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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 192 KB, 1166x862, 963FE47B-637A-42BF-ACA6-98938553E4B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4519973 No.4519973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Both were pulled from Instagram and both had the same amount of likes. Yet one was aesthetically and fundamentally superior to the other one.
I’m not worried about the likes on Instagram, I’m worried about the fact that people think the bottom photo is somehow acceptable to upload as a finished drawing.
Obviously I don’t mean all westerners because there are definitely ones that may even surpass the asians but this kind of bland and soulless art seems to be spammed everywhere and somehow considered as “finished.”
You’re not done. All you did was some concept. Now put that character in a scene...

>> No.4519976

go fuck yourself

>> No.4519978


>> No.4519984


>> No.4519988

>waaah noone understands meeee

>> No.4519990

Big cope.

>> No.4519991

Asian genes.

>> No.4519993

>You must be 18 years or older to access this site.

>> No.4520000

soul vs souless

>> No.4520004

You know what, you're right. I need to start developing backgrounds and scenes for my pieces that combine with my characters in a way that works and also tells a story. Thank you for posting this, you've given me another opportunity to improve my work.

>> No.4520006

> You’re not done. All you did was some concept. Now put that character in a scene...

Do you consider Feng Zhu to be an artist? Also pyw I'm interested in the paper behind this neutronium

>> No.4520010

Good lad

>> No.4520034

Who's the first artist

>> No.4520038
File: 126 KB, 743x855, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much story bro!

Only fujos do le story trash because they can't draw coomer bodies

>> No.4520041


>> No.4520042


>> No.4520048
File: 1.09 MB, 1166x862, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is dead.

>> No.4520053

If your not exploiting mentally challenged teenagers your NGMI

>> No.4520057

Based and blackpilled

>> No.4520069
File: 125 KB, 1050x1680, DVcm21LVoAA5Byb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very story much perspective

>> No.4520071

I take that back.
Westerners are full of soul.
It’s ok to have half a character on a white background.
Please don’t improve :(

>> No.4520074


>> No.4520077


>> No.4520089

>making thousands of dollars from exploiting mentally challenged teenagers
this hurts the sakimi

>> No.4520096

>go to pixiv
>one bajillion poorly drawn anime girls on white background


>> No.4520106

Jesus you guys are seething pretty hard.

>> No.4520108

Got these directly from Instagram mate. They were right next to each other in the featured section.
I’m sure if there was a western version of PixIV, it wouldn’t be any different. But it’s funny that I have to really dig deep to find something that isn’t a generic concept art on Artstation or DeviantArt but I only need to spend a couple seconds to find something with story.
You just can’t accept the fact that asians will always be superior to you which is why you need to greentext like a fag.

>> No.4520111

Jesus you are [coping] pretty hard.

>> No.4520112

Shitposting on /ic/ won't make your peepe any bigger, chang.

>> No.4520117


>> No.4520121

>worried about penis size
It’s amazing that the topic of penis sizes are never brought up unless it is to cope with your inferiority complex.

>> No.4520132
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1586417488069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another nigger IQ bait thread

>> No.4520134

You are honestly pathetic for making this thread

>> No.4520142

All that everyone does is fucking seeth on this board

>> No.4520149

Why anime shitters are so racist?

>> No.4520154

I get what you're saying my dude.

>> No.4520157

sorry, I don't speak ching chong cope, go eat some dog meat, lao

>> No.4520163


>> No.4520165

Very based.
Very cringe.

>> No.4520166
File: 919 KB, 2000x2711, 601f3befc89e954a2f956974f8fcc979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait but I'll bite because some other teenager on this board could use this. You're already looking at two different kinds of art. Story Art and Character Art. Character art does not need backgrounds because the point of it is to explore a character's design, personality, gestures, etc. Pic related. All of these characters drawn by a Japanese artist are character art, and all where on white backgrounds by themselves. Do they need backgrounds? Is one illustration with a background objectively inferior to a series of illustrations formed into a comic just because it has less "story"? Is a product design splash with perspective and rendering better than a story illustration with perspective but flat colors? You just have a certain taste for more narrative-based work/story and concept art, grow up and realize your preferences don't make any style you don't like objectively worse art.

Also who the fuck cares about Instagram likes? If you have better engagement and a higher volume of followers the algorithm makes your works automatically seen my more people, meaning two people with the same amount of skill but different follower counts and posting habits will get a different number of likes no matter what. If you rely on Instagram solely for income then you should care but any professional making a living with art should not be using one social media to gather a following anyways.

>> No.4520172

>Cherry picking, the post

Stop opening dumb bait threads, retard.

>> No.4520182


>> No.4520197
File: 355 KB, 1500x900, 1584640234181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4520210

Um excuse me? This is toxic please leave!

>> No.4520219


>> No.4520222

because people who watch anime have no personality so they have to compensate with being extreme

>> No.4520227

>realize your preferences don't make any style you don't like objectively worse art.
anon, do you realize that these don’t even make any sense together?
one is objectively better than the other and preference has nothing to do with why that is

>> No.4520228

>find something with story

It's a woman riding a bike with high-heels

It's not that deep fren

>> No.4520235
File: 184 KB, 495x700, 71444250_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>asians can't be NGMIS
>meanwhile mr pic related has been drawing for five years



>> No.4520241
File: 192 KB, 960x1200, andrewcockroach_20686865_346391315793399_7324863013029150720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please edit this with AndrewCockroach lmao. It would fit so well, pic related is him by the way.


>> No.4520245


meanwhile average whitey from /ic/ only draws bodyless loomis heads or stiff "anatomy studies" on his 5th year.

>> No.4520248

nice strawman
can you draw better?
lets see, pyw, buddy

>> No.4520251
File: 532 KB, 1500x900, 1587661745177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, done.

I've only been drawing for about 1 and a half years so it wouldn't be a fair comparison, but I could maybe try drawing something similar later today.

>> No.4520253

That looks full of soul dude
Not memeing

>> No.4520255

still has story and composition though. this witch is clearly about to piss herself

>> No.4520261

I don't have more pieces from either artist to reference but both appear to be in intermediate/higher levels of skill. At their levels, they can both make a living in entertainment design and deciding which is "objectively" better or worse becomes an argument of preferences/nitpicking what techniques and artist did or did not utilize. What makes one piece more successful than the other? How are the rendering techniques fulfilling the goal of the artist in each piece? Does it even matter when they're both just fine pieces for what they are and there's no good reason to be comparing the two besides trying to bait a comparison of Western and Japanese artists?

>> No.4520276

is that what you’re strawmanning it to?
fuck off

>> No.4520278
File: 539 KB, 1248x935, toni-infante-husks-2cover-final-copia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cherrypicked and isn't really a fair comparison since i've seen a lot of eastern artists draw white backgrounds or none
>Composition, yes
>Vehicle, yes
>tells a story, yes.

This artist is from Spain. Please at least be fair when making a comparison next time, otherwise it looks like you're trying to fit a narrative

>> No.4520285

source of both?

>> No.4520289

That isnt anime, it looks too cartoony.

>> No.4520290

here’s an example of one of the few GMIs on this entire board

>> No.4520295

So the problem is actually americans, not white people

>> No.4520299

Who fucking cares, my image met OP's criteria that he had listed, therefore I proved his point, so it doesn't matter.

EU Countries have average higher IQ than America so maybe?

>> No.4520306


>> No.4520313
File: 1023 KB, 1314x813, amerilards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the problem is actually americans?
Yes. They've poisoned everything.

>> No.4520317

Perspective is off

>> No.4520385

you didn’t read my post, reread then spew your ignorant shit
>Obviously I don’t mean all westerners
>both were taken from Instagram
>both were literally right next to each other in the featured section
>both had 7,000 likes

>> No.4520396

No, nitpicking would be pointing out the awkward ellipses in the top image or the lack of volumetric form in the hair of the bottom. OP doesn't even seem capable of seeing those small differences. All the studf he stated was on the level of "this one has composition, the lower one doesn't", that's not even an educated assement of either piece (all pieces have composition, even if not well done).

>> No.4520397

what fucking cringe is this?

>> No.4520404

>all pieces have composition
this is the same as saying everything is art when it’s not
something isn’t art unless it is done deliberately and with skill

>> No.4520405

These posts contain enough information to conclude the thread.
Print them out OP and read them before bed.

You're either not trying to understand the other person or you're a lukewarm temperature IQ nigger. Either option renders any attempt at conversation pointless.

>> No.4520414

opinion discarded

>> No.4520419

nigger detected

>> No.4520422

If /las/ could do anything like the bottom. I would be more than happy to look at their art.

>> No.4520455

Your posted image is still cherrypicked, but keep deflecting you cum guzzling bait posting retard.

>> No.4520483

After seeing this image I am clearly convinced that Asians perceive the world differently that lets them make much more superior art than their contemporaries in the west. This is a scientific fact.

>> No.4520484

>cum guzzling
pornfag detected

>> No.4520487
File: 81 KB, 850x850, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP detected :^)

>> No.4520488


>> No.4520654

>cherry picking and anecdotal evidence
Two components that make up the modern murishart

>> No.4520855

What I've found is that artists in general have the following tiers of complexity in their work according to their nationality:
Russians>Chinese>Japanese>European>Canadian>American>rest of the world

>> No.4520857

fuck you im canadian

>> No.4520876
File: 66 KB, 512x512, 556A4CDF-453D-44D3-BB56-ADE79D72B06B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art is taken nowadays more seriously in the East than in the west.

>> No.4520878
File: 340 KB, 1376x800, 1583779430035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh shit mfloaw hahaha, DAMN you can see the different?

>> No.4520881

Then kill yourself

>> No.4520884
File: 210 KB, 1024x1024, 766F0ADA-F936-4E8B-A409-09F2E79F2EC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional artists eternally BTFO

>> No.4520890

what are you, coping?

>> No.4520892

I've never seen a Canadian artist.
Maybe they pretended to be American.

>> No.4520905

kim jung gi is some kind of creature from the out limits that is the only explanation

>> No.4520910

Canadian art style in general is pretty much the same than american except with a slightly higher complexity in terms of rendering

>> No.4520925
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, F407B93C-CCD2-4FF0-891F-2C0100783820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex

>> No.4520927
File: 25 KB, 500x428, bumby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say they complex in other ways but simple on other

>> No.4520939

Souless vs soul

>> No.4520948

If you could draw one thing and make the same amount of money as if you drew 50 things. Which one would you do?

>> No.4520951

What does Westerner mean in this context?

>> No.4520959
File: 595 KB, 1920x1080, 1547790236371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4520962

Faggots, basically

>> No.4520978

You’re right.
This is the problem with today’s art community. (Though it even extends beyond art as well.)
Why would you draw something with a story and soul when you can draw foot fetish porn and make a living off patreon doing it?

>> No.4520995

Black people can do anime pretty well

>> No.4521002

>she sees your dick

>> No.4521453

>EU Countries have average higher IQ than America

>> No.4521457

It’s honestly just Eurofags trying to cope with the fact that they’ll never be better than asians so they’re trying their best to at least be 3rd place.

>> No.4521501

I agree but trying to divide it into westerners and asians is stupid. even the soul vs soulless meme is better than that.

>> No.4521517

American artists can't add anymore to the sexy woman drawing they do, because they weary of the trannies that will cancel them

Just look at this shit

>> No.4521584

>bitching about shitty composition
>bitching about shitty coomer poses
>bitching about shitty anatomy
>mostly posting normie memes making fun of coomtards
this board doesn't seem too different

>> No.4521600

cringey teenlet lmfao

>> No.4521625

I think both are pretty ok anon, sorry but i don't get your point, you're just mad cuz one had background and the other doesn't, wich is stupid. Anyways, stop being a stupid bitch and go draw if you wanna make it.

>> No.4521659

wdym, there are plenty of lassos that could draw a better samus pinup

>> No.4521671


Retard, most japs use twitter so the top image probably has more engagement there

>> No.4521679
File: 67 KB, 460x653, 9A4345DB-D36B-479F-A6D0-263A4C3B382E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold...the power of jap art...

This guy is probably a millionaire btw

>> No.4521698

yeah but opm is entertaining

>> No.4521706

not all art has to have all that shit anon, sometimes you just want to do fanart

>> No.4522103

didn't ask

>> No.4522106

What about it? racism is good

>> No.4522112

Who drew the Samus?

>> No.4522351

Whats the story in the first image. Just looks like a soulless anime girl on a bike.

>> No.4522720


>> No.4522756

Looks pretty good to me. Also post some of your work, show some of your floating loomis heads and your other „studies“ lmao.
Also people who have taken seriously less than three years have no right to criticize others

>> No.4522759

Sexual frustration and no friends

>> No.4522762

Looks good to me. This guy obviously has passion for drawing and the spark. Also his drawings come from imagination which is something that the average crab poster can’t claim

>> No.4522764

how do I draw the smug cunny look??

>> No.4522770

Not him but you dodged the question.
Where's the fucking story you weebfag?

>> No.4522883

If you have to ask you’re too dumb to understand. Not everyone can have high IQ and natural born talent

>> No.4523024

who drew that samus? both pieces look great

>> No.4523225

This was made by an ai.

>> No.4523267

both are trash