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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 630 KB, 654x1000, EVMh-2mUwAcS2dx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4481796 No.4481796 [Reply] [Original]

What is THAT!
What the fuck is that leg!

>> No.4481799

Now you know why she keeps cropping the lower limbs and does everything in her abilities to hide them or obscure them from your view. It is no coincidence that her little trademark signature are almost always in that general area.

>> No.4481801

Holy shit Sakimichan is so good every time.

>> No.4481809

who cares faggot go draw. obsessed.

>> No.4481815

Thiggers are becoming worse than vorefags

>> No.4481817

OMFG not this shitty thread again.

>> No.4481827


>> No.4481834

I hope you get to be half as good as her OP I really do, good luck and happy studying

>> No.4481835

Go shill your shit art somewhere else

>> No.4481836

sakimiwhore souless coomer trash

>> No.4481854

I was kind of impressed when I saw this. Sexualizing animal crossing knowing full well the shitfest this will cause. She really does not a fuck.

>> No.4481861

>C'mon isn't that....
>The more I see it the worse it gets

But seriously go back drawing anon

>> No.4481874

Would someone actually believe that sakimi herself would shill here? When she's making like 50k a month or some shit? Posting on fucking /ic/?

>> No.4481894
File: 192 KB, 1600x1168, sakithread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sakimi thread

>> No.4481903

These are the threads that /ic/ needs.

>> No.4481954

Pfffttt try 150k/mo. She charges her 8k patrons twice a month

>> No.4481958

Sakimichan is a millionaire
You are seething on 4chan
Sort yourself out

>> No.4481965

is she really a millionaire?

>> No.4481972

The more you post her art here, the more popular she become, and the more she fill up her patreon subscription.

>> No.4481974

She has made bank doing bogus coomer tier shit with gimmicks that grab your attention by abusing filters and heavy use of highlights that pop out when viewed in thumbnails but most importantly exploit fanart and bastardize Disney characters or whatever is the flavor of the month. If you see a Sakimichan piece you have practically seen them all.

>> No.4481977

well god damn

>> No.4482031
File: 57 KB, 463x354, 20200406_003923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's certainly good for her

>> No.4482074

Is the background just literally some photo...?

>> No.4482157

Not just some photo, a photo of one of the spare rooms in the East wing of her Italianate mansion.

>> No.4482175

>Renders better than 99% of /ic/
>Legion of followers
>Only ever draws fanart trash
I'm so fucking sick of these types of people. Their technical prowess is fantastic but their imagination is severely lacking. It's like being a billionaire and not doing cool shit like building castles or going to the moon. Fucking waste of talent.

>> No.4482179

>It's like being a billionaire and not doing cool shit like building castles or going to the moon.
That’s how u stay a billionaire

>> No.4482182
File: 47 KB, 304x397, 1557216448345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakimi-chan using COLORS?

What the fuck, who cares about anatomy? Fucking FINALLY.

>> No.4482184

That's not how you stay an artist, though.

>> No.4482186

better than drawing someone's sick fantasy like bbc chan does.

>> No.4482193

She has no reason to because she operates Patreon as a business. She stopped doing personal works a long time ago (I'm talking over a decade).

>> No.4482201

Then what's the point of being a bloody billionaire? "Oh cool, I died with billions in my bank having not used a cent of it." is a lot less boring, less remembered and less economically stimulating as "Oh cool, I died having built massive castles, giant towers, underwater bases, dug to the center of the earth, walked on the moon and created a city in antartica". As edgy as it sounds, it's boring rich people making boring poor decisions.

Meh, both are pretty much the same and I like bbc chan's work ;) You just have to apply Shadbase's way of thinking if it comes to that; draw what gives "you" a boner.
Unless it's fucking Wonderbread.

>She stopped doing personal works a long time ago (I'm talking over a decade).
I honestly never knew that, and it's quite surprising.
Sure, she operates Patreon as a business, the main shtick; drawing troves of fanart. But with her fanbase being bigger than it was a decade ago, shouldn't she at least try to do some original content? It's like she's far too comfortable drawing the same shit everyday instead of thinking for herself.

>> No.4482229

Sakimi's fanbase got larger precisely because she does fanart
>It's like she's far too comfortable drawing the same shit everyday instead of thinking for herself.
She makes art as a business, why would that matter?
I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't even enjoy producing art anymore from sheer burnout, assuming she hasn't just paid multiple assistants to ghost her.

Crabs love to complain about her anatomy (her anatomy is awful at times), but it's a clear case of her just not giving a shit anymore opposed to being actually bad at it.

>> No.4482245

Nobody cares, stop making crab threads because you feel bad about your art and make fun threads instead.

>> No.4482414
File: 1.30 MB, 654x1000, isabelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the most glaring mistake

>> No.4482454
File: 34 KB, 330x493, EUjL8B4WAAA_PyP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w- w- what do you mean, she can't be making so much money, she's not using fundies like loomis-sensei said!

>you h- have to have a good foundation, before you render, otherwise you're just polishing a turd!

>and she has no imagination either, it's always degenerate fanart, there's no creativity!

>why doesn't anybody care about my art it's not fair it's not fair IT'S NOT FAAAAIR

>> No.4482478

This /thread

>> No.4482487


>> No.4482498

>all those incels seething in the comment section

>> No.4482511

Based. humanized furry characters look awful

>> No.4482519
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 48132749312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just love it, the longer you look at it, the worse it gets.
It's a hilarious quality I don't find in many artists works and I applaud her for achieving that.

>> No.4482526

okay capitalist

>> No.4482599

>by abusing filters and heavy use of highlights that pop out
how do I do this bros? I have never touched a digital pad in my life btw but am going to be able to get one with my trumpbux and am worried...

>> No.4482634
File: 368 KB, 731x802, sakimi style.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget
and you are still learning Loomis, fuck this shit Ninjartist is the JESUS of rule 34 and nobody knows him

>> No.4482768

see, how the fuck do I do this?

>> No.4482818
File: 54 KB, 768x749, 1586454153280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another prime example of hormone driven retards believing such fuming garbage as the peak of artistic and emotional expression because it makes their dicks hard.
I'd have to really start questioning myself if i paid some nobody on the internet for posting the same exact legs with a different upper body every month.

>> No.4482852

rendering is really fine, but the obesity in the subjects is getting out of control

>> No.4482873

God I would love to squish and rapture that gigantic pimple on her forehead. Just imagining it gives me thrills!

>> No.4483003


>> No.4483053
File: 274 KB, 654x1000, 1586489566190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the most glaring mistake

>> No.4483062
File: 251 KB, 645x520, 1541990095042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4483110
File: 1.70 MB, 450x330, 1585954916143.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tits
you had one job you fucking degenerate

>> No.4483124

She only learned how to draw sand clocks

>> No.4483163

Shit taste

>> No.4483177

>uses all sorts of objects and services that wouldn't exist if not for capitalism

>> No.4483182

How do crabs have so much energy and focus when it comes to shitting on popular artists, but never invest that same energy and focus to improve their own art?

>> No.4483207

What the fug even is that shitty background she's been reusing for all her latest pieces

>> No.4483213
File: 492 KB, 1280x829, d4prw3m-ef3cf951-5a6a-4eb1-b03b-cbad3baab79f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes aside, and in spite of her millions I actually kind of feel bad for her in a way.

Before she fell for the coomer meme she used to draw more interesting, imaginative, and arguably more technically competent work. Everything she draws now is repetitive and doughy and utterly sexless. None of it is imaginative, but she's making $$$ so who cares right? I just know that in spite of the money I'd be creatively miserable.

>> No.4483225

I'm sure you wouldn't give a shit if you were a multi-millionaire.
I'll gladly draw shit like giant cockvore if it meant I'd be rich, 'muh creativity' aside.

>> No.4483228

>implying she doesnt have endless free time to draw however she wants
>implying she couldnt retire right now in her 20s

>> No.4483234
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, SakiStyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4483237


I'm sure I would give a shit. You speak as if rich people don't experience sadness or depression. I tried doing coomer shit for a while myself, and for a while I was actually making a not-insignificant amount off of commissions and Patreon. I packed it in in the end because I realised I fucking hated it and all my art had become soulless.

>> No.4483239

>I'm sure you wouldn't give a shit if you were a multi-millionaire.
this. most of the human population wouldn't trade imaginative shit for that kind of money. don't feel bad anon, i promise you she's happy as she is.

>> No.4483249

looks fine to me, even tho she usually draws knees that look like they would snap

>> No.4483258

You are just like those trannies on twitter saying that rich people/celebrities aren’t human and don’t have emotions, lmao.

>> No.4483260

Just because you dislike drawing coomer subjects doesn't mean everyone else feels the same. Even before Patreon she drew pin-ups.
Also, >>4483228. Though I'm pretty sure she's at least 30 or nearing 30 at this point.

You've giving pity to somebody who doesn't need it

>> No.4483262

I hope so. I mean, maybe she's happy doing the doughy, coomer shit, idk. Ofc I'd take the money and run if it were me, we all would, I'd just be miserable doing it.

>looks fine to me
Her calf is separated from her knee.

>> No.4483269
File: 1.78 MB, 350x255, 1582188241456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know there was such a good sakana-chan copycat.
Very good, friend.

>> No.4483270

the fuck you on about?

>> No.4483281

>few more years and nobody will be able to tell on which sakimis drawing this was based on

>> No.4483300

Sakimichan had been doing yaoi sex art since she was like 15 on gaiaonline. this is what she likes.

>> No.4483302

look at the way the heel sits in position to the rest of her leg, you can trace a contorted malformed limb, twisting all the way from the foot to the calf to the knee to the thigh.
I mean I expect no less from render monkey that panders to normies but this is image is objectively poorly constructed.

>> No.4483311

>implying retards know now

>> No.4483314
File: 677 KB, 1000x1105, 1546347658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, I remember the thread when it was posted for the first time but don't remember which drawing it was. Something from pokemon maybe? Damn sakimi sucks

>> No.4483333
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, 1560847085639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was obviously based on the one with the 6 fingers
silly anon

>> No.4483338

>Damn sakimi sucks
s-shut up it's just her style
you're just jealous
it's just because she's a girl and she's making it and you're not
jelly much? ahah...
p-please subscribe to her patreon

>> No.4483345

you forgot to add:
pyw schizo puritan pol homophobic christian crab

>> No.4483428

Just showed this to a normie friend of mine who doesn't draw at all and the first thing he said was "why is her leg fucked up".

>> No.4484099


>> No.4484107 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 770x1165, 80622685_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn well beats the shit outta mine

>> No.4484131


>> No.4484135

yuck youre still around?

>> No.4484140

funny fact = Sakimi was paid 3 digits for that drawing

>> No.4484173

I don't think it's that bad, that left (right to us) forearm is way way worse.

>> No.4484175


>> No.4484182
File: 59 KB, 720x856, EHgNhqsW4AEjNuX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vast improvement

>> No.4484375

You the guy that draws the hyper sailor moon stuff, keep doing that

>> No.4484388

this image means nothing to me because im so grossly incapable of drawing anything near the basic pre photoshop stuff that good

>> No.4484400

my cousin dropped her creative degree because they were 'stifling her' and she's been stuck working a shitty retail job for 5 years now.
she recently got diagnosed with anxiety and depressive disorder, while always complaining about the failure of her education institute
i legit think she's going to kill herself eventually, but thats her fault for first studying an art degree (lol) and then failing even that

>> No.4484574
File: 371 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (29).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOUL. Pic related is my WIP but I probably won't finish it. Don't like how the coloring is turning out cause I can't color for shit.

>> No.4484920

based and fagpilled

>> No.4484932

You suck.

>> No.4484972

absolutely B A S E D

>> No.4485009

Based, love the huge areola bumps and implication of tipsiness. The skirt is only lifting to her left, which bugs me a little. Highlights and shading could be much better (although I can tell you put in time to make the hair look good). 6.5/10, would coom.

You're not even showing the full image and it's still very cute. Finish it without colors, I want to see the end result.

>> No.4485058

fucking kill yourself holy shit this board is cancer

>> No.4485067

Anatomypologist coomer detected

>> No.4485547

This is what finally made me unwatch her on DA.

Opinionated post is opinionated but I just wish that it wasn't a rule of the internet that "If it exists, there's porn of it.". I have no doubt that there's even dog porn of Isabelle out there but I'm certainly not going to go looking for it.

I just kinda wish, especially with franchises aimed with children in mind, some stuff could be left alone.

>> No.4485608

You must be a coomer if you find this sexually appealing.

>> No.4485638

hello pollack

>> No.4485800

cant wait to get so good that there is a seething thread about me everyday

>> No.4485808

I think you mean rich.

>> No.4488050

How much do you think she works on a piece like this? An entire work day (8 hours)? Considering she makes around ~50k from patreon alone that's a pretty impressive work to money ratio. I have an acquaintance who has also has a five-digit monthly salary but he's a CEO so he has a ton of responsibility and close to no free time.

>> No.4488060
File: 245 KB, 450x349, 1560060454735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew anon, Sakimi should hire you.

>> No.4488100

Unironically a lot better.

>> No.4490174
File: 517 KB, 1060x1635, penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed anons

>> No.4490660


>> No.4491178

based af

>> No.4491437

requesting a serious redline of this

>> No.4491473


>> No.4491882


>> No.4491899

It's better than anything you will ever make

>> No.4491917
File: 3.15 MB, 1360x3480, talentless begs should die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're never going to amount to anything and the only effect you have on the world is hating on a talented artist on an image board full of begs who will also never amount to anything. Congrats.

>> No.4491925

the background is so fucking busy
why would she invest so much effort in something so irrelevant to the piece? is she hiring someone to do them?

>> No.4491936

Geralt's looking actually great

>> No.4491942
File: 33 KB, 782x216, 20200413_185658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is where her money comes from

>> No.4491976

Well..only half a millionaire.

>> No.4492418
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 1586738361535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye as a con artist

>> No.4492453

>best ones are all men

>> No.4492492

If you get really good at rendering people won't care about the rest? Is that really the secret to making it?

>> No.4492580

yup, just a semi-realistic render + titties
that's how you make it