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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 77 KB, 900x900, le 0,0000001% progress face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4728773 No.4728773 [Reply] [Original]

>anon, help me...help me please
press H to help
press F to abandon

>> No.4728827

press S to spit on OP's face

>> No.4728860

t. Volen

>> No.4728880


>> No.4728904

I’m sorry I will purchase your gummy please don’t die

>> No.4729072

Quick rundown on this guy? Why is he as much of meme as merc_wip?

>> No.4729136

Just look at him

>> No.4729139

Looks like a slavic hitman.

>> No.4729651
File: 149 KB, 900x900, 32D5CECC-6B24-42AE-9218-C59386CF82E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4730073


>> No.4730082
File: 206 KB, 893x893, FaceApp_1586806129469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-where did all the time go

>> No.4730103

Goes Algenmode and doesn't improve. Scary.

>> No.4730300

Talent is real?

>> No.4730314

How do I avoid becoming this guy?

>> No.4730481
File: 31 KB, 337x400, 5A3A4DD4-6F51-48B4-BB6E-9584AC4DD5ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t hyper focus on theory. Have you seen Volen’s chart? That’s a good indicator about what’s going on in his head - he wants to work out the ‘how’ of art and then use that knowledge to draw. That’s not how it works. Take Sargent and Freddie Moore for instance, their processes were so intuitive they couldn’t even explain it. You don’t reach that level of excellence by first thinking about it, action is always primary. The reason why so many art teachers say “JUST DRAW” is precisely because of this

>> No.4730494
File: 33 KB, 318x447, E968839A-EDE9-4ED1-8AB6-715AC378243C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sargent, kim Jung Gi etc, prove talent is real. It comes with or from compulsive drawing from childhood. However, not everyone who gets hood starts out that way.

The best guy to study and practice if you want to master spontaneous, intuitive, responsive drawing is unironically Nicolaides.
Trash talkers don’t get it and never applied it properly. If they did they wouldnt trash talk. Thats how you know.
In a class setting, with live models, magic happens.

>> No.4730497

Nah, Volen's problem is that he isn't diving into the basics enough. I used to think like him, constantly rushing to improve and constantly trying to get to as high a level as possible. I'd tell myself "Stop studying construction and form, that's too basic, do something more productive like copying anatomy plates". Volen does way too many painting studies and full rendered work. That's too slow of a way to learn, since it doesn't give you enough practice in basic construction. I watched him draw when his gumroad course got leaked, he really needs to work on line drawing/construction more.

>> No.4730584

Volen's problem is that he has no talent.

>> No.4730816

Learning to draw from someone who can't draw doesn't really make sense to me. I'm a /beg/ so maybe you can help clarify this.

>> No.4730919

> Nicolaides couldn’t draw.
Ok faggot.
/begs/ have no business saying shit like that. Learn your shit first.
He taught at ASLNY alongside Bridgman, Hale etc and had amazing results with his students - he must have had something going on.
His method was simply THE way gesture was done before the Fine art got subverted to all shit and commercial Animators and Cali/ArtCenter types became more prominent in The US.
He fucking invented the word. Before that it was not in books.
Anyway Its the way I learned to draw when I was in high school. An amazing teacher just threw us little comics and Frazetta copiers into it and turned us into Artists who could fucking draw.

People can turn their nose up at it if they want. Their loss.

>> No.4730927
File: 2.19 MB, 2840x3808, F8E6EA15-9C67-4BD2-8DBA-8514383BB70C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't appreciate this and prefer fucking manga you probably should ignore Nicolaides.

>> No.4730936

>He taught at ASLNY alongside Bridgman, Hale etc and had amazing results with his students - he must have had something going on.
I can only go by his actual drawings and literally all of them are bad. I mean, it's bad. Am I supposed to pretend that it's good?

>> No.4730960

>kim Jung Gi etc, prove talent is real.
Is clear you know nothing about kjg

>> No.4731029

Plain awful.

>> No.4731146

Ha. Ok loser.

>> No.4731172
File: 46 KB, 285x322, 1567875392605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I do it it's "messy", "unpolished", "insecure line", "lack of understanding", but when Nicolaides does it, it's "better than manga".

Fuck you.

>> No.4731210

If you’re the same guy all I can say is he has been very influential on myself and great artists, many of whom didnt know it.
If you are not interested in the testimony and results of his students and colleagues then don’t ask.
Im not going to put more effort into explaining shit to a teenage troll.

>> No.4731214

>he has been very influential on myself

>> No.4731218

Yeah right. Here. For you.
Blow me.

>> No.4731225

Kimon Nicolaides is a shit artist and only retards recommend him.

>> No.4731232

Anyone who listens to trolls about this will miss out.
Simple as.

>> No.4731233
File: 1.06 MB, 1025x754, 1591973870285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average d/ic/k is an e-celeb worshipping zoomernormie who will want to suck your dick if you're famous or have higher social media numbers than them

>> No.4731238
File: 162 KB, 750x750, nicolaides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who doesn't want to draw like a drooling retard will be missing out.

>> No.4731263
File: 49 KB, 395x512, 2D4899E4-BC0B-4A16-8D2F-62F6DC259B4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would probably think Rodin is a drooling retard.

You are actually a ngmi retard. There is no way you are young enough to recover from your retardation and become an artist.

>> No.4731270

pyw retard

>> No.4731299
File: 1.53 MB, 1000x1243, 3ECF763B-60DC-4051-A391-907601F739F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Rodin drawing is leagues better than the garbage Nicolaides scribbles you’ve posted. Don’t get me wrong, I love loose gestural stuff, however I still get the feeling Nicolaides was a fake

>> No.4731315

At least the lack of talent is.

>> No.4731317

Also I’m glad that creep was canceled

>> No.4731361

I didnt post any nicolaides.
Unlike the autist shitposter on this thread, I never cared to see his his drawings.
When I learned his system in the 80’s I didnt even know it was his system until long after.
It’s a seminal program of learning gesture drawing on a very intuitive, subconscious, automatic level - - as it was understood by generations of masters before him.

He had great empathy for the subject of gesture and was able to impart it. Again, not just influential but seminal, entrenched.

Marshal V is an example of a brilliant teacher whose drawings and illustrations are not for everyone.
People don’t have to believe me, I could care less. But it’s an important system or way of understanding gesture - ignorance of which is to the artists detriment.

>> No.4731365

Nicolaides is garbage. Just let it go, idiot.

>> No.4731393

>Nicolaides is garbage
His book and system sure as fuck isnt. The fewer people who study it, the less competition I have. So it’s all good.
Anyway, you’re obviously a shitposting pos. So tongue my anus.

>> No.4731404

I'm a literally who and I scribble really hard like that and surprisingly I've rarely been insulted on /ic/

>> No.4731405

KJG claims he was drawing "3d" in kindergarten and comprehending how far he was from his peers

>> No.4731422

>His book and system sure as fuck isnt.
His art is garbage therefore his book is garbage.

>> No.4731448

I had a figure drawing teacher who swore by Nicolaides, and it informed his teaching method. He basically had us making messy gesture drawings for weeks, then some contour drawings, until we finally arrived at fully rendered drawings.
DESU I've probably learned more from Loomis than from those Nicolaides-inspired classes. Don't get me wrong, there is value in just intuitively drawing, but it has to be balanced out by systematically learning things like perspective and construction. At least in my case (I do think different learning styles play a part in drawing).

>> No.4731465

Who is a bigger hack, Nicolaides or the drawabox guy? I'm thinking Nicolaides.

>> No.4731477

False as all fuck.
Have you ever seen Vilppu’s personal fine art?
Just shut up.
You’re just stupid and beneath this discussion.

>> No.4731485

>/ic/: "those who can't do, teach" x100
>also /ic/: why would I learn from someone who can't draw??

Enjoy learning nothing from anyone ever lol.

>> No.4731486

>Have you ever seen Vilppu’s personal fine art?
Vilppu can draw well and Kimon can't. But please continue with the retarded comparisons.

>> No.4731505

No offense brother but my teacher had us kids drawing like fucking pros - beautiful Degas and Rodin-like drawings - full of movement, rhythm, dimension, anticipation - completely bypassing technical/analytical drawing and rendering which he believed we could learn anywhere. And he was correct.
If your teacher couldn't get results like this then he wasn’t “informed” by Nicolaides.
What a lot of people dont realize is that Nicolaides besides gesture also teaches things like being able to rotate figures from one angle to another and other skills prized by autists on this board - long before other books.
He’s not about mere “scribbling” ffs.
Anyone who says that just shows they don’t know anything about him.

Anyway, I don’t care anymore.
I just think you ignorant faggots (not the person I am replying to here) are brainwashing each other with what you think is important good, bad etc..

>> No.4731515

That did not answer my question.
If you only saw his “fine art” (or at least some of the stuff I’ve seen) you would think he was worse than Nicolaides.
You have no idea how well or how much he drew in front of students and what it looked like.

You are stupid. You need to face that or you wont be able to find your place in the world (Which certainly wont be in art) my boy.

>> No.4731540

>You have no idea how well or how much he drew in front of students and what it looked like.
He drew like shit in front of his students too.

>> No.4731547

Ha. Ok. I wish you well on your non-art career.

>> No.4731553

Enjoy being a shit-tier artist.

>> No.4731767

I wouldn't normally say post your work but with a post like that you really need to post your work

>> No.4733360

Volen is based

>> No.4733400

Volen's work is really amateurish. He reminds me of a slightly better version of that drawabox guy. All that rendering can't hide the /beg/-tier art.

>> No.4733481
File: 602 KB, 1478x784, Volen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4733604

>talentless and looks like a school shooter

>> No.4733649
File: 2.33 MB, 1486x743, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His work is better than anything I've seen on this garbage board.

>> No.4733712

post your work nicolaides boy

>> No.4734084

Oh wait, so he taught at ASLNY? THE ASLNY??

You're a massive fucking faggot. Let me tell you something about all of these big name art schools out there: in all of them the students have to submit a portfolio and then get accepted. It's quite a bit easier to have many successful students when those students would be successful anyways as long as what you instruct them is even remotely art related. What the other guy said is relevant and still stands. What little can be found of this guy's work is quite underwhelming. If his method is so great, wouldn't he be the best to showcase it's results?

>> No.4734125

>bypassing technical/analytical drawing and rendering which he believed we could learn anywhere
But that's the hard part of art, anon.

>> No.4734378

It's also boring as shit and has no soul

>> No.4734381

And how much soul does your waifu doodles have?

>> No.4734588

Not that anon and I don't know who this guy is besides his mug getting posted here 24/7 but that looks exactly like all the other professional concept art on ArtStation. By the way people talk about this e-celebrity I was expecting much worse.

>> No.4734595
File: 231 KB, 916x1200, volen-ck-drawing-practice-female-soldier-volen-ck-illustration-concept-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His drawing skills are lacking. Spends too much time painting. Volen, if you're reading this, go back to the basics, now.

>> No.4734608

Volen hasn’t posted anything in several months, he could have comitted suicide again for all we know

>> No.4734620
File: 494 KB, 740x954, 1591034303354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that why Mithrilda stopped talking about her mentorship with Volen?

>> No.4734651
File: 323 KB, 480x953, 1498890917647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair, be a girl and get carried to making it by volen whilst the best I get is Loomis meme's on /ic/

>> No.4734680

Holy fuck she's a cute!
WTF is Volen a homo? Why didn't he try to fugg herrrrrrrrr Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh why can't i get an asian qt to mentor aahsfsdfbvj rebfvdc hunjorvcmbjoiguerjfvm,njhru489f-bnok,mvlbknp0-u9wia=f-vd.

>> No.4734727
File: 86 KB, 207x318, 52366322356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said he didn't?

>> No.4734949

he models all of his "art" in 3D, textures and everything, then does a hacky paint over the hard edges and calls it done. there's nothing pro-level about his work at all. if he was really good he'd have a job by now.

>> No.4734952

but how do we know he is not getting work?

>> No.4734970

nothing in his arstation/insta/linkedin says he's employed or doing freelance concept art. what would be the point of hiding your professional work if you're trying to make people give you their money for a shitty gumroad drawing course? if you were a youtube personality and worked on a game or movie, would you hide your credits?

>> No.4734973

is for >>4734952

>> No.4735028
File: 152 KB, 640x491, amnon_zm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this.

>> No.4735136

Yep that aint it chef

>> No.4735225

Redline needed.

>> No.4735231

Then don't read it or use it, like he said. Your problem right?

>> No.4735233

Stiff figures with scribbly lines around them.
Good stuff.

>> No.4735338

It's acquired taste. If drawn figures don't have lumbar hyperlordosis doesn't mean they're "stiff".

>> No.4737097

How old si he?

>> No.4737177
File: 533 KB, 634x494, punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but he's right, the action on this is is wonky. the guy throwing the punch is not extending his arm in a way that carries any force, he's just limply holding his arm in front of himself. His back is arched the opposite way, his head is too high. Also the sitting guy should be positioned accordingly so that he looks like he's receiving the punch in that very moment rather than 1-2 seconds before.
It's a weird looking drawing

>> No.4737709

#me too

>> No.4737803
File: 141 KB, 433x417, 1588704001004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has been drawing for 3 years.
>Yet still cant draw for shit

>> No.4737862

Why people say he's not improving? At least the stuff I see him posting on Instagram looks good.

I don't know how he was some years ago tho

>> No.4739204

> the guy throwing the punch
He's not throwing a punch. He's holding him by clothes.
>so that he looks like he's receiving the punch in that very moment rather than 1-2 seconds before.
You just prove this painting is great. It actually makes you FEEL the guy was being stabbed just a moment ago.