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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 247 KB, 715x1000, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4059208 No.4059208 [Reply] [Original]

How important are followers to you?

>> No.4059215
File: 239 KB, 720x719, 1561167355850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, never got more than 1k

>> No.4059217
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>> No.4059219
File: 86 KB, 809x1200, 1545763762938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no followers at all.

The only people who are consistently interested in my drawings are the psychs and therapists I see every month.
And that always makes me a bit happy.

>> No.4059222
File: 2.36 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_20181031_125250_965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most I had were 100 so whatever.

>> No.4059223

Followers mean nothing if they don't commission me. All the follows in the world won't replace someone paying me to draw something.

>> No.4059225

I like this

>> No.4059227

but having like 10k followers, the chance nobody would commission you would be close to 0%

>> No.4059228

I have seen twitter users with 2k followers that drown in commissions. They draw porn tho.

>> No.4059240


>> No.4059250

I am most "active" here.

>> No.4059279

I never had any above 25.

>> No.4059302

i don't have a lot of followers, around 2k, but it's definitely nice to have more people engaging with your content then would be if i had 200. i'm definitely hoping to get some more over time since i make money with commissions and would like to be able to support myself more.

>> No.4059330

Literally the only reason I keep going. I'm addicted to the number going up and the stupid comments

>> No.4059334

I'm too shit and don't interact enough with people to get anyone interested in my art so I don't really care

>> No.4059374
File: 58 KB, 1399x1253, IMG_20190810_125657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no interest in making the number rise. I only have 115 on IG but at the same time I feel something is expected of me and that makes a lil bit anxious. That and thinking most of the people follow me out of pity.
I started posting my dumb shit on my 17 follower twitter account, though. Feels good.

>> No.4059552

Its not like I only live to get followers, but it does feel nice knowing I have fans who like my art.

Though, ever since I remade my account I've had a grand total of 2 followers, and both of them have like hundreds of people they're following.
I know 1 only follows me because I sometimes draw idols, the other I don't even fucking know why he follows me since his bookmarks are just porn.

>> No.4059574
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1000, Untitled_Artwork(6)-kopia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little important. But I always get anxious when something I upload gets less likes than usual, makes me wonder if it's significantly worse than all the others.

>> No.4059577

You shoud really do digital art
Your style is so so good looking but you habe 100 followers because noone likes uncolored art on graph paper.
Seriously invest in a small tablet, you will see yourself getting so much more engagement.

>> No.4059732
File: 85 KB, 540x270, charisma man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have more than 200 followers on any social media platform. I used to care a lot when I first started posting and went out of my way to do fanart for likes/followers, but now I've given up trying to please everyone because it distracted me from getting better. Since last year people have unfollowed me and now at most I'll get 30 likes on something, but usually I get between 7-15 likes. I don't think the stuff I make will ever be popular and that's ok because I don't want to make generic stuff. I'd rather be the guy who makes really ugly art than to blend in with everybody else online.

>> No.4059785

>How important are followers to you?

I don't even have a blog or social media sites, the only place I post stuff from time to time is /ic/

>> No.4059811

do you have a twitter/tumblr/deviantart?

>> No.4059823

One important person following me feels like a hundred or thousand people compared to one random idiot.

>> No.4059851

This. I only care about mutuals and the guys who have followed me since I was shit and commented consistently

>> No.4059870

Very much. They make me look good and trustworthy. They validate me as much as my friends do.
They indirectly give me money just by giving me attention so there's that as well

>> No.4059883

What's the point of doing art if you won't get internet fame out of it?

>> No.4060188

i stopped caring

would like to have a commission pool though

>> No.4060324

I used to care a lot until I hit a high milestone and realized I shouldn’t let the existence of random strangers on the internet influence my feelings/progress regarding art. Now I keep telling myself to ignore the followers. I just want to go back to the mindset I had when I averaged 20 likes per post and just drew whatever I wanted with no care in the world. I still draw what I want but the feeling’s just different now.

>> No.4060349
File: 17 KB, 626x404, 017 speeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's important to have dedicated followers rather than a huge number of followers that don't really give a shit what happens to you. Dedication is important if you want to "make it" with social media, because it means people are more willing to support you since you mean a lot to them. I only have a little less than 600 followers but they're the most dedicated people I know because they like my stuff every day.
Then there's also interacting with your followers but at that point they don't really like you so much for your art but rather your personality. You have to be social to get attention on social media, go figure.

>> No.4060359

I've had 15 followers for the last 2 years

Then again I also don't post much, I should probably do that more

>> No.4060408
File: 69 KB, 696x751, igdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to care more but I realised I dont market myself or produce enough content to deserve more.

I do think followers are important if you want to get commissions though

>> No.4060417

>I think it's important to have dedicated followers rather than a huge number of followers that don't really give a shit what happens to you
This. I have a huge number of followers but let's just say mine is due to special circumstances at the time. I doubt I could even achieve a fraction of my current numbers now if my account were to suddenly be closed or banned because my art is /beg/ tier. Even being self aware with this knowledge these are still large numbers and I always feel on the edge, like I could lose them anytime. I do get upwards to 10k-20k likes sometimes on my posts but it gets a bit nerve wrecking when posting new things since it just feels like I have some huge expectations to meet for every post.

>> No.4060420

>the feelings just different now

You've just posted exactly what I've been feeling recently. Though I haven't hit a "high" milestone (just under 5k on pixiv not even 600 on Twitter) I feel myself worrying about numbers more nowadays and it bothers me. It's weird but I miss the feeling I'd get doing deliveries in draw threads, like when you resonate with the idea and deliver a quality piece. I miss the lack of expectations

>> No.4060492

subscribers means a lot of people watching the ads, watching ads = more cash. :D if the content is makes people stays longer to watch in real time = even more cash. plus you'll get gold bar = sold it for more cash and shilling your merchandise.

>> No.4060513
File: 272 KB, 1343x1017, e8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't worry about followers if you don't have a blog

>> No.4060543

It's a phenomenon I've noticed on youtube channels and people who post porn on twitter: if you're not posting what people followed you for in the first place, engagement stays low outside unless you're doing something very interesting.
Think of it like politics: the people that like your stuff no matter what are your core base (or they just compulsively like everything in their feed, but that doesn't fit the analogy): your base will be happy with pretty much anything you do, but have to work to win over moderates (people who followed you because you did one thing they like, but need a reason to stick around) or independents (new fans).

>> No.4060756

I have 15k organic on twitter and don’t get commissions, and have barely any engagement on my art posts. It’s fucking pointless

>> No.4060814

post twitter?

>> No.4060909

There is precisely 0 point to do so

>> No.4060911

why are you lying?
for what purpose?

>> No.4060919

Legitimately get a tablet cause you're good and you'd do well working digitally.

>> No.4061014
File: 679 KB, 694x1000, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will think about that. I enjoy drawing on paper a lot more tho. I dont always draw on throw away paper.

I have a small tablet, might try some practice on it.

Yeah sure!

>> No.4061565

I have mutuals with 2-3k followers who get poor engagement on their art but still got a bunch of commissions, maybe there’s a problem with your followers or how you’re marketing yourself.

>> No.4061646

I’ve realized just how much the counter that shows followers have hurt my art gains and my motivation as an artist.

I’d rather just do art trades with friends between my studies or make fan art for people that I KNOW will share my art.

>> No.4061652

What meaning did you mean for this image to have in a thread about gaining a following from posting artwork

>> No.4062064

I don't give a fuck about those with default profile pic etc etc, but when some artist who I like follows me I'm flattered by this

>> No.4062559

Yeah dude I’m totally lying about how much of a pathetic friendless fucktard I am with no engagement

I don’t think I market myself very well at all. I feel like I have really generic shit art and it almost feels bad to try and promote myself because it’s so boring

>> No.4063425

>dont do art
>450 followers on twitter
what are you guys doing?

>> No.4063798

I had a main account where I post drawings with 44 followers and also I made a separate account for just lame fanart trash and it's got 360 i don't know man

>> No.4065303

>be not good at art
>every post across all platforms has been between 4-12 likes for the last 4 years
>draw a picture of a meme
>3k porn artist likes it and reshares it
>even bigger 25k big shot porn artist sees it and does the same
>endless spiral
>instant 500 followers
>now every other post gets 100+ favorites with thousands of views
>tfw I dont deserve these hoes

>> No.4065349

hey anon, i really like it! your drawings have a lot of charm! i hope you have a lot of fun while making them, photo quality has gone up a lot! Very nice, also there is very clear improvement :).

I would recommend using more hashtags and also, uploading constantly, like daily or every 2 days its super important to get more followers, keep growing so that people notice you and support you, bests of luck!