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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.03 MB, 1592x3100, voot - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4669297 No.4669297 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4665401
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Dev Tracker:https://trello.com/b/MCPk8MIg/dad-dev-board
>For site issues, streak loss appeals, other inquiries, contact the link at the bottom of the site, not the thread

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!


LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4669304

First for banana and the open regs!

>> No.4669305

and puma

>> No.4669309
File: 180 KB, 1477x1291, 2020-06-22 06-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4669316

nice work voot

>> No.4669336

Whoa this is sick, nice job voot

>> No.4669341

Starting your own little streak in the threads, eh? I like a little anarchy.

>> No.4669342

voot doggy

>> No.4669347


>> No.4669356

Does anyone have any experience with quick poses?
An annon reccomended to do 5 min poses but I'm slow, when I rush to complete the pose, the anotomy and proportions get messed up.

Any advice?

>> No.4669362

here you go friendo https://www.youtube.com/user/lovelifedrawing/videos

>> No.4669371

Goblin I love your work so much

>> No.4669430

The last episode of purinsesu konnekuto is next week I think. Maybe with its fantastic reception it'll get a season 2 but hold me bros ;__;

>> No.4669439

Eww. No, thanks. I'd rather not.

>> No.4669445

If you're not a bro then I'm not forcing you *sniff*

>> No.4669464

>not a dad
>not even gonna sign up for dad
Why are you even here at this point?
When was the last time you even drew something?

>> No.4669466

Goblin is a national treasure

>> No.4669469

I simp for childish goblino

>> No.4669470

>not even gonna sign up for dad
Am I allowed to or do I have to go under a new name?
>Why are you even here at this point?
Why does that bother you?
>When was the last time you even drew something?

>> No.4669471
File: 238 KB, 1496x1071, IMG_20200622_215454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we've got a japanese dad with a streak of 70
So dads, when are you going to submit this level of work everyday?

>> No.4669472

goblin is one of the few dads i honestly dislike

>> No.4669475

Because your presence deteriorates the quality of the thread. It becomes a combative, awkward place with you around. I extended my politeness on the off chance you were a fellow dad in it for the daily grind with the rest of us, but you are here just to spectate.

>> No.4669479

are you sure hes japanese? just checked his twitch streams and hes speaking korean, location on twitter is S.Korea

>> No.4669481

>I extended my politeness on the off chance you were a fellow dad in it for the daily grind with the rest of us

Do I know you in particular?

>> No.4669482

Koreans are just the better japanese.

>> No.4669485

And he streams. You can see how even he struggles too.

>> No.4669512

Can I make an account or not?

>> No.4669515

yes, registrations are now open

>> No.4669518

alright then I'll just nuke my accounts and start over

>> No.4669593

dont be stupid

>> No.4669595

dont do that.

>> No.4669600

Too late, I got rid of my twitter. You're now free and will never have to utter the word "Lilramune" ever again.

Now I can start anew.

>> No.4669604


>> No.4669623

for me it's click burgundy

>> No.4669630

Well I hope you can redeem yourself. Cant wait to see you in dad

>> No.4669633
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Down with the bourgeoisie moderators

>> No.4669638
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>> No.4669640

the mods dont own the means of production this just seems like a potential case of false consciousness.
If anything it seems like a marxist move as they are all users of the site and they are working on it too.
If you can make a case that banana is profiting of the labour of others id love to hear it.

>inb4 fuck off marxist

>> No.4669641

How long until dadcord has an epic meltdown like lascord?

>> No.4669643

lascord always was a shitshow.

>> No.4669645

what happened in the lascord?

>> No.4669646

I still don't understand why it's in the OP other than keeping the name LAS alive.

>> No.4669656

I just checked and cant find it
what keywords can I look up

>> No.4669659

this, the next one to criticise comrade banana goes to the gulag

>> No.4669660

Just look at the suggestions channel

>> No.4669662


Imagine hiring security guards for a threat that will never show up.

>> No.4669664
File: 96 KB, 806x1600, 1589658213807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do I have to bother for the dad discord invite?

>> No.4669666


>> No.4669674

uh thanks I guess...

>> No.4669682

They are volunteers and second it helps to take off the moderation workload from banana.

>> No.4669688


Are they going to be moderating tribunal if it ever gets implemented or are they volunteering to keep tabs on nonexistent spam?

>> No.4669694

-->flooded with new joiners
-->too many new joiners also not focused on art
who could have seen this coming

>> No.4669697

No tribunal will work like it used to.

>> No.4669702

bunch of cocksuckers spamming people on the thread until someone with some power notices and then blows them away without any due process?

>> No.4669717


So basically people who have heightened account access just in case something goes wrong. I thought there was a little more to this like judging posts for 30 minutes.

>> No.4669718

damn I was hoping for juicy drama or an autistic show but how is having a channel for suggestions a meltdown?
it's standard to other serves I'm in and use

>> No.4669722

It's mostly just fixing stuff whenever someone forgets to tag suggestive content and looking out for potential spam.

>> No.4669724

>unbanning banned users from lascord

why now do this

>> No.4669727

can we remove lascord from OP already? Irrelevant beyond history.

>> No.4669730

did you even read any of the backlog
i'm not spoonfeeding you anything, or maybe you're just a lascord mod doing damage control.

>> No.4669732


Normally I would say no but it's for the best. Screw them for now just deciding to make useful changes. Just get rid of it, shriney.

>> No.4669740

I've seen chaos in server suggestions and this aint it bro

>> No.4669746


>> No.4669754

Now that dadcord has like 5 mods, can we have a fucking houses and just put the final nail in the coffin for lascord.

>> No.4669771

God I want houses in dadcord to have houses so bad. Houses is so much fun. I left Las discord and miss it a lot. It would be awesome to do houses with other daddies.

>> No.4669772

Since dadcord is by principle more exclusive that lascord I personally prefer having houses available in the server with a larger userbase. Dads can always do las houses, but lassos wouldn't be able to do dad houses.

>> No.4669774

Dad getting houses doesn't mean las has to stop doing it.

>> No.4669792

Dadcord, at least learn from this shitshow, you've already got the streak gatekeeping that keeps actual artists in the discord.
>don't make too many unnecessary channels
>keep political discussion to a minimum
This. Also dad getting houses might entice more people to use dadcord/use dad.

>> No.4669798

why not just have dad houses be a site feature?
theres already a time section when submitting
and you could have a lot more on there vs a discord while allowing any dad to sign up

>> No.4669799

>bertrand died
Finally, I don't have to see his shit collage of drawings and shit grey backgrounds.

>> No.4669804

It's been suggested a long time ago already. Banana doesn't want to have to moderate what people fill into the time spent field.

>> No.4669805

Yeah I'd prefer it at a site feature too. Something else mods could be used for, double checking the validity of points people give themselves (or straight up doing the points instead)

>> No.4669807

but now we have other mods who can do that job

>> No.4669810

just have it to check the validity, if anything they won't have to do anything unless a submission is in the spotlight for questionable time

>> No.4669813

that's not what I meant but nevermind

>> No.4669814

What job? Who wants to moderate points for houses for free? I don't even think lascord houses moderated points.

>> No.4669816


>> No.4669818

apparently 5 users want to moderate the website for free
its not like it has to be a 24/7 surveillance but in the rare chance a rogue dad tries to screw scores

>> No.4669824
File: 31 KB, 959x600, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vast majority wants it removed
Take your rose colored glasses off Shriney.

>> No.4669825


Get rid of it or I'll get rid of it for you.

>> No.4669828

LAS Discord link isn't going anywhere, no matter how many times you post your rigged polls.

>> No.4669833


You're pretty tough for a tripfag. Just remember I can easily make a trip and make the threads myself.

>> No.4669836

this has happened time and time and time again, and people will ignore the thread retard

>> No.4669837

>being this stubborn over a festering shithole discord
Shriney, what the fuck.

>> No.4669838

Bad dog >:(

>> No.4669839

not gonna lie kinda disappointed
close to a nicnac tier response

>> No.4669841

the polls might or might not be rigged, I assume this actually is somewhat representative of the opinion of /dad/. /Dad/ polling feature when?

>> No.4669842

Who else is going to turn into an asshole too?

>> No.4669843


People only ignore the thread because of Stockholm syndrome. I made the /alt/ general for 3 years and very rarely did people try to take over OP making. Whenever it did happen majority of users ignored the false thread.

All it really takes is for someone else to take the plate up.

>> No.4669844

This, I never felt anything negative toward Shriney until now.
At least explain your dumb reasoning along the lines of "muh important LAS history that includes a discord full of edgelords and trolls and no art".

>> No.4669845

Just replying to say I'm mildly in favor of your "nah let's change nothing" approach

>> No.4669847

There's been some LAS drama recently so this time the poll is not just fueled by Ramune trying to stir up drama.

>> No.4669853

Im not even on discord so I dont care either way, but I am curious why your so adamant about this , usually you seem pretty chill.

>> No.4669855

Fuck you whitebox

>> No.4669859

It's because he suspected it was Ramune's artificial drama again. There's been a discussion about the LAS link before which got derailed by Ramune very hard.

>> No.4669862


I'm in favor LAS removal only because they're now deciding to unban banned people. Despite not really being banned there, it felt like I was treated as if I had to walk on eggshells every time I post. So I support DADcord over keeping the oldworld link.

I also can't "rig" your pol as I'm at work so no VPN.

>> No.4669863

Regular bouts of concern trolling against the LAS Discord link have been happening repeatedly for many many threads now. With previous polls being rigged to the point of it being a joke.

>> No.4669866

it seems incredibly disingenuous to shrug this round off as just "trolling"

>> No.4669868

I don't want to join a discord with hundreds of randos unrelated to dad.

>> No.4669869

not him

>> No.4669871

can i ask why, shriney

>> No.4669872

I'm not even ramunigger, I just don't see the point of LAScord being in OP and it being discussed here when most people don't even use dad, the only reason these threads exist at this point.
Have you ever thought, people actually just want it out of the OP?

>> No.4669875

Im pretty sure they were listing that as a problem

>> No.4669876

I understand, it's hard to tell if this is the opinion of the anons here or just one autist. You shouldn't change anything based on "prevailing opinion" or such at all. There should be an official /dad/ polling features which only takes into account people with a 2 week+ streak or something.

>> No.4669877

Shriney, would you remove las discord if the owner and mods asked for it?

>> No.4669880

You could just start a discussion on the DAD Discord. Shriney can't reply nonymously there but you can still discuss it, and there's fewer people to rig the poll.

>> No.4669887

but I'm not part of any discords and I don't want them in my thread op either.

>> No.4669891

Because I don't trust that there aren't simply a couple concern trolls with a vendetta against it.

Here's a link to the previous poll someone made, https://www.strawpoll.me/19572160/r

Perhaps there are a lot of people who want it gone, but every previous time this has come up, there seems to be a very disingenuous shit-stirry mentality to the discussion.


If there were a more trustworthy way to gauge community opinion on this I would take it into account. A site poll would be nice.

>> No.4669893

Why not link the discord on the site itself and have a waiting room to be verified of your 2 week streak? Why is this so hard for you dumbskulls to think through things logically?

You really don't need a wall of text thread macro header, either. Get rid of all the fluff and rewrite the entire thing. You don't even need to mention brief lore about W and stuff. Who cares about that?

>> No.4669894

>increasingly worried im not going to make it
i have 3 years left and im average.

>> No.4669895

when will deleting/hiding submissions feature be here so I can invite friends without them seeing my weird porn

>> No.4669896

good to hear you reasonable shriney.
Well theres no hurry we can wait for a dadpoll to see how people feel

>> No.4669901

we get it ramune/chico, you want to destroy DAD, shill your garbage somewhere else

>> No.4669905


Who? I don't want to destroy DAD. I love this community.

>> No.4669908

I'm definitely not Ramune but also in favour of removing lascord from the sticky, as someone who used to use lascord and left. It just doesn't feel relevant to dad anymore. I hope Will manages to change it for the better but it isn't really associated with dad anymore. Most people in it don't even know about las or dad.

>> No.4669911

who the fuck made you in charge?

>> No.4669913

>3 years left
wdym? why? You got cancer or something?
But also I feel you. I am older and have wasted so much time already. Trying to get past stupid shit like being completely addicted to the internet, games, my phone etc. I just wanna draw, but even when I do it's a hassle to not get distracted every 10 minutes.
So, I too, worry I'll never make it. I just don't put in the work that I'd like to be putting in. I needa do something, but I only ever think about doing something when I'm in bed, about to sleep, and never follow through.
Sorry I got on a tangent but that's been nagging at me for days now.
Why do you think you won't, anon?

>> No.4669915

left until?

>> No.4669918


>> No.4669919


By democracy he got put "in charge" because people favor identity when picking Op images over random anon. If you do it long enough then it comes embedded that you have power. It's quite simple really.

>> No.4669924

You're right, I think I should step down for now. I wish you all the best, but I don't think this is something I should be in charge of. Goodbye guys.

>> No.4669925

No don't quit that easily, it's not fun if you go down like that. Put up a fight you worthless mutt.

>> No.4669927

Well the dog died I guess I'll start making these threads from now on.

>> No.4669928
File: 199 KB, 518x557, 1590662690039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4669929

I graduate from uni. im older though, and ill be minimum 26 when im finished.
Mostly because people that work in the industry are already my age, and the people who arent are still lightyears ahead of me in terms of skill. I have a lot of learn and it discourages me.

>> No.4669934


>> No.4669936

If you're under 30 you're fine.

>> No.4669938


>> No.4669939

nah shriney, fuck the haters desu. Im not the only one whos going to miss your OP images. you do a great job.
Im also like 70% positive i know who you are and you are a nice person, who no one has any issues with for the most part, why quit?

>> No.4669942

>regs open
>ramune is dead
>shriney is dead
>discussions of las discord being removed

acceleration isn't a game in 2020

>> No.4669943

I'm 26 and my art fucking sucks, doesn't stop me from having a good time.

>> No.4669947

yeah thats fair. thanks for answering.

>> No.4669949

bros I can't believe we killed god..

>> No.4669953

He killed himself by being a lil faggot who couldn't take a few posts of criticism.
rip, i still liked his OPs tho, too bad he kill just over some shitty discord being in the OP.

>> No.4669954

you dumb fucking retards having a pissy over a completely irrelevant op
who gives a shit if the discord is in it, go fucking draw

>> No.4669955

SHRINEY ;_____;
Don't let the shitters get to you
Your reasoning was sound. Your OPs genuinely give me joy.
If this is something you've been thinking about for a while though, I understand.

>> No.4669957



>> No.4669960

Tell that to Shriney.

>> No.4669961

Shriney replied to something poorly and then could not handle one hate comment(which probably was an actual troll unlike the poll in which i voted for las to be kicked of the description).
If shriney doesnt want to be the op anymore that his call

>> No.4669963

no one said that his pictures were bad. It was the dismissal of the community here through voting.

>> No.4669968


He's probably using this as an excuse to stop anyway. It gets very repetitive making threads after so long especially when you've picked majority of the users worth picking. That on top of random verbal abuse, I understand how he feels.

It's time to move on bro, you served LAS well.

>> No.4669969

more like tell it to the shitters who continually bring this garbage up thread after thread and won't take no for an answer
I'd be assmad if I was doing something to help the community and getting shit on for something totally redundant, too

>> No.4669976

How is making a simple post about getting rid of a toxic discord "bringing up garbage" though? It's just a suggestion, and apparently we can't be democratic about it without assuming it's one shitposter.

>> No.4669977

He elaborated on why though.

Hence I understand, if so.

Just doesnt sit well that one reply gets pulled out of proportion bc people don't understand the context and want to suddenly make a villain.

>> No.4669979

Why do you think every thing is my fault? It isn't.

You can have your official poll made on your official server and the results will be the same.

>> No.4669980

Well let the official server do it. And make an official statement about it. Did you not follow the thread at all?

>> No.4669984


You can also take my official boot and put it in your official

>> No.4669986

boot collection.

>> No.4669989

You're welcome!

>> No.4669991

We've had this discussion before
The OP changed not that long ago
And 11 people in a strawpoll isn't a majority of DAD

who the fuck are you?

>> No.4669993

shriney i will avenge you by posting the LAS discord link in every single thread from this point on....you will NOT be forgotten

>> No.4669995

I love the doggoo

>> No.4669997

>who the fuck are you?

Just an ordinary space cowboy. *tips sombrero*

>> No.4669998

Hold on there tiger, I'm going to be in charge now.

>> No.4669999

Thank you for the kind words anons but it's not really just this, I did get frustrated earlier, but this has been getting to me for a while. From people trying to manipulate things, trying to convince me to delete Discords, or add things to the OP, delete things from the OPs. Wondering why they were never picked, telling me I pick the same people too much. Ramune autism destroying entire threads, people trying get mods to delete the threads, to people making threads before page 9. There's so much drama and I've never been happy being at the center of it, and it's not always easy being quiet. I really feel like maybe I need to step away from this and DAD in general.

>> No.4670000

Reminder, the strawpoll posted ITT is going to be skewed from here on out since people are equating keeping LAScord in the thread with keeping shriney.

>> No.4670005

Damn it boy you stole my 9s. Those were MY prophetic numbers.

>> No.4670006

I understand your decision, maybe taking a break would be a good idea. Your happiness is most important.
Do you think you will come back at some point?

>> No.4670007

It's your choice bro, can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
Thanks for the OPs and good luck.

>> No.4670008

tell me about nana
why does he break the plate?

>> No.4670011

The next OP trip should be ShrineyBird and should exclusively use Vusta's submissions for the OP image, to help prevent drama about who got picked.

>> No.4670014

Looks like I have joined at a contentious time.

>> No.4670017

mhh I wonder who's responsible for most of this, really makes you think. You're doing exactly what he wants you to do, even.

>> No.4670022

>lose Shriney
>remove lascord link in op

I'd rather keep Shriney.

When I first joined, I followed the op and popped into the lascord. I saw mostly offtopic shit posting drama, and usernames I didn't recognize. I immediately left, and a couple weeks later I was invited to the dadcord.

Lascord never bothered me, and the only time I ever think about it is when someone brings it up here, like what just happened, and I just wonder why people stay there.

>> No.4670023

What, do you think he's going to make thread OPs for the next 20 years? Get real.

This is voluntarily his decision.

>> No.4670028
File: 30 KB, 712x671, 1591129647989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've done such a great job that really doesn't go noticed enough, but I wouldn't blame you one bit if you'd take a break from these shitstorms.

Also check'd

>> No.4670029

do what you must.
Just know you could have handled this more gracefully

>> No.4670030

you're right >>4670000

now people will vote no because of this

>> No.4670031

I understand. Look after yourself Shriney, youre a good lad - or doggo.
I just want to say the threads have often left a bad taste more than good content-wise, but your OPs were a constant positive. Thanks for the good energy, I've been inspired by what you manage to do, and it was exciting having a showcase of dad standouts.
Art aside, you've kept your chill through a LOT of shit..
Thanks for sticking around for so long. Always appreciated your presence, you'll be fondly missed.

>> No.4670039

Based, fuck ramune

>> No.4670041

this i thought after you better responses you would stay but i guess this was maybe a plot so you finally have an exit. Anyhow wish you all the best ! Thank you for creating all the threads

>> No.4670044

Then don’t join it you retard, no ones forcing you to

>> No.4670047


Ramune is dead

>> No.4670048

why would even ramune want the las link out? His beef was with dadcord

>> No.4670049
File: 164 KB, 1024x1015, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't concentrate drawing
>draw afk all day to help
>come back to this shit

>> No.4670050

I'm right here, try me.

>> No.4670051

Checked and I love you, always looked forward to seeing new OP pics and how you’d do the test

>> No.4670056


Come up and get me.

>> No.4670057
File: 2.26 MB, 2385x1596, 54683993-63D0-44C8-9293-4304531B4040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so, so much for everything Shriney. I'm really sad you're leaving the generals. Your work has always been lovely and seeing how you interpret everyone's art is really fun. I wish you'd stay but do what you need. I wish you the best! I hope you come check on us once in a while.

>> No.4670063
File: 32 KB, 750x739, 1592329329454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that drawing

>> No.4670064

Not voting. My opinions on the matter hasn't changed since my joining: I have been indifferent to lascord's existence, and I still am. Shriney on the other hand began as just "the guy who does the op", and as time went on I saw him as a pillar of this community.

Lascord means nothing to me, Shriney does. This is as true now as it was an hour ago.

>> No.4670066


Do you morn for Thready? What about the OG Shrineycat? You'll forget about the dog eventually.

>> No.4670068

I convinced Banana to add houses directly to the actual site a while back.
That said, it's a DAD 2.0 feature, and not a particularly high-priority one, so it's going to be a while before it's added.

>> No.4670069


The difference is Shriney's OP images had a lot of effort put into them. He wasn't just maintaining the thread.

>> No.4670071
File: 57 KB, 700x700, a42bd84d35a42132f96f76c267c88d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a particularly high-priority one
Make it one.

>> No.4670073

Can we agree to make this the last thread?

>> No.4670078

Farewell /las/

>> No.4670080

I just don't like to see good and committed people leave a community I like. That said, I don't live on 4chan or dad, so it's just water under the bridge in the end, but then again, isn't everything?

>> No.4670081

Now we can finally move to /dad/!

>> No.4670084

I was trying to say that I don't see the point in having a discord that's barely related to dad in the OP, sorry I'm a retard.

>> No.4670086

Yes... the last thread with lascord in the OP. :^)

>> No.4670087


Perhaps. But the difference between the dog and Thready was that he was the first to maintain the thread even after the death of the 1st admin. And Cat's importance was the effort to keep the preservation of the thread in difficult times. The dog just made OPs look flashy.

Imagine spending most of your thread making days making OPs for what was just a glorified Ramune watercooler chatroom for 12 months. At least the other 2 OP makers didn't have to put up with that. Now they're both dead and we can move on.

>> No.4670088

Lmao there's already another ahahahaha

>> No.4670095
File: 36 KB, 640x631, F0293C4F_44A9_4E21_AD5F_A6C2ECA5465D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owe you so much shriney <3
I would never have found dad without these threads and it's done so much for me

>> No.4670097

lets move to that one once this one hits the bumplimit

>> No.4670098

I like this seasons arc. Summer season has plenty in store.

>> No.4670105


The PVs for actual anime summer season roll out this week, too. Just near the same time DAD leaderboard resets. Man these writers are geniuses.

>> No.4670106


Goodbye shriney. Your OPs were always amazing. You featured my stuff a few times and it meant the world to me. Losing awesome people like you is a shame. Fuck /ic/ and its schizos,

>> No.4670111

>never got picked
>now skipped permanently

>> No.4670122

>people virtue signaling over someone who tried to defend an anti-semetic toxic shitposting discord being in our art thread
Really makes you think...

>> No.4670123


I'll make sure to pick people fairly.

>> No.4670128

>making a thread before this one is even close to bumplimit
based retard

>> No.4670129
File: 102 KB, 640x542, 1585269128504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670133

Who should be the next shrineguardian? I'm gonna miss our dog.

>> No.4670134


>> No.4670135
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahem, *ting ting ting*
may i have your attention pls

>> No.4670138

i'm gay

>> No.4670140
File: 79 KB, 552x524, pepe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK discord and FUCK jannies that is all

>> No.4670143

guess ill just kill myself now

>> No.4670149


If you're unmarried in your 30s then the cut off is 40. After 40 and you haven't made it then yeah, kys.

>> No.4670153
File: 310 KB, 500x504, shrin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sending you good vibes and good wishes.

>> No.4670155

>If you're unmarried in your 30s
Thank god, you just added another 10 years for me to git gud. Unless of course I find a cute art wifey/hubby to combine efforts...

>> No.4670157

Post more kind shrine art

>> No.4670160
File: 550 KB, 1920x1080, thank shriney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your service

>> No.4670164

>me on the right shitposting on my phone

>> No.4670165


So easy to kill a shriney, should have done it early...

>> No.4670167

somebody has to put dad users in that picture

>> No.4670169


>> No.4670176

I count 42 people bowing, idk how many current active users we have

>> No.4670179


That's enough for the page 1ers. They were the ones repeatedly picked anyway.

>> No.4670181
File: 720 KB, 1920x1080, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy so nonplussed

>> No.4670190

weird fucking glitch in the matrix

>> No.4670192

ok ramune

>> No.4670203

he passed away

>> No.4670204

So it's a two week streak before I can get into the DAD discord?

>> No.4670205

Yeah, is that too difficult for you?

>> No.4670213

No? I was only asking.

>> No.4670218

anyone drawing the last of us fanart?

>> No.4670224

/v/ has drawn a lot of it.

>> No.4670227

last of us is dead
get on the min min train

>> No.4670233
File: 1.95 MB, 1659x1593, 1592840116373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these trends go by fast

>> No.4670235

Looking for dad art rival.
>Draws at least 2 hours everyday
>Art goals include mastering anime or furry art
>Willing to discuss and critique each other's work at least once a week
If interested please add me on discord TrainerRed#????
(Replace ???? with the value of 1323 + 1323)

>> No.4670239

If this is actually Red, you forgot to trip.

>> No.4670240

based red is gmi if he keeps this up for a few more years

>> No.4670242

Yo you stole my discord name wtf

>> No.4670244

Waiting for /v/ to make good requests of her.

>> No.4670252
File: 360 KB, 681x734, 1DFDE726-2257-4376-8088-BF51F98F335F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670257

hoppy most wholesome dad

>> No.4670278

No, you are beyond /beg/.

>> No.4670285

I want to challenge you, Red, but I want to get good at digital painting more than I want to do anime. I'd be down to do kemono.

>> No.4670294
File: 797 KB, 1280x1280, ovopack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digital painting + kemono gives you ovopack, which is pretty patrician

>> No.4670295

>tfw you will never be good enough to be Red's rival

>> No.4670297
File: 305 KB, 1200x1200, 2020-06-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670299

unofficial farewell shriney challenge?

>> No.4670301


That isn't a challenge, that's a prompt. There should be distinctions between community prompts and challenges.

>> No.4670306

>can't submit >>4670057 >>4670252 >>4670297 if a challenge gets made now

>> No.4670313

Huh, I never realized how many past "challenges" were actually just prompts.

>> No.4670315
File: 610 KB, 1024x1411, A26DDD2C-DDEE-431F-9425-42698ED05DDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you art canine

>> No.4670317

banana puma add this to the wishlist!

>> No.4670323

Why do I keep giving you guys good ideas...

>> No.4670328

who are you?

>> No.4670333

Just an ordinary space cowboy. *tips sombrero*

>> No.4670350

>>keep political discussion to a minimum
Isn't that just common sense? Everyone knows bringing politics into a conversation is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.4670356

lascord didn't

>> No.4670357

You shouldn't blame Shrineydog, he's had to endure this shit too many times.

>> No.4670361

>There should be an official /dad/ polling features which only takes into account people with a 2 week+ streak or something.
>A site poll would be nice.

>> No.4670362

>inadvertently killed shriney
how do i cope

>> No.4670364


nigga what is he enduring he just reposts a thread macro

>> No.4670366


>> No.4670368

He seemed like he just used this as an excuse to gtfo anyway, shitposting about the OP is nothing new here anyway.

>> No.4670373


Of course it is. He's highly intelligent to see an opening.

>> No.4670376

He draws a unique OP for every thread fitting the style of whatever submission he picked, he obviously cared a lot about the well being of the threads and had to respond to anonymous complaints about the OP numerous times while filtering through shit stirrers, concern trolls and the countless lilramune autistic spergouts. He's been doing this for years, dads like him because he's done far more than "just reposting a thread macro".

>> No.4670386


dadcord sporadically has very heated political discussions but in the end we're still friends at the end of all of it
we're able to separate the political arguments from our respect for each other and our friendship

>> No.4670387


>He's been doing this for years
Lol no we had 2 shriney dogs before shriney cat. Your memory must be faded.

>> No.4670393

*after shriney cat

>> No.4670396

Damn, and I was warmly wanting to see how much you changed during your 2 year hiatus. Or are you still planning to go on hiatus?

>> No.4670397

He's been doing this for 1 year 3 months, happy now?

>> No.4670398

I think that's because people aren't complete edgelords on there and know when to back down. Probably helps that their dad account are linked, and we all know people by username at least.

>> No.4670400

that's not true, there's only been one threadmaker since shrineycat

>> No.4670402


>> No.4670404

what kind of political arguments does dadcord have?

>> No.4670407

Go to the archive and see the thread where the OG shrine dog says he can't do it anymore and then the dog 2.0 picks up where he left off.

You guys seriously have poor memory.

>> No.4670408


>> No.4670413

perfect time to release dad forums and abandon this shithole n g l

>> No.4670414

Things surrounding the post-Floyd protests and riots, social media and what constitutes censorship, cancel culture, the notion of hate speech vs free speech, COVID, problems with political discourse
anything really

>> No.4670425

link it then

>> No.4670427

Discord will delete the dadcord group if you report any non politically correct posts

>> No.4670431

didn't work for las

>> No.4670432

I wonder who is going to apotheosize and become the new guardian deity. Or will this be the age of no gods?

>> No.4670435


>> No.4670439

First evidence of a dog
Shrineycats last post
ShrineyDog !Hachiko8PE THE ORIGINAL
ShrineyDog !!X7wiyZPWD8g Who you know today

>> No.4670442

Both Shrineydogs are the same person retard, he secured his tripcode. >>/ic/thread/S3876801#p3876814

>> No.4670444

Actually I'm a dumbass I see >>3876820 he changed his tripcode to make it more secure.

I am deeply sorry shriney. I don't ask for forgiveness.

>> No.4670447

Shrineydog was too good for these threads desu.
Sad to see him go, but I'm glad if he's happier and has more time for himself.

>> No.4670463

Indigo here- I'm the babiest /beg/ on the site but if that doesn't bother you I'd like an art rival too, or at least someone to keep motivating me and study the same books and videos together (I'll provide the material). Don't have a discord though and honestly I really don't want too, I'll but I'll start leaving comments open on my art if you're interested.

>> No.4670466

>both names based on colors
>both pokeposters
a match made in heaven

>> No.4670471

u don't help ur rival thats an art friend, ur rival u sabotage

>> No.4670473


>> No.4670474

the hate speech vs free speech and COVID discussions were really enjoyable

>> No.4670479

>Reg finally up
>Shriney Quits
>Art is actually posted in the thread

Lmao what the fuck is happening

>> No.4670480
File: 253 KB, 1280x960, dogLayingOnCouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd like to be your rival

>> No.4670481
File: 169 KB, 575x446, 1438303407573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come up with a sweet idea for RPG character
>too /beg/ to pull it off

>> No.4670484
File: 33 KB, 250x188, You are challenge by Red!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670485

crazy times f a m

>> No.4670488

>Or are you still planning to go on hiatus?

The purpose of me nuking in the first place is to join the site and leave bury the nonsense drama storyline. There are lots of reasons I was hanging onto my accounts but I'm better off nuking. Rather than play out a pretend "one day I'll be back stronger than ever" scenario I find it would be better to just start anew and lay low.

>> No.4670491

Do it anyways

>> No.4670493


>> No.4670507
File: 21 KB, 128x128, 1591002069720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I'll try

>> No.4670509

is red going to be the new bondagefairy in 3 years?

>> No.4670513

The who?

>> No.4670514


>> No.4670515

a former daddy and a degenerate furfag that just happens to have an immense amount of furry autism motivation. Draws and streams minimum 10 hours a day, every day these days.

>> No.4670518


>> No.4670538


>> No.4670541


>> No.4670545
File: 61 KB, 997x900, 932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670546

this is how you make gains

>> No.4670554

I hope you never forgive yourself

>> No.4670560

I've already forgave myself and asspatted myself for slaying a god.

>> No.4670563

Your gains are now cursed for 5 years.

>> No.4670564

Kek, pass his twitter please

>> No.4670582

Which dads do you think have the most potential?

>> No.4670585


>> No.4670587

Not me!

>> No.4670591
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670594

Not red.

>> No.4670596

my mom and my dog

>> No.4670603

can't believe tmart was shriney this whole time

>> No.4670605

if you can't find it you aren't worthy

>> No.4670606

FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ultrabondagefairy
and he posted in /asg/ very recently

>> No.4670610

I didn't know ubf was a lolichad

>> No.4670619

>I draw every day for about 8-14 hours, I've been working at this rate for about 3ish years? I've been drawing for a bit over 5 years.
>8-14 hours
>every day
>for 3ish years
jesus, not even j drew that much for that long

>> No.4670625

You do realize most of this are the nig's artificial drama right. His posts patterns are so obvious

>> No.4670631

how did j work?

>> No.4670632

>>8-14 hours
>>every day
that isnt good even if you give ur wrist a break within those 8 hours. that much tension and stress on the wrist will irreversibly damage your tendons. what does he even have to show for it? is it still just /beg/ shit?

>> No.4670635

sleep 16 hours and jerk off to futa shota

>> No.4670636
File: 764 KB, 1488x1500, 1592554070906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god it is /beg/ shit

>> No.4670639

You can look at the scores in LAS Houses to find out the highest times artists have put into their work.
From what I can find, the highest score j has reached is 300 points in a month, which is 150 hours. Given it was in June that's an average of 5 hours everyday.

>> No.4670642

Highest score I can find in LAS houses history is nilm's 400 points https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oXSuXC6Jp0465Dweg9jsgbjJBFQaaLOoU9gfqbGFVDQ/edit#gid=1369883223
That's 200 hours in September which averages to 6.666 hours everyday.

>> No.4670690

I'm interested
post another cute shibe and I might

>> No.4670697
File: 193 KB, 960x1280, shibesBehindFence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.4670703

payment accepted
add me

>> No.4670737

If even our hardest worker has beg shit work after 8 hours a day imagine how much longer it will take the rest of you

>> No.4670750

Make it 4 hours

>> No.4670784


>> No.4670825


>> No.4670829

Is crud okay? His work quality has fallen a lot since tourny days.

>> No.4670831

what a dud

>> No.4670832

see you around crud

>> No.4670848

I think he got burnt out, the paintings he did after the tourney were all pretty nice though.

>> No.4670854

they always did a lot of loose sketches, if you look at old tier lists they even put them in C tier or something.

>> No.4670855

this can be said of a lot of users, people hust tried extra hard for tourney

>> No.4670867

i dont nearly work 4 hours and i did amazing shit 3 years in.

>> No.4670868

Don’t be racist

>> No.4670882

You know what's coming (pyw)

>> No.4670894

>having shit ton of milage =/ good work
its been proven many times. the only way youre going to actually improve is mindset. you can change youre entire workflow with a simple epiphany if you actually used your fucking brain.

>> No.4670901

wait wait /beg/ here please explain how mileage isn't automatically good

>> No.4670902

>>4669924 bummed to see you go Shriney. im new so it sucks that youre leaving now.
thanks for featuring my submission, felt like a warm welcome.

>> No.4670906

in short, if you spend all your day drawing and not having some kind of goal youre going to achieve nothing. if your goal is something along the lines of i want to be great at drawing or painting or something super generic then youre not going to get anywhere. youre asking yourself the wrong questions. ask yourself what you are doing wrong with your work flow and what you actually need to change and actually put in the effort to change it, otherwise you will keep making the same mistake over and over and nullifying the whole mileage thing because you are neglecting your problems.

>> No.4670907

thanks for answering me. still /beg/ - workflow is the process you use to make completed works, right? how does this philosophy apply to studies?

>> No.4670915

Is anybody else planning on making the new thread?

>> No.4670916

Wait to page 9

>> No.4670919

no doesnt have to be a workflow for completing a piece, it has more to do about how you plan a piece. what kind of steps you take. some people like to work straight on and draw. some like to do a fast gesture and get a better frame for the drawing than just winging it. the other bits can be technicality with settings you alter on your brush like opacity and flow or just a different brush for texture. finishing a drawing is more about compositing and its a different subject on it own.

>> No.4670922

Let the threads die

>> No.4670937

I change my fucking mind.

>> No.4670944

What about the op image?

>> No.4670960

who cares

>> No.4670963

>see Wolf'n's rpg submission
bros, im not gonna finish
compared to his mine will be horse shit

>> No.4670964

I'm hoping someone kind enough will make it and not some certain shitposter

>> No.4670965
File: 10 KB, 240x229, 240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4670969

You seem to think I care beyond posting itt. I don’t work for free for bananas no budget ad campaign, you make the thread.

>> No.4670985

Whoever makes it do your best to put DAD into the op pic in the same style

>> No.4670988

Compare it to mine instead then I'm sure you can do better than I did

>> No.4670989

I'm not posting in a thread made by gigafaggot.

Yet you made the early troll thread just a few days ago. Strange.

>> No.4670991

And yet you samefagged and bullied shriney to oblivion. Kill yourself

>> No.4670995

I hope the op is high effort or else

>> No.4670996

Yes I did it all. I rigged the poll. I bullied shriney. I did it everything it was me all me blame me. Now suffer.

>> No.4671000

So you're admitting to making those delete /las/ threads?

>> No.4671005

Everything is my fault. Every single thing. From every shitpost and every mean comment. All me. Nobody else. Every vote all me. 99 percent of posts all me.

In case you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic.

>> No.4671006

Kill yourself

>> No.4671009

You come kill me instead

>> No.4671010

Lilramune's so based, these generals deserve gigafaggot.

>> No.4671011

keep your smile

>> No.4671014

>pretending to be sarcastic
>but it's actually literally true

>> No.4671015

so you didn't tell banana to kill himself or try to fuck with lascord
great job being 5% less of the asshole everyone thinks you are

>> No.4671016

Idgaf It’s not like you’d believe anything I say

Roll over and kneel

>> No.4671019

i just said I believe you
you don't realize it doesn't matter
you're still the biggest blight on this place even with just the stuff you own up to

>> No.4671023

He's explicitly stated that his goal is to kill DAD and LAS. You're just encouraging him now.

>> No.4671024

he's the biggest tumor here besides flipfaggot and aphid

>> No.4671025

What's wrong with tsflipp?

>> No.4671026

Guys. Don't you remember? lilramune is no more. He doesn't exist anymore. He said so himself.
The one posting right now must be an impostor. lilramune wouldn't lie about that, would he?

>> No.4671027

I propose someone from the dadcord organise some selected submissions to be featured as OP thread.

>> No.4671029

shut the fuck up ramune

>> No.4671034

not a bad idea t bh

>> No.4671037

We all know (you)'re just trying to look good when more newcomers start posting in dad

>> No.4671047

Give it a rest will you.

>> No.4671049

how much better would las have been if lilramune never existed?

>> No.4671051

So much better. We’d have less memes and more wholesome posting. I wish his whole lineage just vanished off the face of space time.

>> No.4671056

>less memes

>> No.4671058

Maybe banana wouldn’t be suicidal at all. Maybe lava would be alive today. Maybe jerry would be a tier. Maybe we all would have jobs in the industry. Maybe if it wasn’t for this guy we’d all live in a better world for our children and our children’s children.

>> No.4671059

If it weren't for him most of us would have already made it. It's scary how a single man wields so much power.

>> No.4671060

Nothing stopped you from coming up with better memes.

>> No.4671068


>> No.4671071

You did. You hogged all the memes for yourself

>> No.4671072

Stop blaming your ineptitude on lilramune. Anyway rip lilramune, thank you for taking the heat for some of my shitposts.

>> No.4671075

ok dare

>> No.4671086

why is dare still here

>> No.4671098

Who gives a fuck he probably never left anyway

>> No.4671137

I wanna see wolfn and tang's rpg characters get in a fight

>> No.4671188

Antifa tore down our shrine dog statue? This is getting out of fucking hand.

>> No.4671192

I really wish Dare wasn’t so mentally unstable, he gave me some helpful advice on the site that I forgot to save.

>> No.4671210

What worthless advice could a beginner give?

>> No.4671228

desu, fuck this thread. I hope no-one creates a new one and it just fucking dies.
RIP shriney.

>> No.4671231

>hope no-one creates a new one and it just fucking dies.
that'd be cool but you know someone's going to

>> No.4671237

Posting in last shriney thread ;_;

>> No.4671242
File: 325 KB, 1600x1067, 1574963272136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toasting in last bread

>> No.4671261
File: 974 KB, 598x614, IMG_20200623_132626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oyasumimir shriney chan ilu ;-;

>> No.4671271
File: 2.08 MB, 1899x3000, ripshriney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.4671299

Jozu is the dad we don't deserve but the dad we need.

>> No.4671302

Holy fuck that schlong

>> No.4671310

I will start making the threads, but I can't add DAD to the OP images like doggy did.
If someone else who can do the OP images would like to take over, I'll yield to you.

>> No.4671313

Don't, let these threads die

>> No.4671314

Why can't you? It's okay if it doesn't match perfectly I think it adds charm and excitement to see what gets chosen.

>> No.4671340

let the threads die

>> No.4671344

I can help make you headers if you make the threads each time Shrineless. Can you give me a throwaway email or a discord I can talk to you on? Maybe we can work together?

>> No.4671348


>> No.4671349

My throwaway email is shrineycrow@gmail.com

>> No.4671353

Emailed you! Let's do our best shrinelesscat.

>> No.4671354


>> No.4671356

wtf I love jozu now

>> No.4671392

Great, now who can I target my hate for not getting chosen for?

>> No.4671393

all that new fresh meat
can't wait until I turn them all into my femboys

>> No.4671395


>> No.4671398

answer my dms

>> No.4671442

>finally in after all this time
>This thread
What the fuck?

>> No.4671451

I love DAD, but this whole community is cursed since the death of Lava. There is only darkness here, darkness that we can never escape from. You’re new, so maybe it doesn’t have you yet. There could still be time to go back...

>> No.4671460

I wonder if there will be a tagging or filter system once the browse page begins to grow. Like "view only tagged with anime, view only dads you follow"

>> No.4671493

I just didn't expect cancelculture in the fucking DAD thread

>> No.4671511

This thread is actually less hostile compared to other /ic/ generals if you exclude the shit posters lurking. The community is nice enough and it's fun seeing people participate and enjoy the site challenges

>> No.4671529

I find dad and 4chan in general to be quite fun and less toxic than mainstream media. Everyone seems fake there.

>> No.4671531

Good luck with the OP threads new shrineys!

>> No.4671549

the suffering must continue

>> No.4671562

The Shrines have been desecrated, the era of The Shrineless is upon us!

>> No.4671567
File: 570 KB, 855x1000, bye bye shriney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell, good dog

>> No.4671594
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1000, goodbye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye you stinky dog
Thanks for all the threads

>> No.4671604
File: 1.91 MB, 1411x828, 16860622-86E8-4EAC-9DEC-2E95E30FD0C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made DAD house in animal crossing featuring a few daddies

>> No.4671607

Are the bottom two Bez and Hoppy?

>> No.4671609

Is the second room the CBT basement

>> No.4671611

Oh! Top is Banana!

>> No.4671612

It’s Bez and Nessie! (I know nessie studies mushrooms or something so I tried to put that there)

>> No.4671615

So cute! You got the Bez vibe perfectly

>> No.4671618

It’s lilramune’s dungeon but it could double as a CBT basement.
Unfortunately there were no dragon clothing items but it is banan

>> No.4671621

I lol'd.
>the doll

>> No.4671622

Holy shit I just got it he's in jail for loli

>> No.4671625

>The clown clothes
It just keeps giving

>> No.4671638
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, e3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mou asa dazo

>> No.4671643

Is ramune the new op

>> No.4671652


>> No.4671661

So just to be clear, shriney left and it's all the LAS faggots fault because they were too lazy to moderate their servers? Fuck these guys for always ruining good things

>> No.4671663
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Next thread: >>4671660

>> No.4671664

Shriney wanted to take a break for a while now.

>> No.4671683

lascord is irrelevant afaik. It's the shitposters who repeatedly brought it up and bullied OP out

>> No.4671686

If I was neet again I would have done it for a while and no one wouldn’t know. I’d even call myself shriney.

>> No.4671738


What advice lol he’s a walking contradiction