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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 132 KB, 750x1334, F870277B-7DA9-4237-B282-A642D0D31A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4642718 No.4642718 [Reply] [Original]

So should I just kill myself then? Or if overtime I put some sort of effort in will my life become worthwhile?

>> No.4642722

loomis and just draw

>> No.4642729

pick another hobby

>> No.4642737

if you don't enjoy drawing, don't waste your time. find something you enjoy learning to do

>> No.4642747

it's pretty simple if you don't like drawing just find another hobby

>> No.4643367

Yes, kill yourself you depressed faggot. What kind of person gets sad because he realized that you have to put time and hard work into a craft to be good, then cries about not even enjoying said craft on a mexican dolphin sighting forum?

Do you not understand how pathetic you are? You really need to go fix yourself instead of jerking off to anime then crying to strangers on the internet about not having discipline.

>> No.4643377
File: 130 KB, 841x1178, 1b3637f423e46ae8882f2768bd057681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this guy actually enjoys lifting weights for 6 hours day?

Nobody ENJOYS hard work. But you do it for the results.

>> No.4643378
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 1582545802558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let retards crush your dreams just because they crushed their own by taking the easy path. Realize how bitter they are to the point they actively try to drag everyone down and how you don't want to be like this. Becoming good isn't gonna be easy but it sure as hell beats the alternative, it beats any alternative. If it makes you suffer it means that in the end its truly important to you. This is coming from an extremely untalented but commited retard.

>> No.4643381

Nah, don't do anything and complain about rich people all day.

>> No.4643385
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man are you really going to keep making this thread every 2-3 hours instead of drawing?

>> No.4643389

i mean it's anything worth pursuing is tedious and can be unenjoyable but if you work hard on a creative project and you don't feel any sense of fulfillment or accomplishment then yes you should kys

>> No.4643393

The better you get, the more fun it becomes.

>> No.4643408


>> No.4643458

Kill yourself so that you stop making these stupid threads.

>> No.4643461
File: 25 KB, 786x467, 1591087169812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this meme..

>> No.4643502

What's up with this mentality that drawing is supposed to give your life meaning?

>> No.4643517

how long have you been drawing?

>> No.4643764

>he doesn't enjoys lifting

>> No.4643774

Nah he enjoys the pain
Visit /fit/ moar

>> No.4643775


>> No.4643785

That’s actually a meme, if you’re doing actual studying it would be uncomfortable most of the time because you’re doing something outside of your comfort zone, you may even find it boring because you have no connection how grinding still lives will improve your work. Don’t let it discourage you, find something to ignite the spark which will carry you though hard times, and you’ll enjoy drawing more once you get better. So before you quit, get solid schedule (recommend checking watts videos on YouTube if you don’t know where to start), promise yourself to work really hard for a year, no slacking off, no whining and complaining, just do the best work everyday for how many hours you life allows you to, and don’t forget do do actual creative work based on your studies and you WILL get better and enjoy art more. Nothing worth having comes easy, especially if you starring art later in life, good luck anon!

>> No.4643788

I only enjoy drawing when I know exactly what I want to draw. On the days when my brain is empty you can put a gun to my head and tell me to draw, and I'd just tell you to shoot.

>> No.4643790

looks fucking disgusting

>> No.4643842

Not him, but it gives mine meaning.
I've always -- since I was a child -- wanted to be an artist and bring my own imagination into reality, at least on paper, so people could see what goes on inside my head.

It's a personal attachment I have to it; it's like sharing myself with the world, so it's very tough putting up with assholes that just want to destroy everything and everyone. But, I put up with it so that I can see my characters with my own two eyes, the way I always imagined them.

Since I've picked my pencil back up after so long, I do feel alive.

>> No.4643851

>Do you think this guy actually enjoys lifting weights for 6 hours day?

Gyms are fucking full of people who enjoy lifting. Try getting out more.

>> No.4643875

Drawing doesn't bring my life meaning but it sure as hell feels absolutely amazing when no one else draws my favourite characters and finally I have art of them because I drew them

>> No.4643879

I can relate to that.
There's also not having to pay people to draw your characters. It's a problem I've seen happen when they don't illustrate it to similarity, or the artist's style doesn't match well with the character.

At least, you'll always appreciate your art and they'll look the way you want them to.

>> No.4643882
File: 59 KB, 760x792, 1591558245458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you people get the idea in your head that you have to enjoy something from the very beginning to be good at it? Probably from your own experience of giving up on anything that didn't give you instant gratification

>> No.4643885

So many of my favourite fictional characters never get any fanart and never even find happiness for those stories. When I draw those characters, I feel like I give them some of the love their creators never gave them. Even though I'm not a perfect artist it is so rewarding to see those characters and to remember the impact they made on me again and express the idea I have in my head.

Some days, my favourite characters are the only things that keep me going and I really like it when someone else likes that character too.

If one day I found out I couldn't draw I would kill myself.

>> No.4643895

Listen here I'm about to give you the one and only redpill you will ever need. Humans unlike any other animals have a choice on what they focus on. An ape might have only the choice of focusing on, say, getting a banana in front of him because he is really hungry. A human being at that same situation has the rational power of choice. He can choose to focus on the banana. Or he can ascribe his own meaning, and focus on how hunger brings him closer to god. Or he can focus on how long he can keep the banana in his mouth without biting it. Or he can focus on the lyrics of britney's spears' Womanizer. What I am saying is you have a choice. Whatever you're focusing on at the minute is sapping your enjoyment of art. The rest of us are having fun with art because they chose to focus on a different aspect of it. Some anons like they said focus on the aspect of bringing it to reality. Others dogmatically assert art can only be enjoyed as the autistic application of colors on surfaces. So the answer is evaluate what you are choosing to focus on and that is the key to preventing burnout.

>> No.4643897

Yes actually you are absolutely right

>> No.4643909
File: 124 KB, 735x534, i-hated-every-minute-of-training-but-i-said-dont-quit-suffer-now-and-live-the-rest-of-your-life-as-a-champion-muhammad-ali-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4643917

I can relate to that, too. I still am extremely fearful of the day I wake up blind or some accident ruins my hands. I would have no reason to live beyond that point and would seek some way to recover both, else I'd also ask for euthanasia.

This all assumes that I don't have children or a wife to keep me company in my future.

>> No.4643924

Honestly if you're capable of quitting drawing without also killing yourself you should probably quit drawing. It's so shit today.

>> No.4643938

Also, how are you supposed to know whether or not you enjoy something, if you never learn how to do it properly in the first place?

>> No.4643967

Kids enjoy drawing without learning to draw properly, same with begs who only learned enough to make pictures

>> No.4644039

I will never understand how people think that getting good at drawing is the ultimate end to art. It's nothing like a sport or lifting, you're not supposed to "enjoy the results" or win over someone else. I often look at technically impressive art that I find it torturous to look at. I can't like something just because it's well executed.
No wonder you guys all quit drawing, you see the hours spent with a pencil as some kind of training regimen instead of something pleasurable. Learning that Loomis stuff should be something you do out of curiosity, not shit you have to grit your teeth to grind through. You're looking at it completely wrong.

>> No.4644051

That's the thing, though:
When we ask for help, we just get told "LOOMIS, NIGGAS."
I just sit here wondering how that's supposed to help someone, who doesn't even know what they're looking at. The end goal IS drawing well, for most of us. If you're not satisfied with what you're producing, then what's the point??

>> No.4644065

>you're not supposed to "enjoy the results"
Says who? You? People take up leaning something because they want to learn how to do it. Whether or not you enjoy drawing bad drawings at the beginning, does not determine your ability to eventually draw good drawings, or your enjoyment from making good drawings. Why do I have to explain this? This is some weird ideological shit you guys have where you romantacize the study of drawing as some spirit connection or something instead of just being a skillset like any other

>> No.4644073

Exactly. I'm starting to believe that coming here is a waste of time. It's just a bunch of elitists talking circles around prospective learners, with no real intent to help them and yet instead promote some ideology.
The presence of all this tranny crap on the board is making me wonder more and more if I'm better off just doing my own thing instead and seeing where it goes, because I don't see how taking advice from ill minds is going to help me draw well.

>> No.4644120

Just download the books and references from the /ic/ torrent in the video thread and never look back. At best this place is useful for getting a wide opinion on random questions and maybe some critique, but it should all be taken with a grain of salt. Browsing aimlessly will waste your time and fill your head with stupid counterproductive ideas from careless shitposting ideologues.

>> No.4644174

>The end goal is knowing all the scales on the guitar and playing them really fast!
What can I say, this is probably the perfect attitude to work in a videogame studio. Maybe I'm just old.

>> No.4644185

Aside of that, yes /ic/'s advice is mostly useless not only because anonymity enables all sorts of people who shouldń't speak, but also because comments on art are inherently biased.
It's not that hard to learn, it's just a matter of doing it a lot and always keeping a few things in mind like form and value. I was just commenting on this weird end goal as if this were all a competition.
The vague "I wanna GIT GUD" is just weird.

>> No.4644214

Obviously the old fashioned way is handing a guitar to a complete newbie without teaching him how to play, and if he doesn't enjoy making the ear tearing sounds that he inevitably creates, telling him to find a new hobby because he'll never enjoy playing guitar, right?

>> No.4644272

/beg/s are /beg/s because they HAVEN'T been ceaselessly drawing since they were kids, because the don't enjoy drawing that /beg/ shit that they're so far only capable of drawing. By telling such people to find a new hobby, your telling the near entire population of people you're supposed to be helping to give up

>> No.4644334

Yeah, I agree. "GiT GuD" doesn't really explain where one wants to go. But, responding with "Just Do It (tm)" isn't going to help anyone, either. Both sides can be retarded on this sort of thing. When it comes to art -- a subject entirely based upon perspective -- it's probably a huge mistake asking for any advice that doesn't involve the objective basics of foundation. After that, it's up to the artist to portray their perspectives on said foundation in their way. And it's not going to appease everyone, especially not the degenerate that wants you to draw an anthropomorphized Kuriboh with four tits.

>> No.4644358

Just try some retarded scribbles. Even drawing about your mental block like a 6yo kid will help you.

>> No.4644440

No. To be honest my whole post was a digression on the fact that you don't seem to have a precise aim when it comes to drawing, you just want to vaguely get good.
Anyway, telling someone to study a book is nothing like handing him a guitar and telling him to randomly play notes. Have you tried reading the books? If Loomis doesn't stick with you there are a dozen other foundational courses that teach exactly the same few things: perspective, value, form, anatomy. That's all there is to learn.
I also see that a lot of people actually copy the Loomis heads or the Bridgman scribbles, you don't have to copy that stuff 1:1, of course you won't learn shit this way, you have to understand what they mean with the drawings and read the text that goes with them. The beginner phase is actually the safest there is, you just have to learn form and perspective and value.

>> No.4644489

>Anyway, telling someone to study a book is nothing like handing him a guitar and telling him to randomly play notes
I was comparing it to people telling /beg/s to "just draw" and to quit if they don't enjoy drawing badly. Books are great. Seems I misunderstood your post