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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 448 KB, 1092x644, 12_Flamerex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4857078 No.4857078 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>4849997

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site, not the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

Please comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To become better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>DADcast latest episode (Ep. 3 - Wolfens): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkZnRdLRJs8
>LAS discord (not to be confused with the official DAD discord): Invitations are open for 48 hours on the 1st and 15th of every month. Invitations are not currently open.

>> No.4857099
File: 59 KB, 853x480, 1535484045076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow these threads got past my filter again so I had to suck it up and manually hide it but when I read this I was brought to tears. Women are truly a blight on this earth. I weep for you, brother. Don't let the troons, fujoshits, and basedmen keep you down. I may not participate in this "community" but I stand with you!!

>> No.4857102

I wish Hiroshi moot enact perma ban already.

>> No.4857104

Mods just need to axe these generals off this board. Restore /ic/ to its former glory and let lavaflake rest happy knowing his project didn't go into the hands of madmen.

>> No.4857109

He's a pedo, he deserved that and worse, kinda hoping he was raped as a kid.

>> No.4857115

>he deserved [HEADCANON]
Your schizophrenic ramblings are nonsense.

>> No.4857119

OP is under 30 minutes.

>> No.4857126

You're DADs, alright.
Dumb Ass Dickheads

>> No.4857128 [DELETED] 

? Learn to speak, dumb nigger.

>> No.4857142

garbage OP pic
garbage posts
gonna be a garbage general

>> No.4857145

You're DADs, alright.
Devoted About Daughters

>> No.4857150

Next time include /las/ in your subject.
And post dad of the day.

>> No.4857152

> include /las/ in the subject
don't do this

>> No.4857153
File: 372 KB, 1280x720, km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want Pera you're gonna have to go through me!

>> No.4857154

Just stop making these threads. Pay for ads on 4chan and go away.

>> No.4857168

DAD shows that drawing mindlessly is a meme and you won’t improve whatsoever after years of doing it.

Stop making these threads and choose a career path that is devoid of creativity, like you.


>> No.4857176

its okay anon. we'll still be your friend, should you decide to join us in improving upon yourself

>> No.4857180

i love this little worm man

>> No.4857183

Based pedos stand up for each other

>> No.4857184
File: 3.88 MB, 344x203, 1472663029990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw spergs babyrage in thread because they've been banned everywhere else

>> No.4857186

Is that supposed to be lilramune in the background and (you)?

>> No.4857189

This gif lack of social mixity.

>> No.4857203

>Stop making threads that promote creating art on an art related board.
Yup, checks out.

>> No.4857212

Promote hate and bullying you mean.

>> No.4857220

lilramune looks like such a fun guy to be around

>> No.4857241

This is the most low effort OP image I’ve ever seen in this general

>> No.4857247

tfw you unironically kind of enjoy the op art
that said, would be nice to prefer more finished pieces, it could be from the past week, even. doesnt need to necessarily be chosen from the most recent.

>> No.4857271

dads how do i move past art block
no matter what i draw it just looks so ugly that i redraw it

>> No.4857272

As long as las discord is part of OP, /las/ should be included in the subject.

>> No.4857274

i don't even think that /las/ should be in the OP any longer
if they want to have their irrelevant discord selectively opened twice a month they can make their own thread like unmotivated losers

>> No.4857276

change something up.
completely different brush, subject matter, bg music, canvas color, go for a fucking walk, or browse your saved art folder and pick a couple to steal something from (motif, concept, color, composition, etc)

>> No.4857289

fuck /las/ idiots, and fuck ren

>> No.4857299
File: 154 KB, 945x1500, 1538431225873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no change the title. put las back, so that we may always remember lava

>> No.4857303


>> No.4857390


>> No.4857399

Why do you people feel the need to use words like "n*gger" or "f*ggot"? don't you guys understand those words may hurt other anon's feelings?

>> No.4857402

Shut up, nigger faggot.

>> No.4857408

Agreed, tranny is the superior insult

>> No.4857409

How about you stfu you fucking sand nigger.

>> No.4857410


>> No.4857414

roodypoo candyass

>> No.4857417

>No loli or shota porn
>tripfaggots everywhere
>fucking DISCORD


>> No.4857426

Just saw Pera's post, is he mentally ill? I think people should really reconsider how you've been treating him lately, there's no need to keep bullying him so hard, even if he's a pedo.

>> No.4857433

/las/ isn't even involved with drawing daily any more, it's an old boys club and you know it

>> No.4857465
File: 636 KB, 1500x1000, wkCNFwgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you keep shitting the threads up just for fun and they keep blaming the banned black guy.

>> No.4857469

>back in 8th grade i had this one teacher who hated my guts, my guess was racism
is pera black

>> No.4857470


well yeah, pedos tend to be mentally ill. this shouldn't be a new revelation

>> No.4857490

So if we are being honest, why hasn't Banana banned Pera yet, is it because of pity? or is it because they are both mentally ill pedos?

>> No.4857498

Because he hasn't broken any rules

>> No.4857502

Because being a paedophile isn't against the rules you disgusting, tranny, moral fag.

>> No.4857512

what's up with black people on dad being pedophiles?

>> No.4857514


>> No.4857515

If you're a black daddy you either go the furry route, or the loli route. It's one or the other

>> No.4857516

i don't know
all my black nerd friends tend to be into anime

>> No.4857519 [DELETED] 

The only reason to draw everything is because you have passion for it. Drawing helps the mentally ill, it helps with stress, it also can be a very fruitful career. Everyone please don't give up, even if /las/ ded, There is still life beyond this cesspool. You will find your place, you must at least believe you can make it, to make it. Good luck :D Making new review today :D

>> No.4857522

thanks happylad

>> No.4857529

Call him out in the comments repeatedly and see who banana decides to ban.

>> No.4857540

later in that post he mentions that he's asian

>> No.4857542

the fact these people refer to each other with identities disgusts me. we're supposed to be anonymous. all of you have to be purged from this website.

>> No.4857546

Get a name and join the circlejerk :)

>> No.4857550


>> No.4857552 [DELETED] 

I understand your hate for namefags, but some faggot here keep posting my shit. And then I take the fucking fall for whatever the fuck that person do, I get banned when i share my art as anonymous. Apparently that dad janitor recognize my art.

>> No.4857554

only to dox you faggots as soon as i can

>> No.4857556


>> No.4857559

calm the fuck now nigger, japanese moot won't ban dad anytime soon because the backlinks are good for 4chan seo.

>> No.4857561 [DELETED] 

derp derp if you kept and said nothing I would have let you posted to the site. But you decided not to. Nevermind my range ban on you, you're not allowed to speak up so you can make yourself look stupid lollol.

Now if excuse me I am going to look at my stash pera sent me. We asians have to stick together, you know?

>> No.4857564

That’s fine, I’ll remove them myself when I become janitor.

>> No.4857567

I hate black people.

>> No.4857572

me too

>> No.4857574

why do you hate yourself so much?

>> No.4857581 [DELETED] 

I'm going to end myself on my 30th birthday

>> No.4857583

What method? Do they have guns in Canada?

>> No.4857584

japanese moot won't let it get that far... honestly people are not paying to use this site so it is already heavy enough to maintain. So dad's engagement only boost this site. We are notorious and obnoxious as fuck, as in general the entire 4chan but we still need like-minded faggots to continue this shit show.

>> No.4857587

this nigga shitting up the thread on purpose

>> No.4857595

Don’t be so sure about that. You’ll be eating your very words very soon. Trust me.

>> No.4857596

>spam thread a ton and cause as much arguing as possible
>report it to the mods again to try get the threads removed
>get moved to qa and ignored

>> No.4857599

Qa is worthless. I have been using irc this entire time.

>> No.4857602
File: 926 KB, 840x1113, practice_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some feedback on this piece?

>> No.4857606

begshit >>>/ic/beg

>> No.4857622

calm down, don't attack them, it is pointless, even if you do want to attack, attack them where it hurts. if nobody can access dad, their community dies. Why use 4chan to crush them when you can crush them where they are.

>> No.4857633

pls sir, may i have a tier list?

>> No.4857635

I actually wanted to do a tier list review for dad but from how cunty that dad janitor is, i am more focus on finding out who that mf is.

>> No.4857638

it's the1banana

don't blow your brains over him, he doesn't even draw and finds the only satisfaction in life from banning people like you.

https://dad.gallery/users/2 this is his portfolio so if you wanna do a happy review go all in

>> No.4857641

As the main person who shits up the threads daily, I can confirm that person is not me.

>> No.4857645

not sure, i am finding channels to talk to the mods, hopefully japanese moot wont let these kind of cunt janitor to ever exist again.

>> No.4857646

You want a cookie, big guy?

>> No.4857649

>t. Candy Coon

>> No.4857650

Are you new to 4chan perhaps? Dad mods have nothing to do with these threads. We don't have a janitor here.

>> No.4857653

No, I just don't like people taking credit for my shitposting, unless they are blaming lilramune then it's just funny.

>> No.4857658

>Lilramune pretending to not be lilramune to try to get unbanned.

>> No.4857659

I think most people here knew it isn't lilramune doing all the shitposting and are just being willfully ignorant.

Then again it could also just all be you samefagging, who knows.

>> No.4857667

the janny keeps fucking you over because you're ban evading, you absolute lunatic

>> No.4857668

you people shouldn't make it so easy to find your real names and addresses from your reused internet handles.

>> No.4857673

ramu has the loli threads now so no point in that

>> No.4857681

I wish more dads commented on each others work.

>> No.4857682

Ok you caught me, it's just me again with my 16th persona.

>> No.4857686


Who do you have?

>> No.4857690

How have you been? Have you been eating well?

>> No.4857696

I'm eating peanuts rn.

>> No.4857698

With so much bottled autism you think you would have made it by now. If only you could be productive.

>> No.4857699

I didnt even come on 4chan for months, lmao, which ever nigger that is, probably been giving hell to dad janitor

>> No.4857706

Peanuts are great! I like cashews even more.

>> No.4857746

is that you, anon?
also align your facial structure again.

>> No.4857758
File: 66 KB, 666x400, a12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4857785
File: 114 KB, 1247x879, 3D Shebeasts - The Sad Story of Pera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4857795

Schizophrenic faggot. You, not pera.

>> No.4857798


>> No.4857801

wow, black lives matter, okay?

>> No.4857803
File: 274 KB, 415x622, 1912711896535693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, let's lynch that fucking pedo.
Shush nigger.

>> No.4857805

Ban bateman fag from the site for harassing

>> No.4857806

Racism is cringe, the fact that you guys feel the need to use that word every other sentence shows the little maturity you people have.

>> No.4857808


>> No.4857809


>> No.4857810


>> No.4857813

not him but if you type into google your handle and verbatim search you can easily find some dads real info and more the deeper you dig

even old posts

>> No.4857815

nah m8. just shows they wont allow others to control what they think or say. you nigger faggot

>> No.4857816

You have way too much time on your hands

>> No.4857817

Rip Bateman. How long until some dribble about how are isnt part of his 'rise'?

>> No.4857819

this fag tries way too hard to be a part of dadlore

>> No.4857822

How about you stop acting like a tranny lover?

>> No.4857823

I think I'm safe then, I google myself all the time and nothing leads to my real identity.

>> No.4857828

you are but I found some users real names

>> No.4857833

Are they female

>> No.4857835


I think I got a femdad but I'm trying to make sure I have the right person. 2 guys so far

>> No.4857838
File: 942 KB, 1138x755, 53988579q38948s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you found Pera's could you please send it my way? I will fix his ribcage.

>> No.4857839
File: 50 KB, 290x286, 1358658648161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the famous hacker, 4chan?

>> No.4857850

jesus I found Pera's name in like 2 minutes. Are you guys new to the internet or something?

>> No.4857851

Could you not? femDADs already suffered enough with lilramune harassing them, you guys are a bunch of creeps, racist, losers.

>> No.4857855
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1600, practice_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's from some random (bald) girl from reddit. I think I definitely need to consume more Loomis.

>> No.4857856

brb, disabling all my old social media accounts

>> No.4857858


Nah. I'm gonna find all the femdads and do cumtributes. Better lock your facebergs while you still can.

>> No.4857862 [DELETED] 

So far I found
1. yomotsuheguri
2. Dezukaful
3. 1 femdad but I need more proof it's her

in the meantime I'm going to find more

>> No.4857864 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 750x727, k4qczalha3d41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>google my handle
>embarrassing cringe front and center

>> No.4857867

>get paranoid
>search my name and city
>website comes up with my exact fucking address and birthday
what the fuck is this shit

>> No.4857868

desu that should be a compliment, if one of the femDADs made a vagina juice tribute to my face I would be flattered.

>> No.4857875

Bing can sometimes fetch better results.

>> No.4857885

go draw or stay an ngmi creep

>> No.4857888


>> No.4857896
File: 222 KB, 2048x1536, 9F6E4E23-416E-49B4-A701-BC52BB110D3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedy gold amirite?

>> No.4857904

Beautiful, will exhibit and sell it for $10,000 before they auction it for 20 million in auction house.

>> No.4857907

Is that why dad janitor is so anal-cunty because he is a fucking simp for fem-daddies, thinking he can protect them?

>> No.4857913


>> No.4857919

Why do you feel the need to say this horrible word, trans is the word you should be using, stop acting like a bigot.

>> No.4857926

Shut the fuck up (You) smarmy ass little cunt, if you're nice, I'll let (You) go a round with your crush after I'm done with her, also
I'd be myself regardless of whether I was here or not, but I have several dad supporters (and impersonators)
I kind of shot myself in the foot because I misunderstood how the site works, I thought the counter resets after every submission, I also had to go to work today and also swap out my faulty tablet for a new one. But (You) know, I can make as many mistakes as I want, so long as I overcome and reach my end goal, and finish strong (inside your mom)

>> No.4857936

You're not important and every drop of milk you suckled from your mothers teet was a waste of her mammary glans.

>> No.4857945

Now that’s a good mom joke.

>> No.4857948

Its on his youtube. He's not really trying to hide his name so eh

>> No.4857950
File: 71 KB, 600x300, BQFeg6EpvgLtXjF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you shut your mouth before I cut you?

>> No.4857951
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1551899592524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was in the middle of a sippy when i fucking choked reading this

based bateman-bully

>> No.4857952

true true. Unlike lilnibba's lame bitch jokes

>> No.4857953

Funny, I could say the same as (You), only it'd be true. I should be tending to my homework, but I feel the need to relax by browsing a little longer, so I'll say this. When I went to my wage cage today, it just solidified the idea that I'm GMI. Beyond Lady Luck being a deceitful whore and screwing me out of what I deserve, I have every trait of a winner, no, a GOD, and then some. I saw a whole bunch of useless sacks of meat and skin with their little problems in their little world, slaving for the sake of a few extra bucks. Yes, I do think I'm better than everyone else, and that's because I am. Life got in the way, so I couldn't draw today, but do you know about every day leading up to this one, including before I even joined? I drew, and I gave whatever effort I was capable of, as best I could. So you can insult me all you'd like with your petty little words, but remember. (You) will be the one working a shitty wage job when your joints ache and you have a double chin and a hunched posture from all the damage (You) were too weak for. And I'll stand tall and proud as I always have. I'm the guy that other guys wanna be, I'm the guy all the girls wanna suck and fuck, and I'm the guy that's gonna 'accomplish' in his life. So try your best, but you're nothing next to me.

>> No.4857954

Hey, I take back my compliment.

>> No.4857957

anon that's not fair. buttman is clearly a child so you're only kicking a retard in a wheelchair by blasting him like this

>> No.4857961


>> No.4857966

So proud of you. Maybe two more years and you'll finally draw better than a child with Parkinsons and Cataracts.

>> No.4857972

its glands, glans is the head of a penis

>> No.4857980

Sorry for missing the D, maybe your mother can help me find it.

>> No.4857990


>> No.4857993
File: 13 KB, 302x402, 1528982687422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4858064

Toxic females shit posting detected.
Counter required.
>Post gore

>> No.4858073


>> No.4858077

Gonna have to go with #5.

>> No.4858125

that's right I do so don't test me and get the fuck off my website

>> No.4858127


>> No.4858134

then I'm going to post dead child gore until you go away

>> No.4858136

>implying I didn't go through several snuff film phases in my lifetime
Are you fucking retarded

>> No.4858142

No Daniel, I'm not.
How's MA, btw?

>> No.4858149

>dead child gore
lol pussy shit

>> No.4858151


>> No.4858284

we need a pre DAIB tier list and a post DAIB tier list

>> No.4858331
File: 46 KB, 400x400, thumb_clownmadeleine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dad of the day is… Aerce (リドローOK)!
Say something about art made by this user.

>> No.4858332

what's horrible about the word tranny. it's just short for transvetite.

>> No.4858335

Why do you feel the need to say this horrible word, meanie is the word you should be using, stop acting like a stinky poo poo hole

>> No.4858339

How about you both shut your moths? you mouth breathing niggers.

>> No.4858341

no, u

>> No.4858370


>> No.4858396

ITT: 4chan really wants to use slurs
The oppression is real folks!

>> No.4858399
File: 572 KB, 1754x1240, aerce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what happened here. Aerce does plenty of studies, he seems hard working, but I don't really see much of improvement in his work. Pic related. And that's really surprising to me given how much he studied during that year.
I mean, there are some improvements: his linework become more even, he's a more adventurous with his colours, the way he shades is clearer and more decisive, but at the same time it doesn't look that much better. I thought there would be more of a difference.

Any ideas what went wrong? Or is this level of gains normal and I'm just unreasonable?

>> No.4858406

>"talent isn't real btw"
Yeah right.

>> No.4858409

You can't just blame everything on talent, Anon.

>> No.4858410

Post your improvement, improvement-chart anon

>> No.4858421

Good luck with your chemo, anon.

>> No.4858433

>Improved line quality
>Improved rendering
>Improved design (i.e. BMS, contrast)

It's subtle in these examples but I can see clear improvement. Personally not a fan of the face but there's nothing wrong with it techincally

Even though the 2020 example is a robot I think there's also an argument to be made on the improved understanding of anatomy compared to the previous based on the forms (and that most of it is hidden).

I believe in you Aerce

>> No.4858437
File: 202 KB, 1000x1251, 0dad0815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left was a giant fluke that involved not showing any anatomy past the head while the right is something I could actually reproduce. The main improvements this year were understanding what I was drawing and getting more consistent results.
My personal before/after is this one:
You can see that I was blindly guessing with every element of the drawing (the folds lmao) while the second one has the depth and weight that's missing from anything made last year despite me always going for it.
Overall I fell a lot less like a fraud.

>> No.4858444

been meaning to ask you this, but what books/vid courses did you study and how woulf you recommend going about them?

>> No.4858447

...fair enough, I guess those weren't the best examples. And thanks for clarification Aerce! <3

>> No.4858450
File: 76 KB, 1126x655, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pp in the name
>this style
It really reminds me of lilramune.

>> No.4858452

I agree.

>> No.4858468

Weird to ask me but hey I have a take on it.
I studied from a lot of sources (Huston, RockHe Kim, Proko, Hampton, anatomy for sculptors, "ソッカの美術解剖学ノート" and Vilppu, liked the last three the best) but they all end up being mostly the same. I felt like I got the most out of my studies when I went
>try something
>use any of the sources listed (and/or 3D) to understand the subject better
>study an artist I like to see how it's done in a non-study setting
>try again and apply everything learned
And if I ever have an issue with form I go back to Bridgman, that one feels more like a form textbook than an anatomy one which is great for stylization.

>> No.4858481

lmao are you gonna ban anyone you think is me? I might rejoin just to mess with you.

>> No.4858482

Oh cute Misha, pplord!

>> No.4858491

Lol yeah ban that guy, it's 100% me.

>> No.4858494 [DELETED] 

I'll give you guys a spoiler alert - I already had made several accounts and went undetected. I seems that the anime account wad discovered only because someone (I know) said my name once and eyes were on it. Not that I care because it was just an experimental account to see how I can draw without using any prior knowledge and learning from bad tutorial.

You won't really know it's me when I actually make a legitimate account.Trust me.

>> No.4858521

Aerce you need to study good character design and shapes

>> No.4858525

Nah not him. I can smell that nibba's style a mile away

>> No.4858536

are you sure?

>> No.4858541 [DELETED] 
File: 1.89 MB, 428x318, 7ACC8F12-D40A-6712-YU5C-V9G2UD5T92V3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately of been thinking about masculine man meat unrelentingly. Its been penetrating my mind, impregnating me with thoughts that I cannot ignore. I think about it deep in my throat, widening my windpipe as I gasp for air, pumping its juices inside of me while it throbs rhythmically. When I said I went to work I meant I went to work on some cock or more accurately, it went to work on me... like a newborn finds comfort in their mother's breast, I to found a similar comfort as it pulverized my pathways. Yes, these cylindrical sausages have an interesting 'aura' and I must continue to extract their 'essence' if I am to reach my climax of 'power'.

>> No.4858542

stop avatarfagging

>> No.4858545

Pro tip: you can report posts that break rules.

>> No.4858548

I have a pro ‘tip’ for you: unzips

>> No.4858568

>my best isnt even very good
i should kms

>> No.4858576

>spend all day studying & sketching new wips instead of finishing paintings


>> No.4858577


>> No.4858639

I wish I was able to do this, but unless I can finish it or I delete it, I'm not able to properly study or practice other things.

>> No.4858648

that comic about not getting comments made me cringe

>> No.4858703

I use my real name on DAD but you still won't find me

>> No.4858709



>> No.4858715
File: 160 KB, 419x419, JPEG_20200419_210053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onegaimawsen no

>> No.4858736

I'm really disappointed with what Vusta submitted to the DAIB. He didn't even drew a background. It looks like I'll be placed in a higher tier, not because I'm genuinely better, but because I'm taking it more seriously and I'm putting in more hours.
I guess I'll have to wait for another tourney to get my power level measured accurately.

>> No.4858745

Based mods

>> No.4858774

If you REALLY want to cause people some heart palpitations and panic attacks, post CP. Gore only slightly rattles them if at all.

>> No.4858778

>if you really wanna go to jail post something illegal for the admin to take you to court

Interesting. There are plenty of ways to troll the website without resorting to illegal activity.

>> No.4858782 [DELETED] 

Or just spam images of nude kids that you can get for free from weird yuro nudism sites.
Or spam loli.
These niggers don't have the balls to report anything to anyone beyond their little circle.

>> No.4858785 [DELETED] 

Spam isn’t an effective method unless you wanna fuck with the mods’s heads making them clean up loli daily for free since only they can see it.

Actually that’s not a bad troll idea. Just make several temp email accounts, post a loli and have them mop it up daily for 365 days straight.

>> No.4858789 [DELETED] 

Oh be sure to use nord vpn and on a virtual machine.

>> No.4858790

Deleted for my privacy

>> No.4858799

I can't believe you guys actually thought that was Bateman.

>> No.4858822

Did he ever finish the comic? https://dad.gallery/submissions/64741 It looked promising.

>> No.4858823

Someone tell banana

>> No.4858828


Why are all the anime posters retarded

>> No.4858830

Compare that to what he submitted a year ago: https://dad.gallery/submissions/41722
Anyway I wouldn't be so disappointed since I guarantee there are folks who will take it incredibly seriously and likely won't post until the end of the month. There's still nineteen days left.

>> No.4858838


>> No.4858844


>> No.4858845

I'm gonna do a bunch of pics this month, but no way gonna stress over daib, so chances are I'm gonna update this submission for something better.
Or not, and I still submitted something I put a lot of effort into. It's a difficult angle and I worked at least a week on it, planning, fixing, cleaning lines and shading. 2 character pictures are also something that is out of my comfort zone, I mostly did pinups before.

As for bg, I am a loss at what to add for an undershot, indoor picture so I felt less would be more in this case.

Good luck on your DAIB anon!

>> No.4858849


>> No.4858850

>weird yuro nudism sites
...got any links or recommendations? I need some for reference.

>> No.4858852

Also thought about posting this

>> No.4858856
File: 454 KB, 989x755, Screenshot_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys name your files with unique names?

>> No.4858861

No, I only have one image file that I save over as Untitled.png over and over again.

>> No.4858863

Yeah that’s him confirmed.

>> No.4858864

>no way gonna stress over daib
That's a real shame ;_; I was looking up to you and competing with you really meant a lot to me... but maybe I shouldn't impose my goals and ambitions on others like that.

...could I convince you to a thunderdome battle later this year instead? It's not nearly as time consuming as DAIB.

>> No.4858866

Looks better IMO.

>> No.4858869

Ah, I'll do what I can for daib, but I have so much worries now, it can't be priority. But I'd rather be downclassed than not submit anything at all.

>thunderdome later this year

>> No.4858874

>masterbateman dropped his streak at only 15
lmaoooooo for how much you talked how you gonna be an amazing artist you got 0 endurance

>> No.4858877

>he dropped it after drawing furry
it's over for him, he's been indoctrinated

>> No.4858887

Daddies that lose their streak
How do you feel about it?
I get super anxious over even the thought of losing it

>> No.4858891

I think if I ever lose my streak I'll quit posting on DAD. Not to mean I'll stop drawing though.

>> No.4858894

>masterbateman is a furry.
He just can't get a win, can he...

Still waiting for when he quits and says drawing isn't part of his master plan.

>> No.4858895

Stfu, it's hardly a setback, I was busy and I'm gonna get back on it soon, plus I drew that day anyway so stfu
It's only a small step back desu, I'm gonna get back on it

>> No.4858896


>> No.4858900

I'm not, I was just trying my hand it for fun
You thought I would, but I'm never giving up. I'm getting straight back to it. Also, doodling fetishist furshit for cash seems like a viable source of revenue. I rarely get turned on by what I draw, so no, I'm not a furry

>> No.4858904

You realize that you LITERALLY failed to find just 30 minutes to draw? And that you had a WHOLE day to do it? You're just lazy.

>> No.4858910
File: 2.83 MB, 500x281, 1592921848390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for fun
first stage symptom

>> No.4858921

>Already in denial.
Sure thing, pal.

>> No.4858923

I never thought you would fall this low. I'm disapointed.

>> No.4858924

Not that he had very high to fall from.

>> No.4858944

>cant draw for 30 min each day for at least a month
>pretends he will become a big shot anyway
lame and cringe

>> No.4859009

I think my streak will die today, I could put in the 30 minutes but why submit something awful just for the sake of it

>> No.4859017

because it is about maintaining a habit and not putting out masterpieces every day

>> No.4859018

but that's what bunny always does!

>> No.4859036
File: 495 KB, 1920x1692, EgP6_X0X0AEnnks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False alarm I changed my mind I'm drawing right now sorry for my bad post

>> No.4859073

>go compare my submission from today from the same day last year
>weirdly has a pretty similar pose even though content is different

>> No.4859167

you now realize you’re bad, congrats

>> No.4859193

Sometimes you have to be cringe to achieve your goals. Getting to socialize about your work helps a lot.
Remember to join the vc, shy dads.
One daytm

>> No.4859194

Post work from one year ago vs today

>> No.4859326

i'm worse today

>> No.4859334

I give zero fucks now. Some days I’m just not in the mood to draw. Or maybe I start drawing in the evening after rollover. Joining the site definitely instilled a habit for me to draw much more frequently than I’ve ever done before and more seriously too but once I realized I was spending a couple of days rushing garbage just to post I just let my streak die and toggle my frequency to 3 days or a week or whatever.

>> No.4859337
File: 434 KB, 245x240, 17E6E5D4-8ECB-4F5A-8775-975A29745784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading all this seething and the fact I live rent free in your heads

>> No.4859354

>is an annoying faggot that shits up every thread
>hurr hurr rent free
Get a better comeback, kiddo.

>> No.4859364
File: 104 KB, 500x281, 7aa8afa4fd3ddbc7d86f289e75202196bbf3741a_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, I sometimes do different drawings on the same canvas without realizing it and then when I go to save it will say "comic2 already exist" so I just start typing random nonsense like "hnfhihoiehfoievffgthgbdxtrttth" and click save

>> No.4859371

Not even proper context when you bring the clown parade everyday. I would expect anything more from a cringy teenager like you.

>> No.4859374

If no one is going to post work I’ll post a comparison of 1 year of work for all page 1ers when I get home.

>> No.4859385

I'm 30, am I the oldest dad here?

>> No.4859400

I'm 43.

>> No.4859404

I'm gonna turn 30 this october

>> No.4859409

do it

>> No.4859413

When will you get home? I'm kinda interested in seeing that.

>> No.4859414


I'm 32

>> No.4859416

Wont be for like another 4 hours, unless someone else wants to do it.

>> No.4859417

I'm patient :)

>> No.4859419

>tfw no gf in her 30s

>> No.4859421

I'm 74.

>> No.4859425

...ok, I'm having a hard time believing that. Could you post a picture of your old hands with a timestamp?

>> No.4859429

31. We’re all gonna make it, bros

>> No.4859436

>he thinks he's gonna make it
You'll probably die of old age any moment now.

>> No.4859455


I draw every day whether or not I can be assed to scan or screencap for others to see. That knowledge is good enough for me - sometimes I just let my streak drop without realizing it, but it doesn't matter because you can just start over again. You should be drawing for yourself, anon, not because of a website counter

>> No.4859491

no, no it absolutely is not

>> No.4859520

its easy, we ban everybody that joins dad that does not turn out to be a furry within two weeks

>> No.4859556

24, and started to take art seriously only a couple of months ago. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.4859563

It's very possible, keep going!

>> No.4859718

Why would you think this guy is me?

>> No.4859731

we know you're not him
don't worry about it

i just hope people don't give you shit out of paranoia, but basically, this dude has been a thorn in the community's side for well over a year now

>> No.4859734

You’re speaking to me, not ppgun.

>> No.4859738

ok, well, then fuck off like you said you would

>> No.4859739


>> No.4859877

Why is the thread so dead?

>> No.4859899

begone, crab

>> No.4859904

because you told the people who talk the most to fuck off

>> No.4859910

But, I didn't? I rarely post in the threads, I just like seeing what people are talking about.

>> No.4859922
File: 3.64 MB, 2708x2800, pageonesept111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this for fun, tried to just pick 1:1 what was posted on 9/11 aside from if it was a plain study or if they didn't post that day.
Also this isn't a great way to show progress, I just think it's fun to see what people were posting a year ago today.

>> No.4859928
File: 2.76 MB, 2708x2800, pageonesept1112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second batch, working on finishing page 1 now.

>> No.4859931

There's no need to treat lilnigga like that just because he's a nigger, after all he's better at art than pretty much everyone in DAD.

>> No.4859942 [DELETED] 

third batch

>> No.4859945
File: 2.80 MB, 2708x2800, pageonesept1113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third batch

>> No.4859955

ah yes, yearly page one recap. An explosive new 9/11 tradition.

>> No.4859957

i know hes not week1 and he quit but i wanna see that bananafaggots ansolute fail to improove

>> No.4859960

Sure, we can talk about Banana's improvement after we talk about your's first

>> No.4859971

only big fail defend banana "art" because they are fail too

>> No.4859976

I like this pic so much

>> No.4860006

"I know it's not relevant and it's doubly not relevant but I really want to shit on banana for no reason at all" I wonder who this could be..

>> No.4860014

People who go after Banana but refuse to show their own art are probably all worse than he is

>> No.4860015

I live rent free in your head, that isn't me.

>> No.4860021
File: 162 KB, 612x868, field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my art, now stfu.

>> No.4860022

Lol no it's not

>> No.4860023

you fucking owned that banana faggot. Good job!

>> No.4860064
File: 172 KB, 595x631, Selfie kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4860069

Nice image-editing skills, anon-kun. Now I know for sure you're worse than Banana without even having to see your art

>> No.4860073

Ok you caught me, this is just my 17th persona.

>> No.4860184

whos got the strongest gains though?

>> No.4860185


>> No.4860197

pretty huge even if its a sketch vs finished work

>> No.4860258
File: 124 KB, 450x297, 1576285997556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4860283


>> No.4860295

usually the date unless it's something I think I'll want to be able to find later

i.e. 20200910 cats with hats

I take screenshots instead of resize and export for dad because I think it has the best viewing experience for the quality:filesize ratio. That is unless it's actually good or a finished piece then I save properly.

>> No.4860298

How about you stfu? what you said wasn't funny at all.

>> No.4860320

is this autism?

>> No.4860323

yeah this is the best naming strategy

>> No.4860334


>> No.4860339

Ugh. Dads that can't get out of page 7 without getting eliminated few times are pathetic.

>> No.4860343

>#1 most ignored dad


>> No.4860344
File: 231 KB, 400x400, thumb_cirno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dad of the day is… Proton Pixel!
Say something about art made by this user.

>> No.4860347

>I sleep
It's way too soon for a george floyd meme like that. racist

>> No.4860377

i think an sjw would say a george floyd joke would never be ok. try again anon i believe in you

>> No.4860379

How about you stop acting like thug huh? like the blacks? what do you think about that ? retard.

>> No.4860398

>the blacks
Ask me how I know you are a racist piece of shit.

>> No.4860464

whats your favourite color DAD?

>> No.4860499


>> No.4860505

Please do your best!

>> No.4860508


>> No.4860564

How is your DAIB piece coming along? We're over a third of the way into the month, you've started, right?

>> No.4860567

No I won't be able to make it, I'm too busy.

>> No.4860570

vusta -15%
meru +20%
bunnyburger +25%
gottagitgud +20%
oneironaut +30%
whizzard +40%
bezdomny +20%
guespiere +5%
cgraphite +65%

>> No.4860577

saucy +70%
konsui +110%
nsix +150%
notosh +15%
engeemi +90%
lafayette_tiki +55%
tsutra +30%
peltingfury -5%
coin +30%

echo -15%
goblin -50%
tang - 30%
grabsein -35%
dtierdaddy +100%
autoreiv +25%
tabascoshrimp +30%
huhnchen +25%

>> No.4860633

I like all of the colours a lot desu but yellow gives me good vibes so I think it's yellow

>> No.4860679

it is objectively the best colour

>> No.4860699

thanks for doing this dad, I wouldn't have remembered even remotely what I did last time this year, let alone how shit it is
I think I'm happy with my improvement using this as a comparison, along with my own thoughts on the matter - but could definitely be even more gains if I put in more time.

>> No.4860710

Orange when I don’t feel girly. Magenta when I do.

>> No.4860755

Gottagitgud is vastly underrated and is really the only one who made actual improvements. 2nd would be tabascoshrimp and 3rd Nisix. Everyone else stayed the same.

>> No.4860757

Actually 3rd tsutra and 4th nsix

>> No.4860760
File: 239 KB, 850x850, MIku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I'm thinking this anon is based

>> No.4860788

Your hyperboles are retarded

>> No.4860794

no you

>> No.4860831

tsutra's improvement is undeniable but he's in the "only ever does studies/copies and any rare original work is comparatively underwhelming" camp tbqh

>> No.4860859


Can you do a chart of more high streak users? This is a little underwhelming.

>> No.4860881

he quoted crime statistics?

>> No.4860882
File: 203 KB, 460x799, a83BooV_460s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real sad hours

>> No.4860889


>> No.4860922


he should quote his mom instead

>> No.4860934

stop the dithering

>> No.4861005

dreamed about having a DAD harem last night

>> No.4861014


>> No.4861017


>> No.4861019


>> No.4861046


>> No.4861071

Like more images or more users?

>> No.4861081
File: 218 KB, 220x160, B22B8C28-66E8-48A2-A615-A806DD962A13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he’s a very based guy who could come in very handy for a certain man’s ‘rise’ to power, he’s improving and definitely gmi out of all the people here, he should maybe work on proportions and figure drawing though

>> No.4861097

RIP June

>> No.4861129

another permabeg down

>> No.4861186

kino sakuya

>> No.4861189
File: 447 KB, 1004x3947, 9f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protect bunnyburger

>> No.4861280

I think my boyfriend is going to break up with me. I was going to keep a streak but I guess not.

>> No.4861281

eat bunny

>> No.4861288


>> No.4861328


>> No.4861375

That's very faggy of you, anon. Hope you'll find another boyfriend when you get good by keeping you streak.

>> No.4861376

is everything alright with netizen?

>> No.4861413

Lucky you. I wish I had a boyfriend. *stare*

>> No.4861424


>> No.4861432

real gay hours

>> No.4861460

who is the gayest dad

>> No.4861471
File: 613 KB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does the site support webm? It would be fun to do some small animations with audio.

>> No.4861484

Eastern europoors.

>> No.4861487

no, open to pull requests

>> No.4861562

does swallowing the jizz of your artistic boyfriend channel his gains into you?

>> No.4861575

Absolutely yes

>> No.4861586


retard too coward to show how shit fagmin of site is

>> No.4861589

Do it yourself

>> No.4861594

pera keeps posting retarded descriptions under his artwork but I am too lazy to screenshot that shit

>> No.4861596

fine dickrider i will do

>> No.4861598

He's not page 1 retard

>> No.4861603

imagine getting so assblasted by banana that you have to go out of your way to try and shit on him

>> No.4861609

yeah i know faggot whos retard now
stupid banana cocksucker

>> No.4861610

>whos retard now
he can't even speak english lmao

>> No.4861613
File: 15 KB, 559x423, 1597005234711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4861641

Hope he keeps it up, I'm enjoying them.

>> No.4861666

Carlos/Juan/Pablo tranquilo, you are embarrassing yourself.
Banana may be a tranny lover, but you just look like a clown, and you are acting like a nigger.

>> No.4861667

Does swallowing my own cum double my gains?

>> No.4861676

Yes and yes

>> No.4861685
File: 113 KB, 550x550, EZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I've been doing it daily, twice a day, for like 3 years, seems like I'm the one who has made the most gains in here.

>> No.4861696

its not fair why do the homos get all these statboosts? this is seriously unbalanced, the gay furry meta has been stale for years now

>> No.4861703

n a m e s

>> No.4861725

He reminds me of someone that used to do that a lot.

>> No.4861811

Speaking from experience?

>> No.4861836

My wrist hurts so much.

>> No.4861876
File: 234 KB, 640x448, lelouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All according to my plan, I'll be on page one in no time

>> No.4861907

So, Gomer is just going to get to upload a blank image when people have gotten nailed for more?

Guess I'm uploading a polar bear in a snowstorm.

>> No.4861927

Well, he's not a pedo.

>> No.4861995

That can be changed with a little gomer grooming

>> No.4862096

literally who

>> No.4862219

is bjork currently the strongest daddy at drawing?

>> No.4862263

No, Bjork your art is shit.

>> No.4862266
File: 981 KB, 2500x2500, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will thanks!
make me
If an Übermensch of the likes of you believes in my then I have no doubt that I'm GMI.

>> No.4862431
File: 70 KB, 564x736, 1599522460874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread:

Next thread

>> No.4862434

How about you stfu? huh? have you ever though no one cares?

>> No.4862435
File: 90 KB, 600x800, 1570333644493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care about you

>> No.4862446

Ok, you got me, I do care.

>> No.4862998

these are cute
now i want to draw japanese style white fox boy getting cummed inside