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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4046000 No.4046000 [Reply] [Original]

My friend is out here trying to work for marvel on his own spiderman story. Ya'll think it's worth it?

>> No.4046005


>> No.4046020
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Is he a minority lgbtq2s+ immigrant that hates whites with active hatred spewed daily on twitter, including calling current editor in chief of marvel a racist, while being willing to work for below minimum wage pagerate? If not, he doesnt fit the current culture and would be a toxic addition to marvel comics.

>> No.4046022


>> No.4046025

>wasting your skills drawing capeshit for an old ass IP that you don't even own and nobody will read.
>Also it will just get rebooted within a year

>> No.4046043

>Trips checked
Just make your own
bootleg spiderman instead
Prolly make it a girl and animu to avoid lawsuits

>> No.4046045

sounds like you got molested when you were a child and now hate everyone that's different from you

>> No.4046056

Unless hes a big name his comic will most likely be edited to hell and beyond only for it to be canceleld on issue 2. Also I think writting and art are two diffrent path for comics. I don't see many doing people doing both

>> No.4046090

>My friend is out here trying to work for marvel
1)Is he jew?
2)Does your friend have jewish contacts in marvel?

>> No.4046094
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You sound like a conservaphobe you bigot. And im not exaggerating about current state of marvel. They just hired an asian woman that called the eic a racist idiot and other insults because he used an asian name for his psuedonim while living in japan and married to a japanese woman. She has no comic experience and her biggest credit is "overwatch writer", a game with no story. She was given 4 books to start with.

Dan slott hates christians and has multiple tweets hating them and telling them to go back where they came from. All current marvel creators are in an online group where they run block chains and dox all known conservative creators and actively collude not to hire them.

One of top editors is heather antos and she has a tweet from election day that says they (editors and colleagues at marvel) know who voted for trump and they will not forgot those creators names. It is still up and she has not been spoken to or reprimanded for this.

Fans that follow creators on the block chain for twitter, etc are automatically blocked by all these creators at marvel. They call the fans assholes and nazis all the time. They write entire issues about these fans and use heroes to act as mouthpieces to insult them and inflict violence on them. Moon knight had a random thug named after a critic and was savagely attacked by the hero. Harley quinn (dc but writer part og marvel group) had an issue where she killed fans and dismembered them for having different political views to the writer. Catwoman helped her. It goes on and on.

If you do not share their ideology, you will never be hired at marvel. Quality is second to politics for past several years. Look up gay iceman or how eisners, former top industry awards based on merit, are given to people that are trans or minority with no actual comic experience and books that sell less than 5000 copies with classic marvel characters everyone used to love. They have series cancelled 3 and 4 times after 5 issues.

>> No.4046111

just dont be a faggot and dont vote for trump

>> No.4046112

Look At this triggered snowflake

>> No.4046114


>> No.4046116

Thats what im telling him. If hes not part of that group he will never be hired.

>> No.4046142

if you're a nazi you wont get hired what a shocker

>> No.4046151

Hold up what's wrong with being a nazi ?

>> No.4046173

This is terrible.

>> No.4046188

Poe’s Law man, I can no longer tell of this is bait. The west truly has gone to shit.

Capeshit is garbage. Your friend has a better shot at making it if he made his own Spiderman ripoff OC, and made a manga about it to publish in Japan. Much bigger industry, and none of this nonsense
Let comics die, the deserve to die at this point, and manga is already outselling them in the west.

>> No.4046222

>The west truly has gone to shit.
sounds like a filthy weeb

>> No.4046233

I’m a weeb because I lament the decay of western civilization to SJWs and their radical ideologies? There’s nothing “weeb” about Asia and LatAm saying fuck you to the toxic brain cancer spreading across the USA and Europe.

>> No.4046234

Sounds pretty weebish to me.

>> No.4046247

Like what >>4046188 and >>4046043 said, tell him to modify it and make it his own IP.

If he owns his own IP, he gets all (besides publishing costs) the profits, owns the property, and can license it out to movie studios and merchandising companies.

Also tell him to find a way to market it in Japan, South Korea, Mexico, France, and Belgium.

>> No.4046255

And China. The number of people in China with a disposable income = the entire US population.

>> No.4046259

Yeah, China too. It might be a little more difficult because of their censorship, so make sure you have nothing that would offend the bugmen insect queens.

>> No.4046459
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>Let comics die, the deserve to die at this point,
>manga is already outselling them in the west.
>implying it won't meet the same end
Stop believing Japan is the holy grail of culture and entertainment.
They're even more fucked up than the west. They just don't screech about it 24/7 throughout the interweb and the news like in the west.

>> No.4046507

you're a weeb because you have significantly less brain cells than average

>> No.4046875


>> No.4046939

>hmmm, my ideas about how society should be don't agree with modern western thought
>there's no possible way i am wrong or regressive, so it must be the decline of the entire western civilization instead
>people who disagree with me do so because they all belong to a nebulous evil sjw conspiracy with infinite power and reach, and not because my ideas are retarded

>> No.4047025
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>Implying labeling everything as progressive means its good
>implying because a thing is new it must be good
>implying you know shit about politics, the world and all the variables concerning the progression and evolution of civilized society and the world as a whole
>implying you're not some middle class entitled kid who had never to fight for shit
>Implying you have a three digits iq
>implying you should be talking
>implying the things you stand for won't end up killing and enslaving you in the long run
>Implying you will ever allowed to talk anything if you're not part of the hivemind
Enjoy giving up any free will you have because individualism ain't happening in your progressive future.

>> No.4047112

Capeshit is the lowest form of drawing.
Furfaggotry and fetish commisions are higher on the totem-pole of art.

>> No.4047125

that's incorrect and you know it. why do you want so badly to start a fight on an intellectually dishonest position im willing to bet you dont really care that much about. go outside

>> No.4047260

He's the one who drew that, huh? Well, he's out of luck. Better go independent at this point than work for Marvel.

Ask him if he's willing to work on his comic for the next year. Because comic books require that much dedication to be made.

>> No.4047363

Lol, you’re absolutely stupid. I’m so glad I moved to Japan. You deserve what’s coming to you. There’s no way this little social experiment of yours won’t end badly.

>> No.4047463

I'm not a /pol/fag but western decay is visible everywhere and you'd have to be a retard not to see it. The low fertility rates and obesity problems alone will be fucking us hard in the distant but foreseeable future.

>> No.4047472

It would be better if north america didn't exist
nothing would be so bad if canada or america was never discovered
I wish I never existed, I wish noone here existed, I wish this continent would just dissappear
I wish I was allowed to die