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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4399242 No.4399242 [Reply] [Original]

Talk art and art accessories here.

>> No.4399270
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>> No.4400052

Can we include links to supplies or is that going to elicit the ban hammer?

>> No.4400075

I don't think we should do this. People can find where to buy stuff, this thread is about the stuff itself.

>> No.4400365
File: 12 KB, 450x450, 456240_p_parker_jotter_ballpoint_pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my nan passed away she left a ton of good stationary. I found a parker pen useful for concepts.
I remember in college, an industry vet came in and told us that drawing in pen encourages you to stick to your lines and endure your mistakes.
Otherwise you'll spend a lot of your time erasing and I've found you can use the pen almost like a pencil.

>> No.4401616

Fuck nevskaya palitra

>> No.4401627
File: 37 KB, 600x400, 78012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these two step long point sharpeners good for charcoal pencils or are you still better off with a knife and sandpaper like an old timey wood whittler

>> No.4401646

so cute, I wish I could draw backgrounds. I wish I could leave my house

>> No.4401662
File: 1.42 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot (5602).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this pencil case but it might be hard to find in stores.

>> No.4401872

Agoraphobia or crippled?

>> No.4401875

I remember for 4 years I had one paint brush, I loved that brush, it was so perfect. I could never find it again. it was a generic af little shit, idk where it came from. I was a casual and had a tin of watercolors, 12 pans total, and used that one brush for everything. Now with all the money in the world I could never find that one brush again. Every new one I got was too slippery, too thick, too hard to control, too thin, etc. Anyone ever had a holy grail like that? Maybe nostalgia just tints your memory in some way. I miss those days. Nowadays it's like no matter how much money you spend on art supplies you can never capture that wonder again.

>> No.4401889

It's the first one that came up when I searched for "big pencil case"


Currently not available on American Amazon. German Amazon has them.

>> No.4401894

bought a brush pen recently and love it. will there ever be a portable version of a gpen/crowquill or is it physically impossible. I'm aware of frankenpens and such but apparently they're not too great.

>> No.4401896
File: 1.03 MB, 1439x1323, 20200302_143534-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fear or discomfort of wasting/running out of resources so I've just been using stuff like pic related for four or five years. It lasts a long time even though I erase 90% of my sketches. I can't even bear to use copier paper.

>> No.4401900


>> No.4401958

>I have a fear or discomfort of wasting/running out of resources
You can mitigate that by either keeping materials in stock and storing them, make a subscription to get them delivered to your doorstep or do both.

>> No.4401966

I chose the stockpiling option yeah. Another thing about stickynotes for me is that they're easy to hide at my job and we order them anyways. I know I should draw larger but they're pretty comfy in those respects.

>> No.4402226

for charcoal that sharpener will work some of the time, but you'll save yourself a lot of trouble by using sandpaper/knife instead.

>> No.4403852

tfw I finally found a good pencil case for me that won't cost a fortune

>> No.4403918

happens all the time doesn't it? I remember what happened when sanford turquoise moved the factory to mexico... none of the variations seemed to have the same cedar quality or chisel tip. Then I went on an endless search for mech pencils and grips. Now I want everyone to buy quality materials before they end up disappearing.

>> No.4404011

Any recommendations for watercolor portable 3/4" to 1" flats?

damn, I really need to pick up another tin and put full pans in instead of half pans.

No, not with the nature of shellac/india ink. There's really no need for it either.

>> No.4404047

How about a pic?

>> No.4404092

Been using a colorpro kolinsky sable flat and it's working pretty well.

>> No.4404287


>Go to Kinokuniya in my city
>Japanese art supplies, fuck yeah.
>Found these amazing brush pens, baby's first.
>That was 9 years ago.
>4 years ago I went back to find more since I remember they were like $4 each
>Nothing close
>Look at the pens I have
>Used them so much the labels have worn away, they're now untraceable.
>There will never be any brush pens like them
>Refuse to use the second one I have cause when it's gone it's gone forever.

Why live.

>> No.4405269


>> No.4405369

looks like a makeup bag.

>> No.4405412

I got a $35 pencil for christmas but then realized the eraser on it sucks so feel bad they spent that much on it.

>> No.4405420
File: 76 KB, 540x720, 1582387233988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a church yardsale I went to one time and this really old lady was selling a bunch of nice paper and caligraphy pens and things like that and I was talking to my sister all excited about it and then when I asked her how much the stuff was she made it 50cents per pack/$10 for all the caligraphy stuff for me because she could tell I would love it and she said she isnt going to live long enough to use all of it so she dosent need it anyway.

Its been 4 years and I still havent used a single piece of it.

>> No.4405424

Why do you erase your sketches? Just keep them.

>> No.4405697
File: 364 KB, 700x484, Gauguin's Studio - Tahiti, 1892 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you paint your studio?

>> No.4405702 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a brush case on eBay. This one fits easily in a side compartment on a backpack.

>> No.4405836

Any reqs for colored inks?

>> No.4405883
File: 2.40 MB, 1904x1326, thebay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone heard that China is no longer able to restock product due to the 'coronavirus' scare?

>> No.4406513

Idk about that but I'm waiting on my local art store to restock their Daniel Smith selection. They claim it's been held up due to corona.

>> No.4406929


A lot of people seem to be hemming and hawnig about shortages in the tech world, but I've heard next to nothing about other manufacturers. I wish I could still check Taobao through my browser. Or even Tmall.
It might give a more accurate picture of whats happening on the ground.

>> No.4408210

Can anyone recommend some toned pads aside from the Strathmore stuff? I'd like to get something heavy enough to handle gouache, but I'm not sure what that would be or where to look for it. Would it perhaps be a better idea to just prime watercolor paper with a layer of paint?

>> No.4408251
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Are tablets even necessary or they a meme?

>> No.4408259

If time isn't important, no they are not necessary.

>> No.4408260


I drew with a mouse for years before tablets became a thing, so yes. Its possible.
But with tablets being dirt cheap now, its not necessary to go through such a punitive process.
And camera phones have already started outpacing traditional cameras (with the exception of DSLR), so you can photograph traditional works really easily, now.

The only real meme is specialization.

>> No.4408273

Does /ic/ have a tier list for supplies?
Like in a chart or wiki format?
I keep trying to find recommendations for things like colored pencils watercolors on Youtube, but its littered with paid-company shills and autistic adults who only use professional grade supplies on facile crafts like coloring books and bullet journals.
I cant trust what they say because none of them can use their supplies above a middle-school level.
I know jetpens.com has a good primer on brushes. Is there any other site like that out there for other art supplies?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.4408330

Can anyone recommend artist grade water colors? I was looking at the Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Half-Pan Paint Metal Set with 12 Open Spaces . . .
If it matter, I travel, so I prefer pans, and i paint mostly characters. Thanks!

I agree

>> No.4408608

James Gurney primes his watercolor paper with a layer of casein or acrylic gouache.

>> No.4408609

I got a bunch of daniel smith tube colours and empty pans and filled them up. I imagine it would also work for schmincke and would be more cost effective in the long run.

>> No.4408623

Adding to this anon, Daniel Smith has a 6 tube split primaries set for $25 on Amazon, you can mix a large array of colors with them and It's a screaming good deal if you want to try them out.

>> No.4408640


I really hate Gauguin

>> No.4408816

I've scared myself out of tubes because I keep reading they don't re-wet very well. Do you have opinions about that, or has it been totally fine.

Thanks dudes

>> No.4408938

DS and Schmincke tubes rewet very well, with very few exceptions, DS Viridian being one of them. But you're generally very safe with the common pigments and primary colours.

>> No.4408942

it's like peak illustrat
zero fucking fundamentals and everything is an attempt to bootleg something else

>> No.4408963

I'll probably go grab the DS after I get off today then. Do you have any experience with m Graham? Is the whole honey thing a meme?

>> No.4408995

>no anime girls
>cant fap to this

>> No.4408997

I bought the 100 pack of Crayola colored pencils yesterday. Idk if that was a good idea but they're not that expensive. It's like 15 bucks so you may as well once the 24 pack is 8.

>> No.4408999

I'd rather buy 4 good pencils for the same price.

>> No.4409011

At least use prismacolors for fucks sake.

>> No.4409028

crayola's are surprisingly very good, especially for the price and on textured paper. You can move on to prismacolor later, but you'll get a good use out of them.

>> No.4409037

/ic/ is made of different artists of varying levels of ability and style. Other than the usual names (daniel smith, prismacolor, Rotring) you're better off just asking artists you follow what materials they used for a piece and such.

>> No.4409044

M Graham is quite the opposite in terms of drying. It almost never dries out completely. The pyrrol red I have in one of my pans is still moist but never goes runny and spills all over making a mess so they're pretty good in my experience.

>> No.4409056


Like >>4409044 said, it basically never dries out completely, meaning you can reactivate the pan and be painting within seconds. I had to buy a single tube of a different brand when starting out and it was almost shocking how different the consistencies were (the "dry" pan required a lot more working to get a decent load of paint). I think the honey thing is nice for the consistency of the paint when working from pans, but the biggest draw of M. Graham imo is the fact that most of the tubes are singular pigments. I find it easier to mix colors with single pigment paints, since you can safely combine three of your colors without hitting mud in most cases.

>> No.4409087

It's not really worth it because retards keep asking the same questions over and over. People always think they can get away with using student grade and the hardest part is convincing them to actually spend money on good supplies.

There's also too many supplies to recommend, too many opinions. There's a base level people can recommend here but you're better off asking if anyone knows anything about X and completely disregarding most of youtube unless it comes to swatching type stuff. Art youtube is absolute trash unless you know the decent ones.

>> No.4409450

Thanks for the advice boys. DS Tubes it is. Have a nice weekend

>> No.4409455
File: 334 KB, 700x475, Cezanne's Studio (Aix-en-Provence, 1902).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy a cezanne

>> No.4410024


Dang, thats about what I had expected. Thanks for your input guys, I'll just stick to smaller portions of the professional brands.

>> No.4410103

I use a First Aid Kit. It looks similar to bag in this photo, only not as thick. The First Aid Kid I have has a bunch of loops and pockets which fit a bunch of pens, markers, erasers etc.

Go to the store and take a gander at First Aid Kits. Open them up and imagine your stuff in there.

>> No.4410186

PH. Martin Bombay has been my preference for years. Very good ink, but VERY saturated, I would recommend a lot of practice using them and thinning them before using them on a final piece. I do fine brushwork with them, not pens, though.
And yes, very expensive, but a little goes a LONG way with that ink, I've had my bottles for years.

>> No.4410191

I used to tone illustration board. Get the heavier weight, and lay down a flat coat of whatever you need/want. Or heavier bristol.

>> No.4410195

I've never heard that, and I've been using tube watercolor paint longer than I want to admit. Rewetting is just using some water and gum of arabic, or some honey.

>> No.4410199

Those are for kids, they're mostly wax.

>> No.4410353

Maybe try refilling the empty one with some kind of ink. If it's dry already then it's no loss if the ink isn't right.

>> No.4410407

Not really art supplies, but I don't want to shit up the board by making a new thread.
Ipad pro vs samsung tab s6 for drawing? I don't use anything apple and I'd prefer to use an android tablet, but everyone praises the apple pencil and procreate, plus the screen is a bit bigger and a comfier aspect ratio.
Does anyone have experience with both procreate and artflow? Is the ipad really better?

>> No.4410436

You're not really meant to use pencil erasers when drawing anyway

>> No.4410827


>> No.4410933

Thanks, anon.

>> No.4410939
File: 34 KB, 500x439, Copic_Sketch_Suitcase_358_Colours__48868.1423919083.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here uses alcohol markers? What colors are unique to copics and are difficult to find in cheap marker brands? I am planning to buy the 200 Ohuhu Marker set and plan to pick up a few copics colors that ohuhu doesn't offer.

>> No.4411333

I want to get into painting but im just a college student. Is gouache a good medium to start in and if so what is a cheap yet reliable brand?

>> No.4411485

I don't think you can really know until you swatch them all out. Buy colors you use or want. I don't know the price for that set but the point of Copics is that they're refillable. If you have an Ohuhu marker that you like, you can't refill it or buy singles, you'll have to buy a whole set again to get it.

>> No.4411732

Name some good ink and fountain pens

>> No.4412421

What are some good pens for small details and shading? I am currently using a kuretake no.40, but I find that getting small details with it is quite difficult. What do you guys recommend?

>> No.4412422

Lamy Safari and Noodler's Ink are pretty good.

>> No.4413714

I've taken a liking to Pigma Micron 005's recently. On the right paper, hatching feels really smooth and its small enough for very minute details and fine hatching, I definitely recommend. If its a fine brush pen you're looking for, idk. pentel sign micro maybe?

>> No.4414270

>Is gouache a good medium to start in
It can be, there are no guarantees at how well you'll do.
>cheap yet reliable
Pick one. No, really. Gouache is watercolor with more pigment, so it's more expensive. Cheap gouache is worthless. BUT, the good news is, it's not a massive investment, you can start with the primaries, and a tube of black and white.
You're gonna need to spend around $50 to get started with any medium, really - watercolor, gouache, acrylic, or oil. Gouache, like watercolor, you only need paint, paper, and a brush or two.
If you're in college, try a beginning painting course. Ask the professor how much the supply list is beforehand. The class might even qualify for your elective credits.

>> No.4414295

Heck I might just take a class, you're right

>> No.4414333


I Got it around new years. It's good

>> No.4414606

Schmincke horadam gouache is actually cheaper than their watercolours, comparing their 15ml tubes. I imagine M Graham would be similar.

>> No.4414685

Whose dick do I have to suck to get a good EF nib fountain pen?
I swear I've had 5 from 5 different brands and they're all dry pieces of shit

>> No.4414709

Dry as in you want more ink flowing out or the flow is poor and inconsistent and/or periodically just stops?
You can make a nib wetter by spreading the tines a little bit with a safety razor blade or something similar.
Ink flow depends on many factors, including the ink itself and the specific pen/ink combo, maybe try a different ink.
Check out this for starters to get some general ideas:

>> No.4414720

Anything Schmincke is not what we're talking about.

>> No.4414723

You said gouache was more expensive than watercolours.

>> No.4414810
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$32 on Amazon, should last you awhile

>> No.4414821

I disagree, this is better.
Teaches you how to mix colours with a limited palette.

>> No.4414855

Nothing's stopping them from using only the primaries with the set I posted.

The only difference is that mine has both warm and cool colors, which is the next thing you need to learn after getting the hang of mixing down

>> No.4415037
File: 24 KB, 600x443, shark-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was supposed to be Faber Castell Grip Melange, ended up ordering this because it got sharks!, it looks nice and was like, half the price

>> No.4415038

use it. just begin, beginnings are what makes everything click

>> No.4415101
File: 19 KB, 466x466, 618CTR3zOjL._SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try miya, they go for 20$ and work really good. Only warning is the smell

>> No.4415176

Graphite pencils for begginers?

>> No.4415362
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>> No.4415408

Nah, im fine with my brush pen. Any non disposable technical pens or fountain pens you can recommend? I would prefer to keep the same pen.

>> No.4415503
File: 128 KB, 543x435, 1551486196595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Dixon Ticonderoga's number 2 pencil
Not a troll, sharpens well, sturdy, makes good lines, genuinely one of the best pencils I've ever used.

>> No.4415513

I recommend #2

>> No.4415591
File: 61 KB, 600x443, 00813-1059-3ww-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, gouache is good and other anons are about right with what you have to spend. Luckily you can use a lot of different surfaces with gouache like even brown cardboard. I'd recommend tubes or pan sets because gouache doesn't rewet like watercolor. The M. Graham set is a good one but the price keeps up, it used to be like $10 cheaper at least. This set is also good to start with and around $30 (I got it for ~$20 on amazon but it's not stocked there anymore) https://www.dickblick.com/items/00813-1059/

2mm lead holder with 4B or HB

>> No.4415597

Anyone got Designdoll crack?

>> No.4415636


If you are just getting into painting, I would recommend you get the Schmincke Akademie gouache. It´s student gouache, but it is very lightfast, looks good, and it comes in huge 60ml tubes at a good price, so if you buy a set of it, you´ll have plenty of gouache to practice with. It´s good enough to create paintings that you actually want to keep, but cheap enough to never have to worry about wasting it.

>> No.4415638

This reminds me I need to learn gouache. Got the Holbein sample set like 15 tubes or something but they're only 5ml.
I love oils but they're just such a pain in the ass to deal with and clean up, it makes the whole thing too much of a process to "just paint".

>> No.4415645

That's why I recommended that set. It's 15mL tubes like you usually get with watercolor. The 5mL set had too many useless colors and 5mL is like barely anything at all, good for a gift or sampler I guess. Only recommendation in addition would be one of those 40mL whites because of how much you end up needing to go through.

>> No.4415711
File: 27 KB, 500x500, SCHMINCKesmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They also have this little set with just the primaries, black and white in 20ml tubes.

>> No.4415724

What kind of brushes do you use for gouache? Are inexpensive synthetics fine?

>> No.4415752

Only fountain pen I've used is the sailor fude de mannen, which is capable of pretty fine lines when used a certain way and can also make broad strokes and fill areas very quickly; a great choice for sketching, maybe not as much for super precise/super fine things, but still a good choice for its flexibility. As for technical pens, unfortunately I've never had any experience. I'd love to get one though

>> No.4415780

Yes, those are generally ideal for gouache. Something like Daler Rowney/Simply Simmons synthetics. Gouache is kinda tough on brushes in my experience compared to watercolor. Not store brand synthetics but decent artist synthetics that won't break the bank.

http://gurneyjourney.blogspot.com/2016/07/gouache-materials-list.html and his watercolor list should give you a good idea, also check out his videos

Nice to see someone else with the Sailor Fude De Mannen. Got mine a few months ago and have mentioned it a few times on here, quickly became my favorite pen between fountain and brush for sketching/inking.

>> No.4415854

you might've convinced me further to buy the pen lmao
I like it a lot but god damn; it uses a lot of ink. probably going to order a converter, any ink suggestions?

>> No.4415883

I live in US and primarily use a combination of Noodlers Brown #41 and Noodlers Black for my fountain pens. I also have Polar Blue that I fill a Pentel Pocket Brush with. There aren't any good, cheap, lightfast reds/oranges or I'd have that.

>> No.4415898

if your wrist isnt important*

>> No.4415907

Is noodler's black waterproof? Don't think I'll be using wet media with it much but it's claimed to be, though I've seen a vid testing it and it didnt seem so waterproof.
coincidentally I am also looking to purchase some gouache

>> No.4415913

i've been neglecting my gouache in favour of acrylic. it has gotten me painting more throwaway pieces for practice knowing what im using is cheap and easy to replace if i run out.

>> No.4415924

It's waterproof but you should give it time, I think ideally 24 hours but usually I don't wait that long. Noodlers ink undergoes a chemical process to undergo becoming waterproof. It depends on the paper and how wet you're going, I don't tend to have too many issues with watercolor but I'm not usually soaking the paper.

I don't think there's many fountain pen inks that actually become waterproof that quickly by the nature of the inks.

>> No.4416006

>gouache doesn't rewet like watercolor
Don't be silly, of course it does. Get some gum of arabic, or honey.

>> No.4416013

I use a combination of watercolor and oil/acrylic brushes. My favorite blending brush for gouache is filberts. Synthetics should be fine, from good brands. One tip - don't use the brush you paint with to rewet, especially if you use tubs or have some dried in a paint well in a palette. Get cheap brushes for that. I have a couple of cheap mops and a round for that.

>> No.4416056
File: 154 KB, 869x1500, 71hKVPtUyBL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does fountain pen ink work with dip pens?
I have a bottle of Noodler's Lexington Grey and Platinum Carbon Black Ink, and was thinking of getting this beginner set to play around with.
If not, can someone recommend me dip pen ink?
Waterproof is a necessity because I paint in my illustrations with watercolor

>> No.4416071

It doesn't rewet unless you have that so recommending pans imo is not a good idea.

You'll want India ink which is waterproof. Higgins, Ph Martin, Speedball, etc. There's a lot and it comes down to preference. Some sumi inks are good too but watch out for anything water-based.

>> No.4416080

I don't have a dip pen to test for myself, but what will happen if I use fountain pen ink? Does it just simply not work with a dip pen nib?

>> No.4416436

You can try, it depends on the ink and nib. It's generally a waste of time with the inks I've tried because of the chemical properties of the inks.

>> No.4416446

I like Sumi ink the most, especially the Kuretake inks.

>> No.4416850

>It doesn't rewet unless
it rewets, but you lose some opacity unless you really let water soak into it for 10+ minutes.
burnt sienna is the only one i have trouble with, that pigment is stubborn.

>> No.4416937

Gum of arabic or honey are not hard to get. You're giving out bad information. Hell, you can use glycerin, but I've never used it personally, so I don't recommend what I don't personally have experience with.

>> No.4417278

The major advantage of dip pens is that you can basically use whatever the hell kinda ink you want. You never have to worry about permanent clogging. Simply wipe them off, soak them and wipe at the worst.

I don't use fountain pen ink but I have tech pen ink, along with speedball indian and deleter. I would wager that it would be an extremely thin ink (so it doesn't clog fountain pens). It's fine to use but it may bleed on certain papers.

>> No.4417418

How do you get gum of arabic in a form to use with paints? I've never seen it in any stores and never seen anyone do tutorials for it.

>> No.4417453

In my experience the consistency isn't the same at all and is generally such a bad experience I rather throw it out. I squeeze out enough to use and if there's leftovers I might put it in a plastic container with paper towel/wax paper like a wet palette to use again. I don't find gouache pleasant to use like this, watercolor is much better at that and supplement that with white gouache when opacity is desired. When working with gouache, just use tubes.

>> No.4417534

Buy it online. Amazon, block, Jerry's, etc.

>> No.4417610

they are shit, don't blend like copics

>> No.4417637

I've used dip ens with fountain ink and it can work okay-ish. But really you'll want something else, india ink or some purpose made ink for dip pens, even some thin paint for calligraphy. Fountain pen ink tends to be too thin and runny to work well.

>> No.4417666
File: 58 KB, 1038x576, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1582867035944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You erase your sketches? Don't you consider them beautiful?

>> No.4417817

Anyone use vine charcoal? What do you store it in? Accidentally stepped on a bag and immediately realized I might need something more ridged.

>> No.4418035
File: 316 KB, 794x1200, sam and max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what mediums does Steve Purcell use for his illustrations?

>> No.4418091

What are the sizes of those Robert Simmons Bright brushes?

>> No.4418192
File: 157 KB, 1779x1200, sleep_cold_temperatures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you finally pulled the trigger on your Amazon purchases
>Months of worry and indecision crumbling away from your consciousness
>tfw I cant wait to trade my ancient, childish supplies for new professional-grade weaponry

Just a few more days, lads. Gonna make so many pieces with my new mixed media boards and Fudenosuke brush pen

>> No.4418315

Acrylics. He did occasional oils, but for his game work, it was mostly acrylic.


>> No.4418413

Anyone ordered from Jetpens before? They have some good Japanese imports I'd really like to get my hands on but I've heard mixed things about them.

>> No.4418805

Gotchu covered senpai

>> No.4419247


>> No.4419281

What bad things have you heard about them?
I've ordered from them about a dozen times, mostly pens, pencils, leads, and erasers under $40 individually and the only complaint I have is once they sent me a pack of Uni 2mm leads that were all broken.
Aside from that the only other thing of note is their prices are kinda easy to beat if you shop around but they also offer free shipping for order over $25.

>> No.4419994

A few things
1. What reusable technical pens do you guys recommend for small details and consistent lines? I currently use a kuretake no.40 for my work, but often find that getting small details can be difficult.
2. Is the Sailor Fude de Mannen a good pen for sketching, or should i get something else?
3. What travel sketchbooks do you recommend? I'm trying to get out and draw from life more.
4. Are there any good ballpoint pens for drawing, and if so, what do you recommend?

>> No.4419999

anyone use mono-zero erasers?
just ordered a pen eraser set.

>> No.4420004

thank you! Great article.
>3. What travel sketchbooks do you recommend? I'm trying to get out and draw from life more.
depends, what sizes you're comfortable with and what mediums do you want to use on it?

>> No.4420018

>but often find that getting small details can be difficult.
You're probably working too small and should use a larger piece of paper.

>> No.4421226


>> No.4422267

>my watercolours runneth over yet again
Alright i'm not putting more than a dollop into each pan ever again.

>> No.4422314

You add a drop at a time, until it's the consistency you want/need. Use it sparingly, with water. I have a small bottle that's lasted for years. Gouache and watercolor is pigment, gum of arabic, ox gall, and glycerine. (Good paint is, anyway.) If you want to get back to "from the tube' consistency, I would try adding each, or all three, in very small amounts, very slowly, to reach the consistency you want. Ox gall i have very little experience with, but I might order a bottle and do some experiments, I have some old dried out tubes of gouache I could experiment with. GoA is usually enough for me to rewet dried paint.

>> No.4422315

PSA: All you guys in the US and elsewhere need to get youre mats and drawing supplies before your city closes shop for the virus.

All the kids being taken out of school are causing shortages in basic shit like pencils, erasers and other needfuls things at the ground-level, like supermarkets and stores.
I shudder to think what will become of international online chains when boomers and brats go after the professional grade supplies to distract them from being temporary NEETs.

I repeat: If you dont have it, now is the time to get it.

>> No.4422330

Stop trying to crank up hysteria where there is none. There is no shortage of art supplies, and you can order all you need off Amazon. Stores are running out of SOME items, because of out of season spikes, that they're normally not stocking into. I can get all the toilet paper I want or need off Amazon, because there's not actual shortage, except in supply lines to local stores - and they're already upping the shipping for it.

We're not going to see large cities quarantined. Stop falling for the media panic, or trolling and trying to create more here. Leave that useless shit to /pol.

>> No.4422338 [DELETED] 


>> No.4422343

master race

>> No.4422366

mah nigga

>> No.4424056
File: 72 KB, 719x1024, bee-paper-bee-paper-super-deluxe-sketch-book-9x6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best 9x6" watercolour book?

>> No.4424110

>implying I haven't spent my entire life acquiring art supplies I'm too nervous to waste by using
Also this.

>> No.4424386 [DELETED] 

what is the black case for that kit

or if not any advice/recommendations to make a small urban sketching/watercolor kit

>> No.4425398

Coronavirus bump

>> No.4426209

>tfw you buy 30 of your favorite gel ink pen just in case they stop making them

>> No.4426218

what kind of paper should use with a brush pen?

>> No.4426349

Cartridge paper or vellum bristol.

>> No.4426889
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What are some good fountain pens you guys would recommend? I have been thinking of buying pic related

>> No.4426996

Depends on what you want from a pen nib-wise, ergonomic-wise and design-wise, and how much money you're willing to spend.
Entry-level Pilots (Kakuno, Metropolitan/Cocoon, Penmanship/Plumix, Explorer) and Lamy Safari are usually considered to be the no-brainer starter fountain pens, though there's another dozen or two possible choices from Platinum, Sailor, TWSBI, Kaweco and other brands. Again, it depends on what you want.
If you're going the chink route I'd get something more well-known and proven like Jinhao X450/X750 or Wing Sung 659 (Pilot 78G clone) first, though the pen you posted should probably be fine too, here's some discussion about it:
With cheap Chinese pens it's all about winning the quality control lottery, really.

>> No.4428029

Trying to draw with a mouse makes my hand want to explode.

>> No.4429751


Amazon is having critical item shortages and delays for both regular and Prime deliveries.
China's supply chain is fubar right now.

Hope you got what you needed.

>everything I dont like is /pol/
Enjoy the coming weeks indoors.

You should check to see if your mats are still viable. Even things like paint and solvents can go off if theyre kept too long. I've lost some good supplies that way.

>> No.4429908

I use an old altoids tin

>> No.4431525

Looks like this thread is dead due to the Chinese Virus.

>> No.4431597

or recession making us not want to buy more supplies.

>> No.4431899

are prismacolors a meme? I'm thinking about getting 24 or 36 set of premiers for decent price or col erase 24 set. Are they worth my money or it is just fucking shilling

>> No.4432403

What are the best supplies I can use if I DON’T have access to a tablet?

>> No.4432460

watercolor, good paper, a pencil, a plastic eraser and fineliners are the cheapest and most effective

>> No.4432497

i haven't used their colored pencils but from my experience with other prismacolor products i'd bet they are just famous because popular art youtubers use them. kinda like how EVERYONE feels forced to buy copics

>> No.4432510
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>Visiting GF's parents for christmas
>Her mom knows I do art stuff
>Bring me to art store to pick something out
>Pick a small pack of prismacolor pencils
>She has a coupon and says to get the big pack instead
God very based
I should probably use them soon.

>> No.4432540

did you guys fuck afterwards

>> No.4432553

My gf yes

>> No.4432569

Depends on your goals. Pencils, ballpoint pen.

Lmao what?

>> No.4432836

he said best supplies so I suggested what I consider the best trad beginner friendly kit. watercolor can be cheap to start out with especially with just a waterbrush or two as opposed to regular brushes
if he wants to do tablet work then that probably suggests use of color, not just hatching on everything

>> No.4432945
File: 43 KB, 600x400, I would put them in my ass to show my love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want good clean linework for my watercolor pieces
>"Get Microns! They're expensive but so worth it!"
>Get a pack for 20 bucks
>They proceed to dry up after 2 of my pieces and the width changes are only noticeable if you make sure to hold them completely upright while you write
>Find these little shits on JetPens for half the price
I can not suck the dick of these things more, they're ballpoint and the width actually shows for once since you can hold them comfortably while you write, they lasted me a for a good month's worth of pieces, and they're still waterproof and all that good shit. Recommend the hell outta 'em

>> No.4433308

I hate microns but always see people recommending them too, not sure what disconnect I have with them. They also tend to recommend the microscopic sizes like 005 where I really don't need less than 03 or 05 most of the time, I think they probably work way too small. I don't like the Micron brush pen at all either but the Microns are good for having Sepia inks around with watercolors.

Dip pen and brush with ink are my favorite. For a more wet brush pen but which also requires a ton of dexterity there's the Pentel Pocket Brush. For a much more controllable but more dry brush look then there's this https://www.amazon.com/Pentel-Fude-Brush-Medium-XFL2L/dp/B000THNGVO

I like fountain pens a lot but the inks I use don't tend to be waterproof as quickly as using india ink or brush pens with technical ink similar to what's in fineliners.

>> No.4433761

You should look into dip pens like this anon
You'll find that if you use heavier, cold-pressed watercolour paper, that those felt/plastic-tipped liners will get absolutely destroyed within a week

If you're using smooth mixed-media paper or hot press then don't mind this comment however

>> No.4434097

> For a more wet brush pen but which also requires a ton of dexterity there's the Pentel Pocket Brush.
got one this week, i feel like a god damn ape trying to do anything but fill in large areas.
the lack of feedback from my hand seems like it'll take a lot of getting used to.

>> No.4434109

>>They proceed to dry up after 2 of my pieces
I also hate microns, but I found that there are at least 2 ways to prematurely kill off a pen

>what this anon says >>4433761 >cold-pressed watercolour paper
it's like sand paper especially on the 005 tips, so you don't run out of ink, you literally wear it down to the bone

>tip clogging
depending on what paper you use, you can clog / coat the tip and jam the ink flow. Paper with a "clay like" finish (think magazine pages) can clog after a few minutes of drawing. It can also clog other pens too. I haven't figured out how to recover a pen after this.

If I avoid these 2 weaknesses, they are tolerable. Staedtlers are better but more pricy

Oh microns also smear like a motherfucker with markers

every month or so I forget that I hate the brush pen and try to use it, then I ruin a drawing

>> No.4434134


This is oddly soothing

>> No.4435176
File: 225 KB, 782x979, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably buying Pic Related +
Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Colour Paint, and Deleter Black 4 Ink off amazon. Soon.

>> No.4435410

>the lack of feedback from my hand seems like it'll take a lot of getting used to.
I highly recommend trying to ink with a real brush to get a feel for how much concentration you need. I struggled with that brush pen until I started learning Japanese calligraphy. The brush pens don't give you the best feel for how a big brush's bristles work. It gave me a much finer touch where I can use the pocket brush like in that video. It's not like a pen, it's easiest to ink with it like you're holding it completely vertical so you get the most control. When I use it, the angle is usually around 80-90 degrees so you can manage only using the bottom 10-20% of the brush tip. Eventually you get a light touch with it.

This is a good example of the different stroke types learned and that I practiced with a real brush. It was still difficult with the pocket brush because of the size and lack of feedback. But from real brushes, I could understand what the bristles were doing or wanting to do and what forces I needed to use either pulling or twisting to get the fibers to do what I wanted.

>> No.4436050

I got some good quality oil paints in metal tubes from many years ago, they're still liquid but impossible to open, is there some technique to open them without breaking?

>> No.4436239

Stupidly enough, it never came to my mind that cold press paper could harm the nibs. I'll start saving up for some good hot press stuff, thank you!

>> No.4439100

Chee fitty?

>> No.4439153

>I struggled with that brush pen until I started learning Japanese calligraphy.
What did you use (books, videos, courses, ...) in order to learn it?

>> No.4439545

I'm using watercolor pencils. They're very thick. I'm having hard time drawing with them. Is there any remedy to them being too thick? Alternatively, how to get used to their thickness?

>> No.4440785

>Does fountain pen ink work with dip pens?
Not really. Yeah, you can technically use it, but fountain pen ink is less viscous than dip pen ink, so you run a much higher chance of blotting, especially if you want any sort of large load. Leave it out and open for a few days and it might thicken up enough that it's not a problem, but you won't be able to use it in fountain pen without thinning it again.
>I have a bottle of Noodler's Lexington Grey and Platinum Carbon Black Ink, and was thinking of getting this beginner set to play around with.
>If not, can someone recommend me dip pen ink?
>Waterproof is a necessity because I paint in my illustrations with watercolor
Speedball Super Black. It's waterproof, but not right away, so it makes cleaning nibs a lot easier. The cure time is somewhere in the several hours to a day range, I've never gotten around to testing the exact time.

>> No.4441002

Can anyone in this thread answer this query ;_; >>4439996

>> No.4441023

>General Enquiries
>Berol Customer Services
>Newell Brands
>Fradley Park, Lichfield,
>Staffordshire, WS13 8SS
>Tel: 0844 4121126

>Sales Enquiries
>Berol Direct
>Hamilton House Mountain Road
>Leicester LE4 9HQ
>Tel +44 (0) 20 3027 6892
>Fax 0116 2697722

Berol's site is dead, this is the newest contact info I found. Wikipedia tells me Berol is defunct as a company since 2010, Newell Brands (which acquired Berol in 1995) just continued using the brand name.
>2003 saw the King's Lynn factory close with 230 redundancies. Some production was transferred to the former Parker Pen factory in Newhaven, Sussex, but the factory was closed in 2010.
>Since then, Berol survived as a brand of imported products.
It seems like Newell Brands decided to drop Berol completely, as it probably was pointless to keep it even as a brand name at this point, but that's just my guess.

>but does anyone know why Berol stopped making packs of 12 Colour Fine black? They still seem to do assorted color packs (which you get one black with), but they've stopped the packs of 12 one color.
>They changed the design of them a little while ago, but now they seem to be discontinued entirely and I can't work out why.
>A lot of people sell assorted packs and use the pack of 12 black to try and ruse people. It doesn't seem to make any sense.
Assuming Berol is still a thing at all and products under the name are still being produced, I'd say they discontinued the black 12 pack precisely to get people spend more money on the assorted packs.

Anyway, what's so special about these pens besides the price? Options and prices depend on where you live, but if you want cheap but decent non-waterproof fineliners try Stabilo Point 88 and Paper Mate Flair.

>> No.4441434

Any suggestion and links for limited palettes for oil?

>> No.4441577

Just pick three colors at random + B&W.

Unless you have a specific purpose in mind, then something like the Zorn Palette would be good.

>> No.4441852

Thanks for your help senpai, I'm going to send them an email.
We used to use them in school, every school I know of used them here. You had three mane kinds; Fineliners for handwriting mainly (which weren't great, even for handwriting, 0.4mm), Broad for filling (which weren't great and looked as cheap as they were, 1.2mm) and Fine for outlining (which were great, but some people used them for filling which they were garbage for, 0.6mm). They seemed to be the perfect blend of cheap, robust, lasted forever, and had great coverage. Plus you could leave the cap off for 2-3 weeks without them drying out (it's why schools loved them as well as being cheap).
It's only the blacks that are sort after because no one uses them for anything other than outlining. It's still possible to buy a pack of 233 assorted where you get 30 or so blacks, but they're £140. So I think you might be right about them discontinuing them to get people to buy the assorted packs.
I have some Stabilo Point 88s, but I think they're something like 0.2mm whereas the Fine Colours are 0.6,mm, but I'll still try the Paper Mate Flair.
You could buy a box of 12 Fine Colours for about £6 so they were always well worth it. I never got around to buying any because I had a few left over. Then naturally when I come to buy them they no longer exist. A few sites still seem to have left over stock, but they charge ludicrous prices like an unironic €100,000.
I have an art supply store in the city that's fucking huge that used to sell them individually so I'm going to see if they still have them when I can. It gets filled with students from the city (you wouldn't know what it was from the outside) so they don't have cameras. Depending on what they charge, if they have them, I might be able to get them even cheaper than I intend to.
Thanks for your help though dude, I appreciate it.

>> No.4441858
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looking for a sketchbook that's smooth enough for fineliners not to get caught on it that can also handle watercolor/gouache and ink washes. Thinking about pic related. Suggestions?

>> No.4441867
File: 206 KB, 220x220, we_just_don't_know_bird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i giving myself brain damage by drawing with sharpies

>> No.4441873

if you're huffing them yes
otherwise they are honestly great markers, except for how much they bleed

>> No.4441876

they fade incredibly fast though

>> No.4441891

Oh, wasn't aware

>> No.4442255

I have one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/SEAWHITE-Black-Sketchbook-140gsm-Portrait/dp/B0067JPLYS (I have three in fact, A4 portrait, A4 landscape, and a A5 portrait I got for free). I haven't tried any with watercolor, but I've read reviews of people who have and they all said they had no issue with it.
The paper is nice and thick too so even something like a Sharpie doesn't bleed through to underneath. Although things like Sharpies, which are notoriously bad for bleeding, seem to bleed worse on the paper itself. I know you can solve that with the hairspray method, but that's too time consuming so I just use different pens. Really decent books though.

>> No.4442338

I don't understand this fear. Theres always something to draw with or on. I used to have a four foot high pile of dot matrix printer paper I found in a skip and all my pencils and pens were secondhand. Businesses give ball point pens away. There is always something.

>> No.4442379
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Don't waste money on a black, you should be mixing your own anyways. Red, blue, yellow, white, and an earth tone, is the minimal palette

beware the search for cheap and reliable, which works well for most other things. There is no replacement for good paint and paper, and you're far better off using a few good paints than infinite shit paints.

Also, try craigslist and/or ebay. I recently bought 70 tubes of vintage Grumbacher oils for $100, including a ton of expensive pigments like cobalt violet and cadmium yellow. Pic related, not mine, but same stuff.

>t. hoarder

>> No.4442518

>Don't waste money on a black, you should be mixing your own anyways.
Black is usually cheap, and mixed blacks will never get the same value, and depending on the limited palette, can be a required tube(see: Zorn palette). That said, the dogmatic "banish black from the palette" should be taken with a grain of salt at the best of times. Plenty of highly accomplished painters used black to great effect. It's not the colors you use, it's how you use them.

>> No.4445584

I've had good experience with their cardstock/cartridge paper I originally got for learning dip pen. Came in a pack of 3 with just paper covers and I'd highly recommend it for that. Been meaning to order more. Seems like a good brand based on mine and friends I recommended it to.

>> No.4445711
File: 71 KB, 590x393, 20080825-currys7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$25 merch at Currys will result in free delivery.

Artists can help keep the economy running!

>> No.4445735

how are they gonna cram large canvas into my P.O. Box? I'm going to have to figure out what the max space is for parcels... maybe it'll just wind up on everyone's front door.

>> No.4446476
File: 49 KB, 600x900, body-chan-kicking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone own these things? do you think they are help? I think nips have the another version a little bit bigger and flexible but I dont know what it is called.

>> No.4446544

i mean the name is in the file... the female is called body-chan and the male is body-kun. they're apart of s.h. figuarts. I have the male one, they're nice for blocking out a pose but you should still find some references on the side

>> No.4449951
File: 54 KB, 800x800, pennellessa-in-caucciu-a-punta-dritta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How useful are these rubber brushes?
I saw one in an episode of Bob Ross

>> No.4451149

If you have a PO Box and something is too big they normally keep it behind the counter.