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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3930071 No.3930071 [Reply] [Original]

What sort of magic spell do you have to cast to draw with this thing? Ive had this thing for 4 years and i still cant draw with it.

Drawing just a straight fucking line is impossible. I draw fine on paper but digital is five year old level. Do i just need a better pad or am i the problem.

>> No.3930081

play a lot of osu you bitch

>> No.3930087

It's just a hand to eye coordination training thing
Use it every single day - like other anon said maybe download osu and play it - I basically unplugged my mouse and used the tablet as a mouse for a month and then it was easy
you'll get the hang of it

>> No.3930109

honestly, i just abuse the erase and undo tool until i get something that resembles a straight line. chicken scratching and cleaning up later (not toooo scratchy mind you) is a valid strategy with digital art.

>> No.3930115

My paper works are super sketchy. What do you do to clean up? Just trim the fat??

>> No.3930117

I might not be the best to talk about this since im mostly painting digitally, but I think it really comes down to how you draw. Like when im drawing on paper I always do overhand grip and try to be as loose as possible and that just doesn't work on a tablet like that. You have to focus more on stitching together the drawing as a piece, rather than just feeling the lines, if that makes sense. But im not sure, as I said, I mostly paint.

>> No.3930118

the erase tool you dumbass.

>i draw fine on paper
>its super sketchy

>> No.3930120

Fuck off, man, I'm frustrated and trying to get as much info as possible.

>> No.3930122

you've had 4 years to learn.

the problem is probably just you.

>> No.3930126

Thanks buddy, not like that thought hasn't crossed my mind already. Also bonus points for suggesting a fix. super helpful

>> No.3930133

I have the same one OP!
Put smoothing on 10-20% if you’re in Photoshop. You are probably just dogshit at art though

>> No.3930136

>buy tablet
>suck with it
>throw it in the closet for 4 years
>find it one day
>plug it in and still suck

>> No.3930141
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Ugh, For anyone wondering what i can do with it currently, this is just about it. Best i can manage.

>> No.3930144
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Nigger just buy a Cintiq

>> No.3930146

I work for peanuts at a 7-11, you buy me a Cintiq, bitch.

>> No.3930156

You suck, it’s not that tablet

>> No.3930159

How much do you use it? How frequently do you try to draw with it? I think you could doodle every day with it so you don't have any pressure to make super finished stuff. And try to make your lines better each day. I thinks it's something that comes with practice. Also, change brushes a lot until you find something you feel better with.

I had the same problem as you up until recently. Got the same tablet in the pic around 20015. And I couldn't draw a circle until recently. Drawing felt to suddenly click after I was working on something for a week and changed brushes until I found one that had the right line quality for me.

>> No.3930163

Good to see someone on here is trying to help actually. I started using it way frequently when i first got it, but i got discouraged and went back to paper for a while. Less frequent in recent years. Never took like a year long break though.

Just gotta force it i guess.

>> No.3930166

With all that evidence, how could i say you're wrong honestly. Quality post with lots of thought put in.

>> No.3930197


Sell it and buy a Cintiq.

>> No.3930199

even then i can't afford it. Too expensive

>> No.3930212


I tried to get and intuos to work for me for years. When I finally gave up and got a cintiq, it was like having casts taken off my arms.

I would have never gotten to where I am now if I'd stuck with intuous. After 4 years you might as well sell it and just practice drawing on paper until you can get a small Cintiq.

>> No.3930879


Came to post this.

>> No.3930917

Can't be bothered to see if someone has mentioned the nib, I can't draw with smooth nibs so I switched to a rough one. I hate when it feels like the stylus is just slipping around

>> No.3930921

And people say talent ain't real, this fucker can't even learn to use a tablet

>> No.3930942

I wish they didn't move the buttons on the new model, only thing keeping me from upgrading.
but yeah just use it everyday, I use it instead of a mouse

>> No.3930958

S sized tablets are unusable. I've never seen someone semi-good use them.

>> No.3930965

That isn't talent, that's a learning disability.

>> No.3930966

Jape a piece of sketchbook paper over it. I've literally never used mine without paper.

>> No.3932304

You guys realize being dicks doesn't help anybody, right?

>> No.3932313

From this image I can tell that you need to adjust your brush settings. What program are you using to draw?
Look for a stabilizer. Add a little.
Find a setting that links opacity to pressure sensitivity. ie, pressing lighter on the tablet makes your line more transparent. This will help significantly.
You have line weight problems. Learn to control it better, or make your brush vary less in size.
Also. Your color choices are garbage. A better idea of aesthetics will take your work much further and mitigate your other problems.

>> No.3932343


>> No.3932947

New cintiq is 650$ that one is probably 300,. just save up

>> No.3932988

that was my tablet for years before I finally bought a screen tablet. It's fine, you just have to keep using it 'til you get used to using tablets like that. Abuse undo if you have to, make fast strokes.

>> No.3932997

You'll get the hang of it anon. Also switch to csp. Photoshop had been a nightmare to do lineart for me.

>> No.3933019
File: 72 KB, 960x684, MAINfujiconv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would suggest picking up an older tablet PC with a wacom-enabled screen. It's what I did after frustrating myself with screenless tablets for years.

You can spend anywhere between $80 and $200 depending on how decent you want the performance to be.

>> No.3933302

Get an iPad 6 + Apple Pencil ($329+99) or the XP Pen Artist 12 ($250). Screenless tablets are not for everyone.

>> No.3933549

what would you say is better, the ipad 6 route or the cintiq? ive never used a tablet before, im a fairly decent drawer but these digital guys can run circles around me and I need to upgrade. money is not that big of a deal, but I'd like the most affordable option. thanks for any help starting me out

>> No.3933553

also might be worth noting I have no art programs other than gimp

>> No.3933554

That thing looks sweet

>> No.3933571

I own a intuos paper edition so I do that if I want my sketches digitalized, but I chose a surface with texture and use a rough nib to get the feeling of drawing on paper.

>> No.3933592

Cintiq is a better drawing experience, period. There's a reason why they're the top dog.
If you want to do things beside drawing then maybe go for ipad 6.
You generally get what you pay for in this field, like this guys said though >>3933302
I would recommend the XP Pen Artist 12, the review is good and even though it's not cintiq tier, it's a very good deal for the price.

>> No.3934085

hey thanks. also what software should I get? photoshop? I literally have no clue what im doing in this arena

>> No.3934150
File: 659 KB, 1060x900, krita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a XP-Pen Artist 12 and I would only recommend it to people who can't afford a Cintiq. Cintiq 16 is the absolute best on "affordable" drawing monitors ($650). I'll upgrade to this model next year.

The best free digital art program is Krita.
Medibang and Autodesk Sketchbook are also free, but more oriented at begginers.

If you want a commercial software:
- Clip Studio Paint for lineart based drawing, this is the to-go art software for anime artists and comic book creators. You can get it for $25 on sales (usually $50).

- Paint Tool Sai is easy to use, good for cutesy art styles. But its brush engine might not be as natural as others. ($50-60)

- Photoshop: Industry standard, requires a fast CPU, I woulnd't pay $20 a month to use it.

I personally prefer Krita for painting/sketching and Clip Studio for lineart, flat coloring and inks. But you should work with wathever you feel confortable.

Also, take a look at Lazy Nezumi, great external line-stabilizer.

>> No.3934193

Or just buy an ipad if you are on a budget. Cinitq experience + a tablet for shit posting or whatever

>> No.3934292
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holy, thank you so much, this helps alot

>> No.3934638


I love mine. Wacom enabled, 1440p IPS display, and an Intel vPro cpu for under $200.

If you upgrade the ram, I would consider it the best budget digital art tablet out there right now.

Highly recommend it

>> No.3934648

whats it weigh?
might actually pick one up, gonna be travelling a lot more soon

>> No.3934666


I'm not the best human scale, but I would say it's a bit over 3 pounds.

I know how little info about it there is on the net, so feel free to ask me whatever about it.

>> No.3934672

I have a Wacom and honestly the best thing I've found is using it as a mouse pad for awhile, even when you aren't drawing.

Also, line stabilizers and playing with brushes. Pretty much what everyone else has said here. You just have to practice and tinker until you figure out what works.

If you've been doing that for four years - and I mean doing it regularly, not just throwing it to the side and playing with it every few months - and you still can't get it right, I don't know what to say.

Worse case scenario, the Intuos just doesn't work for how you draw. In that case, you should get a cheap screen tablet. XP Pen, iPad.. Shit, I have a Samsung Tab A that was under three hundred bucks and it works really well for me.

>> No.3934677

I might want a tablet to play hearthstone and draw porn in the corner of the room I'm not sure how good it'd be at it though I never had a tablet

>> No.3934684

What specific model is this and what wacom pen?

>> No.3934685

Nevermind drawing on ipad looks bad

>> No.3934736

Stop being a fag and start practicing, or buy another tab if you have the money, wtf

>> No.3935067

Eat shit and die. You fucking mongrels come onto this board screaming "iTs nOt MMMmeEe tHAts bAAadD, iT MuSt bE SOme tRicKE iDon'T kNoW AbOut." You suck. You don't put in the effort into getting better than wonder why you can't draw a straight line. Go and draw every other day for atleast 2-3 hours then come back you double digit IQ retard.

>> No.3935335

having a better tablet won't make you a better artist

>> No.3935383
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All the pros that still use a screenless tab for their art use a large tablet. The small intuos is a toy and should be avoided if you want to learn digital and be serious with it. Go with a medium size if the large is too costly. I use a medium intuos 5 with CSP and it's the best for the size and price.

>> No.3935577
File: 7 KB, 300x225, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a Fujitsu Lifebook T904.

Any Wacom EMR pen will work. I personally have a Toshiba pen I got from a clearance sale as I have huge hands, but any of the older Lifebook pens will work, and can be had for less than $15 on ebay, pic related.

>> No.3935602

get a mobile studio. Also stop playing hearthstone, you probably drop 50 bucks every 3 months for their new expansions and it's a waste of money when you could be drawing.

>> No.3935608

hows the parallax? does the pen tip line up well?

>> No.3936150

You lines are wobbly. Go to drawabox.

>> No.3936181
File: 433 KB, 761x624, d80li8-84739f36-c075-49ad-bcbf-a8e1c4aa9680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3936642


You might need to calibrate it a few times for it to be perfect, but it's a lot better than the Surface 2 I had before.