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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 399 KB, 800x394, csp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4242463 No.4242463 [Reply] [Original]

>search CSP
>multiple random question threads
Only needs to be one

Old thread was archived on warosu

Clip has an asset site that has a lot of free materials to download like brushes, 3d models, patterns, gradient maps, and other things.
Official youtube
Basics of the program
Misc features/webinars/workflows

>> No.4242467

just pirated this shit, and this thread opens.wow.
anyway is this software just a manga studio reskin or what?

>> No.4242499

yeah, so it literally IS manga studio, just horribly optimized with some added useless shit. Can't see how anyone would pick this over photoshop or SAI

>> No.4242556

>couldn't afford it for 25 bucks

>> No.4242587

Where you got it? I need ir please.

>> No.4242667

You are legitimately, mentally retarded. Honestly just die right now, removing your worthless bloodline would be your single most useful contribution to mankind

>> No.4242675

Can't beat free baby. Capitalism ho!

>> No.4242750
File: 277 KB, 576x549, 1575005295953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't see how anyone would pick this over photoshop or SAI

I can understand photoshop...But SAI? PAINT TOOL SAI???

>> No.4242756

>CSP thread
>No link to the official user guide
>No link to official tutorial section
>No mention of the monthly user submitted tutorial competition
>only a matter of time until some anon jumps in with a basic as fuck question that is answered in the guide or covered in the tutorial section.
every time.

>> No.4242821

How would you even draw the girl like in OPs pic.

You make some 0.1% progress and get mogged the fuck out by a pro

>> No.4242826

Photoshop is shit as well, the only thing it has going for it is that the western industry uses it as a standard.

>> No.4242828
File: 29 KB, 343x429, 1575563968571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try learning

>> No.4242863

based and red pilled

>> No.4243077

Feel free to make the next one, Anon. I only dled CSP two days ago. Thought making this thread would answer my questions too, but I see it's just full of useless bickering like the rest of ic.

>> No.4243084

share the link anon

>> No.4243087

What do you guys think of the new UI? I don't like the inverted brush display. They should let the user customize their own colors instead of these dumb dark/light sliders. The rounded boxes are a complete eye sore. The material browser is an improvement though.

>> No.4243101

that picture was made using Adobe© Photoshop® CC™

>> No.4243117

I use a pirated copy of EX. What about this new UI?

>> No.4243159


They fucking raped the UI. Looks like default Android or some shitty college app.

Easy reading my ass. Did they really have to do it?

>> No.4243178

It looks more professional, or more like PS, but I'm not sure if it is for the better. I mostly use hotkeys so it doesn't bother me too much so far.

>> No.4243279

I'm thinking of changing it back to previous version. I used the dot for cursor type but now it's too big so it distracts me. Single pixel dot is
too small to see.

I found the download link for the previous version but it seems i need to uninstall Clip.
Does this also remove all of my settings and brushes? I did upload my settings to cloud.

>> No.4243348

You could probably save them in the program files before uninstalling.

>> No.4243386

This or SAI? Fight!

>> No.4243388

Sai is abandonware so CSP wins by default.

>> No.4244217

I like it.
I just updated but some of my brushes and hotkeys disappeared/reset. Where did they go? How do I prevent that from happening next time?

>> No.4244223

t. have been using a pirated version of sai for 6 years

>> No.4244259

You can use this method https://tips.clip-studio.com/en-us/articles/887

Also, since I'm about to update too, did you update from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 when this happened or were you using an older version?

>> No.4244445

Do you guys ever use the blend/mixing function for your paint brushes? I've been trying to kinda oil paint for a while and I've always felt that I should have that feature enabled so it has more of a painterly look with subtle color variations, instead of just having solid blocks of of a single color. idk if I'm just a shitter but enabling mixing makes it kind of hard to control, although in theory it should make the process easier.

>> No.4244455

>tfw use G-pen
>can't get it to be like Mangaka
How do they do this line weight bullshit?

>> No.4244460

some use the vector layers and adjust weight afterwards with the Correct Line Width tool.

>> No.4244469

thank you.
yeah it was 1.9.4 to 1.9.5

>> No.4244486

I use it with some of my brushes when I want a more oil paint feeling. It's not very logical in the beginning but then you get the hang of it after a while. The blending effect depends on the direction of your stroke, and the values of the surrounding areas.

>> No.4244548

I'm still using 1.9.4. Is there someone with 1.9.5 who can tell me if there is a way to use the old interface? I don't wanna upgrade because of those shitty photoshopish flat design icons.

>> No.4244639

I can't find it in preferences, at least.

>> No.4244663
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8e06db71560213.5bc935d802b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no liquify

>> No.4244697

Ahh got my smaller dot back. I just uninstalled Clip and installed the previous version and everything was where it should be, no need for loading the settings from cloud or anything like that.
I'm going to wait for an update where you could at least decide which UI to use, the new one wasn't for me.

>> No.4244699
File: 39 KB, 720x900, 1556562563311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brush should I use to block values pre rendering and which brush to use for painting? When I'm trying to block it feels like I'm just smearing shit

>> No.4244717

Turn off color mixing if you don't want any stretching and smearing. In case of doubt you can always just use hard and soft rounds

>> No.4244757

Okay, thanks! That's sad.

>> No.4245129

The new UI is great, seems a little bit faster/more responsive. Dark is actually dark too. Only thing I had to change was that it reset the display for my pens to show the pen tool and not brush size as I set it before.

>> No.4245198

Fuck off back to réddit with your cringy "insults"

>> No.4245232

If you had to convince me to stop using SAI and switch to CSP instead, what would your main argument be?

>> No.4245235

I don't care what you use

>> No.4245236

None, because I won’t waste my time trying convince a retard on what to use.

>> No.4245258

stop samefagging and gtfo if you dont have anything useful to say you worthless piece of shit

tons of useful options that sai doesnt have, the default brush presets are actually REALLY good (watercolor is better than sai imo, pencil and ink are really good as well), brush settings arent as complicated as sai,the software is still getting updates, the drawing engine feels really nice and stabilizer works fine, very convenient options for displaying reference and/or your artwork (you can open it in another window, mirror it and keep drawing while you check for errors). also idk if you do comics but csp has really amazing and unique features for it

its not like you *have* to switch but i do recommend it. i'm very sceptical when it comes to switching software and i used photoshop for all my life. i made the switch to csp 2 months ago and im shocked because of how better it works for actual sketching and painting, photoshop feels like shit now.

>> No.4245261


>> No.4245262

Pathetic samefag

>> No.4245275

>Sai is abandonware
>Not checking out SAI2, updated several times this year, which is like a baby CSP but with SAI's better brush engine

>> No.4245345
File: 140 KB, 750x900, 1563110817693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In case of doubt you can always just use hard and soft rounds
Which one are these? They have all names like Opaque Watercolor, Soft Bleed, Dry Gouache or Lighter Ink

>> No.4245366

Where is that picture from? It’s fantastic

>> No.4245381

photoshop or csp? why?

>> No.4245386
File: 273 KB, 500x500, Cyrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw anime eyes? I wanna gag every time I see what I draw.

>> No.4245387
File: 102 KB, 392x513, 5LdARYT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any textured hair brushes they would recommend like these? (These are presets I already have on photoshop)

>> No.4245405
File: 52 KB, 534x562, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one called "brush hair tool" and one called "good for hair". it's really not hard to make a brush in clip you should learn at the very least how they work, very simple to make a rake/hair brush. i have my own rakes that i've used, also textures are easy to add on.

hair tool (preferred)
zedig, hair, and pretty cool are the only ones i kept from here https://gumroad.com/l/NBlG

>> No.4245408

use abrmate to export the brush tips and recreate them in clip. For something basic like that they should behave pretty similarily

>> No.4245411

>Which one are these? They have all names like Opaque Watercolor, Soft Bleed, Dry Gouache or Lighter Ink

Round= using the built in round brush shape that has a slider from hard to soft rather than using custom brush tips. Uncheck color mixing to render with opacity

>> No.4245414
File: 131 KB, 403x640, 8d9aaf58-67bd-4e04-847a-4ce75d84355e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find pics with eye styles that you like and copy them, combine elements from different styles into one eye, mess around with hue variation and shading within the iris and shit

>> No.4245417

Fill in brush with size opacity jitter. It's a hard round opaque brush. Duplicate it and turn opacity and brush density jitter on, now you have a hard round with opacity and flow jitter like photoshop.

>> No.4245452

How well does CSP handle being installed on a device running intel atom CPU with 2gb ram?
I'm actually considering buying the asus vivotab note 8, that little thing from 2013, mostly because it seems to be the only 8 inch tablet, running full windows, that has wacom feel pen on it. Everything else either uses n-trig, or is one of those chink products with who-knows-what stylus.
Will be mostly used for notetaking, since the OneNote UWP app runs well on everything, but I wonder if maybe SAI is the better choice.

>> No.4245472

It would chug like shit as the CPU core is only 1.86GHz
If you ran the subscription mobile version it might run better.

>> No.4245482
File: 21 KB, 340x270, 1563965199761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4245580
File: 56 KB, 257x553, su2LTBm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ive tried that but they dont seem to look right, im not too familiar with the settings in CSP
>>4245405 thanks love ill try em out

>> No.4245686

>The new UI is great
I installed it on a secondary computer and... Oh yeah, so great, they really made it looks like Photoshop CC, how nice, how original. If people like it, good for them, but why forcing everyone to use it?

>> No.4245688

Try it yourself instead of waiting for people or companies to sell you things.

>> No.4248183

Can i somehow make the brush only increase by 1px past size 10, the jump to 12.5 is kind of annoying.
I know you can manually switch but i want it as a keyboard bind.

>> No.4248200

You can input the exact increments in the options actually.

>> No.4248212

Its not in key bindings, not in preferences either.

>> No.4248299

My bad, I remembered wrong. Instead you go to the Window drop down menu and select brush size. You edit your brush size presets there.

>> No.4248318


>> No.4248322

Its useless if my keyboard is ignoring the presets.

>> No.4248326


>> No.4248329

That's strange, mine follow the presets.

>> No.4248390

Well did you edit it to size 11 or something between 12.5?
Because it automatically goes to 12.5

>> No.4248401

Any screenshots of the new UI would be helpful

>> No.4248403

Is there any way to convert abr brush files to work in clip studio? I know abrmate used to be able to convert them, but I can't find a working download for that anymore. Any help would be appreciated, I've got a ton of custom brushes I made in ps that I want to bring into csp.

>> No.4248427

Yes, I can add brush increments of one pixel and cycle through them. It only uses the brush size presets in the brush size panel.

Different brush engines so direct conversion is not possible. You can import the brush tip size and fiddle with the settings to get some kind of approximation but it won't be 100% the same.

>> No.4249480

Yeah I know direct conversion isn't possible. I guess what I'm asking is if there's a way I can get the transparent png of the brush tip/shapes from abr files, or if I'm going to have to recreate all of those manually

>> No.4249519


Works for me. First search result.

>> No.4249588

oh shit, thank you. for some reason i was getting nothing but 403's earlier

>> No.4250605
File: 293 KB, 392x464, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody installed it.

>> No.4250613
File: 589 KB, 3840x2160, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really it's not a major change, just different looking icons.

>> No.4250714

I probably just missed a sale, but do they usually do an xmas sale?

>> No.4250744

nobody has cracked the 1.9.5 yet?

>> No.4251397

I like the UI but the new grey icons are ass. Anyone figured how to change them back yet, or at least colour them or something?

>> No.4251406

You can add custom icons but only to specific brushes, so not globally.

>> No.4251425

Oh right, forgot about that. It changes the icon on the toolbar too when you use that brush, so that suits me fine.

>> No.4253721

Whenever someone brings up SAI I get an instant mental picture of a weeby deviantart middle school girl preferring this software.

Prove my stereotype wrong.

>> No.4254504
File: 33 KB, 1080x244, Screenshot_20191213-103213_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse image search
> see this

>> No.4255812

I can't find a button to save the settings of a sub-tool as a new sub-tool. Any help?

>> No.4255856

Is there a way to make the paints not mix when you paint over different colors? Besides using a new layer?

>> No.4255967

uncheck color mixing or keep amount of paint and density of paint at 100% with pen pressure unchecked

>> No.4255969

Three small icons on every brush panel. Middle one has a plus sign for making a duplicate

>> No.4256142

right click the tool, then create new tool/duplicate and register the settings as default in the new tool.

bind color mixing to a hot key to disable/enable.

>> No.4256547

Thanks guys, I'll give it a try later.