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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.43 MB, 2464x4268, Agent - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3886516 No.3886516 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>3876801
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.
>Also report it here: https://trello.com/b/YueRX0es/dad-feature-and-bug-tracker

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/curUdax
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.3886522

>tfw you almost forget drawing because you were busy making a las clone

>> No.3886525

good doggy!

>> No.3886555

I don't think it matters for you, dusty.

>> No.3886558

Why am I always so lucky with numbers? If only I was lucky to win the lottery. Maybe it is my destiny to win it.

>> No.3886592

Getting there is only half as far as getting there and back.

>> No.3886599

Your trouble will pass away soon.
Now is the time to try something new.
Strength is built upon inner character.
Do not be hasty, Ruan Jia will knock on your door soon.
Try everything once, even the things you don't think you will like.
Feeding a cow with roses does not get extra appreciation.

>> No.3886837

Stop skipping me.

>> No.3886839


shut the fuck up banana

>> No.3886846

Skidee skidoo
Your pii is now poo!

>> No.3886903
File: 642 KB, 864x1080, arymsryn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3886907
File: 184 KB, 1300x1733, 084503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy splatfest, agent

>> No.3886952

why are you posting here

>> No.3887000

the gap

>> No.3887004

the sub gap is still huge, don't worry

>> No.3887011

Really, what is the point of these threads? It's a waste of space on my glorious board.

>> No.3887024

Really, what is the point of this post? It's a waste of space in my glorious thread.

>> No.3887031

Really, what is the point of my penis? It's just a waste of space in my underwear.

>> No.3887045

>Try everything once, even the things you don't think you will like.
What do you mean Fortune Cookie-Kun??

>> No.3887047

Why not?

>> No.3887051

you dont know what this thread is for thats why

>> No.3887053

*punches dick*

>> No.3887064

It's for posting art.

>> No.3887128

Why are you making a las clone? Have you considered contributing to banana's on GitHub instead? https://github.com/LastArtistStanding/last-artist-standing

>> No.3887129


they got you there m8

>> No.3887133

>Now is the time to try something new.
Perhaps I should draw more dudes.

>> No.3887146


>> No.3887164

daddy! \ ( ° 3 ° ) /

>> No.3887290

I feel so lonely, dad
I just want Love

>> No.3887307

*loves you*

>> No.3887318

What will you do with it?

>> No.3887324

I have considered it but I'm more of a PHP guy.

>> No.3887328

Just bought lavaflake.com cya guys there

>> No.3887340

remember the indian graveyard story

>> No.3887349

what's the indian graveyard story?

>> No.3887479

man dad I started a new job today and I'm so tired. I was full time before but this new job is 99% sitting in front of a screen and it just saps everything out of me instead of my last job where I was (still sitting in front of a screen most of the time) but actually doing shit.

I know it will be better for me and my career prospects in the long term but this isn't for me and I'm just waiting for something better to come along. Maybe one day I'll make it

>> No.3887486

Do you create flash games?

>> No.3887495

No thanks, I'll stick with banana. If he goes away so am I.

>> No.3887509

Don't forget to take breaks and do some stretching. Take enough hours of sleep too. You don't want to end up like wowaka

>> No.3887510


Is it a call center? I'm a call center cuck, I can relate. Luckily the one I'm at right now doesn't have me spam the phone 500 times an hour.

>> No.3887515

sleepy is back.

>> No.3887528

Anon I miss him too ;_;

>> No.3887541

i miss fujo

>> No.3887543

What are some good sites/programs to stream online how I'm drawing?

I think that it would be really motivating and I would push myself even harder, if people could see exactly what I'm doing in Photoshop and judge me (and bully me if I'm slacking).

>> No.3887544

What about me? Do you miss me?

>> No.3887545

I was using Xplit to stream my language sessions. It works very slick and easy to use. There is also OBS but I found it too hard at first.

>> No.3887559

Yes. But a bit less. Come back anon, please.

>> No.3887563

I miss aggretsuko

>> No.3887566


If I'll start streaming how I'm drawing disgusting furry porn (I really want to start earning money with my art), will you guys join?

Is picarto.tv any good lads?

>> No.3887576

I think Kazoo is already doing this. Draw anime instead. Remember: Anime>furfags.

>> No.3887580

Why not draw appealing furry porn instead?

>> No.3887581

Furries > Weebs

>> No.3887583

Careful, you unintentionally mixed up the order.

>> No.3887585

Furry weebs > Weebs > furries

>> No.3887589 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 724x1024, 47930622_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3887594
File: 407 KB, 614x800, __original_drawn_by_take_illustrator__561c93a1b3fb8f432fb887a9f2062b18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leavies > Furries

>> No.3887595


yea but why are you making a new site

>> No.3887597


>> No.3887611

god i'm so tired of going two steps forward, realizing my methods are off and having to take 3 steps back

>> No.3887616

And who would buy that? Weebs weren't nearly autistic enough last time I checked.

>Why not draw appealing furry porn instead?
I'm not good enough for that ;_;

>> No.3887618

Last I checked picarto was a bit of a ghost town and most artists streamed on twitch, but if you're drawing porn idk

>> No.3887622

Kemono is just anime girls with a button nose

>> No.3887635

Would hold hands and have missionary sex with

>> No.3887639

Because it's fun.

And as much as I like Banana, previous experiences have made me anxious.

>> No.3887645

did runnerman1 ever learn how to program?

>> No.3887674

Goddamnit, I'm not a furry. I stream my commissions and assignments, some of them are anthro animals, don't bully.


I prefer Twitch over Picarto (though I only streamed on picarto 3 years ago, it may be better now) so far, but picarto will probably have a larger audience.

>> No.3887693


so this is just in case then?
are you worried tha banana's gonna die or abandon us? or just because hes kinda incompetent

>> No.3887697

It's mostly because I hate being dependent on some anon, and the rise and fall of previous las editions have strengthened that feeling.

Plus it's a fun exercise that will be a useful experience for my day job.

>> No.3887703


so are you going to release it publically when it's done or wait till DAD/Banana kicks the bucket

>> No.3887715

I don't know yet.
I am not far enough for such things. I haven't even found a good solution to one major problem and that is image storage.

But otherwise it's just a fun project, maybe I'll publish it on github or something.

>> No.3887720


no i mean are you going to have the site hosted and active while DAD is still up

i need to know if im going to have to migrate or double post on both sites or whatever

>> No.3887730

I don't know yet.

>> No.3887731

then why did you stop posting, you do realize no one posts anything here right?

>> No.3887737

@banana just a thought here, but could you make it where submissions that are 3D related support sketchfab or marmoset viewing instead of just a picture? or is that impossible?

>> No.3887739

also on that thought, i think it would be cool to have multiple submissions under one submission hierarchy so that people dont have to spam.

>> No.3887741
File: 364 KB, 680x510, kill yourself first.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3887754

>it's not in my favorite language therefore it doesn't exist
/beg/ programmers in a nutshell.
If you're anxious about banana, then you should help with his project.

You don't have to be dependent on him, since his project is publicly available, and you can always just deploy it if he fails. Short of dying, there's a pretty good chance he'd be willing to help migrate the content or something, though you'd probably want to ask him to verify that.

It's also worth remembering that we know banana's name, so he's not quite as much "some anon" as you, who is literally anonymous.

Teamwork also tends to be much more useful experience than a solo project.

>not GitLab
It's generally a good idea to post the code so that people can contribute or take over if you die. On the other hand, maybe the next person will be like you and spontaneously decide to overthrow you while working from scratch on some new project.

You definitely shouldn't, unless you have some specific reason that banana's site isn't going to work out. You probably shouldn't even then, since so long as an issue is fixable (and it is, because his project is publicly available), it's virtually always better to fix an issue than to migrate, or even worse, split in half, a community.

t. currently writing a new site by myself when alternatives exist in an ill-suited language to split a community in half
Feel free to ignore everything I said.

>> No.3887907


>> No.3887929

Is it fine to participate if i take very long time finishing my art? This would mean posting mostly not fully finished stuff most of the time.

>> No.3887935

Yeah, you're allowed to post WIPs, generally the idea is to spend least 30 minutes drawing anything, so if people can notice an appreciable difference of that amount between each WIP you're not going to get tribunalled (not that the tribunal exists, yet)

>> No.3887999

If you guys are working on an art study site might as well come up with a new concept, maybe one more intetractive.

Something other than "draw every day".

>> No.3888002

play a musical instrument every day, I don't think there's a DAD/habit site for music learning yet

>> No.3888004

Could do more than playing an instrument, I keep neglecting my interval studies.

>> No.3888007


>> No.3888074
File: 225 KB, 360x443, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks dad, good night

>> No.3888088

someone create big yoshi challenge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbc2LUAP6G4

>> No.3888093

Why don't you make it?

>> No.3888137

TL;DR it would be better to contribute to banana's project for numerous reasons.

>> No.3888145

Almost - entry level finance admin. Used to do admin at a freight depot. As it turns out they are very different jobs.

>> No.3888159

Take a year and let it ride, then take a minute to let it breeze.
Do not be covered in sadness or be fooled in anime they both must exist.
Anything you do, do it pretty well. The last thing you want is to be sorry for what you didn't do.
Grasp the opportunities that come your way. Except one.
Do not let doubt and suspicion bar your progress.
Ask a friend to join you on your next stroll.

>> No.3888176

Give me more info and I'll make it

>> No.3888183

where'd you go, fortunecookie critkeeper?

>> No.3888195

Eating at chinese restaurant to replenish my stock, of course.
Oh! This one is for you:
Joys are often the shadows, cast by poor drawings.

>> No.3888250

where are the winning lottery numbers?

>> No.3888315

I guess disco really is gone after all.

>> No.3888351

I feel sad whenever a daddy leaves because 70% of the time they don't come back ):

>> No.3888362

I remember lolbuns and jeremias

>> No.3888470

51ip you absolute goddamn madman

>> No.3888508

The guys insane. He said he was gonna do it, and he actually did.

>> No.3888530

how can we mechanistically encourage daddies that die to get back on the horse again?
persevering even when you lose everything is an important skill and a great deal of DADs just cba after their initial large streak gets fucked

>> No.3888531
File: 56 KB, 168x225, e600c07bf140c4e1e7efad711398e95a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I thought the seasonal challenges would be a good motivating factor, and to some extent, they have helped with people feeling "left out" because they didn't start early as well as people who want to schedule their breaks/commitment in a more flexible manner. This has been reflected in seasonal participation amounts, which have hovered around 200.

If you have other retention ideas, I'm open to hearing them.

>> No.3888554

What about a counter for the cumulative number of days you've been submitting to dad?
Like, if you build a 100 streak, die, take a few months off, rebuild a streak of 34, die, take a week off, and rebuild a streak of 82, all that time you'd also have a built up separate cumulative counter of 216 days submitting work to dad. Give it a set of badgers that you can win too, then dads that never lose their streak and dads that keep losing their streak will both have something else to always aim for that they know will not be reset upon death (a higher cumulative counter)
drawing as many days as possible becomes the goal rather than a long string of uninturrupted days

>> No.3888557

hey banana, unrelated, but I've been wanting to ask for a feature that can download a user's entire gallery in one click. Maybe into a .zip or something. I think it's a nice way to collect inspiration.
What do you think? Is it viable?

>> No.3888563

gib me dat tribunal

>> No.3888586

here's your tribunal, daddy
*punches dick*

>> No.3888587

*slurps the last remaining gains*
who's going to be my next victim?

>> No.3888662

Noooooooo ;___;

>> No.3888704
File: 85 KB, 499x741, When you wake up to check the catalog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3888705
File: 970 KB, 500x257, h34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream I was this guy and was holding a gun and spun it around like crazy in my hand shooting at....now I don't remember what I was shooting at. But it was cool. If only I gun to shot myself.

>> No.3888723

please don't kys!

>> No.3888731

Please be week one!

>> No.3888736 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 305x305, 45rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the guy hot?

>> No.3888749
File: 218 KB, 1269x1525, 1554944452893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3888757

Im a bit confused about the Grid Masters challenge. Like i was thinking of either doing pixel art for it or doing something with inkscape (with "snapping to grid" toggle turned on).

What im confused about. Is that in the first part of the challenge, we are supposed to post our grid. Neither of the options i was thinking of doing, require me to spend any time or thought, when it comes to making the grid. So i was wondering. Why the challenge was split to 2 parts and why we have 2 weeks to come up with a grid? Or is just meant to give time to the traditional artists to manually draw their grid?

>> No.3888773
File: 215 KB, 595x842, gridX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixel art and the inkscape thing is pefectly valid. Just screencap your grid, if possible.

>why we have 2 weeks to come up with a grid?
Option 2! For traditional artists or those who want to make research on grid/comp and eventually submit a complex grid. Example: Enter "carsten nicolai grid index" in your favourite search engine.

No problem, if you want to post your grid on day 1 and your drawing on day 1 too.

>> No.3888833

Where do I find real-life friends?

>> No.3888840


>> No.3888930

I'd like much more difficult leveling, but you retain the levels if you miss. If you break your streak, you go back to the beginning of your level. For every submission period you miss, you lose another level.

You could also try another metric that factors in consistency over time, not just raw streak. How that should probably work:
* A high streak with a couple misses should count for more than a low streak with none.
* A streak with a few recent misses should count for less than one with more old misses. Old submitters who miss a submission period should be placed pretty low, but eventually be able to overtake most of those newer submitters again, even if they don't miss.
* Missed days should never go away entirely, but diminish to nothing as your streak gets longer.

I'm not sure exactly what that algorithm would be, but naively, probably something along the lines of `sqrt(submission periods passed) * accuracy` where the accuracy is something like the sum of `period(periods ago) * 2^(-periods ago)`.

You could probably even have a total submission count comparison too, I dunno.

Any of those things would keep missing brutal, but not as damaging as an old-timer missing a day (though the first one would keep that progressive difficulty essentially). Diminishing returns on longer streaks (by bigger level gaps or the second system) would keep constant competition between the longer streaks, but still make newcomers feel more competitive, because the longer you go, the closer your score comes to the older user, even though you'll never overtake it.

Just some ideas.

>> No.3888938
File: 124 KB, 315x293, tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind a token, you never know when u spend all day tdrawing, think you submitted, only to find out the next day you actually didn't

>> No.3888939

Another idea: you could also allow back-submissions. By posting shortly after you miss a day, you don't lose your streak. Instead, you have to draw twice as much to make up for that missed day, and lose a massive score proportional to both your current score and (exponentially) the time passed. Assuming a daily submitter, posting a few minutes late will only remove a day or two. Posting a day late might remove an eighth of your streak. Two days, a quarter. Three days, half. Four days, and you're done. Or something like that.

Some way to have planned breaks would also be nice, but I don't have any good ideas for dealing with that.

>> No.3888941

>Just some ideas.
yes and theyre dumb.

>> No.3888942


>> No.3888944

Your face is dumb.
Hhiiiioooooooooooooosly shit

>> No.3888946


>> No.3888949
File: 1.90 MB, 500x400, BIZ8kIM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3888954
File: 43 KB, 315x293, 1458758383220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old las meme about some girl that says, "show me your token and I'll show you my feet" or something

>> No.3888965
File: 85 KB, 973x837, __real_life_drawn_by_redpandarama__c8943e3757c5bd0d85c7ab9a5a908588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3888978

codi lake

>> No.3888990
File: 191 KB, 1500x1318, DAD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robo beans study

>> No.3888992

you only have to post it on the site, daddy

>> No.3888995

>constructive feedback

>> No.3888999


>> No.3889005

Am i retarded or is there a reason i can't add an avatar? Does it unlock at specific level or something? I select the file and press save changes and nothing's happening.

>> No.3889019

I have a shitty instagram with dog pics and some sketches if that's what you want to see

>> No.3889021

double trips

>> No.3889034

takes awhile to register

>> No.3889035

weseleyko is my instagram

>> No.3889056

It turned out i was actually retarded. I kinda assumed i wouldn't need to enter password to upload avatar. It worked fine when i did.

>> No.3889062

>I kinda assumed i wouldn't need to enter password to upload avatar.
Oh yeah, I forgot you need to do that

>> No.3889265
File: 133 KB, 546x763, shoulder drawin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to draw with my shoulder? Should I be able to do tiny lines too with it? How much control does shoulder drawing actually give you, is it just for long sweeping lines?

Should I just draw solely from my shoulder from now on in order to learn? I'm not sure I can do it without actually going insane though

>> No.3889276

get a biiig tablet

>> No.3889288
File: 125 KB, 168x225, hungry banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do have tokens / vacation days coming up as a feature.
As for retaining your levels, your account still has a record of the highest level you've achieved (used for site privileges). Perhaps part of the issue is that it could be more transparent (only shown on an on-hover dialogue over avatars).


I mulled this one over and was playing devil's advocate ("oh, people are gonna dig up dirt on everyone") but it honestly just makes things easier for people who want to archive their own stuff or get references of an artist they like.
I'll consider it. I don't know what this would technically entail but I'll be working on it sometime in the future.


Given that there's web support for viewing 3D models, it's not impossible by definition, but I've never worked with something like that before and I'm not sure how valuable sinking time into something about 5% of the userbase would actually make use of is a useful allocation of time.


I'll think about this.

>> No.3889289

>tfw banana wakes up when i go sleep

>> No.3889292

let me hide users I don't like :^)

>> No.3889294

*hides you*

>> No.3889301

no one ever mentions this but the secret is that you grip the pencil with your arm pitts. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

>> No.3889345

Has Menes given up

>> No.3889375

I think I might actually be dying from an allergy. I should go to the hospital...but I don't have insurance. This is it guys. Farewell.

>> No.3889377


please be week one

>> No.3889394

don't die on me sugoi

>> No.3889551

please get well ;_;

>> No.3889566

im on vacation rn

>> No.3889615

Hey Banana can you add the option of setting posting frequency to "week-days" as in you have to post Mon-Fri but you get weekends off? I think that would be a really good option for doing las without killing myself

>> No.3889630


>> No.3889718
File: 29 KB, 638x757, DN89laJVwAA6vEg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning anon

>> No.3889721

>that hat

>> No.3889725

that's a bit scary senpai

>> No.3889740


>> No.3889752

why would you think that?

>> No.3889755

Thanks for considering banana, love ya!

>> No.3889800
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, 1555068791675.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3889810

They butchered s2 ;-;

>> No.3889812


>> No.3889823


>> No.3890003

>that shoulder
>that entire shirt

>> No.3890093
File: 232 KB, 690x944, orcwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some wip from orc that im trying to finish.

>> No.3890131

you submit on the site

>> No.3890149

i wish my shirt could do that...

>> No.3890168
File: 261 KB, 2212x1612, Screenshot 2019-04-12 at 22.49.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's yours look like? I was throwing around some thoughts on what I wanted and didn't want in LAS, but I've kinda thrown the project aside for now. Made the basic idea for the dashboard and a gallery. I was thinking of a way to do challenges differently, basically changing them from starting on a set date, to being persistent challenges you can do whenever you want, kind of like duolingo lessons. Say the way duolingo has languages, here instead you have different skills like anatomy, landscape, whatever, and in those skills there are defined a set of challenges you can do to level up that skill.

>> No.3890336


>> No.3890340


>> No.3890376

Damn day flew by real fast and i forgot to upload on time
Back to square one i guess

>> No.3890395

What happened to Arma?

>> No.3890397

more than likely burned out even with him tracing his dumb girls lol

>> No.3890406

The bullying got to him. See >>3890397

>> No.3890424

arma did this to himself.

>> No.3890425

Busy day and I didn't arrive on time....damn I wanted that cute flawless badge

>> No.3890447

I love this, anon

>> No.3890638

i'm so tired daddy, go on without me =3=

>> No.3890666

*steals your gains*

>> No.3890671


>> No.3890673
File: 31 KB, 445x503, 65e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3890675
File: 19 KB, 325x257, PubTThou01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try different medium
>absolutely suck
>go back to comfort zone
>things look okay again

Why is real life like this? Why can't the comfort zone be a happy place of gains and progress?

>> No.3890677


>> No.3890679

become a masochist, enjoy the pain

>> No.3890699
File: 578 KB, 3000x4000, __original_drawn_by_diddms1999__07413549abc9155515b9e61defb2998f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3890701

>tfw no qt loli super massive black hole

>> No.3890768

hot stone massage feels great

>> No.3890774

stunning meme

>> No.3891273
File: 69 KB, 600x600, 28862149_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake up daddy its time to draw!

>> No.3891286
File: 104 KB, 700x700, IMG_20190412_143956_655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Cath.
I saw your last submission and I have a question for you: why the fuck are you ignoring the sticky, you lazy bastard?!
This vomit-inducing, uneven rendering was understandable a year ago, cute even (in the way it's cute for a retarded dog to struggle with getting a long stick through the doorway). But now? After almost 400 submissions? It's just embarrassing. Are you really so dense that idea of blending is too much for you? I swear to God, when I look at your newest submissions and your oldest I don't see any difference at all in terms of shading.
Stop sucking your own dick, get out of your comfort zone and learn how to render you faggot.

>> No.3891291


I was admitted to the hospital yesterday. Doctors found something strange near my heart. Hopefully it's nothing and I can go home soon. It's times like this how one starts to reflect on life.

>> No.3891293

I really do hope you have a nice life anon.

>> No.3891299

Edgy yet true. I do not understand why they are aiming at Cath when it's true for almost all former lassies.

>> No.3891305


>> No.3891322

get well

>> No.3891380


bully me instead, fucker

>> No.3891388

*punches your dick*

>> No.3891397
File: 495 KB, 400x364, 1554672579578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you'll be fine soon, Anon. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.3891481

Okay boys. I've never paid much attention to this thread. But after looking more ito it, I'm gonna do it. Work had consumed me for the last 5 months and I was barely able to draw. It's time to move the hand.

>> No.3891493

Good luck new daddy

>> No.3891535
File: 16 KB, 640x480, 1553889854426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3891689

Why is she so mean ;-;

>> No.3891725

I've started to draw even in my dreams.
I think I'll make it.

>> No.3891743
File: 983 KB, 300x300, 1554897982816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw keep having nightmares

>> No.3891820

>tfw keep dreaming of being alone inside a labyrinth

>> No.3891825
File: 265 KB, 640x480, Redmaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3892032
File: 717 KB, 652x772, 1548226093029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3892334

Thank you! Submited just a lil bit ago.
This was a good decision, today was a nice day.

>> No.3892339

good daddy!

>> No.3892402


>> No.3892453

Hey Menes and Derp. You died. Again.
Have you considered changing your post frequency?
I don't know what you are doing with your lives to reinforce habit of drawing every day, but it's clearly not working.

>> No.3892461

Don't go lava on us , sugoi ;_;

>> No.3892464

And a ching chong to you too.

>> No.3892799

I'm regressing and wallowing in a feelings of hopelessness, I'm trying so hard to get out of this unproductive stupor but I feel stuck.

>> No.3892814

Ugh. I think I got a flu. First time in... 15-16 years? My throat and head hurts and my nose leaks. If I wasn't a good-for-nothing NEET without a health insurance, I'd go to a doctor.
At least I have yet another excuse to stay in bed and draw more.

>> No.3892824

keep fighting, daddy! it's times like these when it's most important to not give up!

>> No.3892832

>tfw every dad is getting sick
>tfw my plan of stealing everyone's gains is working

>> No.3892848
File: 69 KB, 700x933, 2d1482c377edd9ea51db1456e25a306c18dcaf56_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could you ;_; we were supposed to make it together

>> No.3892890
File: 145 KB, 675x1024, 1555121387808m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, get fucked kiddo

>> No.3892932

I never get this one, is this a thing that happens often in online games?

>> No.3892934

if you have steam and make friends you'll see it a lot

>> No.3892987

but why is it DIO?

>> No.3892990

They're dead

>> No.3892992

I'm so tired..

>> No.3892995
File: 285 KB, 1280x358, 1540850527287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3893012

Do these generals have objectives to draw or can I choose?

>> No.3893014

You can choose. On the site there are non-official challenges made by other DADs that you can join in (you need to preregister on challenges that haven't started, you there's no function to join ongoing challenges yet).

>> No.3893020
File: 3.02 MB, 2848x4272, armpits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God nowadays there's fetish for every part of a body; it makes finding refs so much easier.

>> No.3893032

Chill dude, I was with my friends this weekend and I didn't want to put more effort. Thanks for caring though.

>> No.3893036

>this weekend
You missed my point. I'm mad at you because you generally didn't improve, not because of that particular submission.
It's alright and I completely understand not doing your best once in a while. But it's not OK and I'm not alright with how stagnant you are, with how little gains you have. Even the best piece you did this whole month isn't significantly better than the best piece you did at the beginning of dad.
I also understand not having any improvements within a month, or two, but a year? Clearly there's something wrong with your study methods and you need a wake up call.

>> No.3893041

Is Furry art practice (non lewd) allowed to be posted here?

>> No.3893043
File: 1.22 MB, 960x953, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's just the meme part.
mundane everyday situation given an overdramatic visual
see 'Fantasy Painting Object Labeling'

>> No.3893045

ya, you can submit that shit to dad just fine, pretty sure there are furry artists there already

>> No.3893046

Yes but use the site instead, people will meme on you if you use the thread for that, plus you can post lewd fur on the site too.

>> No.3893081

no, only lewd furry is allowed. Otherwise, you're a filthy closeted degenerate.

>> No.3893128

You cant post it in the threads because people report it but it is perfectly fine on the DAD site

>> No.3893157

I wanted to do a sort of 30 days long anatomy challenge where each day you wold focus on different body parts and muscles but have trouble coming up with what to draw each day.
Obviously I consider repeating the subjects at least twice during this month so an artist could see his progress or if not progress atleast strengthen his understanding of the subject.

Maybe someone has done it before and has every day planned? If so could you please share it? Or maybe we could come up with it together? I thought that DAD people may be up for it, that's why I'm asking here

>> No.3893161

You should pick what to do on each day depending on what you're weakest at
Spend multiple days on the same body part if necessary, just don't half ass it and not learn for a day

>> No.3893162

Somebody did it before but the only rule he set was to study some anatomy every day and you picked and choose what you studied yourself.

>> No.3893170
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1544344183547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely this should be better structured to get the most out of this, something more than telling people, "hey, study blah, okay? we cool"

>> No.3893328
File: 8 KB, 480x326, to study list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the list with what I came up regarding to anatomy so far. Any suggestions on what could be added?
Maybe break some major subject into a bunch of smaller ones idk.
What do you think?

>> No.3893333


>> No.3893336

Falls into Hip, shin and feet categories?

>> No.3893338

I wouldn'y put hip and knee at the same time.

>> No.3893355

I would say grab a book on anatomy, like Bridgman, Kondrats & Zarins, Sheppard etc. and see how they break down the different anatomical groups. Also, it might be worth subdividing anatomy by Skeletal, Musculature, and Fat deposits, in order to be able to constructively build up an anatomy from it's base. Additionally, something like facial anatomy can be complex enough to take up more than a couple days worth of study. The same might be true for the musculature/tendons for the hand/wrist, especially in elderly people. Also this can all be complicated by looking at how those parts contort in motion or pose; folding, bunching up, flattening out, certain muscles layering in ways that hide or expose other muscles depending on pose. There are a lot of options to consider when trying to organize anatomy for study, I wouldn't rush into making a challenge without considering all of this.

>> No.3893356

Dicks, vags and breasts.

>> No.3893360

>no cock

>> No.3893363

How do ou guys schedule to not run out of time?
The time is already de synced with my timezone and I have a messy schedule.
I just submited for today but I had to cut the work short because I have to get out to do stuff.

>> No.3893365

What is there to study about cocks?

>> No.3893375

Their taste, smell, how to take it down the throat without gagging

>> No.3893377


submit wips dumbo, cutting something short just to hit a dad deadline is stupid

>> No.3893403

I'm luck enough that the deadline is past midnight for me so I can always work a bit before sleep.
But besides that, I try to draw throughout the day so I have at least something and am not forced to always draw at the very end of the day, sometimes I'm really tired of work and can't put my head to it, at those times I'm grateful I drew a bit in the morning or afternoon.

>> No.3893481

That's sort of what I'm doing though. I want to get better qr painting so I'm trying to build a mini portfolio of paintings so someone a bit more experienced can give me some advice. So far I've posted 2 and I might post further work on them tomorrow.
That's a good start. I'll have it in mind. I'm trying to set up a daily timeframe to draw because the schedule is very hectic right now. But going by your idea, I'll try to have a notebook at hand to do some read sketches just in case.

>> No.3893524
File: 71 KB, 980x551, 980x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Notre Dame is burning

>> No.3893529

lol good riddance, piece of trash of history.

>> No.3893531


>> No.3893536

>lol good riddance, piece of trash of history.
me when DAD finally dies

>> No.3893537


>> No.3893726
File: 77 KB, 800x600, 3LR7LDX67RGDRLGVR75TOR22ZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3893744

tier list when?

>> No.3893753

ask tipsy

>> No.3893776

Do you guys have any good recommendations for books/tutorials about drawing environments?

>> No.3893796
File: 88 KB, 1000x541, 1074165936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooooooo oh my god

>> No.3893808

Thanks daddy Jesus!

>> No.3893978

Just putting this out there for thought, but what if there was some way to "bring back" old challenges? Like maybe during the challenge's one year anniversary people can vote if they're interested in doing it and if it gets enough interested votes it becomes live again and goes on for the same duration as last year.

Besides Banana having to take the time to code it the only downside I see is it makes badges less "special" but since you can't trade them or anything I don't see that as a huge deal. Meanwhile especially as the site gets older it'll appeal to newbies so they don't feel like they missed out, entice old users to keep going after a failure so they feel like they can try again next year and give them something to look forward to, and honestly I feel like we're running out of ideas for new challenges and just rehashing popular old ones anyway.

Just a 2am thought though, I'm just curious to see what other, more rested people think about it.

>> No.3893983

I like that idea anon
if the badges could even be slightly changed, created into second/third/fourth/etc edition badges, or something, so those who got them first time around still have bragging rights, essentially
mite b cool

>> No.3893989

How does banana pay for hosting?

>> No.3893998

Out of pocket iirc, I'd be happy to support him on patreon or any crowdfunding system if he ever decided to offload the server costs when it grows too high

>> No.3894003

I can't imagine doing something like this for others who would use your site for free while you constantly need to pay for it especially that you need a lot of HDD space for your server considering constant uploads to it

>> No.3894004

Yeah, he's a good banana

>> No.3894006

Not to mention all of that while the people he cares for abuses him and makes fun of him and calls him a scalie.

>> No.3894007

>calls him a scalie
He is into furry stuff?

>> No.3894008

Hes a good scalie daddy

>> No.3894010


>> No.3894011

Not sure, but he avatarfags as a dragon named Adine I believe, from Angels with Scaly Wings. It's literally got scaly in the name.

>> No.3894012

He likes them dragons

>> No.3894017

I remember playing that 'game'
I am into the fandom but even then I would say that his tastes are pretty low to be quite honest.

>> No.3894199
File: 172 KB, 540x540, 2648407 - 2D Gorillaz Noodle PreDe edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do artists draw on really big canvas then scale it down? Pic unrelated

>> No.3894204


Artists tend to draw on the biggest cintiqs they can buy on the market. If you can't afford one you have to give up.

>> No.3894216

funny :)

>> No.3894219

im sure its different for every artist, but the big ones like ruan jia and craig mullins use 10k-20k canvas if not bigger, then export at like 30% ratio. I also see more and more artists that start out with like 700x700 pixel canvas, to get some nice textures, and then scale it up for a nice textured background they can then paint more details on.

>> No.3894220

*breaks your cintiq*

>> No.3894221


>> No.3894223

>thought it was a gay hand job
>clicks thumbnail

>> No.3894229

pretty hot ngl

>> No.3894230

I can smell your boy dungeon, inside your soulless concrete cellar from here. you forgot to jerkoff to pics of that gf of yours that left you 20 years ago because she thought you was boring.

>> No.3894238

>thought it was a gay handjob
>clicks thumnail

>> No.3894247
File: 466 KB, 690x944, lads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting there

>> No.3894265

why are you posting that here

>> No.3894266
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1504367515424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god, pleesse don't do that again
i'm sick of that frog

>> No.3894288

Pretty good desu famalam

>> No.3894291

I accept your concession

>> No.3894301


>> No.3894517

I love it, vaguely reminds me of something Inno would make

>> No.3894652

what do u fags listen to when u draw

>> No.3894674


>> No.3894703

Yes, that's what I do anyway.

>> No.3894725

Ekkehard Ehlers - John Cassavetes 2

>> No.3894732
File: 141 KB, 798x521, 1555434140681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3894748

Osamu Tezuka <3

>> No.3894780

A lot of the time I don't listen to anything but the sound of my fan in the background.

>> No.3894783

My neighbours *smashing their dick*

>> No.3894789

The sound of pee hitting the side if the bowl because you're too afraid of making too much noise.

>> No.3894791

cope and *ploof*

>> No.3894811


>> No.3894816
File: 64 KB, 1000x500, 1349068412251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Natalie Wynn is an American YouTuber who specializes in comedic and educational videos about gender, race, politics, philosophy, and social justice"
>social justice

>> No.3894817

kind of based.

>> No.3894818

guess a daddy's gender based on their last submission

>> No.3894820

I'm sure he meant counterpoint.

>> No.3894822


>> No.3894825

Straight trap

>> No.3894827

Oo, videos about learning how to play the piano

>> No.3894833

If you want to delude yourself, then yes.

I can also recommend Cuckphilosophy

>> No.3894839
File: 1.59 MB, 2873x1278, Screenshot (8134).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Inno capable of this

>> No.3894846


>> No.3894862

3D for the heads I think, so could just make one then copy it for the side ones
Lighting and everything else doesnt take as long and then photoshop

>> No.3894867

Oh I see it now. That actually makes a lot more sense, thank you anon.

>> No.3894874

I'll wait till everyones submitted today, I won't skip anybody as long as they posted today.

>> No.3894881


>> No.3894890


>> No.3894905

Obviously a girl.

>> No.3894913

please skip me

>> No.3894916

shy boi

>> No.3894926

if you change your mind im the first in line

>> No.3894941

Which fallen daddies do you miss the most?

>> No.3894945

List of the fallen one, please?

>> No.3894946



>> No.3894948


>> No.3894949

too soon

>> No.3894954

This makes me wonder, are there any fallen daddies who still lurk around here who think about coming back?

>> No.3894962

Rover i guess

>> No.3894971

I'm on it. Rejoice!

>> No.3894975


>> No.3894986

Well, that one was made with the idea of a children book illustration in mind. So..yay? Needs more work though. My character game's weak.

>> No.3894989

>underage tier
Oof, fair enough

>> No.3894990

Good taste.

>> No.3894994
File: 259 KB, 1585x731, 3zhwyvs0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3894995

This "flu" is getting worse. Last time I was coughing so hard, I almost vomited. Today, instead of drawing, I've spend almost whole day sleeping under a thick duvet and few blankets with my heater on. Google search of my symptoms says it could be a whooping cough. If that's the case, then it's going to get even worse.

Hopefully eating a shitload of garlic will help me, since it has antibiotic properties.

>> No.3894999


>> No.3895002

steely dan, coletrane and some african house music usually.

>> No.3895009

Thank you for this, I know a couple that you got wrong but this was fun either way.

>> No.3895033


>> No.3895064
File: 49 KB, 168x225, protective banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not the first time that this has been brought up, and it is simple to implement. I'll think about it.


For someone who works in a STEM-related job, it's really no sweat. People run personal websites all the time. People freak out over the so and so gigabytes of images I'm storing, but in this age of cloud services it really does not cost much at all with AWS S3.


It comes with the territory. It's 4chan. I've been here since I was thirteen. My disposition might betray my emotional vulnerabilities, but I've been around the bend; stuff here very rarely actually gets to me and sometimes can be pretty funny.
There is a little concern (and people have left because of this fact), that when trying to build a reputation on your work, people might judge me based on the fact that I'm affiliated to this place, but the bottom line is, LAS started here, I owe a lot to LAS, so there's no way I'm turning my back the place that spawned the tool gave me a passing shot at getting decent at art. If I did, who would it even be for? I'm not going to bend over backwards for the approval of idiotic social media users who can't look below the surface, think beyond the initial knee-jerk reactions or judge things on their own merits.


Fair, the art in that game ranges between not good to not bad, and the story is decent though the "dating" things are tacked on.
Doesn't change the fact that Adine is the best waifu I've semi-ironically had. Even fits my online moniker.


Most commonly: Death Grips, Arcade Fire, Noe Venable, Tally Hall, Various Celtic Songs, The Guild of Ambiance, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Sorry about the dev delays. A combination of personal things coming up, me trying to draw more often/longer and plain old lethargy has been contributing to it. This weekend should be relatively free if I don't pass out on Friday.

gif is irrelevant but kazerad made more adine gifs so yay

>> No.3895065

I get parent vibes from indigo
someone trying to draw with their son

>> No.3895073

will (the anime frame guy not the other one)

>> No.3895074

this meme was never funny

>> No.3895093

You're not far from the truth- I work in childcare, most of the art I post is stuff the kids there asked me to draw for them. That's why it's mostly pokemon and disney characters (though I do love drawing them), and also in black and white because I want to let them color it in themselves.

>> No.3895142

h-how do I achieve a manlier art style

>> No.3895148

why the hell would you want to do that

>> No.3895160

I'd like to know this too. I'd like my art to give off more of a masculine vibe.

>> No.3895161

why wouldn't they?

>> No.3895210

a fucking slavs

>> No.3895229

Good daddy

>> No.3895255

I think for starters, subject is one of the pretty obvious things. You know, girls don't tend to draw much machinery or industrial things, military stuff. Etc. Though that's not always the case, and forcing yourself into a subject you don't care for likely won't have good results.

The other thing I think might move it more in one way or the other is the qualities of the line, textures and colors. Perhaps try making your lines a bit more rigid/strong? It's not such a simple thing I believe since a lot of those things will be unconciously influenced first by sex and then by personaity.

>> No.3895264

Pelting's a woman? O_o

>> No.3895349
File: 920 KB, 907x1084, rey6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these women
>tfw still no daddy gf

Daddy meetup when?

>> No.3895358

set it up as a challenge ;)

>> No.3895364

keep it up banana!

>> No.3895418

Dom because I knew him from his very early tumblr days

>> No.3895437

Is the original guy who made the first website still alive? didn't he go to the hospital or something? haven't been here in year(s)

>> No.3895440
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1535278226928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fokin' ded m8

>> No.3895442

shiieet, R.I.P.

>> No.3895447
File: 556 KB, 1357x1408, 1495057349757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3895722

i'm choking dad...... help... me....

>> No.3895729

hot, ngl
>tfw daddy won't choke me

>> No.3895747

Don't choke dad, anon.

>> No.3895759

*chokes you*

>> No.3895773

Every day I ponder

>> No.3895776
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1528865004848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is he now?

>> No.3895838

What are you working on today lads? Any specific topic/practice in mind?

>> No.3895851

I've never really focused on environments, so that's what I'm focusing on. I gave myself an assignment: come up with a design of a medieval, dark alley that could be used in a 3d game, a place where MC could meet a seller of illegal goods or get robbed by thugs.
At the same time I'm trying to make it so that it could be used as a background for my new pinup furry illustration. I'm trying to study concept art and do furry porn at the same time.

>> No.3895853

furry porn & a few anime commissions.

>> No.3895858


>> No.3895880

Tfw Anon thinks my art is manly

>> No.3895901

>listening to music while drawing

>> No.3896126

Lava... would he be proud of us...?

>> No.3896138


>> No.3896210


>> No.3896248


>> No.3896255

no way...

>> No.3896266

I was gay yesterday so you missed your chance today.

>> No.3896276

I don't believe you

>> No.3896355

You guessed me right

>> No.3896365

>Not skipped
Good answer.

>> No.3896372

damn, this fella juta is good

>> No.3896403

Mugen... with dads

>> No.3896520

KazooKD is such a furry.

>> No.3896522

I'm waiting to drop my original character so I can get a nice one. POst yours already

>> No.3896527

I'll post mine when you post yours.

>> No.3896528
File: 339 KB, 600x782, 1552723269288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody on Las is a loser prove me wrong???

>> No.3896715

why thank you

>> No.3896742

t. coping loser :)

>> No.3896760

Id play it

>> No.3896761


always bet on anime

>> No.3896764

make the challenge

>> No.3896777
File: 6 KB, 168x225, devastated banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This month and a half will be, and has already been hard for me. I will not elaborate much beyond that.

In the extremely rare event that I do decide to take my own life, I promise to let you guys know and I'll do my best to make sure things will be in proper hands before it happens.

>> No.3896782

god speed, you crazy bastard.

>> No.3896783

Blessed Banana

>> No.3896796

Dont die banan. May the lucky trips be with you.

>> No.3896813


banana come on dog, buck up and don't let yourself go like a buster. we in this shit with you

>> No.3896818

Is okay nanner. You got the trips of god. You'll be okay. And everything will be okay. You make some good stuff happen, know that you're important to people.

>> No.3896832

Stay strong banana

>> No.3896906

Fuck you

>> No.3896917

What the point to steal gains from lesser dads? You are nasty.

>> No.3896939

why are you taking things seriously, you dumdum

>> No.3896942
File: 272 KB, 800x1430, 800px-Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nom nom nom

>> No.3896943

Shoo shoo gains goblin

>> No.3896948


>> No.3896958
File: 447 KB, 1627x1303, fl20130219zga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>3896957