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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 148 KB, 1271x1244, qgofef16jkxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3820384 No.3820384 [Reply] [Original]

is it just me or to be successful/make money with your art nowadays it's all about
>having a presence and large follower base on twitter, dumblr, instagram, whatever
>keep shitting out fanart of whatever is trendy
>be a lgbtbbq poc disabled woke xir/xem artist begging for donations and/or emergency commissions
>le tumblr calarts style
>type..... like,, thiS LMAO!!! uwu;;
>heavy use of ebonics, marks, and emojis/emoticons
>make sure your political opinions (make sure to be left) are preached 24/7
>be involved in some middle school tier drama
>lick other circlejerk artists of the exact same type's toes

Maybe i really am a salty shitter, but it's pretty discouraging, honestly.

It's annoying as well being unable to follow an artist with good material without their politics rants and muh personal life woes.

>> No.3820389
File: 152 KB, 1280x1261, 1548956758647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nailed it, welcome to the Brave new World.

>> No.3820395

I've seen a lot of shitty artists with a lot of followers on Instagram. I don't get it.

>> No.3820396
File: 67 KB, 963x541, ivan-terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look beyond twitter and tumblr for art or refine your taste. Look to russian/japanese/chinese/korean artists. Look to 18th and 19th century masters. Look to real life. Don't mistake the echo chambers for reality.

Look for other avenues of "success" as an artist if you detest the ones you can see.

>> No.3820397

or you can just stop being autistic and contact potential clients directly. your work *is* good enough to get hired isn't it?

>> No.3820398

Maybe they know how to sell themself or the followerbase is very young who find most realistic stuff kinda boring and like flashy colors.

>> No.3820399

>lick other circlejerk artists of the exact same type's toes
This one happens an awful lot. "Le senpai" meme always makes me laugh.

>> No.3820402

Still better than all the loli shitters in here.

>> No.3820403

It's the only true one. Brown-nosing is the only way to get anywhere. Conversely, other artists liking your stuff to the point that they make up a majority of your followers is an interesting place to be.

>> No.3820405

>contact potential clients directly

>> No.3820406
File: 141 KB, 859x1024, 1503954197486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe social media fame isn't everything anon? It will pop soon.

>> No.3820407

Sometimes I read this

>> No.3820456
File: 63 KB, 268x376, 1521740514523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based AND redpilled.

>> No.3820457

The world of professional art is larger than shitty online commissions. You can make a really good living doing freelance work for commercial clients. You do so by contacting them with your portfolio site to pitch your services.

No Tumblr, no fan art, no fast food style commission charts - just raw business-to-business freelance work. Pays much, much better than whatever OP is talking about. OP didn't even criticize or bring up the monetization of that stuff - they're just complaining about the Ev1L SJwS. It has little to do with making money.

>> No.3820464

Fairly generic advice to be honest.
Just what you'd expect from a literal boomer.

>> No.3820478

Good read. I don't agree with everything he says but there's a few thruth bombs in there anon. Excuses, excuses. This fag is right.

>> No.3820498

the shit where people act all hyper-positive and upbeat freak me the fuck out because its so obvious how goddamn fake theyre being.

i would be wiling to bet money they just recently took meds or something and their emotions are going bonkers or some other unnatural occurence

its all platitudes

>> No.3820529

>commercial clients
What kind of clients? Magazines, editors, game companies?

>> No.3820542

Sure. All of those, and more. All sorts of businesses need illustrative imagery for a variety of different projects they're working on. There is far more opportunity out there than folks realize, but it requires proactive, entreprenuial self promotion (ie. Trying to directly connect with art / creative directors, etc.), which a lot of people don't know how to do, or are too nervous / lazy to do. This is opposed to passive promotion such as posting on social media, which relies on the luck of the right people stumbling on your work who might want to hire you.

>> No.3820619

There are plenty of successful and popular artists who never did any of this stuff but they get shat on by /ic/ too. How often do you post your art and market yourself, anon?

>> No.3820634

Thank you, based marketman.

>> No.3820750

Most of the people who draw like this are worth shit. Just like most of the people who draw dragons and most of the people who draw hypernaturalist shit.

Most people aren't successful no matter what they do. You'll likely be one of those.

>> No.3820784

What did you expect to gain from making this thread? You’re a whiny lil bitch anon.

>> No.3820797
File: 41 KB, 600x560, 56045cc28a8b3f2d22a21f292fbbae64e754814f_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find people complaining about others criticizing SJWs very funny.
It's like those people who support Trump just because he's hated by a lot of people.
It's just silly contrarianism.
Very silly.

>> No.3820807

What? That’s a far stretch. The more likely reason is that people who spend their time moaning about sjw’s just cant seem to ignore them and enjoy themselves. I would hazzard to guess that its some sort of personality disorder almost. If you cant enjoy something as personal as creating art because someone on twitter made art that you don’t like, then you’re basically a retard and coming here to make threads about the tumblr artist that ruined your experience is the actions of a retard.

>> No.3820813


we live in a society

>> No.3820881

theres a lot of people who use it and a lot of younger teen artists are there too.People's tastes in art are much different there.

>> No.3820949

I have been thinking about this for a while, but thought that I'd be doing something wrong if I push myself in front of my future-to-be clients, or so to say. But I guess this is kinda normal, if you want to make it, you gotta do anything for it. Thank you, anon.

>> No.3820978

Imagine being sadfuck floorshitter from /ic/

>> No.3820995
File: 17 KB, 352x333, 136011444354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's not all about the art. Great discovery today, OP.

>> No.3821010
File: 1.15 MB, 944x1322, dead art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. true art is dead now. You can't follow artist without heir politics rants and muh personal life woes too. How dare they to use social media for blogposting?

>> No.3821021

>personality disorder
It's autism. Antisjwfags that spend too much time on social media are deluded into thinking the world is turning sjw and that's why they're not successful, not because they don't actually do anything but just wait for an opportunity to come into existence and expect people to be able to read their mind. They can't identify that they're feeling angry that other people are making art and having friends so they need to be assured that there are other autists that are angered by sjws for a false sense of companionship.

>> No.3821023

why dont you go back to posting twitter replies of your garbage under some dipshit talking about how they support all artists!!!! and wanna signal boost to give back and spread some positivity!!!! so they can ignore you too

>> No.3821027
File: 120 KB, 316x320, 1550524592333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mastered the art of /pol/, never making it and blaming it on other people. Except for that to be true, you'd have to be a fan of that terrible shit because obviously no good work would make it.
Stop being a salty cunt and do the work. There are plenty of salty cunts like you out there, and even if you never make it, they'll buy it out of spite if you make even a half assed effort.

>> No.3821225
File: 171 KB, 500x644, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>emergency commissions
I’ve gotten over everything else, I try not to let rando degenerate bullshit bother me, but this shit still pisses me off. And it pisses me off not just because it’s wrong to lie and play with peoples’ emotions, but also because it seems to work.
And it’s not like someone is paying you because your art has made them feel something special or inspired them. They’re giving you money because they’re genuinely worried for the humanity of someone else.

>> No.3821236

>360 degreeees

>> No.3821284
File: 333 KB, 795x1197, 08aa12e1c95f548cd993239ccb49398e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it only an impression of mine or to be met with good Fortune and God's Grace with your Craft in these here days, it is necessary to:
>Be popular with the common folk of the market and all the serfs and nobles alike
>Draw images of Our Savior, Jesus Cristus and The Holy Mater Dei, Maria or try to reach the Mastery of the Works of Apelles, the Great
>Adopt the Florentine style of Draughtsmanship and Color
>Write with beautiful calligraphy and in a most pleasant manner
>Speak Latin and at the same time the Vulgata of the Serfs
>Be in favor of the Prince's and the Pope's plannings in the sphere of the Governance of Men
>Be in common friendship with all the other Artisans of the Guild

It may be that I'm only a most unpleasant and ungrateful speck of dust, but I find this state of affairs intolerable in excess.

It is well unpleasant to be not able to admire and study other Artisans' work without them rambling about the happenings of the Court or of their private lives.

>> No.3821302

>emergency commissions

>> No.3821305
File: 30 KB, 747x491, 1514502129116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread went out of hand and I regret everything, I don't even know what to say. I should give it up after all.

still, thanks for the different insights, anons. I just wanted to hear different POVs and thoughts.

>> No.3821346
File: 441 KB, 688x418, 1534300924310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3821364

well to make money in art you need a following pretty simple

>> No.3821401

How did it go out of hand anon?
Yeah, there's things that facilitate being popular with particular crowds. For these artists you're talking about, they do taht shit. Gotta find what works for you.

>> No.3821413
File: 507 KB, 989x1453, begging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty bad that even successful artists have to do this in the US when they get cancer or something. But yeah most artists survive by begging, Patreon is glorified charity.

>> No.3821421

Has art always been a shit field to be employed in? Were cavemen painters the only true artists?

>> No.3821450


>> No.3821452

They did it for free

>> No.3821457

>Village say Krog bad hunter, catch no animal, women laugh
>Krog make fake animals on cave wall and brag
>Women impressed with Krog story about hunting
>Krog plan perfect plan, become village chief

>> No.3821471

here's the rundown
>Steven universe:
Was actually so unpopular with the scheduling that cartoon network decided that instead of nuking it and looking bad for firing their first female showrunner they would switch the episodes to drop in a very specific way to look like they are doing any good at all. the show is doing horribly besides a very loud fanbase. It completely failed to entice kids.

>tumblr art in comics:
Boomed due to tumblr artists being really really cheap. They make trash but you can pay them like slave labor. The animators in japan make more money than these guys, and they often find themselves homeless, with multiple partners in a small rental apartment, and begging for money online just to get by.
Most of their comics are never bought, which is why comics are at an all time low in sales.

>tumblr art in animation:
Always dissed,
never loved.
The moment high guardian spice, shera, thundercats roar dropped people rooted it out in an instance.

>tumblr art online:
Mostly done by teens because adults can't support themselves with it alone. If done by an adult it's either in parallel to another job or in a constant state of comissions.

Don't be fooled. loudness doesn't equal success. Tune out the noise. Once you tune those nutcase circles out you can move on to places where the artistic excellence is booming. a lot more people talk about anime, fine artists online, and quality. If all you hear is tumblr you need to remove yourself from your current circles.

>> No.3821483

What are you talking about, Steven Universe has stellar ratings and it's insanely popular. Might not be popular with kids but it has an absolutely massive following

Tons of "diversity" comics and animations make lots of money, maybe not the horribly drawn cringe shit but if your product is half competently drawn, putting queer shit in it is guaranteed success.

>adults can't support themselves with it alone. If done by an adult it's either in parallel to another job
That's all artists. If anything low effort queer shit does much better than actual comics made professionally.

>> No.3821486

>Insanely popular
>diversity comics making money

Got sauce to back that up? cause the only way you'd think this way is if you are in communities where you constantly hear about it. If that's how you see things right now find better circles.
Sounds to me like you are just falling for the loud mouthing of those folks and not actually looking at their output and results.

>> No.3821503

It has a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes and even if cartoon network's ratings are down across the board, episodes rake in about 1m viewers and that is just cable excluding online platforms.
The amount of art is massive and the fandom is huge. People literally kickstart their careers by making SU fanart.

>> No.3821862

>Tons of "diversity" comics and animations make lots of money, maybe not the horribly drawn cringe shit but if your product is half competently drawn, putting queer shit in it is guaranteed success.
That is a flat out lie.
Marvel diversity titles that are not movie tie-ins struggle to even get off the ground.
Same with Boom comics. Only their Cartoon Network tie-ins sell well.
Image comics with diversity push rarely get past the ten-thousand sales (but to be honest, anything Image that's not made by Kirkman or McFarlane barely sells).

If a "diversity" comic sells at all, then it's not because of diversity.

>> No.3821865

You are right in Steven universe having pretty good ratings. Definitely the highest ratings for recent premieres on Cartoon Network. You can blame that on push for their streaming app which has been climbing pretty fast. (And all the new steven universe episodes being dumped on YouTube) Diversity comics on the other hand do not make sales.

>> No.3821963
File: 115 KB, 366x458, Blacksad-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If you critizice SJWs then that means your entire worldview is based around them and you don't actually interact with other human beings."
>"You're just a caricature of what I think people are."
See how silly anti-anti-sjws contrarians actually are?
Very, VERY silly people.

>> No.3821975

>heavy use of ebonics
This bothers me the most. Why is everyone so trashy nowadays? Is there anyone left who holds any dignity or class?

>> No.3821983

they actually draw and make friends and meet potential clients online and are genuinely nice to talk to/interact with

draw, and learn to be a bearable human being. stop being so bitter about people expressing their opinion on stuff they care about or having fun drawing in a style you dont personally like.
unless literally 100% of art you see around you is this 'sjw!! tumblr!!!' style its literally no one's fault but yours you dont get commissions or make money,,, its more likely youre a shitty person to be around and are barely above beg tier but read some art books so have way too high of an ego

>> No.3821986

90's kids are the new 80's kids.
Everything has to be "in yo face" yet again.

>> No.3822001

>worldview based around sjw
Can you actually refute this though? Antisjws always bring up sjws (or related topics like diversity, lgbt, feminism etc) whenever they need to criticize something, even when the actual problem is something more obvious like capitalism, though antisjws will never acknowledge it because criticizing capitalism is a commie/leftist position, even when they would actually agree when it comes down to why our contemporary art/culture sucks. You just don't seem to understand that sjws are mostly NEETs (or so prospectively, as in they have no favorable career outcomes) on welfare that have no actual power or influence on the world and have practically no importance in a holistic view of current affairs.

>> No.3822005

Blacksad's the best

>> No.3822037
File: 265 KB, 983x840, apple_trailers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this talentless, too dumb to trace hack of an illustrator can end up making designs for a movie and be featured on apple trailers,
you need to up your game get your shit out there and stop worrying.

>> No.3822041

if youro ar t is transcendental then nothiung else matters, if yo u aim for lless than u deserve less. u must come through the membrane. if u are art, politics is a dance. dont be so afraid. eat some mushrooms. you are wrong in whatever opinion you have, be an artist instead, be a shaman, help people. be a god, be a. dont be a 4channer lol.

>> No.3822064

u o ka y ther e budddd y ..?

>> No.3822085

illastshat is that you?

>> No.3822092

Based schizo

>> No.3822121

The very fact you believe its some “anti-anti-sjw” thing betrays you. I’m anti whining about someone else on some social media platform. I don’t give a shit either way. You’re playing some dumb /pol/ identity politics by claiming its some anti anti sjw bullshit. Stop seeking them out to complain over. Problem solved.

>> No.3822132

Well, if you only investigate the kinds of art you're describing, yes, that's what it is.

But you're completely discounting the other jobs/industry that artists work in.

There are millions of artists all over the world plying their trade in multiple industries who don't engage with the Tumblr/whatever world.

Get outside of the social media box you think the art world is, it might surprise you.

For non-traditional art that isn't like what you're complaining about, a good entry point is Juxtapoz magazine. Read it. Follow the artists that are features there. Go to the galleries the magazine talks about. There are growing and lively art scenes that avoid social media and mainstream sources like the plague, and are pretty interesting to hang around. I've met some cool people at galleries that show artists I've found in that magazine.

That's just one example, there are many more. Social media is not the entire art world.

>> No.3822213
File: 194 KB, 588x427, bd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you actually refute this though?
Yeah, by simply being a human being.
What, do you think human beings are these exaggerated cartoon characters with simplistic world views for you to refute?
Gosh, anon! It seems like the one who needs to get out of the house is you!
>when the actual problem is something more obvious like capitalism
Drop the smartphone too. Twitter ain't doing you any favors, babe.

>> No.3822230

>You’re playing some dumb /pol/ identity politics by claiming its some anti anti sjw bullshit.
Aren't you guys a bit paranoid about /pol/?
I mean, /pol/ has nothing to do here, why mention it at all?
Maybe you guys should stop obsessing about /pol/?

>> No.3822249

Paranoid? No, why? Is /pol/ meant to be scary? You can always spot someone who lurks there and eats up all their shit though, because they bring their crap into the other boards and outside world in the form of being an enormous crybaby over tumblr artists painting sjw themes that trigger them.

>> No.3822348

>Paranoid? No
Doesn't show.
A lot of people like to blame /pol/ for fucking everything wrong in their lives.
/co/ is particularly obsessed with /pol/. They like to come up with conspiracies about muh far-right trolls ruining their media somehow.

>> No.3822357

Oh, that’s got nothing to do with me. I’m just talking about right wing autists blubbering about SJW boogey men ruining their tumblr experience in places that aren’t /pol/.

>> No.3822384

None of those people make money. They're rarely successful at anything besides gaining a large following and manipulating their friends.

>> No.3822471
File: 117 KB, 550x688, 2009 Mar 27 050a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been silently shunned by my online peers because I'm depressed, openly hate memes, and don't follow artist twitter's forced positivity status quo so I'm just sitting around like a sack of shit with no motivation to draw at all despite having overdue commissions and no one giving enough of a shit about me to keep in touch with me because I don't have a big following or work in the industry, also contemplating only shopping my work around via an online portfolio for small jobs and limiting my online presence to draw threads while trying to suppress my desire to be shot to death in my sleep

>> No.3822478

Kek. Typical channer

>> No.3822627
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, stop_posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The very fact you believe its some “anti-anti-sjw” thing betrays you.
>betrays you
Nope. Your autistic brain just *assumes* it "betrays me" for some reason.
I never mentioned any sort of affiliation towards your 'anti-sjw' movement. You alone reached that dumb conclusion yourself.

I'm just pointing and laughing at the irony that you're bitching at other people bitching, yet you believe yourself to be in the right for... not bitching about the same thing?

I didn't even mentioned anything about sjws themselves.

What a silly little autist you are. *tee-hee!*

>> No.3822637

There no “movement” and you just made up “anti anti sjw” because youre an identity politics loving moron who needs a boogeyman to make up for his lack of personality.
The difference between me bitching and you bitching is that you’re concerned about some tumblr artists to people who don’t care, meanwhile I’m telling you to stfu and get on with life.

Me telling you to learn to to get fixated on things you don’t like and let it take up brain space is not “anti anti sjw” you retard, its common sense.

Also, I’m pointing with all my fingers AND toes at you and laughing REALLY LOUD....AT YOOOOOOUUU

>> No.3822639

Learn not to*

>> No.3822650
File: 70 KB, 374x454, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, anon. Calm down.
Do you need a glass of milk or something?

>> No.3822670

I’m pointing and laughing, very calmly.
What is it with you anti-anti-anti-sjw types not being able to understand simple statements?

>> No.3822745

what do u regret?

>> No.3822806

>exaggerated cartoon characters with simplistic world views
This is exactly what you do, oblivious fucking retard. You group anyone with radical liberal tendencies into SJW and use them as a scapegoat for whenever something is shit because you just can't critically explain why. It's just a cultural meme, that unsuccessful (and rightfully so) artists who are financially desperate adopt a radlib persona to gain favors for being progressive and edgy at the same time by standing up against "da evil white man establishment" there is no conspiratorial force behind it trying to turn your kids trannies or racemixers. Some of them make money or get promoted because people have shit taste (see soundcloud rap music for e.g.) but it doesn't mean anything if their work won't be studied and remembered after this age, no ess jay dubya artist is the next shakespeare.
I don't follow artists there or any social media because they're all hot garbage, you clearly do though if you actually like those autistic hysterical fandom thots' art enough to get exposed to their emotionally charged politics. And capitalism is the reason why art today sucks btw, and every "sjw" artist supports it no matter how much libertarian/cuckservative retards think they don't just because they say so.

>> No.3822855

i mean steven universe has a target audience(gays). Anytime comic try to put sjw in their comic it ends up with bad sells

>> No.3822860
File: 908 KB, 1280x1828, 1550161669134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have to brand myself, sell myself and know what people want!
>my 10,000 perfect loomis anatomy sketches will not immediately transfer to critical and financial success!
welcome to the real world

>> No.3822904

Pretty good. A bit simplified. Wanting to be "le marvel comic artist" as your one goal makes it easy to just mindlessly push that one thing. I guess the good unsaid lesson in that is choosing your goal first competently and then push it almost mindlessly with sheer effort.

>> No.3822939
File: 52 KB, 295x424, 1550541898153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually based

>> No.3823229
File: 73 KB, 675x227, laughing_soldiers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You group anyone with radical liberal tendencies into SJW
DUUHH. What the fuck do you think sjws are?
>It's just a cultural meme
Would you say... a cultural MARXIST meme? LOL
Oh anon, how silly you are!
Very VERY silly.

>> No.3823244


>> No.3824750

Yeah, if I see an artist and start following them on twitter or something, and they start talking in that obnoxious way, like ebonics or whatever to show you how cool they are, I just unfollow them.

>> No.3824948

I've heard people are actually making headway on Deviantart that aren't sakimi or artgerm-tier. How is that possible when your pieces get knocked off the newest feed within seconds by 20 new sonic ocs?

>> No.3824963
File: 35 KB, 399x392, burgerchief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe they're just annoying desu

>> No.3824965

>Antisjws always bring up sjws (or related topics like diversity, lgbt, feminism etc) whenever they need to criticize something, even when the actual problem is something more obvious like capitalism
Why not both at the same time?

>> No.3824970

because it doesn't.
You clearly don't understand how things works. People dont use only the frontal page of any website, in fact many not, what all the people do is use the search engines, so... if i like, lets say "pokemon" things, i dont wait in the frontal page until some thing appears, thats retarded, i search "pokemon" and look the drawings, and use the display options to show the new things first, or the popular, or i go to the groups (in the case of people less casual that actually have a account and more interest in the page)

So no, you art dont get fucked by tons of cringe art, because only retarded people use only the front page.
The same applies to any website. In instagram, they use the search to put tags of their favorite thing; "#pokemonfanart", "#pokemonart", "#insertnameofthepokemonorchick", etc . In facebook they use the search bar to look for publications of some things (is the worst of all plataforms thats why instagram fucked so hard the facebook community, in fabebook is more hard get followers and the art groups are mostly a waste). In twitter i don't know how it is, and in youtube they look in the search bar for "pokemon fanart" and look for videos or speedpaintings, etc.

>> No.3825083

It’s true that quantity is just as important as quality for popularity, but hopefully shitting out mediocre works gets easier as you get more skilled.

>> No.3825719

None of those people get Art Jobs (cartoons for retard children Does not count).

>> No.3826350
File: 8 KB, 229x240, z25Mlko_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan culture is all about 'being superior to friggin ple bs'

Every single board that is dedicated to art is the same, either the recommendations are classics or unapproachable garbage that is ' objecti vely superior and deep'.

You will also have to go through a tortuous process of slow technical improvement with classical knowledge and that is considered the only way you can be good at something while hating on people who prove that theory wrong.

You will get the same threads across every board, people wondering (while actually knowing why) why x artist is so popular doing simple shit while you practiced your 'superior' methods for a decade and not even your mom bothers to follow your work.

The only thing you will get out of 4chan knowledge is the feeling of being 'superior to ple bs' while completely alienating yourself

>> No.3826358

I agree with this post. Almost every board is the same in that regard. Except maybe /c/ and a few others

>> No.3826938


>> No.3827672

> be woke tumblrina
> identify as authentic media critic
> draw yaoi fanart for "lgbt rep"
> but don't call yourself a fujo
> piss on other artist's shippy works and call them "problematic fujo art"
> Fuel the ship wars
> profit

Works like a charm. A twitter/tumblr gang did this for every hyped anime/cartoon and got 3000+ likes for their badly drawn calarts posts.