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File: 2.21 MB, 939x2372, Babs Tarr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4630530 No.4630530 [Reply] [Original]

DC Comic Artist has promised to never draw herself with a tan after facing backlash on twitter.

>> No.4630540

She’s a retard for giving into them.

>> No.4630558

God I want to make it just so I can dab at those nigger loving degenerates

>> No.4630561

America is going crazy, liberals upgraded their outrage another level by automatically judging people who don't even comment on it to be wrong and doubling down on their usual schpiel. Look how the accuser apologizes for her "silence"...

>> No.4630571
File: 24 KB, 399x356, IMG_20191111_232709_599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waman on twitter surrenders to retarded mob who wouldn't give two shits about her art in the first place.

Wow as if i wasn't already disapointed in people nowadays.
Imagine being this retar- nevermind it's an reality.

>> No.4630579

the one retweet cancel mob is extremely scary

>> No.4630585

I would unironically make a Twitter account just to post that white people shouldn't be allowed to draw blacks, followed by white people shouldn't be allowed to draw at all.
The only chance to wake people up is accelerationism.

>> No.4630589

You're fucked if they somehow obtain your personal address or something like a phone number, because they WILL dox you even if the info is actually wrong

>> No.4630592

Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.4630600

Is that the "medium textured" texture from Clip Studio Paint in the background of her apology?

>> No.4630626

>medium textured
holy shit Babs make up your mind, texture or no texture?!!

>> No.4630638

>skin color as an aesthetic instead of an identity
Literally how would that not be a good thing? All these fucking idiots saying race isn't real, skin color doesn't matter, we're all equal, etc. And yet now suddenly skin color is an identity and treating it as simply another characteristic like hair or eye color is the big bad thing?
These """people""" are fucking retarded.

>> No.4630648

My skin is like porcelain. I do not wish to lie about my appearance.

>> No.4630651

why did they adopt a phrase associated with the most racist parts of our country anyway?

>> No.4630653

I really wish artists didn't bend the knee so much to mob-outrage.
They're the reason Twitter people think they can bitch and whine so much. They know they'll get their way.
I know it's a bit more complicated for bigger artists. They risk losing a percentage of their follwers if they remain adamant.
However, it's disheartening to see an artist apologize for expressing themselves and sharing their art. They're being censored for the most asinine reasons.

>> No.4630655

She should apologise for pretending to be slim and attractive, more like.

>> No.4630656

It's the name of the texture.

>> No.4630658

she's retarded for depicting herself "attractive" when she's just pasty and fat

>> No.4630664

It's a hipster thing because they see Niggers use it all the time so it's the hip new thing.

>> No.4630668
File: 178 KB, 909x791, oh nononono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic.

Black people say y'all because they are from the South too, I think white women from other parts of the country started using it because of black female tv hosts.

She is in the US Comics industry.
Top people who work for MARVEL and DC pander to these nutjobs, Joe Quesada even gave a "no prize" to an SJW twitter troll.

She was doing some Hashtag trend depicting yourself as a super hero.

>> No.4630676

All the more reason not to get into the comic industry. It's dying and controlled by blue-haired morons.
I'd rather take the risk of going independent.

>> No.4630689

what is happening, why artists give a shit? fear of being cancelled?
i mean there will be ppl that still like you? right?

>> No.4630695

>you're right
>you're 100% right
why does she give in like that? is she afraid of the backlash if she says "i'll draw myself green for all I care"? is she appeasing to them because her company is telling her to? is she worried about losing followers/income? wtf is going on man? what happened?

>> No.4630696

Women are followers by nature and will naturally align themselves to what current narrative is most emotionally relevant to them at the moment.

>> No.4630702

so it's a fear for the masses? because if two individuals are talking, and one's idea gets accused of being phobic in some way, wouldn't they retaliate and defend themselves? she's so scared of anything even ritual that she tries to defend herself with will come back to her
what a time to be alive, I could be actively hated by millions of people for saying something, and now, for walking somewhere. what a time man

>> No.4630703

its not like women only, men fear it too.
am i the only one that dont give a flying fuck if i messed up?

>> No.4630704

sorry I'm ranting, I meant rational

>> No.4630705

Yea i don’t feel bad for her anymore. Dumbasses like her are just enabling bull shit behavior like this in the future. It was not too long ago that another artist got shit for making a skin tone “too light”

>> No.4630706

I'm tipping my tinfoil hat here, but this could be a sockpuppet. The one RT assault gets the SJW artist a lot of attention, and she gets to make a white guilt monologue where she apologizes and shows how humble and compliant she is. Social media is a constant race for attention, and the SJW shit is all about one-upping everyone else in one extreme act or the other, so crafting outrage against you for petty reasons might actually be better than posting a black square like everyone else.

>> No.4630707
File: 104 KB, 576x520, 1574101879948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes yes etc

If I were a flimsy retard who's afraid of being witch hunted, I would at least phone my employers and ask for advice.
Kneeling like this is probably worse in the long term and even woke companies must be aware of it and play more roundabout games.

>> No.4630714

Twitter is such a fucking shithole. I don’t know why anyone would willingly use it, let alone use their real identity and post.

>> No.4630723

Peer pressure. The BLM thing is basically metoo on steroids.

Yes but women are more conformistic/less individualistic than men on average. This is confirmed by how they vote and what they answer in value surveys.

>> No.4630733
File: 814 KB, 1940x1376, They published this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US comics "community" has been shit for years, they have doubled down on pandering to SJWs even after books like America Chavez and Gay Iceman failed.
They put too many Blue hairs in power and now they are only hiring their friends.

If you don't bend the knee then places with a Diversity Czar will ban you just like Kickstarter did

>> No.4630734

What happened to the world really?
Was gayness a mistake?
Did it cause all of this?
Were religions right about making sodomy a sin?

>> No.4630750

god that hollow ass dialogue

>> No.4630756

This is probably how people felt after they put Jesus on the cross and God killed the pharaoh's firstborn and told Noah to build a boat. We're all fucked anon, enlightenment was a mistake.

>> No.4630759
File: 1.33 MB, 1224x1424, 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being Italian and having people tell you you're painting yourself blacker in the summer time

>> No.4630765

That's my impression as well.
It's so on the fucking nose and heavy-handed.
SJWs don't know how to write subtlety.

>> No.4630766

I don't think we're in the time period wherein we'll find a definitive answer to this. We may have already reached peak intellect, for homo sapiens anyway. Now we're being dumbed down and placated with mindless consumption

>> No.4630769
File: 123 KB, 734x960, 11782315_732262133551967_476704400028340707_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your skin is Yellow Ochre in july

>> No.4630772

i dont understand. if you dont like something, do something about it. if you need numbers to get that done, cooperate with the like minds you find here. thread after thread of whining isnt doing much.

>> No.4630779

Whether you agree with the Twitter mob or not, that skin is definitely a couple of shades too dark for her
If that first pic is supposed to be her “tan”

>> No.4630780
File: 122 KB, 602x655, IMG-20190110-WA0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"seeing skin colour as an aesthetic, rather than an identity, is harmful."

...so, we should start judging people by their ethnic background now..?
isnt that the kind of shit the liberal left used to deem as racist tropes of the right? the fuck?
I thought it was only /poltards that were this racically judgemental?

>> No.4630782

These people would get offended if you said you "didn't see race" and the famous MLK quote, yes

>> No.4630786

Back in 2009 there was a Tanning trend at my school, some formerly pale chicks would come to school looking straight up orange with spray tans.

>> No.4630791

Um anon Jesus wasn't crucified it was someone who God made him look alike, in reality God took Jesus to him.
I can go all day religion with you.
But any how. Lut was right.

>> No.4630792

Yeah but hot chicks did that. People like OP were doing their best to hide their pasty rolls of fat.

>> No.4630797

I kinda wish there will be another flood. You know.

>> No.4630798

Da Phuc is pretty cute though

>> No.4630808

The left eats itself

>> No.4630817
File: 254 KB, 790x819, B22A2749-B642-4A8F-BC58-F115389438FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that Fred flinstone fucking car

>> No.4630822

>so, we should start judging people by their ethnic background now..?

>> No.4630830

They're making me conservative and I was a huge liberal

>> No.4630836

They made me into a nazi and I was a huge liberal

>> No.4630840

>I'm literally intrigued and in awe of both of them.

a 15 year old wrote this

>> No.4630847

Wasn't the point of all past civil rights shit to move on from any race essentialism?

>> No.4630862
File: 485 KB, 500x383, 5463464363.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this
I legit want to pull the trigger whenever I see this retarded fucking shit
Fuck america and its people. Middle-eastern anons were and still are completely right when they say america is cancer upon this earth

>> No.4630872

It's idpol and can be found on the radlib left and retard right. I'm a Marxist and can't stand this bullshit.

>> No.4630873

The point of past civil rights shit was to fuck over whitey, now going back to race essentialism for everyone else again better serves that purpose.

>> No.4630874

>They made me into a nazi
you say that like you're not as much a loser ngmi as a "Nazi" as you were as a "liberal"

>> No.4630878

>They made me into a nazi and I was a huge liberal
So you traded one brand of identity politics for another.

>> No.4630891

You were probably a Nazi or conservative the entire time. People don’t just suddenly becomes nazis because they somebody was mean to them on the internet lol

>> No.4630893

You are right, it was a very slow progress over 8 years and went one issue at a time. Not suddenly at all.

>> No.4630901

Didn't see the other reply,
I was never the kind of liberal that was about identity politics, I went from Daily Show 2010 liberalism to a kind of "identity politics", yea. (I used to think of Obama as an evil right winger btw)
Now will someone delete this offtopic trash?

>> No.4630932

I love how the gif loaded as a slow punch and then went ATATATATATA
thank you shitty connection

>> No.4630934

Wow I actually know this chick.

>inb4 no you don't

I've hung out with her a couple of times in a group setting, kind of a friend of a friend situation. Always had a feeling she would get involved with this at some point, especially since she draws all her women in the same hyper sexualized manner.

>> No.4630939

let her burn

>> No.4630948
File: 36 KB, 640x640, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just thinking about the sheer stupidity going on here scares me. I don't want to understand what goes on inside the minds of people like these. I don't want to live on the same planet as these people.

>> No.4630949

This thread again...

>> No.4630977

Because they want to work, and artist work fields are filled with people virtue signaling as much as possible. So they pretty much have to give in each and every time someone calls them for something like this.

>> No.4630990

That is essentially the problem here. Progressive liberals don't know how incredibly backward they are being right now. They are also arguing in favor of segregation, someone in more kinder words argued for segregated schools, and they want businesses to hire based on skin color before qualifications.

They have absolutely no self awareness whatsoever.

>> No.4631004

Their minds consists of
>Hmm...what can I do for attention today?
>Hey here's someone with 60k followers...how can I use that?
>Imma bitch and scream at the first thing that even kind of seems slightly off enough for me to round up a mob!!!!

All they want to do is screech at how offended they are, the logic behind it does not matter and it can fully contradict the thing they screeched about last week. It doesn't really matter. The only thing that matters is that they got their attention. Their only means of being special and important is crying about how offended they are at someone each day.

>> No.4631009

The root issue of the world right now is that a very tiny minority of upper class Americans, who are themselves an ultra-rich minority, are now capable of imposing their sheltered perspective of life, where everyone makes 6 figures and lives in the nice part of town and does yoga classes 4 times a week, on everyone else. So now it doesn't matter if you live in a place where Christians are slaughtered, if you are Christian you are an evil Bible thumper because that's the perspective of those few Americans.
I mean look at all the non-American artists who are posting shit in response to American stuff. It's where the money is. Everyone's trying to play this game to make a dollar because Americans have fat wallets, but the masses are actually buying this shit as if it were real.

>> No.4631026

gay thread
only retards care about shit like this and don't focus on actually drawing

>> No.4631048

What about south indian folks? They're dark as hell. Are they not allowed to depict themselves as black either?

>> No.4631094

Did she clarify that this was her with a tan or was she trying to fit in as a poc? Either way its retarded that you cant draw your avatar however you want without being considered racist

>> No.4631101

yup, she said it was supposed to be a tan white chick but of course these freaks just want an excuse to chimp out and feel like they're "making a difference". How heroic....

>> No.4631145

>depicting yourself tan is considered “blackfishing” now

>blackfishing is “ Commonly perpetrated by females of European descent (white) which involves artificial tanning (spray tanning and tanning booths) and using makeup to manipulate facial features in order to appear to have some type of Black African ancestry.”

>basically when White celebrities like Kim Kardashian or Ariana Grande use makeup or tanning to appear darker skin, its blackfishing

Sooo... does that mean the whole New Jersey guido/guidette stereotype is blackfishing for the obsession with tanning, bronzer and black hair??

>> No.4631157

What are they going to do if you are Russian? Proclaim you a Putin alt account?

>> No.4631171
File: 83 KB, 750x400, 946FBB25-F602-4D97-8852-BE4593A8602A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was not too long ago that another artist got shit for making a skin tone “too light”

This one, right?

>> No.4631389
File: 140 KB, 2847x1412, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kim Kardashian

>> No.4631394

>“You should apology for making yourself look black because we perceived it that way”

Guaranteed these are the same people who would get butthurt if you said they were asking for it because of the way they dressed

>”oh, I perceived you as wanting to have sex with me because your cleavage and ass are showing”

>> No.4631399

Her lips look like a nipple.

>> No.4631406
File: 704 KB, 800x879, 95AF61BD-6A71-4D74-8DD2-B0F62B708E07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kris Jenner is “of Dutch, English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry”. Robert Kardashian was third gen Armenian-American.

Whether or not she’s “white”, (by whatever standard that is), she certainly has a natural lighter complexion than how she portrays herself to be.

>> No.4631427


>> No.4631509
File: 295 KB, 1000x1000, if science says so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you should apologize
> apologizing isn't enough, you should unblock too
> unblocking isn't enough, you should write to each of them
> writing to each of them isn't enough...

Holy menstruation, there's no pleasing those "people".

>> No.4631518

Why do you roasties care so much about drama? Just block+ignore and don’t feed in.

>> No.4631520

But that's what drawing is about. You should be able to have the freedom to draw yourself however you want.

People on Twatter are absolutely insane

>> No.4631537

They always go after white women, even though white women are more likely to be allies, than white men.

>> No.4631539

And, you thought Netizens were bad.

>> No.4631555

Exactly. Why the fuck would someone want to draw themselves fat and ugly. You have all these turds who draw themselves as animals and get away with it yet they screech that you should draw yourself exactly how you look.

>> No.4631560

>...so, we should start judging people by their ethnic background now..?

>implying we don't do that now

You have to live in fucking in the clouds or extremely white to think that people don't do this already.

>> No.4631603

The biggest crime is her drawing herself that attractive with that body type.

>> No.4631667

Yea that one

>> No.4631671

>just "Kneel"

>> No.4631696

>I can't stand class warfare
>I'm a Marxist
Nah, you are larping faggot.

>> No.4631710

thats just going to make their opinions look sane

>> No.4631718
File: 48 KB, 788x492, NDLD7W2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now go watch Yuri Bezmenov to understand what's going on in academia. The destruction of these industries isn't unintentional hence why they double-down every time.

>> No.4631727
File: 295 KB, 1080x1570, Screenshot_20200605-185846_Instagram~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to step down from your position to make room for BIPOC???

>> No.4631747

No. Being denied doing art completely is the only thing that will get woke white artists to stop complying with this ridiculousness.

>> No.4631777

A flowchart of abstract nonsense detached from the real world, truly excellent. White flight and gentrification are defined by broader social trends and the kind of impact they have on communities, especially in the case of gentrification, by definition. "Seeing/not seeing color" is a meaningless phrase pushed by various kinds of liberals including conservatives, whether or not "seeing/not seeing" color is a problem depends on what exactly you mean by those. Cultural appropriation is a retarded meme however, so at least one part of that flowchart I can agree with. Why do you fags always do this?

>> No.4631782

Who is that? What power do they hold? It's just a literal who with 48 likes isn't it.

>> No.4631785

>It's just a literal who with 48 likes isn't it.
A-Anon, you don't understand, Twitter posts are real life!

>> No.4631788

Honestly, I have nothing but contempt for these absolute dipshits posting their meme screenshots half of which are posts by fake accounts, braindead infographics, and so on. It's not even good propaganda, it requires subhuman level IQ to buy into any of it

>> No.4631800

She does look like the type to give to these people and apologize immediately.
While this is retarded, especially considering she hardly looks like her avatar anyway, 45 likes is not "a massive outrage." Keep blocking, and shit like this will eventually blow over.
Letting these people bully you will give them legitimacy and motivate them to continue pestering artists.

>> No.4631861

> that wall of text
What exactly the fuck. Scene already conveys the message "lesbian good". Why did they need to repeat themselves?

>> No.4631869

I rolled my eyes at first, thinking of course a comic is going to have text in it. Then I actually read it, and it really is abhorrent pandering.

>> No.4631890

I kind of want to do a parody comic of this where it's just two dudes looking at each other and all their friends are just dumping walls of text about how they are so proud and jealous of the two together. There is no story or characters just a bunch of dudes in the same room taking turns monologuing about a gay couple in the center of the room

>> No.4631912

Do it. That would be something positive born out of this shitshow.

>> No.4631975


>> No.4631987
File: 64 KB, 854x800, جوک_های_خنده_دار.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blanon here : how STUPID this whole situation is... Her drawing makes her look tanned & more attractive than she is. PERIOD!
What's with all these sensitive idiots? What's with her inaccurate look & blocking people to fuel their anger?
I see two losing sides here.

>> No.4631998

Why did they make another retarded acronym to mean the same thing as their other retarded acronym and then use both of them even though they mean the same thing and that thing could much more logically and simply be stated as 'non–white'?

>> No.4632011

im more offended she didn't draw herself as fat as she's supposed to be. alseo her eye colour is wrong. and hair is inaccurate. also pretty sure she doesn't own that top. wtf. racist skinnyfat whiteniggerbitch also she's definitely a whore. I guarantee, even though no one should want to sleep with her, because shes a terrible person

>> No.4632019

bipoc? bi means two right? so is this a different spelling of 2pac?

>> No.4632027

Is Image SJWpozzed like DC and Marvel are?

>> No.4632034

Horseshoe theory, my mans. Same retardation, just mirrored.

>> No.4632045

>"Earlier today, on opposite day..."

Holy fucking shit my sides

>> No.4632055
File: 329 KB, 601x511, 876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Don't tokenize POC"
>Make white people step down so you can replace them with brown people

The hypocrisy is just so rampant that I don't know why I bother pointing it out anymore.

>> No.4632073

This is describing the thought process of wokesters and racebaiters, who are known for having no logical consistency whatsoever. Of course they don't use any of these words correctly, they use them as meaningless fucking buzzwords. See "uncle tom". Hell, see "racism". They'll go to any lengths of mental gymnastics and verbal yoga to justify their two-faced bullshit.

>> No.4632093

She also drew herself as a superhero even though she isn't one IRL, what an outrage!

Apparently leReddit CEO stepped down today and asked to be replaced by a black person, if he can do it why can't you??

>> No.4632094

Nah its a very deliberate attempt to equate some retards on twitter with leftists as a whole to discredit ideas in the most low effort dishonest way possible, why do you think that post refered others to Yuri Bezmenov? Most people will be ideologically confused and incoherent regardless which ideology they follow, unless its some obscure shit that will filter out anyone who isnt heavy into political theory.

>> No.4632164
File: 66 KB, 540x459, 1590670392125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't pay any attention to the Yuri Bezmenov bit, I don't even know who that is. All I know is that the infographic shows exactly how the Twittards operate. It's on that anon if they're using it to do what you say they're doing.

>> No.4632166

>pasty and fat
just how i like em

>> No.4632168

Yuri Bezmenov is essentially its the the judeo-bolshevik narrative watered down to appeal to the average american normalfag's sensibilities, its meant to poison the well and make you dismiss leftist ideas offhand because they are inherently badthink. Anyway yeah if you project your own experiences onto the flowchart ignoring the rest it could describe the cognitive dissonance and lack of understanding of the average twitter retard pretty well

>> No.4632192

A cycle is going to happen again. A similar event that lead to the fall of the sexually liberal Greek and fuedel Japan. Degeneracy will be scientifically proven to cause massive chaos in society and we'll move back to a more conservative time until it yet again cause massive chaos in society so we flow again to the next degenerate era and the cycle continues.

>> No.4632209

The more likely event is that society will break down due to the global warming and the rape of the planet we were responsible for and eventually revert to a more conservative order out of necessity because the world will become a shithole

>> No.4632225

Lol yeah it's weird how the fat people didn't come for her? Or did they? She is clearly fatphobic when she draws herself as a superhero, but makes herself thin. Fat people can't be superheroes is what she is saying? Get cancelled bitch!

>> No.4632236
File: 21 KB, 450x398, how can one poster be so based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skin color as an aesthetic rather than an identity is harmful
holy fucking based

>> No.4632246

I like my pale skin

>> No.4632254

I like how she tries to deflects a bit to add coomergate at the end. FYI when making a forced apology, probably shouldn’t shift blame to a group that has nothing to do with your “fuck up”.

>> No.4632272
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x908, A3E70C5B-E6AE-4D45-B161-15745F5AB9C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This struggle session is amazing. She’s basically fuck forever now. What I mean by that is that she can never express herself the way she wants again because now there will always be that nobody ready to tell her they plan to end her career. Fucking wow. This is why I got a program to hide likes and retweets and even my followers. She believes her fake ass castle is crumbling and will sacrifice her own self worth to save imaginary rubble.

>> No.4632300

>t. marxist

>> No.4632301
File: 102 KB, 750x437, 87CF711A-A811-4A76-9089-FC94F7A4A18E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys made your daily reparations payment to a black person you know for drawing yourself with a tan?

>> No.4632325

amazing to think that all of this could have bee avoided if she just said this was her OC and not a depiction of herself.

>> No.4632330

She always tagged and referred to those drawings as “selfie drawings”. It was obvious they were meant to be depictions of her.

>> No.4632335

yeesh. the "backlash" was easy to see coming then lol.

>> No.4632354
File: 157 KB, 1920x1080, 1591389765577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Just draw" the ultimate black pill
Japs and gooks have the right idea.
Keep your face hidden and draw Coomer pedo stuff plus stuff while also draw stuff with soul all in the same timeline
No point trying to sell yourself like a lot of western artists because ME ME ME ME and IM A BRAND, IM FUNNYYYYYYY TIME TO STREAM GUYSSSS while you can just sell your art and let it stand on its own merit

>> No.4632356

>Or social
Plssssss give me a retweet plssssssss

>> No.4632365

Kek can't leave any chance to be an opportunistic shithead go to waste.

>> No.4632375

Its the natural way of things, like an individual all societies go through stages of life leading to death. We are in the winter of our peoples existence.

>> No.4632395

>you can just sell your art and let it stand on its own merit
it doesn't work like that in the west

>> No.4632412

That's only possible if you are one of the best, i.e. nobody that has ever even heard of this board.

>> No.4632557

Why is animation and comic industry so pozzed? I have a guy that I follow, for the past few days he did nothing but apologized for being a former 4channer and bragging how he already donated over 1000$ to those bailing funds

>> No.4632560

He fucked himself by admitting he ever came here

>> No.4632567

I do believe he was noticed by a company only because he was a popular drawfag on a specific board

>> No.4632570

What’s his @?

>> No.4632571

Damn I never would have imagined anyone would get noticed by a company here. In that case he should be grateful and honoring his roots lmao

>> No.4632709

ian jq? he was a /co/ drawfag long time.

>> No.4632726

I remember a storyboarder for Tangled the series posted on the threads, i feel sorry for her having to read all my thristy posting of Varian.

>> No.4632733

I'm sure Anna doesn't mind, she's a shipper/thirster type of gal herself.

>> No.4632777

What's wrong with it though?

>> No.4632807

>She believes her fake ass castle is crumbling and will sacrifice her own self worth to save imaginary rubble.
this is very poetic lol

>> No.4632831

looks mexican here
and way prettier than what she looks these days

>> No.4632834


>> No.4632856

Bitch is a land whale, that's the biggest offence really, she was normal a few years ago. Great artist none the less but when you entertain these retards you're giving them power.

>> No.4632932

what anime is that from anon?

>> No.4633037
File: 60 KB, 970x546, 9B2DAF48-6DDB-41DD-96B9-E06E2913F450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from Staten Island? Because tanning was huge there back in 2005-2009. Also big poofy hair, long nails, etc. Basically the type of chicks you’d see on Jersey Shore. They also were big on wearing Juicy Couture and the guys wore either Ed Hardy and Affliction shirts or Polos.

Thank god I just moved out of that hellhole a year ago.

Fun fact, this chick went to my high school

>> No.4633039

I mean, people don’t choose to be gay or trans, they’re born that way. Is there a way to be gay or trans without being a degenerate about it? If not, it’s like god is playing a cruel joke on the people he creates.

>> No.4633041
File: 318 KB, 1000x563, 9FCABF10-D7C2-4B54-9DD8-3BC6986E3940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I-

>> No.4633064

>just sell your art and let it stand on its own merit
>Keep your face hidden and draw Coomer pedo stuff
>draw stuff with soul
please kill yourself

>> No.4633181

No TX, Jersey Shore did influence a lot of stupid people at my school though.

>> No.4633215

same reason they use "folks", aka "queer folk of color".

they are taught in college to speak to common people to infect them with ideology.

>> No.4633219

>white person telling “non-black” minorities what to do
>they must refrain from self-expression if it might offend black people as only their feelings matter
>more or less telling other dark-skinned minorities that their experiences mean approximately shit

Holy fuck, even the conservatives let the brown people talk. How can these people be this ignorant?

>> No.4633528

People do choose to be trannys, trannys are just failed men and very effeminate homos.

>> No.4633573

But... she doesn't look anything like the top character, so whats the problem?

>> No.4633587

Based tri 7's spitting some straight facts!

>> No.4633673

>equate some retards on twitter with leftists as a whole
Leftists don't exist anymore and this thread is about retards on twitter so fuck off with this not-all-ism.

>> No.4633725

it actually is very well put. good post anon.

>> No.4633731

People in Japan actually can just apply to a studio and land a job the normal people way.

This is not done in the West. Nobody in any studio ever hires anyone for skill. They hire someone based on their brand, how they are trending, how much attention they receive on social media, and who they personally know. No one has to "Break In" to an industry in Japan. Actually getting a fucking studio job is a breaking in moment for anyone in the west, and it is never accomplished by just having decent work or a good portfolio.

>> No.4633738

Yea you could do that before 2016. Back then posting on 4chan was considered edgy dorky shit by people who pretended they were a part of the evil hacker group anonymous or they were edgy fucks posting gore pics for fun.

Post 2016 4chan became known as the evil hangout of MAGA hat-wearing racist incel, school shooter, Trump fans who will post videos before they go shoot up a mosque or black church, and spend time trying to spread disinformation for emperor Trump. One cannot make any claims of having been to 4chan if they want to keep a job.

>> No.4633896
File: 176 KB, 1236x1600, 1545695238457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, she seems to be one of "them" -seems like she genuinely feels terrible guilt for the color she made her skin in her art.
She's probably deep in that community of people who share those kind of views.
It's like people in religious communities, they're made to feel guilt over little things. An outsider would just think it was crazy and it would push them the other way, but it often instead drives them further in it because that feels like the right way because that's the world they live in.

"Comics gaters" talking shit to the zealots she knows and probably even likes as part of her community probably only reinforces the view that the comics-gate trolls are the devils.

>> No.4633927

>-seems like she genuinely feels terrible guilt for the color she made her skin in her art.
The twitter nuts who attacked her said that she has been blocking people who have been complaining about it for months, only know because of the riots is she getting more heat for blocking people. (this after she posted that she donated money.)

>> No.4633986


Considering homosexuality can be found across a number of species, I’d say no



>> No.4633991

You’re an actual retard if you think nepotism is exclusively a western thing.
You’re just mad that YOUR portfolio isn’t good enough to land you a studio job

>> No.4634020

>stop the not-all-isms we're not talking about ALL leftists
>btw leftists aren't actually leftists, true leftists don't exist anymore
Impressive, I don't think you even have enough self-awareness to qualify for personhood

>> No.4634101

Social media happened. Humans being shitty emotional, lazy creatures spreading bad information that feeds into these vices. Memes so they'd call it.
We won't break the cycle, but it sure seems it happens faster than ever.

>> No.4634115

You have a toddlers understanding of history

>> No.4634155

She wasn't trying to shift blame, but score more points with the group she's trying to please

>> No.4634168

it's kind of sad seeing someone so pathetic, she'd lick that retard's feet if she asked her to

>> No.4634672

this is why i have a zero tolerance for american garbage. if someone tweets something american at me they are immediately blocked

>> No.4635909

I stay away from Discord because I have never heard a good story involving it.

>> No.4636066

The difference is nepotism is the ONLY way to get a job in the industry. Of fucking course it exists elsewhere, but no one else had it take over the industry 100% like the west.

>> No.4636099

This shit exactly. Why the hell would you use your real name, phone, adress, etc. On the internet anyway?

>> No.4636103

luckly you can still go multiple accounts, have one account for profesional stuff, one shitpost, another for nsfw art. All as separated entities. No hay they can knopw it's the same person un less in some cases where your work art is different from nsfw. (concept art, 3d modeling and whatnot).

>> No.4636111

It's especially funny when they talk about companies in countries where there are almost no black people

>> No.4636228

>if someone tweets something american at me
does that include those fat american dolla

>> No.4637937

Have fun with that gnostic doctrine and ignoring messiah's words while you still can

>> No.4638507

Should've drawn herself as the fat, hooked on birth control walking mozzarella blob she is.

>> No.4638518

It's divide and conquer. They started this whole racism psyop after occupy Wallstreet. I don't even remember race being a thing when I grew up. And I grew up in a part of town that would be described as "urban" today. The first time I encountered people who were obsessed with race was at university and they were all pasty white suburban kids who most likely never talked to other ethnicities outside of customer service situations.

>> No.4638527

The new idpol left are just the grandkids of the idpol conservatives. They still operate in the same racist framework but switched "sides". But they are still locked into the same general world view.

>> No.4638564


>> No.4638624

Yup. I remember saying the word "black" at art college and getting horrified looks as if I said the N word. Little did they know I had several black friends outside of school who loved making fun of white people for avoiding the word "black" at all costs. You go around in real life using terms like "African American" and "people of color" you just alienate the people you're supposedly standing up for. No point in arguing that though because they will say "having black friends isn't and excuse" and say that those people are just misguided.

>> No.4638653

So people can punch you, good to know

>> No.4638667

This is fucking ridiculous, that's not even remotely conflatable with an actual black character.
What I find more hilarious is that she portrays herself as being fit and attractive.

>> No.4638676

>art college

>> No.4638884

Yes. Dumbass kids of kkk conservatives turning into kkk liberals. Still hung up on race.
Yeah, I remember when even noticing that someone had a slight tan was considered racist. Now incorrectly identifying their specific shade of mullato is a mortal pc sin and "invalidates their race struggle" or some equally dumb bs only white women believe.

>> No.4638908

I say good, this is the type of shit she promotes and I'm sure has gone along with it in the past, given her stupid comicsgate line.

>> No.4638954
File: 426 KB, 1280x1085, tumblr jojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this twitter/tumblr mob would "cancel" everyone who draws white characters as niggers too, but they would never do it because they are the exact group of people who do that shit in the first place.

>> No.4638963

You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.4638966

Of you started after 20 then don’t bother. The market will be flooded before you make it

>> No.4638967

Yuri Bezmenov was correct about literally everything and leftism is a plague that can't survive reality without authoritarian measures to enforce it. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4638969


>> No.4639062
File: 240 KB, 1024x625, 161163454548787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"cancel" everyone who draws white characters as niggers
Get in the mindset of an ultraliberal communist homotranny
give yourself an answer
if you can manage brain damage

I'll say this;
if i was black, i'd beat the shit out of every single one of those racists.

>> No.4639080
File: 138 KB, 170x170, 1575265534934-v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I am honestly so fed up with this. These people use current political environment just to get power for themselves. But the problem isn't just these idiots, people on 4chan that try get everyone join their hate groups are as retarded. Every day on the internet today is like I am standing in the middle of some retarded leftoid rightoid shitflingingfest and I can do nothing to escape it. Thanks America, I love it.

>> No.4639135

It's usually people with low self-esteem that succumb to this.
If there's someone offering you a solution to all your probblems
>white did it
>niggers did it
>jews did it
regardless of how much truth there is in those statements, by completely stripping yourself of any personal responsibility for your life you can live a pretty nice smoothbrain existence. Half of the BLM blacks probably low-key know they're being unreasonable and that the black community has some self-inflicted issues, no matter how much the CIA pushed crack into their communities and how much handouts have increased single moms and baby daddies. In the end its blacks succumbing to those influences. Same withdumbass whites, dumbass nazoids, etc.
In the end its all a way to move responsibility for your life to an outside source and let out cathartic screams blaming whatever outside entities for your fucked up situation. Theres always this element of knowing that you're partly to blame but that just makes you deflect and scream louder. And in the end nobody will ever reach a sensible conclusion because the discussion was from the start never supposed to solve problems, just accelerate.

>> No.4639164

>I think white women from other parts of the country started using it because of black female tv hosts.
I think that's a texan thing, and as you y'all know texas is the epitome of white

>> No.4639170

reminds me of when tumblr boomed

>> No.4639173

they do but not that much in the US, unless you're an arab or mexican. His point was that they are trying to make europe out of it where the first thing every faggots asks is where you are from so they can build an opinion about you

>> No.4639175

>fuedel Japan

>> No.4639198

yeah japs animators also work for 350 overtime a month and get easily replaced if they don't want to

also no, the market is very saturated and also get's exported to cheaper asian countries

>> No.4639228

that's actually bullshit, it's nature AND choice. I was really gay in my early twenties, but I moved on. Trans folks can always figure out their shit, gender is a social construct while sex is biological, so why the fuck change it instead of adapting?

>> No.4639436

Remind me why “making yourself brown to look attractive” is demeaning to brown people? If a black woman made herself white to look attractive I somehow doubt the issue people would have would be demeaning whites.

>> No.4639452

The difference is in framing. The white woman is an oppressor appropriating the culture of a victim, something she has no right to own, and that is her crime. The black woman would be a victim appropriating the culture of an oppressor, she has internalized an ideal of beauty that exists only to marginalize her, and that's her crime.
It's the same pattern you'd see in commie notions of class warfare narratives. The rich are stealing from the poor and exploiting their labour, labourers aiming to become rich have internalized the oppressive system.

>> No.4639453
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, e1697ed6-0bf2-4ff7-91d8-43f5a56bc594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what she looks like, skin color is the last of problems with that drawing.

>> No.4639462

I don’t think I’ve ever meet a woman capable of oppressing anyone

>> No.4639467

oppression isn't a choice, it's like original sin. if you're part of the wrong group your very existence is privileged and therefore oppression :^)

>> No.4639489
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>> No.4639491
File: 110 KB, 799x616, 45340D59-181C-42EA-941D-1F10A009BA95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I want to empty my balls in that thing and then go cry in the shower out of self hate and drink myself to sleep?

>> No.4639901

Yes. Very bad.

>> No.4639909

Do all of these fuckers have the same scriptwriter?

>> No.4640041
File: 43 KB, 600x667, B8D72A0C-065A-4A1F-B169-00F912322A73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I do to improve my self esteem? I’m attractive enough to get looks from girls, even some of the more “hoey” ones, several have gotten touchy and flirty with me, and I’m physically fit, but haven’t so much as held hands with one. Part of me wants to go fuck a fat bitch bright dyed hair Ramona flowers type caked up in makeup out of extreme self hate and pent up thirst.


>> No.4640056

sounds like you are just gay

>> No.4640064

>actually responding

>> No.4640069
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 402100E7-33ED-4B54-8AA9-D558E3B95C1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I’ll have to download Grindr and offer up my ANOL virginity to the first bear I see who wants that bussy

>> No.4640102

"if you're looking for an excuse you'll find one"

>> No.4640191

Damn what a beast

>> No.4640216

>twitter is literally just the new tumblr now

>> No.4640220

retard its the notes app bg texture just in dark mode. gtfo of her with ur dumbass

>> No.4640984

This comic was translated to moon runes and took off like crazy on jap twitter, they fucking hate sjws and blame the US for all the sjws messing with their shit.
They get mad at sjw Americans who move to japan and try to speak for jap twitter too.

Years later she will try to cancel you by claiming you sexually assaulted her/pressured her into sex against her will.
you can debunk her claims if you got thirsty texts from her.

>> No.4641645

So glad I never draw darkies so Ill never have to deal with this

>> No.4641661

You will have to once you take in commissions or doing an industry job, kek.

>> No.4641667

> Thinking I'll ever be good enough to get commissions

>> No.4641690

Reminder that 80% of twitter posts are from 10% of the userbase, which is only 20% of the adult population.

What you're seeing is the uninformed opinions of about .2% of the most self-righteous entitled segment of the population.

>> No.4641730

Pics of japs getting angry lmao that’s glorious

>> No.4641734

I'm gonna need a source on that

>> No.4641793

and a further reminder that a lot of the activist types manage several highly active twitter accounts at the same time.

>> No.4641801


>> No.4641822
File: 117 KB, 372x351, hahwer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's actually bullshit, it's nature AND choice. I was really gay in my early twenties, but I moved on. T

>> No.4641841

human sexuality is an interplay of biological factors like temperament and basic reproductive instincts and emergent processes of social negotiation that sit on top of that. It's not like you can just decide today to be gay, but you absolutely can shift your sexual preferences over time by going down different rabbit holes of sexualization.

>> No.4641857

post studies that confirm this

>> No.4641868

we literally don't have the technology to track that kind of phenomenon yet, and the basic statistics about self-reported sexuality across time can be interpreted in any way you like.

>> No.4641899

Do you know what it means to be prison gay?
I'll also remind you that studies don't emerge as consequences of the laws of physical reality.

>> No.4641934

>Prison gay
You mean, bisexual?
There are millions of men who have never fucked other guys before and will never do so under any circumstances. You never "got over" faggotry anon, you just chose not to pursue relationships with men because you're bi. It's okay

>> No.4641937


>> No.4641971

>i-i- i only sucked dick in my 20s because i lost my job and was feeling really sad. b-but i got a girlfriend now so im cured of my gay tendencies!!1!1
Yeah, semantics.

>> No.4641972

the way you construct sexuality is clearly ideologically motivated, my dude.

>> No.4641980 [DELETED] 

They way you take it up the ass is clearly motived my your love of dick, my dude

>> No.4641983

In any case, no one is arguing that men who are sexually attracted to other men are gay, the point of contention is whether that attraction is a necessarily permanent, biologically hardwired property. try following the conversation instead of coming up with witty retorts, my dude.

>> No.4641998

This is what happens when all of Tumblr migrates over to Twitter.

>> No.4642000

Japan never could figure out just why america lost it's fucking mind a few years ago when a Pokemon game only allowed breeding to happen with heterosexual partner pokemon.

>> No.4642001

Conversion therapy has already been studied at length and only one study has said it works.

Gays only make up a small percentage of the population, many more people are bisexual and a majority of bisexual people end up marrying opposite sex partners. This doesn't mean they stop being bisexual. Google is free, my dude

>> No.4642027

obviously gender conversion therapy doesn't work, even with the model I'm arguing for changes in sexuality are not a matter of deliberate, moment-to-moment conscious choice, much less something that we know how to induce extrinsically. But sexual essentialism is just speculation and semantics disguised as scientific fact - people who end up marrying an opposite sex partner after having engaged in homosexual relationships are classified as bisexuals and that's that problem solved, a classic case of pre-existing terminology determining how empirical results are interpreted.

>> No.4642063
File: 182 KB, 1200x800, byebyegoalpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[makes ridiculous statement]
>no i don't have studies to back it up!
>your replies are false because i said so
>no the peer-reviewed studies you base your replies on don't count either

Every. Single. Time.

>> No.4642075

the one being held is all fucked up
>fucked up stiff right shoulder not moving forward
>uncurved back
>what the fuck is that facial expression

the one holding her is a little bit better but
>fingernails all fucked up on right hand
>is her left hand holding both of those legs up like that? is it a foot long?
>her left foot

and finally

>the fucking car

jesus christ almighty. im /beg/ and i could probably do something like this.