943378

You can just say "women" like a normal adult.

>> No.4943566

You say that because YOU specifically are a desperate incel that is willing to fuck anything with a hole. People naturally are attracted to... attractive people. Men and women are guilty of this and there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s hardwired into our brains.

>> No.4943570

Have you tried getting >>>/fit/ ?

>> No.4943627

show tibby please

>> No.4944250

Men and women's brains a literally wired different, especially when it comes to attraction.
Men aren't as picky as women are, and if you think otherwise then you are total denial and just afraid to admit how shallow women truly are.

>> No.4944309

I used to draw coom and I still had loads of girls following me on Insta. As long as you're decent, people will like your art

>> No.4944489
File: 18 KB, 225x225, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.4944792

true but it loses novelty over time and you just become clearpilled (empty)

>> No.4944834

Tits or gtfo

>> No.4945102

Most attractive men I know have been asked out. In fact their current girlfriends approached them. Even I had a girl ask me out and I'm not attractive, I was the smart nerd lol.

>> No.4945158

Had my first gf at 22. 7/10, really interesting person

Also a fucking fake bitch but wtv, I believe there's hope unless you're really unattractive

>> No.4945753

All I did was give you good advice?? I'm not even a bitch.

>> No.4945785

He's says that because there's massive evidence supporting his claim. Also many studies have shown that men's attraction scale of what they find hot compared to women is much more reasonable. Its at a point where I think alot of women don't even find men attractive.

>> No.4945790

If you get into a hobby to meet chicks you're a faggot

>> No.4946373

A lot of people besides strippers and players judge by personality, just saying.

>> No.4946825

That doesn't refute my point you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.4946827

Fuck off you fuckin bitch moron.

>> No.4946833

try to find some brain cells in your skull to rub together before you post, name fag.

>> No.4946839

Personality is an imagined thing.

>> No.4946846

Bitch. What we like and dislike is our personality, well part of it. Even Emos have personality. So basically your saying we don’t exist.

>> No.4946847

>All I did was give you good advice??
>Have you tried not being ugly?
>good advice

>> No.4946864

The perception of other people's "personality" resides entirely in your own imagination. In fact, your imagination is not even consistent in it's judgments of these imagined personality traits. You will often observe identical behaviors in two different people and perceive them completely differently - all the while being completely unaware you are crafting contradictory narratives while observing the same things.

>> No.4946882
File: 127 KB, 800x1505, C427BAE2-A0A1-49C7-B3F1-9E82CB3F8821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4946884
File: 227 KB, 800x2141, F45E2D8B-782B-4043-8295-CAD33E77117D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4946930
File: 27 KB, 543x454, 1601515345643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just workout

>> No.4947002

Tbh, things like humor and confidence matter a lot with women, but none of that shit works when someone looks at your dating profile, or you're talking online.
Besides, the length women are willing to go to make themselves look good on any given photo nets them a huge advantage in the online dating arena. Most 5/10 or 6/10 women I know, you'd assume they're a full 2 points higher if you never met them in person and only looked at their social media pictures.

>> No.4947006

Both are ugly

>> No.4947363

Well that’s because most girls are players. Or they are just stuck up and bitchy. Those will be the people to die to the next wave god creates to kill the evilest of us.

>> No.4949443

This can happen though, I've had it happen twice.

>> No.4949454

The guy behind the tree holy shit im in tears. Sometimes 4chan is okay

>> No.4949466


Same here. I started getting a chance in tinder when i put a simple charicature of myself on my profile that mimicked an actual photo that was in my profile aswell. I also put my IG in there.

Got some unbelievable matches thanks to that. In fact i met my GF in tinder and she admits she swiped right because of the drawing. She's a bautiful finnish goddess and im a 5'5 blondeish spaniard manlet.

So go figure. It does go places.

>> No.4949474

im glad women can't resist the urge of attention whoring, makes knowing who not to take serious easier

>> No.4949480

An absolute yes. Less than an hour ago I copied someone here that drew an owl and sent it to a bitch. Now she on my dick.

>> No.4949998

Even if the girl isn't an artist, being an artist is generally considered an 'interesting' hobby so even if they're not super into it, they'll go "oh he does art, at least he isn't one of those people who just sits and consumes tv/games all day".

If they're also into art, then that doubles down the interest.

thats a great idea, if i ever get tinder again i'll be sure to use it anon, thanks.

>> No.4950066

can be? It is for shy artsy/nerdy girls. I've had crushes on artists I follow without even knowing what they look like, just their humor really got to me. I refuse to date fat guys tho, so if he makes jokes about being fat it's instakill. The "dad bod" meme was a gigantic lie. Having sex with a fat guy was such a chore

>> No.4950117

>thats a great idea, if i ever get tinder again i'll be sure to use it anon, thanks

It took me a while to figure it out but if you're kind of average looking, your best chance is to have an entertaining profile, and not in a moronic, self complacent way. Girls have dozens of matches and they barely can keep track of them, but whats a rare find in tinder is actual transparency and people who risks putting their most vulnerable self in there without expecting anything in return. And not bringing any grudges or defensive postures with you into conversations, facing rejection with candour and stoicism. I know its hard, specially experiencing the ugly reality of tinder and seduction in general. Just accept that girls have it much easier to get attention and play the game.

My gf liked me as a person but rejected my sexual interest at first but she literally said that i took it so well that she began to fall for me. I literally told her that i wasnt looking for friends in there and that as much as she enjoyed my company, i already had too many friends, without any grudge. That made her respect me in a whole different way and well. Here we are now.

>> No.4950489

That's just Context.
>popular guy in school says he's a loser and has no friends
>everyone laughs, knowing it is obviously a joke
>nerdy loner says he's a loser and has no friends
>everyone gets quiet and tells him to hang in there, believing it to be true

Everyone processes your behavior with your past actions in mind
Behavior is not processed in a vacuum.

Same with a guy wearing pink shirt.
Whether or not you perceive him as being gay or just really confident depends on many factors. Body language, physique, memories with them, etc.

>> No.4950717
File: 1.52 MB, 224x224, 1600951188477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ebin bait

>> No.4950727

blackpill my fucking ass

on these dating sites you have no choice but to judge purely by looks

personality will not come through at all, every single person I met through dating site felt to be a different person than my brain made up by reading their lines of text

>> No.4950732


>> No.4951435

>Everyone processes your behavior with your past actions in mind
This is an example of confusing the narratives you craft in your head for reality

>> No.4952117

I met all 3 of the only women who've ever touched me through art, so I don't see why not.