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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 59 KB, 224x268, clip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4265039 No.4265039 [Reply] [Original]

For any questions or posts you want to ask or make about Clip Studio Paint

>> No.4265040

Photoshop is better.

>> No.4265043
File: 560 KB, 1005x777, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is the difference between the size of my cursor and the size of what I'm actually drawing so different? Top left is how it looks, and the drawing on the right is how the result is supposed to look.

>> No.4265215
File: 767 KB, 1958x2169, bewbtest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do the brushes handle differently from windows to pc? The design pencil is everything I want it to be on a macbook, but looks like low opacity dogshit on the pc. The problem extends to both ipad and cintiq tablets as well, since I'm a fag that has a lot of toys to mess with digitally.

>> No.4265217

How the fuck do I use any of these brushes? They all have some weird aspect to them unlike Photoshop brushes.
>watercolor does some crazy layering
>oil has some weird opacity

>> No.4265219

The size of the cursor represents the maximum size of the brush.

For this one you probably are supposed to tilt your pencil to get a thicker line, ie. size is controlled by tilt, so if tilt isn't working if you go into brush settings you could switch to where size is controlled by only pressure (or whatever) and see if that works as a bandaid.

>> No.4265243

If I'm sub-beg but very used to photoshop due to years of int-/p/ work is clip worth learning?

>> No.4265275

You basically already know how to use it. You would learn the difference quickly and be able to reliably bs your way through things you don't know yet.

>> No.4265308

Is there a general "Using CSP while coming from Krita" guide?
Can you not set shortcuts to stuff like 'Shift+C' to be different from just 'c'?

>> No.4265379

Working with different hardware means different specs such as IAF, pressure levels etc these has to be accounted for and things such as pressure curves have to be adjusted.

Experimentation. Many people find the blending brush weird, many people love it. I myself use photoshop and csp interchangeably because both programs do have things they do differently.

Not sure if I understand you right but 'shift+c' does act as different shortcut than 'c'

>> No.4265387

step 1: turn blending off
step 2: turn on pressure for opacity

>> No.4265501

I'm messing with the shortcuts. I can't get (Tool>Selection area)Lasso to register as 'C' and Rectangle selection to register as 'Shift+C'. There's also a 'Modifier Key Settings' but it doesn't seem to have any 'change tool' function or keyboard shortcut function I'm looking for.

>> No.4265509

I can't download 1.9.7, anyone else having this issue?

>> No.4265727

I understand now.
Unfortunately I don't know a solution and I don't think there is one.

Tools are a special case as clip studio with their shortcuts.

I believe they restrict use of modifier keys so like holding 'm' to temporarily switch to marquee, then pressing shift to constrain the box, then letting go of the key to return to the previous tool won't be affect.

Maybe you can create an auto action that selects those tools then assign the key to that auto action as a work around.

>> No.4265807

Is there a way to normalize the brush size to the pixel size? Some of my brushes at 1px are bigger than others at 3-5px and it's annoying.

set a hotkey to blending. i disable it almost all the time on brushes, it's on by default for many. some of them need it like the traditional gouache.

you probably have to unbind C from transparency. it should let you override it no problem, make sure you're reading the dialog box.

>> No.4265825

That's annoying. It says there's an option to cycle though similar tools when they're bound to the same key, but I want the Lasso tool to be switched too first, but it always wants to bring up the Rectangle select tool first.

I already unbound 'c' from transparency. When I try to bind Rectangle to "Shift+C" it just binds it to "c" instead and I can't figure out a way to have it not do that.

>> No.4265836

I think tools have to be singular keys but other shortcuts can be modifiers. To alleviate that you can move a tool higher in the list and it'll come up first. Same with groups of brushes, the earlier in the group buttons ordering it is the earlier it'll come when you hit the hotkey.

>> No.4266589

CSP has some weird features that take a lot of getting used to, but it can get insanely convenient and fast once you learn to customize it.

It's the best there is for drawing, pretty good for painting but very limited in post/filters/transformations.

There is a "switch tool temporarily" option. You can also use modifier keys to switch pretty much any settings you wish by copying the tool, changing those settings on the copy and binding a modifier key to it.

You can change the order of switching tools by customizing the toolbox/tool lists

>> No.4266633

Is there a way to change the zoom axis from horizontal to vertical?

>> No.4268860

Ah I did this and it kinda works. Thanks. How do I check if tilt controls work?

>> No.4268864
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8e06db71560213.5bc935d802b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no liquify

>> No.4268867


>> No.4268945
File: 2.22 MB, 1254x1771, ELifzdYVAAAjMsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i learn to color like this ?

>> No.4268947

>get watercolor
>start playing

>> No.4268948

How do i learn how to colour in the first place?

>> No.4268959

crabby crab

>> No.4268985

mess around with a bunch of alcohol markers

>> No.4269008

Young adult low level intermediate here
I have only painted on acrylics, oil, and watercolors. Should I make the jump to digital through this program? And if so, is it more complicated than laying and blending paint strokes on a canvas?

>> No.4269012

Yeah digital is a pain in the ass compared to traditional. Traditional materials make things way easier.

>> No.4269015

How do I upload brushes to my cloud? So i can download them later on another pc. I was able to send a few via email but only half of them were downloadable

>> No.4269091

any good tutorials that flow really well in terms of draftmanship and being close to trad?

>> No.4269119

>I have only painted on acrylics, oil, and watercolors. Should I make the jump to digital through this program?
Yes, the brush engine is pretty good at replicating aspects of traditional better than Photoshop. The workflow and tools are based around traditional processes for manga making so it's got nice convenience features like blue pencil line layers and other things. They've added "realistic" brushes for gouache and watercolor that feel really good. It's for illustrators so there are a lot of tools to shortcut on the work of planning out pieces in the most efficient way possible.

Digital sucks in general though. The learning curve is steep so it's not recommended to really grind your fundies on it. You spend years learning digital techniques, modifying your tools, and experimenting. Drawing traditional is way easier. Having the traditional painting background will help you a lot though in terms of colors and painting techniques. If you do get it, try to stick to mostly the default brushes but learn how to play with them to get them to do what you want. If you have questions you can ask here or look up online. CSP is really cheap new at $25 for perpetual license compared to other digital paint programs.

>> No.4269990
File: 993 KB, 720x639, 1574202377999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone mind uploading their inking brush somewhere? I've been making and throwing away dozens of them over the last couple days, and I can't make any of them feel good to use, and there's always various small problems with my brushes that irks me. It would help if someone just gave me something that works for them, so I can assure my autism that the tool is fine and all I have to focus on is drawing and getting better.

>> No.4269994

load the default real gpen, turnip pen, or calligraphy pen and stop being gay

>> No.4271817

where is the sale?

>> No.4271848

It's past, next one is probably February

>> No.4271849

Is CSP good for realistic like sketchy drawings or only 2D flat stuff where the lineart and sketch is seperate layers?

>> No.4271884

What do you mean by realistic sketchy drawings?
Maybe post an example?
Are you talking about imitating charcoal or imitating a pencil like the brush used in >>4265043

>> No.4271955
File: 16 KB, 470x402, image_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old masters type of drawing i guess, something that isnt inked on a seperate layer

>> No.4271976

Look up the Perfect Pencil in the assets "shop"

>> No.4271989

Layers is just something for convenience, you don't have to use it and everything can be sketched and painted on one layer if you prefer.

But that's like with nearly all other art program that uses layers. So... yes I guess.

>> No.4272947

Does anyone know a way to displace textures in CSP? I know this is a feature in Photoshop but there's apparently nothing about how to do it in CSP.

I recall I was trying to draw a flannel shirt and that I had no way to make it bend accordingly to the folds of the shirt unless I had some kind of method to displace it automatically.

>> No.4273047

>but very limited in post/filters/transformations.

What filters are you missing in CSP that you have to use Photoshop for?
The only big thing that I had to rely on Photoshop for was making a grayscale based off saturation, but figured out how to isolate saturation from just the basic layers CSP already provides.

In fact, a lot of filters sans liquify can be done through the basic blend layers/Correction Layers

>> No.4273059

>I recall I was trying to draw a flannel shirt and that I had no way to make it bend accordingly to the folds of the shirt unless I had some kind of method to displace it automatically.

Have you tried drawing you piece of shit

>> No.4273298
File: 230 KB, 1144x2048, 吉村拓也【FANBOXイラスト講座】 on Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn how to how to paint/render things like skin, eyes, clothing, buildings/backgrounds, and things like that?

Been drawing seriously for about 2-3 years and I'm trying to figure out how to do rendering like pic related, but it feels like I just can't make any sort of progress, and that any attempts to paint just ends up looking like a really low-quality gradient. Because of this, I've been stuck doing basic cel-shading and it just doesn't feel like I'm improving anymore.

I've also tried searching for tutorials on Youtube, but it seems like most, if not all the tutorials are pretty basic and require some prior knowledge on blending colors together properly, and the speedpaints don't really seem informative enough to help me out, so I guess what I'm looking for is a detailed guide that can help me start from the basics, too.

If anyone can point me out to some helpful info, that'd be very appreciated.

>> No.4273305

Just post your work or whatever example you did for this

>> No.4273349

there's a liquify brush on the asset store
most jp and korean artists use either the defaults or asset pens. i mostly use sai like pen, g pen and darker pencil
what does photoshop have over clip that's so better to warrant a switch? genuine question

>> No.4273513

1, 8-12

>> No.4273542

Rude and unhelpful.

>> No.4273546

>there's a liquify brush on the asset store

>> No.4273561

don't bother, it's terrible

>> No.4273566
File: 1.15 MB, 466x490, 379657d06cdd0c616ec61aabd81f64d582ffbe4521e80f4aece16cbfe10c974e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>latest version isn't cracked yet despite major update

>> No.4273588

>can't even pay 15-25 bucks

how fucking poor can you be?

>> No.4273591

Why pay for something I can have for free?

>> No.4273594

then don't fucking complain about having to wait you mongoloid, if you have no money to buy and you can't even afford to have the patience to wait for a crack then you're just a faggot

>> No.4273597

buy it on sale, goober

>> No.4273653

>seething csp-drone
wew lad

>> No.4273715

Go be a faggot somewhere else, please.

>> No.4273722

It's normal price today

>> No.4273768

You not only are getting things for free, you're being a ungrateful cunt. Just fuckin wait

>> No.4273803

do people genuinely pay for these programs? What are the benefits of paying versus just pirating it?

>> No.4273844

Basically I bought it because I thought, I'd be screwed if I don't have this when I have a brief.

If you are using it as hobby and it's not critical for you, pirate it.

>> No.4273848

anyone has a good crack link or sumn? don't really feel like paying 40 euros

>> No.4273877

well, it's free
the asset store is full of free brushes and materials and you have free updates immediately and those include bug fixes, qol improvements and new brushes. it's the only art program so far that offers something of value with its license unlike photoshop or sai
this is the crack i used years ago, it's old as fuck but it's safe https://ar-ref.tumblr.com/post/105545935220/how-to-get-clip-studio-paint-138-full-version
if you like it, wait for a sale and buy it for what i listed

>> No.4273926

if you're not underage, it's easier to buy than pirate

>> No.4274282

Start with blocking in the shadows flat as if you are doing cel shading. Do the same for half tones. Use blending brush to soften edges.

>> No.4274284

>What are the benefits of paying versus just pirating it?

Don't have to worry about installing cryptominers on your computer for one

>> No.4274404

Should I use paint brushes with vector mode?

>> No.4274429

No way man, vector lines empty your soul. There's a certain charm in imperfections, and subtle textures/brushes you'll miss

>> No.4274442

no, only lineart. painting should be in a raster layer

>> No.4274778

Brushes behave differently on vector layers. Try it for yourself. Some look nothing like they do on raster layers.

>> No.4274812

When will this shit go on sale again?
it's supposed to be Christmas already.

>> No.4275352
File: 884 KB, 500x280, 5pjpFizOF0WqHWXSGonzMUy4u_-SWBIYZtJMFe7mJE1sp9CsKy9d0mRFFjpTCZHo1KTcT_aXqiIwHxBAdd8UYMp52juUzGYKC1NAiymBTzA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've delivered this early if it wasn't for my leg injury but here you go d/ic/ks, have a frenden brush set I bought that's on sale until the end of the year:


enjoy and merry christmas!

>> No.4275633
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, tZoGZmZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tools would I use to get my lines clean and even like this? I've been experimenting with vector layers and pressure but can't seem to get it.
Also are there any basic shape tools for like squares/curved lines. I only found the line tool by accident.

>> No.4275643


>> No.4275664

Looks like the default Turnip pen with anti-aliasing set to weak. You can play with the minimum value for pressure if you find your control isn't good enough and use the transparent color to manually taper the ends to fit.

If you want to use the line tools, edit the 'Starting an ending' in the subtool detail pallete, set to brush size and ending and play around with the sliders, I say maybe 600. Again weak aliasing and manually erase ends when needed.

Play around with the settings for both options as you see fit.

If you found the line tool, that is where the rectangle, ellipse, curve tools are too. It's under the figure tool group under the 'Direct Draw' tab

>> No.4275771

I ment to say I found the line shortcut lol Regardless, thank you very much!

>> No.4275791

Bless you anon

>> No.4275898

10000 x 10000 canvas at 1000 dpi then downsize

>> No.4276261

Thanks friend!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4276291

If you want to be better at rendering, at least use better tutorial. This one is horrible, his other drawing guides are ok tho.

>> No.4276422

Brushes won't make you better.

>> No.4276458

no, but it makes you a faggot, crab

>> No.4276548

how do you get super dark mode on scp
like the dark grey is the darkest i can get, but i see people with like photoshop level of dark.

>> No.4276552

Is the UI okay if I won't be using a keyboard? I'm thinking of getting it on the surface pro

>> No.4276556

I respect companies that allow me to own a license. Get a job, neet scum.

>> No.4276568

buy the app and use the latest version

>> No.4276571

yeah i own the software on my computer (bought it ) just wasn't notified that there was an update

>> No.4276625

just found the update, thanks for the help :)

>> No.4276881
File: 16 KB, 219x234, 1571282658636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit there's so many how am I even supposed to try this many? Am I supposed to actually install every last one of them?

>> No.4276899

nope, you just need to pick which brushes you want to use

the image in the mega file named "brush swatches.png" should help you there

>> No.4277077

Because some people value time and peace of mind over being cheap. But not everyone is an autistic NEET

>> No.4277139 [DELETED] 

The Apple iPad Pro 12.9 with the Apple Pencil is the ONLY actually good screen tablet.
Everything else is for legit retards too ignorant of their stupidity.

>> No.4277219
File: 45 KB, 317x412, eek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit i installed all of them already

took like half an hour

>> No.4277310

Anyone know if clip has a quick layer select depending on what color data you pick? Like in photoshop to move layers its ctrl left click and it basically switches to that layer.

>> No.4277650

holding ctrl with the move tool will let you move it, ctrl shift and clicking will select.

>> No.4278055

thats kinda wonky to drag and select but oh well

>> No.4278058

nvm i take it back, you dont have to press shift and select. its literally just the same as photosphop with ctrl and left click.

>> No.4278074

do mangakas use clip studio? or is it just an americans trying to emulate the japanese thing?

>> No.4278100

A couple do. They still mostly do pencil on paper, but the author of Tsugomomo works entirely in CSP (an ancient version of it) and there's a bunch of doujinshi no one's heard of that use it as well.


>> No.4278256

Getting this shit to work with a stabilizer that is just like with SAI? I want to animate with CPS but with a screenless tablet it lags way too much.

>> No.4278352

What happens when the trial expires? Can I still use CPS? If I reinstall, does it renew?

>> No.4278443

Can someone tell me what custom brushes would you like to have ? I'm making my own for a while and I'm curious what kind of brushes people want

>> No.4278457

I want a good palette knife brush but I'm not sure it's even possible in digital. The spacing has to be to the nanometer to look right, which will make it lag like hell.

>> No.4278473

The spacing of what ?

>> No.4278481

The spacing of the stamps, the brush density. Digital brushes work by stamping one image over and over again, and the closer together they are the more realistic it looks. But it also hurts the performance.

>> No.4278488
File: 2.45 MB, 458x334, 1571716568659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I move only the selected part of one layer exclusively? It either doesn't work or move the whole layer or all the layers within the selection

>> No.4278490

hold control or read the manual

>> No.4278496

Doesn't work.

>> No.4278846
File: 468 KB, 1000x720, longdafriendsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about getting cleaner lines in CSP? Right now I have my stabilization set to 0 so should I just turn it up a bit? I dislike how it makes it feel to draw though.

>> No.4278928

Step 8: Add oily/greasy highlights

>> No.4279112

Do the lines faster, erase, ctr+z, ad nauseam

>> No.4279514

You could also use a Vector layer, you can adjust vector layer lines.

>> No.4279528

Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it.

>> No.4279535

Won't using vector layers suck the soul out of your art?

>> No.4279589

wtf my csp just reset completely out of nowhere
now i dont have any shortcuts and even brushes
help anons

>> No.4279831

how do i make it so that a certain brush won't respond to the pressure of my stylus (so it shows no transparency)?

>> No.4279847

the brush settings are so braindead simple I find it difficult to believe anyone would have trouble figuring out how to make a brush do what they want it to do

and yet here we are

>> No.4279868

One thing I do not see anyone talking about here is that basically manga studio and clip studio paint are nearly identicle other than the animation feature.

With that said, I will say that the brushes in CSP feel like they all paint very heavily out of the box and for some reason the ink pens looked like they didnt draw as smoothly as manga studio ones......All in all its a solid program but if YOU USE PHOTOS IN YOUR WORK IN ANY WAY I would probably stick with photoshop because the puppet tool, the adjustment layers and the liquify and transform tools are pretty invaluable when it comes to working with photos.....If you just want software to fraw with then you are fine.

>> No.4279897

It's because manga studio was just the name used to market clip studio paint to the west.

They've stopped using name manga studio name and thus any manga studio are old versions without the latest support which includes the animation features.

It's kind of a given people know about as googling just the name manga studio, the first page of search results spells it out for you.

>> No.4280021

Sorry anon, but unfortunately, the program requires you to manually and properly, close the program, allowing it to succesfully save any settings you've made to your workspace. Something like force closing it, or a random crash, will just end up with the initial settings/ saved previous settings.

>> No.4280098

Its a genuinely great program and i want to support the devs. I give them $50 once, and they give me an unlimited license and continuous updates and features as well as easy and free access to a huge community of shared user brushes, settings etc

>> No.4280745

in preferences > canvas > display quality is it better to set it to "default" as opposed to "high quality?" all the latter seems to do is antialias the canvas to shit, and it always seemed to me like when I exported to an image, the stuff i saw on the canvas was always a bit smoother and less pixelated than the image.
I'm guessing the setting doesnt have any bearing on the quality of the final export, so having it set to high quality would only make it look good while I'm drawing it

>> No.4280858
File: 210 KB, 240x320, 1574760594189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some quick way I can change colour like on Photoshop you can press a shortcut, then drag and it'll change between lightening and darkening your colours, is there a way of dong that?

>> No.4281354 [DELETED] 

That's some nigger mindset right there

>> No.4281393

didn't read continue to cry for me.

>> No.4281499

you can manage your hotkeys in csp, all of color and brightness adjustments from ps are available in csp as well and you can map them to whatever shortcut you want

>> No.4281528
File: 276 KB, 1000x970, 536364634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a photoshop ish brush

>> No.4281545

Unlimited license for something I use daily, only 20-$50. Why wouldn't I purchase it?

>> No.4281976

it seems like layers/frames in animation folders are permanently separated from each other. is there any way to copy-paste the selection (not the whole frame) from one animation folder to another?

>> No.4282607

If the cell you are pasting to is a folder (not an animation folder) and not a single layer, you can paste into that folder.

So if it's a single layer cell you want to paste into, right click on the layer name, select "Create new folder and insert layer" and then paste your copied selection there.

>> No.4282694
File: 32 KB, 374x430, 9749741372093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i add rotate and canvas flip to the scroll bar

>> No.4282831

can you use that shop through a pirated copy?

>> No.4282836

Any ways to improve performance? I have a fairly beefy machine and sketches on CSP can get laggy as fuck especially at higher resolution and brush sizes. It's been the main reason I haven't switch from SAI.

Also if anyone has a good sketchy brush I'd love to know your settings.

>> No.4282842

Is this the one?


Post the URL

>> No.4282845

No that's pretty much how it is, you can just adjust the quality of the screen.

>> No.4282865

too poor for CSP or SAI or photoshop, is Krita a good substitute?

>> No.4282911

If only the japanese werent so stupidly stubborn and listen to the fans who beg to fix CSP being so slow due to not using GPU.

>> No.4282916

Go to Preferences > Tablet and fiddle with the settings. Precision lets you change accuracy vs. speed, and I don't know what Priority does but it helps sometimes.

>> No.4283232

why is the selection tool so laggy in the pc version? It doesnt even register that I'm dragging the selection until I move the object a far distance, so fine tuning with finer smaller distances is non-existent. the CSP iPad version doesn't have this issue

>> No.4283730

Hold space and shift at the same time nigga

>> No.4283892
File: 422 KB, 712x842, Fc4CO1k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me out? how do i blend the colors like this picture is blending and what brushes should i be using to achieve this look?
my attempt is the one on the right and ignore the fact that i used a different pose and still used the same shading

>> No.4283899

You just lack darker values. It's like you missed using C.

>> No.4283957


>> No.4284459
File: 1.69 MB, 671x2112, brush example collage 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who use csp, i've taken some of the basic brushes and practiced drawing clothes with them. Might be a good visual reference of what different brushes can do for those who need it. It was just practice and I don't know who the original artist was, sorry.

>> No.4284461

nice, thanks for sharing!

>> No.4284466
File: 167 KB, 661x1209, dc009b4819b36b2b88a3f62a3339e909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pack of really good pencils for csp https://mega.nz/#F!BMcDnaza!5KrvT9bHXQym-oIvTVHv-Q

>> No.4284509

airbush and soft airbrush. ctrl paint and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZbJYAVmghk&t=1m7s

the default csp airbrush doesn't behave like other programs that much

>> No.4284653

I... don't understand exactly how you did that with the brushes cited.

>> No.4284655

Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.4284721

youre welcome :)

i forgot to mention but on the standard g-pen brush (first one), i changed the opacity to pen pressure and turned off the size variance. I tend to do that with most of the brushes I use to color with. i have keyboard settings for my brush size so I toggle that manually. the rest should be more or less default though. I can do a more thorough tutorial of how I colored if youre still having trouble getting these results. i could also share the lineart i redrew for this practice, or my keyboard shortcuts, if it'd help an anon.

>> No.4284739
File: 108 KB, 1270x816, 1gy7y4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your brushes will make a fine addition to my collection

>> No.4285011
File: 2.86 MB, 379x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4285013


I'm jealous of your autism

>> No.4285014

I look at my box of pencils and think

eh I'll just pick one for no reason at all

was thinking I should probably learn about what each means

>> No.4285076

b are soft
h are hard
hb is in the middle

thats all kiddo

>> No.4285135
File: 361 KB, 289x347, just some coat practice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i did a lot more than that. those are just the ones that could be helpful to other people.

>> No.4285340

>watercolor easy brush
Why can't I make my watercolor brush look like that? The one SAI have is so good at blending colors and yet the one in csp is utter shit

>> No.4285501


>> No.4285522

The only thing I could find for that is that it's called canvas control.


>> No.4285573
File: 1.93 MB, 1800x2550, EMLaFURXUAAAjAm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid question but am i suppose to use textured pen when drawing line art? It just seems many comic artists and others use that to mimic traditional line but does it really make that much of difference?

On the same note, i have also seen artworks what has some kind of grainy filter on it, not sure what it's supposed to be (perlin noise?) but i quess it's supposed to make the artwork seem like it's been made traditionally.

What do you think of these? Does they make illustrations more appealing?

Pic is from someone's Twitter and what i mean with that grainy look

>> No.4285587

What smoothing number do you use for your usual sketching?

>> No.4285611

Bought this due to a online friends suggestion. Any tips for someone who mainly uses tradition learning to use digital? Looking for a good medium sized tablet, hopeful to will get it by late January.

>> No.4287104

I have a strange issue I'm not sure how to resolve.

When nothing's on screen, my Huion appears to be well-calibrated. Yet while CSP is opened up, whether it be in windowed or fullscreen, the calibration is completely thrown off. Any idea how to fix it?

>> No.4287106


>> No.4287119

0 personally.
I would advice to not go too high on the stabilizer since it kind of messes up your muscle memory, especially if you keep changing the number or you use multiple programs.
It also depends on your tablet, smaller size = more stabilization needed.
Just find whatever you're comfortable with and gives you the best results.

>> No.4287120


>> No.4287134

In file>preferences>tablet try wintab or tablet pc

It's ok. Still much faster with a keyboard/controller and you feel it when you have to switch tools frequently like between pen/eraser.

>> No.4287173

I wouldn't use any digital painting program without some type of keyboard/controller/gestures. Digital is all about erasing or color sampling. You're wasting so much time in a UI without those unless you're purely sketching.

>> No.4287327

Is CSP basically a better SAI?

>> No.4287333

i think its a mix between sai and photoshop. actual drawing engine which makes it better than photoshop, much more comfortable ui along with infinite amount of options which makes it better than sai. try it, i used photoshop for many years and was surprised by how good csp actually is. it actually makes drawing pleasant

>> No.4287378

a KIA soul 2020 got more features than a Mercedes-Benz 450SL but it doesn't necessarily mean it's the better car

>> No.4287927

But what does SAI do better than CSP?

>> No.4288067

A translation would be nice.

>> No.4288166
File: 217 KB, 1207x815, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have advice for making a oil-paint style mountain? Been trying w/ the default oil paint brush with a lowered amount of paint but not really working like id want

>> No.4288316

no idea what you mean, but assign "color mixing" to a hotkey and turn that on and off as you want. that's how you can get more opaque strokes that don't mix with the ground. also try out the realistic gouache brushes.

>> No.4288920

>still no UI downgrade since update for iPad

Fucking paperweight now holy shit

>> No.4289515

Is there a way to import brushes from Photoshop into Clip Art?

>> No.4289663

Can someone post more pictures like this

>> No.4289741

install, test it out a bit, if you don't like it drop it

>> No.4290099
File: 1.59 MB, 1360x5760, 1577143199924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4290123

yo this is maybe the best skin tutorial I've ever seen

>> No.4290146
File: 397 KB, 2285x1615, EIf7F2iVAAAyGJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4290157

Nice cluster fuck

>> No.4290160

It's perfectly clear, brainlet

>> No.4290163

this might be the worst "tutorial" example image i've ever see and that's impressive

>> No.4290166
File: 41 KB, 800x450, boogaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture very hard to understand
>my head hurts

>> No.4290247


>> No.4292210
File: 344 KB, 547x556, 1561120926763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what kind of layer he is using to paint over the lineart without hiding it(1:13:41)?
The lines are in layer 12, so the layer he is using to color is above it.
I tried multiply mode and overlay, but I don't think it's those.


>> No.4292254

it looks like 乗算/multiply. went back and was able to see when he converted the layer. the screen capture recording doesn't seem to capture the dropdowns but he hardly moves his mouse when he changes the layer here. try using lower opacity with the brush

reference for blending modes

>> No.4292288

Thanks anon!
I was looking for the japanese manual but I had never found it.

>> No.4292294

it's in the downloads page

>> No.4292323

sale when?

>> No.4292628

Man I wish I could read this.

>> No.4292654

Noobie question.
How do I get objects in the dead center of the picture?
Like pixel perfect.

>> No.4292774

Is there any way to increase the amount of files that show up in the Recent menu? I usually work on several images at once so 10 is a little low for me.

>> No.4292782

>the key to good lines is ctrl Z
oh, I thought I had a bad habit

>> No.4292826

you can import the brush shape through google tutoirials easy enough but the settings you have to do yourself

>> No.4292840

if you do it too much yeah, especially if you end up in a situation where you can chicken scratch a line and trace over it later faster than ctr-zing over and over

>> No.4293647

does anyone know if CSP has the ability to replicate the shade-shine layer mode from Sai? in sai it makes it so exactly 50% value doesn't show up on the layer below, less than 50% darkens and greater than 50% brightens

>> No.4293689

>WACOM Start Center (Not responding)
>CSP stutters like crazy and brings to a halt
>Music in the background stops
>HDD LED 100% ON

can't do anything else until the laptop gets BSOD or hard reset. Is my HDD dying? Bad sector? Or is it the Wacom driver (using old model of Intuos Pro Med - 2014)? Laptop was bought in Sept 2014.
This shit can happen anytime, at total random, on a bad day this could happen 4 times. There's nothing I could do to predict it. Checked the Event Log after each freeze and it only shows the "Sudden Power failure" - that being hard reset.

>> No.4293711

Could be alot of things. Use Chkdsk to scan your drive or HDDScan try to rule out the hard drive. Rule out if it's your ram using memtest.
If all clear, refresh your system, Format the hard drive, reinstall windows, update windows, install and test programs/drivers one at a time.

But I think your laptop is dying and if there is any hardware faults it's best to get a new one rather than trying to replace parts.

>> No.4293716

did memtest last year (around winter) without any probs. Took like centuries to finish that shit.
Haven't tried the HDD ones, will try those, thanks.

one thing that have been bothering me for a while
how do you test individual drivers
aren't you suppose to install a bunch of drivers on a new machine? Including Intel's and Nvidia's (or AMD's)?
honestly it's hard to do that after 4 years of usage.

>> No.4293729

Get a job autist.

>> No.4293736

It's complicated. Basically you need WinDbg and a degree in Computer Science.

Driver issues can be cause by many things, a new driver being installed, windows update their .NET frame work causing old drivers to not work etc. It is much easier to start from scratch and see if the issue persist rather than diagnose.

>> No.4293765

>It is much easier to start from scratch and see if the issue persist rather than diagnose.
I thought the same
but being a poor fag sucks, that along with countless data that I haven't backed up in my HDD
it really is a kick in the balls whenever it freezes because I turned off auto-save (really disrupts flow once the canvas is 50MB+)

>> No.4294190


for anyone that has trouble finding it

>> No.4294203

How do you color having done a greyscale in scp? I mean, what kind of layers.

>> No.4294207

its the same like in photoshop, i mean the layer modes work the same. i posted the ctr paint link yesterday, there is a greyscale to colot tutorial in there https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TOLh8o5PtZYr4KYq3yIkUXXnaiU3n6fi-FZMJ4-gqCc/edit

>> No.4294396

do you just set up and run?

>> No.4294597

So, are the pens absolute garbage and only the pencils are worth using?

>> No.4294648

you are extremely stupid, to lobotomize yourself in order to make linework guesswork is a dumb tactic. take it slow, be confident in your lines and you will do them well.

>> No.4294730

I feel your pain
my msi motherboard recommend an audio program to download on the box (Nahimic 2) so i did,
everything was ok with the odd blue screen once every 2 weeks.
then after a BIOS update I kept getting random blue screens with memory errors fairly frequently, (sometimes 3 a day)
Nvidia Geforce Experience wouldn't start, just kept saying "something went wrong" and troubleshooting didn't help.
Eventually i found out that the program Nahimic 2 was never supposed to be downloaded cuz it fucked the audio drivers and where responsible for a shit ton of crashes.
Deleted it and all the fucking recommend programs from the MSI site and re-downloaded audio drivers and Nvidia drivers
I have been relatively good since. (only problem now is youtube vids flash green sometimes when i start them.)

Tl:dr fuck bloatware and only download shit you really need as certain programs can fuck with your system stability.

then there was this other time my pc kept shutting down and after a bunch of troubleshooting I realized I was saving shit to the wrong folder so my SSD boot drive was running out of space so my pc kept shutting down when I was doing stuff.

good luck troubleshooting.

>> No.4294746

cracks dead desu, and that keygen was identified as a virus

>> No.4294863

Use the ruler and grid tools.

>> No.4295030

Get a job, sempai.

>> No.4295055
File: 73 KB, 429x410, 12880203432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no crack

>> No.4295125

Stop being so cheap an buy it.

>> No.4295154
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1570672638794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! I want it for free!

>> No.4295165

man, I don't get watch brushes he is using at all
I can't even learn properly without knowing japanese

>> No.4295170

use krita, mate

>> No.4295181

just buy it

>> No.4295195
File: 254 KB, 596x790, afe0245e04626feca04fa189dd3b323e67f802c02a10ffada5afe2992c5e6065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4295198

1.9.4 is cracked, what do you mean?

>> No.4295205

But not the latest, with GOOD interface that's not raping me eyes, ya know

>> No.4295220

If you're looking for the brush, Lack has some of them in assets store.
I changed the texture of this one to "Impasto", to have a similar effect to the video.

>> No.4295235

thanks, do you know a similar artist that does it in english?

>> No.4295237
File: 270 KB, 413x632, 1573178910859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive tried for months but they never call back, i just want to get a crack of it

>> No.4295282

Unfortunately not.
Lack is kinda jewish but he's one of the few japanese artists who share their process on youtube.
Marc Brunet also paints in greyscale but he has a western style

>> No.4295300
File: 46 KB, 478x478, d0szgC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, man

>> No.4295424

Any good brush pack from someone coming from Photoshop?
I found some that looked cool but I don't wanna create a Deviantart account.

>> No.4295601
File: 48 KB, 691x328, CLIPStudioPaint_t2d1HO0G1t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to achieve a very specific blend, where the center is strong enough to remove an intermediary line but the edges have a soft fade
so far I can only achieve one or the other
any advice?

>> No.4295836
File: 54 KB, 576x382, blend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find I prefer "Running color" more than "Blend", left side is "Blend" and right is "Running color". If you put Amount of paint and Density of paint to 0 it's more like a blur, then adjust color stretch to taste. Experiment with size jitter on brush size for blending. I have something like 13-10-0 for hard brush color mixing, I prefer fixing these directly as opposed to playing with curves here. I have color mixing set to a hotkey as well since I rarely use it.

I recreated Photoshop-like hard and soft round airbrushes for clip from this vid but not the blending she did. These are my work horse brushes. The default Fill-in Mono Pen/Beta pen is a hard round with no opacity jitter already in clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZbJYAVmghk

You probably can't get it exactly how you want but close enough, just spend more time on feathering the edges out. I really dislike how some of the blending brushes/settings smear shit over the entire brush tip shape like in your picture.

>> No.4295892

Is this shit actually worth it on iPad

>> No.4295983

Thanks a ton, I'll give it a try.

>> No.4296091

When making a new animation, how are you supposed to use things like scene number, shot number, division line, etc.?

>> No.4297141
File: 110 KB, 346x312, 1548785869269.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there an equivalent to this kind of stabilization in csp?

>> No.4297518
File: 115 KB, 319x367, 1570770288565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a fucking key, or I'll rape all of you

>> No.4297585

Not per se, but you can use vector layers to change the direction of the line etc. after it is drawn

>> No.4298082

How do I install .tpl files to Clip Studio Paint? I tried dragging it and it did nothing and I know those files work with photoshop so it should work with CSP.

>> No.4298093

t. too dumb to use the crack

>> No.4298139

CSP doesn't support it.

>> No.4298166
File: 35 KB, 546x367, hsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to get Lab color pickers in CSP like in PS? There doesn't seem to be a way to lock the Lightness value. Default color picker only lets you lock HLS/HSV or RGB. Color Wheel 2 doesn't let you do what I want either by locking L since it's not the same perceptual L as in Lab

>> No.4298188

>those files work with photoshop so it should work with CSP.

You can save in Photoshop file format and open PSDs, but only with the overlapping features such as layers and most blend modes. Other than that there is no compability. The two software use completely different brush engines

>> No.4298200

What do you mean it's not the same? It should be the same thing. Make sure you're using the 'L*' of Lab and not the 'L' of HLS, they're completely different.

Note that there's a difference between using the LAB sliders within the RGB colorspace and actually using the LAB colorspace itself. CSP doesn't have a LAB colorspace, but it does have the sliders which should behave identically with Photoshop. You can try it out yourself and compare the resulting hex values with Photoshop.

>> No.4298210

So screenless tablets have expresskey shortcuts; can CSP use (standalone) numpad keyboards as an equal replacement? Like pressing 1 for ctrl+z etc

>> No.4298219
File: 47 KB, 549x409, ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no radio button to lock the L star like in Photoshop. All the colors on this plane in the PS color picker will have an L* of 96. Lab is useless except for manually entering a color in CSP since the color picker can't do this.

>> No.4298282
File: 5 KB, 116x112, 캡처2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY anyone know how to do this kind of thing?

>> No.4298595

use the tool "Decoration" its under airbrush and above the eraser. choose the "hatching" category. you have to tweak the settings and find the best brush size but it works well

>> No.4298999
File: 34 KB, 243x350, drawing-20200109-075257-000-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i mean some part of body is in border but head is popped out

>> No.4299256

Is there a way to make it so that when you flip the canvas view it doesnt move what you were drawing to the other side of your screen? Krita has a smart flip like this but I dont know if CSP does.

>> No.4299263

Yes, if you zoom in a bit on a particular spot

>> No.4299265

*before flipping

>> No.4299269

Oh, thanks.

>> No.4299292

Use the linear light mode. it should look the same.

>> No.4301667

they probably just rasterised borders when almost finished and then erased the intersecting lines

>> No.4301709

Sounds like overlay mode

>> No.4301720

This. Airbrush is cancer for shit like that. Probably took him way too long as a result.

>> No.4301914


im not mad
because being mad is detrimental to my mental health
I will accept that not every program is perfect
using 1.8.4 btw. Haven't updated for so long, is it worth it?

>> No.4301925

Never EVER leave clip studio open with a file. ALWAYS close when leaving the computer. Any saved brushes or other tools will be gone if it is not exited correctly.

>> No.4301931

imagine paying for this piece of shit

>> No.4301933

>ALWAYS close when leaving the computer
why is that? does the software use more and more memory the longer it runs?
>Any saved brushes or other tools will be gone if it is not exited correctly.
I noticed this. Mainly from random crashes, I always close it properly, if possible.

>> No.4302011

Haven't had this happen to me. I always shut down and CSP even restores my works, all the brushes are in tact as well. I just take it for granted that it recovers all my shit every time I open it.
Maybe you're using a torrented version?

>> No.4302015

Nope, it is a well known bug. Unless they fixed on the latest update

>> No.4302157

nope, just cba to update (using pro 1.8.4) bc none of the new features (AI coloring etc) helps me. I do read patch notes though, and I haven't seen any about improved stability or performance.
feel free to correct me, any improvement in any of those 2 would be nice.
also I have auto-backup disabled bc it disrupts my flow too much.

>> No.4302236

you're retarded for not upgrading to 1.8.6. the brushes in that are excellent, and the new ui is much better in a recent update

never had a problem with backups or wipes, i set backup to 60 minutes and it's less bothersome.

>> No.4302766
File: 374 KB, 637x484, 12575643567565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried uhhhhh upgrading your PC? My 2014 year monster had 0 errors in 5 years

>> No.4302884

mine is also from 2014, but i guess it's the specs that matter. 7.8 GBs RAM prob isn't enough for 200MB canvases.

>> No.4302907

Force quits can happen for a lot of reasons. I have 24 gigs of RAM btw. Doesn't matter. It's a bug that you should know about

>> No.4302979

There’s a lot of tutorials on Pinterest like these but they need to be translated is there a translating app that can do that

>> No.4303872

upgraded to 1.9.7
performance wise, CSP still stutter if I look at it wrong, still. gonna take a bit to get used to the new UI, but I think I like it.
what I mean is that, CSP freezes for a few seconds if I perform actions (zoom in/out/stroke/rotate/etc.) quickly.

>> No.4303997

>the new UI
what ui? its still looks the same same to me. 1.9.7 cracked

>> No.4304078

Anyone have a tracker for it? wanna give this thing a go, tia

>> No.4304094

Wait a minute 1.9.7 cracked?

>> No.4304113
File: 1.16 MB, 750x731, variations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Clip Studio equivalent to this Photoshop feature that shows you different variations of your artwork?

>> No.4304139
File: 125 KB, 680x337, phelphs-doubt-template[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.9.7 cracked

>> No.4304940
File: 3.91 MB, 1750x2000, painting test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the tutorials I followed said to blend with watercolor brush but I have no idea how to do that. This was the end result of me trying to paint digitally for the first time and yeah it looks weird, are there any good rendering/blending tutorials because I'm not sure I should be straight up painting over my lineart for this or doing something else.

>> No.4305021

Has anyone else had an issue where your mouse sensitivity increases after using a tablet? I'll be working and try to use the mouse only to find it more sensitive than before, closing CSP and unplugging the tablet seems to do nothing but it goes back to normal after logging off my computer.
Is this a tablet issue or a CSP issue?

>> No.4305023
File: 91 KB, 576x250, 1113237543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me free CSP

>> No.4305088

>4. pencil for lineart
His canvas must be mega tiny

Which resolution do you usually work on for a basic illustration anons?

>> No.4305128
File: 28 KB, 360x360, 295048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in line

>> No.4305133

Clear as mud. Must be a programmer who designed it

>> No.4305150
File: 20 KB, 328x350, ad4dcdb4217389e434f1469990d25e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not bad at all anon. What you really need is working on your form and using hard and soft shadows to stop your art from looking muddy

>> No.4305162
File: 450 KB, 1585x402, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, so they give us 4 options to resize pictures now, since when this has been a feature (using 1.9.7)? Not that it matters though, I still use the same old one (Average Colors) because every other option gives messed up results.

>> No.4305240

my bad, its 1.9.4 i downloaded it from cgpeers and i thought its the latest version

>> No.4305260

>correction layer
>color balance

>> No.4305346

is that yours? blog/sauce

>> No.4305407

why is there still no latest cracked version for mac

>> No.4306088

is brush density the equivalent of Photoshop's flow in CSP?

>> No.4306128

"yes" but the algorithms aren't exactly similar, i find i have to go down on some brushes to more like a 20-30 to get an equivalent 30-40. you can easily bind a hotkey to turn on/off pen pressure jitter on brush size and brush density which is really convenient. this way you can have one brush instead of the 4-5 different variations you'd need in photoshop

>> No.4306233
File: 63 KB, 315x383, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea as to why some japanese artists use the "icon" cursor? is there a specific reason or just personal preference?

>> No.4306295

Oh okay, thank you anon.

>> No.4307176

Easier to see than a tiny dot

>> No.4308956

>Open Clip Studio
>4 unnamed tabs with blank program icon opens
>then closes themselves down to Clip Studio

what causes this to happen? slow computer? CSP is a great program for drawing and painting stuff, but god damn, I would be lying if I denied the amount of heart attacks it has given me

>> No.4309478

Are you using pirated version?

>> No.4309498

what is the best tutorial for this program for one who does the transition from ps?

>> No.4309520

enjoy your russian deep web botnet

>> No.4309528

damn dood, just buy it, it's like 25 dollars on sale and it goes on sale every year, twice a year or more.

>> No.4309568

it's very similar, so you can learn by just doing, no tutorial needed.

>> No.4309824
File: 24 KB, 485x443, 0t5hS1d6.png small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to download more filters for Clip Studio? there's really not many options as it is.

>> No.4309850

use krita/the gmic shit in there, gimp, imagemagick

>> No.4309919

Is there a way to delete every line in a specific color? for example if I sketch in red and lineart on the same layer with blue, can I delete all the red?

>> No.4310105
File: 139 KB, 1071x783, ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magic wand, retard.

if you want to do that, turn off anti-aliasing for the brushes you plan on drawing with. it might be ugly to you at first but you get used to it. Something like the fill-in mono pen under the marker (alternatively, anything with 100% opacity/density and no pressure jitter). Then use the wand with combinations of unchecking area scaling and "Apply to connected pixels only".

I constantly change the top two magic wand settings to what I need. Get familiar with area scaling, color margin, the different scaling modes (round and darkest pixel get my best results based on needs). I keep anti-aliasing off for most of my tool because it fucks everything up and when scaled down goes away mostly.

>> No.4310454

Depends of your budget. But for average hobbist... no, just get procreate.

>> No.4310488

You're high on crack if you think it holds a candle for illustrators that could ever compare.

>> No.4310489

What is the appeal of life-preserver lips? Or is it just easier to draw a couple circles and call it a day than to learn how to draw a proper mouth.

>> No.4310497

CSP is 90% the same as PS to begin with. It's more or less just a version of PS optimized for drawing comics.

>> No.4310506

>CSP is between 50 and 220 bucks

>> No.4310513

hell no your smoking everything i can come up with csp is 64%

>> No.4310523

it regularly goes on sale for $25. it's a perpetual license and gets you beyond what photoshop can do for illustrations. it's just lack in post processing/photo editing features but better for drawing in every way.

>> No.4310530

any idea when the next sale may be, if you had to guess? What's the difference between pro and ex?

>> No.4310563

probably around valentine's day.

pro is what you probably want, ex just has a few extra features that most people won't use. stuff for doujin projects like comic projects, some edge detection filters, and ability to animate for unlimited length of time (pro only lets you do 1 second). if you like it enough and want those features then it's like a $67 upgrade you can buy during the next sale. i bought it for animation because i like using the brushes so much.

>> No.4311004

Also, Select >> Select color gamut. might work.

>> No.4311030

>i bought it for animation because i like using the brushes so much.
I would've done that if their timelines wasn't so fucking retarded. If they somehow fix it one day I'll upgrade in a heartbeat, love using CSP.

I bought it for $50 then like a week later it was on sale for $25, I don't regret it for a moment but if you really care wait a bit, they always do that. They're on sale every couple of months.

>> No.4312252
File: 913 KB, 498x260, 1578057762398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soooo wheres the crack fellas? and im not talking about the drug

>> No.4312307
File: 1.27 MB, 500x500, 1575815527460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any day now

>> No.4312316

They changed how the DRM works with 1.9.5 so a crack isn't coming soon, and it'll probably need to come from a major release group.

>> No.4312321

oh... nice!
damn it, hopefully they come up with the crack soon. any older cracks you recommend?

>> No.4312325

1.9.5-7 didn't bring anything big, just new UI graphics mainly. You can find 1.9.4 easily enough.

>> No.4312340
File: 113 KB, 850x693, 1551112039844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for making you spoonfeed me but where could i get it? last time i tried to download one it was detected as a virus

>> No.4312907
File: 70 KB, 1200x800, what a shitload of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>save file as a .lip file
>delete old layers and save
>filesize remains the same

What's the point of this filetype?