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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4303793 No.4303793 [Reply] [Original]


she finished the watts online course
studied most of Proko's perm
completed the DrawAbox thing
endless copies and studies of loomis and hampton
all that while going to local ateliers to learning painting
and she currently studying graphic design or something.
yet her stuff looks very generic and soulless, and it seems
like she gave up on fine-art and switched to vector graphics.

from her vids, u can see that shes serious and really passionate about art
my ques is how can someone like this fail?
is it a talent thing or what?
this is not a hate thread im just wondering

>> No.4303796
File: 34 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her content summed up

>> No.4303799

too much studying academic copying withers the soul

>> No.4303800

From what you posted, her work isn't "soulless" it's just academic and maybe needs a bit more time (the necks on those portraits look a bit flat due to the shadow, but the face is well structured)

She also doesn't seem to be very used to working in a cartoon style which is why it might look awkward.

>> No.4303807

Guys like Proko do the same shit, don't be autistic

>> No.4303809

you must be a sinix fan

>> No.4303814

Is this just a cope thread? "Because Rebecca Rand went through this stuff and still sucks I shouldn't go through this stuff cause I'll end up like her".

No you won't. So as long as you know WHAT you want to draw. And men are smarter than women so you shouldn't have any issues.

>> No.4303816
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She is cute. Gonna blow a load to that pretty face.

>> No.4303819

>men are smarter than women so you shouldn't have any issues.
this pretty much sums it up

>> No.4303823

because she's a dumb whore with not talent.

>> No.4303825

Yes, talent is real and the most important thing, I don't have it, you don't have it, none of us have it, we're all ngmi. You can leave this board now because there's no point in drawing anything anyway.

>> No.4303826

This, her academic stuff is alright, but there's hardly any market for fine art. Of course she's gonna struggle in that regard. And it's clear she's more used to academic art than cartoons.

>> No.4303831

How do you know there isn't people in here who have it? you shouldn't project your problems to other people.

>> No.4303840 [DELETED] 

This is true.
Really not the case, men are more likely to be lower or higher placed or a curve of IQ, compared to women be more centrally spaced.
I believe talent somehow linked to intelligence is a factor in this, and clearly she doesn't have 'it'. I don;t know that should could ever get to be good even if she studied for a million years.

>> No.4303842

I feel like Rebecca just doesn't draw enough. She's stuck in the atelier copying mode and can do good drawings if she spends enough time on it. But with quick sketching and plain quick line drawings she isn't well practiced.

>> No.4303843

>>she's a cute
>>lifelong learner

I'm just pissed that I don't have a wholesome art qt in my life


>> No.4303848

This is true.
Really not the case, men are more likely to be lower or higher placed on a curve of IQ, compared to women who are more centrally spaced.
I believe talent is somehow linked to intelligence, and clearly she doesn't have 'it'. I don't know that she could ever get to be good, even if she studied for a million years.

>> No.4303849

>went through WA
>BTFO all but maybe two or three people on /ic/

God damn, it’s a hat trick. Stay salty, NGMIs.

>> No.4303870

>from her vids, u can see that shes serious and really passionate about art
I never got this impression from her. She doesn't seem to have any drive. She's addicted to learning because she thinks she's an artist or wants to be an artist. She doesn't put herself into any of the work she makes. So all her work is boring, academic copies devoid of life and character. If she's just making copies for the sake of copies, why should anyone else want to look at it? None of her drawings look like she had fun making them but were finished because she thought it's what had to be made.

>> No.4303899

technical knowledge without intent wont take you anywhere, you can know how to do things, but when you have a legitimate interest on them you project some aspects of you onto them, making them more unique

>> No.4303962

She didn't fail, she improved, you might not like the result but you're being disingenuous to say otherwise

>> No.4304002

Anyone can do it with enough time, determination, work ethic and materials.

Most of us work or study other things, so we take more time to develop, that's all.

I'm finishing my soul crushing degree in STEM right now so I maybe have 1 to 2 hours to draw a day max, less during exams.

>> No.4304062


not one of you could get that good in 3 years.
you guys need about 20 for half that.

ngmi central.

/ic/ I can't

>> No.4304104

You don't make good art by only copying. You make good art by envisioning a goal and actively pursuing it. What's that, you can render an ultra realistic foot over two days? But didn't you say you wanted to draw cartoons? Looks like you just wasted two days, and you're going to die someday, maybe sooner than you think.

Drawing without a goal or vision is busywork. You may get good at copying, but you won't make good art. Don't waste years of your life not THINKING about why you're doing this.

>> No.4304165

It takes a lot longer than a year to “go through” watts, it’s course which is meant to be taken multiple times over the course of 3 to 8 years or more depending on time put in. She should have just stuck with watts..

>> No.4304175

>Really not the case, men are more likely to be lower or higher placed on a curve of IQ

Where is your source.

>> No.4304185

This guy doesn't understand how life drawing teaches fundamentals needed for shit like animation. Lmaooooo you are definitely ngmi my dude. Crab harder

>> No.4304212

I've already made it, but keep rendering those foot wrinkles with great care, fag. I'm sure you'll be the next Yutaka Nakamura in no time!

>> No.4304574

i think becca made this thread herself

>> No.4304587


I wouldn't even be shocked at this point. This board isn't particularly some secret treasure cove on the internet.

>> No.4304595

Her academic stuff sucks. They look like cheap photocopies, poor shape design, poor shading, poor values.

>> No.4304598

>trash opinions
>likes anime
Like clockwork.
Go be a nigger somewhere else.

>> No.4304599

You gonna post your work to prove you're better than the female or you just gonna walk away after puking up dog shit?

>> No.4304603

Racism outside of /b/. I think you know what happens next after I file a complaint.

>> No.4304613


anybody who uses the word academic to describe anything artistic needs to get a fucking clue
fucking beginners

>> No.4304623

Post some of her recent work
It's mediocre

>> No.4304630

fuck off retard.

>> No.4304645


Your work. Post it.

>> No.4304647
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and he's successful.

>> No.4304664
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Imagine you had the perfect life. Ever since you were little you had a perfect net of support and unlimited resources to allow you to fully pursue art since thats what you love, all of this paired with the best instruction money can buy at any stage of your life. While growing up everyone you ever met didn't hestitate to tell you how special you were by being both pretty and talented. Eventually just by virtue of doing what you love constantly on this perfect life you were able to easily transition into making a living out of it, all in all you never had any real problems in life.

The art you produce is technically extremely solid, but what about the emotions it conveys? Well, you cannot convey sadness, rage, despair, angst, desperation or any negative emotion whatsoever because all of these concepts are absolutely alien to you, maybe the only time you were sad is having a pet or relative die, as a matter of fact you can't even begin to understand why people insist on being sad. In the same way you are unable to convey happy emotions in a true meaningful way to the viewer, for you they're a given and they come to you as naturally as breathing. How can you even meaningfully portray a peaceful scene if you were devoid of any conflict? How can you portray the triumph of love over hate if no one has ever hated you at all in your life other than those internet meanies? Well, you just can't. So in the end you just end portraying what's there at the moment and nothing more. Faces, people, animals and places devoid of real emotion and unable to convey anything meaningful or moving to the viewer.

She is more technically skilled than 95% of /ic/ but I would say half of /beg/ and all of /int/ are straight better artists by virtue of having to deal with dread in one way or another.

>> No.4304665

I want you to reread what you just wrote. Then cringe at yourself and delete this.

>> No.4304667


>> No.4304673


>> No.4304682
File: 64 KB, 800x860, 1575718123288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you will get laid by whiteknighting some eceleb on the cantonese gardening imageboards

>> No.4304692

sorry, somebody told me to fuck off back to the retard gatherings so I came here but now you want me to leave??

>> No.4304700

she sucks ass at art lmao, THIS IS PROOF THAT TALENT ISNT A MEME

>> No.4304709

not a day goes by without me being thankful for getting redpilled about the fact that no fucking course, school book or whatever will never make you a good artist. there are 0 (zero) successful artists that made it thanks to attending some watts crap or grinding thru drawabox, peter han, whatever. its all a fucking scam even if the teachers themselves arent aware of it. its meant to be addictive, to make you a retarded forever student who will then eventually become another teacher. resources can help you solve your problems but if you dont have a natural drive for drawing and drawing isnt your literal passion its fucking done. you can become a copying machine at best. youre either born an artist or you can leart the craft but thats it. you cannot force yourself into becoming a great musician, photographer, sculptor, singer, actor, whatever. craft =\= passion. learn what your unique natural drive is and stop wasting your time if its not drawing

>> No.4304711

funny how not a day goes by that you aren't clueless either hmmm something to think about that you must be a pro artist by now hmmmm huh buddy boy can you post some of your concept art here hmmmmm hey budddy HMMMMMM rofl just kidding stay bad buddy boy laters

>> No.4304718

Check out this spoiled fat fedora calling the kettle black.

>> No.4304750

I'm starting to believe this myself, but I want to believe it doesn't have to be inborn, and that anybody can develop "talent" or interest. But none of these courses ever talk about the mentality you need to make art and sustain long term interest that leads to growth. They don't talk about inspiration, creativity, ideas, and taste, the qualities that actually make art interesting. Maybe because that's all too subjective and abstract. Easier to teach someone how to set u a perspective grid.
Whenever I see somebody asking, "How did I get good in a year to make money?" or "What if I never get good? What if I waste my time?" I just sigh and move on. Why are you even doing it if you think it's going to be a waste of time.
It's not that schools are worthless or fundamentals are unimportant, it's that the dream of buying your way to being an artist is bullshit.

>> No.4304751

it's a common statistic. There is more women with average iq than the man, but there is more men with higher/lower iq than woman.

>> No.4304769

Agreed, there's nothing artistic about her work so it's merely academic.

>> No.4304783

based and insightfulpilled

>> No.4305685

My Behavioural Sci degree and all the stats I had to learn doing that. It's pretty common knowledge, it partly explains why men tend to be the highest achievers, too.

>> No.4305713

>paid for a """""degree"""""
>believes an IQ is relevant to anything in the world
>believes you can make random fallacious assertations on this one piece of """""data""""""
rofl every time EVERY time

>> No.4305718

Your degree in gender studies means shit. Where'd you go to school at, Penn Foster? Lmafo.

>> No.4305719


>> No.4305720

not that anon, there are thousands of studies on this exact thing it's a completely accepted fact, do a quick google search but you wont because you want to argue online for your little dopamine rush

>> No.4305726

Yes, men are smarter in every way. The only thing women achieve at that gives them a better advantage at art is seeing more colors than a man.

>> No.4305732

i was with you but now youre being retarded

>> No.4305733


>> No.4305735

>intelligence doesn't matter in life
God, I hate cuckservatives. Your worldview is just as retarded as communism.

>> No.4305736

If you're a man I'm sure your work is much better than op lady's, you should share it anon.

>> No.4305741

I don't have an issue with Rebecca. I'm just stating facts.

>> No.4305746

So if you're more intelligent, why don't you have the confidence you have better work than a woman?

>> No.4305748

Because I'm a beginner? And with time I'll surpass Rebecca? Seems you can't use your brain as expected of a woman.

>> No.4305751
File: 182 KB, 1862x680, menwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

?? this is basic knowledge, the biggest retard and nerd in your class are always boys

>> No.4305752
File: 39 KB, 640x853, FE0306E9-4091-42C5-ADE1-761F76CA5F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that’s a good one anon

>> No.4305755


I'm glad I can make you laugh. They say men are much better comedians--another trait that women just simply do not have.

>> No.4305757

>An average woman is more likely to be clever but also less exceptional than an average man
i can live with this

>> No.4305761

HAHAHAHAH EVEN BETTER nice save faggot, I bet you were planning on using that clever comeback forever. kinda like how I came on your moms back last week, what’s good?

>> No.4305763

itt: COPE

>> No.4305814

Typical female. Always using the sexual organs to make jokes.

>> No.4305840
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, 91F896E3-2A29-4B59-9DFA-B7288069F5FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mom uses the sexual organs to make faggots like you, post your work when you’re no longer /beg/ retard. you’ve been owned.

>> No.4305847

>another sex joke

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.4305851
File: 43 KB, 1075x709, F5521468-4DE9-4B79-BBD0-1E0D3A242D85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

owned and utterly buttdevastated

>> No.4305860

>cumming on my back
>making children
>Cream filled snack
You really are sexually frustrated.

>> No.4305865
File: 5 KB, 206x193, DBB9F1B6-75FC-484F-86EF-69CBC4EF525B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, I’m a female and can have sex any time I want. you’re projecting and can’t draw and hate that there are women better than you on this board right now. absolutely seething and owned and still replying

>> No.4305870

>I’m a tranny

>> No.4305873

nope, wrong again. actual female born with a vagina, been here probably longer than you have. in fact, I was around before everyone accused everyone of being a tranny and just asked you to post tits like a real gentleman. cope

>> No.4305880


If you're gonna go through such lengths to prove to an anonymous person that you have a natural vagina you might as well prove it with a photo of your vagina.

>> No.4305883

post tits and feet

>> No.4305886

this isn’t the vagina board despite what you might think, this is the artwork and critique board on 4chan. you should post your work or shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.4305887

stop being a cringe attention whore, youre the exact reason i never tell anyone on the internet im a girl, why did you even start talking about it in the first place????? do you think some dude here is gonna think "SHIT this anonymous person might actually be a real femoid, ive been so wrong my whole life im a feminist now"?? if you really have been lurking so for long i think you'd get the "only women need to tell strangers on the internet they're women" memo already

>> No.4305891


Tits or gtfo is global culture.Besides I can use your all natural vagina as reference.

>> No.4305929
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>> No.4306257

Talent is just someone knowing the best path to take towards their goal before having to waste time with trial and error, in a sense.

Lacking talent doesn't mean you can't learn how to do things. That's actually what being retarded or insecure and deluded means.

I think it's laughable that you'd choose believing you're incapable rather than as capable as you choose to be, just because being as inept and incorrigible as the world dictates you to be somehow puts your ego at peace because the thought of trying and failing would destroy you, but accepting that you're just wired to be incompetent puts your mind at some small measure of ease and peace.

You'll never become great like this. You should strive for more.

>> No.4306311

I feel dumber after reading that

>> No.4306377

This anon has got it right. This is one example of soullessness in art

>> No.4306383



>> No.4306387

>Why are you even doing it if you think it's going to be a waste of time

This. This right here. Anons if you have to ask yourself this question in ANY field or discipline, you are not in the right field.

>> No.4306397

That being said, if you can take pride and joy in being a craftsman, then by all means be a craftsman

>> No.4306446
File: 84 KB, 904x864, Stop being a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ques is how can someone like this fail?
>currently studying graphic design
>switched to vector
Graphic design artists can make a fuck ton of money when they work for a good company so saying she failed is retarded.
Besides It's better than constantly shilling a patreon or ko-fi like those trannies on twitter.

This is the most soulless thing iv read all day.

>> No.4306472

The courses don’t (or shouldn’t) represent an end goal, they are a means to an end. You should know what you want to draw, but you don’t know how the fuck to get there, so you use the courses to get there. And they do get you there, therefore they aren’t a scam.

Of course, that’s a problem if you have no idea where you want to go.

But I don’t buy into this shit about “you can’t force yourself to become x, y, z.” It just sounds like an excuse to cover for personal failure or an unwillingness to work hard at something. Speak to some people who are really good at something, and chances are they’ll tell you how hard they worked and/or how long it took.

>> No.4306476

Actually, quick addendum to my own comment: SOME art teachers are scams. Don’t believe every random youtube tutorial you come across. Use common sense. But guys like Vilppu, Proko, Watts etc are legit.

>> No.4306485

drawing/painting are technical skills.
that part isn't hard to learn unless you're actually retarded.

creativity isn't something you can teach.
sorry kids.

>> No.4306491

>i'm a girl btw

>> No.4306502

Yeah, I'm thinking this is extremely based (and redpilled)

>> No.4306882

give people their credit.

>> No.4306887

im a fan, her work ethic is inspiring. she sets out to do a course and actually does it.

>> No.4306891

The lack of real emotion in any of those three pieces makes them soulless.

>> No.4309431

there's nothing souless about her work. you're just a brainlet retard and you will never draw as good as her

>> No.4309492

Shut the fuck up, Rebecca.

>> No.4309594
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When watching video 004 on her channel I got the impression that she is a little bit slow, even dumb maybe. She really thought that Watts would write a whole paragraph instead of sending everyone an automatic reply??? Really, honey...

>> No.4309727
File: 363 KB, 871x871, Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 7.03.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you be my gf?

>> No.4309812

incel tier post. Just from looking at a pretty girl you fucking perma virgins assume that she's always had the life of a fucking princess...this in fact, is why you will never make it, neither in life, nor in art. Maybe try and dig beneath the surface, for all we know, she could have the most horrible anxiety and maybe she was raped by her uncle as a little kid. You incels always think you got the fucking world figured out...cringe incarnate.

>> No.4309818
File: 139 KB, 716x598, Jean_Siméon_Chardin_-_Retrato_de_Auguste_Gabriel_Godefroy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you will get invisible upvotes (oh wait, we have got based and redpilled now, so thats basically pol/eddit upvotes) by hating on people that you dont know shit about.

>> No.4310001

simp harder

>> No.4310118

it's the truth. cope harder