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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 643 KB, 1026x1444, kringlefkr - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4233283 No.4233283 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread:>>4228519
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4233289

How are you so good at graphic design Shriney

>> No.4233292

Good doggy!

>> No.4233326

What's doggy's blog?

>> No.4233348
File: 129 KB, 685x900, c9e87149b56d61232e1ed5723ad874dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you but I only added the little bit at the top, the rest is Kringle's wonderful design that she did for the Album Cover challenge.

>> No.4233387
File: 200 KB, 1080x1644, Screenshot_20191129-175039_SketchBookX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to double check if this was the right person. Such a different style change.

>> No.4233393

Simple and cute drawing, legs were amputated.

>> No.4233398
File: 241 KB, 850x1500, 56671937-3170-459a-b901-72c7cf403227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah there's some artists i follow that have that style and i like it, so i gave it a shot. pic related
...invisibility kneesocks

>> No.4233511

Are you Daddies ready for the comic challenge AND the magical girl challenge AND the Christmas chalenge?

>> No.4233521


>> No.4233528

I already did 2 out of the 3.

>> No.4233534

Are there any other challenges in December that aren't listed?

>> No.4233548
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>> No.4233576
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>> No.4233577

The hidden "skip a day" challenge

>> No.4233580

I'm sorry I didn't get to finish my day cycles, cath ;u; I didn't manage my free time this month that well ;-;

>> No.4233582

I didn't join a single one

>> No.4233648

he can't keep getting away with this

>> No.4233665

I can tell you shriney ___'s blog.

>> No.4233677

>im sick of everyone thinking less of me

I don't even think of you at all.

>> No.4233684

Hi. Talk to me.

>> No.4233685

then why do you cafe so much about what they think of you

>> No.4233695

He's got you there, though he might not even know, huh?

>> No.4233730

ok im dumb I thought you're talking about yourself

>> No.4233732

Yeah, you are dumb. I bet you don't even look before crossing the street.

>> No.4233736

is kringle still doing crits every week? if so which day ?

>> No.4233738

I've chased off several bears from my property. And each time I've been merciful, letting them live. I thought it was the right thing to do, bears being unthinking animals. And honestly, I like cute cuddly bears. But in the back of my mind, there's always the question, of whether or not it was the right choice. What if they do it again, to someone less prepared. Or even come to associate human smells with food/ prey, and it becomes instinct. I may have then had a murder on my hands, having been merciful with one on anothers'.

>> No.4233739

the next time, trap the bears and fuck them senseless to assert dominance. I learned that trick on /k/.

>> No.4233745

>trap the bears and fuck em

I somewhat think you're right. At least it's very tempting. But 1, I don't believe in it, and 2, I give a shit about the bear

Makes it harder, you know?

>> No.4233746

if it's already getting harder, you should get to it already.

>> No.4233747

Saturday morning. In other words, the submissions from the 24hr period that just ended.

>> No.4233749

wait so whatever I submitted yesterday is going to be in the stream?

>> No.4233751

What are you doing to attract bears to your property multiple times?

>> No.4233753


Yeah, unless you say to crit something else.

>> No.4233759

If you're a juicy enough target, bears will find it eventually, even flock to it. But it's still somewhat a mystery, memory mostly I suppose.
Problem is, the conflict of believing the bear will eventually learn by it's own misfortune. And like I said, it's not so easy to gun down something you cared about. It can seem near impossible at times.

>> No.4233764
File: 31 KB, 557x550, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4233765

And then there's the problem of how do I explain it? Would the wardens, etc believe I'd shot it for the right reason? Or would everyone just think I was out for blood? I've got no corroboration. Only the random testimony I cant even count on because I don't know anyone. Can I count on people just to be honest?

>> No.4233768

You have to learn to love the animal even as you kill it.
Something like "Love the concept of bears, but not the individual bear"

>> No.4233775

It would be one thing to know it wasn't the bear i cared for. Random bears scared off are meaningless more or less. But the fact there's a bear out there, possibly because of me, with my scent on it's nose, out for blood is too much.

How can you kill what you care for? Even if it hurts you if you don't do so?

>> No.4233778
File: 139 KB, 370x300, 1574308944099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If kringle reads this and is doing crits can you critique my drawing from the 28th since i posted a lewd on yesterday's submission?
thank u

>> No.4233786

I do love the animal.. killing it, though, is something I don't think I have the strength or means for.
There's a humble metaphor here though, in reaching too far trying to help. That being, it can kill you.

>> No.4233797

Say something nice about the day cycles, anons!

>> No.4233802

congrats sola, greencat, cath, defunct and tang for actually finishing it!

>> No.4233819

fuck jason that lil bitch i bet I can beat his ass up

>> No.4233823

don't forget to dilate

>> No.4233824

what deed he do?

>> No.4233826


>> No.4233833

Do you even know what this means? Because I don't.

>> No.4233839

I do, unfortunately

>> No.4233848

K, I think I'll keep it in the category of forgotten unknowns.
T. Hanks,
- a supposed tranny

>> No.4233866

what does it mean?

>> No.4233871

lul banana is coked and drunk off his ass in the DAD discord and he's ranting about using experience as art

>> No.4233879

Drunk people weird me out, I can't talk to them. Just watching and waiting for crits to start, but I get the feeling it's not happening this week...

>> No.4233881

its happening! im just running a lil late ^u^

>> No.4233895
File: 96 KB, 275x275, 1506610869026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit stream is up! ill be going a little fast to day so feel free to message me later if you have any questions.


sure thing! ill do yours first so i wont forget \o/

>> No.4233899

kringle keingle kringle ceit bananas cocaine sketchesnin im dad discord #chat ok okokokok??mmm?????

>> No.4233900

no actually its #offtopi c

>> No.4233978

You are so... Bad.

>> No.4233999

She's definitely not good but at least she's giving out decent critiques. You don't have to be great to see something wrong with a painting or have knowledge about art bounding around in your brain.

That said I don't think she should be redlining though. Just watched her trace I've something made of very simple forms to redline the perspective and forn when she should have just re-drawn it real quick. Literally takes less than a minute to do that kind of crap. Also she doesn't seem to have a good handle on form herself because the redlined facial features (the few that were there) were off.

>> No.4234009

You need depth of knowledge to give a depthy critique. Anyone can point out obvious shit thats why so many /beg/ retards on this board shit on peoples art but are unable to provide solutions.

>> No.4234017

She has knowledge and as I said she's giving decent critique. I just don't think she should be redlining until she can bare minimum understand basic 3D forms.

>> No.4234028

If she doesnt understand basic 3d forms then she doesnt have fucking knowledge

>> No.4234031

Having theoretical knowledge, which she has, is fine. You can know how things work in theory and give critiques and even suggestions for exercises or how to fix something. However, practical knowledge she does not have. I don't mind critiques but I really do mind the equally bad redlines she's dishing out.

>> No.4234049

For instance: theoretically she has knowledge. In practice, she does not.

>> No.4234059

Comedy gold.

Either way no matter what either of us think she's not going to stop anyways so no point in arguing any further dude

>> No.4234066

just finished watching kazoo's lascast with will . can we get finlay saucy or Vista next?

>> No.4234072

she's far better than me so I appreciate her redline and crits, if you're a better artist than her then please crit stream too

>> No.4234073

>Saucy or Vusta next?
You just reminded me of that podcast with JMGN.

>> No.4234075

Maybe I will.

>> No.4234076


>> No.4234099

Burogu wa nan desu ka.

>> No.4234102

wan wan!

>> No.4234104

*scratches and hugs doggy*

>> No.4234106

*fucks doggy*

>> No.4234109

Stop dad! WTF?!

>> No.4234110
File: 23 KB, 315x315, 36BFXZP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234115

or finlay

>> No.4234120

doggy is for pets not for fugging

>> No.4234123


>> No.4234124

Are furries into beastiality?

>> No.4234139

I can't speak for all of them but I am not into it at all.

>> No.4234157
File: 595 KB, 639x708, rm98s84yuf231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you lads. Except marco.

>> No.4234158
File: 312 KB, 754x433, IMG_20191127_174127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw snom and I'll pay you in blood.

>> No.4234159


>> No.4234192
File: 55 KB, 593x767, 1563309661553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last day to sign up to these challenges, good luck dads.
https://dad.gallery/challenges/103 Super Winter Holiday Bash!!!
https://dad.gallery/challenges/102 Magical Girl Mayhem
https://dad.gallery/challenges/99 Comic Month

>> No.4234201
File: 216 KB, 1069x709, 快適目覚まし.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234310

nta but I kind of appreciate seeing people talk about this in the threads because I always thought my redlines looked really fucky and legitimately couldn't tell if I had a case of Dunning Kruger or if the corrections were bad. It's a bit nice to hear I'm not the only one who feels this way

>> No.4234311


>> No.4234314

God damn, this is some reference gold

>> No.4234327

it feels kind of weird to find exactly what you needed like this

>> No.4234342
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1565468676947s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't posted in weeks
>seriously thinking of completing the upcoming challenges

my brain is cute sometimes

>> No.4234345

Do it daddy!

>> No.4234346

We're all gonna make it

>> No.4234353

I ate a zimsterne. Do you like zimtsterne?

>> No.4234355

Ofc it's gonna be awful. This cake is awful.

>> No.4234357

Dive in and soak in art madness

>> No.4234365

chun will probably be next and i can see if any of the others you listed would be up for it

>> No.4234402

I think I'll be able to do all but the comic challenge, I'll still attempt it tho.

>> No.4234458

Thanks for the crits Kringle !

>> No.4234499

good podcast, fills me with more determination for the comic challenge, the tangential stories were nice to listen to too, thanks for keeping these up will, you're good guys

>> No.4234514

Can't believe pii poster will finally be up next on the podcast to reveal his identity

>> No.4234546

>go to sleep
>watch recording of kringlestream
>fixes my biggest problem in 1 minute

>> No.4234550

>3 month long challenges on the last month of the decade
we're going out with a bang dads

>> No.4234574


Where can I watch? I missed it andat the link in this thread there is a stream live i think.

>> No.4234577

go to kringle twitch, swap to videos, the most recent one. She goes from the bottom to the topmost one, incase you want to see a specific one.

>> No.4234587

tribunal streams when

>> No.4234595


>> No.4234600

Public executions!

>> No.4234616


(you are the OP artist right?)

>> No.4234617

I'm gonna drop out because I spent all day doing other things again.
I'm a terrible daddy...

>> No.4234622

doggy displays the best daddies in the op, doggy adds the "DAD" part of the image

>> No.4234628

Ah, are you the guy that matches up the font with the image for each new thread? Always appreciated the craftsmanship that went into that.

Do you know who the op artist is?

>> No.4234631

i'm not doggy, op artist is kringlefkr (in the filename)

>> No.4234632

Urgh, I'm an idiot. Thanks.

>> No.4234651

Yeah you are an idiot. Don't come near me.

>> No.4234693

I-It's okay when furries do it

>> No.4234695

bow down to the furchads

>> No.4234723

would I be considered a furry, lolicon, shotacon if I jerk off to that stuff like 10% of the time?

>> No.4234724

I assume it being fappable at all is what makes you these things

>> No.4234751

>ic is mean to me

Well if you be less gay then....

>> No.4234762

I’m not gay. I AM straight. I love Titties, Vaginas, and Assholes (of girls). I love to have sex with girls with my penis. Gay people? Fucking awesome, But I am not one of them, nope I’m not.

>> No.4234769


You'll come out of the closet some day!

>> No.4234779

I wish I weren't me

>> No.4234781
File: 60 KB, 944x775, 1565110193097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shid make me retartet i feel like i'm slowly losing iq points
why does drawing make my head all fuzzy now? is it autism? fuck this long ass artblock i want to overdose on 300 kilos of ketamine and die

>> No.4234804
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, qb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then let's form a contract!

>> No.4234807

but boys can't be magical girls..

>> No.4234819
File: 39 KB, 658x680, 1559442029773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, give me my ketamine and let's get this over with

>> No.4234821
File: 200 KB, 861x1200, DWMSYOWVwAAix80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234826 [DELETED] 

My booru account favorites that I had since 2011 has been fucking wiped for no reason. What the fuck.

>> No.4234835

Ooh haha false alarm I somehow logged into an old username and I got the two mixed up haha I'm a faggot/

>> No.4234845

i-is that from something, or is it just a meme?

>> No.4234848

Could be a good forum to tell people why I'm here. The real pii that is, not the strawman that's been going on for so long. Except I don't have the ability to atm.

No one with an ounce of heart would want it I think. But then I'm always open to the possibility of misunderstandings.

It also could have something to do with the dead birds left behind. Eh, Amalus? Or should I say aphid? Pest insects... as in they rob you of your effort.
Or possibly even the dead deer carcass with its pussy fur cut out in a neat little rectangle. I wonder if anyone's alluded to that.

By the way, would this count as just harrassment I wonder? Or if your intent was actually to bait bears where children play, does that count as attempted murder? Also, what are your laws on killing pets?

If you intend to work online, then what would constitute making a "hostile workplace?" And alternatively, how little "gay" do you suppose you have to be in order to dissuade actual psychopaths?

>> No.4234849
File: 113 KB, 511x546, 1552971398247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing feels so fucking exhausting i don't know what's wrong with me
in all of my 15 fucking years of drawing i've never had this issue

>> No.4234853
File: 630 KB, 894x894, 1556159898213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic related
>two dead birds by amalus
Amalus being a weevil. Also neatly tieing aphid in with creation of OPs on /ic/

Along with
>I create nearly half the threads here

>> No.4234855

>The real pii that is
I knew it. Oneironaut was the pii all along.

>> No.4234858

I looked it up because it seemed interesting, but it's kinda boring. Their magical girl designs are kinda barebones (except for the yellow one), and there isn't really a proper story, nor is it as funny as you'd expect it to be. Can't recommend it

>> No.4234866
File: 43 KB, 499x284, 3428346792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you intend to work online, then what would constitute making a "hostile workplace?"

Huh? No idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4234875

No idea? Then why say anything?

>> No.4234877

Why reply to me then, queer?

>> No.4234879
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>> No.4234884

it begins....

>> No.4234886
File: 191 KB, 1680x943, 1500056420730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i didn't sign up for the comic challenge and already have the holiday entry pretty much done.

>> No.4234888
File: 15 KB, 876x273, b0c05b625ab56bd74c27bf09650518e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234890

Was he

Because if you can follow along, someone disingenuous, meaning to isolate someone, would laud the place. It undercuts an argument of underhanded motives and foul play.


>> No.4234899


I'm following along and all I can tell from it is that you're gay, too.
>It undercuts an argument of underhanded motives and foul play.

>> No.4234902

It's true then?

>> No.4234908


Yes and I have proof. When the time comes I shall reveal. But first I must put a thick, long and bumpy thing up my butt owo

>> No.4234919
File: 3 KB, 613x53, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deathcember is here...

>> No.4234924

I think no. But then again maybe it's another deflection to someone else who knows.

>> No.4234936

Did you not catch the hint I dropped? Thick and LONG. It's bumpy. And goes right in the butt.

When the time comes my friend.

>> No.4234962

No. I didn't catch it, what are you on about? And what are you waiting for if you're so damn sure of yourself?

>> No.4234978


You're quakin' in your turkey suit. Just to let you know I have all the evidence. Don't think you're the only wiseass here.

>> No.4234992

Why so silent all of a sudden? Scared that I found out your ultra secret identity? Heh, guess you should just stfu from now on or else I'll share your blog.

>> No.4234998

post it already you cock teasing faggot

>> No.4235002

Is Turkey suit supposed to be a hint? Because I'm still lost

Now I know we're not talking about the same person. I haven't had one in over a year, two years? I would say good luck, but I don't actually condone witch hunts. Rather, I hope you find peace with what you do. Pii, aphid, etc. Included.

>> No.4235004

Which dads are gmi this year?

>> No.4235012


>Is Turkey suit supposed to be a hint? Because I'm still lost

You seem to know the hints very well. You can't throw me off trail since I already have the evidence.

>> No.4235017

The only thing I can think is furry, which I'm not, so, again. Best of luck.
I've argued against witch hunts for people I don't even like, but hey, you do you.
I know what it's like to be on the other end of misinformation and drama and I hate it personally. Wrecks good things.

>> No.4235022

Why. The. Fuck. Are you backing away? If it's not you then why do you keep saying "best of luck" as if YOU KNOW I don't know who you are. Since you're the OP of the thread every time I'm going to take my sweet time dropping hints over the next couple of threads to fuck with your head.

>> No.4235026
File: 981 KB, 543x815, Screenshot_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235028
File: 16 KB, 550x404, dib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235030

I haven't OPed a thread in years buddy. I think you're just confused. Or maybe I am? I think you're talking to the wrong person though.

>> No.4235032

What is the larping shit?

>> No.4235033
File: 74 KB, 1024x595, durrrrrrrrrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It couldn't possibly be me you're talking about. Unless it was all along! Haha, that's impossible though. Unless...?

>> No.4235036


That's strange, we're using the thread you made.

>> No.4235037

I'm so lost rn. Time for bed.

>> No.4235039

Goodnight shrineydog aka Jenny Circuit.

>> No.4235046

did dad get a new schizoposter?

>> No.4235056

It's just oneironaut having a fitsy again.

>> No.4235058

not me...

>> No.4235088

You can not expose Pii, because Pii is not a person but an idea, a symbol if you will. Pii is anyone who shitposts, Pii is anyone who baits, Pii is anyone who trolls, Pii is anyone who talks shit, Pii is me and Pii is you. Don't you see we are the Pii!

>> No.4235103

will the real Pii please stand up

>> No.4235105


This guy gets it.

>> No.4235108

No thats anonymous

>> No.4235147

no you don't understand, im literally pii

>> No.4235149
File: 248 KB, 939x1214, tier 5 daddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235156

which furry daddy is the most powerful?

>> No.4235223

catnip? cat nips?

>> No.4235326

DTierDaddy has the most soul

>> No.4235358

the powergap between him and the coomer squad is still enormous

>> No.4235373

how can i achieve his sou?l

>> No.4235376

also i need a list of daddies with souls

>> No.4235409

I made one 5 minutes ago. Take it, my puppy.

>> No.4235458

I'm soon done with the magical girl challenge! What about you dads?

>> No.4235494

dwelling in self pity, crying after a few lines as I realize that this is not a viable career for me, even Vilppu can't save me.

>> No.4235524

I forgot to post my drawing yesterday dad. Now I have to start again from zero.

>> No.4235543

Vilpapa can save anyone, just listen to him carefully and draw more

>> No.4235548

kysves dumbfuck yuppie artists..

>> No.4235587


>> No.4235589


>> No.4235666
File: 320 KB, 855x574, 1574516182496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235677

I read somewhere that latina ends up getting into a relationship with her father once she grows up, latina anon is into some sick shit

>> No.4235685

the purest of love

>> No.4235733
File: 3.18 MB, 6959x2568, nagabe = bebebebebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any of the more informed kemonofriends, furries or /a/nons confirm that nagabe ( https://mucknagabe.tumblr.com/ ) is also https://twitter.com/washlet_mskm ?
If so, this artist is amazingly versatile and prolific, getting your own anime adaptation and dozens of manga published while also producing JMGNtier furry art ( https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=27526 ) guy's only 26 years old.
Kemono/Furchad the pinnacle of making it.

>> No.4235734
File: 168 KB, 1143x577, baptism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235795

I love him, too bad his gay blog got nuked with tumblr. Now I can't find that fitness ball horse pic I used to jerk off to.

>> No.4235867

Umm, so we have comic month but I actually don't know how to come up with a story.

>> No.4235874

Laugh at this guy

>> No.4235876
File: 1.40 MB, 996x892, 1573313323827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235880

don't worry my cute daddy, I've got your back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4ZDBOc2tX8&list=PLH3mK1NZn9QqOSj3ObrP3xL8tEJQ12-vL

>> No.4235884
File: 103 KB, 876x1000, __original_drawn_by_mhk_mechamania__9baff9219009169bcd1dea637c4a82d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235886

Who is this guy?

>> No.4235888


>> No.4235923
File: 53 KB, 640x640, 1573324603694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do it, swear to god, I will fucking do it.

>> No.4235924


>> No.4235925


>> No.4235931

omfg dropped

>> No.4235954

Doing single page comics or strips is fine too. There's no obligation to do one, continuous comic for the challenge.

>> No.4235955
File: 562 KB, 800x1237, 1573694683244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4235959
File: 254 KB, 776x1200, 1573695283665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4235976

God I wish I was that pizza guy.

>> No.4235997

if we don't start to sabotage the furry daddies, they will do this to us...

>> No.4236009
File: 471 KB, 498x382, joinus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4236046

aren't vusta and saucy the only real furry posters

>> No.4236065

I'mma do that at the end of the month

>> No.4236142

Based and late posting pilled

>> No.4236201

they're just the furry coomers.

>> No.4236217

why is everyone forgetting about poor derp

>> No.4236218

Cull to replace furry posters with cute posters when

>> No.4236234

What about cute furry posters?

>> No.4236246

They are acceptable

>> No.4236274

Cull everyone without soul

>> No.4236276

soul tier list when?

>> No.4236278

are there soulful coomers?

>> No.4236280

Yes, Vusta, Derp, and Saucy

>> No.4236282

i honestly want a soul tier list

>> No.4236285
File: 56 KB, 483x520, 1546837447902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furries having souls

>> No.4236286

vusta has a lot of soul
saucy and derp idk

>> No.4236288

if banana's culled does that mean DAD will die

>> No.4236301

he's placed in a special codemonkey quarantine cell

>> No.4236321

We need more new posters to offset this furry garbage.

>> No.4236327

We need new furry posters to offset the loli posters

>> No.4236334
File: 171 KB, 473x568, 15513487_p94_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about furry lolis?

>> No.4236336

we need more furry loli posters

>> No.4236349

>the one time I drew furry it recieved more attention than my usual work
It's really tempting

>> No.4236358

DAD - Drawing Attention Daily

>> No.4236362

Went through that old tierlist and just deleted anyone who doesn't have a streak anymore for funsies. Too lazy to re-sort anyone though.

tier 1:
the1banana Gronko QuattroHS burnit EerieAnesthetist Negakona Vastian Seal sola Varsils Zeke psiekier EngeeEmI rhomphy Beanhead guespiere Notosh Valley AlmostGoodAtAnatomy bunnyburger tmart11 Grabstein huhnchenz

tier 2:
ThomasAto nyroc 7b7a2f AutoReiv Creatue retard Choob dranandrom konsui Nirest CGraphite silvemis oneironaut Whizzard MysticLog Cath tabascoshrimp gottagitgud

tier 3:
Soubrette Arma gob Derp lazypotato hoppy Tang Defunct greencat Saucy tsflipp echo Vusta meru bezdomny

tier 4:
juta KazooKD mrpurin Inno

>> No.4236365

> ThomasAto
> tier 2

see this is how i know this tier list is bullshit

>> No.4236367


>> No.4236377

Man this tier list is awful

>> No.4236378


> tier 1
> banana
anyone want to place bets on when banana ever gets to tier 2 on a skill-based tier list?

>> No.4236380

I-It's okay when furries do it.

>> No.4236387

keep skipping me, faggot.

>> No.4236408

so lackluster and bad I cant even make the tier list

>> No.4236422

Did the duplication bug happen to valley, I thought it was fixed?

>> No.4236431

281 streak down the toilet :^)

>> No.4236433
File: 255 KB, 1156x1013, guespiere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justice guespiere

>> No.4236434

>>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
tough shit

>> No.4236436


Give me one second.
These are edge cases that I directly intervene in. I am working on a fix.

>> No.4236437
File: 483 KB, 1024x556, rookie1-1024x556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck dad

>> No.4236438

>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
Shrineydog, you really should correct that one day.

>> No.4236439

Based banana

>> No.4236440

maybe you dumbasses should draw and submit earlier

>> No.4236441


That's not fair. Follow your own rules.

>> No.4236443


I am. The deadline is 00:00 GMT.
The submission time was 23:59.
A small bug (that I am aware of) causes it not to be considered in the nightly job.

>> No.4236447
File: 711 KB, 1600x2133, 150818152533-exthetics-rooftopping3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some pussy shit.

>> No.4236448

I hope he sees that his streak has been reinstated

>> No.4236450

*gunshot in the distance*

>> No.4236558

I wish there was something I could do on-site about submissions i fucked up on or am not proud of

>> No.4236560

If it's from the current day you can just change your upload

>> No.4236562

a nsfw filter but it's for cancer-inducing art
not safe to look at

>> No.4236574
File: 175 KB, 462x424, __hakurei_reimu_fujiwara_no_mokou_and_houraisan_kaguya_touhou_drawn_by_shangguan_feiying__fde435f4289ee41839cd8c9f84066907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4236581

don't... don't skip me....

>> No.4236583
File: 87 KB, 321x219, Skip Dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry.

>> No.4236596

>less than 30 days before the end of the decade
did you have a good art decade, daddies?
what do you regret most this decade, and what are you most proud of this decade?

>> No.4236605
File: 48 KB, 750x554, IMG_20191126_103017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i draw

>> No.4236606

I regret not starting earlier in the decade and my life
h-heres to the next decade

>> No.4236607

I regret starting so late and I'm scared of where I'll be 10 years from now, even though I don't think I should be. I'm just proud that I've made art a part of my life.

>> No.4236610
File: 19 KB, 300x300, owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm happy with my progress, I certainly could have improved a lot more, but I'm happy with how much I've accomplished. Then again, I was a literal child at the start of the decade so that's not really saying much.

>> No.4236611

I improved from very shit to normal shit. Maybe i can surpass tier 2 by the end of the millennium

>> No.4236631
File: 156 KB, 400x493, k330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regret? Definitely not starting fundamentals earlier. I don't fully blame myself, I was in an art school that told us to never draw with construction, only observation. I also realize I just wasn't in the mindset to study properly. Now that I see the flaws in my work, I realize how fundamentals will help me. Secondarily, wasting my time on vidya. Once you're an adult you have jackshit time to work on things like art unless you schedule it and neglect social life/cut work hours. In school you have months off which I spent piddling around on vidya.
Proud of...my confidence growth. It probably just comes with age but I truly believe with hard work, I can get better, because I HAVE gotten better.
That's why I always preach to the dads who think they're ngmi or tier 1 that there's h o p e for you. You just have to figure out how to put in the time and effort.

>> No.4236635
File: 11 KB, 480x360, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tyvm nana I know I thanked you in discord but just decided to check out thread. Even bigger relief now than before, definitely gonna stay away from 1159 posting in future, been straying lmao.

God damn this is a horribly depressing reminder I achieved very little and wasted most of an entire decade

>> No.4236663

>deathcember begins
>immediate art low
I don't think I can do those challenges

>> No.4236667

I believe in you anon! Just take it one step at a time. What's important is that you keep on drawing, even if not every drawing is prefect. Just drawing every day is it's own feat!

>> No.4236680

Is it normal to never really be satisfied with your work?
Sometimes I'll be proud of something but the more I look at it the more flaws I see and wind up hating it.

>> No.4236684


I see a lot of people say this, but for me it's the opposite. The more I look at something after I post it, the less awful I think it is. I'm guessing I'm just in hyper-critical mode when I'm drawing and it goes away when I'm doing other things.

>> No.4236687

for me it's being insanely proud of it when I just finish something, then disliking it, and gradually I start to like it again.

>> No.4236764

evolution of how I perceive something I've made

>immediately after finishing a work
everything is wrong, this really isn't good, there are so many mistakes
>a little time passes
you know what, that actually does look pretty good
>start to improve
oh god that looks so embarrassing
>improve some more and some more time passes
for where I was at with my art, it really is kinda ok after all

>> No.4236765

I'm most proud of fighting the beast of human nature. You can't always win the battles you desperately want to, but it's the effort, and the devotion to it that makes it what it is.

And I most regret not being able to do so for those most in need, for their hearts and spirits.

But it's a new decade ahead, almost.

>> No.4236843

strive for your work to not look lazy, you're naturally going to improve as long as you remain critical and get mileage in, but laziness is something that is hard to move past.

>> No.4236889

fuck man, that hit home.
i always feel like my work looks lazy because i kinda have this "eh, it's good enough. don't want to over work something if it's shit anyway" mentality.
i feel like if i get too critical i'm never going to finish anything so i wind up second guessing myself constantly then putting out shoddy work occasionally.

>> No.4236970

sometimes i get the impression that the only emotion banana is capable of expressing is suffering

>> No.4236971

what'd he do this time?

>> No.4237013

All life is suffering
Other emotions are just different flavours of suffering

>> No.4237031

frazetta challenge when

>> No.4237033

Add it to the pile of december challenges

>> No.4237074

>isn’t even on the DAD site
>his only discord messages are shill links to his art, zero interaction
>retarded username
every time i see this aloof asshat’s botox-lipped elf thots i throw up a little in my mouth. i know he won’t even see this because he’s too busy fisting himself in the mirror.

>> No.4237078

which daddy are you talking about?

>> No.4237081


>> No.4237084

NTA but it's pretty clearly Whitebox they're describing

>> No.4237088

Really? Last time I recall Whitebox/Hardstones posting in these threads was a month ago and I think that was his only post here. Not sure about the Discord thing since I’m only in the unofficial DAD one.

>> No.4237096

He's been posting pretty constantly in the las Discord, pretty much doing what OP said

>> No.4237098

Was he also the anon that wrote that lengthy post about karma during the Pii reveal?

>> No.4237165

Do I have to submit 20 individual images for the comic challenge?

>> No.4237168


>> No.4237171


>> No.4237173

alright daddies, my stem career is over soon, and I have to make it

I need some serioua coaching

>> No.4237175

join LAS discord, best coaching guaranteed

>> No.4237176

I've been there for some time, I'm just too socially retarded to say anything

>> No.4237178

>tfw join LAS discord
>stop being a bitch and just stay depressed if you're going to continue acting like that

>> No.4237180

goodbye my streak

>> No.4237182


>> No.4237183

Then it's time to change that, being coached is a joint effort and you have to do your part too by stepping up.

>> No.4237184

i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.4237197

I had a dream that a girl kissed me and it was an older lady and NOT a loli. What an absolute nightmare to wake up from. How am I going to function throughout the rest of the day?

>> No.4237250

I dreamt I fucked a jigglypuff until it exploded

>> No.4237252

I dreamed I was a faggot

>> No.4237257

i had a dream i eclipsed all of you. then i woke up and remembered i already have :^)

>> No.4237262

perspective challenge next month?

>> No.4237367

Yes pleaase

>> No.4237373
File: 30 KB, 540x119, tumblr_inline_otka53OcbR1sl5l6f_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win?

>> No.4237374

are you gonnamakeit?

>> No.4237388

>challenges wished for that won't actually be made:

>should've already been made tier
2020 new year's change challenge

>would be fun tier
battlestation challenge
kemono challenge
mecha challenge #2
weapon element challenge

>meme tier
good morning challenge
yet another self portrait challenge

>cringe tier
eeveeloli challenge
frazetta challenge
DAB challenge #2

any I missed?

>> No.4237393

I was hoping someone who knew perspective would make it. It'd be like blind leading the blind if I made the challenge.

>> No.4237397

>any I missed?
No. Battlestation and kemono should join cringe tier.

>> No.4237399

mecha & kemono sound fun

>> No.4237407
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1524755804702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I try making a comic my mind just goes blank

>> No.4237410
File: 81 KB, 1200x794, dread_pirate_roberts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All life is suffering
"Life *is* pain, highness ... anyone who says differently is selling something."

>> No.4237414


i vaguely remember this
what was this in reference to?

>> No.4237416

what sort of comic you making lil' buddy?

>> No.4237436


>> No.4237438

the world is your oyster e-hentai.org

>> No.4237483

Tier 2 chads

>> No.4237530

I wanna be at least close to tier 3 by the end of the year...

>> No.4237575

what's the most points anyone's had on LAS houses?

>> No.4237584
File: 24 KB, 640x400, 74606-dune-ii-the-building-of-a-dynasty-dos-screenshot-emperor-of.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost all mine when the Fremen launched a surprise attack against us.

>> No.4237637


>> No.4237690

imitate another dads artstyle and subject matter challenge

>> No.4237709

SKIPPED: The Challenge

>> No.4237711

So is it true ramune...

>> No.4237720


>> No.4237757
File: 37 KB, 496x500, 1426803197726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Lilramune butthurt?

>> No.4237763

place your bets
who will complete their comic?

>> No.4237780
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1573324182893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not do it after all

>> No.4237781


>> No.4237833


>> No.4237842

Wow! Grigri has already completed the magical girl challenge!

Still, the rest of us have pleeeenty of time!

>> No.4237843

just one person?

>> No.4237848

yup, just 1, the rest of dad will be slaughtered

>> No.4237851

b-but I never joined the challenge..

>> No.4237853


>> No.4237857

please you can't do this to me I have a cat that I need to take care of

>> No.4237860

w-w-what about banana

>> No.4237866
File: 42 KB, 644x478, man-faces-jailed-after-throwing-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4237867

Do you have rough drafts of your magical girls by the way? I wanna look at your progress

>> No.4237868


I'll probably make it through by taking an easier route. But I won't know until I try it.

>> No.4237891

is a baby daddy a daddy that's just joined or a daddy that's just starting out, art wise?

>> No.4237903

all the dads that can't maintain a streak of more than 2 weeks

>> No.4237905


>> No.4237927

no, las admin being tier 1 is tradition

>> No.4237942

banana actually makes mad gains, but he uses his admin powers to transfer his gains equally to all other daddies. It's said that if banana wouldn't do this, he'd reach tier 5 by the end of this year.

>> No.4237986

very pleased that almost no one is joining the eevee challenge. That badge is a disgrace for every profile

>> No.4238002

>click join to excite challenge creator
>never submit anything to let him down

>> No.4238003

Thank you for joining my challenge, hoppy. You're the exact main person I wanted to see eeveeloli :3

>> No.4238044

can i join if i'm already a disgrace?

>> No.4238054


You can't be more of a disgrace than the challenge creator. Go for it.

>> No.4238060

why do my thumbnails always look so weird

>> No.4238062

post the rest of your fingernails

>> No.4238063

how is banana?

>> No.4238064

I can't wait to see hoppy draw a lewd eevee shota

>> No.4238072


>> No.4238075

Eevee shotas are pure and wholesome, and are for based daddies
Eevee lolis are lowly and disgusting, anf are for daddies consumed by perversion and jealousy

>> No.4238078

wilbe is almost making me want to join the eeveeloli challenge...

>> No.4238079

ah what If I draw both?

>> No.4238083 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 955x953, 2cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't lewd the eeveeloli

>> No.4238088

why is guespiere such a fucking madman?

>> No.4238091

Well then maybe eeveeloli should just stop being so sexy.

>> No.4238092


I don't know, why would he be?

>> No.4238094
File: 107 KB, 225x225, yamecrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Now is your chance to combine furry with loli and be perfectly website legal--the Eeveeloli challenge is here!

Lilramune, if you aren't taking the piss and are utterly sincere about the challenge you've created, please decrease the content level to Safe and remove references to "loli". In conjunction, they both give the implication that you're meant to draw lewd depictions of underage characters. I don't mind if you want to draw children or furry children, gijinka or whatever the fuck you want, but the challenge as is cannot exist in the way it's described.
No punitive action or strike is being made against your record, but the challenge will be removed in three days if you do not make those adjustments. If you are taking the piss, repeating this stunt in the future will be counted against you.
I've already stated this once, but regardless if it's furry or not, cub/loli/shota content that is explicit or contains very clear erotic intent will not be permitted.

not in the mood for any of this shit right now, that's for sure

>> No.4238095

because he literally submits within the last 5 seconds of the day, he's done it multiple times now

>> No.4238098
File: 123 KB, 960x640, Coasteering-Red-Bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a thrill

>> No.4238100

Lazypotato used to do that, shame he died.

>> No.4238102

Okay fine I'll make changes tonight. It wasn't meant to be explicit submissions, just lewd but in a cute way.

>> No.4238106

but wait an eevee isn't exactly furry, it's quite literally more like a dog or something, so you can't really tell what age it is, can you? Or is that illegal or whatever?

>> No.4238107

deathcember is gonna be great

>> No.4238113
File: 632 KB, 2000x2000, youjomodoki_safe_(07314b394cebe7a2af14eb050fe0de0b)_07314b394cebe7a2af14eb050fe0de0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell are we drawing? furries? lolis? pokekid?

>> No.4238115


>> No.4238116

what the actual fuck

>> No.4238123

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to draw loli that just barely follows site rules so that banana can be arrested whenever he's eventually deported to canada for being a scalie.

>> No.4238128

I'd join the challenge but I don't know who the eveeloli is

>> No.4238131

Furries always take shit too far

>> No.4238136 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 863x1000, cgge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you living under a rock like Patrick?

>> No.4238138


>> No.4238145
File: 212 KB, 800x1252, patrick_is_tequila_an_instrument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you living under a rock like Patrick?

>> No.4238153

Let him post lewd shit so he gets banned from the site

>> No.4238154
File: 150 KB, 516x1449, p answer_questionable_(36e39776e19d79abd9ab90a6a3d41d5e)_36e39776e19d79abd9ab90a6a3d41d5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4238156

no it's just piss ramune

>> No.4238157

If I were you I'd just edit the content level/snip the description yourself while waiting for the challenge creator to fix it. Otherwise people might get the wrong idea.

>> No.4238167

I genuinely thought you guys were full of shit about lilramune being pii, but the eveeloli challenge is changing my mind.

>> No.4238168


>> No.4238169


>> No.4238171

I'm not pii though. I don't even know who that is.

>> No.4238172

I can't wait for Lilramune to throw a temper tantrum in the thread after 3 days pass

>> No.4238175

I'm busy right now, I will fix the description in a few hours.

>> No.4238192

do you daddies ever roam drawthreads?

>> No.4238194

I've been working hard on comic month but I don't think anyone wants to see my studies or writing because they're not really drawings... I'm also afraid of putting my soul and passion into this project and ultimately having it flop. It's like I'm trying to prove something to a neglectful parent who only puts my shit on the fridge to silence and satiate me.

>> No.4238207

I hang out at /alt/ but that's about it

>> No.4238208

How's your "New Years Change: Year Long Challenge!" going lassies? You didn't forget, did you?

>> No.4238215
File: 34 KB, 168x225, blues banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed mine.
Made progress in other ways, though.


>> No.4238219

I gotta rush everything this month so i could get my prestige 5 badge

>> No.4238225

Don't be afraid of it flopping, it's a learning experience, your first comics/stories aren't going to be hits, they're practice.

>> No.4238263

We all failed
resolutions don't happen on their own, they have to be forced to happen

>> No.4238307


Imagine throwing a ball at a target. You see how far off the target you are and in which direction. You adjust, see what changes. From that you figure out what works, and you get better.

Now imagine you do the same thing but without the target. What exactly are you learning?

No one learns anything unless they allow themselves the possibility of failure. Putting that off is nothing more than procrastination. Who's going to be better, the you who practices with a target only after a year of practicing without one, or the you who had the target the whole time?

>> No.4238320
File: 56 KB, 995x720, EASN7v5XoAAaWHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is MY kind of challenge.

>> No.4238321

>not on the list
teir zero it is then

>> No.4238323

>not on the list of furry ppl

>> No.4238339

>just lewd but in a cute way
You pedophiles are disgusting

>> No.4238348

Thank you for your kind encouragement but what i mean is that I'm planning on telling a personal story and if it isn't recieved well it's like my own real life is inadequate

>> No.4238351


>still wants lewdness
>still hasn't edited the description yet, waiting for banana to go to sleep

Yeah, this guy is just trying to test the limits of what he can get away with. I wouldn't even bother to play around with him.

>> No.4238361
File: 642 KB, 557x960, 1532296192523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banana, I've admined a few communities eerily similar to las/dad (except not art related, and far larger) for many years and I have a word of advice to you

you need to get rid of degenerates as they appear. if you let them roam free and test the waters they will get bolder and worse, and more will be attracted, and they will keep causing shit, they won't change. if you don't want dad to end up as a festering hive of pedophiles you need to crack down a lot harder on loli shit.
I thought I was being fair and nice by letting this kind of creep roam free for two or three years ("well, they aren't actually posting loli stuff a lot, and when they do it's deleted...") and the communities I was meant to be taking care of rotted before me, slowly becoming more and more akin to putrid bogs, full of cancer, the other staff and myself finally took action about 3 years ago but it's never recovered.
one of these communities still has an extremely bad reputation among the other connected communities, several years down the track, and we still get this type of scum crawling in, unaware that their kind is immediately purged

take action and cull the disease at its source, before it's too late. if you want this community to survive, that is. don't make the same mistake we did.

>> No.4238363


who are you
and what communities

>> No.4238367

Just delete the whole challenge. If anyone wants another sfw pokemon themed challenge then they're free to make one again.

>> No.4238368

and the furries and homosexuals too

>> No.4238369

fuck off aphid, you parasite

>> No.4238370

shut up W

>> No.4238372

Yikes, you guys really want me dead for some reason. I accidentally took a nap and forgot to edit. I'm editing right now, calm down.

>> No.4238375

this, we shouldnt let dads pure name be tainted by such problematic content, we gotta think about our image here...

>> No.4238378

Seconding this

>> No.4238380

>another sfw pokemon themed challenge
I want to draw something sword and shield related!

>> No.4238381

Okay banana the description has been updated.

>> No.4238383
File: 120 KB, 542x388, 734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4238385

that's literally what they're fucking called

>> No.4238386


don't be gay

>> No.4238387
File: 304 KB, 713x676, 1575183895732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'give me free loli fap material' challenge

>> No.4238389

>identify my fetish
>create a challenge of it
>obtain free art
Wonder bread deforestation challenge soon

>> No.4238390

This. You should have just deleted the challenge when it first appeared. You're being way too lenient, with Lilramuna and the Tsflipp incident from a while back.
Think about it this way: having lolishit on DAD is bad. When it pops up, you probably want it off the site asap. Delete that shit when you first see it instead of leaving it up there for everyone to gawk at.
If you really want to give people an opportunity to explain themselves/alter their submissions, you could find a way to hide the submissions from users until the issue gets resolved

>> No.4238391

Cute monster boy challenge WHEN

>> No.4238392

why are you samefagging so hard?

>> No.4238394

t. ramenu

>> No.4238395
File: 23 KB, 847x281, 9dee893d8c4964b7a6549fd83f484981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone I disagree with is samefagging
Lol no

>> No.4238396
File: 21 KB, 1240x302, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm you but stronger
fuck off ramune

>> No.4238398

I want another tower girls/boys challenge :(

>> No.4238399


no seriously, i want to know what communities got destroyed by loli

>> No.4238400

Banana these guys are being big meanies even after I did what you said. They're out for blood tonight and I'm scared.

>> No.4238401

I want more cute boy inclusive challenges. Limiting challenges only to cute girls is boring, I'm gonna draw magical boys whether it's allowed or not.

>> No.4238413

>no feet fetish challenge
>no tickling challenge
>no vore challenge
>no bondage challenge
I’ll probably create one of these in the future if other daddies are up for it. :3

>> No.4238418

I honestly thought it would be deleted by now. After the recent loli incidents, a challenge is ok that jokingly encourages to post loli?
Is nana just sleeping or something?

>> No.4238420


>> No.4238421


I'll consider what you guys have all said, but for the time being,
is an entirely appropriate challenge.

I need to go to sleep right now, my mind is completely spent trying to draw, design and imagine shit years beyond my reach.

>> No.4238423

nothing bad can possibly go wrong now that he's changed the description!

>> No.4238424

He did what Banana asked of him. Stop whining.

>> No.4238425

fuck off ramune you degenerate

>> No.4238426

I havent failed yet

>> No.4238427
File: 23 KB, 819x467, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who disagrees with me is Ramune

>> No.4238429

there's nothing to prove on your screenshot

>> No.4238430

Why do hate me so much? Just curious.

>> No.4238432
File: 25 KB, 349x349, 1551627845728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish we had a family friendly dad since I like the concept but all this degenaracy is making me think about leaving everyday.

>> No.4238433
File: 54 KB, 1874x309, srt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. That guy >>4238427
not me.

>> No.4238435

Cant you spoiler any nsfw submissions?

>> No.4238438

Yes, but it's about the community and what kind of people it attracts.

>> No.4238440

Let me get this straight, some trolls cause a shitstorm spamming the threads and the site and posting loli, people point out that you seem to be the culprit, other users also jump in to post their own loli, and then you, just out of pure coincidence, not knowing that any of this is going on, and not trying to stir up shit or cause drama, decide to make your own loli challenge. What an amazing coincidence.

>> No.4238441

The furries aren't going anywhere, I'm sorry.

>> No.4238445

>some trolls cause a shitstorm spamming the threads and the site and posting loli
Inaccurate history. Only the site was spammed with loli, not the thread. And it wasn't trolls, just one person (most likely you).
>people point out that you seem to be the culprit
I didn't spam the website, I have no idea what you're talking about.
>other users also jump in to post their own loli
I have no influence on others urges.
>and then you, just out of pure coincidence,
Yes, it is coincidence. But a manufactured coincidence by you. Because you don't like me.
>decide to make your own loli challenge
It's gamefreaks own design. Maybe take it up with them first and get Sword/Shield banned in the UK.

>> No.4238446

pedo trolls, comics and holidays
i think banana's gonna break

>> No.4238449

Every night, after I finish drawing and right before I go to bed, I pray to God to give him thanks for not making me as terminally retarded as Pii

>> No.4238451

Who is pii?

>> No.4238454


>> No.4238455

>Only the site was spammed with loli
Reread what I said, I said the site and threads were spammed, and they also happened to post loli, I didn't specify where. If you know these details so intimately then that invalidates your next point.
>I didn't spam the website, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Maybe you didn't spam the site but you're lying about not knowing, since you commented "nice" on one of those exact submissions.

I'm not even the anon you asked about why they hate you, but you reek of bullshit.

>> No.4238458

>Maybe you didn't spam the site but you're lying about not knowing, since you commented "nice" on one of those exact submissions.
Yeah, the art was nice. What's wrong with that? Other than that I have no idea what you're talking about.

One accusation after the next. You kids have fun, I'm going to bed.

>> No.4238460

gnight piss ramune

>> No.4238461
File: 172 KB, 1080x1886, 2019112210834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4238463

who is this post referring to (the dude being told to kill himself)

>> No.4238466


>> No.4238469

not him but the post was directed at Banana when he left comments on the Dadsona submissions

>> No.4238471

In defense of Lilramune, the one spamming the site that day was aphid because he got deleted off the site a few days prior, the only thing Lilramune did was comment "nice" on one of the loli submissions.

>> No.4238474

I would agree with you if they hadn't made a loli challenge a few days later and then try to play it off like they have no clue what's going on.

>> No.4238475

To be clear I'm >>4238474 not saying they're the same person, but they're clearly trying to pile on this shitstorm and lying about it.

>> No.4238485

aphid was influenced by ramune after ramen made another piss tantrum at banana and other users on a previous thread before that

>> No.4238509

How do you know those posts are his though?

>> No.4238511

he's just trying to peddle drama

>> No.4238513

Why would someone who draws cartoons complain about others drawing cartoons? Doesn't add up to me. You guys shouldn't be too quick to witchhunt others.

>> No.4238516

Sounds cozy, wholesome /dad/.

>> No.4238522

I don't think Pii is Ramune, Ramune is shit at spelling. See: his Pokékid challenge description. He seems too awkward to be malicious imo.

>> No.4238530

pii isn't really that smart in the head either

>> No.4238532

gger word is prohibited by law

>> No.4238535

>if I keep bullying this particular user by driving this baseless "drama" he'll definitely quit art and nuke his account for sure

Sure is art in here. Isn't vendettas against the rules?

>> No.4238536

sue me

>> No.4238538


>> No.4238542

*unzip pants*
i've a cheaper option

>> No.4238552

yeah fuck off to reddit with your butterfly twinkie soul

>> No.4238569

>Feeling really scared about posting today. There's nothing to back up my fear though because everyone has been very kind (: I appreciate how supportive this community is.

Fuck you.

>> No.4238585

A better challenge would have been to come up with a trainer and their starter. Pick whatever gender you want and design a new pokèmon.

>> No.4238587

I wonder who is behind this post

>> No.4238594


I only halfway made it. Feels bad man.

>> No.4238596

This kills the pedophile lilramune/pii.

>> No.4238603

god I hope it's a big fat furry cock!

Please do. Or a create your own gym trainer. I wanted to draw something for the new pokemon game

>> No.4238608
File: 25 KB, 660x329, rtn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 35% of DAD are into this

>> No.4238609

how about we chill out with the pitchforks for a bit and just admire how pii stopped spamming the thread with bully posts containing his handwriting ever since lilramune was outed?

>> No.4238610

He's still loli posting but as ramenu and not pii

>> No.4238622

*open your mouth*

>> No.4238624

Will you fucking stop talking about ramune? Are you his boyfriend? Get back to drawing you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.4238628

*leans forward and taps mic*

>> No.4238629

So 35% just need to come out of the closet.

>> No.4238644
File: 290 KB, 944x1720, chrome1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy. Just count the current participants in the loli challenge minus hoppy

>> No.4238646
File: 90 KB, 334x250, ce531e07be46a19c91eac4ccc57a2c2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4238650

I have a feeling a large percentage of that poll are the women on /dad/ who like shota. Women are inherently in love with children because obvious reasons.

>> No.4238651

I think Zeke just really likes pokemon

>> No.4238653


yuck! I'd rather have furries and cuteposters as my boyfriend

>> No.4238655

it'll be like /fur/ all over again
the massacre must take place to cleanse the site

>> No.4238657

I'd draw shota without joining his challenge desu

>> No.4238662

I was referring to the poll specifically.

>> No.4238663

based women

>> No.4238665

what's /fur/?

>> No.4238666
File: 489 KB, 802x867, IMG_20191202_104359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute boys are precious and not for lewding

>> No.4238667

ur mama

>> No.4238675

My hunch was right. It's a bunch of women who are angry at the men for wanting to cuddle with precious young pokekids. They want them all for themselves. I see how it is...

>> No.4238681

lol don't be stupid

>> No.4238684

ok ramune

>> No.4238691

>trap obviously beaten by furries
Explain. Do traps listen to trap music?

>> No.4238692

did you have a stroke or something

>> No.4238694

What do you mean? I stroke traps.

>> No.4238696

>minus hoppy
based hoppychad being gay

>> No.4238699

furry board made on April Fools back in 2005, was a honeypot and anyone that posted on there was permabanned

>> No.4238703

cursed anon

>> No.4238708


>> No.4238734
File: 22 KB, 440x697, ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who will submit will be permabanned

>> No.4238738
File: 157 KB, 218x380, 1562261729642.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it for her

>> No.4238749


>> No.4238857
File: 698 KB, 500x377, 1565622940837(0).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the cunnyseurs are rising

>> No.4238872
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>> No.4238883


>> No.4238987
File: 56 KB, 680x510, f24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the new thread? I got some ideas for some Epic Post

>> No.4238995

Page 9

>> No.4239025

missing arma

>> No.4239110

can someone give me a (you) for motivation, please?

>> No.4239115

(You) will never make it.

>> No.4239151
File: 134 KB, 800x534, hachiko-2[6].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4239148