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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 736 KB, 1303x1257, lsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4882572 No.4882572 [Reply] [Original]

1. Don't post nudity or revealing works.
Bare chest no nipples is a no-go. Some anons have had their art deleted because of this.
Bikini seems to be fine. When in doubt, post a censored copy here and link to the original off-site.

2. **No Porn**.
No, not the retarded "anything with a body in it is porn" standard or "I see her underwear, MODSSS!!!" Use common sense.

3. Due to the PPH (posts per hour versus the ratio of artists posting work) of this general, please wait until page 9 or 10 to remake a new thread or let the general fall off the board entirely before making a new one. Use warosu.org to retrieve the old threads.

Q/A: https://bin.privacytools.io/?2bf5b840df5c7448#8X5IB/iHwyl28KXtZorrT1PLh3OFXn1v60+lsZALMjU=
Q/A Backup: https://pastebin.com/QibnZTPs (embed)

Previous thread: >>4876640

>/lsg/ Specific Resources:
https://pastebin.com/E0tgKZe4 (embed)

>General Resources:
https://pastebin.com/51EwWkA9 (embed)

Any other resources/references you are willing to share will be added. Especially any material that focuses more on this general's subject matter.

>> No.4882665
File: 332 KB, 636x636, 1599361507510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a third /lsg/ thread on the board
>while the ashes in the smoking crater that remains of the first one still haven't even cooled yet

>> No.4882713

One thread is on page 9, the other needs to be deleted as it has outdated information.

>> No.4883275

>first one
The first one started at least 3 weeks ago newfag

>> No.4883293

Pedophiles should burn in hell along with the Jews, vegans, and people who roll up their socks.

>> No.4883300


>> No.4883304

ok cath

>> No.4883305

Microsoft bought Bethesda for 7.5 bn dollars.

>> No.4883308

dont care

>> No.4883309

cath thread. don't post

>> No.4883310

What type of loli and/or shota is your favorite?

>> No.4883315

What retarded shit is this? You're going to let one person dictate where and when you can post? You a cuck?

>> No.4883317

Are you going to tell me I can't post in the other thread? Isn't that hypocritical?

>> No.4883324

The one that look like a loli

>> No.4883325

What does this even mean?

>> No.4883326

I don't care that you don't care.

>> No.4883328

don't you have a gf to attend to, cath?

>> No.4883330

Dont give a shit about you, but commanding an entire thread is where you show you're a massive faggot cuck

>> No.4883332

Wtf is cath
Is that short for catholic?

>> No.4883333

Schizophrenia is no joke, kids.

>> No.4883334

he's a dad autist, don't pay him no mind.

>> No.4883335

Don't know, don't care, don't respond to it.

>> No.4883426

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a pedo in 2020.

>> No.4883436

>Come on guys it's 2030. We shouldn't be judging people for what they ended up being attracted to. I thought we left that shit behind a decade ago.

>> No.4883446

No work posted in 20 posts prune the thread

>> No.4883448

I think the mods autosaged the other one, which was actually active.

>> No.4883588

Am I supposed to post here or in the other thread?Had an anon that wanted to see how to render stuff. I finished my "work".

>> No.4883592

post in this thread

>> No.4883597

The other one. It's older and has more posts. I have no clue why this one was made.

>> No.4883601

Use this one only when the other one dies.

It was made because of muh proper op.

>> No.4883603

Why are there 3 pedo threads

>> No.4883626

One for shitposting and one for postin'

>> No.4883627

This but unironically

>> No.4883703

I wasn't being ironic either, buddy.

>> No.4883732

This is the proper thread. The other one was made by a troll that made threads too early just to bother people. This OP has the up to date information. By all accounts, this is the "correct" thread and I don't understand why the other one is still up.
Post in this one. The other one shouldn't exist.
I'm not OP, making that clear, but what's your deal? It makes sense to use this one over the other one.

>> No.4883738

ok this is the third lsg ive seen in the goddamn catalog today, you p*do n*ggers have got to be trolling.

>> No.4883743

nah it's just C*th reverse trolling these generals

>> No.4883754

Blame the /dad/ general. Those idiots are raiding these threads.

>> No.4883757

One is on page 9 or 10 and will die.
One was made by a troll and people continued using it for some reason.
This one is the newest one. It seems like people will move to this one after the other one is done? I prefer using this one.

Give it a few days and we should be back to just having one thread as normal. Also blame /dad/.

>> No.4883770

>I prefer using this one.
Really? Why haven't you posted art in this one yet?

>> No.4883776


I'm waiting for you to post first

>> No.4883796

I won't post here because I posted in the other one already.

>> No.4883803


>> No.4883805

Now it's your turn.

>> No.4883807


>> No.4883812

That thread has outdated information and was made maliciously.
I'm working on getting used to a new art style first. There's enough crazies that lurk here that I'm not comfortable using my regular art style to draw lolis/shotas.

>> No.4883816

What's the worst thing that could happen?

>> No.4883824

Loli/shota is controversial. I could assume at least I could get "Twitter canceled" or some shit. Could impact future jobs/gigs. At worst, I could be doxxed. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen Kiwifarms shit just because someone drew loli/shota.

>> No.4883835

Did you hear about that whole alke drama? His twitter is still just fine. Nobody will care, especially if you only post here. You're just being paranoid

>> No.4883846

I haven't heard of that drama, but I'd still rather be safe than sorry. I've seen what can happen first hand to friends and mutuals... I'll post here in a week or three probably. I wish I could sooner, but I just wouldn't feel comfortable.

>> No.4884016
File: 574 KB, 322x322, 1249360679496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo! Raider and resident pain-in-your-ass here. I'm the one who was more or less solely responsible for crashing the last thread with no survivors, like the Hindenburg Disaster 2: Electric Boogaloo. How's it hangin'?
Anyways, I've never once posted on /dad/, so I have no idea what kind of community vendetta hoo-ha you fags are on about. I've been called Cath several times and I don't even know who the hell that is. Whoever they are, they must have a pretty comfy studio apartment up in your craniums that they're living in rent free.
Have a nice thread, degenerates!

>> No.4884027

Whoever (you) are you seem to have a really easily bruised ego when someone takes credit for your deeds. And then when someone confronts you to find out who you are you cower back in a corner and give the person a long run around. So let Cath take your credit and try again.

>> No.4884044

Haha what the hell are you talking about? I'll post screenies with (You's) if you want me to.

>> No.4884046
File: 2.10 MB, 626x353, 1516972019337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inane babble
Didn't read.

>> No.4884049

Oh man, you really are seething aren't you. I can feel the asshurt from here.

>> No.4884053
File: 646 KB, 1100x1697, 1599605104430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See what I mean? Ego easily bruised.

>> No.4884055

>you really are [HEADCANON]

>> No.4884057

You fags keep biting baits so easily. This is why dad autists always making fun of you.

>> No.4884061

>make fun
Weak jabs and pathetic attempts at comebacks are barely insults to me. I cachinnate vociferously while they deny facts and reality. They nervously giggle as my words shake them and their threads to the core.

>> No.4884067

Don't feed the trolls guys. It's literally what they want. Don't respond to it and it'll go away in time. Stop giving it attention. Stop replying.

>> No.4884081
File: 157 KB, 1895x639, Screenshot from 2020-09-21 22:09:172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, I thought that >>4884046 was this anon >>4884027

I really don't know what you're talking about, and I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here. Do you think that if you repeat the same thing over and over again that it'll come true or something? That's pretty silly. Anyways, I'm not Cath and I don't know what your beef is with /dad/, but I don't have anything to do with that particular hootenanny.
Now, ego is a pretty laughable thing to accuse me of because I'm- ya know- fuckin' anonymous, retard. You still don't know who I am or anything about me, and neither does anyone else.

>> No.4884084

>You still don't know who I am or anything about me, and neither does anyone else.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm the one who helped dig up dirt on Cath. I'm an expert at archive lookup and have a very strong memory of what people say on 4chan.

>> No.4884102

0 art work posted itt lol

>> No.4884105

Blame the autists using the other thread that should have been deleted ages ago, but mods refused to for some reason.
They refuse to move to this thread. We'll just have to wait for the other one to die I guess.

>> No.4884106

Boy, I'm getting some real strong "what did you say about me, you little bitch?" vibes from this post.

>> No.4884164

Spoken as a true nonartist. lmao

>> No.4884180

I am one. My reasoning is >>4883812 and >>4883824. I'll post here in time.

>> No.4884192

Oh I already know who you are

>> No.4884202

I think it is sad that people find the need to troll this general and insult people here. Every thread it happens. I do not draw this type of art personally but I have autism and so I know what it is like to be bullied for who you are. Lolicons and shotacons, even if others do not, I love and accept you all. Please keep making your art and do not let mean people discourage you!!

>> No.4884204

Thank you. We appreciate you more than you may think. You can make it too, stay healthy.

>> No.4884215

I hope you all die! By a crazy bath salt druggie that eats your face!

>> No.4884418
File: 336 KB, 861x938, sbdsbdbd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrapping up

>> No.4884435

Right is hot.

>> No.4884490

You can have it.

>> No.4884501

That's pretty extreme even for a furfag. That's a rat in a dress and wig with barely any humanity.

>> No.4884522
File: 87 KB, 1000x396, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i call this childhood trauma B) hahaha...

>> No.4884534

Cute cute cuuuute! I think the perspective on the left girl's face is a little off? Flat? Her ands are also a bit large. But still suuuper cute and definitely saved!! I especially love their flowy outfits. You draw fabric very nicely! Do you have any art socials are you okay with sharing?
Nice job! I really enjoy how her body came out and you did really well on her shorts and arm! Nice form!

>> No.4884542

Left girl... Swoll...
Also the rim light at the tip feels off? Left girl ha a little too much, but the direction of the rim light feels wrong. It conflicts with your light source and the shadows already in place. Your shading looks pretty good all around, but you're light source and direction could use a little work. That aside, very good job friend. That right mousey is really cute I want to feed her cheese and crackers.

>> No.4884593

thank you! im not sure how to draw someone laying on the side! im not sure if i had a pillow or used my arm as a cushion. everythings a blur.
I have socials but its associated with my school so i rather not! sorry! i dont rlly draw young girls anyways. i just wanted to vent and maybe tips on drawing younger ppl :)

>> No.4884601

Just remember to apply squash and stretch. Make sure if something is pressing against something, there is interactions shown. Do the pose yourself and see if it feels natural.
Don't worry about the socials, I understand. You may also find some useful resources in the OP!

>> No.4884606
File: 324 KB, 891x927, lkjnk;n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Thanks for the critique my brothers.
Ok. Fixed I guess.

>> No.4884616

Nice. Looking good brother! If you just finished, make sure to wait a bit before posting and let your eyes refresh to double check if you're really done. Stay hydrated and remember not to procrastinate bathroom breaks!

>> No.4884648


>> No.4884666

Dios mio...

>> No.4884669
File: 80 KB, 596x747, New_Drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4884672

what a cutie pie, do you draw with a mouse? What software did you use?

>> No.4884689

I was at work in an aggie, so yes, I used a mouse. Tablet was at home

>> No.4884691

Damn that's some fine mouse work, especially for an Aggie session. Nice job mate. Did some damn good rendering.

>> No.4884695

Hola departamento de basados?

>> No.4884740

La frase correcta quedaría así, Hola Departamento basado, estúpido monolingüe

>> No.4884783

Si si Muchacho

>> No.4884793

Orale wey. Taco taquito taco taco.

>> No.4885192
File: 2.69 MB, 2944x4022, 9E686819-0ED0-4F8E-986F-3212953CFAE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight then, other Anon wanted to see how a certain image would be like if one would have tried to render it traditionally. Here is my attempt.

>> No.4885323

Obligatory flip canvas post

>> No.4885894


>> No.4885901

lo dijo bien mogolico

>> No.4886207

Draw your ideal loli/shota please!

>> No.4886370
File: 222 KB, 1057x1512, 20200922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4886544

Cute! Though, a bit generic. He still deserves all the headpats though!

>> No.4886555

Oh! It's hideousbeing's work

Set base ton first then block with simple shadow then render midtone with SOFT ROUND BRUSH WITH OPACITY

>> No.4886813

Anon... I have no functional way to use a tablet right now... I did it with pen and watercolor. I could probably try to remake it in digital if I can get an order for a GPU to go through, but the only things I understood from what you wrote were the base tone and simple shadow. I’m extremely /beg/.

>> No.4886836

Never render with a soft brush yikes

>> No.4887351

ok, honest question here.

I like t draw loli but my proportions always get fucked up when I don't draw them in the most basic poses ever, and also my poses are always dull, not dynamic and not interesting.
Obviously the answer would be to use references, but, well, it's kinda hard to do that considering the subject.
What's the solution there?

>> No.4887355

draw more. become less /beg/

>> No.4887360
File: 459 KB, 2494x4096, vww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


use pixiv and study other artist

>> No.4887375

Look up 3d artists if you don't want to use real references.

>> No.4887392

that's what I already do. I draw every day without fault, always trying to do better. but it's a long process.

I already do that, but it leads to 2 problems:
-when I study an artist, I end up copying his style. Meaning I also copy his flaws, even when I'm aware of them.
-most artists don't actualy have that much variety in poses. They often stick to what they're confortable with. Can't blame them, I do the same, but it really limits the catalogue of available poses to study.

3d references are fine but there are few artists offering stuff I find appealing. I tried posing models myself, by my 3d poses are as dull and bad as my 2d ones.

Well, thanks for the answers, I'll just keep doing my best

>> No.4887497

It's just that the poses you're talking about tend to be whats most popular.
Look at https://www.pixiv.net/ranking.php
You can count on one hand the number that aren't 'sitting/laying/standing facing forwards at a straight on or slight 3/4ths head angle'

It's what people like, and often times in a bit of irony, the cool shit with very interesting poses from crazy angles gets the least amount of attention, essentially, a dead work.

>> No.4887517
File: 222 KB, 1080x1346, 33fe54b2433c37177c3eddcc51882850_11284008640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artists in this thread has beautiful soul

>> No.4887529

that is so true it kinda hurts.
A pleasant rendering seems to be the most important thing when it comes to popularity...

>> No.4887548

is this shinkun

>> No.4887760
File: 160 KB, 1024x694, [Hanekawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4887765

They're all child molestors, though. How can you have a beautiful soul if you're a monster through and through?

>> No.4887836

Hands too big. Lolis have tiny baby hands.

>> No.4887868

3D models, figurines, and dolls (like BJDs) are great reference material if you don't want to study other artist's works on pixiv. You have to block out the bits of the reference material you don't like. Don't like the faces? Doesn't matter. What matters is the proportions and the pose. Once you can start blocking out things like that, and look at the bigger picture, it will be a lot easier on you.

>> No.4888131

Short petite Japanese girls above the age of 18.

>> No.4888186

That's an old librarian on a small girl's body

>> No.4888299
File: 405 KB, 2000x2000, Untitled-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889038

She's pissed because someone ate the yogurt in the fridge that had her name on it

>> No.4889312

need to make her face smugger just like the meme

>> No.4889428
File: 23 KB, 400x400, EgYqqkGWoAYHAlE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using yourself for the thread image

>> No.4889430

I like this. Blog?

>> No.4889432

She just looks uncomfortable

>> No.4889588

Tsflipp made this thread

>> No.4890251

>slightly sad and confused
>"I wish you were dead but man, beating you up is too much effort"

>> No.4890291

>tsflipp is a pedo
no surprise lol

>> No.4890980


>> No.4891643


>> No.4892038

mainly nsfw

>> No.4892361
File: 561 KB, 644x889, [Hanekawa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank You.
She is just a smart girl.

>> No.4892950
File: 380 KB, 1248x1789, squareup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4892964


>> No.4892967

She really know everything

>> No.4892971

pixiv allows full cunny?

>> No.4892981

Oh, I was already following you. No idea you were here. Good stuff.

You can still get in trouble if you don't censor the genitalia, but it's not an issue until it is.

>> No.4893003
File: 1.56 MB, 1655x2954, demoncun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from earlier this year

>> No.4893008

nice improvement

>> No.4893009


>> No.4893401


>> No.4893516
File: 214 KB, 936x1422, Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893523

love your work anon, any tip on lineart?

>> No.4893532


>> No.4893545
File: 319 KB, 491x745, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I take the cunnypill, bros?

>> No.4893552

no to both

>> No.4893659

Cuuute I love your line work, it's so clean!
Cute! Yes! I think you have great lolitential! I want to feed her one of those big "video game meats" on a bone and watch her go to town on it

>> No.4893692
File: 13 KB, 227x270, 65463452562353456363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a.. a mouse?.. what do you mean you used a mouse?!

>> No.4893834

Not him, but it's surprisingly not too hard if you lower your mouse sensitivity. What type of mouse you have can adjust the difficulty as well. Just takes a little practice and not using mspaint. Definitely not good for your wrists in the long run though, you'll definitely want to double the breaks and carpel tunnel prevention stretches.

>> No.4893897
File: 113 KB, 819x897, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4893906

Nice! If it's alright, I suggest tapering the hair back a little more? I think you're implying she's coming towards the viewer, right? The hair is messing with the perspective a bit. Her hands are also nicely done, but I think her wrists are broken... They're at angles a little too harsh and are unnatural. I really enjoy your torso nd her expression is very very nice! As always, I adore your line work too. Thanks for sharing such a cute wip!

>> No.4893910

her poor leg is melting off her pelvis

>> No.4893917

I wasn't very confident about the hands. I'll see if I can do something.

Yeah, I wasn't happy with it so I redrew the whole lower half.

>> No.4893918

her whole arm looks broken and her neck is fucked

>> No.4893923

I think just some loosely not-completely-closed hands would be fine. Definitely try to do those hand + arm angles yourself to make sure they aren't too straining. I think her left, our right, hand could be left if you adjusted the 90 degree angle to be a less less sharp. I'd also loosen the general pose, but to save time, I think it'd be fine just adjusting the angle... Then adding something nearby, like a ball of magic, would give it some purpose and not feel too off. The other hand, however, I think needs to be redone. The arm as well is a bit off, but I think if you just adjust the lines of her elbow crease, it could be salvaged... Which really is shame, because they're both such lovely hands on their own.
Good luck! I hope to be able to see the outcome!

>> No.4893930

Why do you type like that?

>> No.4893933

What do you mean?

>> No.4893946

This. This is cute. I want you to make more! Of HER!

>> No.4893947

What even is this post? Just tell him it's straight shit and move on.

>> No.4893949


>> No.4893951

But that isn't constructive. Just saying it's "shit" helps nobody.

>> No.4893954

I like this but I think the hips could be a bit wider. This looks more like a boy/trap (not that I mind).

>> No.4893957

we need more young boys in this thread

>> No.4893959

You wasted your time typing that, believe me.

>> No.4893963
File: 122 KB, 638x825, 20200924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno how many other shota artists there are.
Been struggling to make a 'lying down' pose for a while but I completed one tonight.
Will colour tomorrow. Have to decide on background.

>> No.4893968

Why so salty? Did the artist hurt you?

>> No.4893970

I will not and I will continue to offer advice where I can. Whether the artists take my advice or not, isn't my concern. Of course, I'd like for them to listen at least a little bit, but if they choose not to it is alright by me. Even if I waste my time, if I can be of at least a little help to others, I do not mind one bit.
What a cutie! If it's alright to ask, do you draw a base for him to lay on? I think even if you had him laying on a rectangle, it would help you a lot! The only part I think could be adjust is the angle of his foot, since it's a bit too upturned. I think you did a very nice job and he is a super cutie!

>> No.4893971

With laying poses it helps to grid out the ground plane and draw on top of it personally. If you do that you'll notice his right leg is intersecting with the ground.

>> No.4893973

Nice, I look forward to it.

>> No.4894172

Who /supplieshoarder/ here? I feel like drawings lolis is the only way I can repent. Will post something by the end of the month.

>> No.4894591


>> No.4894592 [DELETED] 
File: 547 KB, 1600x1200, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry. I did not draw for 9 years. bought a tablet yesterday because I decided to pik this again

>> No.4895098
File: 129 KB, 531x849, Screenshot_214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little wonky but here it goes anyway

>> No.4895102

Looks more like a teen pretending to be a loli, but that's it's own special charm. I like it.

>> No.4895112

>Looks more like a teen
she's just a little beefier

>> No.4895417

Can someone post that fantia/skeb/fanbox comnparison image?

>> No.4895786

loli is cute!
loli is funny!

>> No.4895809
File: 984 KB, 1941x2785, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

older sketch
redrawing it atm

>> No.4895825

Looking forward to the redraw! How long has it been between this drawing and now?

>> No.4895831

says july this year on the file, maybe a little earlier

>> No.4896111
File: 297 KB, 638x825, 20200926_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't come out exactly how I wanted, but the colours are done.

>> No.4896160

cute and checked

>> No.4896168


>> No.4896171

blog please?

>> No.4896278
File: 369 KB, 1532x1692, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4896280

Why are lolibros better at drawing than furfags? I drop into their general and it's mostly begs.

>> No.4896290

It's just the small sampling. Top tier furries are better than top tier lolicons on average, and I say this as a lolicon.

>> No.4896294

Furfags are too busy fucking their puppies to get any practice done. By contrast, lolifags mostly don't have any babies around to distract them, so they make a lot more progress.

>> No.4896297

the fuck is up with her face

>> No.4896299

She's waiting for the airplane to land.

>> No.4896303


>> No.4896321

I fuck your mom

>> No.4896684


>> No.4896693 [DELETED] 

tran sexual Filipino pedophile = tsflipp

>> No.4896715
File: 3.60 MB, 686x939, [Hanekawa3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies I don't have one.
Nandemo wa shiranai wa yo. Shitteru koto dake~
As you wish.

>> No.4896749


>> No.4896826

Is this an OC or is she from somewhere?

>> No.4896828

How do I draw like you?

>> No.4896837


I wish I had a daughter like her.

>> No.4896841


>> No.4896843

Best in the thread so far

>> No.4896846


blog? pixiv?

>> No.4896852

Is it alright to make requests here or is that a no-go? Sorry, I don't really come to /ic/ often...

>> No.4896856


>> No.4896858

No. Go away, tourist. /ic/ is only for artists

>> No.4896862

Requests, not commissions. I try to commission artists when I can, I just have characters in mind that have very little content made for them.
Alright, thank you. I'm an artist myself, so don't worry. I was just curious.

>> No.4896871


Do you take commissions?

>> No.4896876


>> No.4896903

Is this a fair amount? What result am I expected to get from this?

>> No.4896911

see >>4896715

>> No.4896914

Requests are usually done quick in an hour or 2 tops. $60 is reasonable. The quality can vary but expect to get something like >>4896715
or similar.

>> No.4896933 [DELETED] 

Isn't Hanekawa 18? It's more an /ast/ pic.

>> No.4896958

keep on seething

>> No.4896960

ur dad sucks my dick u mad?

>> No.4896962

hidoi! that may be so but your work will forever be soulless

>> No.4896963

tran sexual Filipino pedo

>> No.4896978

u mad lmao

>> No.4896982


nah hombre
are you mad?

>> No.4897752
File: 116 KB, 620x877, americangirl01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4897761

What is that thing on the left?

>> No.4897766

Cute!!! I adore how you rendered the fabric.

>> No.4897779

I think it’s a leg, but the leg doesn’t attach that low. His lust for cunny got in the way of proper anatomy functions. It’s a simple fix really, but after it’s fixed the pose just wouldn’t make sense at that perspective in a sensual way.

>> No.4897784

It's her prenatal glove

>> No.4897797

...What? sorry but I cant figure out how it could be a leg. I'm trying my best here but I just can't see it.
I dont know what that is... English is not my first language. sorry.

>> No.4897804

The thing you put on to access her womb

>> No.4897836

just do proper studies and move on
it's just a drawing, you'll do better

>> No.4897865

who are you talking to

>> No.4897870



>> No.4897872

who are you talking to?

>> No.4897877

Eh? Ehhhhh?

>> No.4897879

Why are you always so vague?

>> No.4897880

Because I
I don’t know...

>> No.4897883

What are you afraid of?

>> No.4897889


...anyway he knows I’m talking about him so that’s that

>> No.4898016
File: 136 KB, 922x769, sai2_2020-09-27_07-17-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who keeps samefagging this shit? It's just perspectiveless pixiv pin up shit, you'd see on every page.

>> No.4898017

I want her to hold my hand while crossing the street when I get old

>> No.4898023

When this faggot seethes at your work you know you're doing something right.

Keep it up, buddy! You're doing great

>> No.4898038

Honestly I agree with you here. It's cute, but I cannot understand how it gets more attention than the other art in this thread. I hate to say it, but I think it's samefagging too. The coloring is bad, the art itself is mediocre at best... It's cute, but so, so basic. I'll forget it even existed once this thread dies. I just don't get it.

>> No.4898042


>> No.4898044

My work has nothing to do with it. Begone crab.

>> No.4898046

You're the jealous crab here. I guarantee you're worse than him.

>> No.4898054

Nice to see some regulations in the OP.
ya'll potential childmolesters for doing this shit tho.
just stop.

>> No.4898056

Make me.

>> No.4898060


You're just jealous he got more yous than you.

>> No.4898061
File: 7 KB, 466x497, 787978779889r7799d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898065
File: 1.76 MB, 500x333, 1600470149940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: Don't feed the trolls.

>> No.4898070

How about instead of making assumptions and baiting, you defend and point out the good qualities of his work if you love it so much.

>> No.4898075

long time no see gray sketch tranny and somehow for once I agree to you with that

>> No.4898076

I love this so much that I made it my phone wall paper.

>> No.4898079
File: 94 KB, 512x746, 2020-09-25_04-12-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright crab, keep believing your shitty loli doodle is actually worth the (you)'s.

>> No.4898080
File: 18 KB, 466x497, 787978779889r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898082
File: 1.76 MB, 2952x3047, XEbaS6I.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898083

I was talking about the other trolls buddy.

>> No.4898085

yeah, even our resident loligod wyst never got that much attention

>> No.4898087


This is great. Please grace us with more art and ignore the haters.

>> No.4898090
File: 9 KB, 466x497, 78797897779889r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898094

you captured her charm pretty well !

>> No.4898097
File: 11 KB, 466x497, 787797897779889r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898099

am i gmi?

>> No.4898103

why are you drawing like shit on purpose

>> No.4898107

Good job becoming a thread meme.

>> No.4898111

because it's easier duh, im no masochist

>> No.4898117
File: 134 KB, 620x877, bishoujo01a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very much thanks, double dubs friend.

>> No.4898122

best artist itt

>> No.4898146
File: 23 KB, 466x497, 7877978977798894r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898151

do you use programs for lineart? i like your art btw

>> No.4898153

>Decent background & perspective
Stop pretending to be shit and come out of hiding

>> No.4898157

who says i didnt trace

>> No.4898160


>> No.4898161

that won't work, bad art on purpose is a genre but yours is way to bad

>> No.4898221
File: 158 KB, 620x877, bishoujo02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about that, there are some other pretty good pieces. I'll give out some (you)s later.

Yes, arigato.

>> No.4898235
File: 99 KB, 754x697, 2020-09-28_03-37-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These aren't loli. There's other places for your kind.

>> No.4898239

They are loli. They're semi-decent studies of what I think are real children. So it counts.
Your drawings look less like lolis.

>> No.4898263
File: 300 KB, 720x932, dsvdv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898278

Could you link the uncensored one when you finish?

>> No.4898285

Your shit isn't loli at all. Go bother /asg/

>> No.4898303 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 389x748, 20200927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, wide hips betray the loli/shota body shape.
Whats with the phantom hand?

>> No.4898305

the legend is alive

>> No.4898308

wow. nice

>> No.4898309

Loong leg good aesthetic
He's so cute, I want to give him sweets

>> No.4898310
File: 63 KB, 389x748, 20200927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, wide hips betray the loli/shota body shape.
Whats with the phantom hand?

>> No.4898322

Ah woops, I changed the hand position, but didnt erase the old hand.

>> No.4898336
File: 94 KB, 749x606, 2020-09-28_04-59-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because my lolis are pure.

Whole pelvis area is messed up, doesn't look like there's any spine holding the body up, shoulder alignment doesn't match right with the chest either.

This feels like a repeat of this. >>4896111

>> No.4898338

Your drawings look like boneless children made from potatoes. Worst in the thread

>> No.4898343

You haven't improved much since you started. If you'd actually study instead of sketching lolis as your only practice you'd get better. Not that you give a shit.

>> No.4898346

Don't reply to the mentally challenged

>> No.4898365
File: 39 KB, 506x547, 2020-09-28_05-35-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had many breaks, my progress is fast for how little I've drawn, and it doesn't really matter what I'm drawing, I have a good idea at what to practice.

>> No.4898374

At least give your practices you post hair so it's not a complete eyesore to look at. Thanks.

>> No.4898380

gray sketch tranny is bad but samefags are worse

>> No.4898398
File: 206 KB, 620x877, bishoujo03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bully please.

>> No.4898415

cute. looks like it belongs to the 50s for some reason

>> No.4898428


>> No.4898483


>> No.4898513
File: 144 KB, 620x877, bishoujo04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one before I change it up tomorrow.

Many thanks

>> No.4898587
File: 109 KB, 587x787, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898678

please draw more

>> No.4898704
File: 221 KB, 798x1425, rider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4898728

kys samefag

>> No.4898734

t. mad his dogshit didn't get my appraisal instead

>> No.4898745


>> No.4898756

Very nice

>> No.4898770

will you draw her again today?

>> No.4898773

Oh, wow! This looks so lovely, you have a very careful eyes for details, I really like it. Keep drawing more and more!

>> No.4898776

Make a blog alreadyy

>> No.4898778


Could you draw megumin? Please? She already kinda looks like it anyway but her sidebangs need to be longer.

Thanks in advance :) :) :) :))))))))))))

>> No.4898780

I'm in love

>> No.4898782

Do you stream, by any chance?

>> No.4898788

How long have you been drawing and how can I learn to draw like this?

>> No.4898799

You cant, you have to have to be born with talent, soul, the ligament and spark in one go which is practically impossible. Sorry, bro.

>> No.4898804

No, but I'm sure >>4896715 can do it. He's so cool.

>> No.4898808


>> No.4898811

do you take commissions?

>> No.4898813


Can you draw megumegu since the other guy doesn't wanna draw her? Please?

>> No.4898826


>> No.4898828

wait, was that a confession just now

>> No.4898830

Hey there, fellow pedophiles. What's a good source of pictures for ... reference purposes? Feel free to e-mail me at notacop@aol.com.

>> No.4898833

anyone want to do an art trade?

>> No.4898834

sure, draw megumin

>> No.4898845
File: 29 KB, 894x1102, 78779789779798894r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can draw megmuin do u want tme to draw megumni?

>> No.4898853

If you're gonna draw like that then I'd rather not.

>> No.4898854

I really want >>4893516 to draw her.

>> No.4898869
File: 25 KB, 860x925, 787797897179798894r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im better

>> No.4898877

idc I still want them to draw her

>> No.4898882
File: 83 KB, 749x638, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898885


>> No.4898887

I don't need the appraisal of a beg. samefags are worst than dogshit or any other shit though.

>> No.4898888
File: 1.33 MB, 400x225, 9342875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you took my request! Thank you! SHES CUTE!!

>> No.4898889

Lmao at this jealous ass crab. You will never be as good as him. Go post your schizodoodles somewhere else.

>> No.4898891

Lmao anti pedo squad are gone so lolitards are shitting at each other. And they said these threads are getting better lmao. I would take anti-pedo pedophiles than samefag pedos any day.

>> No.4898893

Still mad nobody likes you? lmao. You're not one of us, schizo.

>> No.4898896

but I'm already better than 100% of pedos that posted in these threads. Also you have to pay me 500usd if you want to see my work

>> No.4898897


back to your general, subhuman

>> No.4898899

see >>4898897

>> No.4898900

Lmao samefag talking to himself you're worst than a schizo

>> No.4898904

Ok samefag

>> No.4898905

see >>4894341

>> No.4898906

You're worst than a subhuman samefag

>> No.4898909

thank you again

>> No.4898910

don't recommend me to your containment thread samefag pedo cath

>> No.4898911
File: 10 KB, 687x506, 7877978971797798894r77999d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop fighting or else

>> No.4898913
File: 59 KB, 721x897, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898917

The samefag is trying end the thread so he can start his samefag general. Thread is dead now better call it /sfg/samefag general

>> No.4898920

Maybe if you keep posting you'll get as many (you)s as the best artist itt did

>> No.4898921

just reply to your samefag post. samefag

>> No.4898925

Damn finally a good art here

>> No.4898926

don't talk to me permabeg trash

>> No.4898927
File: 42 KB, 264x277, 1585430095637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898934

says the actual permabeg thrash samefag. You don't even know who you're talking to.

>> No.4898935

got any blog to follow you?

>> No.4898936

lmao the poster counter did not even go up.

>> No.4898939

lmao the poster counter did not even go up. Alright this is my last post, you can create your samefag general with that beg thrash work as OP pic and we'll fill up the whole thread with samefag posts. This is the kind of thread you want right.

>> No.4898940

>Damn finally a good art here, got any blog to follow you?

>> No.4898941

do you have a blog

>> No.4898944

It's so simple but straight to the point. I like it.

>> No.4898947

Meggy is adorable. You're also adorable!

>> No.4898948


>> No.4898951

Those are some very fluid lines, what should I study to get that?

>> No.4898952


you need to be born in the test womb

>> No.4898953

best waifu

>> No.4898956

same fagging itt is pretty strong

>> No.4898958

Is anyone going to post the new /lsg/????

>> No.4898963

waiting for /sfg/ samefag general with >>4896715 as OP pic

>> No.4898966
File: 87 KB, 1199x799, l1cmegr25up51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref for next rthread whenever that opens

>> No.4898968

desu I actually like this work but when the poster got some ego trip, goes full dunning kruger and started samefagging relentlessly. That killed the soul.

>> No.4899027

Wait for page 9-10
NICE Rider. Always a joy to see your art.
Naisu very cute.

>> No.4899099


>> No.4899181
File: 113 KB, 619x655, EF4332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migrate here >>4899172

>> No.4899190

>3 threads again
I can't wait to hear the bullshit... But >>4899181 this thread is better so I'll be posting there. Thanks.

>> No.4899400

Why is she buff and pregnant?

>> No.4899561

But that’s the best parts