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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 302 KB, 692x705, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4693482 No.4693482 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question how do people who've never studied art or have never done art say with confidence that a character design is bad?
Do they just base it off of their feelings?

>> No.4693483

Those designs are pretty fucking bad, though.
It's the same as with food. You're going to get a more useful, nuanced critique from a professional chef, but anyone can tell when the food tastes like shit.

>> No.4693490

Why are they bad?

>> No.4693502

Are you approaching this from a "the drawing skills are good, therefore the designs are good" angle?
These designs overcrowded, and lack any focus point. The silhouettes are abysmal.
The girl is miles better than the boy, though. I like the unique recognizably of that scarf.
Why do you think they are good?

>> No.4693513

some ppl are autistic.

>> No.4693530

Well, i bet you never studied software engineering, but you can say with confidence that a piece of software is good or bad.

>> No.4693552

I don't think they're particularly good and are definitely the weakest designs from that artist for that project. I was more curious about what your nuanced critique of them would be after making that faggoty ass chef/food/shit analogy that you could couch just about everything in.

>> No.4693573

how do people who hav never cooked food say with confidence that someones cooking is bad? how do people who haven't studied fashion design know that your clothes are mismatched? how do non-linguists know how to speak?

>> No.4693589

Left is insanely good though. it's just westerners sjw being mad but I doubt japan gives a shit about those randos

>> No.4693597

"resetera" bad because attractive anime bitch lol.

>> No.4693604

Most character design is made to appeal to normies, so of course normies can point out bad character design even if they can't say exactly why they feel that way.

>> No.4694041


>> No.4694135

They have opinions that they think other people will agree with.

>> No.4694149

You can apply that analogy everywhere because its pretty true. Taste in design has some level of intuition in it. If you can't see why they are bad then you probably haven't seen enough better designs or just have bad taste

>> No.4694156

her design was always shat on along with Rex's when it was first revealed. attractive anime bitch doesn't make an inherently good design either, anon.

>> No.4694164

“Left is insanely good”
You don’t have to be an SJW to think that design is trash. There are plenty of examples of good designs that are also meant to be attractive that don’t resort to random shape anime nonsense.

>> No.4694170

>You don’t have to be an SJW
You have to. otherwise that would be accepting having either no knowledge of design which is ok for normalfags or simply having dogshit taste.

>> No.4694171

>her design was always shat on along with Rex's when it was first revealed.
twitter SJW opinions don't matter

>> No.4694182

living rent-free

>> No.4694232

those are the only persons criticizing the design though, I'm only addressing facts

>> No.4694234

Why are weebs so defensive about the shitty designs they like?

>> No.4694237

Haven't you considered that people criticize it since, for example, the color design looks like shit? cherry pink/red then randomly super saturated cyan, oh also, by the way, gold.

>> No.4694240

>the color design looks like shit? cherry pink/red then randomly super saturated cyan, oh also, by the way, gold.

that's not a critique, just a subjective opinion

>> No.4694243

It looks good though. pointing out colors randomly isn't an argument especially when you ignore how ratio and color theory work

>> No.4694248

You don’t know much about color theory if you think that is a subjective opinion.

>> No.4694254

>"color theory"
holy shit it's retarded!!!!

>> No.4694260

Anon just said it was shit without explaining why those colour choices are bad in the context of this design or suggesting what colour choices might be better.

Even colour theory itself is just a tool and there are no universally right or wrong colour choices, what's important is how you use colour theory to solve a problem.

Also I'm not even defending the original work. I didn't even look closely at it because it's actually irrelevant. No matter what anon was attempting to criticize, what he said is not valid critique.

>> No.4694261

You arent designing characters for other artists to see you are designing them for normal people to enjoy so if they dont that indicates that you fucked something up. Maybe they are shit at verbalizing the issues they have with the drawings but an intelligent artist will be able to read between the lines and understand what the actual problems are.

>> No.4694264

Character design is supposed to tell you about the character. What do these designs tell you about:
- Their personal histories and backgrounds?
- The setting (location, culture, and time period) they come from?
- Their occupations?
- Their personalities?
- Their social class?
- The situation they are currently in?
- The overall mood they should impart of the viewer?
Any individual design should give you some sense on a few of these questions, but if you can't answer any of these then you have a problem.

>> No.4694281
File: 921 KB, 2400x3980, 497EBA23-A57B-4DCA-8EDA-9907D1671D24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to bring this up too but had to find an example that also had big tits so the weeb understood that it isn’t an SJW issue but a shitty artist issue. If you look at sophitia you can clearly see most if not every aspect of the criteria above.

>> No.4694294

I remember people on 4chan criticizing it when it came out.
You can think a design is shit but still jack off to it. Again, attractive female doesn't mean it can't be a crappy design.
The colours are the least offensive thing about it. People don't like it because it looks like a clusterfuck (much like Rex's) and just stupid as shit with coom exclusively in mind when designing her.
Except even fapbait series like Queen's Blade has pretty nice designs.

>> No.4694325

yeah it's a classic overdesigned costume but i was giving an example

>> No.4694368

>tranny hips
>giant feet
It's bad because it's showing skin
It's also too busy but that wasn't the reason normies we're shitting on it

>> No.4694390

>those are the only persons criticizing the design though
This thread is full of d/ic/ks criticizing the design. Not really the SJW crowd.
Or are you one of those people who assumes that everyone who disagrees with you is an SJW?

>> No.4694391

Learn the meaning of the word “perspective”

>> No.4694396

>If you look at sophitia you can clearly see most if not every aspect of the criteria above
is she a cosplayer?

>> No.4694398

>color theory is retarded
There's a reason it's taught everywhere. Show me one widely successful design that doesn't refer to color theory.
Imagine thinking your opinions on character design mean shit while not believing in color theory.

>> No.4694400

Also one of the board with the highest population of women, enough said

>> No.4694406

Is this meant to be a serious criticism?

>> No.4694410

Character design is supposed to appeal to normies. If you don’t shit test your art against normies you are NGMI. There is no rebuttal to this because if you make a product that only artists will like (if that) then your audience is minuscule.
Also I hate the character designs in OP.

>> No.4694413
File: 909 KB, 1016x1755, 12c8438a065d231b268ce023a2ecadfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative space? Points of interest? What are those?

I swear, the welsh cat is the only competent thing about that game.

>> No.4694416

just assume that when someone is saying that a piece of art is bad, they are actually saying that they don't like it.

>> No.4694419

>i cope by preemptively organizing anons into boxes of people i respect and don't respect
>if they don't agree with me = doesn't matter they must be a member of subgroup i hate!!1!
>if they agree with me = yayyy they must be a member of subgroup i like!1!!
>enough said
That's certainly one way to address different opinions, but it's massive cope. You're no less retarded than the SJW who assumes everyone who disagrees is a "muh white mael."

>> No.4694420

especially when they use the word "objectively"

>> No.4694427

>This thread is full of d/ic/ks criticizing the design. Not really the SJW crowd.
Not really, you said that people here aren't sjw implying that they aren't because "this is 4chan"
so you had to be reminded that no, this isn't /pol/ it's /ic/ and we have our share of women and sjw.

>> No.4694437

This one does actually work. I personally don’t like it but liking something and recognizing whether or not it is a design that works are two completely different things.

>> No.4694459

well, it was a joke about the fact that her clothes looks like some cheap costume.

>> No.4694461

Her design has always bothered me but since I couldn’t explain why I chalked it up to me being weird. Can someone knowledgeable about character design explain why I (and others) feel this way?

>> No.4694463

And OP doesn’t?

>> No.4694474

I know nothing about mechanics, yet I know when my car is not running and catching on fire

>> No.4694481

I’d say the biggest issue is what >>4694413 points out. The design lacks negative space. Just like in regular art making, negative space gives your eyes a place to rest. When you look at the Pyra costume, there isn’t a clear space where you can rest your eyes. Instead your eyes dart around and then you look away because you also aren’t getting points of interest. This is combined with >>4694264 to a lesser extent, in that you are less likely to be interested in a design if you can’t gleam any information off of it. You can’t place Pyra in a time period. You can’t figure out where she comes from or what her personality is. It’s just a bunch of red straps with cyan stripes. The design fails to tell the character’s story. It’s not surprising that someone would not find it appealing or interesting.

>> No.4694482
File: 19 KB, 407x277, worthless critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4694492

yeah, it is like how people use "literally" figuratively

>> No.4694495
File: 146 KB, 950x1350, 621e17bf047a787130d17c1f4a653b28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not too bad on the eyes, either. There's some okay designs by him (whatever his name was) but I preferred Nomura's contribution overall. Still the typical overdesigned jrpg stuff but it doesn't make me feel like I'm playing a shitty waifubait gacha game. Granted XC2 kinda was anyway.
Stop with the retarded 'they don't share my opinion therefore they're SJWs/women/pol/whatever the fuck boogeyman people like to make nowadays. God forbid people don't like what you like.

>> No.4694507

This nigger has belts on his fucking shoes
I never noticed before

>> No.4694517

what do you mean? My joke was about sophitia's design not the op's.

>> No.4694520

He still has issues with resting space an points of interest, but not nearly to the extent of OP.

>> No.4694528

are guys supposed to like any kind of design as long as it shows enough skin? either get some standards or stop being underaged

>> No.4694538

They don’t get that whether or not a character shows a lot of skin and whether or not the character has a good design are two completely different topics.

>> No.4694539

are roasties supposed to hate any kind of design as long as it's not ugly enough? either get some taste or accept that not everything has to make you feel "included"

>> No.4694547

See >>4694538
A character could show a ton of skin, be attractive, and have a good design. OP is not an example of that.

>> No.4694552

I disagree, it's a good design. you're free to tell me why you don't like it but it's not like it will matter to Japan.

>> No.4694558

You haven’t given a good reason as to why you like the design yet

>> No.4694561

>b-but a female posts here sometimes
This is still about the least SJW-leaning art community you're going to find online. When even the d/ic/ks start criticizing something, covering your ears and going "la la la it's just the sjws" is cope.
Especially since I don't see anyone unironically whining about the fact that the girl is skinny, light-skinned and pretty, or wearing skimpy clothes.
It's just bad design.

>> No.4694579

Nope. We have a good share of SJW-leaning posters, the different discussions relating those topics (canceling, freedom of drawing whatever you wish, puritains...) are very balanced and not a hivemind.
>When even the d/ic/ks start criticizing something
Retarded take, anons here criticize everything even the best painters and draftsmen, covering your ears and going "la la la, see a few anons(sjw) agree with me" won't get you anywhere.
Yeah they aren't pointing those, they just say "it's bad" one guy tried with the colors but he was wrong since they are well balanced.
it's good design.

>> No.4694599

I like how you act as if color was the only specifics brought up because that was the only one successfully refuted.
The design being overcrowded and having a poor silhouette was mentioned before the colors. How is this not an overcrowded design?

>> No.4694602

>one guy said this sothis thread is irrelevant
You really don’t understand how complex character design is, do you? Having two different reds in near equal proportions destroys any possible negative resting space that could have existed. Not having negative resting space makes any focal points disappear, leading to the viewer not knowing where to look in the design. This has been stated multiple times but all you do is call back on “yeah but you are an SJW that hates tits and bare skin” when it has been stated multiple times that a character being sexy and wearing revealing clothes is personally fine. You may not care for design philosophy, but design philosophy is what works in practice.

>> No.4694603

Bad design is either due to poor fashion sense or some idiosyncratic collage of thrift store elements. if your character looks like he's trying to maximize his stats in a videogame by wearing what the fuck ever, or like someone just frankenstein'd a bunch of stuff from grandmother's wardrobe together with a hot glue gun, chances are it'll make a few people squirm. People who think design is formulaic and relies on shit like silhouette and color theory are misguided, and fail to underestimate the power of a horribly cluttered and visually dense design. it's all subjective, but some designs seem to blatantly allow even non-artists to speculate as to why the fuck anyone thought wrestling shorts and chaps would be an okay combination.

>> No.4694605

Not him but
Rarely anyone agrees with the typical SJW shitter, what are you on about? Can you provide an example?
The reason why there are so many discussions "relating those topics" is because you fags like to complain about them, which would be the opposite of SJW-leaning.

Granted you believe everything that doesn't share your opinion = SJWs and reeee roasties

>> No.4694619

There is a reason why anti sjws are just as annoying as the regular ones. Retarded post like yours.

>> No.4694621

It's literally not overcrowded unless you cant take more than a generic school uniform or simple mascot design.
never talked once about bare skin or w/e, you are the only one to bring it up because it's rent free in your head.

>> No.4694623

t. sjw.

>> No.4694627
File: 535 KB, 929x1200, gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it looks cool, it's good.

>> No.4694631

Then what’s the talk about SJWs if the attractiveness of a character has been proven irrelevant?

>> No.4694633

recently like the discussion around alk getting canceled in a bunch of threads that got 200+, a lot of posters where for it because they dislike the subject matter and whatnot and are against free expression of artwork

sorry for not putting effort into finding the threads in the archive but I try to put the less amount of effort when I entertain sjw posters since their opinion is irrelevant and literally doesn't matter

>> No.4694637

SJW hate those kind of design because they are unrealistic even though the settings matter. Yeah op's pic isn't coherent in the dark souls universe but in his world it works. remember that reddit mendrawwomen or something posted a while ago?
they go at things like
>wtf her X part isn't protected
>wtf this thing here looks useless
but yeah attractiveness is also a huge part of their constant seething

>> No.4694638

> I try to put the less amount of effort when I entertain sjw posters since their opinion is irrelevant and literally doesn't matter
agreed, that’s why your opinion is disregarded.

>> No.4694639

/ic/ has always been iffy on loli though and there's a lot of people on the right who don't like lolis or lolicons

>> No.4694644

Glad you agree that your opinion is irrelevant and no matter how hard you shitpost on /ic/ nobody will care
right wingers aren't exempt from sjw behaviors, when it comes to things that matter to them they will go full karen like their opposite

>> No.4694646

this, lolifags are universally disliked, hell people like furfags more than lolifags.

>> No.4694651

But that’s not what anyone in this thread is talking about

>> No.4694657

True, 88%+ here against it just scream "it's bad" and the others have been debunked or relate to what I said
>it's overcrowded (it's not btw)
is basically
>X is not necessary/useless etc.
that I said.

>> No.4694672

Well, am I supposed to tell the mechanic what is going on? That's why I pay him

>> No.4694673
File: 14 KB, 200x422, 37C3A515-7421-4FCB-A8C1-F34814787DE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t see how anyone could look at Pyra and not think it’s overcrowded.

>> No.4694674

>SJW hate those kind of design because they are unrealistic
And they consider them to be unrealistic because the women are too sexy.
>wtf her X part isn't protected
>wtf this thing here looks useless
All this comes down to disliking bikini armor and similar things. So we are back to
>what’s the talk about SJWs if the attractiveness of a character has been proven irrelevant?

>> No.4694680

>anyone who doesn't care about pedo rights is an sjw
No-one likes pedophiles except other pedophiles. That's just the reality of it. If you draw the line at
>dislikes loli = sjw
then most people are sjw. But since your goal here is to assign the label to as many people as possible, I guess this serves your purposes.

>> No.4694681

because they don't like it maybe?

>> No.4694682

An SJW would say an attractive character couldn’t make for a good design. Since we aren’t saying that, it isn’t an SJW argument

>> No.4694685

>And they consider them to be unrealistic because the women are too sexy.
That's the bottom of the layers but the arguments used don't have to directly refer to this point to serve the narrative like overcrowded (has been used in this very thread)

sjw would just nitpick the design with weak and wrong arguments or just say "it's bad" (like used in this very thread) even though it's good as a whole just because they are seething

>> No.4694686

Good thing the arguments being shared haven’t been weak. You have yet to provide evidence for why you think it’s good.

>> No.4694688

it's not about disliking loli it's about freedom of drawing what you want without babies crying because it doesn't appeal to them

>> No.4694691


There is your answer

>> No.4694703
File: 38 KB, 165x284, Black And White.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's literally not overcrowded
Absolutely delusional. Explain how this garbage mess of overlapping values isn't crowded.
For all you've criticize others, the only argument you've offered in defense of this trash is "nu-uh! everyone just disagrees because sjws!"
Use your words. Explain why this is good design. Do you actually know something about character design? Point out the things this piece does well that we aren't noticing. Bonus points for something that hasn't been mentioned in this thread before.
Right now, you're coming across as someone who immediately assumed "anime girl pretty west sjw bad >:(((" and is now stuck with an opinion you are unable to defend.

>> No.4694712

unironically based

>> No.4694714

>serve the narrative like overcrowded
>any argument i disagree with is just "known" "sjw" "narrative"
>including basic rules of character design

>> No.4694715

Do you have a better example? Because not approving of lolishit isn't an "SJW" thing. If you had social interaction outside of the Chinese basket-weaving forum, you'd know that loli is frowned upon by the well-majority of people.

Are you one of those retarded lolifags who post here? Because that explains your whining about SJWs/roasties. Lolishit has never belonged outside of /b/, go post your garbage there.

>> No.4694737

We've had years of talented artists breaking down the theory behind good character design. They're obviously not hard and fast rules, but there's universal rule that most people will agree with.
1. Good silhouette
2. Interesting color palettes and distribution of colors
3. Balanced or interesting distribution of details (small, med, large shapes)
Personally, I think understanding good character design falls closer to design theory, but the ability to execute an appealing character design is an illustrative skill.

>> No.4694739

They have been very weak, mostly composed of "it's bad" and a few points already refuted.
>why you think it’s good.
>good color scheme and color ratio
>Design coherent with function
>Design coherent with character's personality
>Design coherent with world's setting
>Design doesn't clash or stand out against/from the art direction
>Design has good balance
>Most importantly: Design appeal to the consumers and doesn't alienate them (must learn, many such case have failed at this point)
cutting short to spare time to the guy under

>> No.4694741

I don't give as shit about loli it's not even the point, It's all about advocating for the freedom to draw what you want. You don't have to approve anything (nobody cares about your opinion anyway) but trying to cancel people for their subject is a SJW behavior (and retarded sjw at that since you're acting in the behalf of imaginary characters).

>> No.4694761

Then go to baraag or Pixiv. The people who whine about being cancelled are those who posts their stuff on sites that don't even allow such material to begin with.
And the thing with loli isn't so simple as 'we don't allow it cuz we don't like it', but the fact that it can cause legal trouble due to the inherent subject matter.
>trying to cancel people...is a SJW behavior
Like people have said, no body likes lolifags. It's not an SJW thing, it's the fact that you're creating porn of pre-pubescent little anime girls.

>> No.4694777

>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

>> No.4694782

trying to cancel people is a SJW behavior, it literally is. Cancel culture is a SJW thing and isn't only about legality.
>people who whine about being cancelled are those who posts their stuff on sites....
Very naive take people get canceled a lot for others subject like their political opinion that are legal, get out of your cave and learn about recent trends.
And I already mentioned in the post above that loli isn't even the point, Imaginary characters who don't exist seem to at least be allowed to live rent free in your head

>> No.4694799

"cancel" isn't a new thing at all, it just has a fun new term for it. People would "boycott" you for drawing shit like diaper furries way over a decade ago, this isn't new.

Do you have a better example than something that both SJWs and non-SJWs dislike?

>> No.4694804

Then it's even more odd that I had to explain it to you.
>Do you have a better example than something that both SJWs and non-SJWs dislike?
How is that relevant, I see a lot of moving the goalpost but yes there's an exemple just above your post

>> No.4694817

"cancel" isn't a new thing, and 4chan has always been doing this kind of shit.
/ic/ is anything but sjw, it's just that things you disagree with = muh sjw boogeyman

go back to drawing your 9-year-old miku fanart on SAI, now

>> No.4694827

Cancel isn't a new thing, cancel culture via twitter is, you should go out and learn about recent things happening in the world instead of spending your whole time in echo chambers.
/ic/ has it's share of SJW oriented posters, you alone are proof of that.

You can now go back seething about the latest imaginary character on resetera, karen.

>> No.4694847

because the principles of design and composition are not inherent to illustration and are mostly intuitive though they can be studied more thoroughly than that if one so desired. it's a sub textual thing that people understand and pick up on a subconscious level.

>> No.4694857

>...instead of spending your whole time in echo chambers.
Comes from the poster who immediately cried sjw/roastie/etc when people shared an opinion different from his.
Get some self-awareness, dude.

>> No.4694868

>Display SJW behaviors
>Complain when being called out for what she is
>Point strengthened by the fact that she isn't even aware of what cancel culture and SJW behaviors are and that I had to spend three posts explaining them.
Get some self-awareness, karen.

>> No.4694879

>You think this over detailed, generic anime girl design is bad because your a SJW
Unironically post your work you fucking mongrel. I wanna see how good the faggots work is, that says xenoblade chronicles 2 has good designs.

>> No.4694886

Unironically post yours, it's the meta when you're being a contrarian and criticize something that has been a huge success, except among your sjw pairs.

>> No.4694903

>No U pyw
>If its popular that means its good
>Your just a SJW being a contrarian
Your the shining example of why this board is fucking worthless. Your a low IQ brainlet that makes nothing but shit, bait threads and then uses dumb fuck, /pol/nigger tier arguments against actual people with braincells, proclaiming how smart you are. Then when someone ask to you to post your work you go "No U". Fucking kill your self. You'll never amount to any other then being a humongous faggot.

>> No.4694910

>Left is insanely good though.
pyra's design is cluttered garbage with no consistency. it doesn't have anything to do with why the SJWs hate it, they hate it because she's too "sexy"

>> No.4694912

OP probably unironically likes Tidus

>> No.4694917

>turn the meta over it's head and ask to "pyw" when he's the one shitting on something better than he will ever be able to draw
>cry and shit his pants when his newfaggotry is being addressed
Why are you even mentioning the board when you've been here for 2 months and you don't even draw nor understand how things work? You can go back to your twitter shithole if this place makes you seethe so much, nobody will miss you newtrash.

>> No.4694920

>Why are you even mentioning the board when you've been here for 2 months and you don't even draw nor understand how things work?
That's alot of projecting you monkey brain nigger. PYW.

>> No.4694928

Sorry people called your waifu shit

>> No.4694932

Your replying to the wrong person dummy. I hate the xenoblade designs.

>> No.4694933

>"pyw" he keeps screaming because he has seen it being posted in another thread but doesn't understand how it's being used
We know you're new here and gonna give up when you notice that you're trash but if you intend to stay lurk more newshit.

>> No.4694940
File: 29 KB, 720x264, B.A.I.T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4694942
File: 67 KB, 600x1200, 7473df77cc972e8fc56bd6f4262bc508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm immediately reminded that I'm not this shitty /beg/ board.
Mai Shiranui, a design obviously made for sex appeal, is one million times better than Pyra's.
You are actually a fucking /beg/

>> No.4694944

I accept your concession newfag.

>> No.4694946


>> No.4694949

No you don’t understand. Mai is clearly a sjw design

>> No.4694950

>Good thing is better than decent thing so decent thing is bad
False logic. easy, next.

>> No.4694952

Why is there so much arguing in this thread? Did OP get upset people said his waifu is shit character design?

>> No.4694953

Just goes to show on how a topic about fucking character design, becomes another /pol/tard discussion. Why can’t /pol/tards get banned from this shithole board for fucksake?

>> No.4694960

It's just the usual dance of people who don't draw or are unsuccessful trashing artists who made it with nothing to back it up, we have those weekly with sakimishit, KjG and whatnot.

>> No.4694962
File: 512 KB, 969x997, 1586895466814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All designs can be rated relatively, but the existence of tons of designs that are ten thousand times better than Pyra's makes her design look like shit in comparison to the average.
Also, I'm going to post another sexy design that is better than Pyra's just to spite the extremely gay above SJW arguments.

>> No.4694964

>Base his scale on his own bias
False logic. Next.

>> No.4694969

I'm yet to see a truly "logical" argument made in this thread, at all.
Also, its actually not false logic, since we're talking about whether a design is appealing or not, so if anything its logically proper to remain within the realm of subjectivity.
So basically:
False logic. Next

>> No.4694983

Leaving aside the culture war faggotry, what makes these designs good? Intuitively I think they’re memorable and appealing, but what elements make them so?

>> No.4694984

>I'm yet to see a truly "logical" argument made in this thread, at all.
Because you're /beg/. Some people debated the design with well known design theory points (that you would know about if you drew or studied at least), and some good points have been made.
>we're talking about whether a design is appealing
Nope. the OP introduced it pretty clearly, we're discussing if the design is good or not and why, in this case your subjective opinion of what makes your dick hard is almost irrelevant.
Easy, next.

>> No.4695000

Nothing is worse than a /beg/ that calls other /beg/s. You should watch yourself.

>> No.4695001

I accept your concession, /beg/.

>> No.4695017

I’m glad that you have accepted yourself. It’s not too late for you to improve.

>> No.4695033

>I’m glad
That's sweet but I'm not a thoughtless /beg/ like you so you should focus on yourself and your drawabox scribbles first before worrying about others that are already doing great!
Easy, next.

>> No.4695046

This is an artwork and critique board after all, you would always have trouble in the /beg/ thread. I suggest you join drawabox, the lessons there will help someone like you.

>> No.4695052

>we're discussing if the design is good or not and why
>we're talking about whether a design is appealing
Yeah, that's what I said.
>what makes your dick hard is almost irrelevant
This design >>4694673 doesn't make my dick hard, and yet I can tell its a good design. You might even say its an appealing one. Why do I think this? Because of
>well known design theory points
Of course!
Now, I thought I didn't need to go over those again as they've already been brought up in this thread.
But I guess I'll bring them up again because why the hell not? Those designs are good because the elements have a balance between color, size, shape, are spaced out to get the eye to move around the whole design (Mai's pomp-pomp thing balances with her white fan, the white on her dress, and even balances out the large round shape of her ponytail) and those designs also add to their characters, such as using a japanese fan, or having a skull necklace.
On the other hand, Pyra's design is a seemingly random collection of geometry red and green shapes. I can't really make out what most of them are (this is fine if its just a few elements, but really most elements on her outfit seem random). Her outfit has tons of sharp angels, but also tons of smooth curves, and generally the shape design is all over the place because there are so many shapes. The only bit of character that her outfit adds is that its some kind of JRPG-like sci-fi fantasy design, and not much else. Even random noise is more uniform and balanced than this.

>> No.4695064

I think you meant to reply to this anon >>4695000 who is /beg/ like you if you're looking for a partner to grind your boxes with.
Rolled, next.

>> No.4695080

>rolled, next
You finished a lesson? That’s great, now continue to take the next one.

>> No.4695085

As you can see I've already mentioned here >>4695033 that I'm good and not a /beg/ like you. I understand that you have some difficulty to understand who is replying to who since you're new here. Try to add the extension 4chan-x!
>Rolled, next
Is used to help low iq posters like you to identify who they are replying to
Rolled, next.

>> No.4695101

You’re getting confused on who to reply, this post right here should help you >>4695000. It’s a good thing you’re to get accustomed to 4chan. Though there’s no need to name yourself on an anonymous image board. You might want to use twitter for that.

>> No.4695107

Thanks for pointing me to this anon but I've already replied to him and accepted his concession after he lost the argument, I'm already done with him

>> No.4695123

You’re welcome, though it’s a good thing that you conceded to that anon. After losing the argument.

>> No.4695133

I know right? It only took Me one post to win the argument and make him concede. He should have followed his own advice since the start since he's a /beg/.

>> No.4695139
File: 86 KB, 680x1008, 1593735855061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Design thread
It's missing this

>> No.4695152

You retards are trying way too hard.

>> No.4695156

American looks like an evil harpie, asian looks like...a grey alien?

>> No.4695173

Is fuck the shit of out of that alien though.
The American one is a straight up man. Not even with makeup

>> No.4695206

Weeb coomer, the worst of the worst

>> No.4695210

lmao, that's perfect.

>> No.4695384
File: 318 KB, 494x731, Elizabeth_Báthory_Extella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even within the hyper-specific genre of "japanese rpgs with sexy slaves you summon to fight for you", excellent designs abound. Just admit you're reflexively defending garbage because the woke squad took a few potshots at it years ago and you've been seething since.

>> No.4695394

Yeah, just because it's a coomer jrpg design doesn't mean it has to be bad. This design works a lot better than op on multiple levels. I have no idea what this girl is from, but I can tell from a glance she's some sort of demon/monster from the horns, she's from some sort of traditional power or wealth due to the style of her clothes, and she probably has a girlish personality because of the way she's dressed. The op girl is just a mess.

>> No.4695546
File: 177 KB, 1000x635, GAMEPLAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost everyone forgot that these are videogame characters, it doesn't matter how they look in pinup art only how they look in game. That's what their entire design methodolgy is based on.

Despite the "cluttered elements" people complained about I can still see their poses and visually understand what state the characters are in (attacking,casting magic,etc).

Also for you colour theorists the characters are saturated to pop out from an already saturated environment, I can tell where pink girl and blue boy are at all times on screen even when blurring my eyes. Judging a character's colour scheme against a white background makes no sense especially since the character's colour change based on different loactions doesn't matter if it's games, films, comics,etc.

>> No.4695604

so basically 4chan 2.0 bait threads for similar retards

most designs in the game are quite good especially since they invited dozens of famous nip illustrators and gave them full freedom for creating a character each
the male protagonist one on the right though is probably one of the worst designs in last two decades of jrpgs

it does actually, since she's pretty much a semi-cult character in Japan. The only ones who were offended were western twitter sjw's attacking almost all female characters when the game released.

>> No.4695730

>Do they just base it off of their feelings?
Yes, because the only way to critique a character design is based on feelings. Yours or someone else.

>> No.4695795

No. The analogy is shit because some people will like some food and others will hate it because taste is subjective and is therefore useless if you're looking for feedback. And you can't say someone has "shit taste" because who the fuck are you to judge someone's taste?

Same with art. PYW or you have no right to critique others. Or, more accurately, you can critique others but people should really ignore anything you have to say if they know what's good for them.

>> No.4695833


I will admit that her blue stripes actually glowing ingame is very nice and redeems the design somewhat. Main character has no excuse, though.

>> No.4695886
File: 461 KB, 500x525, stripes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all art is subjective
>there is nothing that makes lower pic objectively better than upper pic
>t. modernfag
At least your art can be used for money laundering.

>> No.4695925

Oh, wow! A serious response, Awesome, thanks.
>good color scheme and color ratio
>Design coherent with function
It is the opposite of coherent. I don't see anything conveying that function, aside from her having a sharp weapon? Not even people who play lot of vidya could guess how she specializes in battle and how her stats are.
>Design coherent with character's personality
Disagree. A design filled with red and sharp corners doesn't exactly scream feminine and restricted. You'd think she'd be more aggressive.
>Design coherent with world's setting
>Design doesn't clash or stand out against/from the art direction
Agree, but if the rest of the art looks like the boy on the left, that's not a good thing.
>Design has good balance
No. The biggest problem of this design is that there's random shit piled on top, detail for detail's sake. It's been successfully used to invoke the otherworldly feeling in other eastern games, but here, it fails miserably.
>Most importantly: Design appeal to the consumers and doesn't alienate them (must learn, many such case have failed at this point)
Care to elaborate? I can't help but get the feeling that your judgement is clouded by rage towards completely unrelated western titles.

>> No.4695949
File: 478 KB, 671x668, mai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this supposed to make the character look better than OPs pic? Because it looks worse.
I agree with the other anon in that the stripes glowing help, but not enough to save the design.
Here's an actually well-designed eastern coombait in motion. Floppy fabrics and exposed skin, but in a way that actually works.
Is Pyra actually your waifu, anon? Not even judging, I just can't fathom why else anyone would insist on defending her disaster design.

>> No.4695969
File: 760 KB, 1200x628, laugh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl on the right is more sexualized than OPs example
>the design still works better
what now, pyrafag?

>> No.4695984

The girl isnt so bad but if you squint your eyes and try to look at just the silhouettes the boy in particular doesn't 'read' well.
I suppose if there was context to the costumes design it would be more mentally 'acceptable' (a story or reason for why the costumes are like that for example.) But otherwise I can't really tell what the costumes are supposed to represent about the characters, are they martial artists, fantasy sword fighters etc?..

>> No.4696064

/beg/ here. It doesn't matter if the art looks good.
>Character looks dumb
>Unpractical clothes/armor
>Design relies heavily on archetypes
>Looks like a cliche
>Same face syndrome
>Too gimmicky

>> No.4696095

Yeah, but your anology doesn't work as that anon came for advice and the other fool only gave him a bare bones observation.
To use your anology, it would be like takeing your car to a mechanic and they said, " yup your car doesnt work"
>"how can it be fixed"
"I dunno its just a concusion man, heres my bill"

>> No.4696098

Are you serious? What did I say that was wrong? This has nothing to do with appeal it has to do with function. The player needs to know what each character is doing and where they are, how does my pic not prove it works. Oh yeah great job posting a pic of a fighting game with a side view zoomed in camera of the character, it's a lot harder when it's a third person action game with squads and you know this.

I don't even know the character's names. All I know is I can see blue boy, pink girl and yellow girl in that pic+video I watched and I knew what state they were in. That's all that matters in game, that's their function.

"Here's an actually well-designed eastern coombait in motion. Floppy fabrics and exposed skin, but in a way that actually works."

Nothing do to with appeal, it's about function. This isn't pinup art it's a game. Gameplay with clear visual communicatin to the player is more important above all else

>> No.4696120

post that on /ic/ you'll have a dozen people saying soul vs soulless so I don't know why you think what you just said proves me wrong.

>> No.4697113

I've worked as a programmer and I can tell you for a fact that the majority of people would call a program bad only based on a not very pretty front end. I've seen people call some of the most genius graphics code bad sinply because it looked hacky

>> No.4697160
File: 77 KB, 697x1024, inferior to shulk in every way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate his final form

>> No.4697171

Why did he turn into a mech HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.4697199

Looks more like a cooler clusterfuck than dumb clusterfuck, but still a clusterfuck. At least they kept the appeal of shotathighs

>> No.4697215

>Inner thigh peek

>> No.4697218
File: 812 KB, 1125x1851, 763FE055-F951-447D-897C-6E3358889454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best xenoblade 2 design out of the main cast.

>> No.4697330

I bought that game because of those straps.

>> No.4697357

>Character design is supposed to tell you about the character
According to you
>Any individual design should give you some sense on a few of these questions
In your opinion.
>if you can't answer any of these then you have a problem
In your opinion.

>> No.4697396
File: 133 KB, 300x300, XC2_Poppi_a_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine making a robot character who evolves as the game progresses but each evolution looks worse and more generic.

Hana Jet Spark

>> No.4697400
File: 854 KB, 793x1169, XC2_Poppi_QT_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana Justice Knight

>> No.4697403
File: 958 KB, 1076x1273, XC2_Poppi_QTpi_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hana Judgement Day

God, what a travesty.

>> No.4697414

You can't blame the designer when it does well for the common denominator of waifushitters, ie. people who are only capable of thinking with their dick
Why do you think those shitty generic gacha games with anime slut #241235 do so well?

>> No.4697416
File: 32 KB, 474x752, finalfagstacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like the kind of trash design that shows up in Final Fantasy games. Bunch of random crap cobbled together with random bits of skin exposed in weird places. Very gay also.

>> No.4697536

The problem with these designs is that they're visually noisy. Just tone down the highlights tone down the armor tone down the patterns tone down the unnecessary belts and other accessories, and these could be decent designs.

>> No.4697740

What about non sexualized lolis? I feel like that is still attacked because people like to jump to conclusions

Personally I love the loli aesthetic in a pure, daughter like kind of way, but sexualized lolis make me extremely uncomfortable.

I feel like I can’t post them because I also draw coomer art and since sjws have the logical skills of a chimpanzee they would make an association that isn’t even there, just because there is such a stigma about loli art

>> No.4700533

The thighs are still visible so it's still just as perfect.

>> No.4700539

Quit regurgitating the Anti-SJW "she's showing too much skin!" argument that pathetic /v/tards keep espousing every time a female character doesn't have their proportions overblown to appeal to coomers like yourself. It's beyond that, but you clearly have no idea about character design and probably don't draw.

>> No.4700882

>using the term "SJW" unironically
"F-fucking essjaydubyas won't let me coom to anime tiddy! This is why I can't get laid, guys!"

>> No.4701076

>My opinions are better than your opinions.
The thread.

>> No.4701664

Morrigan *is* a succubus.

>> No.4702439

t. semiosislet

>> No.4702499

Opinion discarded.