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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 120 KB, 800x795, etjhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4055282 No.4055282 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>4036249

>wageslave 40 hrs
>art homework due tomorrow morning
>haven't even started it

You know what they say; you can sleep when you're dead, haha!!

>> No.4055297
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>Finish painting for the night
>Come back to it in the morning
>It actually doesn't look like shit like it would normally would

>> No.4055303
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>> No.4055320

i have to start looking for a job next month and i'll have to work in a soul crashing job as a monkey coder. Im improving quite well at art but i wont have much time to train for more than 2-3 hours.Now i dont even feel like i want to draw anymore because i feel like im heading into a dead end and i should just give up on my dream to become an illustrator and just pick a relaxing hobby like playing videogames

>> No.4055354

2 3 hours is plenty of time. And I heard code monkeys can literally just automate their job which leaves more hours to draw.

>> No.4055379

I'm a fucking failure. I am a background person who will never matter. This isn't even depression, depression exists because there's a problem to solve. There is no problem to solve, there's just no other way this can be. I am destined to be unhappy because I was unfortunate enough to aspire for more when I am not a person capable of standing out. I tried the best I could and I failed. Lately I didn't even want a career anymore because it's clear that was beyond the achievable. I just wanted a few people validating me and caring about what I had to say, I have nothing in this life except my art, I hoped that was something I could have used to reach out but nobody gives a shit about what I have to say. So in the end all I am useful for is attending a gas station or serving fries at McD's until I can get home and drink myself to sleep. I just have to accept this but it's so hard.

>> No.4055591

I know a code monkey. He reads stack exchange all day and gets paid

>> No.4055601
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>I am destined to be unhappy
Stop thinking you have a special problem. Happiness is a temporary emotion. We evolved to survive and spread our genes not to have a "happy" life. Even if you could make art people like, you will always want something to strive for

>> No.4055618

False, unless you landed a data center and support IT in a small company you won't even have time to do your jobs.
OT is normal in this field

>> No.4055621
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>learning how to draw
>still need to learn how to color
fuck this is too much!

>> No.4055647

Its more of a software engineering job than a simple code money so it’s pretty taxing on my brain

>> No.4055650

>start finding motivation and draw every hour for a few days
>loses all motivation after a few days and doens't even know what to draw anyway


>> No.4055657

I just gave up on drawing and got back to playing video games since i just got a job and videogames are much more relaxing hobby than grinding fundies

>> No.4055659


First get a nice caring and genuine gf. They don't solve depression totally but really helps forget yourself half the time.

>nobody gives a shit about what I have to say.
I'm listening to you right now. See, you just connected with another human. You can do it again, and art is made for this.
Ask yourself those questions : what do YOU want to talk about? What do YOU like? (if you like furry futa femdom romantic stories then do this.)

>> No.4055660
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how tf do you get into the habit of drawing everyday?
I'm self-taught and fairly decent but my motivation sucks major donkey balls and is the reason I failed to get a job after graduating. Honestly, I don't care about the job part, but I would like to get myself motivated to work. I see people on tumblr and twitter making art everyday if not multiple times a day and I can't make a finished piece but once every few months. I don't even care about earning money, don't care about making fanart. I just want to make art that makes me happy and at the end of the work day I just can't find the power to do so. What do? Any advice?

>> No.4055664

See you soon (funny how I didn't believe that one anon that told me this when I was saying the xact same thing as you. You can't get rid of drawing It's a curse.)

>> No.4055667

I haven't drawn for three fucking years
No improvement
Still /beg/

It was my hobby. Now it's nothing.

>> No.4055669

Idk about that. Tbh it felt like a huge burden has disappeared from my shoulders

>> No.4055671

>how tf do you get into the habit of drawing everyday?
Just draw one circle.
Then your brain will be like "come on, I can't leave that circle like that, I'll just sketch a bit more"
And before you know it, you'll have draw for one hour. At least that's how I work.
Another trick is to watch an IG, Twitter of whatever, timeline with artists you like, and then stop when there's somthing you really like, and try to draw a part you like. Say this type of nose the artist drew is cool, then draw it yourself to understand how he did it. You'll probably spend more time thatn you think doing many iterations to undestand it, or just refining a sketch or illustration starting from here.
Not science, just stuff that work for me.

>> No.4055673

Yeah, I was the same too. I mean, if you feel good and stay this way, good for you.
But you're still here. Why? What do you fele when you see a drawing you like?

>> No.4055676

It's just problem solving. Why does your drawing look different than the ones from artists you like and try to imitate?
If you can't find it yourself post it here, people will help. You got nothing to lose, you can only learn. Even if you suck balls people will forget your drawings anyway.

>> No.4055681

Im just taking it out of my chest. I wish i can learn to draw but as it stands now I can’t work, relax and learn to draw at the same time

>> No.4055686
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I wasted 3 years thinking I could draw just 1 hour a day an make progress. Started drawing 4+ hours a day last month and have made more progress in that month than I have since I started. I feel so stupid.

>> No.4055725
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>spend the whole day engineering a subtle and hard to find bug to be introduced into the codebase
>bonus: have one or more interns commit parts of the critical buggy code into the project
>wait for the inevitable task to fix it pop up the next day
>assign yourself for the arduous bug squashing task
>dick around the whole day
>effortlessly fix the bug close to the end of your shift

>> No.4055820

I'm scared I won't be able to improve significantly and that I'll just stagnate. I keep reading the shit people say on here and it's getting to my head.

>> No.4055834

this place makes me depressed, but this is the only art community i have access to. No art friends.

>> No.4055835

wake up every day fucking tired so i just sleep more with the reasoning that i cant study or make good art while i’m tired
i’m stuck in this loop of depression and anxiety that i want to get out of. i have no motivation to do commissions so i’m also running out of money

>> No.4055845

Not so much. If a drawing looks solid, most colors will go well with it. They might not be as expressive, but as long as they're somewhat correct everyone will take it.
Colorpick palettes if needed be.

Painting (as in rendering with a brush), on the other hand, is a whole nother store.

>> No.4055852

you know how everyone here is a miserable, awful, whining, misanthropic piece of shit? art friends are more of the same. you’re not missing out on much!

>> No.4055855

Sorry about the shitdit link, but give this a read post by ryans01:

Past You can't be reached, so blaming him is useless. Focus on the Present You and make Future You's life easier.

>> No.4055869

Start exercising. Just running for half an hour should help. Not just jogging but spring-jog-sprint-jog.

>> No.4055888

i really need to exercise, thank you for the advice

>> No.4055889

I dream of taking drawing classes at uni. On my own I have no discipline, but under a teacher and with it attached to my GPA, I can move mountains.
This worked for learning Japanese, by the way. On my own I just gave up, but taking a class, I was successful because my teacher forced me to be disciplined.

But comp sci has nothing to do with drawing classes and I'm just going further into debt with each non comp sci class I take, Japanese already set me back a cool $3600.

>> No.4055896
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>> No.4055901

All throughout schooling I thought I was too dumb to solve problems in math and never knew how people could enjoy it so much. Then when I started drawing, especially more recently trying to understand form in space I can see exactly how those math kids enjoyed problem solving so much.

>> No.4055902

Doesn't seem like you really want to learn how to draw, learning how to draw is also working, you should expect every workday to be entirely made up of working both at your job, and at home drawing

>> No.4055904

Spend more time drawing than reading what a loser has to say about drawing

>> No.4055912

>nobody gives a shit about what I have to say
Hehehe. I worked 5 years on a project that wasn't mine, and by the end of it, even though my name was always there in the credits, I didn't gain a single follower, a single comment from that project's fans. My personal work is still just me, myself and Irene.

But want to know what I think?
You like your ideas because you see how good they are.
People don't like it because they can't.

They will only be able to see it if you make them pay attention for long enough to start registering and caring. This either involves doing something really good and polished (basically impossible at our level of irrelevancy) or doing something all the time, to the point were people will see you talking about it so much they themselves will get curious about the content.
I get this from people I follow - I don't really care for the artists who just draw a bunch of different shit, but I get really attached to people who have a recurring theme and keep posting about it.
It can be a dev posting game progress, a dude who only likes fishes posting fish illustrations, or a person with a character making several concept arts involving that character, promising himself one day it will be a full-fledged anime.

Well, maybe it won't, but if enough people get interested in it from all the posting, that's a chance.
You have to love the idea enough that it will bring you fun and motivation, which in turn will attract people as a consequence.

Easier said than done, but keep that in mind.

>> No.4055949
File: 114 KB, 1200x880, E9322CAF-0A8C-498B-98B8-2E8F39EFC43B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Decided to have an Instagram
>Almost a year now and overall happy with the app
>All in a sudden decided to draw Yuri fanart
>Gets popular
>The usual 20 to 30 likes got +90
>try it agian failed
>gets depressed
>gets super addictive to counting likes
>realize I miss they times that I just post anything and just satisfied with 20 to 30 likes

>> No.4055956

Thanks man.

>> No.4055961

Just do art as a hobby.

>> No.4055994

>Draw something a week ago I was happy.
>Try doing one drawing every day since then
>Can see myself getting worse and worse and things like anatomy and other shit stop making sense

I fucking hate it, I'm getting worse at drawing while doing more than before.

>> No.4056007

I think this is why we don't get any great artists anymore regardless of the medium.

>> No.4056011
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This tbqh

>> No.4056034
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>before discovering /ic/, used to draw an hour or so every two days, for the last two years.
>after discovering /ic/, become extemely motivated. Drawing atleast 5 hrs a day and started posting my stuff frequently.

Don't know if I should hate myself for not coming here sooner.

>> No.4056252

And then, you'll realize that you need to learn storytelling.

>> No.4056301

You're right. I just need to get back at it.

>Why does your drawing look different than the ones from artists you like and try to imitate?
Because I've yet to reach their level, I still can't think in 3D when I draw. I need to practice a lot.

>> No.4056352

OP here, I finished my homework but just barely enough for the grade. 1 assignment is low effort....had to come up with an excuse to be in late today just to finish it.

>> No.4056583
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>friends with a girl since 2nd grade
>she's a great musician
>plays many instruments at an extremely high level
>basically got a career going
>car accident happens
>right arm lost
>can't play music any more
>starts going through bouts of extreme depression
>goes from apathy to sobbing in my room and back daily
She's gotten obsessed with Drakengard 3 lately, so we sit in my room and I play it while she watches.
I've also been trying to get her into singing which she enjoys, but she seems somewhat burned.

it breaks my fucking heart seeing her like this, she's been around for me in my shittiest times and I can't do shit for her

>> No.4056639 [DELETED] 
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>"girl" doesn't know what DAW or MIDI is (aka you don't need two arms to operate a PC and make music from it because holy shit digital instruments exist in 2019)
>also losing one fucking arm is enough for her to completely stop pursuing her passions
>i cri erry time 5ever ;_;
fake and gay
if its real then do the above as well as remind her that Ricky Berwick exists who has 300k followers and is likable

>> No.4056716

>tfw no qt 1armed gf

>> No.4056730

Honestly just kill yourself and get it over with. No one cares to read your crying.

>> No.4057067


Hey, you kill yourself.

>> No.4057132

Drawing is easy, it's fun, starting is hard. Odds are you have some electronic entertainment you're defaulting to. And if you want to get pop-psy, there's the possibility that you're dreading it because you see it as an imperative.
It's like (you) addiction

>> No.4057168

No no, you kill yourself.

>> No.4057177

It's just a matter of time

>> No.4057286

I can only draw for 30 mins top before getting tired/bored/discouraged.
I just can't make myself get into it.

>> No.4057292

I finally have been granted $1000 paypal credit line. And yet it still doesn't feel like it's enough. Before I had only a measly $280 credit line.

>> No.4057341
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big feels bad bro,damn i didnt need this depression anon

>> No.4057501

Normally everything I finish even doodles sometimes is a power struggle to look how I want and takes way too long than what they may should. Recently I started to realize how faster and with ease people seem to be when getting something intended. I don't know how I could even fix myself to match up and I hate it, just seems like an arbitrary thing no one would ever have to teach. It was demotivating already seeing how dragged art felt but this really set the stone to show that I am doing everything wrong and possibly didn't improve for the sliver that I thought I did.

>> No.4057502

Don't go by the stuff you see on videos. It always looks like they make everything with no effort because they did preparation before. If you look at artists actually improvising they do very simple things.

>> No.4057634

Time to give her the D

>> No.4057645

>tfw no qt childhood depressed friend that needs emotional care
god I wish I was you

>> No.4057719
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>> No.4057727

Question is, if playing videogames is actually relaxing to you? And drawing is not relaxing? Perhaps your attitude is wrong.

>> No.4057732

If you do not sleep, you will be dead soon.

>> No.4057739

I feel your pain.

>> No.4057741

>First get a nice caring and genuine gf.
At the Clown World, it is one more rare drop than winning ticket.

>> No.4057759
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I'm just tired of dumb fucks arguing about taste here
Hating anime, hating realism, hating a certain kind of stylization, based on personal taste is okay
But the problem is people keep acting like faggots about it, derailing threads and endlessly shitposting just to "prove" apples are better than oranges

>> No.4057764

I sometimes think about just cashing out, living on savings in a car for a year or two, while taking courses at a really good and affordable art school near me.

>> No.4058022

I'm not that Anon you're replying to, but I stopped playing video games because it's too stressful to learn how to play them. Years ago I mostly played classics from childhood but learning anything new and getting actually good, especially with online gameplay is too much of a chore. If someone gave me a Gameboy I'd play but I feel too old to get engaged in new ones. I know it's not really about age though.

>> No.4058061

12 hour shifts, 2 hour commute. It's been like this since February but atleast the project is wrapping up soon so I should have more time to work with. I look forward to improving my art.

>> No.4058107
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>addicted to 4chan and the internet in general, have spent every day here on various boards for nearly a decade now
>4chan filled the void that was quitting WoW, my former addiction
>'hobbies' include vidya, drawing, writing although I neglect all of them and shitpost about them more than anything else

I'm starting to lose hope, I've tried everything I can think of from grinding fundies, doing Drawabox and Keys to Drawing etc, none of it seems to work for me
I've got a huge fucking inspo folder and spend more time thinking about drawing than actually doing it, and what's even more pathetic is that I can see my old posts in the archive where I'm complaining, doubting and doing the same shit I am here

I spoke to my little sister who's into drawing too, she's pretty good, mostly spoke about the difficulties of drawing and all that and she was more or less just "draw what you think is cool lol idk:)"
is that really the secret to it all? just draw in the style I like and self critique? pic related is some stuff I have saved
this drawing thing is so painful sometimes

>> No.4058119

You need to find something fun to do, hobby shouldn't be a chore

>> No.4058302
File: 92 KB, 512x437, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking SAI crashed on me for the first time in my life
I thought you were supposed to be the one...

>> No.4058343

> starts doing animation
> eventually decides after many burnouts, that animation as a long-term career isn't viable for someone with several mental health and motivation issues
> gets comfy with drawing things and making art
> friend who is used to my animated works constantly nags me for new animations
> writes long twitter thread explaining why animation wasn't something I found fun anymore, and going forward, it would be just artwork
> friend didn't understand, replies on every art piece i do "Where's the new animation"

I just want to tell him to fuck off. It's been like this for a year.

>> No.4058351
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Was he always like that? He sounds literally autistic

>> No.4058363

Kind of. I just want to leave animation and focus on what I actually like to make, but I end up feeling like I owe him that.

Which I don't, thus the
> I just want to tell him to fuck off.

>> No.4058374
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>using CSP for 2 years
>zero crashes
>zero driver errors
Take care.

>> No.4058481

So basically you're some kind of friendzoned service dog?

>> No.4058496

CSP crashes even more for me. My PC is just shit

>> No.4058653
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Last year i finally got friends after 18 years of pressure and i hate it, i wanna go back to being alone, whenever i am with someone i just feel like i am wasting time i could be using drawing. I hate having friends but i can't tell them to fuck off because i would feel bad. Meeting new people is the worst thing that happened to me.

>> No.4058679

Im from Ecuador, a thrid world country in latin America, in 2 weeks my college begins and I dont really want to go there, I feel misserable and I feel that I learn better and more quickly on my own with the help of a beloved teacher, some friends and /ic/ for feddback.

It has been 2 years since Im there and I really cant connect with anybody, this country is filled by mediocre people that tinks they are the best of the best, I dont really see myself working here but is very hard to go to other country or working freelance via internet with the level I have, I just wanna do my art and have enough to live peacefully

>> No.4058685

you need to experience life to make artwork that means anything

>> No.4058734

I just want to shit, play video games, and forget the world exists for 74 hours.

>> No.4058778

Is possible to become an artist as a depressive retard?

>> No.4058788 [DELETED] 
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do your friends actually like you and you're just an unaware retard
or are you one of "those" people...

>> No.4058789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4058804

If it crashes while you're saving then your file is fucked. I make a backup of the .SAI file to a different hard drive after i've worked on my stuff for a day or so.

>> No.4058805

>tfw 18 and already know i'm going to end up alone forever
fuck you I didn't need this tonight anon

>> No.4058825
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Sometimes I think r9k has more crabs than IC

>> No.4058867

>no passion for coloring
>need to have good coloring skills even though my drawing skills are solid because I’m not the fastest or the absolute best

Should I go on disability to continue doing my art without needing to appease normalfags and corporations

>> No.4058893

>trying to get into art school
> i don't have any interesting pieces
>probably won't get in to the animation department
>have 1 year to get good and get at least 12 pieces

>> No.4058929

This is actually really good, my man. Not him but I like the idea of using IG for studies. Thanks.

>> No.4058959 [DELETED] 
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don't be in denial anon
everyone who goes on 4chan is weird. Average citizens, joes, normalfags, normies, whatever they're called- you and I know that they aren't comfortable with you deep down because you've already subverted from the norm by being here for a certain time.

The weirdest weirdo they see regularly gets kicked down the first, then its the second weirdest, then the third... so on. Eventually they'll get up to you if they haven't already. I'd say psychological manipulation has gotten worse than before; humans are dicks I know I know, but seeing how they can build weapons that can wipe out cities, and put any human within the radius on the brink of death so close that all they want left is to just die already as they choke on their blood and melting flesh, ever so slowly. They're coming up with shit to fuck with other humans even harder and better as rapid communication (iphones) is a thing now.

There's nothing wrong with being alone btw, we're all going to die alone anyway, even the happily married couples can't die at the same time.

>> No.4059052

>trying to help someone get into digital art (her trad work is good but she doesn't know her way around the programs and wants to learn them finally)
>realize I barely know shit about how to use these programs to their best potential either

Just kind of frustrated.

>> No.4059056


>> No.4059070
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 386a660974391379a71d1732416c9310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tell me really nice things and even cried thanking me for being their friend and encouraging them to enter college/forget their ex etc, that's why i feel so bad but they never do something nice for me, ever, not even watching anime i recommend them or listening to an hour long album, and they are NEETs. I am just tired of being everyone's person they can go to cry when they feel bad and then just dump like trash. I stopped drawing last year because i was busy being that trash can for 3 persons, i hate it, people are just egoists.

>> No.4059085

Color is pretty easy. Just take references but don't color pick them, choose a similar color without thinking so much about it.

Then just ctrl+u and adjust the values until it looks good.

>> No.4059105

>that pic
Fuck, the real tearjerker is remembering when /b/ was good.

God damn.

>> No.4059132

This kid turned out to be a chad, somebody post his photo

>> No.4059139

Blame normalfags and /pol/
They made 4chan famous so all the normalfags, reddit invade this place and act like retards

>> No.4059185

Your brain is realizing the mistakes it has been making that you didn't realize before. Improvement isn't always a good feeling. Now you have to learn how to fix those things

>> No.4059233

I've been drawing for almost 2 years. I'm still trash and everything I do comes out bad.

>> No.4059234

>when /b/ was good
top lel

>> No.4059236

Someone in my university art club only draws le body positive lgbtq+ people of color tumblr art and got a commission. I don't post art regularly nor put myself out there nor have I ever advertised commissions, and I understand that there exists an audience that likes that kind of content. But yeah I'm still kinda jealous.

>> No.4059710
File: 502 KB, 799x599, 1563896318352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people have to be so fucking untrustworthy

>> No.4059955
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>full on NEET mode
>do nothing but endlessly procrastinate
>spent more time jerking off than actually drawing
>been going like this for over a month

>> No.4059985

>spent more time jerking off than actually drawing
If you're not a quick shot you take at least 1 hour to fap and most people here practice drawing for less than 1 hour a day so that's accurate for almost everyone here.

>> No.4060041
File: 24 KB, 300x839, Image from iOS(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post art
>literally the only type of comments you get: "do you draw for magazines?" "nice design maybe you should try magazines?" "don't like your art but you should do magazines"
>still haven't had any work published in a magazine

>> No.4060047

buy some magazines

>> No.4060138

Okay now what

>> No.4060161

I hate shit professors desu
>taking networking class
>starts at 9pm
>okay class, I'm assigning this project, don't worry its easy but its due tomorrow at noon
>have class from 5am-1pm with only an hour break
>ask if we can get an extension
>lol no, it only takes an hour or two
so glad college is done with. that was literally the only time in my life I genuinely wished someone would be murdered.

>> No.4060234

They're not you're real friends buddy :'/ hang in there.
Look after yourself first. Do something fun by yourself once in a while. I know the feels.

>> No.4060252

I should probably get off of this board. There's so much doubt here and it's fucking me up. Especially all the shit about improvement and talent and whatever, I'm actually scared I'm NGMI sometimes.

Maybe I should just ignore those feelings and draw.

>> No.4060270

Similar situation
I have a (diagnosed) disorder that is like narcolepsy and I have to make enough money to survive and learn art but also need 11-13 hours of sleep a day or else I get sick and can barely function.
I have a lot of motivation and try to do a lot but I can only do so much with the way my body works.
It is a really horrible and annoying problem and since most people have the opposite problem (insomnia and not being able to sleep) they don't understand it and think I am lazy or "lucky" because I "get" to sleep a lot.
If I could get by on like 4 hours of sleep like everyone else that would be great.
I can't retain information or draw well while I'm tired ans if I force myself or take a bunch of caffine to stay up I get a lot done but get sick for the next few days.
I am worried that I won't be able to get good enough to do whatbI want with my art or do enough commissions to live off of it like I eventually want to. I also habe memory problems because of my condition that make it even harder and take more practice to retain information.
It is a miserable isolating ecistance.

>> No.4060273

Lots of typos but I was just venting and didn't feel the need to proofread.
It feels so good just to write something out and not have to look over it and let it go.

>> No.4060364

Wtf dude. Unless you earn money in different kind of commissions idk why you wouldn't send your portfolio to magazines.

>> No.4060367

cute anon

>> No.4060413

1. I've been working for 2 years in a completely unrelated field of illustration and have no idea about the workflow for editorial
2. Foreign agencies reject me because I'm foreign and lack the relevant experience
3. National clients don't pay enough and the artists they hire are from some kind of a clique where everyone seems to know each other from art school
Don't get me wrong I'm gonna carry on trying, I realize that it's gonna take time to build a proper portfolio, brush up on my skills and hopefully make some connections. But I can't overlook these obstacles. They might take years to overcome.

>> No.4061047

I'm sure she just appreciates you being there for you plenty, man

>> No.4061219

>If you're not a quick shot you take at least 1 hour to fap and most people here practice drawing for less than 1 hour a day so that's accurate for almost everyone here.

well the thing is i can't grind for longer than 30 minutes without loosing concentration and start to doodling piontless shit it's really strange too since i used to be able to draw for hours on end it might be a result of the neet lifestyle.

>> No.4061329
File: 85 KB, 1387x702, 1493915764178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can certainly find a way to fix your habits. When social media had me in a bind I'd delete apps from my phone and log out on my main computer. Little steps that force you to think about what you're doing can really help to prevent slipping back into bad habits. Likewise making it easier to do good things without thinking about it, like setting up pencils and paper on your desk the night before, can make it easier to just jump into it when you wake up. I personally find it easy to draw right when I wake up because there's nothing on my mind and I have the whole day ahead of me.

>> No.4061332

I need a mentor or some shit. I gotta know if I'm getting good the right way.

>> No.4061791

My depression is currently getting really bad again. I went to a art store to cheer myself up and at first I was really giddy and then I got sad. I had to leave the sore to stop myself from crying. I feel like such a failure.

>> No.4061796

Here's a solution that helped when I can't figure out what to draw: When in doubt, draw from life.
Pick a random object in your area and draw that. It might not be the thing you want to draw, but it's better than not drawing at all. I got it from Ctrl Paint.
I hope it helps.

>> No.4061801

you've made it

>> No.4061802

Have you spoken to any publishers?

>> No.4061906

I understand, but I think you probably have enough decent works to set up a portfolio and your style is pretty consistent. You should start sending introductory email with works to art directors and brands and you'll get some feedback, they gonna be aware of your existence and eventually commission you. You can always send a new, better portfolio later. Yes it'll take time to get stable client base but earlier you start earlier it's gonna start to work.
I, on the other hand, do so much different stuff and can't decide on one thing and my style doesn't feel commercial at all, but still I'm not gonna know if I don't show my work to potential clients.

>> No.4062063

I can only draw when I'm home alone because I don't wanna get caught doing nude studies, it has made improving extremely slow

>> No.4062076

i was doing nude studies when i was like 15 and my mom just told me to keep it up because i was improving. ngmi with unsupportive roommates/parents

>> No.4063415
File: 186 KB, 612x407, tumblr_of212bmOfu1r3o4wlo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice some of my followers in the replies replying to artists I follow
>Check my followers' twitters
>Notice they don't follow me anymore
>Sketch up a few things that I know they like/Know why they follow me
>They come crawling back and follow me again

Don't ever leave me again.

>> No.4063439


>Post every day on SM, every day on Patreon
>Barely 280$ after 6 months

>> No.4063461

>have to spend hours fucking with tablet and brush settings instead of drawing
>ends up killing my motivation by eating up all the time of my day
>get anxiety whenever i think about taking up my tablet cause i'll have to spend 30 minutes changing settings or correcting some random issue
lemme draw

>> No.4063530

>half my brain wants to be taken seriously and become known as a skilled artist with interesting ideas
>the other half wants to draw really big titties

>> No.4063961
File: 4 KB, 197x200, 15572507320320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one artist who unfollow me every time I draw porn and follows back every time I post sfw

>> No.4063965

>caring about followers this much


Faggy excuses of a NGMI faggot.

>> No.4064144

>Been trying to git gud at art for 4 years now
>Super busy schedule during the semester
>Summer comes
>More work
>On vacation rn
>Been inconsistent on drawing
>Only able to do semi decent line control

>> No.4064149
File: 35 KB, 480x720, 1565118979258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying scientific degree to get job in pharmaceutical manufacturing
>between part time work and degree, barely have time to draw
>when I do its the most boring shit ever, completely lack creativity but have always done well in mathematics and similar subjects
It genuinely feels like your either good at creative endeavours or just technical stem based ones, there's no inbetween or cross over and I hate it.

>> No.4064192
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>> No.4064219

Both are things that require significant amounts of time. Most people only have time for one hobby they take seriously. You're not going to be good at either of them without practice/learning, and very few people as adults have even 3 days a week time to themselves.

That's why.

>> No.4064346

Also this is the reason why you find those stories about retired old people suddenly becoming crazy good at programming or whatever quickly. They have all the free time in the world to just practice, and they don't have the procrastination fears like younger NEETs do.

>> No.4064387

if people on /ic/ had to draw their own reaction images to post they'd probably improve faster

>> No.4064970

If I love drawing so much, then why the fuck am I not drawing?
I NEED to draw more and progress, this is the only pleasant thing I want to do with my life (which I'm already way too far in, most people would have considered giving up on drawing 10 yeas ago)

>> No.4065138
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my friends hate me and shunned me for being an autistic shithead who crimes all the time so drawing is all I have right now but I've lost my skills and have to go back to fundamentals, I keep trying to make original designs but drawing the same two faces and I hate the shit out of my style, Ive only designed about 3 appealing and unique characters all my life, I have autistic obsessions for certain things and rarely get into other stuff so my inspirations are really limited and obvious, and I keep accidentally ripping off other people's styles, I feel like if I'm not where I wanna be by 25 or 30 I'm actually going to kill myself, I've had the actual compulsion to grab a knife and dig it into my stomach twice today because I'm failing so hard at life right now

>> No.4065142

*cries all the time

>> No.4065519
File: 166 KB, 503x485, At_My_Limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called in for 2 weeks of service
>literally nothing to do
>absolutely nothing
I've been sitting in a security office waiting for clearance for the past 5 fucking hours

Even the guys who got into the camp aren't doing anything, they're just sitting in the cafeteria
What the fuck do they want? They're just intentionally wasting time and money at this point

>> No.4065624

i want to k*** these fuckers on Twitter for ruining my fucking night and almost went off on the retards and had their heads blown off with a shotgun by my own demise.
Good thing they'll go to hell though and burn for all eternity haha

>> No.4065715

I'm tired of being polite. I want to finally snap and rage and scream.

>> No.4065745

>can't even be a wageslave cause the job market where i am is so shit

i bet his gramma knitted that for him. he must be loved.

>> No.4065753

It's been a bit more than 3years that I started drawing, I'm able to draw decent poses by myself and I decided to copy a particular artist a few months ago, I got really good at it, I'm copying their illustration/characters etc (not tracing at all, just putting the OG aside to look at it and doing my own from scratch) to the point where it's almost the same. Probably copied around 30 illustrations/chara design full colors and all. And yet, when I try to do anything by myself, it's absolutely terrible. I am autistically jealous of this artist, I know they're drawing for 11 years and are 7 years older than I but it's killing me. What do /ic/ ?

>> No.4065754


>> No.4067029
File: 149 KB, 437x280, 1356587367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excited bc got first commission a few weeks ago
>Feels like I'm just polishing turd the more I work on
I know I'm not the best artist in the world but I just want to make sure this piece is pretty solid; however I keep going back and forth between nitpicking it and wondering why did i even bother saying I was opened for commissions and it sucks. On the brighter side though it has been a learning experience in both art and the business side so it so there's something.

>> No.4067194

3 years is nothing, the time is not really important, just be sure you're making consistent progress towards your goal, and once when you reach it, it won't matter how long it took.
Just hand it to customer, the nitpicking could last forever

>> No.4067205 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 500x300, kiki's delivery service.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me venting that I'm sad and that I wish I had a different brain with more patience. Not just for art and studying art, but in every aspect of my life. I didn't get a lot of sleep tonight because of anxiety and it's unfair how you can't shut that stuff off even when you logically know nothing matters.

>> No.4067206
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1565632921058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me venting that I'm sad and that I wish I had a different brain with more patience. Not just for art and studying art, but in every aspect of my life. I didn't get a lot of sleep tonight because of anxiety and it's unfair how you can't shut that stuff off even when you logically know nothing matters.

>> No.4067210
File: 63 KB, 780x520, 53534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feel that my art is subpar
>This stops me from making a social media account
>Keep practicing but feels I'm stuck
>Only place I post stuff is on /ic/ asking for critique or feedback
>I always get absolutely ignored
>Don't even feel like finishing pieces anymore
>Everyone in the drawthread keep posting nice stuff and I feel so inadequate
>Feels like there is no way out

>> No.4067216

I wish I could force myself to stop browing the internet and sit down in draw. I get distracted too easily.

How ever will I learn to draw big anime tiddies?

>> No.4067218

go downstairs and work from an ipad or a book at the kitchen table, this may make it easier

>> No.4067220

Go outside and get some sun, start exercising, eat healthy, do some physical labor like gardening, building something, cleaning etc. so you feel useful and fulfilled and you're tired enough so you'll easily fall asleep in the evening. Try this to get rid of anxiety first, then try to focus. Patience is like a muscle too, you can train it and learn to actually enjoy some tasks.

>> No.4067221


Yea that's called autism. You're kind of fucked in life.

>> No.4067222

Not my post but something that responses with me. Hope this helps.

>> No.4067231

It helps. I also can see how most of my pieces are unimpressive since they are not finished. Thank you.

>> No.4067317

>spend entire time learning to draw characters
>can't draw backgrounds
I have to do it all again don't I?

>> No.4067326

backgrounds can be characters in and of themselves and become fun extensions of the characters. you can do it anon

>> No.4067330

That's the hard part. It feels like I'm learning to draw again from square one. I think I can do it, but it's just really hard.

>> No.4067338
File: 175 KB, 1128x1600, 1564648696530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't put so much stress on having 100% correct accurate perspective at first, just create more complete pictures. focus on the narrative and composition. people like that better.

>> No.4067349
File: 372 KB, 2240x768, toptier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takamichi is a big inspiration for me among others.

>> No.4067353

I haven't drawn at all since spring.

>> No.4067419

Whenever I try doing lineart I feel like a fucking retard. I have no idea what I'm doing and it always turns out like shit. I don't know how to make good flowing, well-places lines, especially not on digital.

>> No.4067438

I love art and I feel happy whenever I sketch something well and when I feel gains, but there's always a thought:
How am I going to make living out of it? It's sort of Okay to be in studio drawing cartoons or commissions of lewds for cumbrains from 4chins in your 20s but I'm already past that stage and disconnected from the zoomer world. Thanks to my hard work on my previous BA in an useless degree, I got enough money and worked hard enough to get into an IT graphics department of a mid-tier private uni in my city.

Now the TL;DR and question:
>Should I phase out drawing and painting (only maintenance mode) in favor of computer graphics courses like 3D, CAD, webdev, design, as a 25+ y.o doomer with ground burning under my feet, while being given 2nd chance at university?

>> No.4067463
File: 75 KB, 618x741, 1565445661120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just graduated high school
>not going to college for some worthless art degree just going strait into working and shit
>start getting depressed because I don't have any friends anymore
>never had a girlfriend and most of my none gym friends where pretty big faggots
>even still I don't have anyone my age to hang with and im too big of an autist to dm anyone
>depression and apathy gets in the way of art because i start questioning why i do it in the first place
>started feeling better after a long road trip for work
>drawing digitally regularly again
>gained a couple followers on IG
>started playing vidya with some random people every night

gonna start on a painting right now i gonna make it bros

>> No.4067740

jesus christ I hate windows 10 so fucking much, every day since I've swtiched from 7 to 10 has been filled with fucking misery. My tablet drivers, altough updated, don't work properly, windows pen and shit keeps messing shit up, half of my jpeg files won't even be displayed by this garbage operating system, I fucking hate this, I've never hated having to adjust to a new operating system this much. Suck my cock, windows, fucking suck it already, you stupid piece of shit
Also for some fucking reason twitter decided from one second to the next that I'm ONLY allowed to upload png. what the absolute fuck is up with that.
Fuck this, I fucking hate technology, I should've kept using real paints

>> No.4067799
File: 711 KB, 877x1397, Fecasketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, I guess I feel bad because they will always be more popular than me and I can't accept it. When I'll be at their level, they'll be 4 times as good as they're now. It's crushing me.

Here's a xaxaxa study a did.

>> No.4067874
File: 222 KB, 346x434, 1532231948059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been drawing from imagination for most my life, mostly doodling
>start taking it more seriously a few years ago, actually start studying even though I suck at using references
>progress is slow
>also have this issue where I draw something from imagination, think it's unique and then realise hours/days later I copied it almost 1:1 from someone else's art
>recently discover an artist whose style is everything I want, the perfect blend of gesture, structure and stylisation
>start studying their art specifically
>suck ass at it
>realise that even if I do get gud with their style, it won't be truly 'mine'
How can I stop being a dumbass and actually improve?

>> No.4067901
File: 110 KB, 1200x800, sadlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I have the exact same issue, do u have a discord or something so we can talk? I'm struggling with this too and damn man I know the feeling.

>> No.4067922

Fuck, ooyari's older works are so much more soulful

>> No.4067923

Shit man, I'm sorry you're going through this too. It's so frustrating to not improve, or develop your art style, when you feel like you're doing the right thing that *should* be helping you improve.
Don't know where to even begin when it comes to Discord, sorry about that mate...

>> No.4067929
File: 199 KB, 1200x1289, Just_f4a505_6660300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I share this feeling anon, I want to catch up to those I look up to, surpass the ones i found to be dicks. I doesn't seem fair that 8 hours of my day is wasted working and not catching up, but whenever I'm not in the mood I look to this feeling for motivation to draw.

>> No.4067941

I feel like I'm the only person who don't have a problem with Windows 10.

>> No.4067950

Hey I get fucked if I don't sleep 12 hours what's your condition called?

>> No.4067973

Yeah, that's what motives me to draw as well. When people ask what's your motivation to draw, I'm afraid to say it but it's mostly jealousy. At least it works I guess. Hope we will make it Anon.

>> No.4067998
File: 3.35 MB, 2894x4093, 1565908436752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only laugh at how shit like pic related gets spread more than art with proper anatomy does on media sites. I've lost all ability to be upset about anything art related and it sucks, because I've slowly been loosing any motivation to draw anymore. Hey on the flipside the kids who see these posts are gonna think thats the proper way to draw for a few years and eliminate any compitition so that's always nice.

>> No.4068044

Who’s the artists that’s been tracing?

>> No.4068073

If anyone wants to talk, I'm >>4067901 and >>4067973 Discord: Wheeze

>> No.4068095

Probably some 100k follower furry accounts, not like it matters.

>> No.4068121

>recently discover an artist whose style is everything I want, the perfect blend of gesture, structure and stylisation
Who's the artist anon?

>> No.4068132

youre right coloring/rendering is its own beast, but if you have good linework you can get away with just flat colors, or no colors at all if youre going the manga route

>> No.4068148

Most of the time people like that are uncomfortable with saying the artist's name. And I get it.

>> No.4068345

What?? But why?

>> No.4068364
File: 113 KB, 700x398, ood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4068395

Just came back from a thread where someone posted my work (anonymously) and basically said it was generic tumblrshit. I thought I escaped that shit in college but I guess I haven’t gotten any better. I feel like I want to chop my fucking arms off. Why can’t I draw well? Why am I so bad at this? I want to cry.

>> No.4068557
File: 428 KB, 877x1240, roun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's many months now that i don't do anything. since stopping all caffeine sources (for anxiety issues) the depression started to hit hard. making art doesn't seem worth it. was it ever worthy or the high from the caffeine masked it all.
i have all the time in the world to make art without worrying over money, yet i don't do shit. from all my productive hubbies that came and gone over the years, making art was\is still felt different. without caffeine i don't see myself continuing. did i just self medicated for depression? was i just high on it ? my times high on caffeine were some of my best productivity wise.

>> No.4068819

>See artist you really like
>Been following for a long time
>REALLY want to commission them
>They have neither a twitter nor email listed on their account
>There is NO way to get in contact with them other than the site
>Message them using the site their on
>They don't reply

Do the japanese really hate my filthy american dollars that much? I just want to give you money to draw something for me.

>> No.4068826


>> No.4068855

for the japs america is like mars

>> No.4068865

This right here is the best feeling

>> No.4068879

If your art is the drawing with the red and green composition, I like it anon.

>> No.4068929

They won't be 4 times better because there are steps/levels/qualities that some people have trouble reaching. Maybe they'll stall and you'll surpass them in some ways. People are different and different interests and influences shape the ways in which you improve, get in your head that everyone is unique. If you draw a lot and study from life you'll find your own way.
What I wrote above also applies to you, first steps are always crude and not very original but with diligent and CLEVER study from life and masters you'll slowly develop your own language in art. If you're serious about it find someone professional to guide you. I'm not shilling for anyone particular but I know from my own experience that I was often going in circles when I learned on my own and couldn't get out of my comfort zone until I got proper guidance.
Caffeine's effects are barely noticeable (I don't feel them really) unless you're very sensitive, if you're depressed start treating depression because it's very unlikely caffeine has anything to do with it, as caffeine withdrawal doesn't least long

>> No.4069148

What constitutes "clever" studies of life? When I read that I think of breaking down the subject to its basic structure/ gesture but I feel like that can end up being kinda mindless after awhile

>> No.4069221

Maybe clever isn't the best word, but you have to be attentive and analyze your work often to figure out what you're doing wrong. But an absolute beginner is mostly unable to do it because they don't have a grasp of the fundamentals, and even while learning from books it's very hard to completely get some concepts without explanation with examples from another person. Some random advice doesn't help because beginner needs to be reminded of the basics until it gets into their brain, like when you're learning a language and need to get rid of mistakes and bad habits that you commit often. After you have some base you don't need to constantly be told what to do and how to do it, you can catch more of your own mistakes and are more capable on improving on your own but still feedback from experienced artists is invaluable.
In general what I meant is always challenge yourself and improve weak sides. You can do studies from life or other artists with different focus. On learning the anatomy, getting the feel for colour, studying values, design and stylization and more. If you feel that your studies become mindless then find a weak point, for example if you do gesture study and lines are messy, try to capture the essence more accurately with fewer lines. It's hard to consistently find your weak points and solutions for them so that's why I recommend a mentor. Drawing a lot of thing you're weak at is a solution but you have to be sure you're slowly improving and not just repeating your mistakes. Hope that helps

>> No.4069223

I felt exhausted and brain dead today. Couldn't even string together a decent-looking gesture for like an hour.

>> No.4069248

How long have you not drinked coffee? The symptoms of fatigue are present usually for the first few days but goes away usually after a week, at least for me.
I also had the same thoughts that was I only could draw while drinking caffeine or coffee? I dedicated myself to finishing another chapter of my comic without coffee, I just switched to drinking coca cola for the first two days just to get some energy and not go completely cold turke, but I don't drink it now and I find I have more substantial energy throughout the day for drawing than I did before.
I recommend drinking green tea and black tea while drawing to have something to drink on while working.

The biggest downside to me not drinking coffee is getting more constipated at first, but green tea helps with that

>> No.4069256

Look at it this way. If you stop drawing it's just giving in to whatever whoever they want. Keep drawing and studying, and then later laugh back at it.
I don't know if my art has ever been posted on a thread or something, but I've gotten anonymous comments like my art sucks, or it's boring (now as opposed to before). While they're not exactly beneficial critics because it's hard to work from there, I did try to think why is it now boring? At the same time, you should try to draw for yourself and what makes you energetic as opposed to trying to cater to everyone. I try to make more interesting compositions or something that makes some sort of reaction .

>> No.4069294
File: 279 KB, 338x450, 1491603487213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every time I make some effort and study some Huston videos something new just "clicks"
>shit just becomes easier to draw
yet I keep self-sabotaging and not getting the lectures fucking done

>> No.4069295

>I am a background person who will never matter.
>I am destined to be unhappy because I was unfortunate enough to aspire for more when I am not a person capable of standing out.
>I just have to accept this but it's so hard.
Why don't you stop being such a cuck and grow a pair? No one cares about your shitty sob story. Be the change you want to be, you may not be the protagonist of the world's story but you're still the main character in your own. Get over yourself and tell what you perceive to be your destiny to fuck off. There is not a single worthwhile protagonist who gets their problems solved just by crying about it on 4chan.

>> No.4069307

Do it, anon. Make sure you keep your brain on, try to focus if you feel you're slipping.

>> No.4069393

Finding a mentor has been hard so I guess I'll use /ic/ for that. My weakness are stiff figures and understanding forms in 3D space. I'm at the stage where my eye has caught up to my skill and thus drawing has been painful lately. Thanks for the input

>> No.4069407

Solution for stiff figures is doing a lot of gestures, preferably from life. As for understanding form, watching Vilppu's vids and drawing along with him step by step gave me some basic understanding of human forms. I think it's more beneficial than just copying images, helps you understand the process better.

>> No.4069502
File: 41 KB, 737x731, 1529427013620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw for a few years
>take things casually, just draw anime girls because that's what I like
>somehow manage to get a decent amount of followers, including mutuals with artists I really admire and are much better than me
>begin to feel self-conscious and hate my art because I feel the expectations on my work have significantly increased
>But still can't be arsed to actually buckle down and study how to improve
>complete stagnation and art block

>> No.4069519
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1556931027379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4069532
File: 212 KB, 322x859, only i am truly free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he strives to improve but he does not strive to draw.
i pity you

>> No.4069549

What stops you from doing it right now?

>> No.4069562

Tfw the only reason you're picking up art is because you're tired of being flaked and ghosted by artist or artists won't draw your fetish.

So SICK of lazy artists that just take peoples' money and sit on it while not delivering until a chargeback is issued.

>> No.4069574

When I try to follow along a book, nothing sticks in my head. When I try to do a study of someone else's work I get instantly discouraged by how inferior it looks and can't finish it. When I try to draw from imagination nothing comes out.
I know the solution is to take things step-by-step and not to be so easily discouraged, but I feel the expectations of the artists that follow me and it pressures me to make instant improvement or none at all. It's all just in my head.

>> No.4069599

i get rt'd by accounts that only rt japanese artists feels good desu

>> No.4069629

You're right. Please get a blocker or something and get off Internet and go draw, or read, or wathc anything inspiring instead

>> No.4069660

Haha now add "desperately trying to befriend those artist" to your previous post and you're me. Like all things it gets easier with time anon, you've got the right idea you just need to fix your mindset. Realize people don't really care as much as you think and try to get back to the mindset of drawing for your self. They followed you for that reason so why deviate? Also don't kiss their asses for attention, people can tell when you do that.

>> No.4069666

Thank you. I'm sure I already realized that I was overthinking everything and being overly anxious about it, but I just needed to hear it. I'm going to try and just focus on myself and what I can do.

>> No.4069929

>take sculpture class for shits n giggles because I'm bored of 2d shit
>school is next door to construction site
>constantly coughing and gagging, stuffy nose because the air in the studios gets thick with dust from clay, plaster, marble, whatever the fuck people are using
>people look at you retarded just for using the provided fuckin dust masks that barely even do shit
>the guys working next door have hardcore ppe even if they're doing harmless bullshit
Is silicosis worth being a good sculptor /ic/?

>> No.4070132
File: 341 KB, 726x542, 1503061699623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew my old foursomes character. I haven't drawn furry stuff since 2011. I decided to post it because my art page is fairly dead. It became one of my most liked pieces with in minutes.

>> No.4070280
File: 88 KB, 168x213, firefox_2019-08-14_23-07-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawings puts me at my most vulnerable. I can't take criticism without feeling like I'm being criticized too. It sucks that even when I agree with the criticism I nitpick every single little thing I've ever made and feel like purging all my drawings from the internet.

It gets so bad that I feel ashamed of everything I've done and feel like I have nothing to show. If someone saw my portfolio right now it's all just old unimpressive drawings I'm not proud of anymore.

>> No.4070496

>very little time to draw today
Sucks. I feel like I'll get maybe two hours in max.

>> No.4070516

Just get into Zbrush. Traditional sculpting is hell.

>> No.4070779

i think i need to remind myself that not everything i draw has to push my limits and break out of my comfort zone because i end up running out of time for other things, but i feel like it's really helping my improvement rate so i don't exactly want to dial back any time soon. i need to make my work look more unique because all my poses/expressions feel really bland

>> No.4070805

I don't want to give up, but I know without a doubt that I don't have a chance of making it. It's been so many years of work.

>> No.4070979

>learn, study, forget, learn, study, forget, draw, forget, write, forget, do anything, forget, forget, forget, forget, forget
yeah, whatever, fuck it

>> No.4071044

>have a huge inspiration folder full of guides, references, art that i wanna imitate
>never look at it

>> No.4071186
File: 283 KB, 641x385, 4452111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been applying for story positions, story revision, even the Nick, Disney, and Dreamworks apprentice programs for about 10 months now. Keep sending my portfolio and resume out. And nothing.

No rejection, just no response of any kind at all. 14 applications and fucking NO ONE has ever responded to me. Nothing at all, no "Sorry but we are going in another direction" or "This is not what we are looking for" nothing. I would love for at least one of them to give some kind of feedback or something to let me know just what needs to be changed, improved, or dropped. But they all ghost.

>> No.4071293

Some people send 100 or 200 applications for a normal job and never get response. 14 over span of 10 months is really not much. If you send 50 or 100 and still don't get any response then you need to analyze why's that.

>> No.4071294

are you sure your work is good enough to submit there?

>> No.4071388

Very simple, your art is shit and no one wants to hire you.

>> No.4071692

I'm not improving and my life is a disaster. I'm in my mid-late 20s and ngmi. can't finish shit.

Can someone give me a proper study schedule and tell me what to draw to make money from art?

Like if I were to be a concept artist what do I learn? Or a character designer what do I learn.

Please someone tell me exactly what to do because I'm legitimately so tired of struggling and guessing with every little thing. I'm at the end of my rope and sometimes think of ending my life due to this shit.

>> No.4071710

>be ok at drawing one type of thing
>can't draw anything else
This somehow feels worse than not knowing how to draw at all

>> No.4071719

it'd be easier to help if you post some work fren

>> No.4071721

>been scribbling from imagination since I was a young teen
>recently start copying from photos to learn painting, get really good feedback
>try applying that to imagination. people hate it.

>> No.4071722
File: 2.91 MB, 2700x2700, vandles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything I draw looks flat and dimensionless, no matter how much i practice

I draw for hours every single day and I'm not getting any better

>> No.4071724

forgot to add
>have to struggle and struggle to make something look acceptable, still looks lifeless and forced
>see people blast out pictures full of life on a daily basis


>> No.4071788
File: 1.61 MB, 1396x2000, 008_1549690468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always want to draw but poor
>get stem job
>decent pay
>no longer poor but bored af at work
>will take years to become a working artist
>starting from beginner drawing ability

This is agony. I refuse to die at this company. I dont want to stay for even 5.

>> No.4071790

*5 years

>> No.4071812

Source and or blog?

>> No.4071820

tfw social security soon :^)

>> No.4071825


I don't have much on it because I'm really insecure about my art, even the stuff I upload looks like trash

>> No.4071832 [DELETED] 
File: 1007 KB, 1128x1600, 004___1559826823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joou-sama no Eshi a hetbait manga. nsfw but a pretty inspiring read tho

bruh you really asking for a beginner's blog?

>> No.4071837

my bad replied wrong

>> No.4071839 [DELETED] 


that painting is rather beg, but it's got a lot more soul than most shit on this shithole board.

>> No.4071908
File: 53 KB, 628x300, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the end, we all be stardust, nothing matters.

>> No.4071912

Have you never watched a shounen anime? Do you think they are goofy and dumb?
Do you not get the point you fucking autist you are supposed to identify with the MC not the dumb sidecharacter that never does shit.
You are the shounen MC don't you get it? You literally can't accomplish anything worhwhile if you aren't a LITERAL shounen MC in the brain.
Think about it, would naruto be like "eeeh I got this job, but i wanna be hokage, but training is 2 hard etc" NO
NARUTO IS LIKE "I'M GOING TO BECOME HOKAGE" and then they all laugh at him, haha naruto ur dumb, and he is like "yo fuck the haters im gonna be hokage I KNOW IT NIGGA"

>> No.4071918


it looks flat because your value ranges are too compressed anon, what is your study routine like?
for something like this you'd learn quite a lot if you bought an irl candle & did still lifes based on it
>other people work fast and i struggle
you just haven't developed the knowledge or workflow to paint quckly yet. don't worry too much about speed at this point, focus on learning how light works. your ideas are pretty interesting imo,
this one in particular i like quite a lot

>> No.4071930

the thing is anon, we all have the spark ;)

>> No.4071956

thanks anon i cant let the fear of failure or unknown get in the way of what i want

>> No.4071972

you're too attached to your work. if you want to nurture your artwork, you need to use criticism to lift it upwards. also, criticizing past artworks is fine as long as it's to be constructive and not destructive of yourself and your work.

this doesn't seem like a serious issue until it comes to portfolios, like you said. I am in a similar boat where I have no real portfolio because i do not like the artwork i produce for more than a few days

>> No.4072333
File: 10 KB, 108x113, 1559028263132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good looking eyes is already 80% of the good art

>> No.4072425

I'm in need of advice. I'm usually trying to help people solve their problems here and give good advice but my brain feels too fucking foggy to resolve.
Shortly: my style, interests, techniques and subjects of art are all over the place. Maybe from not mine perspective they don't look as scattered as I think, but still. They don't look very commercial either. I want to start earning money, and considering my basic monthly expenses are ~250$, it shouldn't be that difficult. How the fuck do I decide which style or subject to promote and try earning money with??? Deciding on just one thing makes me feel trapped in it. Please give your insights.

>> No.4072888

Obviously no one likes your "art"

Stop applying and go get a normal job for untalented fucks like yourself

>> No.4072901

Just draw fanart and porn, once you earn a few hundred bucks you can LARP as a real artist and grandstand over people trying to make original content.

>> No.4073109

Rude trips
I don't know how much your reply is cynical and how much practical, but these two are not my frequent themes. I don't have an ultimatum to start earning right away so I want to slowly but surely start building a base for business/possibilities that will be in my area of interest.

>> No.4073149

Whenever I post my art online it feels like I might as well have thrown it into the void. Very little views, very little likes. I post on Deviantart (I know, I know) and Artstation (though my skill isn't quite at the Artstation level). For something I posted yesterday on DA I got 24 views and 7 faves. It was a piece I was quite proud of and put a lot of work into. It's just so demotivating. I want to do commission work, but I won't get there if no one sees or enjoys my art. So frustrating, when you think a piece is great and will get some attention and then nobody likes it. I'm probably NGMI.

>> No.4073166

>I don't know how much your reply is cynical and how much practical
>these two are not my frequent themes
I think if you're still in a phase where you don't have an established workflow or a distinctive style, you're likely not very mature yet as an artist in general. Are you sure you're not overestimating your skill level? Maybe post your work. Just keep practicing and all this stuff will come up on its own, you should not worry about it.
I have no idea about commercial art so maybe someone else can advice you better than me. I suggest trying to find a couple people about your level that are very serious about becoming professionals, so you can get criticism and push each other forward. Communities are bad usually because they're either a worship group or a bunch of people patting each other in the back. honestly they're just big networking groups where people try to advertise themselves directly or indirectly.
You can't go wrong if you think really hard about 1) what you like doing the most 2) how does that fit in the market 3) how you can realistically can get paid with it 4) making a portfolio that matches the standards you see

>> No.4073221

All platforms are universally shit right now

>> No.4073339

My art on Instagram gets at the most 13-15 likes. Anyone in the world steals it and reposts it and it gets anywhere from 60-200 likes.

>> No.4073343

>Anyone in the world steals it and reposts it
how do you even check if your art was reposted?

>> No.4073346

when I look up the tag and I see the same pic two or three times posted by someone else

>> No.4073348

Good advice but delivered by a tard

>> No.4073351

how quickly does this happen? my tags get drowned in minutes

>> No.4073377

never use tags that have more than a million uses, 900K is fine but 100K is better

>> No.4073383

with fanart, especially of the popular stuff of right now, almost immediately. People see a Steven Universe pic doing well they will steal that and report it with their own watermark within the hour and soak up the likes.

>> No.4073389

Send more and keep practicing. If you're aiming high, even that's not enough.

>> No.4073394

good to know

>with fanart
you lost a lot of my sympathy there

>> No.4073404

Just fucking stop already. If you are not even worth a response to then it is clear they only see you as some annoying little fanboy freak that thinks they will make their own anime some day. While simultaneously being complete shit at drawing and probably has no concept of anatomy or story structure. Dumb fucks like you are the real problem with the system. Flooding up all inboxes with stupid poorly dtawn Deviantart-tier bullshit that it takes employers weeks to months to respond to the people who actually know what they are doing and are good at it to land a real job in a field that they actually know about and can do.

>> No.4073418

not him but you are just making assumptions
how many resumes have you submitted to employers? never did this for art but not getting a reply is common

>> No.4073477

>only 14
Bro. Take a step back and think about what you're applying to and the frequency of your applications. Even if your skills were crazy good, think about how many people these household names have to sift through. The other anons here are doubting your skill primarily but I'm just sitting here thinking about how realistic it is to not hear back from fucking Disney animation. You're pissing in the wind. Keep applying whenever you're bored and see if by some miracle somebody picks up on your persistence, but don't hold your breath.

>> No.4073519

if no one is responding to him then it is because he is not worth responding to. Just a complete waste of everyone's time to bother saying a single fucking thing and eventually the dumbshit will understand that and fuck off. Also this is a huge part of the problem and the reason why the studios are flooded with tons and tons of applications. Because of untalented fucks who think their Steven Universe fanart and traces of anime characters constitute as a portfolio.

>> No.4073845

jesus anon why are you so pissed? these companies have people whose job is sifting through applications, if too many kids send them donut steels they can just hire another person off their multi-billion budget, oh poor Disney

>> No.4074083
File: 39 KB, 720x960, 1560128546681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put more work into improving
>Actually get worse
>Ask for advice
>Get ignored or canned shitposting meme responses
Actually losing my mind over here

>> No.4074126

Bro, same. I don't know how to solve this, but I'm in the same boat.

>> No.4074135

Bro there's a guy who competes in archery with no arms using his legs and shoulder stumps and wrecks people in the Paralympics. She can do something. Get her into electronic music. If dumb ass marshmallow and deadmau5 can do it this master of all instruments can do it too.

>> No.4074423

Thx for the reply. I'll just do what I have to do, that is send out portfolio and start posting my work online, I'm anxious about it but I need to get over it if I want to make money. I actually have distinctive style that doesn't feel very mainstream and I struggle with coming up with potential clients and ways to monetize. I'm just venting because I was focused on grind in recent years and didn't care about marketing, but now I'm somewhat decent and seeing tons of uninspired trash works being sold for money is making me grow rather salty. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.4074454

I'm in a similar situation. I think my mistake was trying to fit into a dead niche market where only a few people make any money. You might be making the same mistake if you see bad art selling, you're probably looking at people who are not selling art but something else instead. If you look at actual creative jobs like on ArtStation, you'll see that everyone is working really hard. You gotta go where the jobs exist and are realistically reachable, social media is either a gamble or a hookers' gallery.

>> No.4074456
File: 79 KB, 1440x810, 68602438_2029230120539198_4153729263566061568_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at other peoples art and realizing that i'm not going to make it makes me fucking sad, holy shit how come anyone gets good but not me. I want to fucking die.
>pic related my art

>> No.4074471
File: 165 KB, 500x594, that-feel-when-a-woman-sits-next-to-a-greasy-36476684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent drawn in a week cause a cuteboi disrespected me

>> No.4074571

tell me the story anon

>> No.4074582

>Post something thinking its good
>Comments are giving me the most basic tips you would give someone just starting
Very deflated right now

>> No.4074584

Hey, anon, the truth of the matter is they’re hiring more and more through fucking Twitter and social media these days. I’d make one of those accounts and follow fellow industry folk— almost every week there’s a tweet going around about how such and such show needs a new such and such artist. It could help your visibility, too, and if your art is actually not dogshit you can network a bit as well. I got my first story test because someone on Twitter liked my art and forwarded it to a Gisnep recruiter.

>> No.4074590

>tfw white cisgendered straight male

>> No.4074608

>Comments are giving me the most basic tips you would give someone just starting
Most people here are begs themselves so they don't really know how to do much more

>> No.4074620

It wasnt here. It was a professional.

>> No.4074717
File: 175 KB, 1108x1478, 1566083220648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt guy makes alot of tfw no gf threads on r9k
>we talk and he unfriends me mid convo to make a new thread
>later calls me schizo/bpd who couldnt english
>when asked " oh sorry anon its just cause i dont like long distance relationships "
im almost over it

>> No.4074721

I drew the original picture for this in 2012ish and it's cool to see it still get passed around

I wonder how many cute grills have posted it

>> No.4074723
File: 86 KB, 1024x1012, EB1x3ltVAAAX18Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"uwu I'm so sad"
>Relationship that could become not long distance after a while
>leaves immediatly
I wonder why he posts on r9k hmm
I litterally met my gf on /trash/ and it is no longer a LDR
Good luck anon.

>> No.4074833

I did this a couple years ago, followed a lot of industry people. And within a month people got really pissed off at me for having mostly storyboarders and background painters in my follow list. Calling me out for only being there to network etc and somehow that was a really bad thing to them. I have no idea why or why that could possibly piss them off like that.

>> No.4074932

I feel like shit since I started drawing porn.

>> No.4074942

Because untalented assholes like this clog the fucking system with their deviantart shit and slows it down for everyone. The real applicants would be able to get an answer from a studio in no time at all if not for all the horrible not-artists applying and filling up inboxes with hundreds of bullshit portfolios meaning the HR now has to spend weeks looking over pure crap. Turning a process that would have only taken a couple days into one that takes weeks to months.

>> No.4074948
File: 11 KB, 320x180, EA2T27eU8AAltjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted to start drawing almost 7 years ago.
>Started getting "serious" 4 years ago but that fizzled out within months.

I'm never going to make it.

>> No.4075010
File: 24 KB, 300x345, wojak_crying_classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because untalented assholes like this clog the fucking system with their deviantart shit and slows it down for everyone. The real applicants like me would be able to get an answer from a studio in no time at all if not for all the horrible not-artists applying and filling up inboxes with hundreds of bullshit portfolios meaning the HR now has to spend weeks looking over pure crap. Turning a process that would have only taken a couple days into one that takes months. They will surely write back to me but it's taking so long!

>> No.4075054

this is fucking hilarious

>> No.4075084

Oh yea, the boarding industry community on twitter has a LOT of taboos. If they get the impression you are there just to rub elbows with boarders in hopes of getting a job, and not to praise work or share pics then they will become really mad at you. Any level of pandering for attention from someone in the industry on twitter is looked down upon.

You are also not ever to reach out to anyone and speak to them unless you have at least several mutuals in your contacts list that are also industry peers. You will be considered some asshole showing up just to network again (which they absolutely fucking despise)

You are better off just never really speaking to anyone unless you have at the very least 500 followers. If you have less than that (or near it usually) you are just widely considered to be some middle schooler looking for attention at best. And if you cannot attract a few hundred randos then obviously your work is not good enough for general public attention. Much less anything professional.

Never ask for advice ever. Just never do this. If someone makes a tweet that offers to help anyone that replies then you can. But never EVER go to them and ask for advice on anything from how to get a job, or to look at your work, never ask them about your work if anything needs improvement etc.

Never ever post your work and tag any of them. They really hate this shit since it seems to happen every 5 minutes when some piece of fanart appears.

If a professional makes a tweet saying they are looking for more boarders/painters etc, do not respond to this if you are not a professional mutual. If you are a student, up and coming, or have no work experience on an actual known studio production, do not reply to them in the comments. They hate it when randoms post their fanart pics claiming they are boarders too.

>> No.4075089


Break these taboos and word will spread like wildfire that you are some self serving little shit looking to help yourself into a job and not to "be a part of their community" for some reason they are really big on pretending they are some special community of talented people helping talented people. And they do not like it when someone just outwardly displays that they simply want to land a job. This just raises all the red flags at once.

I have seen a few people who just wanted to get work doing what they love ruined by breaking a few to all of these rules.

Also remember a lot of these art types are incredibly introverted shy types that cannot handle someone being super outgoing towards them. They react in weird ways and take things as offensive and react as if they were insulted when someone genuinely wants to get to know them. So you have to tread incredibly lightly among them.

>> No.4075165

what is the boarding industry?

>> No.4075166
File: 224 KB, 1920x1080, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jacked off 8 fucking times today, maybe more
I'm so tired of this shit, the smallest thing sets my dick off and then my brain forgets everything so I can wack it

>> No.4075170
File: 3.63 MB, 1147x670, 1564201278423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a cumbrain

i personally have an 8" wang when fully erect and i realized lately my boners have been around 6" because I'm not even that aroused and I don't enjoy it that much. when I'm diamonds I can't think straight and I see stars.

I haven't had a decent fuck in over a year, and I've been an almost daily masturbator since I was 14, I'm 24 now. 10 years of cumbrains has fucked me up.

It's easy not to fap when you just decide to really not to. i get urges and impulses, i fucking love to draw my own porn, curtailed to my liking. but you know what? I'd rather rawdog the cute 5'1" cashier at the cornerstore, push her knees up over her head and watch her eyes roll back as i pound into her tight vagoober. I haven't had that in a while, and that's 1000x better than any greasy fap session.

drawing and fapping takes a good 2 hours of my day that i could be using for exercise or drawing, which would make my life better in the long run

pic unrelated

>> No.4075179

Probably storyboarding?

>> No.4075196

There’s something wrong with you, please seek mental help

>> No.4075208
File: 185 KB, 909x584, 1551004603685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole fapping addiction started a few years ago, met a girl who was a total succubus
She was nuts, really dominant and assertive, also the first person to be so extremely attracted to me.

After we went our separate ways I seemed to have started jacking off more often, and desu I've learned to make it just as good.
In a sense she taught me how to orgasm and I just went with it.

Besides that, hentai has almost conditioned me into not liking human faces/skin. It's too imperfect and unclean in comparison

>> No.4075210

post pp

>> No.4075219
File: 77 KB, 531x558, 1529072427729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a sense she taught me how to orgasm and I just went with it.
So in other words she pegged you and turned you into her little sissy fuccboi in order to milk you every last drop? Bost boipucci.

>> No.4075222

i can't get it as rock hard as i used to, otherwise i would. while ive lessened my fapping, i haven't made it a week straight without busting a nut and i think i need several months of 2-week stretches to get my dude excited. I'm running and exercising more often so my heart should be able to pump more blood into my pp in a couple weeks

>> No.4075251

This sucks when its the one field where being aggressive about trying to get a job is the main thing that will prevent you from ever getting one.

>> No.4075546

>friends with skilled artists
>they tell me they like my shitty drawings
>when they're together they constantly shit on other peoples' art
>the art they shit on is way better than mine
>suddenly realize that every time i show them my art they're cringing extremely hard and finding ways to change the topic as quickly as possible
>stop showing my drawings to anyone
>since i'm not showing it to anyone, it feels pointless to make it to begin with
>stop making art
feels empty man

>> No.4075576

kind of a shitty feel when an artist you've been following for a while just starts to decline in quality over time or remain at a stagnant. i feel bad because i honestly really don't like their art or designs anymore but i don't want to unfollow/mute because i've been following for such a long time, especially since we're mutuals. not even like it's just my tastes changing, there's a noticeable drop in quality

>> No.4075778
File: 697 KB, 1366x768, 46108351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My figure and gesture drawing is so terrible, the image is right there but I can never get the proportions right at all, am I supposed to just redraw the same pose over and over until I get it right?
Timed gesture and figure drawing is such horse shit too because you're apparently supposed to rush it out but that makes things worse for trying to get the proportions right, I always end up drawing everything too long, I'm starting to think it really is just a natural talent thing. What's the right way to go about drawing from reference? Fast or slow? Should I just trace my studies?

>> No.4075873
File: 43 KB, 900x608, D4UQVhAUYAEWKeL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daily drawing habit is starting to die out along with my motivation to draw in general. Just earlier in the year I would feel horrible if I was going to miss a day of drawing because I was busy, but I've been slipping and this month I've been missing days every week, even went 3 days without drawing, which is a first in almost 2 years.

A lot of things have been chipping away at my motivation to draw. Physical health; I've got slight pains in my fingers, wrist, elbow, and lower back from drawing and being in a chair for long hours- nothing incapacitating but noticeable enough that it's annoying and I got gloves and compress sleeves to mediate it. Even my eyes are getting sore/dry from staring staring at screens, that's the newest one and what's really been bothering me lately. I don't exercise, sleep late into the night, and eat irregularly. So unhealthy lifestyle, big factor for sure.
Mentally: I feel like I'm at a wall art-wise. I feel I'm at an intermediate level- I feel my fundamentals are solid, so the improvements now are subtle details like stylization and working to improve those sorts of aspects is... exhausting. Like my art doesn't compare to that of my idols nor can I draw exactly what I see in head, but it's also at a point where I'm okay with it and my friends like it a lot so. Idk. These days the gains are less noticeable and it's demotivating, I suppose. I'm having a tough time putting into words all my feelings and gripes about the drawing process in general, so I'll stop here before I just full on ramble incoherently.
I'll just say I don't hate drawing, and when I get into my rhythm I could draw until my hands feel like falling off, but my lethargic lifestyle has been leaving me feeling low energy and low patience, and when I have to sit down and do art knowing how much genuine hard work and patience it takes to get the gains I'm seeking- I rather not work on it at all so I don't deal with the frustration. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

>> No.4076085

I can't construct shit. I don't understand how people can draw shit always in right proportions with correctly placed features. It's like some people are natural living calculators.

>> No.4076187

Right? It feels so luck based

>> No.4076229
File: 17 KB, 330x504, Capturar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those little vlaues on the cheek, what the fuck is even that?SO many bumps near the mouth, so many little fucking details that aren't obvious AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK THIS SHIT, SUCK THIS SHIT
I'm not even using colors, what the FUCK

>> No.4076271

I am going to highschool i am trying to go to art school(i have to go to school i am not 18 so i prefere going to art school) i am trying also trying to get out of home (my father is mad he is violent and he some times chace me with a knife and he never stop screaming) so i need money.
I met an ilustrater he tell me that i can go to art school with my skill andi do have the skill for ilustration.
I dont wan t to it s such.
I don t want to learn skill to draw for someone else.
So how can i get money and keep it personal

>> No.4076332
File: 291 KB, 480x360, %pn_2019-08-01_15-03-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask for feedback on something
>"you're trying"

>> No.4076724



>> No.4076735
File: 217 KB, 750x1334, IMG_20190412_000804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a little context here, a "friend" and me decided to rent an apartment to study and make art, supposedly we both enjoy quiet environments and being alone but that wasn't the case, that said.

Dear E, you stupid piece of trash, you fucking useless cumdumpster can't get good at drawing because you're too busy inviting every male in town to fuck your face, you useless stupid cow with no self-esteem, you are never gonna do anything good but not being satisfied with that you have to destroy the peace of my space bringing every hippie and beta with their pseudo bohemian approach to art when the only thing they know is being fucking losers in life. I do work hard you imbecile, so when the contract is finished I'm gonna burn your goddamn room and spit in your face you waste of human being.

Thanks, I feel better.

>> No.4076758

>Never ask for advice ever. Just never do this

This part is hard because I constantly want to ask for some help or notes on my stuff. But it's apparently the WORST THING ANYONE CAN DO if it is not within a super dooper special convention scenario where you pay an extra $50 for a portfolio review. This is after the fees to get in the convention, staying in hotel etc. And in those you got like....5 minutes.

>> No.4076766

why don't you fuck her too?

>> No.4076768

and THEN, of course, kick her out

>> No.4076805

If someone needs more than 5 minutes to tell you how your work is shit and what you need to do to improve then you are definitely not ready for any professional work.

>> No.4076809

Already did, but Idc about that, just want my space quiet and nice to draw. In the beginning it was necessary because I didn't have the enough money to rent it by myself but now that I can do it I'm gonna kick her useless ass off the planet.

>> No.4077121

I just can't give half a crap about the people on my art discord.I feel bad, but the best method for me seems to be muting every server and going on only when I need critique. Most of the server is full of children though so I don't even need their critiques. I feel I just stay there to cringe at them.

>> No.4077385

What the fuck is the nature of "unwarranted critiques"? Am I just too autistic? Because I personally wouldn't mind being hurt for the sake of getting better.

>> No.4077602
File: 154 KB, 500x335, 1550894373078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw on traditional pen and pencil media
>Getting the hang of it pretty well
>Try to draw digitally
>Use a screenless tablet
>No stroke I make is ever how I intended
What am I doing wrong?