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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 112 KB, 2000x2000, Peach_Mom_Art_Trade_Clothed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4252397 No.4252397 [Reply] [Original]

any idea what's actually happening to kiwihermit?

like what's the big fucking deal what'd he do

>> No.4252408
File: 122 KB, 648x299, 3B403816-2122-45DC-9DA6-433E17534374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a good thread made about him awhile ago.
Shame it wasn’t archived.

This one was tho

>> No.4252416

>Shame it wasn’t archived.
Are we back to having to vote on archives now?

>> No.4252454

> internal drama results in friend leaking kiwi's lewds
> kiwi is 16
> gets attacked by puritanfags
Archives for posterity:

Let the kid draw his damn porn, he's almost 17 for fucks sake. At that age, most people are discerning enough to not fall for grooming schemes.

>> No.4252456

A kid drew porn? That’s it? Really?

>> No.4252457

Aroud normies never relax

>> No.4252458

Yeah. That's it.
The ability for Twitterfags to get outraged over anything possible astounds and confuses me.

>> No.4252481

I mean it’s fine if he kept that private, but somehow that shit got leaked and his following are mainly kids.

>> No.4252518

so he has an audience of minors, and kept his porn private, and someone else leaked it
and people are mad about it?
it's not his fault why do people give such a shit

>> No.4252520

>>> >>4252457

>> No.4252528

And normalfags think websites like 4chan are monstrous, when in reality they are the monsters.

>> No.4252679

both get outraged at dumb shit.

>> No.4252696
File: 97 KB, 760x720, 1560445704121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the time one of you told a hilarious story where he got caught drawing Penises inside textbooks in elemetary school and everyone asked what was the big deal literally every kid did that way back when except he drew a giant penis destroying the school with little minions raping everybody.

>> No.4252704

>already a tranny feticist
he deserves everything against him. What a degenerate

>> No.4252716

How’s this thread art related besides gossiping about some faggy teen artist?

>> No.4252719

There are worse and more off-topic threads you could complain about anon. This is a thread about an artist on an art board.

>> No.4252724

> already a trap connoisseur

>> No.4252918
File: 323 KB, 1481x1460, c8348c338ddbcaf57d00207f750df5b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had a panic attack because he was afraid people would cancel him over his incest porn.

>> No.4252923
File: 1.28 MB, 1061x1500, 1549345612844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4252948

his followers are around his age or way older, why are people pretending 16yos arent extremely horny 24/7

>> No.4252951

ok he has based taste ngl

>> No.4252965

Because we've somehow come up with a fucked up perception that a 16 yo is still a child and in no way is capable of sex until the very second it goes over the age of 18 and then the magical libido fairy pays a visit and they wake up liking boobies all of the sudden.

>> No.4252972

God poor kid. That shit can be so stressful. No one deserves this kind of heat for drawing some lewds let alone a child.

>> No.4252973
File: 53 KB, 720x252, Screenshot_2019-11-08-02-43-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found out hes actually a manipulative prick and turns out thats why everything got leaked. So no its not just the porn

>> No.4252974

The plot thickens.

>> No.4252999

This screenshot proves nothing

>> No.4253146

Right?! Who doesn't like messing with creeps? One of 4chan's pastimes is messing with people who deserve it. And honestly, who doesn't enjoy ruining a jerk's day?

>> No.4253162
File: 925 KB, 1480x1922, KiwiHermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is how you make shit interesting.

>> No.4253164
File: 355 KB, 500x491, 1568670278051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4253180
File: 57 KB, 550x545, kiwijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4253185

Are you really going to take a single out of context screenshot at face value and immediately believe it? He could easily just be talking about trolling or raiding/spamming another discord server that he doesn't like

>> No.4253186

>Obsessing over underage artists who are more successful than you
Never change, /ic/.

>> No.4253187


>> No.4253191
File: 107 KB, 1276x1000, 3270869 - Kiwi_Hermit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4253202

I’m think most of the posters ITT come from that /trash/ thread complaining about artists/commisoners, not here.

>> No.4253204

Of course not! Here have the full context - https://mobile.twitter.com/KiwiHermit/status/1123370174806151168

>> No.4253205

who fucking cares he's shit

>> No.4253208

you cared enough to bump the thread retard

>> No.4253209

oh no ho, now THIS is cancellation

>> No.4253217

idgaf about his weird porn or whatever but anyone who does ugly thick lines like this should be canceled

>> No.4253223

Oh no a child with an undeveloped brain said something hypocritical.Why do you care so much about what some kid on twitter thinks? Also,the thread doesn't prove that kiwi is manipulative

>> No.4253224

I'm pretty sure sageing is still a thing?

Making the ratio of posts about not the thread topic increase gives the topic less legitimacy ;)

In fact, let me increase my response
a little
just for you, babe

An addendum: fuck furries and pussy liberals

>> No.4253256
File: 81 KB, 998x998, 1560053746614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to under mind their fuck ups the kid royally screwed up and now he has to eat his own words. It was all fine and dandy when he was making a Shekel out of being young dumb and full of cum but heavens to betsy he gets called out and caught in a controversial scandal from drawing bestiality with animal kids being diddled by mommy! He can't have both ways and continue to be hiding behind his age he needs to own up to his fuck ups like the adult he is when he illustrates these adult orientated materials.

>> No.4253261

just ban anyone under 18 from the internet altogether.

>> No.4253262
File: 31 KB, 748x769, unnamed 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never seen such a based response on /ic/
cringe twitter tranny

>> No.4253267

I'm fine for leaving people to draw what they enjoy, But living by cancel/callout culture means you're subject to it, especially with 36k followers. 16 years is old enough to know better than to draw sexualized children while simultaneously speaking out against it, that's NOT an accident. It can take hours to complete a pic and at no point did he stop and think it was a bad idea. Nor did he have the presence of mind to keep it to himself. He doesn't get a pass, he gave that up when he joined up with the self-righteous crowd for easy followers.

I'm not going to sit idly by while these types get to steamroll us all into censorship. Artists are getting shit on for drawing flat chested adult women (themselves as reference), getting hounded for drawing aged up versions of characters, and cosplayers are feeling the heat too from these twitter sjw's for cosplaying normally underaged characters and being sexy.

>> No.4253269

I don't think we have enough evidence to prove that he isnt manipulative either.
The leakings happened because of him being manipulative

>> No.4253278
File: 107 KB, 1200x800, AF64FE55-5A93-45A8-89B5-8A55E56C180B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of people even like this type of degeneracy?
I wonder what his follower demographics are.

>> No.4253281

What is this shit ass thread

>> No.4253284

These kinds of people are comprised of real pedos that are part of the furry fandom and into this "cub" fetish where the figures are basically underage/toddler animal people with diaper play and all sorts of degenerate shit that makes Sodom and Gomorrah a walk in the park.

>> No.4253285
File: 26 KB, 482x463, 1573607299618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.4253289

Forgot to add that the groups into this cub shit also pay top dollar for commissions, wouldn't be surprised if there were at least a couple of glowies getting ready to v& someone.

>> No.4253296

there's also a discord server dedicated to praising kiwi.
Kiwis followers are about a million times worse, every situation they involved themselves with they've been frowned upon.

These blind fucks are making everything worse.
theres also a discord server dedicated to praising kiwi, and when i say praising i mean it, its a cult.

>> No.4253310
File: 10 KB, 225x225, OMGPEDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like their twitter conversation about how being attracted to Jotaro(17) makes you a pedophile?

>> No.4253323

You can put that somewhere under a category but yea kinda

>> No.4253328

This nigga is 17? Whaaaaaat????

>> No.4253354
File: 78 KB, 1208x1127, 3404846 - KiwiHermit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he draw such huge cocks?

>> No.4253357

Teenagers are the most horny, and combine that with decent /beg/ tier skills

>> No.4253368

>especially with 36k followers

I really don't believe it's a good thing for kids to get this much attention when they're young. When I was 16 deviantart was popular and still the "main" site people posted their art at. I don't think it was possible for artists to get that many watchers.

And if you did any stupid shit on deviantart because hey you're still a kid, it was easier for people to forget it because doxing and social media wasn't as popular yet.

>> No.4253376

I love how normies think
Kid getting popular for drawing lewds = good, give him 30k followers
Same kid drawing cock n balls = very bad, literal rape and torture

>> No.4253378

why do the parents allow their children to obtain such fragility.

where the fuck are they

>> No.4253385

single mothers

>> No.4253388
File: 178 KB, 1884x2000, Blue_Art_Trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fairly easy to avoid having your parents look at your online presence
and that most parents dont monitor their children enough or at all when they go online, so we get people like this
pic related dude is also a major underaged fag, squeals and calls on his drones whenever someone says anything remotely not positive of his work

>> No.4253393

not to mention these kids are basically raised by an ipad and a bottle of xanax

>> No.4253417

Kiwi's having even stronger trust issues now, after the leaks he's been playing extremely nice. nobody knows who the leakers actually are so it makes sense hed be like that as the dudes are probably in his server and talk to him on a day to day basis.

they needed to get the porn shared to them at some point.
Guess he did it to himself

>> No.4253419

Before cheap smartphones and tablets existed a lot of families only had one home computer. And the computer was usually somewhere that allowed the parents to keep an easier eye on what their children was up to.

I can't imagine being a kid and having a internet-connected mini computer with me 24/7. I didn't even get a smartphone until near the end of high school (Early 20s here).

>> No.4253450

my sides

>> No.4253457

Literally who?

>> No.4253461

you know it has to be "that" side of twitter, those guys have sometimes even 100k followers but you've never heard or seen their works anywhere

>> No.4253479

They only reason I know about this kid is because /ic/ loves to shit all over him.

>> No.4253515

it's mostly crabs

>> No.4254168

Wish we had more about the manipulative part of the story

>> No.4254228

this nigga mocked aphelion08 for doing basically the same thing, being manipulative and drawing/sharing nsfw despite being underage

>> No.4254307
File: 51 KB, 546x550, 1574932021162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight
>16-7 years old kids is an artist
>he also have incest and furry kinks
>secretly draw nsfw contents
>some fag leak his shit
>tranitters mad because of "muh children can't draw porn"
Anything else?

>> No.4254320

Yeah, he's using his age as leverage and convenience when he fucks up and uses it as an excuse because he's "still a kid" Hiding behind your age is to pretending you're a girl as an exploit to gain perks.

>> No.4254347

Add on the following:
>Publicly decries drawing minors in sexual situations
That’s about it though. Was expecting worse

>> No.4254360

its more that he sold himself as the "uwu innocent smol bean 16yo artist" and marketed the being underage part HARD despite there being way better furry niggas on twitter of the same age, then he got pissy at people drawing nsfw of their very obviously sexualized characters, and went on the typical loli bad crusade every twitter artist does almost as a rite of initiation nowadays
then when the porn leaked people got mad at him doing it because reasons? or the things already mentioned

>> No.4254373

Holy shit who even cares nobody cares you fucking moron this is beyond irrelevant I care so little it literally hurts

>> No.4254382
File: 85 KB, 596x1008, 1576246192092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething twitter tranny

>> No.4254438
File: 10 KB, 198x199, 1493064546622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution to cancel culture is not to encourage it. This isn't a scenario where your ebin accelerationism or whatever retarded ideology you're trying to apply will be at all useful. All you're going to do is make shit infinitely worse for the rest of us and yourself. Especially considering how controlled the future looks, if we get into any kind of authoritarian or puritanical groove on a decent scale then that's going to be the dominant culture for decades if not fucking centuries.
Stop being a dumbass. Stop perpetuating toxic bullshit.
Just because there are creeps in a group doesn't mean the whole are creeps or responsible for the creeps.

>> No.4254447

LOL what a nerd

>> No.4254456


>> No.4254521

How did this kid even get his shit leaked? Unless somebody hacked into his comp I'm not sure how it's anyone but his own fault for getting exposed

>> No.4254527
File: 631 KB, 500x493, 1566725564478.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post on coomer discord server
>retards start saving and sharing shit
wooow russian hackers are really active this time of year

>> No.4254580

Why are you wojacking at me when I'm saying the same shit you are you fucking nonce. I swear you people just have no intelligence at all

>> No.4254698
File: 720 KB, 1280x1280, smug_pig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He could easily just be talking about trolling or raiding/spamming another discord server that he doesn't like
Are you reeeally going to take a single out of context screenshot at face value and immediately believe it?

>> No.4255524

as the saying goes, the fish dies by the mouth

>> No.4255545

I wish I have a controversy over me and immediately make it.

>> No.4255557
File: 381 KB, 1252x1496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4255583

I prefer kiwi being honest with himself rather than staying fake. He'll thus gain a more genuine community

>> No.4255585

Yea, but he should make a nsfw alt then. Because he can’t just change his current account to a mixture of nsfw and sfw.

>> No.4255587

what's the fuss about him drawing porn anyway?
At his age I was already fapping to guro and ryona

>> No.4255588


fucking zoomer degenerates lmao

>> No.4255597

its mix of people not having anything better to do with their lives, and kiwi being an insufferable little shit that deserves being told to no be so obnoxious, he is what happens when a a kid gets too much internet clout

>> No.4255944


>> No.4256135
File: 35 KB, 564x823, 1576202007093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4256180

I literally beat off to rape hentai every day for a month straight when I was 15 years old.

>> No.4256214

LMAO yeah kid draw the big tiddys follow your dream

>> No.4256286

he's shit anyways lol

catboot lookin ass

>> No.4256358

i was beating it to femdom when i was 10 onwards why are people pretending that a 16yo doesnt desperately want sex, if anything when i was 14 and really stupid i did try to find pictures of underage people having sex because yeah
i was underage

>> No.4256371

>"I just wanna draw big gadongaroons on fictional characters in unrealistic ways"
He's living his best life

>> No.4256373
File: 70 KB, 487x458, 1568865175272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be surprised if the Law was retroactive and can go back years behind your past to charge you with crimes just like that one guy that had a picture of his wife when she was 16 and he was young lad but was charged for possession of Pizza. Careful what you say dumbass.

>> No.4256400

Don't forget about the case of the 16 year old girl who was charged with breaking child porn laws because she had a lewd video.of herself on her phone

>> No.4256412
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1442884957972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The absolute tool.

>> No.4256593

Let me explain.Legally speaking,if a minor makes child porn,even if it's of themselves,it's considered to be the creation of child pornography /though Im pretty sure the pEason is also treated as a victim as well)

>> No.4256598

(Though Im pretry sure the person *

>> No.4256602

He made porn of a person who couldn't consent to having porn be made of them.If he didn't want to get jailed he shoulnt have been retard.Simple as

>> No.4256607

Especially if they are a minor, since they can’t comsent.

>> No.4256623


Gotta love how those retarded boomers write laws.

>> No.4256813

It was not adult entertainment it was a personal image of his wife who was his girlfriend at the time he got the image of her in their adolescents. He had it saved on his phone though that is how law enforcement found out.

>> No.4257065

At least in Burgerland, yeah.

>> No.4257134

Oh shit thought this was archived.

>> No.4257162

Oh, the guy was a massive hypocrite

>> No.4257163


>> No.4257225
File: 549 KB, 720x534, 1458783585834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4258265
File: 22 KB, 1040x860, Game_Over_Dino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga horny over Google

>> No.4258266

How does anyone know he's 16?

>> No.4258292
File: 34 KB, 911x536, god emperor of cuckdana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he's a minor in Canda's terms
god help you if you have a 5GB stash of jojo yaoi, and better not drop that soap.

>> No.4258296

holy shit I drew furry porn in my high school AP Art class and my professor thought it was hilarious. Let kids be kids and introduce themselves to sexuality on their own time.

>> No.4258307

But your professor isn’t a minor though?

>> No.4258316

personally, I don't think so.
its a common tatic creepy old men used on the internet, pretending to be a young attractive model/teen to get in contact with dumb gullible kids on club penguin or whatever. he also seems more calculated/manipulative too, and the way he's more 'public' of his online persona is off too. Personally when I was a wee lad (14), I was more reluctant to strive for e-fame and my friends at school were like that too because of the PSAs we were taught about internet and protecting personal info. I dunno if kids are like that now because of the sudden rapid bursts of changes/shifts that the internet has.

>> No.4258324

But other students saw it too. They critiqued it for me. I'm just saying that minors will find porn on their own time, and it's not really the artist's fault. Unless the artist willfully goes out to show porn to kids, which is not what Kiwi's situation is. That is what GlitchedPuppet did, and that's where you find a real problem.

>> No.4258332

>>4258324 in neku_zx's server kiwi shared his nsfw to a lot of minors in the recent past.

>> No.4258358 [DELETED] 


>> No.4258379

Isn’t that the guy that drew all those Minecraft girls with boring ass designs and yet somehow still god a big following and tons of fan art out of it (nigga literally put fat thighs on a skeleton)

>> No.4258384


>> No.4258389
File: 17 KB, 598x646, haha_yes_minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically cope, but yes you're right

>> No.4258394
File: 11 KB, 180x139, D22D5D66-EC72-42C5-8E53-95A5017BC716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha in that case they got what they deserved in my eyes lol

>> No.4258395

based kiwi

>> No.4258798

I think they have doxxed themselves once before, who's to say that's not his kid's info

>> No.4258800

I guess they really did win. What a strange future we live in.

>> No.4258802

If the "kid" even exist that is

>> No.4258826

Coomers and SJWs being Coomers and SJWs.

Close /ic/, nothing is new under the sun and nobody draws anyway.

>> No.4258958

i love how split this thread is.

>> No.4259437

>except he drew a giant penis destroying the school with little minions raping everybody.
Okay. This is fucking cool.

>> No.4259865

How even

>> No.4260172
File: 1.78 MB, 400x279, 14ECD934-62D1-490D-9C97-C58F8A2A08DD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4260215
File: 249 KB, 640x601, 1400167833_1703122734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I care about literal child you absolute spergs.

>> No.4260329
File: 203 KB, 2000x2000, 7th_Ranger_Art_Trade_Birds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by bumping this thread you care automatically

>> No.4264269

It took me 40 seconds to figure out what was going on in this picture.

>> No.4264704

you might have brain damage

>> No.4264926

Same sorta problem.Took me a while to understand that she had plant arms

>> No.4266378

ive just realized lmao

>> No.4266378,1 [INTERNAL] 
