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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4072585 No.4072585 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4072587

0 or Max depending what I'm doing, never anything else, why would you?

>> No.4072595

I don't get stabilizers. It makes drawing more unwieldy but the quality of my lines don't improve.

>> No.4072600

0-3 because i like to draw fast
it feels like csp still has some form of stabilizing on 0 though

>> No.4072614

I always set it at 0

>it feels like csp still has some form of stabilizing on 0 though
have you tried to check post-correction values?

>> No.4072629

Yeah both CSP and SAI stabilizes your stroke a little even if you turn it off. You can compare it yourself by drawing on Photoshop or MSPaint. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your style.

>> No.4072631

that explains why sai and CSP feel so weird and sluggish to draw in for me

>> No.4072649
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>> No.4072716

What does stabilizer even do?

>> No.4072724

I keep my brushes raw. I’d rather just draw it right than fuck with settings.

>> No.4072986

When I first started with a tablet about a year ago I'd often crank it up to S-7 in Sai which is way past overkill and makes for lame line art. Eventually got down to 10 with practice. Nowadays I almost can't stand anything except 0, but I may use 5 if a single long stroke is needed.

>> No.4072988
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Lately I'm not using the stabilizer at all

>> No.4073026

What are the best methods for learning good, clean lineart? Adding to this, when should you use a stabilizer and/vector layers?

>> No.4073033

gimme the source

>> No.4073062

To start, don't consciously try to improve your linework. Improve your drawing skills and that will come naturally. Good linework is 1) solid draftsmanship + understanding of your subject (whether muscles, cars, animals, anything) and 2) familiarity with your medium. The digital tablet is a medium like any traditional tool. So draw a lot generally (with pencil is good), but also practice with a tablet.

There is one thing you can do to facilitate the process: figure out what you like by trying different tools and media. I spent a year primarily drawing in sketchbooks with pencil and ink. Found out I really like brush pens and heavy, variable lineweights. That carries over to my digital practice. The problem is, the default hard round of every program is shit for that, so I'd spend an inordinate amount of time just carving, undoing, carving, undoing my lines for a mediocre result. Once I nixed that and found a calligraphy-like square brush, it was as simple as breathing. Drawing is so much better when you're working with your tools rather than fighting against them.

tldr: draw a lot and conscientiously with an aim toward improvement, know your medium, try different things

>> No.4073081

For your second question: I think the goal should be to minimize stabilizer over time, as it stiffens your linework and robs it of character. But starting out, set it as high as is comfortable and you'll probably find yourself naturally lowering it with practice. Vectors are something I tried and didn't have much use for, but it varies from person to person. Some artists use vectors for really clean, perfected linework. Most artists don't use them at all. You kinda just know whether it's a good fit by trying it on.

>> No.4073110
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>> No.4073113
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>> No.4073200

I'll take two parts mentally unstable, one part weeb
on the rocks

>> No.4073243

Personally I find some styles with shaky lines have a lot of personality.

The point of stabilization is to negate the jitter some cursors get with the use of your drawing tablets. If you're slowing down the cursor just to get extremely smooth lines, you may grow dependant on artificial cursor smoothing and stunt your growth instead of developing line confidence.

>> No.4073289

why do you use a trip? your posts aren't even obnoxious

>> No.4073301
File: 49 KB, 468x461, assadda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the stablizer at 20 on my brushes in CSP haha

>> No.4073305

Is this your work? It looks really nice

>> No.4073307

yeah, im trying to get into drawing cute anime girls

>> No.4073309

You're doing well, anon. The lineart looks nice

>> No.4073310

thanks anon

>> No.4073320
File: 128 KB, 652x464, stabilizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could probably work my way to getting it lower but this is most comfortable for me right now.

>> No.4073325

Jesus, that must mean I’ve got fucking Parkinson’s.

>> No.4073340

I don’t know why autistic people think that less stabilisation is better. It’s a tool for a reason.

>> No.4073347

>not using a thing that is legitimately annoying if you're used to drawing on paper with 100% fidelity makes you autistic
sounds like something an autist would say

>> No.4073382
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0 because I'm not a stablizerfag. learn to draw gud instead of depending on software

>> No.4073602

link to your work?
i like that design a lot

>> No.4073753

just go /fit/, ngmi.
>natural stabiliser came from strong arm

>> No.4073774

Any blog?

>> No.4073917

8-12 for inking and sketching brushes, 2 for painting brushes. This feels the closest to drawing on paper which has a natural stabilization due to brush fibers or pen/pencil.

It's not a crutch if it helps you get work done that looks good. There's no medal for doing things with no stabilization. I held out before using vector layers for a while and started using them recently in CSP, they're a godsend for lineart. I rather get work done than uphold some non-existent "honorable path" to do it. There's an argument to be made for drawing more and drawing better images which increases your usage and helps you get better.

>> No.4073928
File: 29 KB, 668x459, imjoedirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CSP. never once used stabilization and if it's on by default on a specific brush I turn it to 0

>> No.4073933
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If you right click on a setting you get this menu
I discovered it only a while ago

>> No.4073941

daaaaaaang brotha that's nice, thanks!

>> No.4073945

Thanks anon, I have a twit here

>> No.4074096

Stabilizers funcion differently depending on your tablet. I used to use 5 on SAI, but since moving to an XP Pen Deco Pro Ive had to move it all the way down to s-5. I think the Pro has built in stabilizers

>> No.4074098


Then something is wrong with either your tablet, your software or both.

>> No.4074100

Kek "I'm not using stabilizer at all" is the latest way of virtue signaling on ic

>> No.4074112


>not a single mention of the brush stroke setting in csp in the whole thread

>> No.4074164

i don't get why i'd ever want it over 0. the stroke beginning/ending, yes that's a great feature for no pressure inking.

>> No.4074195


I forgot to take the trip off, I was doing multiple posts in critique threads and wanted continuity since there was a back-and-forth.

>> No.4074683
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>using a stabilizer to draw
literally NGMI

>> No.4074694

Seeing all you faggots not using stabilizers makes one want to start using the purely out of spite.

>> No.4074698
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Why yes, I always set my stabilizer setting at zero. How did you know?

>> No.4074704
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>Post your stabilizer value
Its zero, because I'm not a pauper pleb and I'm using a good 27 inch tablet with a screen.

And whenever I need a straight line, curve or elipse I just use real life rulers and curve guides, like a normal person.

>> No.4074713

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7imkygf0DxM this guy makes it with stabilizer and so can you

>> No.4074732
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>I just use real life rules and curve guides
>Using crutches to draw an ellipse and a fucking straight line
>Not drawing 1000 ellipses to train muscle memory
>Not going over peter han's exercises and going over lines hundreds of times to erect a straight one on demand.
Not. Gonna. Make it.

>> No.4074733

I ink with my stabilizer at 25 because I’m very particular and have fucking old man hands. Everything else is, at most, at about 3. I’m doing pretty ok for myself. Sure, I’m terrified of inking traditionally but I guess I’ll just live with that.

>> No.4074743

In Sai i have my stabilizer set to 7. Too much and the line has a very unnatural feel on top of also lagging super hard. Too little and the lines don't come out quite as cleanly as how i feel i draw them. I think this is because of how slippery the texture is between the tablet and the pen. Having two smooth plastic things slide against each other is a lot different than graphite on paper, i feel like i have less control.

>> No.4074775

>using real rulers and curves on a tablet screen
go to bed grandpa

>> No.4076072

are stabilizers essentially what smoothing is on photoshop?

>> No.4076160
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>make a livestream
>put photo / finished drawing on top of screen tablet
>use fixed screen size during the drawing phase
>wow everyone with perfect drawing 100% from imagination
would it work?

>> No.4076175

>latest virtue signaling
how new r u? lurk moar

>> No.4076267

It's literally impossible to make flowing strokes with say, the g-pen in clip studio with a nice tapering without stabilizer.

>> No.4076284

They are what makes your line straight if you are too much of a spastic to do it yourself.

>> No.4076285

Smoothing in photoshop is essentially stabilizers in other software. They've had it for ages. Photoshop only recently introduced it.

>> No.4076358

Photoshop's implementation is also rather poor compared to others like CSP but not as bad as Krita's. If I'm working in PS I tailor my work to either having fixed line weight, pen tool, or carving out the lines.

>> No.4076408
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>> No.4076485


>> No.4077617

Somewhere between 18-22, it varies.