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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3904119 No.3904119 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best place to get harsh critiques on your art besides /ic/? Sticky recommended conceptart but last I checked years ago they were doing something called "dreamfuel" that looked like a scam. Is it actually a good site nowadays?

I can't post my work here because I may be popular with tumblr and don't want drama over using a "problematic" website, I already had someone try to start a hate campaign against me because I misspelled transgender.

>> No.3904186


>> No.3904194

Big bump

>> No.3904303
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So is conceptart good now or is there a better website to post on?

>> No.3904629


>> No.3904632
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There is none.
DA and Tumblr are filled with bad artists.
ConceptArt is dead.
Reddit is a hugbox so mellow it'll make you want to vomit.
People on social medias can't critique.

It's sad, but despite its shittiness /ic/ is still the best for actual critique. If you want something else, your best bet is to find a decent art discord/private group, but there aren't many out there and they're hard to find.

>> No.3904638

ok this happens, but it'll be one guy among 10 others praising and giving very detailed critique. if your work is shit, you're told its shit and you argue back then people will double down.

>> No.3904663

>ok this happens, but it'll be one guy among 10 others praising and giving very detailed critique.
On what website does this happen? Conceptart? I don't care about arguing back if someone says it's shit.

>> No.3904720

Like this guy said your best bet is probably a discord group, but small, tight knit, quality ones are hard to find and join. Though I heard that massive black is doing something that will be similar to the old CA, but I doubt it will be the same as there's really no need for pros to be there and stay, other than good virtue and novelty/ nostalgia. CA worked because there was basically no where else for people to go so everyone had to use it, good or bad.

>> No.3904803


>> No.3904924
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>not masturbating to high renaissance paintings and sculptures like a real artist

>> No.3904931

I received some pretty good critique here, and believe it or not, Instagram gave me the chance to communicate with pro artists that enlightened me in various issues

>> No.3904937

time to shill


maybe youve seen some talk of this here and there. Lad is trying to start up an /ic/ alternative that is more properly focused on critique and quality content. I recommend you peep the discord here, he's still working on it so it's not out yet but you can ask around to get more details. Hopefully will be running soon.

>> No.3904947
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>> No.3904950

thats a discord link. i assume u know how discord works? idk if link sharing those directly with the www.whatever is banned or anything, but you put that at the end of the standard discord link

>> No.3904953

There is nothing left
The world has become a hugbox, the concept of critique is no longer compatible in this society

>> No.3904958

Where is the discord link?

>> No.3904962

did you put either "open to critique" or "I welcome critique" in your about/bio section for all the websites you post on?

>> No.3904964
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its not that hard, man

>> No.3904966

Starting using 4chan yesterday, excuse me :s

>> No.3904975
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>> No.3904987

I post on tumblr and deviantart, I'll remember to put this in my bio but I don't think it'll help much since most of my fans draw worse than me. On the times they have critiqued things I have fixed them.

I don't know where else I'd post, I hear twitter and instagram don't support lossless formats like png which seems would make them bad for sharing art.

>> No.3904989

nice larp op. we all know /ic/ is the only and best place to receive unadulterated feedback from a wide range of skills and backgrounds. Whomever believes that engaging in the purest and most free of intellectual exchanges to be problematic are likely to be so irrelevant and unaware of any real topic of importance, their protests should be dismissed. now post the art (not yours) of that filthy trans-hater (not you) so we may have at it.

>> No.3905038

I do dismiss them if they start drama, I just don't want to have to deal with it if I can avoid it because it's annoying as fuck.
An artist I know refused to take bullshit from tumblrinas in an online argument and got slandered as a sexual predator because of it. It can be bad for your image.

I'm ok with people calling my art shit, I just need a place with a normie atmosphere to post it (as in a place where racism and loli is frowned upon).

>> No.3905100
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>> No.3905101

fucking sauce breau

>> No.3905109

Me pointing at the sweater

>> No.3905118

the real critique is how much your art sells.

>> No.3905120
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Mushiro (nijie728995)

>> No.3905129

>can't post my work here
at least give us a hint

>> No.3905133
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>I already had someone try to start a hate campaign against me because I misspelled transgender.
You can't make this shit up

>> No.3905137

That you Hailey?

>> No.3905211

Do you think a critique website would be better with anonymous users or some kind of login to have some accountability for critiques that are provided? I honestly see logging in as a huge barrier for entry for classic forums in general and it also provides people with an outlet for scathing critique under the guise of anonymity. At the same time I don't want idiots just crabbing each other or in general just being shit heads so some accountability should be present. What do you all think?

>> No.3905337
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>> No.3905357

>besides /ic/
We try not to be harsh here. We all need to consider the feelings of others. Art is not about improving, it's about positivity!

>> No.3905759

What's Crimson Daggers like?

>Though I heard that massive black is doing something that will be similar to the old CA

>> No.3906118

>What's Crimson Daggers like?
I want to know. Is it a good site to get critiques?

>> No.3906669

***"""problematic'''*** fucking yikes

>> No.3906737

Ok, how about:


Yeah, I think I’m going with that.

>> No.3906783

Have you tired perhaps art groups?

>> No.3906805

You mean irl art groups? I have too much social anxiety for that. Somehow I have no anxiety online.

>> No.3906821

>What do you all think?
I think you answered your own question. There's pros and cons to both.

>> No.3906832
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Pretending to be a boy/ girl is what I think works.

>> No.3906859

What would make it more welcoming for you? I'm actually trying to make myself an art group in my town. Trying to bring out the social outcast with talent together.

>> No.3906874

I can't come up with any actual marketable idea as to how anyone can start an effective hate campaign against anybody who only misspelled "transgender"

Did you misspell the word turning it into something else on purpose? I don't think the hate campaign against you is going to take off. It's just too senseless.

>> No.3906876
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SJW are useless humans, so they find a purpose in that kind of behavior. It makes them think they are doing something meaningful. It is pure narcissism and egoism.

>> No.3906881
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Oh I just suffer from social anxiety disorder and can't handle people in real life looking at me, it's not that I'm put off by a particular atmosphere.
Besides my city doesn't have many artists, it's mostly hipsters who just do abstract stuff.

>> No.3906901

The ones who are actually into art and its fundamentals are probably hiding too. I also have those hipster schmucks in my town. Every art community i attend is full of them and can't ever get the right proper feedback just "its ok, art is subjective" nonsense.

If only I can attract the right people in, there might be something nice waiting to happen. Plus i'm tired of being a lone artist and want to get some sun once in a while.

>> No.3906907

No I didn't do it on purpose, just didn't know spelled certain ways it's offensive. Some examples >>3905337
If you don't believe this kind of pettiness goes on at tumblr you should read about Zamii.


>> No.3906909

>If only I can attract the right people in, there might be something nice waiting to happen.
I wish you luck in your endeavor. Maybe in the future I will try braving my social anxiety.

>> No.3907672

I am undecided as of this moment as there are merits to both. I was thinking some combination that doesn't require sign in but with some database that keeps track of unique users somehow

>> No.3907699

What's the best place to get critiques if you're willing to pay?

>> No.3907886

and I wish you luck on your own journey, anon! Keep on drawing. Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone.

>> No.3907889

A class

>> No.3907891

where are the discord servers where people actually give crits and don't just shitpost all day & never study or improve?

>> No.3907893

what online class is best

>> No.3907896

>where are the discord servers where people actually give crits and don't just shitpost all day & never study or improve?

>> No.3907949

Anywhere but here, It's not the blind leading the blind, it's the mentally handicapped, rightwing 16 year old leading the bitter, barely functioning autistic 18 year old.

Unpopular opinion but i think critique isn't necessary, but learning, through books and artists lessons and applying that logic to your drawing critically definitely is. You can definitely be your own critic if you learn to understand what makes things work.

Everyone's different though, some people really need critique and thrive off of it. If that's the case you should consider art school. Either a real university or an online class that offers video critiques through it. You definitely don't need art school for skills, it's more for the environment and it's worth it if you're rich or poor enough to get financial aid scholarships like i did.

Not that guy but it depends what your trying to learn. Ton of stuff on gnomon, i really like new master academy. Anthony Jones has a sort of internet apprenticeship thing thats supposed to be good if your interested in digital. A lot of guys like draw a box for a good basic intro class but i havent used it.

>> No.3907957

Conceptart is dead. Discord trannies is hugbox IRC

>> No.3908069

Gnomon is just videos and you have to pay extra for critiques at NMA, which is what anon wants.

>Unpopular opinion but i think critique isn't necessary

Yes and no, most people have eyes and are critical enough to know when something is wrong, but not what. That sort of critique is more useful to the intermediate artist and up though, most beginners don't need critique outside of "Just Draw" (from life) and sharpen their powers of observation.

>> No.3908080

I'm apparently a bigoted transphone because I didn't spell "transperson" with a space. Fuck off with this shit.

>> No.3908308

>I was thinking some combination that doesn't require sign in but with some database that keeps track of unique users somehow
Doesn't /pol/ do this? not that I know for sure since I don't post in that shithole

>> No.3908867

I'm not really looking for someone to teach me art, I already have books and videos for that and I can draw on an intermediate level. I just want people who can tell me what I should fix on my WIPs and what I need to study more based on faults I make in those WIPs.

Thank you, I will.

>> No.3908875

>Crimson Daggers

It looks like the ConceptArt.org forums but if people still posted on them. So it could be helpful.

>> No.3908993

So modern Concept Art is less active than Crimson Daggers?