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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4014745 No.4014745 [Reply] [Original]

So what do we think of the podcast?

>> No.4014769


Feels like Marshall (father) podcast and the son (proko) is supposed to shut up and let dad speak. He sure loves the sound of his own voice (although I don't blame him, he has a nice voice). It's alright to listen to in the background.

>> No.4014776

Its aight

>> No.4014782

based Marshall makes it worthwhile, imagine if it was Proko and some insufferable faggot like moderndayjames

>> No.4014788

i want marshall to be my dad

>> No.4014789

marshall's great

proko is... well... proko

>> No.4014832
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There is some Harold-level pain behind that smile

>> No.4014839

It's pretty good. I don't think there's really anything else out there like it right now.

>> No.4014860

Its good. Marshall has a lot of great advice and is naturally a great speaker. Proko is a spazz but what he says is correct and good advice for the most part, but doesn't have the same authority that Marshall's comments do... Especially when Proko speaks about anything illustration related and drawing from imagination, it comes off as a bit hollow because we know Proko has never practiced these things. However he tells us why he isn't good at doing it with authority - because had NEVER practiced it at all. Its a different skill that needs to be practiced than drawing from a model.

>> No.4014874

I liked both parties, proko being the host needs to shut up a little more but besides that very nice.

>> No.4015449

is it just me or Proko acts a little faggy?

>> No.4015450

lol what's wrong with james?

>> No.4015452

i wish the episodes were longer.

>> No.4015540
File: 212 KB, 1125x1358, Fun With a Pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he is a söyboy at heart
Based Marshall

>> No.4015556

he was sad because Proko forgot to give him a skull

>> No.4015602

Honestly, it's great. Both are great artists and teachers in their own right. Marshall's 1994 perspective course is really good (the video quality is what you'd expect), he's a pleasant teacher and cracks good jokes. Proko is a chill guy and seems to be stuck in the "watts" theory a bit ("Gesture is very important", "do 30 sec quicksketches a lot" etc.) but seems to become more open minded by talking and learning from many different artists (being a fan of KJG etc.)
The dynamic between them is also great. I disagree with Proko having to shut up. I love his "sometimes" cringy jokes, it makes it grounded.

So yeah, assuming OP is Proko, keep it going.


James is fine.

>> No.4015609
File: 28 KB, 459x250, face_machine_by_marshall_vandruff_d5i8e0s-250t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hasn't been red-pilled on how shit Marshall really is

>> No.4015617

t. james' wife

dude sounds like he does his videos at gun point
and he often says he doesn't watch youtube at all, "what type of retard wastes time on that?" fuck that guy

>> No.4015652

>Proko is a chill guy
not at all, he sounds like a nervous teenager

>> No.4015659

James isn't perfect but those aren't valid criticisms of him at all. What's wrong with not watching youtube?
I noticed that too, he's such a spaz at the beginning of each episode

>> No.4015669

what's in the box?

>> No.4015672

Proko's skull

>> No.4015678

not him but
>literally just copies of hampton
>thinks hes better than everyone
>do stupid shit in the streets thats not even funny
>shit gumroad
>just do youtube for attention

>> No.4015684

>those aren't valid criticisms of him at all.
of they are, he is a shit host

>> No.4015696

As a show, Marshall is fantastic, proko is...alright, but they're not great together. Listening to them feels awkward, tense and forced. Doesn't feel like they really have any chemistry together, which is a shame because the advice and stories they have is interesting to listen to. Hopefully it gets better with time and they learn to relax a bit.

>> No.4015697

I really hate his skits, they are fucking terrible

>> No.4015795

proko is the most silocon valley man slave on the planet earth

>> No.4015809

>>thinks hes better than everyone

>> No.4015824

I agree with this. It deffo feels tense and particularly awkward at times. Honestly I'd love to hear Marshall talk with someone a bit less.. proko. He's chill but I feel like he talks when he shouldn't almost all the time

>> No.4015830

the ''how to get more views'' says it all

>> No.4015848
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>> No.4015865

At least the podcast is great for memes
I hope they get guests on soon, it's gonna get boring with just the two of them

>> No.4015987

When did he say that and how does that prove your point?

>> No.4015992

get the fuck out of this thread "modern"day white boy

>> No.4015998 [DELETED] 

I mean, he is "good", but that's mostly because he's a Watts copycat.

>> No.4016024

Proko kinda pisses me off sometimes. Too many silly jokes about nothing relevant. Too much about his personal life. That shows he cares about how we see his personal life which is immature imo.

Proko pissed me off when he said he shouldn't have done the anatomy videos the way he did it. He said it with such a deppressed voice while making it obvious it's about money. Made me wanna give back everything I learned from him. Just take it back, bitch, I never paid for your stuff and I wouldn't pay anyway. The only reason you're known now is because the videos are good and free, not because we think you're handsome and a cool guy, wake the fuck up.

>> No.4016032

basedboy thinks we're irrelevant.

>> No.4016092

Imagine thinking /ic/ is relevant lol.

>> No.4016119
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>> No.4016128

Tons of kids learned from me and I'm not even that good. From stuff like suggestions, critique and advice. A small question during class can make a lot of difference. Not trying to brag, just saying we all are a lot more relevant than others say.

>> No.4016234

Podcast is actually surprisingly good, I could listen to Marshall for hours. Does anyone here have recommendations for similar podcasts?

>> No.4016248

what about chris oatley's paperwings podcast?

>> No.4016324

It's nice, the forced shit that Proko came up with is dumb. Marshall is great at talking and for some things they're good foils. I'm not sure how much content or topics they can cover before there's no material. The question section is a bit cringey listening to a recording too. Marshall probably has a ton of stories and insight but not sure how you get it all out ofhim.

>> No.4016355



>> No.4016365
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Shhhhh. Proko is in this very threat! Stop making him upset

>> No.4016400

Gives me some background noise when I'm sick of the" lofi beats to study to" radio on youtube.

>> No.4016460

I bet if someone tells proko we’re talking about him he comes running to see.

>> No.4016470

he cool dude

>> No.4016721

So what's the deal with this Marshall guy?

I know people here are pretty split on proko but how is Marshall generall perceived? What credentials does he haveand what sets him apart from Proko?

>> No.4016852
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>> No.4016860


>> No.4016870

he's just as bad as proko

>> No.4016875

"Just as bad" is such a bullshit vague term. How about elaborating on why he is

>> No.4016907

Marshall seems to have imagination at least.

>> No.4016928

Who the fuck cares? Niggas gotta eat.

>> No.4017037

I'm too /beg/ to pin down why I don't like Marshall's work but it definitely has something to do with his use of value, just looks unappealing to me

>> No.4017175

The boomer and zoomer show

>> No.4017434

He's a good teacher, his perspective DVD is good.

I mean he says himself, he was influenced by trash lol. He doesn't draw far from what inspires him.

>> No.4017570

I like the topics they cover, but sometimes it feels like Proko is a bit hostile towards Marshall and struggles to accept that some folks simply approach art differently than he does? It's fair to point out the flaws in various methods, I just think Proko is a touch dogmatic.

>> No.4017868

10 years at watts must have cemented some ideals in him

>> No.4018758

NEW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZvWpHsIYxs

>> No.4018763

this one wasnt as good sadly

>> No.4018926


>> No.4018929

As the podcast carries on proko gets more and more bratty.

Like when I go shopping with my parents and revert back to being a bit of a dumb kid.

>> No.4018959

because he keeps bringing the topic of his art education which he is very insecure about

>> No.4019120
File: 35 KB, 381x499, nicolaides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it legit or not?

>> No.4019132

it's shit

>> No.4019347

It's pretty shit. It's like "just draw" but for 300 hours. Autistic schedule that no one's going to follow. He didn't write it either, it was put together by students after his death and it's more of a mess than Bridgman's books.

It's 25 15-hour a week schedules of things to draw/paint and at the end your art still won't look any better. It's structured grinding. We can appreciate what Nicolaides brought to art education but it's shit for learning from.

>> No.4019358

its works though compared to shitposting here

>> No.4019458

if your gonna spand a billion hours grinding, why not do it with a book that doesn't suck?

>> No.4019499

Marshall is a talntless hack, why would anyone listen to him?
He cant paint at all or draw, his stuff is just awful proko is no different but atleast has some decent paintings on artstation

>> No.4019500

Chill. Marshall is cool.

>> No.4019529

He's a solid artist, even better teacher. He has decades of teaching experience, and taught many artists who are now professionals. That's why you should listen to him.

>> No.4019555

That anon is referring to a parody video James made that had a click-baity title or something, like "HOW TO GET MORE VIEWS" with an intentionally cancerous thumbnail

>> No.4019594

Post your work, faggot

>> No.4019621

Marshall's great and whenever he asks Proko questions it sound like he's quizzing him. Proko takes the bait without fail and answers in that naiive, hardline way we all have when we're in our 20s like we know how the world works and our way is the only way. Then Marshall swoops in with that veteran nuance and tears his argument apart.

>> No.4019624

I think he's just extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.4019630

What book would you say is not shit?

>> No.4019639

not him but keys to drawing is way better

>> No.4019640

Marshall is so nice to listen to

>> No.4019712

Honestly I love Proko's cringe ass humor. I don't know if I'm laughing at him or with him.

>> No.4020687
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>> No.4020692

proko is giga chad

>> No.4020701

I hope Marshall is taking all that "your old lol"-tier shit banter from Proko in good spirit, he's so precious and I don't want him to be hurt.

>> No.4020720

>In my mid-thirties, after a non-stop week of rendering a bunch of television screens, I collapsed. I had to stop working for six months. That was the beginning of my retirement from illustration.
Poor Marshall, at least he became a good teacher and helps others make it now

>> No.4020722

he's not a soiboi he know its a joke and he's owning it