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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 58 KB, 554x553, images - 2020-02-07T165840.416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4353326 No.4353326 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people here use the word art all the time when illustration usually is a better way to describe what they are interested in?

Not saying it's not art bit it just helps clear up what you're talking about .

Isn't talking about illustration style art but never saying illustration to clear up what style of art you are talking about kinda like talking about contemporary or classical art and never using the terms classical and contemporary art to.make what you are talking about clear.

Pic related, the opposite of illustration style art.

>> No.4353328
File: 54 KB, 433x709, images - 2020-02-07T170208.933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to the people saying this just looks.paimyed wrong.

The difference is that it looks like it was painted wrong on purpose... or painted wrong to create something wouldn't see.

It's different fromatuff like this that just looks like it was painted badly by accident.

I'm saying wrong for lack of a better word.

>> No.4353331

art is a myth made by pretentious fucks, the term should be conned

>> No.4353509
File: 157 KB, 500x609, 1572716857908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The difference is that it looks like it was painted wrong on purpose
It was painted wrong due to a lack of skill and the artists inability to accept they lack the artistic skill needed to produce the image they intended. So instead they claim it was on purpose and if you don't understand it then you just don't understand art.

In other words it's a form of artistic expression, except the artist lacks the skill to accurately express it. A phenomenon that isn't acceptable in other professions. Imagine if the medical field accepted doctors who lacked any form of medical training, treating gunshot wounds with band-aids and peroxide. Now imagine a bunch of rich pretentious kikes paying these doctors 100x more for their treatment. Then imagine these doctors being held in higher regard to yourself despite dedicating your life to medicine and learning everything there is to know in order to save lives. And if you question it then you just don't understand real medicine...
Oh, and the "doctors" do it on purpose. Not because they don't know wtf theyre doing.

>> No.4353517

There are cartoons/comics/games being produced now that will be remembered for longer and by more people than whatever banana taped to a wall is passing as "art" in art galleries today.
So what exactly is the real "art" again?

>> No.4353519

id imagine because they dont know the difference.
my understanding is an illustration is a drawing with intent on reproduction and derivatives.
a painting artwork is intended as a one off piece.

>> No.4353595


If you count the number of letters in each, maybe you'll realize you are asking a very stupid question.

>> No.4353607

Ya, it's the laymen term.
Most of /ic and most fan artist never bother thinking about the philosophy of what their doing.
They don't ask why am i making this?
they ask what can i make to be popular and sell it?

>> No.4353624

Dude you can clearly see that the OPs art each brushstroke was thought out, it flows with the firm and makes you fill in the gaps (see the work on gloves)

Also your argument of comparing doctors and artists it's just stupid, you really can't apply it. For you peak art is photo realism stuff completely grounded in reality?

>> No.4353631

Illustration is art, you fucking retard.

>> No.4353665
File: 158 KB, 1024x1024, 1580955289509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related DUDE you can clearly see each pencil stroke is clearly thought out it flows with the firm and makes you fill in the gaps (see the linework in hair)

>Also your argument of comparing doctors and artists it's just stupid, you really can't apply it
Okay, why not? because art is speshul? The same can be applied to other forms of art. Music for example, screaming into a microphone until your vocal cords burst with the intent of expressing death and violence isn't going top the charts as the worlds next best heavy metal album. Having a good idea doesn't mean shit if you don't have the ability to actually execute it.

>For you peak art is photo realism stuff completely grounded in reality?
No, artistic expression IS important. Painting a 1:1 copy of Morgan Freeman is not good art, it's empty, boring, soulless garbage. You're doing the same job as a camera but 100000x less efficiently. "Art" without artistic expression is just as bad as artistic expression without any sort of art skills.

There is no skill involved in the piece of shit painting in the OP.
>B-but you c-c-can see each brush stroke wa-
Okay, fine. He didn't mindlessly fling paint onto the canvas. He made choices, that doesn't mean he's skilled, it doesn't mean its good. The image could be considered visually interesting. But thats not an achievement or something thats impressive to me. Art that impresses me or that I consider GOOD ART is art that combines artistic expression WITH the skill to actually express it.

>> No.4353668

I make stuff because I like to. Popularity isn't my primary concern.

>> No.4353699
File: 39 KB, 530x431, 1521744295518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree 100% OP. Until I started getting here I never, ever in my life heard someone call their drawings art, I most certainly never had nor ever will. Then there is the fact that people here call themselves artists. No you fuckers, you are not an artist and nobody here makes art, you people just draw, fucking lines on paper.

I guess that this art/artist thing is an american thing. In my country I have never seen people draw something and say ''oh, look at my art''.... nope.

>> No.4353710

Oh come on, are you that dense for real, or are you just baiting?
No smart commercial illustrator will ever claim they are making academic art. They just use the term cause it's widespread and shorter to write.
Stop overthinking things.

>> No.4353714

It's an english language thing, you absolute brainlet.
Art used in these cases is a short version of ARTWORK, dumbass.

>> No.4353717


>> No.4353805
File: 53 KB, 500x562, 1_ABP5hRz1oXaXnIIAafs9cg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you fuckers, you are not an artist and nobody here makes art, you people just draw, fucking lines on paper
This is the most retarded thing I've read on /ic/ in ages.

>> No.4353835
File: 50 KB, 449x642, 1570863516674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art can be illustration
Illustration can be art
Doesn't have to be drawn either
Why not use both when posting on socials?
People will not automatically deem you worthy of existence if you can categorize what you draw and even insist upon using the correct terms

>> No.4353843

>it was painted wrong due to a lack of skill and the artists inability to accept they lack the artistic skill needed to produce the image they intended.

That's Anthony lister.. If He wanted to he could paint super realistic paintings...

Friends of mine have to see in his sketch books and say it's full of really Amazing Anatomical studies that are extremely well done and detailed.

>> No.4353850

I don't even understand what you are angry about or how this question fits the narrative here.

The definition of art varies from person to person and there is no wrong answer.

>> No.4353854

Depending on who you ask.

I agree that its art but I also have books where illustrators themselves claim I disagree with myself.

>> No.4353856

Fuck you I never said anything even remotely like that.. lol.

>> No.4353861

Why are you saying this like it's the opposite of what I said?

>> No.4353877

Hers the thing.

If you say art,

How do I knownifnyou mean illustration, sculpture or abstract?


>> No.4353880

That image is not even comparable to OP.

>> No.4353908

>Music for example, screaming into a microphone until your vocal cords burst with the intent of expressing death and violence isn't going top the charts as the worlds next best heavy metal album. Having a good idea doesn't mean shit if you don't have the ability to actually execute it.

This as an example actually supports the Ops point.

A lot of people who don't know much about music just think thrash metal is somebody with no talent screaming... but if you are more Clued on about music you will realise they have to train hard to do it so well.

>> No.4353912

>Art without artistic expression is just as bad as artistic expression without any sort of art skills.

Yeah, nobody has disagreed with that

>> No.4353926 [DELETED] 

>Art that impresses me or that I consider GOOD ART is art that combines artistic expression WITH the skill to actually express it.

You try to paint like that.

I bet you can't... try copy anthonynlister type and do it without am undo button.

I bet you can't.. because it takes more skill than you realise.

And when I say paint something in his style I mean try paint an Anime girl or something as if he would do it...Not just steal his work.

>> No.4353939

Art that impresses me or that I consider GOOD ART is art that combines artistic expression WITH the skill to actually express it.

You try to paint like that.

I bet you can't... try copy anthony lister's style and do it without a computer or undo button.

I bet you can't.. because it takes more skill than you realise.

And when I say paint something in his style I mean try paint an Anime girl or something as if he would do it...Not just steal his work.

>> No.4353947

Also I will point put that he does have some work that is simple and doesn't require as much talent as this amazing piece but too simplfy it into a way you can understand.

You know how Manage artists will draw amazing highly detailed well composed sketches but also sometimes do a much simpler easy to do chibi character?

It's the same with none illustration artists too.

>> No.4354032


Here are the ''artistts'' of /ic/. Go make your pathetic art that nobody will ever recognize.

>> No.4354034

Who the fuck cares about "art".
I want to draw and make a living off it.

You are just a pretentious piece of crap.

>> No.4354036

Ever heard of a thing called context?

>> No.4354063
File: 33 KB, 650x620, f32841bc0bcdd60d13eeb939822d5040-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of people who don't know much about music just think thrash metal is somebody with no talent screaming... but if you are more Clued on about music you will realise they have to train hard to do it so well.
I meant actual screaming with no words

>Yeah, nobody has disagreed with that
Glad we all agree the OP image is shit

>> No.4354074
File: 91 KB, 1000x750, 1573094381698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, am i? The OPs grammar is all over the place i could only make sense of the first sentence
>Why do so many people say X when Y is clearly better?
I mean, that's like your opinion you're trying to convince others for.
My point is that the majority of people that consume art rarely care for the categorization of something and most anons rarely get hung up on words or concrete and pin-point categorization every time they post their work.
Shit doesn't get read in here, now imagine every faggot linking 123434435 wikipedia pages about the style, inspiration, classification, origin, meaning about their artwork.
It's just words, mate. Don't be autistic.

>> No.4354099

That’s an illustration though

>> No.4354960

The artist in OP picture makes a living off art and gets to fly from country to country because of his art.

>> No.4354962

The OP image is the stuff you can create once you master the fundamentals of anatomy and brush control.

>> No.4354964

If I someone says art how the fuck are you meant to know what they mean when there are so many different kinds of art?

No it isn't.

>> No.4354967

>how the fuck are you meant to know
Are you fucking blind, mate?

>> No.4354971

Answer the question instead of asking another one.

>> No.4355018
File: 20 KB, 217x265, 1581029165346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok you're not blind, you're goddamned retarded

>> No.4355533

So what? They are skilled and can draw. What's your point? That you have more chances of making it with "souldful academic art" than with commercial art?
You can make it with both.
My point was to stop being a pretentious faggot.

>> No.4355538

>I meant actual screaming with no words
>implying words are important in music
You are the absolute definition of a pleb. It's clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about at any given moment.

>> No.4355540

Why is bit only pay for Anime artists to act pretentious and give bad critiques on art styles they don't understand?

>> No.4355586

fuck art and fuck you

>> No.4355938

That's why rammstein has so many fans that can't even speak German.

>> No.4356007

Everyone itt is mad as fuck just because they don't want to admit that their uninspired doodles of a series they consumed shouldn't be called "art"
where the fuck is the self expression in that? OP wasn't talking about the people with style who are actually able to tell stories through vignettes he was talking about the billion fanartists and consumers of whatever gets tossed around saying they make "art" to feel valid lmao

>> No.4356171

The great thing is, it just doesn't matter. What is art varies between each individual and it really doesn't matter how you want to define it because I can define it as something else and neither of us is correct or incorrect. Art is personal and people spend dumb amounts of money to discuss this concept lol

>> No.4356174
File: 171 KB, 555x555, 12435342345243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
>"the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance."
pic related is art
and you can't do shit from preventing me to say otherwise
and even if you were of other opinion
it just means you don't understand

>> No.4356179

I work as a graphic designer and as shorthand a lot of the time a design for a poster or whatever is referred to as artwork, and it’s obviously not “art”. It’s tedious and annoying to constantly have to loop back around to the centuries old question of what makes something art, or the definition of art or blah blah blah whatever. you could argue about it infinitely just like you can argue about a music genre on /mu/ forever and ever but it’s not really productive is it?

>> No.4356202
File: 346 KB, 1740x1396, 2b09c4a2ff5bca065a82ffc607c37cec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might not like it but this is what peak artistic expression looks like

>> No.4356373

Anyone shitting on the op image needs to consider the whole body of work of the artist, anthony lister.

I think one of the factors that helps something being art as opposed to illustration, is that it was made with the intention of being hung up on a wall.

Im a real artist so feel free to ask me questions about what is and isn't art.

Also if you dont have a personal philosophy on what art is, then you're not really an artist.

>> No.4356490

How many bananas taped to a wall have you sold, anon?

>> No.4356543

it's kind of ironic how so many anons try to pin others as pretentious for thinking theres a distinction between art and media while saying stuff like >>4356490 to cope

>> No.4356549

exactly, the only thing you're doing is getting mad >>4356007

>> No.4356589

The banana artist was already an established artist and had done several "pranks" on the art world.

I attribute it to what i call "artist driven art"

>> No.4356607

Yeah but at Least on /mu/ they try to use labels.

>> No.4356609

I don't know why people are acting as if I said manga illustration isn't art.