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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 912 KB, 1920x1792, alex-jay-brady-nk4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4828547 No.4828547 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many high end concept artists/ illustrators 100% mentally ill? ...

This guy posts the same image of an article under every Ben Shapiro's tweets..:like literally every one.

I wanna say something to them but they'd probably think I just hate them or something, I just want them to quit their bullshit..and post more work.

Also Pic Related, it's "The guy with weapon's grade autism for ben" 's work

>> No.4829651

>high end concept artists/ illustrators 100% mentally ill
It's pretty much only the ones who are very online. The others just lurk on twitter or 4chan or whatever when they're taking a shit or something but never actually engage with people.

>> No.4829682

Lets be real, you'd have to be crazy to use social media. Twitter is full of crazy.

>> No.4829729

Because you have to be retarded and nuts to use social media much nowadays. It takes one fuck up and an autistic tranny to make your life hell for months to years.

>> No.4829819

what a cool rendition of the Shai-hulud

>> No.4829899

Why does this look like some big black piece of poop/penis like thing. Damn.

>> No.4829907

How tf do people keep posting stuff on social media? I'm afraid of annoying my followers with my shitty art

>> No.4829954

I just got diagnosed bipolar 1 along with anxiety/depression/ptsd (my dad had paranoid schizophrenia and was abusive in many ways)
Does this mean I'm cut out to be great?

>> No.4829968

The industry is competitive and unfortunately neurotic personality types tend to thrive more easily in that environment. Not everyone is that way but even if you're not you either learn to develop a thick skin or you get cut out. Not every creative industry is that way but is certainly true for concept art. From my experience illustration can be both but generally does not seem to attract AS many neurotic personalities.

>> No.4829974


Do you have a chip on your shoulder and obsessive about perfection?

>> No.4829983

Are you a crab? If so, yes.

>> No.4830029

This nigga really took a photo of an outdoors corrugated drainage pipe and put some clamshells on the front. It looks like fucking garbage

>> No.4830090
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 4O9VJnRJ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butt ugly troon
Ofcourse this freak would be orbiting Ben Shapiro, trannies are almost completely incapable of ignoring and accepting that most people just find them to be gross and unfuckable, and will use every powerplay in the book for the off chance it gets an apology, approval, and have its lifestyle validated despite countless other people kissing its ass. It will eventually kill itself because it's not even living for itself, which is the true tragedy here.

>> No.4830677

Art is so frustrating that it makes people mentally illed

>> No.4830686

Let's see op.
>ADHD makes you in the zone
>autism and OCD makes you attentive to details and strive for perfectionism
>Schizophrenia makes you draw bizzare things
>Bipolar makes you express depression and manic better
>Narcissistic disorder makes you work hard for fame

>> No.4830688

idk, they/them are a decently cute twinkhon all things considered imo.
too bad about the mental illness & shitty personality though.

>> No.4830715

because 'mentally ill' is a scientific layman term.
high end concept artist are technically visually hyperbolic

>> No.4830791

On what you're basing your claim that neurotic type would thrive in competitivene environment? Genuinely curious

>> No.4830807

if you're not mentally ill dont bother doing art

>> No.4832675


Without going into too many details, first hand experience. I'm not interested in looking for work in that industry anymore based off of the types of people Ive met. I can say with certainty that everyone KNOWS about this toxic environment and just adapt to it if they want to survive. Unfortunately the industry is small and a lot of, "making it" involves not only getting good but also rubbing shoulders with the right people. Neurotic personality types tend to fit right in the groove of obsessed with getting good, and capable of climbing over others to get on top.

There are plenty of equally paid creative jobs with less manic personality types.

>> No.4832678

you need to get out more.

>> No.4832695



>> No.4832697

why do you assume that just because someone is an expert in a given field that they are at all competent in any other?

>> No.4832712
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, PonySpace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Shapiro is funny enough though I'd never vote for him.
I deleted the hell out of my twitter after they started tagging their pronouns in their Bio.

>> No.4832718

that's the mixer brush

>> No.4832721

>Concept artists

I don't know. I notice concept artists are usual the most "neurotypical" compared to the other types of artists

How come it seems like every other artist on Twitter is either a tranny, MTF and FTM or le non binary with they/them/shim pronouns in their bio in addition to the rest of the shit said in >>4830686 Maybe that's why I follow mainly Japanese and other eastern artists. Not because of the dumb "Less drama and politics" meme but because they seem more normal.

I miss the DeviantArt era when I didn't see as much of this shit. The artists on there were still crazy but it wasn't this type of crazy >>4829729

>> No.4834912

every asian is fucking insane anon, like fucking 80% of koreans are psychopaths (source: my ex korean gf), Japs are suicidal and have a sub culture focused on escapism, you already know the chinks are fucked, the list goes on. Only difference is that they have the decency to keep that shit to themselves, something americans cant seem to understand.

>> No.4834977

>high end concept artist

>> No.4835001

I don't care for him, but at least he can laugh at himself. If you can't laugh at yourself, you have no spine.

>> No.4835006

"in the zone" wat does this mean

>> No.4835015

because being mentally ill is the only way any human being can spend an ungodly amount of time learning to draw

>> No.4835023

I would have thought this was some exaggeration by ~le right-wing douche that bashes trannies~ or something, but I HAVE WITNESSED IT WITH MY OWN EYES. The same exact situation, an actual autist and tranny, going full-retard mad at some innocent streamer while all of us were confused.

>> No.4835225

Whats your social media account? I’m gonna cancel you as well whiteboy

>> No.4835276


>> No.4835338

Intense focus and flow

>> No.4835427

Don't adhd'ers have the opposite of that

>> No.4835447

So when did you guys realize that by posting on a Himalayan saltmining board that you committed premature career suicide if anyone just reverse image searched some of your art?
These people are the gatekeepers to the creative industry, do you think that having a whiff of >>4830090 anywhere near you gets you anything other than getting added to a blacklist?
Tl;dr we’re all so fucked. Hopefully you never uploaded anything important to you here.

>> No.4835465

In some cases some people can "hyper focus"
where they'd ignore everything beside to what they're doing right now.

>> No.4836006

There's a reason people hardly posts their work, or gtfo long before they make it

>> No.4836462

Not that anon, but you just described me to a T.

>> No.4837874

Based Ben

>> No.4837975

When I post on this board I usually just post to the /beg/ thread where I upload my practice drawings that I don't upload anywhere else. But I'm purely a hobbyist so it doesn't matter if they find me or not.

I think if you're a porn artist it also doesn't matter if you openly post here or not. I notice with porn artists, their audience doesn't really give a shit what their political opinions are as long as they draw art that makes them coom. Marmalade mum attention whore artist recently got called out for making "anti-semitic" posts by a blue check mark account it doesn't look like it slowed her down at all

But I also noticed I never saw any popular sfw artists being called out yet for being previously associated with /ic/ yet

>> No.4838093

these people were probably socially ostracized because of how weird they were, which gives them a lot of free time. free time to grind art.

>> No.4838110

>Marmalade mum attention whore
God bless her and her fat ass

>> No.4841095

rent free

>> No.4841164
File: 110 KB, 799x616, FE470A2C-BB5B-48DC-BCB4-93393B7146FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every asian is fucking insane anon
>like fucking 80% of koreans are psychopaths( source: my ex korean gf)
Please tell me more about this, it’s a strong theory I have but I haven’t been able to find concrete evidence because
> Only difference is that they have the decency to keep that shit to themselves
And I feel anons on the interwebs are a surprisingly reliable source of info. When it comes to every Asian I’ve known, it’s like I can “see” something dark hiding inside them

>> No.4841188


>> No.4842049

holy shit, this.

>> No.4842057



>> No.4842077

It’s the truth though. If you see this anon, please help me find the truth, we could stop the impending chink invasion together

>> No.4842593

This. Living in Japan and I feel like the entire structure of this society is built upon some immense darkness they have, a natural lenience to cruelty or primal darkness they built immense cultural walls around. But its always there, that darkness. I can feel it all around me but it's impossible to explain. Something in the body language, the stares, the thinking process. Something I just can't explain. Something I never got back home or from countries with a similar culture/race background.

It's so bizzare. I love it and hate it here at the same time. I feel like the same people who say good morning to me could've buried me in a ditch if they had benefit from it.

I almost feel like I'm living in a caricature. Not nearly as bad as the clown world that is the US of A though.

>> No.4842604

When in rome, do as the romans do

>> No.4842618

Similar situation, lived and worked in Japan for many years. There's a profound sense of ennui more than anything, there's just nothing important, no sense of urgency, no interest in changing anything at all. But yeah, if guns were suddenly widely available it would be a bloodbath here.

>> No.4842638

Passivity and mediocrity breeds mental illness