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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 217 KB, 720x1050, Screenshot_2019-06-23_030337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3984197 No.3984197 [Reply] [Original]

They are not even that good, he has thousands and thousands of likes drawing this.. Does anybody know how to get popular or internet having a Devian art skills? I'm genuinely asking

>> No.3984201


>> No.3984202

@Afrobullart on twitter

>> No.3984203

most people have terrible taste in everything, capeshit movies rehash the same format ad nauseum and they still sell a shitload everytime they put out another origin story garbage onto the theaters.

>> No.3984206

hot af

>> No.3984210

Doesn't look that good but doesn't look lile 12 year old deviantart colored pencil trash. That's the main thing. As long it's not complete trash normies will eat it up.

>> No.3984215

Haha anon you are going to die of rage if you check lavendertowne on youtube

>> No.3984221

I mean, you are right but he is almost 100k followers on Twitter. That's what a professional illustrator gets. I really don't get it. There should be a way to get popular like him

>> No.3984223

All he does is draw decent porn of popular characters
Not that hard to understand

>> No.3984232

Professionals don't spend anywhere near as much time on social media and personal work, so comparing follow counts isn't fair.

If a professional spent the same amount of time as Afrobull does they'd have at least 5x more.

>> No.3984236

Yeah you are right in that

>> No.3984243
File: 201 KB, 1500x944, IMG_20190623_040235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also found this Chinese illustrator who is not that popular https://mobile.twitter.com/cloudbox9 , only few people know him

>> No.3984246

But as Anon said, maybe he is not that consistent in social media as Afrobull

>> No.3984248

If you just want numbers then porn is obvious because literally everybody just wants to spit some seed. A lot of the popular porn artists also have the benefit of constantly putting out work because there's always some sort of flavor of the week anime or video game character that people want to see fap fuel for. Having a professional level of technical prowess doesn't guarantee that your tastes are going to align with as large of an audience of people that just want to look at some hentai. Someone who's been spending all their time grinding fundies might not even have any tastes left to express even, much less know what appeals to the average person.

>> No.3984257

Nice nose goy

>> No.3984261

>only few people

>> No.3984263

...because it's Pitou. Seriously. Hunter x Hunter doesn't have that much hentai, and a lot of it is Deviantart pencil colored trash. That picture? Good enough. Now you know why, you gotta find a character people like and that'll boost your art.

Of course he had to do some initial work to get his social media running, but about that particular pic, it's because of the character. Fanart is the ultimate hack.

>> No.3984264

>That's what a professional illustrator gets.
Professional illustrators don't get nearly that many.
What they get instead is money.

>> No.3984266

Everyone on this board complaining about lack of followers and likes should draw some neferpitou fanart RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

>> No.3984269
File: 739 KB, 1200x1200, Pitou gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3984270

honestly, why wouldn't you draw pitou fanart, what are you guys doing

>> No.3984279
File: 159 KB, 476x345, 978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are productive, because they put their shit out there instead of shitposting on ic and scribbling loomis heads in photoshop, jesus christ nigger how is this concept so hard to grasp

Go out there and make some people happy with your art

>> No.3984283

Porn + product that people recognize.

>> No.3984288

productivity + marketing skills = success

Your actual talents as an artist might matter when you're dead though so it's a question of what you want your life to be I suppose. Do you want to be loaded with cash and forgotten soon after death or die dirt poor and have future chads, jews profit off your art as you become a 'legend' in the art communities?

>> No.3984296

This. I don't even like most NSFW art but most porn artists actually consistently put out finished and presentable work that can appeal to an audience. I have several friends who are porn artists who are admittedly not that great technically, but still get a lot of attention on their nsfw twitters because they're able to put out lewds at a consistent pace and quality. That's literally all you need to do, and if you're jealous you can either start drawing porn yourself or work harder so that you can make sfw art with just as much appeal.

>> No.3984302

afrobull shits out a finished illustration almost every other day
his method of rendering is easy to produce over and over so the bulk of the time is spent drawing the character while painting takes little time at all
shit out decent quality work almost every day and people will flock to you because they get their dopamine fix more often

>> No.3984305

>his method of rendering is easy to produce over and over

>> No.3984306

Three things that sell and always will sell, because we're human:

>> No.3984309


>> No.3984311

Look at his color method it's basically all flat color. There's some very thin shadows put around the body to indicate form then he takes a soft brush and adds red for blush marks and indication of blood. The hair is pretty much the same but he adds speculars there as well

>> No.3984312

It's cel-shading with a few extra details, like the reddish touches on the breasts, and the soft shading on the nipples. It really don't take too long to do whatsoever, and looks appealing to a lot of audiences.

>> No.3984316
File: 73 KB, 847x1200, C7549B7B-A146-496D-BC3D-3EFA0530A769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if you want to get popular like these guys then just draw porn. The artist of pic related has over 50,000 followers. If you don’t want to draw porn then draw fanart.

>> No.3984356

Fucking this, porn is the fast food of art

>> No.3984373

drawing porn of popular characters give you easily 50k followers at minimum with decent and appealing skills.

>> No.3984375

It's all about exposure. The more you post on socials, the more people will see you and the more your stuff will get spread.
If on top of that you also have an appealing style, then you hit jackpot.

>> No.3984383

Also let's not forget who is the king of NSFW right now, fucking shadman and his lolis with midget bodies. Seriously, do you all still think people who fap to cartoons have art standars? They will beat their meat and throw money at everything.

>> No.3984402

Draw porn of popular characters and bandwagon onto new trends. It's really not that hard but you just don't want to face the truth that selling your soul and drawing porn is the only way to make it

>> No.3984404

Porn sells

>> No.3984405

They provide a service

What most egomaniacs look for in taking up art is self affirmation

And everyone else just does it as hobby

Do you know how much of a kid you sound like when you talk about how they are good/not good. The follower count means they catered to the people and kept it up daily.

>> No.3984406

Where are her fucking nopples

>> No.3984413

The most direct way to strike the heart is through the genitals. And good porn doesn't just mean well drawn dick and hot cum, it's also in the facial expressions and how well the artist conveys erotic feelings. If you can draw something emotionally convincing AND sexually explicit, everybody into your subject matter will be eager to see what you make and even pay you for it.

>> No.3984416

This. I tried the social media part but I lasted a week until I just wanted to tell everyone to fuck off. And even then I didn't do half of what you're supposed to if you want a good following. It's not something for me.

It's a lot of work and you have to go find your followers until you can snowball due to the popularity. /ic/ on the other hand is filled with kids and teenagers/immature fags who just won't put the effort and keep bitching about others being better, others putting the effort, others being successful, others working hard and so on.

>> No.3984417
File: 2.79 MB, 350x263, 1560579580271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop tempting me demon, I know I could easily make x15 of what I make right now by selling out but what's the point if I'm not fullfilled in my work

>> No.3984418

But how do I draw anime without drawing Loomis heads first?

>> No.3984420

Very true

Most people on this board are fundamentally the opposite of the type that would thrive on social media attention, yet they lust for it nonetheless

The crab bucket. It rings evermore

>> No.3984428

You draw both you fucknugget.
>1) Draw shit anime
>2) Draw loomis heads
>3) Draw less shit anime
>4) Draw more loomis heads

Rinse and repeat, work diligently and git gud

>> No.3984429
File: 459 KB, 500x409, 1558393732151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit about fulfillment, wanting to be good a thing or not being a total degenerate?
Just money and fame, nothing else matters.
Intergrity, honesty and virtue are not what the consumer wants and are frowned upon.
Embrace mediocrity and sin, for that is what this plane of existence feeds off.

>> No.3984463

wicked or weakness
you gotta see this

>> No.3985948

Is she a robot? What the fuck's up with the elbows?

>> No.3985950

God I wish that were me.

>> No.3985966

an ant-human-cat hybrid

>> No.3985970
File: 85 KB, 1000x706, D1lIOtKUwAA082O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really just proves shilling = popularity.
Yeah, I mean, no shit I know, but take this artist for example. Didn't know he existed until he posted a set of Shantae lewds that people shilled on 4chan. Art style didn't even look as cel shady and whatnot compared to what he does more often, more soft render anime style stuff. I think his stuff is nice, but sometimes I just don't see it. To me he looks like a "Eastern" version of Calm (see >>3984267) when it comes to rendering, and the only reason I think his popularity exist is because of, of course, fan art. Yet I think >>3984243's pic look better in that category.

Basically, popularity = accessibility. If people shill your shit at the right time with the right image in the right places, your "fame" will skyrocket. Remember all those Nessa drawings? Does anyone remember "that artist" out of the see of the pics drawn? If not, it's not the right time for longterm fame, just short term.

>> No.3985971

That shield looks a bit small.

>> No.3986504

the point is making big money so you can afford nice art tools and continue working on stuff you want to do without worrying about starving to death on the street or having to ask your parents for cash ..

>> No.3986591

What about NEETbux

>> No.3986595

He is good ENOUGH, and has an amazing track record with activity. Literally poses something new almost everyday. That's all you need. Get good enough for normie eyes, and be productive (and draw porn obv)

>> No.3986601

Underage sociopath
gtfo my planet pls

>> No.3988347

They draw. If you draw pyw.

>> No.3988480

This dude it pretty much my idol when it comes to colouring. If I can get to his level of rendering I would retire a happy artist. I don't know how he does it

>> No.3988487

it's part of her design, she has weird ball joint-looking arms

>> No.3988489


>> No.3988491

People like tiddies and it's the internet
There's also the persons consistency and personality/brand to consider

>> No.3988517

His rendering is easy, what makes his works solid is lineart.

>> No.3989296

Teach his rendering to me.

>> No.3991761

He got psd's on patreon. Or just yiff.party it if you're a poor nigger

>> No.3993524

Being good at art won't guarantee you popularity online, young zoomzoom. You need to be a marketer aswell. You need to sell yourself as much as your art, if not more. Thats how you build a fanbase quick. If you're a silent introvert that doens't like tweeting about trivial bullshit, well, you'll struggle even if you're the next whoever.

>> No.3993538

people are horny

>> No.3993571

whats so bad about it? looks decent