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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4168057 No.4168057 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like boys are unnecessarily nice when it comes to praising a girls artwork. They should be equal, non-biased, and tone down the creeping.

>> No.4168064

It's human nature. It's the same thing like holding a door for a lady.

>> No.4168067

I don't notice any difference in the critiques I get and any one else's. But then again I don't plaster all over that I don't have a dick.

>> No.4168073

wow, nice thread. do you have a blog?

>> No.4168095

reddit is that way OP

>> No.4168096

The vent thread is in the next room anon

>> No.4168097

>boys are unnecessarily nice when it comes to praising a girls artwork.
God I wish I was a girl getting unnecessarily nice praise from boys.

>> No.4168120

not really. People who mix up cultural norms and patronization of women are wrong. And I don't think the ironic dick sucking of women online is actually "nice". The only people that do that are losers with nothing to say. But yeah, what an artist has between their legs shouldn't change that much about how their art is received.

>> No.4168131

100% true
that until they get too big and then they go full ree mode like the sakimichan haters

>> No.4168685

what do you smell like?

>> No.4169030

They just want a gf

>> No.4169043

Woah so modern and progressive opinion you felt like sharing, a truly spectacular observation that I'm happy to see the moment I go to the only place in the whole internet I enjoy. You truly are the equalizer of injustice, an unique view thine has, sparks a deep conversation within oneself.

Women are indeed beings of light, tainted by the beings that lurk in shadows (MEN). Unlike **those** things, I appreciate the art spawned by the ethereal goddesses from an objective and far superior point of view. I indeed don't fall in the category of desperation, this I shall prove by shitposting on a graphical Peruvian circle jerk irc channel.

>> No.4169729
File: 10 KB, 225x225, download (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be mean to girls online
>they like u more

>> No.4169775

It works offline too. Its not about being mean it's about not being a cucc. Men don't like brown nosing faggots either.

>> No.4169806

I'm a guy and I'd like another man to sniff and eat out my butt though.

>> No.4169860

well,girls can't take criticism anyway so who cares.

>> No.4169869
File: 46 KB, 387x364, BB2D85BA-A6C8-4B66-B1EF-CF53D59EFD3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always say “Wow ur so good” in response to everything.
>This neuters any sense of individuality that makes ya a standout prince among boys.
Why are dudes okay with this?

>> No.4169871
File: 113 KB, 906x767, ssl6t8bjhp231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shit on girls extra hard

>> No.4169878

shut the fuck up

>> No.4170083

Bold of you to assume i have a functioning brain, and am not just typing directly with my dick

>> No.4170221

I have trouble criticizing people because I am not comfortable with my own skill level. I resort to giving compliments instead. Also, fuck being a standout prince

>> No.4170308
File: 40 KB, 548x297, 1543125357245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just witnessed a woman ragequit an art discord because she was offended not by what it represented, but what she THOUGHT it represented.
First she was all "nice" and "just letting the admin know cause he might have put that emoticon without realizing it", then a few people said "ur wrong lmao" and she lost it.

The reason men are nice to women, besides wanting to get into their pants, is because they refuse to waste their free time trying to reason with the drama that would ensue from treating them like "one of the guys".
Some are also afraid, cause assuming it's not a random semi-anonymous community on the Internet and the woman has any inch of power (police, a boyfriend, her parents, other random thirsty guys around you), she will use it to try and subdue anyone they deem conflict-seeking (call it a shit-test if you want, the result is the same).

For the record, I treat women and men alike within a reasonable margin and have more female friends than male ones, but you don't get to keep all these mental children around by being 100% straight-forward and pragmatic as you'd be with a dude. You have to turn everything into little games, coded language, maybe be "harsh in a joking manner", so it doesn't hurt feefees, even though you actually mean it and she knows you actually meaning and appreciates the feedback, but the rituals are paramount and even characteristic of female oversensitiveness to language.

I've grown used to it, but the moment you start demanding things on top of all common courtesy I already have I draw the line.


>> No.4170314

Well of course if its a cute girl we try to get with her.
Doing it online is stupid though.

>> No.4170316

Fuck i have to save this pepe, it's way too rare and awesome

>> No.4170318

>cultural norms and patronization
>Implying the first wasnt created by the second.

>> No.4170483

so what's the discord then? asking for a fren

>> No.4170682
File: 158 KB, 1500x997, 1536792988046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen brudda