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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4421775 No.4421775 [Reply] [Original]

Clip Studio Paint thread

Drop some good tips and general advice for the program. Also anyone have the custom liquify brush?

>> No.4421788

>program shits itself violently if canvas is 4x3k and the brush is anything larger than 50 px

Why do people put up with this? Surely the audience and demand is large enough to enforce at least some kind of competitive advantage over photoshop

>> No.4421818
File: 318 KB, 500x384, 1572748883168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it for my PC.
Can I just plug a Wacom Cintq 16 on it and use, or do I have to buy a license JUST for the Cintq (like with Ipad)?

>> No.4421821

the price, plus line stabilization

>> No.4421848

Stop using a 200 dollar laptop

>> No.4421853

Yes you can just fucking plug in the cintiq lol

>> No.4421856

You have described hell unimaginable to even the most corrupted of corporate devils.

>> No.4421857

The custom liquify brush is shit. It's just the Finger tip brush but worse

Photoshop has many retarded interface decisions people put up with just because it's the industry standard... that said, as much as I hate PS, CSP performance issues are pretty much force you to go back to photoshop

>> No.4421877

Ryzen 5 3600. CSP is just incredibly poorly optimized.

>> No.4421912

The price, fair enough. but PS's stabilizer is actually very capable. Certainly has improved drastically in recent times.

>> No.4421939

I haven't used PS in a while, when was that function introduced?
CDP does pretty much everything I need, but big brushes on a big canvas is very laggy. Texture heavy stuff is harder to do than in PS because of that.

>> No.4421972

1070, 32 GB ram, i7, i can't do anything above 3000 x 3000 w/out my computer screaming at me.

>> No.4421978

Im not sure when exactly Im afraid. Its called "smoothing" and its in the top bar. I use 10%, feels great.

>> No.4421985


>> No.4422008

Go on CSP right now, and record yourself making a 4 x 4k canvas and then use a large brush to do literally anything. Go on, show us your nasa computer.

CSP ran like shit on my I5 4670 and also runs like shit on my ryzen 5 3600.

>> No.4422012

Anyone know how the blending brush works? It seems to grey things out but also does blend which is different from blur.

>> No.4422013


Trying pirated Photoshop and legal CSP, it makes me realize why so many artists still like paying $10 a month for Photoshop even though they can get CSP for $25. CSP is just as capable as Photoshop and has some things over photoshop, it's just that the performance is worst when it comes to painting.

But I think CSP is still better than Photoshop if you're using it for lineart or drawing comics.

The only thing I don't like about it is that smoothing is enabled by default for most brushes. This makes it annoying for painting brushes. I don't know if they fixed it in cc 2020 yet

>> No.4422071

Well, upscale after you're done with the blocking instead of starting with fuckhuge canvases to feed your ego.

>> No.4422080

I'm /beg/, what do you mean?

>> No.4422087

4 x 4k isnt a fuck huge canvas. Even if it was, Krita, Sai 2, and Photoshop all run smoothly with that size. So its fair of me to expect that CSP is able to, but it cant. Also,

>ego linked to canvas size

What? Dont project your shit on me.

>> No.4422094


>> No.4422102

Also, you guys may try increasing the brush step.
Perhaps CSP doesn't do like the others that increase the step according to brush size,so eveything slows down, like photoshop with step 0.

>> No.4422108

The day Celsys stops wasting time on Ipad shit in their CSP updates in favor of optimizing the brush engine to use the gpu/multiple cores is the day Ill actually purchase it instead of pirating.

>> No.4422114

>still isn't cracked

>> No.4422124


>> No.4422136

Brush step? Is that gap level or something else?

>> No.4422173

havent noticed the same behavior on a mid range pc, works perfectly for me try optimizing it... photoshop works terribly though even with small brushes

>> No.4422181
File: 112 KB, 1600x900, bugged CSP mechanics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CSP ran like shit on my I5 4670 and also runs like shit on my ryzen 5 3600.
So you went from a single core performance of 3.4-3.8 GHz to 3.6-4.2 GHz wow what a leap.

CSP only uses 1 thread on 1 core and almost never uses the GPU.
I have a Ryzen 1600 OC'd to 3.7GHz with 16GB 3200mhz RAM and an SSD (I could OC to 3.8/3.9 if I wanted.)
and the only time "big" brushes lag is when I go crazy all over the canvas or use ones with textures and blending features at a ridiculous size.

You could try overclocking to 4.0 and not rely on the auto boost, but you will void your warranty and you will need to spend a full day testing stability/tightening voltage.
Unless you know what you are doing and have adequate fans/cooler don't mess with it.

I don't know why people still buy into "its sharper if I start with a huge canvas" meme, fucking japs on pixiv make crisper images with a much smaller canvas.
The only artists I have heard that use large canvases are VFX artists and they set their shit to 14K.

>> No.4422183

uhh wtf bro how much was your nasa computer

>> No.4422186

You can set gap to pen pressure so it's 0.1 at small sizes and something like 3-4 at full size

>> No.4422191

oh forgot to tag you >>4422008 in when I replied here >>4422181

>> No.4422295

i bought it and i'm not even an artist.
that's how good it is.

>> No.4422303

Shits so good I bought back when it had Manga in the name.

>> No.4422327

I come from Paint Tool Sai, and man I HATE the default brush settings

>> No.4422357

I'm never going back, CSP has ruined me with its big dick, kirta just can't satisfy me anymore.

>> No.4422581

I work in 4k and everything's fine, what kind of potato are you using?

>> No.4422589

No it hasn't, that shit's been the same since cs5.

>> No.4422606

/ic/ is the only place where people claim csp is unstable and ps doesn't crash if you sneeze.

>> No.4422611

So I had multiple layers in a folder clipped to another layer and I couldn't get blending modes to work. After a quick search I found out the folder has to be set to "Through" to blend with layers outside the folder. But that didn't do anything, the layers in the folder still just covered up the lower layer like it was on Normal. After a much longer search I saw a mention that Through doesn't work with clipping, tried disabling the folder's clipping and suddenly the blending worked; but then everything's a total mess with the clipping gone.

This seems like total bullshit, is there seriously no way to have multiple layers clipped to the same layer while using different blending modes?

>> No.4422613

stop having a shitty computer

>> No.4422621

>Third worlder.exe
Your $100 computer you found in some garage sale won’t get you anywhere, dumbass.

>> No.4422676

The workaround I use is to put the layers I want affected within a root folder set to normal. Then I add the folder with adjustment layers set to through within that folder and the art layers beneath in it in the stack (own folder optional).

>> No.4422684

what dpi

>> No.4422709

My favorite thing about working with layers in CSP is when I have to flatten the image, and I have to merge the layers in an specific order or else the painting gets all fucked up

>> No.4422723

Tutorial for OP pic?

>> No.4422746

Learn to draw and paint?

>> No.4422753

What an obsolete answer. I'd still like to know if there is a tutorial for OP, as it has the CSP logo on it.

>> No.4422777
File: 1.76 MB, 219x186, 1423066013630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, this is why /ic/ is great. You ask for some tips, guidance or help and you get everything but that. People come in a thread about a software they don't use only to shit on it and everyone else go full retard on them. Some posts later you end up talking about how Mikufag could make it if he started to draw futa lolis. You get some useful tips on Krita and whatever you didn't ask for and that's it. You lost your time complaining about a board which will never change because no one here knows what they are doing. Good potential. Keep winning guys, keep winning.

Also, reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.4422778
File: 1.22 MB, 876x1107, Annotation 2020-03-13 070519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... guys... I just... I don't even... AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA

>> No.4422798

There's an incredible chance he draws better than you though lol

>> No.4422802


>> No.4422803

That's not the point, you little shit.
Ofc he does tho

>> No.4422805

who cares about how the sausage is made.
I wanted a thread to have tips made and you mfs are complaining about the app lagging on your shittop

>> No.4422810

Just use Krita

>> No.4422950

Can you elaborate on this? I haven't looked much at these settings.

Why do they keep doing this? Surely there is artwork available on the same level and actually done in CSP?

>> No.4423001

Krita is shit.

>> No.4423006

Difference between add glow and glow dodge?

>> No.4423008

I have no idea how any of the layer blending modes work, shit just look different.

>> No.4423012
File: 622 KB, 1114x1600, 17_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get my screentones to look this good?
Seen a lot of artists but Huusen Uri's digital finishes look especially great

>> No.4423060

>Can you elaborate on this? I haven't looked much at these settings.

Set your maximum gap. I find 3 or 4 to be a good compromise for brushes where you desire a clean line. Set it to be affected by pen pressure with a minimum value of 0. The curve should go from the bottom left to the upper right corner. I tend to make it S-shaped, but play around with the settings.

Anyway, this is a good way to protect yourself from unwanted freezes when working with complex brushes and big canvases.

>> No.4423064

I might be a brainlet, but I can't even find the gap option, and I don't feel any wiser after reading the CSP guide.

>> No.4423069

It's under stroke in the sub detail panel

>> No.4423070

Found it, thanks.

>> No.4423295

The burger version is on sale, but I read everywhere that the nip version has exclusive plugins. Are plugins a dealbreaker and will they bring them overseas eventually?

>> No.4423321

On my toaster work computer Photoshop (2019) shits itself with delays with the pencil tool on a 2000x2000 canvas, let alone a proper brush with sophisticated effects
Meanwhile a quick go at the CSP trial:
- same canvas, no problems whatsoever no matter what brush I use, it's as responsive as drawing on paper
- hard brushes actually make crisp and hard lines instead of the blurry shit in PS even when everything that could've interfered with stroke hardness was taken care of
- doesn't require editing a config file in buttfuck nowhere to make my pen pressure work without wangblows ink
- canvas rotate/flip. I regularly check their forums for this feature request and from their responses it's apparently too complex for the programmers at Adobe
So yeah, looks like CSP runs laps around PS when it comes to painting. I'm still using PS for UI design because I'm too lazy to learn AI or try to wrestle CSP into doing that, although I wouldn't be surprised if it can, and for the other artists I'm afraid it's just simply sunk costs.

>> No.4423462

I'm on the english version and I can install plugins just fine. The only problem is that they're all written in moonrunes

>> No.4423545

I've never heard of plugins for clip studio? What do they do?

>> No.4423557

Using a 2010 pc I bought for $80. Easily painting 4000x6000. Get fucked fag

>> No.4423728

Rule of thumb, even on a power rig, CSP is still gonna run slow and chunky as shit, because it was so poorly programmed by stubborn japs who are stubborn cause they are japs.

>> No.4423732

You already got btfo up there, retard esl.

>> No.4423868

how do i make custom colour palette swatches ?

>> No.4423886

i'm not an idiot that believes ads are real life, but this is the particular case where they should go the extra mile to actually use the tool they're promoting, otherwise is misleading advertisement

>> No.4423901

Well they rely on people sending in art so really you should blame the artist.

>> No.4423910

but 99% industry uses PS. they should have paid some extra to the artist to actually use their tool

>> No.4423915

Is there a way to stop the screen jumping to the center when you flip the image horizontally? I'd like to stay focused on the same spot.

>> No.4423924

The majority of the Western Comics industry has ditched PS in favor of CSP.
They already have comic pros like Dave Gibbons talk about it in videos and articles.

The movie/game industry still uses PS but most of those guys have increasingly started using 3d instead of 2d for concept work.

>> No.4424640

Can I install CSP on an external drive and just plug and play or do I still need to deactivate previous installs when getting on a new computer?

>> No.4424646

>CSP only uses 1 thread on 1 core and almost never uses the GPU.
and that's why it performs like shit

>> No.4424699

Invest in ram you retard

>> No.4424726

I have 16GB of RAM, it goes all on one CPU core. It's bound to run like shit no matter what system you use.

>> No.4424744

Don't worry anon I'm sure one day we will get multi-core performance... right after the liquefy brush!

>> No.4424748

Does Corel Painter go on sale often? I regret skipping on the HumbleBundle.

>> No.4424785

is it really that bad

>> No.4424806

Depends on the brush and how big you set it to.
I legit can't think of a reason you would be constantly using a brush so fucking big that it takes up 1/4 of the canvas at 4kx4k.

>> No.4424844

Use Sai and support independent developers instead of rich, evil megacorporations.

>> No.4424874

Please recommend good brush for rough sketches...
Something like this guy did for the sketches

>> No.4424886

???? That's a standard ass round brush

>> No.4424890

I'm just super new into this, like I just bought csp and my first pentab two days ago kek. I downloaded a lot of free brushes but haven't really set on one to sketch.

>> No.4424897

This may sound alarming, but a good brush wont automatically help you make good drawings

>> No.4424912

no, and it was on humblebundle twice.
maybe this year theyll do it again.

>> No.4424927

yes it will

>> No.4424971

It makes sense if you think of traditional tools. If there was zero lag I'd use big ass brushes to stain the canvas etc

>> No.4425097


maybe this?

>> No.4425103

No it doesn’t, retard. I swear these fucking retard /beg/s man.

>> No.4425169


>> No.4425196

Based, but lately the dev has been making some dumb regressive changes to the UI for no fucking reason. Thank god I keep copies of the older version.

>> No.4425198

Are we just going to pretend that photoshop doesn't have the shittiest performance ever? My Laptop doesn't run CSP as near as bad as what you guys are saying, and It's not even that fancy. It's also getting old as well. I can run A4 size with 600 dpi with no problem on both Laptop and Ipad. I sketch on 300dpi first and then scale up for the rest.

>> No.4425202

Shhh the ps shills and their Stockholm syndrome won’t admit it.

>> No.4425290

Is there a program for Linux, paid or not, that isn't total shit (so not Krita)?

>> No.4425363

Why are you asking in the clip studio thread.

>> No.4425368

Yes, Wine followed by getting a Windows programs.
Otherwise try GIMP or mypaint

>> No.4425406

boy if you think that's bad, check on /3/, it's nothing but a debacle over which dcc you should use

>> No.4425424
File: 410 KB, 221x196, 1583949382973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush settings do you guys use to blend?

>> No.4425462

Default blend tool.

>> No.4425617

Is the G-Pen good for sketches/lineart?

>> No.4425621

Does it feel comfy to use to you? Then it's good. If not, use a different tool. Personally I prefer sketching with something that has a bit of texture and does not make sharp lines but that's an individual preference

>> No.4425698
File: 614 KB, 1000x1000, Lolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this back when it was Manga Studio and am just now getting into it. Before I would use Photoshop and it made me think I hated digital art. I'm actually having fun when I work digitally, and find myself actually wanting to work digitally instead of forcing myself to because "it's the future"

pic related is one of my test sketches. I'd appreciate tips for anyone who is comfortable working digitally, or if someone can point me in the direction of where I can do more research.

>> No.4425932

How do I crop a canvas properly? I've tried the change canvas size option, or using the square marquee and cropping via that but it doesn't work. There are still some elements on some layer that are located beyond the canvas "limits". Is it fucked up because it's a canvas that I started in photoshop and imported to CSP?

>> No.4425954

I just did it and no lag at all

>> No.4425957

That's a feature not a bug. A easy work around is to select all layers with a marquee selection of the whole canvas and do a copy paste. If I recall correctly you can't copy across multiple layers in Photoshop and this is very useful for things like this.

>> No.4425973

Well yes, but I want to crop the canvas since some layers have elements beyond the borders that are really annoying when I want to transform a layer.

>> No.4425977

So do exactly what I told you to?

>> No.4425983

Then don’t pirate shit? Because I no problem in my end. I could already tell you’re bullshitting.

>> No.4425985

Didn't work.

>> No.4426002

That's strange, you just me doing something wrong then. Did you select all layers before copying?

>> No.4426029

why do you let the CSP threads get derailed so easily?

>> No.4426038

What is anon trying to do? Tried reading it, is he trying to import a file from photoshop to csp but some layers are outside the canvas? Can't he just go Edit > Change canvas size > change it?

>> No.4426065

I think he wants to crop the canvas while deleting the artwork outside of the crop. There's an option for that in Photoshop but not in CSP as far as I know.

>> No.4426110

Create a box selection then press "Clear outside selection" click over to the other layers and keep hitting "Clear outside selection" over and over again.

>> No.4426156

Thanks, this did the trick.

>> No.4426393

not them, but here. gtx1060+6700 16gb ddr4, samsung 860 1tb.
ps runs better just because the brushes don't blend by default.


>> No.4426472

why did you change the dpi?

>> No.4426475

Just once should be enough if you have all layers selected

>> No.4426491

as a test.
higher dpi is more demanding. if you wanna print something you'll paint at 300-600 dpi.

>> No.4426645

Dpi doesn't do anything is you set your canvas in pixels. A 2kx2k pixel canvas is the sameat 72 or 350dpi. Dpi calculates the pixel size you want when setting your canvas on mm, cm, in or pts.

>> No.4426668

>- doesn't require editing a config file in buttfuck nowhere to make my pen pressure work without wangblows ink
fucking kek I remember this shit, I still have the config somewhere

># Use WinTab
>UseSystemStylus 0
># Use Legacy Healing Brush
>LegacyHealingBrush 1
># Disable Scratch Compression for fast HDD
>VMCompressionPages 0
># Use Overscrolling
>OverscrollingAlways 2
YIKES photoshop

>> No.4426674

How do you (easily) change the color of your lineart in CSP? I made my lineart on a vector layer btw. Basically, I did my lineart in all black to start but I want to match the line color to the fill color but much darker obviously. Thanks

>> No.4426677

Do colors actually matter for printing? Aren't modern printers more than capable of replicating colors whether they're sRGB or CYMK?

>> No.4426680

you have to rasterize your vector layer then use the changing color of the layer or painting on top of your lineart of multiply so it gets the color under

not all colors, iirc you can see which colors aren't gonna show up as the same as the one on screen in the color wheel in PS

>> No.4426716

>mfw i also had to put legacy transform here because at the time they didn't patch it in the settings yet
i can't imagine paying a monthly subscription for this turd

>> No.4426723

that doesnt work and i still have to turn on windows ink

>> No.4426729

Select lines with object tool

>> No.4426730

I've been lassoing sections of line then doing "Change color of line to drawing" (after first applying that to the whole thing in whatever the main color will be). Problem is it's tricky to get them selected at just the right point at intersections and you can easily end up with stray pixels of the wrong color.

>> No.4426731

I had this happen once. If you did the procedure correctly (edit config file, relaunch PS, actually try to draw something in a canvas because the Brush settings window may still say you don't have pen pressure until you do so) and it still doesn't work, you probably have to reinstall your tablet driver
The amount of time I wasted on this shit was infuriating. Then again Affinity 1.8 users don't even get an option to use Wintab lmao

>> No.4426759
File: 34 KB, 367x568, shib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

auto action that I use for toggling sketch layer without opening everything when lining.

>> No.4426937

Photoshop runs like ass on my computer, PTSai works nicely, CSP trial seems to be alright so far. It's on sale right now, should I get it? Is it better than Sai? Is painting better than photoshop?

>> No.4426942

It's cheap as fuck and for me it does pretty much everything I did in PS. For me painting works very well, but I did get some custom brushes instead of using the default ones.

>> No.4426948

I'm a total /beg/ and I even bought CSP Pro after trying it for 10 minutes. Get it while it's 50% off right now.

>> No.4427009
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1583514826183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works but i have to plug in my laptop i dont want it to explode while drawing from overcharging

>> No.4427021


>> No.4427023

Nevermind. If I use the Flip Horizontal button beneath the Navigator it works as it should. I just have to map this one as a shortcut somehow.

>> No.4427166

add layer above lines, clip, then colour on the clipped layer

>> No.4427173

CSP works fine on small resolutions with basic tools. But strictly for painting, its nowhere near as powerful as Photoshop. If you dont paint thats irrelevant to you and CSP will suit your needs very well.
However if you do want to paint and use custom tools to block in large shapes or create texture surfaces, CSP will lag greatly.

>> No.4427175

>works on my machine

Ask me how I know youre lying.

Yeah, sure a basic hard round brush works (if by a stretch). Now use custom paint brushes. Remember this is about comparing it to PS's painting capabilities as well as demonstrating basic functionality.

>> No.4427183

Most well known digital painters seem to use a pretty wide spacing (gap in CSP) in their Photoshop brushes. If I turn off color mixing and increase the gap size I don't really experience any noticeable performance difference with PS and CSP

>> No.4427191

Nope, I've used multiple programs across multiple machines and Photoshop is consistently the shittiest when it comes to performance. If it breaks with tiny canvases and basic brushes then I have no expectations for anything more complex. Unfortunately I don't always get to work on my nasa computer at home.

>> No.4427307

>Now use custom paint brushes
you do it, and show everybody the issue.

>> No.4427324

not him but I really don't see the difference that this spacing gap does until I set it really high. Does it just make the pixels more and less dense or something?

>> No.4427344
File: 238 KB, 923x960, 1919112_434649880072104_7146433026809457789_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this one, it's set pretty high. as apparent by the strokes in the lower right quadrant. Digital brushes are made up of stamps and the gap/spacing is just a value to how frequent the stamps are applied on a stroke. So bigger gap equals less stamps to render.

>> No.4427357

not him but frankly i don't see the need to use a car tire brush for this to begin with

>> No.4427383
File: 702 KB, 1920x1276, nick-gindraux-tree-study9-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a common type of brush for digital painters with a painterly approach. It's easier to see the brush strokes in rougher work as well. Here is another example from a diferent artist. You'll see the spacing is set high on most brush strokes.

>> No.4427731

The suggestion from earlier in the thread with setting the gap via pressure sensitivity curve, so that when you want to use it over a bigger area of the canvas you can press harder and remove lag worked very well for me.

>> No.4427757

I see, So you can basically set this a bit higher where it reduces stress and doesn't appear to look different

>> No.4428027

I haven't used PS since CS6 because I do the /gd/ shit on illustrator and never used the stupid liquify tool some fools can't seem to live without. SAI was enough for storyboarding ànd illustration, but CSP is SAI on steroids so when I tried it I fell in love.

>> No.4428046

Meme brushes lag in CSP, but they crash PS.
PS is shit and adobe needs to turn it into two separate software, one for phito editing and one for digital painting. As it is, it's still plagued by the same performance instabilities it had all the way back to PS7 and no matter how much you shills try to deny it, Krita, Procreate and CSP are all better nowadays.

>> No.4428053
File: 496 KB, 707x1000, 1577922461031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to quickly share CSP files between my iPad and PC?
Tried using OneDrive but it's so fucking slow to upload

>> No.4428247

what's wrong with CSP own cloud?

>> No.4428290
File: 214 KB, 1963x647, sai v csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me figure out why my brush is making these jagged circles in CSP but I have zero issue drawing a circle in SAI? I thought it might have something to do with correction but correction is off and the stabilizer is only 2 compared to SAI where I have it near maxed out.

>> No.4428292

>he doesn't know what anti-aliasing is

>> No.4428303
File: 21 KB, 756x321, anti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you baiting? The problem is the mark making, anti aliasing has nothing to do with this. All my circles come out as funky octagons and I don't know why.

>> No.4428311

Resolution to 4k and zoom out maybe?

>> No.4428324

turn up "post correction"

>> No.4428335

are you trying to draw on a small ass canvas lol

>> No.4428350
File: 80 KB, 730x655, CLIPStudioPaint_2020-03-15_22-49-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making it bigger makes it even more pronouced lol.
This made it worse.
The canvas size is irrelevant, even when I make the canvas bigger the problem is still there (I tripled the DPI and nothing really changed). Plus I wanted to use CSP to do animations but I can't even sketch in it because it's doing this.

>> No.4428371

>CSP to do animations
Should use Blender, Grease pencil has been having major improvements.

Revert to default settings
try setting stabilization to 6 or 9?

maybe you just suck at drawing circles?
try some pencil and paper.

>> No.4428376
File: 37 KB, 577x489, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4428450

Anyone using this on an iPad? If so what are your experiences without a keyboard

>> No.4428492

Happening to me as well. Setting the tablet settings to prioritize quality over speed helped a little bit but with issue still persists a little

>> No.4428611
File: 112 KB, 1147x791, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stabilization/velocity issue? the stabilizer is at a way lower setting naturally in csp. if that doesn't work try turning it to wintab/tablet pc in preferences.

>> No.4428622

I'm really tempted to buy it, but the amount of anons with issues in this thread alone is worrying. On another note, what features does it have that Sai doesn't? And what features are better in CSP?

>> No.4428635

CSP is for comics
The vector art (although not real vector) is amazing for comics.

If you are looking for animation just use Blender's grease pencil.

>> No.4428641

8/10 of the people whining about it are roleplaying, the other two are an autistic adobe shill and a guy with a dying stylus.

>> No.4428666

>stabilizer is only 2 compared to SAI where I have it near maxed out.
You just answered your own question anon...
Of course different levels of stabilization will produce different results. Higher stabilization = more smooth

>> No.4428675

Is csp on the ipad any good?

>> No.4428678

The trial has an unlimited preview mode as long as you don't save or use the clipboard so you can just demo it yourself

>> No.4428688

Cheers for the insights (and yes, i just started the trial about an hour ago) but i'm still not entirely sold. Just what is CSP's main hook? What sets it apart from the competition? Why do you guys use it and not alternative (free) software?

>> No.4428693

It's the most efficient for someone who does a lot of different formats (comics/animation/illustration). intuitive interface that can be streamlined to whatever you're doing, i use it over sai/photoshop because it has the features of both programs for digital art (excluding only audio scrubbing).

>> No.4428758

Best linework tools available.

>> No.4428762
File: 31 KB, 398x540, ss+(2020-03-16+at+12.29.08).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure it isn't some windows thing interferring? I don't get the same thing on my end.

>> No.4428768

I simply liked what I saw in the trial and it's on sale for next to nothing. On my company laptop painting in CSP feels far more responsive than Ph*toshop and the interface is a combination of that and SAI, so I didn't have to learn some alien workflow
Back then SAI didn't have transparent backgrounds so I never used it beyond drawing for fun, not sure if it does now. Also a SAI license is 60 bucks
I just never got around to trying freeware like GIMP or Krita

>> No.4429294

Is EX worth buying over Pro if I use different software for animation? Seems like other than that, the extra features aren't worth paying a lot more for.

>> No.4429544

EX is mostly for making multi page comics and exporting them in eBook format.
other than that and the animation limits there really is not point to upgrade.

>> No.4429557

your pc is shite for csp

>> No.4430721
File: 609 KB, 1078x900, Killing_machine_original_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closest looking texture for Toriyama's famicon art?

>> No.4431702

Turn off color blending, use Opacity instead
bind color blending toggle to a hotkey

>> No.4431708

because if you're using low spacing for your brush, it doesn't matter what unique brush tip shape you decided to use; at the end of the day every stroke will more or less look the exact same because the spacing is low.

High spacing not only increases performance but gives your brush tip shape its chance to show itself through your brush strokes. If you don't care about shit like tip shapes and only use the default circle with a texture slapped on it still doesn't make sense to rely on low spacing unless your computer is actually shit.

>> No.4431711

color blend switched on
Amount/Density of Paint set to 0
Color Stretch to whatever you feel comfortable with

also >>4431702
>bind color blending toggle to a hotkey

>> No.4432716

How can I make it so that the cursor circle matches the size of the brush at that pressure? It seems to always be what the largest possible size of the brush is. Other than that how do I narrow the extremes of a brush, so light press to hard is not as extreme of a size difference

>> No.4432719

Is this really the better way to do it? Weird

>> No.4432766

you can't

>> No.4432783

>because if you're using low spacing for your brush, it doesn't matter what unique brush tip shape you decided to use; at the end of the day every stroke will more or less look the exact same because the spacing is low.

That's not true at all.

>> No.4432797


>> No.4433791

Okay so I have a bit of a workaround. Doesn't solve the circle bullshit but I changed it to the cross, at least now I know where my line will be. For the extreme difference in size when lightly or hard pressed I messed around with the brush setting and by moving the graph looking yoke around I was able to make it different

>> No.4433796

Oh no no no

>> No.4433847

It's definitely a missing feature but I have just gotten used to it over time, you just get a feel for what pressure corresponds to what brush size for each tool

>> No.4433956

how would windows interfere?

>> No.4433991

I run CSP on 5000 x 5000 canvases no problem, and could easily push it higher if I ever wanted to. Granted, I’m running on a custom built gaming desktop, so....

>> No.4434024

I mean the Windows Ink thing that usually interferes with Photoshop until you do the workaround or disable it in wacom settings.

>> No.4434085

I have two LINE accounts, so I just send files from my second account. Plus, the region is set to Japan so I get to gift myself region locked stickers too.
Could probably do something like a discord server with just yourself in it for similar results.

Personally it's kind of slow and forces you to not do anything while it's managing the files, so I just stick to quick sharing instead.

>> No.4434086

He didn't paint that picture in the OP in ClipStudio but in Photoshop. Just go check his artstation.

>> No.4434102

read the thread

>> No.4435426

Niiice I was just looking for tips.
Youtube people are all so fucking stupid and they don't know how to make proper tutorials, I clicked on one guy's video and he just went over brushes for 80% of the video as if that's what I asked for.

>> No.4435455

Mine runs with those sizes as well. Its running smoothly while using large custom brushes for large strokes which is what the software cant really do. Its not a world ending problem, I just do my bg paintings in PS then transfer over. Its just a nitpick that my workflow has to be segmented.

This is the part where you go and check your own in confidence then you see it actually does lag a lot so then you take the "OK BUT IT DOESNT MATTER" route. Seen it a lot in this thread.

>> No.4435476

CSP lags, PS crashes.
I kinda prefer to be able to finish my art even if it's slow at first, than to haveto restart indefinitely before having to give up and photobash.

>> No.4435483

What document size are you using for your bg paintings in PS and what type of brushes and settings are you using?

>> No.4435532

Anyone know what brush would be good for foliage?

I've tried foliage brushes but they just sort of look fake and way too noisy, I feel like something with a textured edge would just be better.

>> No.4435590

depends on what style of painting you're aiming for

>> No.4435607

usually 4 x 4k

I use custom brushes each with different settings, kind of a lot to list. Spacing of about 25% on them, dual brush effect

>> No.4435814

Not sure, just wanna do some foresty VN backgrounds, been having fun mixing 3D and 2D but the method im using, basic pen and getting the colours right,doesnt work with leaves and dense forests

>> No.4436135

try one of these:

post the result here so we can see how good are those brushes

>> No.4436464

Alright, just wondering if you could give me an idea how big the brushes are in relation to the canvas?

>> No.4436772

Reposting my grief here too. >>4436766

>> No.4436781

How do I create a brush like this?

>> No.4437084

This happened to me yesterday but it's Photoshop. Thanks Adobe

>> No.4437556


>> No.4437561

but I use the default settings

>> No.4438137

If you're drawing something straight on do you use the symmetrical ruler or whatever the fuck it is.
Or do you just do it free hand

>> No.4441110
File: 85 KB, 754x1158, 1582692239573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amount of paint
>density of paint
Please explain

>> No.4441139

one controls opacity of the color when drawing on alpha
one controls opacity of color when drawing on a colored pixel

>> No.4441391

people use stabilization? turn that shit off

>> No.4441420
File: 2.32 MB, 320x240, 1558406727250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so your tablet isn't crappy? good for you

>> No.4441424

Stabilization is necessary for some types of lines in CSP.

>> No.4442065

You actually have to use stabilization in CSP otherwise you get jaggedness in the lines.

Iunno, probably about a 5th/6th of the size.
Im not using CSP anymore though, I got to a stage in my pic where I needed to use an airbrush to shade and even the default one lagged to absolute shit so I just ditched it and moved back to sai 2

>> No.4442171

was just complaining about this problem today. there's a slight delay between putting the pen on the screen and the line appearing, causing this line to form. it's fucking gay and idk how to fix it.

>> No.4442197
File: 425 KB, 1194x763, retraso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4442762

My csp have never crashed in 3 years unlike SAI, maybe your pc just bad bro :)

>> No.4444717

Is there a way to move a set of vanishing point together with the perspective ruler?
weird that can't find this feature, it would be useful to keep the perspective consistent when rotating objects

>> No.4444718


>> No.4444770

use the arrow keys

>> No.4447230

Does anyone have books or tutorials for complete beginners? Something like CSP Dojo but in English.

>> No.4450271

How to paint like this?

>> No.4450275

Use photoshop

>> No.4450317

nice meme

>> No.4450322

Seriously too true. But I can’t leave anyways.

>> No.4450369

>you need photos-

>> No.4451593


>> No.4452601

When I hover my mouse cursor over certain elements of the program, like the tool bar for example, the little descriptor popup is in Japanese. It'll be like "[Japanese Text] (X)", and I know the X is the keyboard shortcut for it, but what the fuck is it? I know what the crop icon looks like and what it does, but I mean.. I'd like to at least know it actually is a crop button.
How do I make my CSP fully English?

>> No.4453766

Oh for fuck's sake. Don't die, thread.

>> No.4453771

try uninstalling without keeping the preferences and downloading it again

>> No.4453816
File: 187 KB, 793x1581, Screenshot 2020-03-29 at 18.20.01-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for lighting on skin? I'm practicing dry, oily and sweaty

>> No.4453861

So it is just me and not the program itself? Normally, it should be entirely in English?

>> No.4453950
File: 15 KB, 209x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it appears like this

>> No.4453991

yes but you actually need a community to progress, I made more progress being on discord server in 6 month that drawing alone without showing my works with anobody for 5 years. I'm still beg tier after 5 years of drawing because I never get any critique from someone else.

>> No.4454001

that the same shit for everything
even pro soccer player they have favorite cleets but they need to advertise the lastest one, so what their brand do ? they paint and try to camouflage the old cleet with the newer one design.
To be faire in any field tools are just tools, only retards consumer sweat about what tools using, pro just create pro work out of a toy tool if they want, it's not about the tool it's about the tradesman skill.
Posting from my iPad Pro 12" with Apple Pencil 2 and ProCreate Exclusive Premium Brushes.

>> No.4454008

I have CSP Pro license (bought it while they had their 50% promo sale), like it overall but the 24 frames limitation for animation is really restraining. I don't have the money to upgrade it to EX yet, what if I pirate an older version? Will it affect my license for CSP Pro if I installed them both at the same time?

>> No.4454806


>> No.4454880

>he paid for the program
How does it feel to be internet illiterate

>> No.4454919

>he cant afford to buy a software for a couple of bucks
How does it feel to be poor

>> No.4454925
File: 768 KB, 1280x1519, 1523493831556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sees $100 bill on the ground
>his justification for not picking that up is well i can work 7hrs and make that

>> No.4454932

This board is still fun though

>> No.4455060

>Yo Imma just steal this cuz I can, your a dumb nigga if you pay white men!
How does it feel to be a nigger?

>> No.4456073

>he brings up race
Rent free.

>> No.4457960

Dude, what the fuck. I tried reinstalling, this time on a different drive. Tool bar pop-ups, sub tool titles and everything are all Japanese.

At first I thought it was because a little while ago, I downloaded an old CSP version with a crack to get a feel of it. And I figured it was just being a janky, half-jap, whatever-it-was-free thing. And I had that installed in D:\Program Files.
When I got the real CSP on sale, I guess I had it installed in the same folder [CELSYS>CLIP STUDIO 1.5] as the "free" version.
But I since deleted that through uninstall programs, and manaually deleted the CELSYS folder, and THEN I played it extra safe by installing it to my C: drive, which is a smaller SSD.
Still the same half-jap shit.

>> No.4457967

Wait a minute - talking to myself here.
There's a CELSYS folder under My Documents that may have the program's system settings in. I wonder if the janky-ass old settings are still there.....

>> No.4458026

YUP, that was it. Fuck me Windows and your goddamn multiple file folder location bullSHIT.

Lesson of the day: check your C:\My Documents folder for any bullshit when you try and reinstall/upgrade software from a pirated version to a regular one. UGH

>> No.4458057

This is a common way to save settings and data in case the program needs to be reinstalled, many programs do this including most video games.