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3882768 No.3882768 [Reply] [Original]

They're gonna do just about everything to shove their sexuality down your throat,often making all of their OCs LGBT as well.

>> No.3882793

>8 or so hairs on the legs.
>Big sausage fingers.
>Koala nose.
>Chubbiness is ok, no judge me.
>This character doesn’t have to be tall just because they are tall and they don’t have to be slim either. It’s called creative liberties.
>This character is tan now because I want to draw me and my friends but also want reblogs.
>That open chipmunk mouth from Pokemon, isn’t it cute?

>> No.3882847

Let me translate OP's question:
>why are faggots faggots?

>> No.3882931
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>> No.3882934

Comes with being mentally ill.

>> No.3882936

>wants gf/bf
>cant get gf/bf
>creates their own fictional gf/bf
>wants to out self as lgbt
>has drawbacks
>makes a fictional world where everybody is lgbt
geez was that too hard?

>> No.3882940

If I just want to draw idealized hermaphrodite characters and cater to my yuri/futa fetish, does that count as lgbt cancer?

>> No.3882946

I had a gay roommate who barely spoke with the rest of us, never had dinner with us (we were all friendly and nice people, there was a girl before him, a guy in his 30s, me and another language student in college and we all had dinner together) he always brought his meal in his room, and always brought these foul looking people along who looked like they just came out of a gay pride parade. I swear it was a different person every day.
I met gay people who were nice, but the more stereotypical gays / lesbians were only interested in being gay, only interacted with people they could have sex with and some of them were just sociopaths. I remember this lesbian who fucking hated men, she visibly hated me for no reason, I wasn't even that masculine I looked like a trap.

>> No.3882950
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>looked like a trap
she hated you for that purpose. Lesbians are fucking annoying. Everything and everyone is a threat to them. What's even more annoying is that they try to act as macho men all ready to exchange fists with just about anyone. And then if you hit them a little bit in their face, they'll fall to the ground, touch their cheek with the hand and make a shocked face. For a moment, they revert back to feminine wimmin. I've never hit any lesbians, btw but I had tons of gay male friends who did. They hate arrogant lesbians with all their heart and soul.

>> No.3882954

I've also noticed that they hate bi people as well.

>> No.3882958

There is this one SJW overweight lesbian artist from Tumblr who has made like 8+ Undertale OCs - all LGBT.This includes a female-to-male transgender,a gay one,a lesbian,three bisexuals,two pansexuals (one of them is also androgynous),a gender non-comforming one.
It's really cringe.

>> No.3882963

because they have a belief that sorta goes like this example: if you're a female bi and I am a lesbian then you could cheat on me anytime with a male, and that hurts my lesbian feelings. Also, you could've been with a man before me, and that's also disgusting to my lesbian self.

^ thats how the lesbian mind works

>> No.3882973

This psychotic bitch dumped her gf ON THE FLIGHT to a vacation we were having together (me, my gf, she, her gf and her cousin). She didn't even dump her, she put a wallpaper of another girl on her phone and her gf saw it and she just said "oh that's my lover" and the other girl had a breakdown. On the fucking plane. My gf was also a shit person so she took the bitch's side because she was her friend, so I spent an hour with this chubby lesbian I didn't know sobbing in my arms once we reached the hotel. Then I just went back to my gf for the rest of the vacation, but between the hatred among the lesbians, the hatred the bitch had for me and all men, my gf being a bitch on her own, it was way too tense for a vacation. I hate all this childish shit and drama people do all the fucking time.

>> No.3882975

Why you still with your gf?

>> No.3882977

Avoid women at all costs and wait until sexbots are more advanced (or just fap).

>> No.3882980

It makes me wonder why is this all happening in the west? Why are artists in parts of Asia not so in-your-face about this?

>> No.3882998

This is true at my school. There's a huge difference between foreign lesbians, and American lesbians. Sure there are outliers, but for the most part all the American lgbt people make it a crucial part of their identity and art. The girl I like is actually a lesbian foreigner friend from Asia, I didn't even know she was lesbian for the first two months I knew her. She still hasn't clearly stated that she is, and we are quite close. The art she makes has nothing to do with lgbt.

>> No.3883003
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Ahah holy shit man that sounds surreal.
I don't want to get into /pol/ territory but it simply because this shit isn't happening in Asia.
We've reached the point here where diversity hires have become common, where being "woke", putting minorities (yourself included) on a pedestal and "punching up" to bash and belittle the majority (straight/white here) will get you brownie points among your peers that have infested every sector imaginable while simultaneously letting you feel good and smug about it because you somehow managed report all of your problems and society's problems on them.
It very much feels like a trend, you have to yell how trans or gay or dark-skinned you are to reap the perceived benefits, and all of that could easily be defined as antisocial behavior, or at least going against the norms society defined in the last century. In conservative Japan or Korea, that'd get you shunned for being an antisocial freak. In China, that'd get you fucking stoned for indecent behavior. It just isn't not a thing because all the brownie points you'll get there are digusted glares and laughs.

>> No.3883004

Because kids are taught to put a high value on indivduality in the west, while kids are taught to put a high value on comformity in the east, both which ironically create two different forms of homogeneity, with the west's being more extraverted.

>> No.3883007

Unironcially because jews can't trick asians as easily as whites.

>> No.3883008

>this shit isn't happening in Asia.
pretty sure there's a lot of community of lgbt in asia as well, just not as vocal as the west though I am pretty afraid we'll eventually catch up to them.
t. asian

>> No.3883009

I'm from Asia, and I'm also this anon >>3882950 . There are also a lot of arrogant, aggressive, angry lesbians here. What are you guys talking about? It's just that we still haven't reach your country's quantity of angry lesbians, but we also have a lot of trouble dykes here. And if you think they get better with age, boy you're in for a ride. +30 year old lesbeans are still as annoying and in-your-face as their younger counterparts.

>> No.3883012

I meant that now, in Asia, there is-at best- no benefit to tell everyone that you're LGBT. Would it be right to say that?

>> No.3883019

i doubt its most, it just seems to be more than it is because they are the most vocal and cultish about this shit. its the same reason everyone seems to be an sjw or nazi now, a few annoying cuntbags on twitter drowning out sane people. most gay people despise these assholes.

>> No.3883021

>when your life is so devoid of purpose or meaning you make it utterly and entirely about your fetishes and mental illness
I kinda pity these sad sacks of shit.

>> No.3883024

Sounds about right. I will say that it's not much different in the west outside of progressive enclaves. It's tolerated at best outside of some college campuses and corporate environments. There are some changes going on in Asia, but it's more on the basic human rights level.

To bring this back to art, being GLB gives you a certain social currency. It's a little too identity meme for me but it places you as an outsider with a unique position and perspective that you can leverage in your art. It doesn't make you a better artist but it does allow you to explore certain themes with sincerity and milk the system a little. People who like art eat that shit up.

>> No.3883060

We broke up shortly afterwards. Had another gf and after I broke up with that one I went volcel. Fuck women, really.

>> No.3883064

Indian here, the LGBT community here is pretty obnoxious as much as the Western counterparts. Here's the thing, like the west when you make your sexual orientation your entire identity you end up being just as bad as the bigots who vehemently hate gay people. I've hung out with gay people a lot of times in college, and its really annoying to hear them always bitch about the "straights" and "males" almost every time. (I genuinely don't know how I even manage to hang there because I'm quite usually the only straight male there). I've only met two gay guys so far who actually have a personality and you couldn't tell they were gay unless you actually asked.

>> No.3883069

Check out the sidebar on /r/theredpill before you go mgtow/volcel. You don’t need to put up with the shit you put up with on that vacation

>> No.3883071 [DELETED] 

Poo in loo

>> No.3883075

Nah dude I've been single for like 6 years and I'm incredibly happy. I'm not that mgtow shit I just don't care about other people anymore and I just want to make art.

>> No.3883078


>> No.3883093

Now, the reality of it is rather different. Not many progressives truly like their token gay friends and LGB art isn't actually respected because of how alien it can be and how uncomfortable it makes the heteros. Ignoring the fact that Tumblr is autistic and everything on there is through the lens of people on the spectrum interacting with identity politics in a fetishistic manner, you're left with some nifty performance art.

Even lowbrow artists are cultural commentators and intentional or not, the performative aspect is triggering. In addition to mere visceral revulsion, society created a sort of satanic Other based on where you like to stick bepis, defined it by everything "bad", removed all healthy outlets, and shoved it underground. This leaves a walking inversion of normative culture that pantomimes it.

>> No.3883128

sub 2 jacksepticeye

>> No.3883176

don't forget they're also the ones obsessed with callout culture. They'd rather spend time complaining about a specific fanservice artist rather than draw and it shows in their lack of improvement

>> No.3883188

This thread makes me happy I live in a continent where gays get macheted when they out themselves.

>> No.3883195

Based as fuck. I'm ethnically from a country that actively kills and tortures gays. There was an article recently about how students at a university hunted down and killed a suspected gay student

>> No.3883203

Mostly because the only ones you notice as LGBT are the ones who go out of their way to mention it. The more someone bases their identity on who the want to have sex with, the more likely they're going to be some cringy autist anyways.

There are probably a non-trivial number of non-cringy LGBT artists that you wouldn't notice because their profile doesn't have an obnoxious pronoun deceleration.

>> No.3883204

I dont want to kill gays. I just want them to grow the fuck up and stop deluding themselves they're special snowflake.

>> No.3883230

Exactly the same with gay men. Hate "biscum" because presumably someone left them for a woman, or just jealousy because they have to spend ages preparing for sex while a woman can just spread em.

>> No.3883237

Why are you a faggot?
Stop caring about the art of mentally damaged people that are more than likely going to kill themselves within the next 5 years and start caring about your own art.

>> No.3883243

I want to ask a question, if a character is bi, gay or what ever the fuck, if it's done normally like how most writers don't care about the characters sexuality, and just make people that happened to be gay or bi, would u hate that character instantly?

>> No.3883252

If you know how to write It won't matter, just don't go full jk Rowling

>> No.3883253

Idk one of my favourite characters, Kanji from P4, is potentially gay but I never disliked him for it because it wasn't the entire sum of him

>> No.3883261

I don't give a shit as long as it's not obnoxiously shoved in your face (if you want an exemple, Netflix does it a lot with minorities @ACHILLES WAS BLACK EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW DIVERSE WE ARE).
Same goes for most people.

>> No.3883265
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Not at all. I only hate gay injection that western artists who clearly want to represent themselves insert onto established characters.

>> No.3883305

not at all. As long as it's not the only defining feature of the character and not fucking shoved into everyone's faces

>> No.3883342

only is the futa has balls and is fucking another futa/male

>> No.3883346

I'm not even big on gays and even I don't care, so long as it's not virtue-signalling, pandering, or otherwise forcing it. Hell, there are even gay/bi characters I like.

>> No.3883350

>I looked like a trap
Who talks about themselves like this?

>> No.3883355 [DELETED] 

i don’t care about others passions desu, if it makes them happy and they enjoy art then who am i to judge. most of them draw better and more than 90% of people on this board, so you all cope hard by making the same homophobic shit thread every week.

>> No.3883361

/thread x 100

>> No.3883363

i don’t care about others passions desu, if it makes them happy and they enjoy art then who am i to judge. most of them draw better and more than 90% of people on this board, so you all cope hard by making the same homophobic shit thread every week.

>> No.3883369

Just a quick way of saying I had very androgynous features and long hair and slightly effeminate mannerisms. I've heard from many people they thought I was gay at first and got mistaken for a girl in high school, from the back I looked like a girl in my class and sometimes people called her when they saw me.

>> No.3883383
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Imagine being a seething tranny
40% btw

>> No.3883384

they use art for express their ideas ad worldview, which is what you find annoying

the fact that almost everything of their art is crap has nothing to do with their annoyance, because 99% of everything is crap

>> No.3883386

i’m not trans and i never attempted suicide either but sure

>> No.3883417

>but the more stereotypical gays / lesbians were only interested in being gay
Crazy how I see this ridiculously often with straight people and this isn't the conclusion you would come to even if you saw it.
See: hookup culture in general, you retard

>> No.3883427

I detest straight people just the same, but I have never seen straight people refuse to talk with anyone who wasn't dtf

>> No.3883429

You're making the assumption that they didn't talk to you because they didn't want to fuck you. That's a really fucking weird assumption to make, mate. It's possible that you just weren't compatible with their interests/personality.

>> No.3883430

Try being gay. Sluts have no interest in you at all. None. The moment they realize you don't want to fuck them, they have nothing to say. Not that they did before but it's worse after you casually name drop your italian loafers.

>> No.3883441

They didn't talk with anyone in the house. We had all kinds of people in there, even foreigners who barely spoke the language, they all fit in without a problem. The only person who avoided us like we were lepers was this guy.

>> No.3883443

I know this isn't very related to art, but how do you guys deal with liking someone who isn't the same sexual orientation as you. I like a lesbian girl, we're really good friends. She's actually an artist too, we go drawing together and have a lot of classes together. I've gotten over it for the most part, but there's always this lingering feeling sometimes, and all of the intense feelings I had intially come back. I don't want to stop being her friend because she's genuinely a good friend to have. I would rather be really good friends that last longer, than a relationship that could end(though it isn't even possible). Yet I still have these feelings. I don't know anymore. Will these feelings ever go away?

>> No.3883444

Try to distance yourself more (not complete), go try and date some other people instead.
No different to falling for somebody who isn't single.

>> No.3883450

There are weirdos like that. I'm one of them but I happen to be straight. Even though I don't hate someone, that doesn't mean I want to talk. You're making me think these people thought I was avoiding them when I was just generally introverted. Nothing to do with avoiding people. I just am not a fan of interacting with others unless it's someone I know.

You're assuming that something about you is the problem when it probably has nothing to do with you or anyone else.

>> No.3883451

don't mix them tho

>> No.3883459
File: 139 KB, 459x592, meme potional.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh...i'm a bi anon and despite this, most of my ocs are largely straight with a good third being lgbt. the more recognizable ones at least. i tend to avoid all that tumblr bullshit and my art leans in disney apparently.

i've have seen some lgbt artist who produce decent art...there far few between though.

>> No.3883461

i'm not into futa but honestly, it might not count. hell, might piss off a few.

>> No.3883464

that sort of biscum thing is a rampant problem even to this day.

>> No.3883471

I'm Indian too and can confirm. I honestly think this new form of degeneracy is the most insidious thing our country has ever faced, these people are militant about their feminist/LGBT/genderqueer agenda and spread it around like a disease

What city are you from by the way?

>> No.3883472

i like this gay guy but i know he will never like me so i just move on.

>> No.3883473

The few ways to do it tastefully is by giving hints of them being gay, lesbian or bi without having it to be a main focus of their character. Like first anon said, don't go full JK Rowling by adding unnecessary canon to the story.

>> No.3883476

I am introverted and it takes time for me to open up, but I'm like this with everyone not just a category of people.
He brought strangers in the house because these people came in once and were never seen again. He brought a lot of people for the night, so that's either a lot of very close gay friends or a lot of random fucks. With these people he laughed and acted like a normal person. With the other human beings in the house he made an annoyed expression every time we dared speak to him and barely answered. And he's not the only case I've seen of a gay person only talking with other gay people. It was even worse with lesbians, those were genuinely hostile to others esp males for absolutely no reason. The whole environment was heavily leftist.

>> No.3883483

jesus christ.

Chris chan much

>> No.3883484

It's a hot topic and it's impossible to do just for flavor. Technically yes, the ideal way would be to make a character normal and weave the homosexuality in that character as a character trait, then bring it up only if it's necessary. But the truth is that if you put a legbutt character in your piece of media you are signaling that your media is now legbutt, and people will want legbutt to overwhelm everything including the actual plot. If you make a perfectly normal character and just say "he's gay" on an unrelated note, even in good faith, you will get accused of tokenism. So right now in the current year you have to make a legbutt character that screams legbutt from every pore.
Honestly if I were to represent homosexuals in my work, I would make a thing that has homosexuality at the forefront. It's the only way to actually make it in a meaningful, non shitty way.

>> No.3883494
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>> No.3883502

That's the way to do it but it's hard so no one does. Or you can be a little subtle and mention it later in an interview for everyone who didn't catch on.

>> No.3883508


They turn their faggotry into a defining character trait. There's no depth or nuance.

>> No.3883534
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>I detest straight people just the same
Are you okay? That's 98% of the world.

>> No.3883554

no, youve seen many good lgbt artists, you just remember the loudest and worst ones and asscociate them with the whole group.

>> No.3883563

They hate their parents what else. It always starts from there.

>> No.3883568


Yes, this right here.

To expand on that thought, in olden times, people primarily defined themselves by their religious beliefs. They may have had many aspects to their personality, but, at least ideally, their religion was the most important thing about them.

Later, as religious belief faded, it became their politics for many people.

At the same time, gays used to be an oppressed group in the west (and still are in much of the east), so they tended to band together to defend themselves, essentially becoming a political and social identity as well as a sexual proclivity. Nowadays most of their battles have been one, but the rhetoric of the recent past has turned being "queer" into an identity, rather than just a sexual preference.

So, lacking strong religious beliefs, and being generally rather shallow and self-centered, they have turned what they like to have sex with into their defining trait.

It's pathetic, of course, but to be fair to them, there are plenty of straight people who make "sex" the very center of their life and their motivation for most of their actions in life. I don't like those people either.

>> No.3883576

There's no difference between fags and breeders for me. Use your own definition of fags and breeders and adjust until it's not worth replying.

>> No.3883579


What're you an asexual?

>> No.3883584

Please share some, anon.
I can't think of any LGBT artist that I like other than Terese Nielsen. Maybe that's due to the fact that I follow mainly nips and gooks though. I'd be interested in hearing about others, out of curiosity.

>> No.3883585

90% of popular movies have straight romance in them
Do we really have a right to complain about shoving sexuality down throats?

>> No.3883588
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>implying a shoehorned straight romance is any better than forced lgbt/minorities inclusion

>> No.3883589


I actually don't like romance being forced into stories where it doesn't belong.

>> No.3883594

Kinda but it's more that nancyboys and breeders are both worthless pieces of shit. Everyone in-between is okay. Don't make your entire life about your dickgina and you're good.

>> No.3883596


Oh, well, yeah. People who make their entire lives about sex, straight or gay, kinda repulse me.

>> No.3883600

what a qt

>> No.3883612

The straight ones are worse for me because they don't even know they're doing it. Nothing against the whole biological imperative thing but it gets annoying when they ask why you don't want kids when they're raising their grandchild because their kid is a fucking crackhead. The amusement from explaining how you know you'd kill yourself in front of them because not everyone is happy shitting out little clones wore off years ago.

>> No.3883626

Probably. Gay characters will always seem shoehorned in because homosexuality is not normal.

>> No.3883627

People : conversion therapy actually exists. They can cure your "gayness".

>> No.3883630
File: 40 KB, 650x500, 13924858_1237159153016818_1050932454185280955_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet the Parasites (Parazitii), a Romanian hip hop band who are known for their violent, obscene, homophobic, sexist and racist lyrics. One of their songs has the lyrics "I'm pissing on gays and it's not normal for my kids to see homosexuals openly kissing on the street".
During an interview, they said that they're couldn't care less if gay people are kissing... At their houses but they don't accept them showing PDA in public.
In another song, they claim "If the president was a faggot, would you fuck in the ass?" the lead singer, Cheloo used to be a judge member at the Romanian X Factor. One time, an Italian gay contestant came in and during his performance, Cheloo turned his chair to the audience, refusing to listen to him and started doing offensive gestures to the public. After his performance, he said "I hate everything you are and everything you represent and this country will send you home today". The channel has gained thousands of complaints from the LGBT community and Cheloo was thrown out of the judge members.
Because of this, he later wrote a song where he's displaying his hatred towards eveything in the world. The song says at one point "I fuck only in the pussy and in the mouth if that really matters. For speaking my mind,the fags are going crazy".
Another lyric claims that "I'm not going to fix whta society broke". He shows his disdain towards the LGBT community with the lyrics "I have a heart of stone, not even love can enter".
He claims that he's a very open homophobe in one of the other song along with one of his friends, Spike "Trannies, walk away as I'm a homophobe".

>> No.3883637

i legit believe being gay is a choice and you can be str8 one day then gay the next. it's like watching porn and the long term effects, eventually, you get bored of the same old stuff so you experiment you eventually start to like it. Nobody is born gay and conversion therapy isn't going to work because you are forcing it onto people. just let people do what they wanna do cause eventually they will either stick with it and its not your problem or they will get bored of it and look for pussy/dick to find some form of sexual satisfaction

>> No.3883644

lol how insecure is this guy

>> No.3883663


>> No.3883669

Yuri and futa was how I found I was bi. There's not enough monstergirl futa.

Fuck radfems. They are so obnoxious, that other LGBT hate them.

>> No.3883678

It does often feel like it's just there to draw in the easily titillated morons. And then gay stuff has that extra layer of novelty on it. Oh they're gay? Oh wow how scandalous! Yawn. HBO shows come to mind. Game of Thrones would have been so much better without all the tits, fucking, incest, and gays. Dunno if HBO played that up or if it was all coming from George R.R. Martin. Guess I'll have to read the books after the show is done. Still enjoyed the show despite all the aforementioned fuckery.

>> No.3883687

All the fuckery is present in the books but they definitely insisted on it in the TV series.

>> No.3883695

kanji is best boy

>> No.3883711

Because their art is about their politics and not their emotions or even their philosophes.

>I'm LGBT, I'll make a comic about how I hate people who hate me because of it.

Great, fantastic, wow.

>> No.3883827
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OP... You're the common link in all these cases,

>> No.3884171

Funny thing is I have one lesbian friend who does pretty good art and doesn't even mention it. I honestly didn't know she was gay for 5 years until I saw her Facebook page says she's in a relationship with a woman. I thought she was just joking since she could be politically incorrect.

>> No.3884188

New Delhi, probably second to Mumbai when it comes to being susceptible to this militant agenda.

>> No.3884365

If an artist had to make it clear that they were white with everything they drew, you'd cringe too. You don't notice cool faggots because they're just good artists.

>> No.3884369

He's also very clearly not gay from actually reading his arc but I wouldn't expect the brainlets here to understand subtext and metaphor.

>> No.3884380

gaytransnonbinaryfaggots are mentally ill
we live in a society that celebrates mental illness

but who was confused?

>> No.3884402

Couldn't this also be said about straight guys (and some girls) who only draw sexy women and nothing else. Isn't that also shoving their sexuality down your throat? Either way it doesn't matter if you don't like something don't look at it.

>> No.3884410

>/pol/ scaremongering thread
kys desu

>> No.3884432

The enemies of /pol/ are more often than not the people who hate art the most. You can’t be left wing and be an artist. You can’t be for the extinction of whites and be an artist

>> No.3884438


>> No.3884510

Clearly, Kanji NOT being gay is the intended correct interpretation.

He likes delicate and feminine stuff but his attitude and physique don't match that. He then comes to the conclusion that if he likes them cute stuff, then he must be gay, but he still likes women.
(his more-or-less canon pairing is Naoto, which is very much a girl with the exact opposite problem)

>> No.3884523

>someone making /thier own/ ocs lgbt is shoving thier sexuality down someone else's throat.
are you retarded OP. grow up.

>> No.3884658

Thats retarded

>> No.3884667

Yeah, that's how I read it as well. His arc is more about masculinity than it is about sexuality.

>> No.3884680

But I'm a Communist and I love classical antiquity and think contemporary art is utter trash.

>> No.3884736

Can we get some bad art in here?
Knowing what not to do is just as useful as knowing what to do.

>> No.3884750
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Are there any other gay crabs who feel annoyed by being pandered to? Or having their space invaded by weirdo LGBTWTFBBQ people?

I know at least five or six people in the periphery of my social circle that aren't actually fucking gay or trans or whatever, they're just a girl who likes yaoi too much and calls themselves 'NB asexual.'

And it's literally always a woman who says she likes 'girls' but won't fuck women because she's 'asexual' but will touch herself to yaoi or slash because she is, surprise, straight and attracted to men but can't deal with this fact. And the NB thing is always an excuse not to be 'an evil cis!' without having to deal with the actual effort of being transgender. And of course, if they became a man, they wouldn't get special 'oppression points.'

I don't mind lesbians, I don't mind people who don't want to have sex, and I don't mind transgender people either. But these people are just horny femcels that have shielded themselves from criticism by tilting into IDpol.

I don't even go to LGBT events in my area anymore because it's all faux-lesbians with made-up genders.

>> No.3884867
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I don't exactly get you because I don't want relationships but I understand it must be incredibly frustrating if you're looking to date. It also seems to be mostly women doing that from what I personally saw.
>(former) friend is suddenly lesbian
>still into gay smut and yaoi

>söyboy acquaintance keeps calling himself queer
>only dates women in 3 years

>tumblrite classmate keeps calling herself aromantic asexual
>draws featureless characters, is apparently afraid of naked models
>randomly learn that she has a crush on someone and fuggs
I fucking hate this meme sexuality trend, I feel blessed to never really be horny so I don't have to deal with it. Also people pretending they have mental illnesses "@btw I have social anxiety, I can't do the presentation with you guys!!". Maybe joining an art school was a mistake.

>> No.3884938
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I absolutely loathe this nonstop onslaught of LGBTBBQ shit over the years, especially in online art. These deranged 'artists' are nothing but glorified drama queens and holier-than-thou bullies. I can only pray that they finally fuck off one day.

>> No.3885029

go back to plebbit with you buzzwords

>> No.3885076

yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes

>> No.3885081


>> No.3885141

They're literally faggots OP cmon

>> No.3885202

I don't really have much of a gay social circle but there's always been fag hags. they've just mutated from weird bitches to the shit you mentioned. On my end, I keep finding more and more "NB" dudes who are pseud artists and can't commit to being a fag. It's all just the new bisexual.

What really grates on me more than not being able to fuck lesser men in the ass and nut in butt is indoctrinated fetish artists calling any fetish a slur. Apparently dickgirl is a swear word and humiliation is a sin but hypno rape is okay because who the fuck knows why, it sure isn't that hypnosis is consensual.

>> No.3885229

Fucking embarrassing

>> No.3885340

Faggot from London here, I hate the fucking LGBT community here and in general. I hate it even more because they're in everything to do with art here, ever since I was in school all the gays took art and made everything about being gay, same in college so I ended up dropping the subject both times. I've met plenty of decent faggots to know it's not all of them but god do I hate LGBT in general because it's so hard to even meet someone who isn't on the spectrum about it.
I just want a cute wholesome bf not some retarded radical drone twink who makes sucking dick his entire life purpose.

Also fuck finding an artist with an actually good style only to check their blog and see it's endless posts about the LGBT struggle or some shit.
Fuck this thread has made me mad.

>> No.3885343

you dropped art twice because of others? ultimate ngmi. either you’re genuinely angry or making excuses

>> No.3885346

I dropped it because even the teachers were LGBT and it was either calarts or post moderist trash with putting rainbow flags on everything. As school subjects it's legitimately terrible for where I've gone to so yes I'm genuinely angry. I have gone to things like life drawing courses or more traditional courses which pop up now and then which are actually nice but again when it comes to actual subject in schools it's infested.

>> No.3885350

Kanji is a Naotosexual.

>> No.3885394

it's always the fucking cis/"nb" ace girls. bane of my fucking existence as a gay person I swear to god. your comment about how they're "gay" but too afraid to actually fuck women is literally every ace girl i've ever met.

>> No.3885471

because they are metally ill drama whores

>> No.3885661

Because heterosexual courtship stories are hard to provide originality, especially combined with other tropes. The non-hetero couple cliche will have the same fate.

>> No.3885685

Ding ding dig!

>> No.3885708

Fuck, my condolences for your situation...
I am an Argentine fag who also hates the LGBT community, luckily I am not the only one in this country because we are a bit more traditionalist and if we suck dicks we try not to tell the neighbor as if we were proud. Unfortunately the same thing happens here, but in another way
, my college may not be infected with garbage lgbt but there is so much communist shit and trash representing the "latin brotherhood" that it is impossible not to be rotten knowing that art is going to fill ideological shit in the brain of the people

>> No.3885724


Because you're a whiny faggot.

>> No.3885739

One time I a dated a girl who literally introduced herself saying she was bi

>> No.3885747

art has always and always will be ideological

>> No.3885758
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Yeah, steeped in ideology.

God, some of you people are proper retarded.

>> No.3885767

just because your shitty 2d anime art isn’t ideological doesn’t mean that some of the best art, music, stories etc of all time weren’t.

>> No.3885772

At least it used to be something lofty like freedom or the tragedy of war, or God. Now it's down with cis and orange man bad.

>> No.3885774

They're only 4% of the population and that includes every type of deranged goblin, so if you're just a passive sodomite your actual dating pool is somewhere around 1.2% of the world's population.

They literally have to broadcast their wanton dicksucking needs to even get a chance of finding a partner and once they see their whiny faggot dance actually work they can't stop because they're fucking sexual deviants.

LGBT "culture" is literally what would happen if /r9k/ behavior became socially acceptable. A bunch of unfuckables magnifying their sexual desperation into a beacon of heresy until another unfuckable crashes into their pit of impiety.

>> No.3885780

I don't know if I would count as an 'lgbt artist' because I'm a virign volcel who's more dedicated the craft than seeking sex or a relationship.
I'm think I'm probably bisexual, but I don't think I can claim to be one if I'm a kissless virgin. But I do fap to all kinds of porn, including bara, milfs, futa, etc. I'm even starting to try out drawing nsfw comics that feature my wide tastes. I just hope I won't come off as 'cringy' if I decide to put my name out there.

>> No.3885783

no, it was often also themes like atheism, socialism, feminism, totalitarianism, social progress, equality etc. imagine going to some of the greatest authors/painters of all time and going ‘stop putting politics in ur work !!!!’. you would be laughed at. people now grew up on completely clean hollywood material that panders to all demographics and get offended when something challenges heir fragile worldview.

also criticism of leadership through art has been a thing since the beginning of us making art. stop being a bitch

>> No.3885791

Lesbian couples are the no,1 in domestic violence and post-commital bed death. It's like their mere existance is all about anger and hatred.

>> No.3885799

We are allowed to make fun of slutty heteros, in fact they're a key component of the Chad/Stacey meme.

It's not socially acceptable to notice LGBT people's character flaws in western society.

Still wonder why you hear less complaints about the former in the annonymous parts of the internet?

>> No.3885892

>Still wonder why you hear less complaints about the former in the annonymous parts of the internet?
Oh I know why. Heteros are mostly blind to it. I feel like when people talk about the gay experience being "unique", they're talking about how heteros can't conceptualize it and therefore have no frame of reference for their own behavior.

I think there's a lot both sides need to learn from each other.

>> No.3885916
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What the other anon said, basically. Cognitive biases that humans hold due to familiarity. If you grow up in an environment where these things are common you don't really question them as much as you would if you were brought up without and then presented with them.

Say you grow up in a school filled majorily with straight people and we want to classify your individual opinion on straight people as a straight person. As you grow up in that school you don't really pay attention to straightness because it's a 'default' state. Instead you focus on individuality. You see stinky people as stinky people. You see sexual deviants as just that, sexual deviants. You see ugly, introverted or weird people as that, just ugly, introverted or weird and so on.
Now, you have a handful of gay people appear sparsely in your life and they happen to have a single trait common between all of them. Let's say ugly. Your brain notices this through pattern recognition and comes to this conclusion, either avoiding or excusing all of the times that this was not true. The reason for this is your pool of reference. There's typically more variety being drowned out in 1,000,000 people (including the fact that these million people are much less likely to be subject to prejudices because you're one of them and are familiar enough to know that to generalize such a large group of people into one. The fact that YOU'RE one of them and you don't follow any tropes proves that to yourself.) than 1,000.

When you see someone that is 'unique' to what is common, their faults and mistakes tend to be magnified because the scope being used on them is one of unfamiliarity. One that exaggerates traits commonly seen in 'normal' society but are ignored because they've become so familiar.

>> No.3885959

It's not just stereotyping and self referential generalizations (the "not me!" bias). You touched upon it and it's a really deep one that I've unfortunately only seen explicated by critical theorists.

I call it "in-group blindness". Any group, cults, super cliquey clubs, offices, certain communities, cultures at large; has normalized certain behaviors to the point that they're blind to them. It's like how Italian families don't notice how loud they are or how blacks were the only ones to point out that all the black characters on TV were either the mailman or the secretary. Even Uhura answered the phones. Or when you run adblockers and pirate all your TV and wonder how retards don't have a problem with constant ads. Or how the French all smell like shit but don't notice.

I'd say that with gay shit being more visible, it becomes more noticable that it's different from the "norm" as you say and that in-group blindness prevents people from noticing that it's the same shit because they don't even notice the smell of their own shit. There's also the bit about the gay experience that I think shapes the perception of it. It's like bitching about a professional job to wagies.

Related, I often forget what gay art looks like from the outside.

>> No.3885965

That's a better way to describe it than my convoluted bullshit. Thanks, I'll make sure to use that.

>> No.3885991

I wish there was more porn of this but I won't draw it myself because I never finish porn drawings.

>> No.3886008

I've been thinking about it for a while in an artistic context, trying to hammer out the metaphysics behind a concept. It's taken a couple months of talking to myself to get it down to that. There's all this squawking about Identity, cultural hegemony and shit but few artists are playing with what it actually means. Even stand up comics are better at it than the majority of artists who live in ideological enclaves or sit around high on their own farts.

Like, what the fuck is "gay art"? To quote myself,
>society created a sort of satanic Other based on where you like to stick bepis, defined it by everything "bad", removed all healthy outlets, and shoved it underground to do poppers and watch men in dresses lip sync to strong independent women. This leaves a walking inversion of normative culture that pantomimes it.
The only thing that I think comes close outside of fine art no one looks at is porn. It's the only time I see anything that is both honest and critical of homoshit and the greater culture that shaped it. Instead all we get is fan art that triggers spergs because "those two characters aren't gay".

>> No.3886033

Why do you people even care?

>> No.3886036

There is this one insufferable former friend of mine who is an asexual lesbian with pronoun he/him. She also keeps echoing about graduating from art academy and shit while excusing her incompetent art skills as "muh style" and "inconsistency is fun!". Apparently art is all about feelings, self expression and realism is a meme. I had not seen many fundamental drawings and studies from her either before our friendship fell apart.
Although she's into females her art solely focuses on fetishizing gay men and pretty femboys (and being a hypocrite at that 'cause she also trashes on yaoi fangirls). Probably there's a bit of misandry going on since she thinks females are too precious and superior to be drawn in thongs and stockings while drawing the other lesser gender in such fashion is much more comfortable.

>> No.3886046

I guess that's their way of affirming their identity. That's why lots of black people were happy with Black Panther. It was something they could relate to.

>> No.3886285

what a retard

>> No.3886354

lack of religion and traditional values, not reading the western canon, etc.

>> No.3886376

>not reading the western
It's founded in boipucci and made up of 2000 years of half assed rebuttals against it.

>> No.3886379

so they can read stuff by multiple closeted gay authors and be preached to by even more closeted gay people? history proved you can get rid of gay people you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.3886383

insecurity, propaganda, strawmen arguments spoonfed to them, nostalgia for a time they didn’t live in and didn’t really exist, the list goes on. but i’m actually surprised how much of a shithole this place really is, didn’t know /pol/ were creative or functioning enough to draw

>> No.3886429
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>People find sexual deviancy and people making something that should be inconsequential, their whole personalities annoying
>General aggression and uppity attitudes towards normal people from lgbtq if you, as a straight person, ever stuck around groups of these people
>Normal artist finding it weird that lgbtq artist that are mediocre at best seeing popularity
I know your some faggot that stumbled into this thread just to whine, but do not act like these things haven't been taking place and are some fairy tail by the /pol/ boogiemen.

>> No.3886438

Hey, us tops like most straightfags. Even some bottoms. Sorry you had a bad experience, the majority of us are invisible(ish) for a reason.

>> No.3886524

yes but compare the shit youre saying to the awful fucking shit in this thread you absolute moron. its /pol/ tier mass shooter shit

>> No.3886574

Go re-evaluate what posts you react to in the future because the shit in this thread is tame as fuck.

>> No.3886587

No "preferred pronoun in their twitter bio" tumblrite or any other person who thinks a political affiliation is a suitable substitute for a personality today is anywhere near close to being great tho, not a single one. All that they're capable of creating is surface level mind numbingly meaningless reactionary garbage only made for the affirmation of their follower base and nothing more. Lets not pretend anybody that's being talked about in this thread is anywhere near "some of the greatest authors/painters of all time" you actual trog.

>> No.3886605

This is the same thing heterosexual artists do the only reason you don't notice it is because you're heterosexual.

>> No.3886636

Yes, that is true, but which one brings in more attention for "progress" and "diversity" and which one is perceived as "oppressive" and "misogynistic"?

Take a guess.
Because supporting one over the other can get you fired if you don't support it hard enough.

>> No.3886639

Name one artist out there who constantly goes on about how straight they are, ill wait.

>> No.3886653

mane one straight guy that shoves huge anime titties and bad fan service onto everything, wait, there are thousands

>> No.3886661

your average joe twitter user might not be seen as great now but i’m sure some will be remembered throughout history. only one in a million will be a truly great and remembered artist, and historically a lot of the people that made the best works were the ones that were socially progressive for their time.

>> No.3886696

Yea it does seem like bottoms are the most annoying and outspoken when it comes to you butt pirates. I don't have a problem with gay people, some of you guys are the coolest people I've ever met. Its just faggots that have to act super extra and grating for no reason in normal situations. All lesbians can go fuck themselves though. For some reason they're man hating bulldyke that still need dildos to get off or "teehee I'm lesbian silly boy, you can't have me" types with very little in between. >>3886524
This is the reason why people don't take librals seriously and go into overdrive with their rhetoric. Saying anything thats mostly harmless gets you called worse then hitler.

>> No.3886703

Why is it so hard to accept that some art doesn't exist for you? People use art to parse their feelings about all kinds of things. This isn't any different.

>> No.3886709

Thats being fucking pedantic, your using nsfw artist as an example of "people pushing straightness". Here is the thing anon, your not pushing a narrative, if its something that is a normal occurrence in 96% of the human population. People put up with homo shit because at the end of the day, alot of people don't really give a shit.

>> No.3886713

Creating art that is purely sexual in nature straight or gay ≠ constantly talking about how gay you are as if that means anything, that's exactly why I said "goes on about" and not "creates content about".

>> No.3886732

No arguments there. Dykes coopted any chance of being taken seriously by eating up the rhetoric and alienating everyone else just so they could adopt because muh biological imperative. I just want to hold hands or fuck in a park every now and then without getting roadhauled behind a truck. Everyone should be able to fuck in the bushes.

>> No.3886737

>Why are most LGBT artists so cringy?
Because they reject traditional beauty.

They reject the two things that most people like
- sexuality (sexiness)
- cuteness
The two things that speak to people reproductive system

>> No.3886759

Correlation ≠ causation. Being "progressive for your time" whatever the fuck that means in 2019, will not instantly effect how remembered you are in the future in any positive way if at all. Especially factoring in both today's extremely flooded market of digital artists and current political climate that rewards people in the short term for voicing retarded opinions that they don't think through like "don't tolerate the intolerant" for the sake of fitting in with the crowd. The argument that "progressive will = remembered, because look at history, its happened a couple times there." doesn't make any fucking sense if you try to think about it rationally for 2 minutes.

>> No.3887070

This. Hetero smut artists are generally quiet about their shit because it's not socially acceptable.
But for faggots we have to accept their not only shoving sex in every single thing they do, but also it being pretty much the only thing they speak about, least we're called homophobic.