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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 101 KB, 500x707, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4078800 No.4078800 [Reply] [Original]

>The world is ending
>All you can do is grind loomis heads

>> No.4078897


>> No.4079085
File: 14 KB, 417x275, forced-smile-secondary_275H_JR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw another artist starts following you and are extra nice to you, but you don't ike their stuff enough to follow back

>> No.4079098


>> No.4079100

>The world is ending

Did something happen in the news recently?

>> No.4079101

>vent thread
More like ngmi summer thread am I right?

>> No.4079102

Im starting school soon and must mamage my fundies along with heavy coursework. Fml

>> No.4079237
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In my last vent post I was talking about how a lot of things are chipping away at my motivation to draw and one thing I didn't mention is that my tablet(Surface Pro 2017 + CSP) is pretty frustrating to draw on, but it's hard to say if it's 100% the tablet or my hand is just shaky and I have bad eye-hand coordination. What I am certain of is that my tablet has downright shitty palm rejection so sometimes the cursor is just shaking even when I hold the pentip a cm above the screen, lines sometimes appear off to the side of the screen, and every now and then my program doesn't respond to pen inputs until I tap with the eraser side or do some other action. All this adds up to is 20% of the time my lines or strokes don't go where I want them to go, but again, I could have bad hand control.
Tomorrow I'm going to a local college computer lab filled with Cintiqs and testing how they feel again. Maybe if I get another taste and get comfortable using a Cintiq I'll get off my ass and get one finally and stop using "I-I just have a bad tablet!" as an excuse.

>> No.4079240

I need more edgy artistes to follow. But the ones I like are either inactive or take forever to post.

>> No.4079262
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This board changed my mentality about art and now drawing is more often a chore than a fun hobby and while I don't crit on here, I'm now a crab by normal artist standards. I'm grateful I got put on track to improve but at the same time it's like Adam and Eve eating the fruit.

>> No.4079427

i wish i could make friends.
if you're drawing on the screen, i've always heard that the surface pro has some issues with how it handles lines. you could plug in a screenless tablet and draw with that or you could draw on paper and just use digital for colors, most mangakas still work that way.
imo, when it comes right down to it, touch controls & gestures are still poor substitutes for actual keys/buttons.

>> No.4079464

You can make friends Anon, just finding "your" people may be difficult but be proactive and try searching thorough your interests

>> No.4079526

amazon is on fire.

>> No.4079529

I have no clue how to improve my rendering. I just feel like I've hit a wall with it, I lack a lot of knowledge in painting, and that's probably what's walling me from more detailed work.

>> No.4079603
File: 500 KB, 640x570, lain_draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw something
>looks nice, get some praise on /ic/
>decide to try comics again

>finished pages look garbage and stiff
>get completely stuck on a page
>because of a fucking horse
I'm so fucking pissed off

>> No.4079608

how can we as artists influence the world?

>> No.4079616

i spent a year doing a comic, two pages a week. my advice is push on through, a finished comic/a finished project, is a great thing to have.

>> No.4079638

I doodled my whole. Never been past /beg/ level.
I thought drawing was the only thing I can do in life that wuld make me stand apart. All my friends draw, make music, movies, books...
I can't even finish an illustration. I'm almost 40 and I tried learning seriously this past year or so but I got like 0,5% better.
Now everytime I try to focus I end up doodling mindlessly and depressed.
I was so motivated yesterday.
Now I just want to give up. Again. For good.

The problem is, giving up sound both like a burden off my shoulders, but also heartbreaking. Like giving up on life. On something I put so much interest in.
Why can't I just be fucking normal and try not to be an artist? I hate this. There's no way out; Everything hurts. Everything's too hard. I don't want to die like this.

>> No.4079640

Meetup.com maybe

>> No.4079650

I am a slave to low-paying furshit commissions. I thought making money drawing would be great because I could improve while making money. That may be true to a degree, but I spend all day drawing Pokemon OCs (because I'm so damn slow) when I really want to improve my art in other ways and work on personal projects. But there's just so little time.

>> No.4079883

Art school did the same to me. I became over critical of my art and now everything has to be perfect or I might as well not draw. It's just hard to let loose and draw. But by not being loose my art is all stiff, accept the mistakes.

>> No.4079910

I wish I had a mentor. Instead of recovering from a childhood full of a abuse and trauma. I feel so aimless. The only thing I was good at is drawing and I know I could do better but I just would like a gentle nudge from time to time, a little encouragement. And the worst part is......I do get it from time to time from followers but I am the one who needs to learn to accept it.

>> No.4080462
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>almost 21
>never had sex
>never been into anyone
>decide to try it

>woo a dame and we get it going
>it doesn't actually feel that good
>keep going since I'm there
>fuck for nearly an hour then pretend I came because I was just tired
>apparently she liked it, and told her friends
>get bootycalled by them
>same as before, but they enjoyed it

>suddenly I'm some "cool and mysterious" stud
>people I don't know recognise me on campus and talk to me
>people I don't know have seen pictures of my dick
I'm just a fucking recluse, and now these annoying extroverts keep dragging me into their stupid drama

I know this would eventually pass over if I disappear into my apartment long enough, but I keep getting assholes PMing me and knocking on my door

>> No.4080488

Want to get rid of them? Act like a beta. They'll get tired of it quickly.

Also just find a nice nerdy artsy introvert gf

>> No.4080644

I think he's asexual, anon.

>> No.4080656

Imagine falling for the Loomis meme. Adapt to thinking visually and nonverbally while drawing. Trust me, when you get down to it you'll as though be watching yourself draw amazing pictures like computer generation.

>> No.4080673


Not necessarily. If you don't like the person you can have your dick shucked all day and be like meh.
Just have to find the right one. Or someone a sexual or that just doesn't need sex a lot. I personally like cuddle and fondling way more than sex.

>> No.4080676

>boohoo I get too much pussy and people I dont even know are interested in me now im sad baww baww.
Fucking narcissist.

>> No.4080684

I can't do it anymore. This will hurt a lot but I have to give up cause I'm only hurting myself more believing I can go anywhere at my age.
Not sure if it's because of depression, because I'm retarded, or because you actually can't learn on the late, but I have to let go because I'm only hurting myself more.
I'm fucking scared of not having a goal. I don't want to be someone that only looks forward to travelling, buying things, and consuming other people's art. How do I cope with moving art so much and not doing it? Fuck.

>> No.4080687
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Similar story here
>tell everyone at my school to fuck off and leave me alone whenever they try to socialize
>get a whole lot of attention

Why do I get to be the incel that gets attention when I don't want it

>> No.4080731

Precisely because you don't want it.
Lack of neediness (without being super awkward or socially retarded either) = girls like

>> No.4080749

why not just be a hobbyist

you can still have goals

>> No.4080827

My brain refuses to and I don't know why. Need of recognition? Wanting to actually do something with my life? (I suck even more at practical stuff, science, sports, basically everything)

>> No.4080831
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The main issue is the drama I'm getting dragged into, apparently some of the girls had boyfriends and I didn't know
I've had to call building security like 8 times on assholes banging up my door

I don't think I am, I still jack off from time to time and get excited seeing some women
Maybe I need some romance like you said? I've never fallen in love though, I don't know how to make it happen

>> No.4080845

you can still get some recognition and you can still keep improving, just with less pressure. you can still be the best you can be.

>> No.4080846

Don't try to fall in love. It happens progressively. Just spend time with a person you feel comf with. Don't look for it. Just spend time and invest with someone.

>> No.4080851
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so do i go join the sisterhood or wash my penis?

>> No.4080972

I went back to anti-depressants. I don't like meds but I'm desperate, I lost desire in doing anything and what hurt the most was losing passion in art.

>> No.4081545

>find artist i like
>turns out they've just been copying another artist 1 - 1 for years
>original artist is leagues better and is much more varied in terms of what they draw
i'm honestly fucking sick of copycats

>> No.4081558

i hate doing sketches and lineart when anyone is behind me or watching me (unless it's in a work/schooling environment), but i share a room with someone and he always sits really close to where i work and comments on my art a lot which ends up distracting the fuck out of me and i get too anxious to continue
i've told him to fuck off but he just forgets. i've tried sucking it up multiple times but i always get anxious as fuck about it no matter what. any advice for getting over this shit quicker?

>> No.4081666

>"cool and mysterious"
>taking pictures of dick
How mysterious of you.

>> No.4081716

Become women then wash feminine penis

>> No.4081735

Fuck the zombie pills. The moment I go back to that shit I might as well an hero.

>> No.4081761

I want to go back to drawing furries and gore. I think I but the only thing that stops me is that I still hope to get hired by game company. But at the same time I know it won't happen. So I get frustrated and stop drawing.

>> No.4081834

I'd put it another way.
you can hardly not affect the world. Your behaviour alone to others itself influences them, and this influence you put on others, whether negative or positive continues spreading. You have a responsibility in what you spread.
Artists with a great follower base have a responsibility and recent times shown it so many times how this influence can affect the world.

>> No.4081858

by creating a socialist zine and spreading it the masses. like the black panthers did.

>> No.4081874

the website?

>> No.4081988

People get on my case all the time when I say there's too many people in the world, we need a good plague to wipe out a couple of million.
Then they wonder why big name corporations are ruining the earth

>> No.4081994

>This board changed my mentality about art and now drawing is more often a chore than a fun hobby
That is a bad thing
>and while I don't crit on here
That especially is a bad thing, the purpose of the board is crit

>> No.4082046
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>mfw 27 virgin.
>In two year relationship.

>> No.4082054

The rain forest.

>> No.4082070

I only draw as a hobby but I'm still unable to just draw for fun and get frustrated by my lack of skill. It results in constant art block. I have no reason to force myself to do it but I don't want to quit.

>> No.4082071

>memed into wanting a wacom by /ic/ crabs
>go to best buy to get a cintiq with my wagie severance pay since too impatient to order online
>have to ask a store clerk to get it for me since they don't have one on the shelves, only a placard
>starts grilling me "why don't you just get an iPad if you are going to spend this much" after he rings it up
>they don't have a plastic bag large enough to carry it out in
>more clerks chat with me on the way out since they can see what i bought
>can't tell them I bought it to draw big tiddy anime women

Going to the store not even once

>> No.4082080

Should have just laughed in their faces. They say that because they're all broke. Why do you think they work there?

>> No.4082101

>"I don't want people to bother me. I need some privacy."
Go back to twitter, bleeding vagina.

>> No.4082111

Drawing makes me sleepy, I hate it

>> No.4082112

Because they have a passion for helping boomers turn on computers.

>> No.4082142

eat better
get exercise
stick to a proper sleep schedule

>> No.4082158

I do all of that already, it's just mentally exhausting, because I don't use my brain often lol
I do find that the more I do it the longer I can go but I still have a short limit before I get tired and the more I push the sleepier I get.

>> No.4082161

Just buy online. They usually offer the best prices anyways

>> No.4082243
File: 40 KB, 850x440, i-think-4chan-is-going-to-stay-the-same-308424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to ask someone if they're still up for doing a little collab with me (a story progression for one of my comics) after it's been almost an entire month since they agreed to
>prior to this we exchanged messages fairly frequently for causal conversation, sharing memes and the like but since my last message about it no reply
>don't want to drive them further away and irritate them for a reply and look like a complete autist
>don't want to be a pussy and not say anything all
>don't want just start up small talk like I don't care about the collab and it all just pitters away (I really care about this being done because it's a bit meaningful)
>just want to gauge their interest
>don't want to make them less interested by asking
>afraid they'll ghost me if I make even the slightest misstep with my words
>understand if their busy, totally fine, just want some clarification
>could do it on my own but I need their OK first because I really enjoy their friendship and I don't want to be an asshole
>wrestle with what to do for days
>I'm probably overthinking all this and it it's actually not a big deal

>> No.4082252

I do think you're overreacting but I can relate.

>> No.4082254

Holy fuck anon, delete this. I don't want to see my own thoughts in writing.

>> No.4082267

Maybe buy some paper and a pen?

>> No.4082296

I'm at the point at my day job wageslave where if I don't come in to work 1 day they don't fire me. I don't even need an excuse why I was out. I'm just that valuable at this point.

I'm sure if I were to skip work 2 days in a row it'd be walking on egg shells but never have I had such privilege at a day job before.

>> No.4082298

So do you draw or what?

>> No.4082322

What do you call this kind of reaction except you do it to everything?

>> No.4082325

I draw. Do you drive?

>> No.4082331

Yeah, are you good?

>> No.4082339
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Not in the slightest!

>> No.4082341

>tfw no matter your skill level you influence the world around you
>be bad
>other people know not to be like you
>be good
>may have made someone's day and they do something else as opposed to a different decision

>> No.4082633


>> No.4082641

>be me
>has room mate who also does art
>apprently lucky enoguh to have parents buy them the entire creative cloud suite.
>me parents don't support me wanting to get into freelancing so I'm stuck using csp ex....which fine...I jsut want more from it.

Sucks I have no job as I'm confused as to where I can get one on campus...

>> No.4082642
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Jacking off is the best feeling in the fucking world
Every time feels better than the last, I just can't stop it

I'm so fucking pathetic, I hate it

>> No.4082648

Tpb, cgpeers, gfxpeers.
>Not being resourceful in 2019

>> No.4082655

Aren't pirated copies usually buggy as all Hell?

>> No.4082672

Why would they be?

>> No.4082706

Cuz some folks come up to me saying they tend to crash a lot or have a while host of problems

>> No.4082715

Adobe suite is probably the most "solved" programs out there to pirate. Second to maybe MS Office.
Releases are stable and on time, just make sure to get a version of CC that isn't slow

>> No.4084629

I hate how my art and well being are strongly affected by my mental health. I hate how I feel that I am trapped in this life, trapped in this body and trapped in my own mind. I never said this to anyone and I never knew how to bring it up to my therapist because she already pushes drugs, but I know my wage job can't cover the price. Because I hear screaming in my head, I think it's my own voice. It says nothing but a constant scream, I don't have to do anything to trigger it. It sometimes says all the verbal abuse I grew up with but it'd usually a angry scream. It drowns all all other thoughts. Especially the thoughts I want to use to draw with. It's very distracting and I have to stopped myself from screaming with it. I don't notice the erratic movement my body does until I become aware of my own body. I usually pace or flare my arms or rock violently. I don't know when or what started this other then sometime in late-early adulthood when I had moved out of my abusive household. All I know is that it makes sitting down and painting or drawing nearly impossible for long periods of time. I just wish losing my mind would make me more creative then feeling so afraid.

It feels nice to finally say this.

>> No.4085135

How do I reprogram/change my brain? I cannot get anything done anymore this large dark cloud in my head continues to grow larger and larger and the voices in my head keeps me from getting anything done. All the negativity piles up. And then like RIGHT NOW as monday comes and I have to go right back to the slave cubicle is when I have just a tiny bit of will power to do something, only until Friday comes where I rinse and repeat not drawing. I can't take it anymore.

I'm looking into other ways I can get rid of the problem. I'm even considering doing some kind of drugs if the nootropics I just bought don't work. Maybe I need to start reading more to fill my head with more new information I don't fucking know. Anything to get rid of this voice that tells me I'm a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.4085139

She is banging others bro

>> No.4085171

if you hate yourself afterwards then is jacking off really the best feeling in the world?

>> No.4085434
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I know we love making fun of this website and calling it a shithole full of crabs, but /ic/ has both been my biggest motivator and best friend

This really is the best community on 4chan; focused, on-topic, and thinly-veiled political shit eventually gets deleted.
People sharing information and such is also such a great thing.

Thanks a lot you guys for being here

>> No.4085509

My ex gave me a feeder/eater fetish. : (

>> No.4085678

I feel like i'll never be able to pay my bills with art and i'll be stuck in the job that crushes my spirit and makes me too tired to do anything

>> No.4085739

>have reference up in front of me
>have krita open
>pen next to hand
>can't bring myself to draw

>> No.4085973
File: 309 KB, 637x854, 1563234131215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like such a worthless failure. I look at the pictures hanging up in my parent's house and I wonder did they realise they were raising such a useless, fat leech, disgusting worthless husk of a person.
Just graduated from an "art-related/animation" degree with a shitty grade because I stopped going to class half way through, I've applied to so many jobs, art related and otherwise, retail, housekeeping, no luck.
I'm a useless parasite on my family and society in general. I just want to contribute, I just want to be useful to someone
I'm a fucking retard, I can't form coherent thoughts or actively take part in life, I feel like I haven't been able to think since I was younger, it's all just a shitty fog I can't see through. I'm stupid and idiotic
I haven't drawn for around a year now, whenever I try nothing of worth comes out. I hate myself so much
I just wanted to draw, that's all I wanted to do with myself, to create things of worth

>> No.4086829
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>drawing from not even a month ago looks like complete shit
What the fuck, guess it means I'm shit right now too and always will be holy fuck I should stop posting art and embarrassing myself

>> No.4087147
File: 133 KB, 800x794, 1553656624079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing from a couple of months ago looks bad
>Yet looks better than drawings from this week

>> No.4087236
File: 71 KB, 234x146, crying emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm constantly unhappy and as a result unpleasant and abrasive, no wonder people don't want to interact with me and my art. I fucking hate the "OMG WIG UR ART IS SO POWERFUL" twitter/tumglr personality but I fucking hate myself too so whatever helps me network better I guess. It's better to just be nicer in general but it's hard not to be a cynic. why am I like this

>> No.4087678

You might be schizo

>> No.4087687

It's performance anxiety
I had it for a long time, probably similar personalities you & I.
You'll jizz with someone you actually care about and it isn't about doing well.
Not that that's what you were replying to but why the first time was a slog of an hour with no finish.

>> No.4087713

It exists?

>> No.4087774
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I got a new job that pays well but is incredibly simple but physically taxing. My feet are in constant pain and my hands are shaking like crazy. It's 6 days a week and will be 7 days a week for 12 hours once holidays start coming. Yesterday was insanely fucking bad with my managers telling me I have to come in an hour early and still do the rest of the shift. My family wants me to keep this job and whenever I bring up something bad about it (The uncaring managers, the lack of actual training, the lies from the interview) they just tell me to suck it up. I used to work at a call center and I really liked it because I could practice drawing there but it was part time and limited hours so they hated it. This is killing my ability to draw because not only is it physically bad but it's also mental because my family just doesn't care what it does to me and want the money from this job. I've done 3 whole days and I'm already planning to quit and go back to the other one. I know I'm a complete bitch, there are people there that have worked the job for many years but even they tell me money i snot worth beign miserable those people that say the money is worth it never last. I miss having time, I miss not being able to draw on the job, I miss those times where I came home happy and didn't have my family hounding me. I'm still below /beg/ tier but drawing has been the only really happiness I've had these past few months. Do I just quit quietly and tell them I've been fired I don't even fucking know. I just want to go back.

>> No.4087815

Go to a psycho analyst, hearing voices isn't a great thing to not know how to deal with

>> No.4087853

Are you loading packages on trucks? Kill your family (not literally but metaphorically) and do what you need to do for your life. If you can have a psrt time job and make enough to sustain yourself, or if you live with your family and make enough to pay them for their generosity then keep doing that. You're gonna havr to suck up uncaring people in either situation, you can choose for it to be your family and draw until you die, or you can wuck it up from managers and work until you die

>> No.4087856

Thanks man. I'll suck it up till payday then give them the check and tell them I got fired or something and that I'll keep looking for work elsewhere.

>> No.4087878

Nah tell them the truth, you won't progress if you keep lying about your situation, and how you feel about your life. Part of being an artist is expressing the way you feel, and living your life how you want to. You got it though, it's hard stuff, but that's not why you chose to be an artist

>> No.4087880

you've watched way too much netflix anon

>> No.4087881

What I meant was it's hard stuff, but you didn't chose it cause it was easy

>> No.4087886

>Part of being an artist is expressing the way you feel, and living your life how you want to.

Damn, alright, I'll tell them the truth. Thanks for the life and art advice anon.

>> No.4087890

Despite the progress which I am making, there's one thing that still frustrates me

Not being able to fucking visualize what it is I want to draw. I can do it momentarily but can't retain that image long enough in my mind to get the rough down on paper.

For scenes, its fairly easy to just wing it and get a decent outcome. But when I'm drawing people, fuck me if I can just get the rought sketch down close to correctly before the image in my head vaporizes.

>> No.4087894

It's ok anon
just become an hedonistic npc, enjoy all kind of entertainment and don't bother with paths made of hardship and grind

>> No.4087901

lmao same, in fact that's my strategy to fall asleep quickly
>start to draw
>brain goes full "nooo I don't want to put any effort into anything, let me out"
>jump into bed and sleep

>> No.4087909
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No, Thank YOU

>> No.4087919

Hell yeah of course m8. If you ever need guidance just look into some of the written thoughts of old thinkers especially those in the stoic school of thought, they'll offer you a good ground on yourself especially if you choose to look into Nietzsche and Jung

>> No.4088450

browsing /ic/ does make me want to draw more, but once I close the tab I just go back to playing vidya ngmi

>> No.4088462

I'm in such a rug right now. I'm stuck in this shitty non-art project at uni which my superiors won't let me finish, working with them literately makes me want to blow my brain out, but my graduation depends on it so I can't just quit. I don't have much time drawing, but why bother because my art is shit anyway, I will never be able to live off it and looking at younger artists with better art is fucking depressing. I just want to go away, far far away. fuck

>> No.4089025

>I thought drawing was the only thing I can do in life that wuld make me stand apart
sounds like you don't even enjoy drawing but just want to be seen as an ArTiStIc SoUl or something to make you 'stand apart', like those people who only go to the gym to take selfies and post it on instagram or (worse) people who go to the gym not because they enjoy it but because they wish they were the kind of a person who enjoys going to the gym. if a hobby only makes you miserable and depressed then just fucking stop. you're 40 and you've gotten nowhere so maybe it's time to accept that this is it and you're not simply waiting for the opportunity of a lifetime to bloom into a beautiful butterfly envied and loved by all. "We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off." - normal people have the emotional maturity to realize that by the tender age of 13.

>> No.4089045

This place actually feels full of real people unlike all other social media sites.

>> No.4089062

I'm just so lonely, hopefully when I get to art school I can find friends...

>> No.4089063

and then you go into a software/tablet thread and get astroturfed out the ass

>> No.4089113
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, BD9EC988-88B2-4020-8029-7018C0565421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get why there are so many artists who are good at coloring digitally yet their actual drawings have dogshit anatomy, “”style”” or perspective. I feel stupid for not fully grasping how to finish pieces with digital brushes and layer masking yet people who can’t draw do a decent job with them.

>> No.4089132

Because they're two completely different skills.

>I don't get why so many artists are good at piano but dogshit at the flute

>> No.4089205

Its easier to spend a extra hours on flashy rendering for each piece than it is to spend the years of practice to get legitimately really good at figure drawing.

>> No.4089212

>the world is ending

This hits hard for me. I mean, I like drawing. It feels good. But I struggle to bring myself to do and look forward to anything when we're watching the world literally burn. Im just waiting for an environmental apocalypse at this point.

This. I don't get why it isn't already illegal to have kids.

>> No.4089420
File: 52 KB, 616x768, 146456756542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 yo virgin, never had a gf
>professional porn artist
They don't even know

>> No.4089427

>corporations are bad because of population
okay, time to kill yourself, small brain

>> No.4089474

If you feel like you have bad control over your hand movements, here's something that hopefully helps:
1. Practice using your arm to draw rather than your wrist, more muscles are engaged and you'll have more control.
2. If your muscles are generally twitchy in your arms, training and working out, along with stretching them regularly should help keep them steady.
3. Drawing long smooth lines is really hard, I tend to break them up in smaller parts and make lots of small fast lines.
4. I don't know much about eye-hand coordination, but if you want to try you can practice playing with tennis balls. Either by throwing them at targets, bouncing them on a wall or just playing catch with your friends.

Any of these possible solutions of training yourself needs to be done regularly, for a while before the effects will show. Getting discouraged early on is to be expected, and sticking with it is hard but necessary to improve.

Being frustrated is completely normal, it means that you're failing at what you're trying to do. But it's easy to forget that failing is a crucial part of learning, no matter how tedious. When it all becomes too much, go outside and take a break, but remember to come back later and try again.

>> No.4089549

People are bad because of people

>> No.4089608
File: 135 KB, 796x1250, FA_MHA_157,5_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been dedicated to the git gud grind for almost 2 years now and lately the feeling of wanting to have a mentor has been getting stronger with every study session. My fundamentals aren't flawless nor have I reached my goals but I think I'm at an intermediate stage and simply wish I had someone who could show me where to go or what to do to find the gains I'm looking for. Every artists I meet locally usually a)has completely different art style and goals compared to mine, so studying under them would feel redundant or b) I'm better than the few folk I find who do have similar styles/goals as me. I don't know if online classes could fill what I'm looking for, but I've been thinking about either signing up for those or maybe even buying critique sessions from my favorite artists' Patreons or Gumroads. There's still a lot of areas I'm weak in so back to studying those before I go paying for art gains I suppose.

>> No.4089622 [DELETED] 


>> No.4089877

>20 yo virgin, never had a gf
>professional porn artist
oh we all know already anon...

>> No.4090001

I'm 1 month into drawing every day and it's still hard to just draw fuck

>> No.4090015

It's exactly the same people you see on social media. What's worrisome is that I'm starting to prefer the affectation.

>> No.4090106
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 764jsdhgwjvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My insecurity and need for validation manages to ruin even art for me, which is the thing I probably love the most.
Every time I post a drawing somewhere I can't help but tie it to my personal value, how many likes, how many discord reactions, who reacted and who didn't
It's ridiculous and I feel like a bitch

>> No.4090109

You thought you would get it the first time?

>> No.4090125

Ever since I was a child my middle fingers tendon would slip off when I made a fist. My doctor didn't know anything about it (to be fair he wasn't a general doctor). I think the tendon slipping off during drawing is causing my hand to get sore faster. The only way to avoid this tendon pain is to draw with my middle finger sticking out straight at worse or leeping it slightly off the pen at best.

>> No.4090423

Does it happen with both hands?

>> No.4090501

i think i hate twitter and maybe artists too. people just wont shut the fuck up about rape and idk how to deal with it anymore. i've been trying to forget this shit for a long time and now you try to have an online prescence at all & it's just nonstop reminders that you got fucked as a kid

>> No.4090528

Put a sign up "Do Not Disturb me". Use headphones. Noise-cancelling ones might even work better.

>> No.4090652
File: 30 KB, 242x233, blam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of being bad at drawing but whenever I convince myself to try harder to improve and make good art, it feels like I fell for a stupid prank. I keep tricking myself into spending time, effort and frustration just to end up reminded that I'm a piece of trash who doesn't belong next to real artists that know what they're doing. I've met so many of them, and the admiration I used to have is mostly just resentment now.

It's pathetic that I bother trying at all knowing that I'll never get anywhere, but I'd feel pathetic for giving up too so I'll just feel like trash either way. Joke's on me for caring I guess

>> No.4090668

>>In two year relationship.
are you like religious or something?

>> No.4090678

nice larping, faggot, now go draw

>> No.4090690

How the fuck does a tendon slip? Any vids/pics?

>> No.4090695

hate how much I care about whether or not my art gets attention or not. makes me question who am I making this shit for

>> No.4090716

Being sick of being bad at drawing is a good motivation, but you have to enjoy creating too. Take it easy, do something that makes you happy and try experimenting and developing with each work. Focusing on other people and how good they are will demotivate you. I think you need someone to help you refresh and organize your knowledge of fundamentals so you have a good base and can judge yourself how to improve. Good mentor will also support you mentally and tell you that getting good is a slow and difficult process, you probably put the bar too high for yourself and expect too much progress, while you have to work patiently bit by bit and eventually you'll find that you advanced.

>> No.4090738
File: 9 KB, 200x200, DyOY1-yWwAAR8Xx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am I supposed to enjoy creating when all I can create is empty, meaningless garbage? When no amount of struggling to improve will make a difference? When I have nothing at all to offer that someone else isn't already doing with more skill than I can ever dream of having?

>> No.4090745

You should try to focus on drawing one thing well. If you want to draw people, focus on one pose or even just the face at one angle. If you want to draw landscape, focus on drawing a tree. Try to get to the point where you can think "well, at least I can draw ___. If I can do it once, I can do it again with something different".

Also keep it as simple as possible (pencil vs painting). If you think you only want to draw the most detailed intricate paintings and aren't interesting in learning to do something more basic, try to find simple drawings by skilled artists as motivation.

>> No.4090764
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>current workload is drying up in the next few weeks
>have absolutely nothing fucking lined up for after
>any potential offers died on the vine
>have exhausted all my usual contacts
>gonna be jobless again

Goddamn I fucking hate freelancing sometimes. I dunno what else I can do at this point except coast by on private commissions til something comes along, but who the fuck knows when that's gonna happen.

Maybe I'll just go back to having a normal person job. Has anyone had to do this?

>> No.4090782

git gud

>> No.4090787

1. You seem to focus on outcome too much, do something because it's fun. If you never enjoyed drawing then you're just infatuated with an idea of being an artist and need to learn to enjoy the process or find something different.
2. You get as much as you're willing to put in. Though teachers, courses and crits will boost the improvement rate and sometimes are necessary to start moving when you're in the rut.
3. Its sad if you don't believe in your own uniqueness.
You've made it so far, try finding new clients, opening shop with merch, finding new ways to earn money in general. Do private commissions too if they're gonna keep you afloat. Hope you've got some savings, try to minimalize your spendings too. Work on marketing and some personal stuff so you can update your portfolio and post to social media. Don't give up easily, I believe in you

>> No.4090801

My imagination sucks.No mater how much I draw it never gets better. I'm tired.

>> No.4090811
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All I wanna say is I haven't drawn shit for a couple of months due to uni shit, and my post grad starting. I'm a lot worse than I was early this year but I ain't gonna give up yet. I'm gonna be better, the end of the year may be near but not the end of me. See you all on the other sides, I wish you all godspeed.

>> No.4090833
File: 23 KB, 500x441, 2436524523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post art
>people start messaging me with "hi how are you"

>> No.4090834

I'm in that phase again where I have no motivation left and I can only doodle absentmindedly. Usually I end up quitting for a while, I can only hope it won't be for long. It happens every couple years. I don't know how to fix it and depression doesn't help.
How do I find the motivation to even try when I know that nothing matters. It's just empty churning out images that nobody will look at.

>> No.4090839

Probably baiting for free requests

>> No.4090845

I clearly stated in the bio that I don't do requests and I have 0 requests done, no way someone that stupid

>> No.4090864

Oh, honey.

>> No.4090947

are you a furry artist by any chance

>> No.4091026


>> No.4091064
File: 34 KB, 563x560, 39245259_258349454997651_7994190815222038528_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is hard (there's so much to learn)
>single and emotionally unavailable
>I miss my friends
>40+ hr/week dayjob degenerate
>cant move out yet because roommate is non responsive
>the "lungs of the world" (amazon) is actually on fire


>> No.4091305

I should close this chapter of my life and move on, I can't ignore reality forever.
After many years I don't have anything that is marketable. My skills are awful so I can't picture myself teaching or being competitive where skill matters, my ideas aren't attractive or cool, I don't have a personality to make up for it, what I am trying to do seems to be a dead niche, and so far I have seen no opportunity.

Chasing a dream is about seizing an opportunity more than anything else, you can try to brute force it all you want with hard work but if there's no door or at least a crack, it's useless. Good luck starting a VCR repair shop in 2019.

How am I supposed to justify committing full time for another year, which will become two since I always end up setting difficult things aside and practicing so I can catch up in skill a bit? If I manage to finish this thing, where will I be at the end? Same place but one year older, bar a massive stroke of luck.

Ambition was where most of my drive came from but with the years there's almost none of it left. I can't waste one or two more years of my life on luck.

>> No.4091316

The Amazon catches on fire every year. You're only just hearing about it now so the niggers in charge can sucker you into slavery to "save the planet".

>> No.4091321

I just fucking hate how drawing and painting are two separate skills.
I want to be able to do both, but I get frustrated painting and go back to drawing. Because I draw more and give up on painting easily, my skills feel lopsided. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.4091331

bruh das me too

>> No.4091344

drawing is just measurement & painting is just a bunch of nice shapes

>> No.4091352

how do you learn to enjoy the process

>> No.4091362

Unironically draw more. You just know what you’ll like when you do. Remember good, forget bad.

>> No.4091419

the only time I like drawing is when it's easy cartoon shit. Do I just give up trying to make things that are actually good?

>> No.4091430

>labor day makes 3 day weekend
>get fucked up by hurricane

Why the FUCK does it have to happen at the point of a blissful 3 days off?

>> No.4091446

>normal people have the emotional maturity to realize that by the tender age of 13.
This was no doubt written by an underage.

>> No.4091516

>arm cant draw anymore

fuck this shit fuck it all if i cant draw im useless as shit i drew for YEARS and now my arm strength is weakening, i cant sketch anymore, my arms shake when i draw, theres a tightening in my shoulders and my elbow feels loose

i fucking hate this i want to off myself

>> No.4091521

damn thats sad. Have you seen a doctor? Is there anything that can be done about it? Surgery?

>> No.4091526

Yeah art is hard, but that should be the thing that keeps you in it

>> No.4091527

If you can draw nice forms that relate to eachother well you can paint, you just have to learn how to control the paint

>> No.4091579

All the fucking construction makes no sense when I try to apply it to real people. It's always some bullshit that either works from one given angle or is "draw the rest of the fucking owl" type

>> No.4091601

I finished something that was the most visually appealing thing I've done so far, and it stands out from my other work so much so that I disassociate whenever I look at it, as if I just can't relate to the time and effort it took me to draw it, as if I wasn't the one drawing it at all.

I get these feelings often but it especially sucks for this one because people are proud of me and I just can't let the compliments sink in because it feels like it's directed towards someone else. I have BPD so it could just be that.

tl;dr: do you disassociate from your own art after completing it, anons?

I know this feel. Try browsing here less. Doodle more - don't think of every drawing as having to be perfect. It's a gift and a curse to mentally have more knowledge of a skill than your hands do.

>> No.4091904

Disassociation is not a bad thing, it helps you take critiques easier. Anyway I have this tiredness with my work, I think it's mostly nothing special, some ups and downs but in a bigger scale it all blends together, I try to not give a shit as long as I see growth on average.

>> No.4092064

The uber eats driver delivery girl was so good looking I have a strong urge to have sex but no women will ever lay with me. Meanwhile my brother is banging this chick in the other room eariler and it just is pissing me off. What does he have that I dont. I don't understand.

>> No.4092101

Do you want to draw or be jerked off?

>> No.4092103

Can we see some of your stuff anon?

>> No.4092168


>> No.4092172

idk how much time does your brother spend on a website for losers complaining about how unfair life is and ordering uber eats so they dont have to go outside?

>> No.4092198

>uber eats driver delivery girl
I had no idea what uber eats was so I thought this was about cannibalistic taxi drivers for a sec

>> No.4092213
File: 37 KB, 475x482, db8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how much time does your brother spend on a website for losers complaining about how unfair life is and ordering uber eats so they dont have to go outside?

Now that I think about it he never orders using doordash/uber/hubgrubtub/etc...maybe I am just a forever sexless loser. I was watching through an FF15 lets play binge the other day and the whole story is about Gods fucking over the heroes in the story for shits and giggles and there is nothing they can do about their destiny. For if they try to go off the path of their "true calling" they'll just keep living a life of suffering. Whoever wrote that chapter had a big brain. It's like if you don't draw and you try to be someone/something else (like my brother in this case) I never will and will continue to live a life of suffering.

So basically it's just get good at art or suffer for people like us.

>> No.4092223
File: 30 KB, 498x281, 165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If i stop ordering from Uber and jerkoff on 4chan I will live a life of suffering, I can't escape my destiny
>I take life lessons from a dead franchise where everyone looks like a fuccboi

>> No.4092227

you could go to life drawing sessions, plein air meetups etc to git gud and work on your social gains at the same time. if you're a fatty you could try going on morning evening runs and then do life drawing wherever you end up.
art is naturally interesting to people & especially women but you need to have enough going for yourself outside of it to take advantage of that interest.
art is more than your technique anon, if anything that's the first area that will give you diminishing returns b/c at a professional level, everyone can paint well so what matters the most is what you're putting into those paintings & having a rich life full of experiences and feelings you can draw from.
be an artchad anon

>> No.4092280


I'm the opposite
I love painting more than anything in the world but drawing is boring and stupid and makes me wanna blow my brains out i need color not just fucking graphite

>> No.4092291

>"why don't you just get an iPad if you are going to spend this much"
He's right tho.

>> No.4092303

>drawing is boring and stupid
You do stuff like sight size do you? That's terribly boring, but construction is really fun, feels like sculpting

>> No.4092326
File: 425 KB, 750x860, C113BE79-4BE9-4E7D-8719-9DBE5C2E6BDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine perfectly learning anatomy and being able to draw the human body pushed to its limits in any angle, lighting, position then finding out some humans can do shit like this.

>> No.4092356

to be fair a lot of photos of people at certain angles/poses look anatomically incorrect. Part of learning to draw is to make it look more correct than real life.

>> No.4092367

True. That’s why I’m a firm believer that “If it looks off, it’s probably off”

I always see Sakimichan’s fans defending her in the comments section by claiming that they attempted the pose and it looked similar to Sakimi’s proportionally fucked character. They don’t get that the whole point of drawing is to correct life after learning its rules.

>> No.4092376


>> No.4092430

I need to vent

How the fuck is there no good community left for us, without all these people who can't even dare to make aline on paper without having a total breakdown.

No willpower, no ambition, no ability

what the fuck

>> No.4092434

Imagine still hanging out with plebs instead of people you want to be around with.

>> No.4092438

I'm drunk and alone

>> No.4092504

> have mental illnesses that kill my motivation to do things
> art is the only thing that makes me happy

> haven't been motivated to do art for a week now
> all the artists i follow and my peers are making gains and making good stuff
> all i can do is watch

feel like i should up and kill myself.

>> No.4092528

I suppose that's one silver lining from it. Thanks, anon.

>> No.4092549


So go find a fucking psychiatrist/therapist/doctor

You bitch about having mental problems and would rather have a little pity party instead of fix them, when you KNOW you can? Man the fuck up

>> No.4092572

>Have a screenless tablet
>Try drawing
>Spend 90% of the time adjusting the settings so I can actually make the marks I actually intended to make
Is it normal for digital drawing to be this frustrating to work with?

>> No.4092626

Start meditating and reading Buddhist texts. I read this post and said to myself "thank god I meditate and understand the true nature of things, I dont have to live with this existensial angst"

>> No.4092636

You must start meditating also. Feeling sorry for yourself only makes more misery. I say this as someone who spent many years doing just that.

>> No.4092637

>can spend the whole day drawing
>end up reading about/comparing password managers all day
what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.4092660

give it time anon, you're essentially learning a type of hand-eye coordination you've never had to deal with before on top of learning to draw which in of itself is difficult. the best thing to do imo is just use your tablet as much as you can, even when you're not drawing just use it instead of your mouse. also do lots of contour drawing even if you're not really focused on it.

>> No.4092672

use a pomodoro timer to limit your procrastination to 5 minutes

>> No.4092734

Some days are just like this. Accept the failure and make a plan so you don't fuck up next time. Set up your workplace day before the session and start working early in the day, right after breakfast or a coffee if you don't eat breakfast like me. Have something exciting to work on, if you have something to finish just grit your teeth and do it. The more you put away work for later the more intimidating it becomes. Sadly, or bodies are not machines and you have to find ways to keep yourself motivated

>> No.4092795

I swear to God my tablet changes pressure settings 24/7. It could take a medium stroke ro max out the pressure then it switches to wanting hard strokes. It can switch from pretty good to carving a rock in under a minute

>> No.4092850

I’m sorry anon. I kinda know how you feel. it’s ironic to me that on social media like tumblr/twitter where for a while they’d make a whole big deal about trigger warnings nowadays they won’t shut the fuck up about things that are actually upsetting to a lot of people and just talk about it casually. I also hate how acceptable it is in those circles to joke about having a stroke or an aneurysm. my mom died this year of an aneurysm so I’m personally a bit sensitive about it, I don’t expect the entire internet to cater to my hurt feelings but it’s just ironic to me that they’ll be like “uuuhh I had an aneurysm reading that lol” but those very same people will flip shit if you misgender them or whatever.

>> No.4092951
File: 15 KB, 596x376, mute feature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a mute feature on twitter, go to
>more >settings and privacy > content preferences > muted > muted words
on tweetdeck (way better UI) it's
>settings > mute
and type everything you find unpleasant

>> No.4092964

this guy fucks!

>> No.4092968


>> No.4093076
File: 29 KB, 640x360, vzEf9yK_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost my Huion pen cable
>battery in the pen lasts ~1 month usually
>only 3 weeks till I reach civilization, or place where shipping doesn't cost my fucking kidney and take 2 years
>decide to play with fire
>don't order a charger
>like a dumbass

>pen battery dies
>spend 2 hours looking for it
>race to the stores looking for a shop that sells Nokia chargers
>the thing actually plugs into the pen
>but it doesn't charge
And after I had finally given up on charging it, I sat down at my desk and shoved my hand into the drawer to grab a sketchbook
Only to find in my palm, the charging cable

>> No.4093107

you have to recharge your pen? and it needs a special cable to do so? kek
at least it takes standard rechargeable batteries... right?

>> No.4093143
File: 10 KB, 300x264, 334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy on discord politely requests i draw his waifu
>tell him my commission prices, he declines politely and thats the end of that
>different guy later calls me selfish for not wanting to do free art for friends
>guy tries to shit on me because that means i don't like helping people out
>tells me i'm trying to exploit money out of somebody for a drawing
Am I selfish?

>> No.4093181


Lots and lots of social anxiety. Generally perceive yourself as low in social hierarchy. I don't wanna tell you what to do in this particular situation. I do want to tell you that you should take very small steps into the unknown and make observations from now on, and don't stop. You'll overreact less with time and feel more assured in your choices. I promise.

>> No.4093188

No. Art takes time and energy. If you're very close friends it's kind of different but even then we don't expect to be doing full on art pieces.

>> No.4093190

You're not pathetic. You're addicted and so am I. And why not? It's instant and high octane pleasure. Effortless. But I'm dying and so are you. We're not alive. We're losing decisionmaking brainmatter and bolstering our impulses. We are going through the same brain activity as heroin addicts.

As you might think, this is absolutely terrible and devastating to our future. It's making me not want to jerk off as much. I don't think I'll watch so much porn. This is bad.

>> No.4093296

try to word it as "sorry fren, I'm way too busy for requests, I can only find time for commissions"

your best bet is not mentioning the collab but trying to chat again about unrelated things. they know about it so if they're interested they'll bring it up

>> No.4093414

>haven't showered in days
>drawing surface feels slippery from the oils seeping from my skin
Now I gotta take a shower and wipe my drafting table down with windex :/

>> No.4093419


>> No.4093432
File: 25 KB, 450x600, Soon, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See a doctor, start physical therapy. Incorporate dynamic stretching into your drawing routine. Consider exercising to increase ability of muscles working together and firing together correctly. Sleep more and drink pleeeenty of water.

But see a doctor

>> No.4093436


>> No.4093443

If they don't ever bring up their girlfriend I assume all porn artists are virgins lol

>> No.4093502

I don't understand how curiouscat managed to become popular. Why would anyone decide to make a bunch of individual tweets linking to an external site that nobody will ever bother with, when they could just make one QnA thread? Are people just desperate to be able to ask questions anonymously?

>> No.4093503

>asking this
>on an anonymous site

>> No.4093518

I wouldn't be surprised if twitter started banning people with those kinds of mutes

God I fucking hate twitter

>> No.4093519

I knew about these sites but I only saw the one by the Unsounded artist which she keeps running on Tumblr via asks, the first article I read goes
>What size bra do you wear? Do you wear any clothes in bed?
>The questions become increasingly overt, the intentions of the asker clearer. She replies to each question publicly, one by one. Reading through them feels like intruding on private exchanges sent in a relationship, one where one of the participants keeps their identity entirely secret.
>The site is Curious Cat, a social networking tool where anonymous questions or “confessions” can be sent to anyone you’re following on Twitter. It has gathered a niche following in recent months, the latest in a line of anonymous apps including Whisper, YikYak and Ask.fm.
So it's a camwhore thing? Entire sites exist for this?

>> No.4093529
File: 37 KB, 640x558, pmbfg056g4g31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh don't pretend to be surprised. And i'm not really sure where you got camwhoring from, more like attentionwhoring maybe? But that's only when you consider that they actually respond to the pervy questions.

No I don't have a curious cat (w/e it is) page. I don't even have a twitter. I'm still /beg/ tier.

>> No.4093798

in my experience, the lack of anonymity on twitter does very little to stop people from asking you stupid questions, so going out of your way to give people the option seems silly. I think the artists that are using it now just miss the Anonymous Ask feature on tumblr, even though it never did much good for anybody

>> No.4093808

I ask several dumb ass questions, or just to vent in general, they help me in a few ways. I get to compose my own thoughts and on a rare occasions I get a pretty good answer. A lot of times I get dumb ass answers and or ones completely unrelated to my question. I tend to over thinking and answer my own question in my questions but I still seek reassurance. I don't really want a outcome most of the times and those are the ones that tend to get a retarded answer. I find it easier to be less mad when its anonymous.

>> No.4094013

>Notice Mark Westermoe has a new series on NMA, How to design Movie Posters.
>Genuinely interested. This might get me out of my study slump.
>Watch through Chapter 1 (2 hours 30 minutes).

>Excited for Chapter 2, finally getting started with drawing.
>CH2 Lesson 1: Designing Actors' Heads with the Help of tracing paper and a lightbox.
>Literally just tracing a photo with a lightbox.
>CH2 Lesson 2: Designing Actors' Heads without a lightbox.
>Literally just tracing a photo without a lightbox.
>Mark rationalizes tracing, saying that you need some head drawing knowledge to do it.
>"You're in it for meeting the deadline, and, Oh by the way, the Money".

>Chapter 3, Drawing Thumbnail concept sketches
>Mark pulls out an Art book from the 60s.
>Mark opens the book and selects a few drawings.
>Photocopies the drawings from the book, scales them up, and sticks them under tracing paper.

>Chapter 4 is just tracing photos of celebrity faces with a lightbox.
>Chapter 5, Straight up Rob Liefield'ing limbs from other photos onto the photocopied drawing from Chapter 3.
>Chapter 6, Hire models to do poses for you. Photograph them and then trace it.

>Skip to Chapter 9 to see what the fuck is going to happen in the painting chapter.
>Isn't even a comp from a previous section. It's just a random portrait.
>Sloppily Airbrushes some colors onto a sketch with an exact photo right beside it.

I know that it's for movie posters and that can be factory work but that was probably the worst series I have seen on NMA.
The only positive is that I want to finish my poster idea. However everything after chapter 1 is going straight into a trash can.

Related Vent
I am convinced that evangelists for the Reilly method cannot draw without direct 1:1 photo reference.

>> No.4094117

It's not just movie posters. If you have the minimum technical knowledge to draw, it makes no sense not to trace. You have an infinite amount of 3d models and photos to work with, you can buy a hyperrealistic 3D model that I assume is rigged for posing in blender for 40$. If you have the money to photograph a model why would you not just trace the pose or use a projector? You can even pose cartoons, many people do it in CSP, even artists I would have never imagined were tracing did actually trace. You have no idea how common it is.
If you're drawing for pleasure then doing things by hand is great but in a commercial situation it's just a handicap. If I were to tell anyone how to start in illustration I would tell them to just learn the basic concepts of perspective and form and just trace while working on rendering and color which are the only things that matter

>> No.4095285
File: 904 KB, 500x532, 1470274958040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what the fuck I'm doing.
Even when it looks nice, I can't help it but feel it was an accident.

>> No.4095313

sorry to hear about your mom anon. i lost someone close recently too out of nowhere like that & it's definitely not something life really prepares you for.

>> No.4095316

>feel it was an accident
Every time you learn something, it feels like an accident. It's like a basketball player learning to get the ball in the net. He fails and fails and eventually one of them goes in. It feels like an accident at the time but the more you keep up practice, the more consistent you get and the less it feels like an accident.

>> No.4095319

if you told these people not to use that terminology, most would.

>> No.4095333


>> No.4095380

something tells me they'd find a way to talk shit since they are power tripping psychopaths with no real empathy

>> No.4095445
File: 13 KB, 480x394, FB_IMG_1457667037355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noticed a new trend with how I've been perceiving my art. Lately any sketch I do, if I don't love it immediately, I hate it for the next 3 weeks. But as I went back and checked my daily drawing log from June and July I thought it all looked way better and more consistent than how I've been doing lately. But I remember thinking those sketches looked real crappy back when I was doing them the day of.

August has been a strange time for me and I had some bas artblock after the first week so maybe it's just that, I'm just not used to liking my old art a lot more than my recent stuff.

>> No.4095483

i just want a girl to eat my ass out once, one time god, PLEASE

>> No.4095485

I always feel that way Kermit. I don't know why. Although if I really hated it, I'll still hate it later. Pretty shameful.

>> No.4095709

>Browsing Twitter
>"Quick painting"
>Look better than what i did over a month
Haha fuck you

>> No.4096006
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>> No.4096021

I fucking hate kingdom hearts

>> No.4096521
File: 12 KB, 912x402, 1549246060037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got laid off/let go from last job since they won't be in my area anymore a few months ago
>can't get a job to call me back without calling them first (and usually they never get back to me even after that)
>can't get anyone to even commission me outside of one guy on /v/ (thanks for that still)
It's been really rough these past few months.

>> No.4096567

Sometimes I get really overwhelmed at the complexity of what I have to learn. I have so many weaknesses and so few strengths, and the road is long. I get uncertain on what to practice/focus on next, or if I should go back and work on something I thought I understood.

>> No.4096679

I think this gay tranny faggot who I rejected online for tricking me that they were female is stalking me IRL and I'm scared he is going to pull a gun on me or something. I just got back from walking my dog and this guy was in his car and did 2 circles around me and sat in his car watching me before speeding off.

That or I'm really being gangstalked.

>> No.4096694

i had an aneurysm reading that

>> No.4096726

>feel like shit because I'm shit
>scroll through some /beg/ threads to see people at the same shit tier skill level as me or maybe even below that
>instead other people's shit NGMI drawings are still leaps and bounds above anything I can do

Christ, what's the fucking point?

>> No.4096913
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>> No.4096934

Kek, absolutely based. thanks anon,

>> No.4096942

kek based KRbro

>> No.4097688
File: 1.38 MB, 444x250, ahh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could barely afford to pay bills today
>have been surviving off of plain rice for the past two weeks
>haven't eaten much in two days
>have come to the conclusion that i can't progress forward in a normal job because of my circumstances
>i can only move forward through art, but nothing is guaranteed
>i'm not guaranteed to survive off nsfw art money
>even lower chance of surviving doing normal art because there are better people than me who've been doing it for years yet they have nothing to show for it
i'm scared

>> No.4097701

get some magnesium

>> No.4097703

Get some side job if you're on edge, especially if you don't have steady flow of commissioners. You'll have hard time focusing on art if you don't have money for food or bills. If you get a job at hotel check in or security you could do marketing/networking or even draw on night shift and kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.4097746

i'm trying to get a dishwasher job cause i know its the only one where i can't get fired and they'll give me free food instead of having to buy a cheap lunch myself.

>> No.4097752

Holy fucking based

>> No.4097821

Not a bad idea to save some bucks but you'll have to deal with tiredness after standing for a long time. Hope it works out for you

>> No.4097836

>doodle on paper looks good to me
>sketch the same thing digitally
>looks worse
>polish the sketch a little
>looks like dogshit
>post on ic
>one word or no replies

>> No.4097851

about the same thing for me
>doodle looks amazing on paper
>scan it
>the lines look like shit on computer

>> No.4097889

They look shit on the paper too, buddy.

>> No.4098005

i wish the next big sketchbook forum would come around already like conceptart.org or permanoobs

>> No.4098183

What do they look like?

>> No.4098208

>most expensive commission price doesn't even break £40
>constant "oh wow i'd love to commission you but that's way too much"
just fuck off instead of blue-balling you fucking wankers

>> No.4098264

I just want attention waaahhhh!!!

>> No.4098312

That era is over, the era of social media has 99.99% replaced it.

>> No.4098458

More like the social media fallout, too many artists. The good artists giving the feedback in the days of CA.org figured out there are no jobs and the market is shit, and people are now so desperate to stand out that they will pay for the material and feedback that used to be given away for free. Back in the days of forums everyone was making gains together and nobody thought of monetizing this shit, because the jobs were booming, and none of the people learning were the end consumer when they bought resources. Now when you buy a tutorial you are the end consumer. It all turned into a pyramid scheme.

>> No.4098470

>get commission for bland and generic character for somebody's ttrpg campaign
>drawing this makes me want to fucking off myself since i can't work on other shit until this is done
What do I do in case this happens again?

>> No.4098483

raise your prices

>> No.4098499

Then stop doing it for a bit and take some time to try other things if you can’t do that do it on the side. Try to at least slowly break away from furshit

>> No.4098504

just spent the whole day on 4chan. I need to rethink my life.

>> No.4098923
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literally just send them your post. Being honest works.

>> No.4099045
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>> No.4099077

>decided to buy clip studio paint
>2 days after i bought is it's for sale
am i a joke to them?

>> No.4100258
File: 634 KB, 554x626, 1529122842694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the perfect life set up for drawing. I work part time with good pay but that's all going to end soon and I either have to go back to working fulltime and hating my life or trying to draw for a living and dying of starvation.

>> No.4100263

It'll be okay Anon, use this time to prepare some stuff to sell, whatever it is that you do. Don't waste this time lamenting. I believe in you!

>> No.4100678

>browsing instagram
>artist I follow links to his photography account
>cutest fucking little shit I've ever seen
>only 17
>sinking deeper into self loathing

>> No.4100691

honestly millennials are just a trash generation, if all people in the 20-30 range were removed from existence nothing of value would be lost
zoomers seem to be a whole lot better than us

>> No.4100717

>Have shit capped "unlimited" data plan instead of real internet.
>Want to use sites for timed gesture drawing
>Resign myself to drawing lame shit from imagination.
>Should probably just draw from static refs.

>> No.4100764

>>Want to use sites for timed gesture drawing
you are literally on an image board, you can't use photos?

>> No.4100768

under this assumption, September 11 attacks could be considered the sole responsible factor for traumatizing millenials into a state of eternal, anxious paralysis

>> No.4100783

I fucking hate twitter so much, the very nature of the platform fills it with attention-seeking faggots trying to one-up each other and now I have to browse it for trends so I can appeal to tumblr 2.0 just so I can maybe start getting two-digit likes on my art. Fuck

>> No.4100829

>follow only japanese and porn artists
>0 drama
it's still a shit platform though

>> No.4100871

weebs and pornfags make everything worse

>> No.4100877

Fuck off, at weebs making thing more interesting in today market instead of realistic portray by pencilx1000

>> No.4101078

I’m not good enough, and I know how to get better, but I don’t fucking do it. Why am I like this.

>> No.4101384

You can do it baby, I know it!

>> No.4101464

wish i could talk to someone

>> No.4101466

About what?

>> No.4101485
File: 624 KB, 1088x1719, DE2A8506-A222-4B5E-81A5-8364265C5475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dude stole a portrait i drew of my friend that i posted, slapped it on his tumblr with creepy tags like #her #art #sketch and went into defensive damage control once i found out and called him out about it(my comment not pictured)

i should really start signing my works, i didn’t think anybody would bother to steal and credit themselves. i guess i’m too hard on myself, since there are buyers interested but still.. i feel like i’m not there yet. it just makes me really concerned about my other works i’ve previously posted.

>> No.4101489

how many followers do you have? it seems like even tiny artists get their shit reposted

>> No.4101500
File: 736 KB, 712x1000, 9781626926547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to read pic
>MC is named Glenn
>can't get the connection to Glenn Vilppu out of my mind
>enjoying the chapters but can't stop feeling guilty about not drawing
Fuck man I just want to rest my arm

>> No.4101574
File: 71 KB, 749x722, 0CCE3636-BDD0-4178-B9E0-C8163302D2FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i found out
this was a guy who used to live in my area. we have a bunch of mutuals, used to go to the same shows. i have over 700 friends on fb and a little over 200 followers on insta, tho i just recently went private there. they are personal accounts, i don’t have specific pages/accounts devoted solely to exposure/advertising/etc, at least not yet. i’m really unsure of what my work is worth, and what formula to use for pricing. i’m leaning towards the lxw+supplies route? i’ve already shared this >>4098657 piece here, just started visiting to get the brain gainz.

>> No.4101581

>The website
Damn, we live in a society

>> No.4101601
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Depressed all the time.
Sleep too much.
Never leave my bed
Don't even have sex with my husband.
Idk man. And I'm letting my eating disorder come back. So I'm a moody bitch all the time to him now too.

>> No.4101616
File: 392 KB, 640x369, 30-resized[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studied traditional for a few years cause I couldn't get into digital. Recently started doing color studies digitally and I lost all interest in drawing. I just want paint and colors. All my money is in trad supplies.

>> No.4101633

someone had to be the transition gen from boomers.

>> No.4101640

I'm having an incredibly hard time keeping a schedule due to massive insomnia. The other day I just stayed up in the bed till 6AM. When I wake up I feel like shit and I can't get anything done. I still do everything after 3PM but all the mornings are lost.

>> No.4101642

>I'm a moody bitch to him
All my hate.

>> No.4101646

"Trad" is the only based way. Fuck digital

>> No.4101668

I want to agree but I already feel like I'm being locked in to digital because of how easy it is to study painting. I can't draw for shit with a mouse or digital pen so that's the biggest thing holding me back. I used to prefer how easy it is to get an expression down with trad tools. Now I don't think I even care and wonder why I did before.

>> No.4101723

Everything I make turns out like shit. When I do studies they look awful, and when I try going for complete pieces they're terrible too. I can't even retreat to comfort zone bullshit because it keeps reminding me of what I can and can't do.

>> No.4101734

Just count it as studying, you're still learning something. Painting and coloring is a lot of fun, I'm glad you have joy in that at least.

Keep pushing through, Anon. Without a struggle there is no growth. Harsh fact of life. (Preaching to myself here too.)

>> No.4101745

Literally me.
Sucks to hear another person going through very similar stuff. I don't want to give hypocritical advice about life and relationships that I can't take myself. Hope it passes for you anon!

>> No.4101777

it barely feels like i'm even here anymore

>> No.4101788

Are you sure you're not grinding too much and getting burned out? Make a personal project with stuff you like. It's much easier to study if you have a personal project to apply that learning to.

>> No.4101899

Whenever I try doing personal work I feel like I should be studying instead. I keep seeing the holes and the flaws in what I'm attempting.

>> No.4101935

Sometimes stuff clicks, but I guess I've just been really miserable lately.

>> No.4102032
File: 97 KB, 750x750, nml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another "I hate drawing" post

I can't stand it. It's pure hell to be good/having the potential to be good at something you hate. I like the idea of being an artist and creating what I want to see done as a concept, but in actuality, I have no fun doing it, and it disgusts me to have come from seeing art as a casual hobby by doodling in school notes a few years back to wanting to stab my drawing pad with the digital pen after hitting ctrl + z for the 10th time in a row nowadays.

I hate how I can't even bring myself to tell the people I promised gift art to that I don't actually want to do this shit because I can't fucking take another second staring at something that can make me so stressed out I want to make myself throw up just to get the feelings out of me. I have not even been able to do the commissions I have been PAID TO DO and I am months behind on almost every single item on my drawing to-do list.

"Oh but anon, why do art if you don't like it?" Fuck off, why do you get up every morning at 6-7am to go to a job you'd rather kill yourself than face another Monday of again? I have nothing without my art. No hobbies, no topic to jerk myself off over in front of someone else, nothing worthy to give anyone else in the form of gift art.

Every single artist I've been friends with has felt the same way and have then gone to their social medias and posted about how much "fun" they've had drawing their last commission. We do it because we don't want to drive away business. Why pay someone to torture themselves? And that's fine, that's fair, but it doesn't take away how much it hurts to get through an empty canvas.

I fucking hate everything, and I hate how everyone acts like I'm the odd one out for pretending like I'm happy being an artist, or being happy with anything at all. Fuck you, fuck your envy over a field dominated by mental illness for a damn good reason, and fuck me for ever picking up the pencil in the first place.

>> No.4102154

I don't know if this will help but it helps me at the very least. Try buying the cheapest, crappiest tools you can (printer paper, ball pen) and just scribble and doodle without caring whether or not you'll toss away the result. It's just kind of nice knowing I can make mistakes and disregard the results if it doesn't work out. Whenever I use a sketchbook, I feel a pressure to make sure it turns out well or else it will ruin the whole book but with printer paper, I can just toss out whatever I don't like.

Doing it in pen is important so that you don't get caught up in trying to fix and refix it constantly.

Also, try to cancel everything you're currently working on. Message people and say you can't work on their gift art because something came up or whatever. Just try to clear your slate and expectations.

>> No.4102176

Thanks, anon. I have done the throwaway paper suggestion before for x minute figure drawings, only in pencil, however.

I really do want to clean my slate but we're talking 5 months since the majority of the promises were made, and I want to make it up to them but I just can't bring myself to draw without wanting to ragequit. I'd attempted to become an hero in that time and most people stopped asking for request updates after that, but the promises still weigh on my mind.

I've never been able to get into the habit of delivering requests and I want to start now that I've opened up commissions for pay. It just sucks.
But I appreciate your post, and I'll give your pen suggestion a try.

>> No.4102194


Ready for some meme advice that might make your eyes roll? Here we go:

Have you tried switching careers, maybe even to programming?

Drawing used to be fun for me, until it wasn't. Tried programming on a whim , really REALLY liked it. It's not for everyone though, some people think it's painfully tedious. Now I'm trying to get into drawing again and wow, I can't even make a box.

Chances are, this advice is useless, but it's nice remembering that there are other options. Plenty of programmers I've met changed careers after being in completely unrelated fields at the age of 35+

>> No.4102219

You misuderdtand anon. I'm not sad he's a better artist and nearly a decade younger than me. I'm sad because I feel like a pedophilic faggot.

But also because he's a better artist than me.

>> No.4102253

You might be right. Thanks for taking the time to write this, anon.

>> No.4102303

>Whenever I try doing personal work I feel like I should be studying instead.
You should study while doing personal work
>I want to draw a dragon
>I make a sketch, realize I should pick up a ref for the head
>open up ref pics of iguanas, komodo dragons and crocs, make a few sketches to understand the skull shape I want and the scale direction
>go back to the dragon drawing and draw the head
>repeat for wings, etc.

>> No.4102304

He's understanding. And just puts food infrount of me untill I eat it

>> No.4102307
File: 31 KB, 640x480, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sad because I feel like a pedophilic faggot.
LOL you said 17. It's absolutely normal to find teenagers attractive, of course acting upon it if you're much older is another matter. Society has gone insane with this twisted idea that until the moment you hit 18 you are a literal child.

>> No.4102342

But he just looks so cute and innocent.

How could I want to defile that with my bulky, hairy, man body?

>> No.4102548

>bantz on a friend's art post
>rando comes in to defend friend
>friend has to clear up that we know each other
Am I just autistic/new to the whole social media etiquette thing or is everything online really supposed to be soft uwu wow I love your art!!! crying emoji

>> No.4102617
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 1558290611934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished my first day at a game studio. I'm intimidated because of feeling incompetent compares to other artists in the studio... I applied for the 2D artist position but on first they I was given a task to do 3D modeling and then paint over with a vague explanation. I spent the whole day being confused, didn't know what I should do. So far the piece looks like a mess and looks nothing like anything the studio produces. Why did the art director want me to go other route different from other people. I know for sure this shit won't be used so I kept asking myself "why do I have to do this?". I suffer a lot from low self esteem and I'm having a panic attack right now because I'm scared I wouldn't be able to catch up with other artists

>> No.4102747
File: 7 KB, 128x128, 1468985349704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished purging my inspiration folder of all anime, cartoons, and commercial art.
Feels good :)

>> No.4102766

>close SAI window
>do you want to save (Y/N)
>misclicked 'no' because sleepy
>haven't saved a single time for the entire lifetime of that document
>hours of work potentially lost
>check recovery window
>SAI managed to autosave my work almost down to the last minute before closing.
holy shit why is SAI's autosave system so fucking based? CSP and PS can't even compare.

>> No.4103391

>I really do want to clean my slate but we're talking 5 months since the majority of the promises were made, and I want to make it up to them but I just can't bring myself to draw without wanting to ragequit. I'd attempted to become an hero in that time and most people stopped asking for request updates after that, but the promises still weigh on my mind.

You need to drop them. They'll understand. If you really want, you can make it an open ended cancellation like "Sorry, things have come up recently and I don't think I can work on that picture anymore. Hopefully one day we'll be able to try something again but for now I need to focus on other things." Basically they know it's cancelled but maybe one day you can have a fresh start (key word: maybe).

Also from now on, NEVER take on any work for other people when you have something for someone that's unfinished. Feel free to do it for yourself, but if someone is expecting something, don't take on anything else.

>> No.4103873

Krita also has a decent autosave option. You can set the interval and where it saves and such.