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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 252 KB, 1125x642, 2CB8FF7A-0926-4A22-9DF2-CE4F3FE17335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4684475 No.4684475 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite art piece made by her.

>> No.4684476
File: 444 KB, 1125x904, 462A77A4-47FE-4FEF-9AB0-BC871BB4C588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll start first ;)

>> No.4684477

post her butthole

>> No.4684480

mods wont delete this one

>> No.4684481

my favorite work of hers is when she got that pedo scumbag cancelled

>> No.4684488

>clout chasing fag
wew, twitter never change

>> No.4684490

Why do trannies choose the worst name? Alisa is such a shitty name

>> No.4684491

post her brown nipples

>> No.4684496
File: 22 KB, 1614x708, 85487C00-CA8D-4103-8379-79452CFD5B03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the white looks in this. One of the best things I’ve ever seen.

>> No.4684499

tranny jannies confirmed! absolutely disgusting

>> No.4684510

that's why you only follow chinks, they sure as hell won't trash your timeline with BLM or how PrObLeMaTiC drawings can be

>> No.4684512


>> No.4684517
File: 96 KB, 1453x2048, 87073241_3240232406004163_7957770450329665536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli appreciation thread

>> No.4684523

I have some "friends" in common with Lucas (Alke) and they are worried he may have killed himself, his art was everything for him

>> No.4684525

Did alke remove his twitter voluntarily or was it removed by twitter after mass flagging? We're really live in a massive time of purge aren't we?

>> No.4684527

He closed his perssonal facebook too.

>> No.4684550
File: 9 KB, 227x222, btfopedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4684551

can I get a quick rundown? how bad was the cancellation? I Imagine twitter was going nuts in a situation like this

>> No.4684554

His DA is still up

>> No.4684558
File: 965 KB, 1000x1000, Ebd6c7gXYAAlkKF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had a very humble patreon, barely doing 4 figures a month, despite being one of the best on his area, and now the patreon is long gone and possibly his paypal frozen, his Twitter got nuked and everything else too, which means it may have reached his real life, it was a brutal cancellation, made by a real mentally i'll person, just look at his "art", it seems it's real, ugly persons can't create beauty

>> No.4684561
File: 130 KB, 640x958, woman of culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hers, she
They have a beard, it's safe to assume that they are a man so please use their unfavorite pronouns.

>> No.4684564

>thread still up.
really shows mod's hypocrisy

>> No.4684571

post THEIR butthole then

>> No.4684572

I just realized this is our George Floyd moment

>> No.4684583

Cancel culture is idiotic, but stop acting like her art isn't ok tier just because you're mad.

>> No.4684587

>this is our George Floyd moment
Nah. Nothing's going to change since no-one is retarded enough to publicly stand up for lolifags.

>> No.4684588

Dangerously based

>> No.4684590


>> No.4684594

This, the sperging retards always shit on other’s when theirs are worse.

>> No.4684597

>tranny samefags celebrating
>mods clearly trannies too
we peak fourchannel now, are we?

>> No.4684599
File: 181 KB, 509x423, BD9B44D5-D96F-47EE-AC8B-9729217FCAAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paypal cancelled

This country can’t die soon enough

>> No.4684608

>i-it's just trannies samefagging

>> No.4684610

I wasn't even really into drawing loli, but if it makes trannies seethe this much I'll be sure to pump out more.

>> No.4684613

you keep forgetting your pepe. but still recognizable

>> No.4684616
File: 1.54 MB, 230x230, 1558925265119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is our George Floyd moment

>> No.4684618

Cope more, faggot. You lolifags are always insecure.

>> No.4684624

please don't compare Alke to that methhead nigger thug

>> No.4684625

your "vagina" is leaking.

>> No.4684626

i have never been a frogposter. you're seriously paranoid.

>> No.4684629

Based. There is nothing in this world more deserving of scorn than trannies, or jannies, which aren't mutually exclusive. Lolifags are saints compared to them

>> No.4684630

laughed way too har at this, upvote

>> No.4684635

lolibros > trannies/furries

>> No.4684636

Get some fucking taste, fuckhead

>> No.4684638
File: 7 KB, 265x190, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizo is talking about me, kek. I gave him ptsd with my pepes. :)

>> No.4684639
File: 49 KB, 226x212, 1563584384441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna enjoy seeing all of you get fucked

>> No.4684641

I think trannies hate loli because it reminds them of what they'll never be.

>> No.4684647
File: 49 KB, 453x576, d06831e0e8d9931848496d12175c81d7a0615f5b6ae1ec695d26f6499b58342f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4684648

his pixiv's still up

>> No.4684650

)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) nice try samefag

>> No.4684651

based nissa

>> No.4684654

take your meds schizo, you really need it.

>> No.4684655
File: 46 KB, 441x379, 1593376982290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a question - is twitter actually worse than tumblr in it's prime? I remember cancelling being really hot on tumblr too, it just wasn't that "openly", mainstream

>> No.4684657
File: 949 KB, 1626x2300, profile-study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4684661

literally who ? did she even work in a relevant studio ?

>> No.4684667


>> No.4684668

Its basically the same personality group, it seems that they're much more capable now though

>> No.4684673


>> No.4684677
File: 960 KB, 1958x2400, Young-link-custom-color-sketch-for-OnewSwellLad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one, NOT FUCKING ONE, tranny faggot would bat an eye if he drew shota-porn like this. You hypocrite degenerate scum. You and mods ofc.

>> No.4684680

twitter is comprised now of mostly those exact same people from tumblr, they just migrated

>> No.4684681

fucking kek
roasting someone so hard and with joy emoji too
thanks for posting, good read

>> No.4684682

Yeah, twitter is the new cancel culture hub.
But pedofilia hasn't been widely accepted in years. Pedoshit will continue to get kicked off all mainstream platforms, regardless of how much the a particular site is into outrage as a whole.

>> No.4684687

because we all know that drawings are real and hurt real children, sure.

>> No.4684689

Is drawing loli porn illegal? What about just lolis doing nonsexual stuff? I thought these were just drawings

>> No.4684692

Wow, touchy. Words like capeshit and pedoshit are in widespread use on this board.

>> No.4684696

>is it illegal
Depends on where in the world you are.
Twitter and Patreon are private companies, so they can easily kick someone even if it isn't illegal.

>> No.4684701

For someone who said it just a drawing, you clearly get mad when someone calls it pedo shit. It's just words, you shouldn't be mad or get defensive over words.

>> No.4684703

illegal but not enforced

>> No.4684717
File: 10 KB, 218x231, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you clearly get mad

>> No.4684720

Wait, is it actually against the law in burgerland? Guess getting booted off the platform was only a matter of time, then.

>> No.4684722

i assumed he was a girl because of the name and picture. i dont keep up with trash outside of the industry

>> No.4684727

This right here is why loli will never be socially acceptable. You have to wear the pedo label like a badge of honor, and when someone calls you a pedo, instead of cucking and denying, you say "Yes, I am a pedo, and there's nothing wrong with that". Just take a hard stance already and stop being a centrist fence sitter or nobody will ever take you seriously.
I'm being completely serious.

>> No.4684728

>Is drawing loli porn illegal?
Depends on your country, depends on the platform, most of the time not allowed
>What about just lolis doing nonsexual stuff?
Fine everywhere
>I thought these were just drawings
well the argument between anti 2d loli and pro 2d loli has always been won by lolifags but argument doesn't matter
all that matter are the term of service, read what your platform allows and play by the rules or you could get fucked anytime

This alk guy is great at drawing but bad at business, he should have used different means to deliver NSFW loli content to his audience while still advertising himself via twitter by posting his top tier SFW loli painting.

>> No.4684730

I'd say in a legal case having a healthy stash of drawn children could come across as rather unusual, if that's the weirdest shit you have on your hard drive, you might be good
here in central europe it's up to the judge and jurisdiction to evaluate certain drawn material ... I've heard from a german anon whose anime-reactionfolder was classified as actual cp, because the judge was a boomer

>> No.4684736

Not implying, when it's true. When ever someone shits on loli, you fags just sperg out and call everyone a tranny around you. But go ahead and keep seething, it's entertaining.

>> No.4684737

loli/shota would be banned on /b/ if it was illegal

>> No.4684738

>imagine creating your sense of identity around pedo art

>> No.4684739

the legal definition of child porn includes depictions. that means drawings.

>> No.4684745

>sperg out and call everyone a tranny around you.
you still are
>it's entertaining
Ah yes, it's IM JUST SHITPOSTING FOR LULZ YA excuse time

>> No.4684747

so where the fuck am I supposed to post my goddamn loli drawings then? This fucking country I swear. No one in japan gives a flying fuck.

>> No.4684749
File: 2.79 MB, 6435x4500, 1591168191623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense but what if you actually don't like 3D brats but find over stylized anime girls like pic related appealing? why would you call yourself a pedo when you find real children ugly?

>> No.4684752

It's funny how every BASED and gloating REDPILLED INDIVIDUAL carefully avoiding this one here >>4684677

>> No.4684756

go back to the youtube comments bitch

>> No.4684760

Because radditors that took over fourchannel said so. Sorry bro, it's not your call. Off to reeducation camp you go. Should've been a fag like everyone else.

>> No.4684763


It depends where you are, but assuming you mean in the US, it's protected speech as established by Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (2002) so long as the production of the material did not involve actual minors at the time of creation. This is irrespective of the content of the image, so a drawing of Penny getting railed by Brian while Uncle Gadget strokes his go-go-penis is absolutely legal.

A sufficiently motivated party could bury the creator under the intentionally vague US obscenity laws though.

>> No.4684767

Why do you have to be such insufferable retard, anon? What drives you?

>> No.4684768

because normies think you're a pedo anyway. they're never going to stop thinking that.

>> No.4684769

idc about what this thread is about its just your memes are youtube tier

>> No.4684773

what memes?

>> No.4684776
File: 153 KB, 696x392, desmond-750x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that everyone who cheers right now will defend picrelated, and probably fap to it. definitely fap to it.

>> No.4684782
File: 571 KB, 1076x1597, Screenshot_20200628-170910_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to cancel a mainstream artist like this one? Atleast this guy is trying but tough luck, hamlet's followers are too loyal

>> No.4684783

Nah. Hate both.

>> No.4684785

It’s possible, it just really depends on a certain group of people and how many of them.!

>> No.4684793

Cancelling is highly ineffective against those who simply refuse to respond as long as there are no bans involved.

>> No.4684798
File: 215 KB, 1548x2326, 1592858776567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolishit is like furryshit,
a lot of furryshitters are zoophiles and get off to real animals too and a lot of lolifags get off to real CP, alk was probably one of those
But a lot of them don't and are attracted to the style or characters
Normalfags don't get that and put everything in one basket so it's easier for their brains to label things

>> No.4684803

Canceling is ok if you're popular.
No one will give a shit if you're a literally who. It's hypocrisy on both side.

>> No.4684806

>$600 dollarinos for that


>> No.4684807

Gotta ride that clout brother

>> No.4684808

Any truer

>> No.4684811

Pic unrelated? Also what you said is true, I hate both furfags and lolifags, but a good amount of them aren’t pedos or zoos.

>> No.4684816
File: 673 KB, 900x1200, 1593199246401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated yes

>> No.4684818

The difference is sexualization of the characters

>> No.4684819

read my post again

>> No.4684830

The outcome would be the same regardless.

>> No.4684836

No it wouldn't and you know it

>> No.4684851

Amazing how selective these woke idiots are, meanwhile this pedo isnt canceled because simply she "relatable" to them.

>> No.4684854
File: 102 KB, 481x416, 1591086134170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shotafags winning
Feels good being a fempedo.
I can draw hung little boys fucking women with big breasts all day long and no one is gonna stop me. Not even normies care.

>> No.4684857

>little boys fucking women with big breasts

>> No.4684861


>> No.4684899
File: 113 KB, 592x324, 1684846385431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wowzers where do i donate?

>> No.4684906

Hypocrisy is gay, but should this shit really be outlawed. What if you're like me and self insert as a shota? I'm pretty sure many femorrhoids do the same with loli since so many have rape fetishes. Also, based, for a woman

>> No.4684916
File: 296 KB, 700x749, tumblr_oeyr1myDh41qiuq4no2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow didnt even know she got cancelled. been following her since like 2016 here's somee olddddd ass art I had saved

>> No.4684922

I empathize with the loli artists and don't attack them. They and their fans have shit taste but that's not my business or anyone else's.
Of course drawings shouldn't be outlawed, but it's not the law you need to worry about, it's the mobs. My advice for now is to just stay off of twitter. If you don't have an account these trannies won't even bother with you since it's too much effort for too little reward.

>> No.4684926

She did? All I know is that she started some canceling campaign against a loli artist known as alk and got him cancelled

>> No.4684939

Do we have proof that this is a tranny? Or is everyone just assuming?

>> No.4684942

It's a tranny. I've seen "her" onlyfans.

>> No.4684945

Idk where to post my shit then honestly. Is pixiv safe?

>> No.4684950

And how exactly did you happen to come across that anon? Kek

>> No.4684960


>> No.4684964

Well, that isn't really proof. Don't trannies usually advertise that they are trannies for clout? I don't want to go to cuckter to check.

>> No.4684965

Congrats you’ll get less of a following or even none if you don’t draw animu. Have fun

>> No.4684966

Good thing I draw fucking animu ya big ol' fart

>> No.4684988

You’ll still won’t garner much of following. Pixiv is extremely niche.

>> No.4684993
File: 1015 KB, 926x1182, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I scrolled through the Twitter and there wasn't anything to definitely suggest a tranny. Strongest "proof" was pronouns in bio (she/them which many females opt for) and pic with upper tweet. Note that she never says it's her. It could be boyfriend, friend etc. One would think that if you don't want to advertise your tranniness you would at least shave before publishing a pic.
Face in lower pic is pretty fem, and looks somewhat different from upper pic, even if the jaw is covered.
Nowhere is there any indicator of an OnlyFans account.
Did people just make up the tranny thing?

>> No.4684999


>> No.4685000

Don't know anything about this dude but if you're anything else than the original he/she aren't you by definition a tranny? The fuck is "them? All the made up things like genderfluid and whatnot are trannies no?

>> No.4685002

guess i'll chance the mob then, but I'll make a pixiv anyway.

>> No.4685003

A female not doing any surgeries and ultimately willing to go by birth pronouns is not what's implied.
If that counts as a tranny, then every 2020 woke art ho is a tranny.

>> No.4685011

Gender non-binary, agendered, genderfluid

>> No.4685122
File: 115 KB, 703x840, 2bf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo nicee

>> No.4685123

You literally just proved his point dummy. Do you not have self awareness?

>> No.4685128

it'd be super sad if anyone unironically believed this

>> No.4685132


>> No.4685180

There are definitely alot of them that like to keep that shit undercover instead of shouting to the heavens about their mental illness. There was one lady thats pretty big in the youtube makeup world that got outed as a tranny, so there's examples out there.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say people are yelling she's a tranny because thats the hip thing to do.

>> No.4685197

>people are yelling she's a tranny because thats the hip thing to do.
but putting a wig on and calling yourself a woman for all that virtue signaling money is not the hip thing to do?
Most trannies are not legit trannies.
They do it because they're retarded and they want to be part of the cool thing at any cost.
Like the rich kid at school who always buys the new trendy thing and tells everyone he was way into it before anyone else.
Most people on this planet don't deserve to be part of anything.

>> No.4685249

Alke was pretty much asking for this to happen. I think animu loli gets a pass because "lol anime" but his shit hits on another level. It got dangerously close to actually depicting children. Sure they were stylized and shit but like come on, there is an obvious peto vibe you get from it.
It sucks though cause god FUCKING damn can he paint. If he was painting normy shit he'd have an industry job easy. Maybe this can be the start of that though, I'd hate to see such a talented individual who makes such delicate and beautiful artwork never get legit work. He's too good of a painter for that. I hope he has some sort of side account where he doesn't paint loli.
who cares about the...bitch?.. who reported and blasted him, if it wasn't.....her?...it'd be someone else. Like I said he was really asking for it. Sucks but hey, I think it comes with that territory.

>> No.4685284

and yet A list artist who draw nude shota and problematic porn got the pass because she's a female and has connection in her underground nepotism circle.

>> No.4685294
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 128B4A64-43CA-4035-8ADF-54C8A95E06BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4685298
File: 445 KB, 500x282, 1543421667062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse before it gets better, rorichads.
We will rise from the ashes like a phoenix.
Something hilarious will happen in the future and we will all be vindicated.

>> No.4685300

What's the best place to hang out with crusty oldfags from back when the internet was a wild west?

>> No.4685329

facebook groups

>> No.4685336

I remember when Reddit banned loli subs but allowed shota subs. Almost like shota is based while loli is disgusting and degenerate.

>> No.4685342


I don't know any of these people but what I understood is this

>Retard makes pedo art
>it clearly is pedo art that anybody can see and trace to him
>some person points the obvious
>pedo finally gets famous
>pedo finds out that people prefer him dead and that's why he wasn't famous yet
>somebody makes this thread like this is surprising

>> No.4685348

>Almost like [HEADCANON]

>> No.4685374

There's no reason to even have this thread other then lolifags being buttblasted that someone that didn't play it smart had the law catch up with them.

>> No.4685377

>lolifags: jerk off to their anime porn not bothering anyone
>trannies: try to push their mental illness into all medium such as video games, movies, tv shows. Try to censor and cancel people that don't share their opinion also cut their dicks and 41% kill themselves
Come on me brother

>> No.4685381
File: 91 KB, 830x1450, yu-narukami-persona4-dancing-all-night-finalversion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread exists to highlight injustice.
In a decade, the law will be on our side.
I mean it already is but the people in power don't follow written rules or logic and act based on emotion...but things WILL change.

>> No.4685382

Based Chad Thundercock

>> No.4685388

>thread about tranny is still up
really makes you think

>> No.4685395
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1593101708407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he was painting normy shit he'd have an industry job easy
What would you rather be?
>A normie who slaves at his job earning jackshit
>Some weeb drawing girls and getting paid millions to do so
Pedoshit is even in the upper echelon of society and there are lots of people willing to pay top money for kiddie drawings.
Once there will be a push to normalize pedos and lolishit you'll see EVERY SINGLE """artist""" trying to get into the market.
>"It's just drawings anyway so where is the harm?"
Right now, it's the preliminaries.
The ones in the know are trying to kick out as many players as possible so the field isn't oversaturated and there can be a grasp on the market.
>It got dangerously close to actually depicting children
Nigga u trippin
What about the countless paintings actually depicting real children in slightly obscene situations?
Once people decide that there is no more money to be made with regular anime, they'll make the jump.
>Inb4 lolifag apologist
Just the messenger here
i dont give a shit

>> No.4685397

Say that in the streets so any bum can stab your guts while everybody claps.

In ten years algorithms, cameras and body language experts are gonna be so much better that we'll see in your eyes that you're a pedo.

>> No.4685400

>don't follow written rules or logic and act based on emotion

>> No.4685411

Yes. That's called a human being, freak. You look to a kid I wash the floor with your blood and everybody claps. People laugh if you die.

>> No.4685450

Unsure whether satire, or serious.

>> No.4685460



>> No.4685461 [DELETED] 

I made this thread originally to piss off the lolifags and watch them sperg the fuck out. This thread has unironically became a vent thread for them.

>> No.4685462

I made this thread originally to piss off the lolifags and watch them sperg the fuck out. This thread has unironically became a vent thread for them.

>> No.4685476

You're stupid just like the retard that's got cancelled, aren't you? Don't you know what happens to pedos when they go to prison? The other inmates will do to you the worst things imaginable. People laugh when you die. If I show a picture of a mutilated and torture man to a granny and say he was a pedo, she'll say he got it coming.

Fucking imbecile. These drawings weren't attacked cause they're ugly. They were attacked cause people want to kill the person who did them. It doesn't matter what's the law, this is universal consensus.

>> No.4685479

>there is an obvious peto vibe you get from it
So what? It's not illegal. Nowhere in the world.

>> No.4685484

good fucking riddance lmao

>> No.4685490

>aligning your morality with prisoners and senile grannies
you sure proved his point about irrationality wrong

>> No.4685499
File: 3.91 MB, 4096x4096, 1585758892576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should be attacked here?
The artist who portrayed jewish tradition
or the jews for hurting children?

>> No.4685501

Psychology is my hobby. Old women are more likely to show empathy or feel upset about death. Prisoners are all criminals who believe that there are people worse than criminals which deserve worse than jail.

>> No.4685504
File: 268 KB, 720x384, vlcsnap-2018-06-11-14h55m32s167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human beings you talk about married lolis for thousands of years just 200 years ago and in many parts of the world its still considered normal- that besides the point that a preference for loli can also be based on purely aesthetic motives rather than sexual ones. Your choice of words matches the way other full-time outragers have. You are the sort of person who cannot form a single original thought or define ethics for yourself, yet you fervently spend your 5 minutes of hate yelling at the boogeyman of choice.

The human beings clap at many things I tell you. they always growded around the gallows. Who cares what they cheer on today or tomorrow. Alke drew what he liked to draw, gave joy to some and harmed nobody.

>> No.4685513

Well, then just tell everybody about these drawings you like and watch what happens. Wear a shirt with one of those. I was letting you know something, not arguing. I’m explaining why this will keep happening.

>> No.4685517

And don’t worry, I pay attention to patterns and usually pedos don’t kill themselves, even though everybody thinks they should.

>> No.4685519

>just tell everybody about these drawings you like
But that's exactly what I don't do. Unlike fags and trannies I don't try to social engineer the entire world into celebrating my preferences, nor do I see the need prank around like a freak in public.

If you wear graphic T-Shirts or T-Shirts in general there's no helping you anyway.

>> No.4685521

Even if you hadn't pulled what you said about old women out of your ass, that would still make them irrational. And the behavior of prisoners is nothing more than lowlifes trying to feel superior to others so that they can express their proclivity to violence and feel justified about it it. Kind of like what you're doing.

ad populum is still not an argument

>> No.4685522

you know that's not most trans people anon, stop finding excuses to hate anyone who is slightly different than you, the world is already ugly enough.
Are you really that much pathetic to the point that their presence in media actually bothers you? You seriously think most trans people are obnoxious?

have you ever met personally at least 1 trans person?
do you go outside anymore?

>> No.4685526

Yes you do. You all give subtle pushes for it to be accepted socially and you all think you aren’t hurting anybody. Even the ones who effectively touch children. Me and the other guys who read the books know all about it.

>> No.4685531

hahaha good try, this place is fucked enough that apparently wanting to jerk off over children is normal.
Funny how they are so bothered by this.

>> No.4685543
File: 255 KB, 592x800, 1D802CAC-D9D6-4004-9890-3284A4F32809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve seen a lot people here saying that they loved his art and will miss it, but honestly? He was only “good” at best. Some here will find this rude in the same vein as disrespecting the dead is, but it’s true and needed to be said. It’s not like there is a lack of lolicon artists, as there’s hundreds of Japanese artists who can draw lolis way better than him and at no risk of being cancelled. Yeah, it’s true that what happened to him was awful and all, but there’s no need to go treating him like some god of lolis and putting him on a pedestal.

>> No.4685556

Boring shitpost, try again next time with something less obvious, but just i'm case you ate being serious, you have to be retarded yo beleive that generic garbage you posted is better than Alke's works, or that any generic nip trash is, anyways, rope yourself

>> No.4685564

Get better taste, faggot.

>> No.4685568
File: 93 KB, 1300x762, EbSfcqPU8AIIxZF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite piece is this one. It looks exactly like Holly Brown's art, another famous artist. In general the two have the same drawing skills, just Alisa can render better.
I hope one day I can draw this good, wish me luck boys

>> No.4685571

Try again without using the word “generic”, or any meme word for that matter.

>> No.4685573

You forgot the frogs :^)

>> No.4685593

I think you’re mistaking me with someone else. You’re replying to two different people though, so I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant the other guy. Regardless, I’d still like you to tell me why you find Alke’s work better than the example I posted, and without using meme descriptions like “generic” this time.

>> No.4685617

Why would I need to post frogs just to call you a faggot?

>> No.4685630

No, if it was no booru or chan site that is based in the US would allow it.
It's not illegal but some states try to get away with making it illegal with obscenity laws, which themselves are illegal, if you took it to the Supreme Court they would be found unconstitutional but no one is going to take that fight.

>> No.4685644

>the law
please tell me where it says it's illegal to draw certain things

>> No.4685645

>stop finding reasons to hate trans people
>but people who draw things I don't like should fucking die
stop breathing you waste of oxygen

>> No.4685750

good try, never said anything against people who draw those. :)

Nothing bad about people jerking off to fake children.
Hopefully yall don't grow up to harass the real ones out of desperation.

>> No.4685759

>It’s not like there is a lack of lolicon artists
good now show me one of those whose style is similar or comparable to Alke's

>> No.4685761

it's amazing to me that lolifags/closet pedophiles think they have any moral highground

>> No.4685764

Reminder that there's still zero proof this is a tranny.

>> No.4685851
File: 167 KB, 1308x2048, 54279333_2545405612153516_5443878482268389376_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check Alke's fb
>he's posting lolis and games as usual

The tranny can't defeat the lolichad.

>> No.4685879
File: 1.12 MB, 400x204, 1515801574306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4685886

Tranny of the mind

>> No.4685899

>Shota porn
>Literally just a cute picture of Young Link
Not everything is porn you fucking degenerate

>> No.4685942

>defending canceling
Imagine being that person. There's nothing righteous out of it, you're taking away the income from someone else just because you decided it, speaking on the behalf of no one but everyone on the idea of what a 'normal' society is, can't you people smell the level of hypocrisy on this?. I know you're baiting but they get absolutely no flack for this, none. The capricious mentality of some of these people shows how spoiled this generation is, they can't have a world that doesn't suit 'us', so in a supposed act of benevolence they must change it, you don't like it? well, I'll take you out then because you're part of the problem. Let's see how bad it gets in 20 years from now.

>> No.4685960

it's a lot more normies and a tweet is easily viewed by anyone in comparison to some blog post that may or may not come up on some other tumblarians blog

>> No.4685963

Is this the pedo shit? Fucking tame, I’ve seen 19 year old women with those bods.

>> No.4685979
File: 132 KB, 849x1200, 349D1C05-AF16-4CC6-B484-419E0CA2D1E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Searched up his stuff, can see what they’re talking about, his stuff goes to beautiful cute innocent girls to uncomfortable and definitely pedophilia, he would be one of those guys I would follow with a separate account just for the shading techniques and probably scroll past his pedo art like a blur. Btw in the eyes of the law, drawings of children in this nature like pic related is not considered child porn, it’s still pedoshit as hell but he’s doing nothing illegal.

>> No.4686040

It’s not just pedo “vibes”, he actually drew sexually explicit art of little girls presenting their naked pussies to the viewer. Just search his name up on sadpanda.

>> No.4686054

Except he is though, see

>> No.4686058

He drew a naked version of this pic if you didn't know.

>> No.4686072

People should be allowed to draw whatever the fuck they like. It’s art, it’s not REAL. fuck off.

>> No.4686077

>People should be allowed to draw whatever the fuck they like.
Websites should also be allowed to refuse a platform from whoever the fuck they like.

>> No.4686094


>> No.4686110

Why are there so many people like you say this? Do you even bother to pay attention?

>> No.4686130

god bless

>> No.4686136

trannies be like
>It’s not just pedo “vibes”, he actually drew sexually explicit art of little girls presenting their naked pussies to the viewer.
also trannies
>i just want to suck that smol shota cock and ravage that boypussy uwu

>> No.4686140

>This thread has now been up for 17 hours
>Noah Bradley threads got deleted within 15 minutes

>> No.4686141

Did Alke ever actually draw sexualized children?
The pictures I've found on Yify are non-explicit and could be interpreted as either "suggestive" or "cute", in which case the only way to tell whether it's actually suggestive is to ask the artist whether they intended it that way, otherwise fuck off.

>> No.4686142


>> No.4686147

>>/ic/?ghost=yes&task=search&search_text=alke&offset=96 Look through the archive or sandpanda like all the other anons been saying.

>> No.4686159

I'm not averse to lolicon, I kind of find it appealing if done in a certain way. It doesn't remind me of children but more so a specific bodytype and "brand" of femininity.

But this shit is definitely pedophilia, and I have no interest in it whatsoever. It's a shame that loli and pedophilia are considered synonymous by the mainstream because I can clearly testify the fact they are not perceived by my brain remotely similarly. Seeing a picture like this repulses me at worst or brings out a protective nature at best, whereas seeing pictures of lithe playful loli's registers as something completely unrelated.

Loli isn't about children to me - it's about representing the pinnacle of youth, in the form of perfectly unwrinkled skin and bodies more lithe than any other kind.

Does anyone else feel similarly? Appreciating loli but not relating it to children, and finding actual children to either be gross brats or at best deserving our care and protection?

>> No.4686166

To add on to this, I think that a lot of "loli" art does not use children for reference. They're simply taking a waif-like frame on a female, and shrinking it down.

It was looking at the earlier image of the two children and googling more of Alke's art that makes it clear he learnt to draw from using real children references, and is why his pictures look so different from the ordinary "loli" style that I'm acquainted with.

And no, these blogposts aren't to evade the fact that I'm secretly a pedophile. I am not. I just think that lolicon is different from pedophilia, or at least CAN be, and it's important to make that distinction.

>> No.4686168

Just like other alke-threads
Not sure if mods gave up or stupid

>> No.4686176

This the Alisa aydin appreciation thread not that pedo faggot’s thread ;)

>> No.4686177

Yea I actually feel like anime loli is fine, but alkes shit is way too close to being real. Pretty fucked up

>> No.4686180

>too close to being real
>his character have weird baby faces and unrealistic bodies
back to the gaschamber, tranny

>> No.4686191

HIs bodies are highly realistic, what do you mean? They look traced at times, even.

>> No.4686192

Yea it’s more about the bodies. Too real.

>> No.4686199
File: 175 KB, 540x394, EEDBC068-C7A6-46A5-BE1C-DA20A2272797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn’t be saying that if it was your ilk getting deplatformed by twitter mobs. You’d be crying “transphobia” if all of the sudden social networks decided that the trans community is toxic and their ideas harmful toward society and thus should be banned from posting on mainstream networks. The only reason you’re being a pro censorship bootlicker is cause the gun isn’t pointed at you. But if platforms like twitter are going to arbitrarily decide what they do and don’t deem acceptable on their platform; this means that they indirectly encourage all the stuff they don’t ban, which includes the twitter mobs who go after individuals and slander them to ruin their careers. Which means that people like Justin Beiber and Pissed Pedro shouldn’t be firing lawsuits at your ilk, but rather at Twitter itself since they have chosen to take responsibility for what people post on their platform by electing which users to ban for content and behavior they deem inappropriate despite it being perfectly legal.

Samefagging this bad is just pathetic at this point.

>> No.4686203
File: 124 KB, 679x960, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy constructs his own figures, retardo, how the fuck can be traced?

>> No.4686207

What do you mean by constructs his own figures?

I've only seen a bit of his work but his illustrations are photorealistic enough, especially when it comes to bodies, that I could see tracing as a possibility. Not saying he does, though.

>> No.4686210
File: 658 KB, 999x1440, Vega-custom-sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dony you know what construction means, you fucking retard? he wasnt always that good, just go to his deviantart account and look at his old work, is total garbage but he had some spark of talent, then he got really good at rendering and very good at drawing, on his patreon stuff he uploads the step by steps and you can clearly see he does his practice, not every artist who is good trace, just because you cant draw jackshit doesnt mean thoose who can trace, you absolute drolling mongo.

>> No.4686212
File: 91 KB, 666x375, C8370BD1-BC5D-4EDC-BA65-CEDCC732BB6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s trying to imply he references real naked children to imply loli=pedo and thus harmful because it requires real cp. The implicit argument here is a dishonest attempt at correlating cartoon drawings of fictional characters with real child pornography in an attempt to gain the moral high ground in the argument here despite the fact that diluting the definition of pedophilia and making light of it in a campaign used to attack artists only creates more harm to actual child victims by taking attention away from the real issues.

tl;dr - he’s fucking scum and has a shit argument. He doesn’t actually give a shit about pedophilia or protecting kids or whatever, he just wants to destroy someone’s career because he’s a sorry piece of shit who can only destroy.

>> No.4686233

I never said he traces, but that his work is good enough to consider it possible. Many artists aren't good enough for it to even be considered possible. Me suggesting the possibility of tracing is a compliment to him, not an insult.

That said, it doesn't change the fact that he clearly uses child body references and reproduces them very faithfully, which is why his artwork looks so different from the rest of the lolicon sphere. I don't think he deserves "cancellation" or prosecution for that, I'm only mentioning it here for the sake of intellectual discussion.

Did you even read my original comments? Where I explicitly stated the EXACT OPPOSITE of everything you wrote here? You literally skipped over my actual sentences and just wrote a completely baseless opinion of me.

Here's the comments:

Here's some quotes:
>I'm not averse to lolicon, I kind of find it appealing if done in a certain way. It doesn't remind me of children but more so a specific bodytype and "brand" of femininity.

>It's a shame that loli and pedophilia are considered synonymous by the mainstream because I can clearly testify the fact they are not perceived by my brain remotely similarly.

>Loli isn't about children to me - it's about representing the pinnacle of youth, in the form of perfectly unwrinkled skin and bodies more lithe than any other kind.

>To add on to this, I think that a lot of "loli" art does not use children for reference. They're simply taking a waif-like frame on a female, and shrinking it down.

>I just think that lolicon is different from pedophilia, or at least CAN be, and it's important to make that distinction.

I also know nothing about Alke and his history, so I'm not trying to
"destroy his career". I was just pointing out the clear difference between his work and more conventional "loli" art.

>> No.4686236

he was literally arguing your exact point lmao, you didn't read a single word he wrote

>> No.4686242

>hey yo that looks traced, iughhh
>oh I actually never said he traced, just implied it because his art is that good LMAO : )
take a fucking side

>> No.4686256

Yes >>4684749

>> No.4686271

>His bodies are highly realistic, what do you mean? They look traced at times, even.

I was using the suggestion of tracing as a way stating that his bodies are completely void of any cartoon stylization, to counter your comment that his comments have "unrealistic bodies". No, they're extremely realistic - they look exactly like real bodies and saying "they could be traced" is another way of saying that.

It's really not difficult to understand. Not sure why you're getting so upset over a misinterpretation of my original comment. I'm not jealous of his art and trying to take credit away from his hard-earned skills in reproducing the human form.

>> No.4686274


>> No.4686275

>His bodies are highly realistic, what do you mean? They look traced at times, even.

I was using the suggestion of tracing as a way stating that his bodies are completely void of any cartoon stylization, to counter your own comment that his comments have "unrealistic bodies". No, they're extremely realistic - they look exactly like real bodies, and saying "they could be traced" is another way of saying that they lack any deviation from photorealism.

It's really not difficult to understand. Not sure why you're getting so upset over a misinterpretation of my original comment. I'm not jealous of his art and trying to take credit away from his hard-earned skills in reproducing the human form.

>> No.4686281

>I was using the suggestion of bla bla bla
Look at you go, it's adorable

>> No.4686287

>>His bodies are highly realistic, what do you mean? They look traced at times, even.
>I was using the suggestion of tracing as a way stating that his bodies are completely void of any cartoon stylization, to counter your own comment that his comments have "unrealistic bodies". No, they're extremely realistic - they look exactly like real bodies, and saying "they could be traced" is another way of saying that they lack any deviation from photorealism.
>It's really not difficult to understand. Not sure why you're getting so upset over a misinterpretation of my original comment. I'm not jealous of his art and trying to take credit away from his hard-earned skills in reproducing the human form.

>> No.4686289

If you're not even going to read my comments, then I guess our conversation is over. I've been kind, but please don't expect a further response from here.

>> No.4686298
File: 1.07 MB, 293x270, 15775660349892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been kind
How generous of you do descend from you blue-chekmarked heaven down to us plebs. Thank you Your Grace.

>> No.4686302

Why are you trying to be kind to some paranoid faggots, that yell samefag and call you trannies if you don't agree with their shit taste?

>> No.4686304

Once again, "tracing" refers to the notion of his bodies being realistic to the point that they lack any non-photographic stylization.

If you want to keep accusing me of accusing an artist I just learnt about from this thread as having no skill and needing to trace his figures as a result, then feel free to continue.

But I have no reason to imagine he actually traces, and I think another person would understand that saying an illustration "looks traced" is another way of saying "it's extremely faithful to the original reference" which in this case would be a realistic body, which contrasts your point about "unrealistic" bodies.

I have work to do anon. I can't defend myself over a single remark all day long. Keep defending Alke from people who weren't even attacking him in the first place.

>> No.4686305

I kindly suggest to gas yourself, tranny faggot piece of trash.

>> No.4686309

>paranoid faggots
Doesn't mean you're not samefagging right now.

>> No.4686311

>once again bla bla bla bla
I didnt read shit of your mental babble.

>> No.4686315

I don't even have a Twitter account, and I haven't attacked Alke once in this thread. I never said he deserved to lose his livelihood.

You decided to misinterpret my statements, and called me some names along the way.

I hope you become a kinder and more respectful person in the future.

They should really be drawing, instead of spending their time on the internet misinterpreting other people's sentences and getting upset for no reason.

>> No.4686319
File: 28 KB, 700x483, b38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once again, "tracing" refers to the notion
Again with semantics. It's pathetic. But you already left, why are you still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.4686320

I wish that both of you become kinder and more respectful to other people in the future. I am leaving this thread now.

>> No.4686323

>reddit spacing
You need to go back.

>> No.4686324

A redditor and a liar, wew.

>> No.4686339

>Loli isn't about children to me
It literally means little girl and comes from a book about a pedophile.

>> No.4686367


>> No.4686391

Lmfao all these retards seething because this guy with a perfectly reasonable take on the issue mentioned the word “trace”.

>> No.4686542

Because under developed grown adult women exist retard.

>> No.4686549

I didn’t say he wasn’t a pedo, I just said his stuff in the eyes of the law is harmless because it doesn’t harm any children.

>> No.4686584

He’s either a pedo or we are out of touch Americans projecting our own insecure values onto a foreigner who may come from a society with lax views on child sexuality and expression.

>> No.4686611
File: 52 KB, 538x900, 3B5773F3-91E4-4ACF-BEC6-063EF59B7123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this so /ic crabs can call me a pedobear :^)

>> No.4686670

Bouguereau probably sucked some toes to be fair.

>> No.4686674

Post your social media account, patreon, and art, since you wanted attention so badly.

>> No.4686680

Is the pedophilia panic the worst thing to happen to online art communities since the creation of the virtual world? It drove all NSFW art and artists off Tumblr after all.

>we must cancel this person for drawing children
>but pizzagate is a dangerous conspiracy and the notion of secret pedo circles must not be entertained or investigated

>> No.4686719

dude the Bougue pupils were all full on pedos, LMAO, just look at the art of Emil Munier holy sweet tits of heaven that shit would set on fire all the trannies on twitter and beyond.

>> No.4686787

>but pizzagate is a dangerous conspiracy and the notion of secret pedo circles must not be entertained or investigated
If the average s/ic/ktard would already kill themselves for not being able to drawn anime titties, imagine what they would do if they were exposed to the whole pizzagate thing.
Imagine what a total nervous breakdown they'd have if they saw the paintings.

>> No.4686810

What paintings? What are you talking about?

>> No.4686886

Do your research.
Apparently, the people involved in the whole thing bought and posses very disturbing paintings which clearly display pedophilic images.

>> No.4686956

>I'm gonna be naive about something that is highly likely going to do financial damage to a person
>I'm gonna call him out even though I probably never ever bothered to ask him directly
>instead I'll throw him into the hungry mob because that's a reasonable choice instead
The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. I guess backhanded compliments are given at that point
you're too full of yourself and the solution for this already was pointed, by no other than yourself
>I have no interest in it whatsoever
There's nothing at stake, fucking with someone else's living is just already fucked as it is, just walk away and accept that people have some degrees of immorality, that includes you. There's no fixing for it and this of all things is not even doing a dent to the problem.

>> No.4686978
File: 192 KB, 1470x2048, 53121614_2540940572600020_8578659357955194880_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NGMI saying Alke traces
My fucking sides. Just because you are a reference slave doesn't mean everyone copies. His figures don't even look that realistic when comparing it to fine art painting of children, it's just really good shading.

As for the ironic lolicons, some loli artists in Japan do actually use real life "child models" (which is called chaku ero and is a huge industry there). In fact, the artist Kinku posted a pic of his desk with photos of real lolis in swimsuits pasted in.
If you actually want to do something for children, contribute to a ONG or donate to a orphanage because cancelling someone only makes you look a like a jealous tranny.

>> No.4686988

based Lucas, I wasnt expecting you to defend yourself on the internet, when are you necking yourself? you argenigger pedo faggot?

>> No.4687001

When you join the 41% club, tranny

>> No.4687025

This seems to be the trannys "boyfriend"


>> No.4687029

The Jews of course

>> No.4687059

You basically laid out the argument perfectly, no wonder you didn't get any responses.
Social media platforms are the public forum of the digital age, freezing a certain group out of that is political censorship. If you want to get the legal protections of being a platform rather than a publisher, you should be obligated to tolerate everything other than illegal content on your site.

If the progressive puritans want to banish loli from the internet, they should do so by gaining political power through legitimate means and changing the law, so people affected by the change in legislature have time to adjust their - up to that point perfectly legal - business model. That's how justice works. But of course they aren't interested in justice, they just want to get everyone to comply exactly with their worldview right now and by any means necessary.

>> No.4687084


>> No.4687106
File: 416 KB, 750x1334, 2761FFDD-B3F1-4C8F-8539-D406EC8CF13A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4687115

>a phoneposter
ever worse

>> No.4687118

face the wall, now!

>> No.4687122

Ah yes, pre-crime, finding someone guilty of something they never did and killing them for it.
Pre-crime and thought crime, what a beautiful combination, I bet you think you are moral aren't you?
You can't make the distinction between fiction and reality, you can't make the distinction between guilty or innocent, you wish to kill and torture people based on drawings and if you think that if enough people fell like you do you can excuse any barbaric, murderous thought that crosses your mind.
You've turned someone that draws into a person that commits harm on children, you've made them synonymous.
You can't think, you can't reason, you can't tell legal from illegal nor crime from no crime, you can only feel and what you feel is cruel and barbaric, your the type of person that would round up a mob and lynch people off trees for being accused of wrong doing. But no, you're even worse, those people felt justified because they went after a person they thought had hurt or killed someone else, you don't even need a victim or anyone actually being hurt or wronged, you just want to get all that ugliness in you and direct it at someone who has wronged no one.

>> No.4687125

>>4687059 was my first post itt. anyone who has mark new IPs activated in 4chanX can verify this.

keep ignoring the conversation and playing gotcha. it's the one thing you politicals are good at.

>> No.4687126

>using incognito mode
Nice fagging retard.

>> No.4687135

NTA but that doesn't change anything for me when phoneposting

>> No.4687151

nigger your'e dumb

>> No.4687167

What I would give for a woman like that

Helps that Hijab's are equal parts cute and sexy.

Not on whites though.

>> No.4687168


>> No.4687222

Dangerously based but gey

>> No.4687225

I just realized my linework looks just like alke's but my faces and render are shit

>> No.4687226

He changed his @ to a different name, closed his account and still active through likes

>> No.4687231

Lies, gib new name

>> No.4687232

Give @ :^)

>> No.4687242
File: 65 KB, 593x480, 144585689679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you trannies could pile up on him once again? Yeah nah

>> No.4687246

His bodies look kind of off for being referenced from real children. They’re too wide and fat in the wrong places, plus his mouths are kind of unappealing. I can’t say I’m a fan of this sort of style.

>> No.4687253

You must 18 and over to post here.

>> No.4687262

>Protecting some rando that doesn’t know you exist

>> No.4687271

>leftist is lacking basic empathy

>> No.4687301
File: 381 KB, 651x741, 2fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter is fucking worse

Tumblr at least had some decency to laugh at itself and have some self-awareness within the userbase; even a large majority of oldschool homestuck fans would follow or even contribute to making fun of dumb idiots in their fanbase. I could go on but it was truly a much better time.

>> No.4687313

Tumblr got progressively worse, but it was actually pretty decent way back in 2011/12 before the social justice garbage truly started taking over.
Nowadays, if Homestuck was a thing that was made 5 years later, it wouldn't be able to take off in such a community because of how politically incorrect the writing can be

>> No.4687349
File: 1.56 MB, 1000x1000, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all Alkebros and Lolichads, I salute you.

>> No.4687353

People should be able to draw what they want even if it makes others uncomfortable. You can't ban an idea. That being said if you draw controversial shit you can't be upset when people throw shit your way. It is what it is.

>> No.4687380

Gay? In a woman. Even more protection for me.

>> No.4687407

But isn't that U.S culture? I can't believe people from the country that has children beauty shows and allows children to go to "pride" events are complaining and trying to get "cancelled" an artist from a third-world country.

Why don't you guys go against your own country fishy TV shows and events?

>> No.4687436
File: 85 KB, 584x596, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't say that i feel sorry for alke. i admit that i like loli and shota art, but it's fucked up. i know it's wrong and i understand the hate that it gets.
but the real problem is that alke used real kids for his drawings. he's known for posting pics of actual children on facebook and making creep comments. that's just a line you should never cross, it's blatant pedophilia. go ahead and draw all the loli and shota you want, don't be surprised if you get shit for it.
but leave real children out of it.

>> No.4687441
File: 291 KB, 948x1210, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Theres more, he is with english translation. Many of his works used pictures REAL children , he turns them into " loli fab content", look at the tag lolisparatodos/lolisforall. Im sure the mom was not informed there could be a nsfw version of this on his patreon"

>> No.4687447
File: 98 KB, 908x586, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4687450

one more link
the dude's got some serious problems

>> No.4687463
File: 112 KB, 860x838, s01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4687465

Yeah, pedophilia is bad. Cry about it

>> No.4687466


>> No.4687472

Yea it sucks that you can’t save pictures of kids on your pc.

>> No.4687476

i mean, you can, but...

>> No.4687480


>> No.4687483
File: 14 KB, 389x139, 1562228474495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this may come as a surprise but pedophiles aren't liked

>> No.4687487
File: 10 KB, 440x125, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4687488

>what is paint
>4 replies in seconds on a board that is slow as shit
>quick reply with the "proofs"

>> No.4687489
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>> No.4687490
File: 143 KB, 500x500, 1593282845809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm not sure what to think. I do feel bad this dude just got hellfire thrown on him randomly because some literal who was offended. But then again some of the facebook photos were pretty suspicious.

>> No.4687491

/ic/ is a slow board but this thread is moving by quickly

>> No.4687497

Insecure as fuck

>> No.4687530

This just shows how insecure pedo faggots like you are. Anytime some shits on your sick fetish, all you do is accuse samefag and have a mental breakdown. Like that one retard who thinks everyone is that frog poster. Bunch of paranoid schizos you retards are.

>> No.4687546


>> No.4687568

That AB bottom right is solid af, who's the artist?

>> No.4687569


>> No.4687600

What is wrong with this, it's not like he drew lewd of those girls. I don't understand why everyone acts surprised, he never hid he was a pedo and never pandered to normalfags.

>> No.4687654

>What is wrong with this
>he never hid he was a pedo
you sort of answered your own question. there isn't really any scenario where saving and looking at pictures of little kids is "right" unless you're only using it for drawing reference. the context here is that this guy is known to draw loli porn. i'm not a normalfag by any means, it's just obvious that this type of shit would be creepy to everyone

>> No.4687656

alphonse (white datura)

>> No.4687658


>> No.4687716

Creepy, sure. But he should still be allowed to draw whatever the fuck he likes. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean they should be deplatformed. There’s plenty of things that I don’t like, but just because I do doesn’t mean they should be removed.

>> No.4687721

Like, here’s the thing. Unless you can PROVE he used child pornography as reference to draw, then there is no crime. And even still, it’s not the drawing of naked lolis that gets him, but the owning of child pornography. Art is fictional and shouldn’t have ANY restrictions at all. End of story. Whether a pedo or whatever, I will ALWAYS defend the right to boundless freedom of creative expression on principle alone. Creating arbitrary lines on the content people should or shouldn’t be allowed to draw is a slippery slope you don’t want to go down, and it’s why every pro-censorship moron ITT who went after this guy is a moron who should drink bleach. If he owned CP and you can prove it, then you get him for that, cause that’s illegal. But I don’t give a single solitary fuck how uncomfortable his work made you. Drawing isn’t illegal, and he shouldn’t be deplatformed.

>> No.4687756

Honestly he doesn't need to own cp to get removed from platforms like Patreon, I think it was warranted. It's hard to have any sympathy for some guy who draws loli porn so it's been pretty amusing watching the internet crowd tear him up

>> No.4687762

>I think it was warranted
It’s not warranted unless you’re a mouthbreathing imbecile who doesn’t see the issue in creating arbitrary lines on what’s acceptable to draw, and not. It’s once again, not illegal, and patreon allows porn.

I’ll redirect you to:
Yet again.

>> No.4687766

Patreon doesn't allow lolishit. That's pretty much the reason why his page got removed. It's in their guideline, and Twitter also doesn't allow sexualized drawings of kids so I'm not sure Alke can return unless he just sticks to drawing sfw stuff. A lot of loli/shota artists get suspended because of people reporting their explicit drawings, so there was a chance that Alke would've gotten suspended on twitter as well since their report system can easily be taken advantage of

>> No.4687784
File: 31 KB, 599x266, onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he used child pornography as reference to draw
oh speak of the devil, looks like he was looking at sketchy stuff lol, unfortunately the previous tweet got deleted
>“onion link” refers to the TOR browser, which is used by pedophiles to consume cp without being tracked.
can't say that i'm surprised though, this guy is a mess

>> No.4687790

Alke having access to cp would explain why his drawings blatantly look different than ordinary loli art.
I wonder if cops in his country have already raided his home at this point. He lives in Argentina though, which is a shithole.

>> No.4687795

Can someone even open an onion link without using a TOR browser?

>> No.4687806

probably not but then again i have no knowledge in this kind of stuff, but anyone who has to use a TOR browser just for reference when they could easily use google makes it obvious what they do

>> No.4687821

Wow, i am conviced now Alke is a pedo thanks to your screenshot of a literal who saying something without proof.
No, but these retards will belive everything as long as it fits their agenda.

>> No.4687822

Well it's no secret that he's a pedo. The fact that he is one is the reason why he got banished in the first place

>> No.4687829

Some vpn extensions let you

>> No.4687842

I know we live in a time where saying non offending pedos deserve the min respect and mental healthcare is wrong and encouraging little boys to ruin their life with hormones is right, but i didn't expect people to be so malicious, retarded and jealous to accuse someone of doing illegal things without proof for a few twittee likes. How sad, no wonder most art is soulless nowadays.

>> No.4687851

This basically started because of the artist in the OP making this tweet >>4684476
I've known Alke for a while and was surprised that he never officially got called out for his drawings until it actually happened, when I checked his FaceBook there were comments calling his drawings creepy though.
I don't think they're jealous, being outed as a pedophile is basically career suicide in most cases because people don't want to associate or support that kind of stuff. It's the same with being outed as a rapist. If they get exposed, then they get exposed, it can't be helped.
I wonder if Alke would still get called out if he never made that color comparison tweet which is why he gained attention, I think it had to happen eventually

>> No.4687938

If it’s illegal in his country then you report him to the local authorities and let them deal with it. Again, the crime here is the ownership of cp, not drawing loli. And regardless it’s not the sort of thing for Twitter mobs to take into their on jurisdiction, so “cancelling” someone isn’t justified. You’re not the arbiter of justice. We have legal systems in place just for that exact thing.

>> No.4687963

I never said I was an arbiter or anything of that sort, it was just amusing how downhill his internet rep got thanks to one twitter post

>> No.4687982

Wait, just went through her twitter. Does she actually think she's ugly?

A catch by any (interracial) standards.

>> No.4688032

>implying they're doing it out of a moral sense or justice
Silly anon, how else are you supposed to climb up the ladder if you don't push someone down?
They don't give a shit about morals or justice.

>> No.4688214

That drawing is scary.

>> No.4688419

>lolishit is like furryshit
Liking loli is perfectly fine as long as it doesn't effect your real life, furshit is an autistic paraphilia and nothing more

>> No.4688613

>it's the same as being outed as a rapist
Kek, you are a fucking retard

>> No.4688812

It’s true though, if you get lured as a rapist or pedo then your career is ruined, no one wants to associate with you

>> No.4689047
File: 196 KB, 788x683, lolicuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.4690002
File: 112 KB, 1600x900, wtf is this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I just realized this is our George Floyd moment
Our MeToo moment was Noah Bradley getting canceled for giving women drinks at parties.

>is twitter actually worse than tumblr in it's prime?

>>4684689 >>4684703 >>4684720 >>4685630 >>4684763
Does not break Child porn law if the depiction isn't realistic but does break a US "Obscenity law"
The obscenity law is rarely used and one of the defenses is that it has artistic, literary or thematic value...
Meaning if the gov feels like fucking you over they will deem it obscene and charge you, though they only seem to use it against actual pedos caught with real child photos just to stick it to them.


>> No.4690771
File: 10 KB, 314x106, unknown[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He lives!