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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3623943 No.3623943 [Reply] [Original]

Currently NEETing it while I try to improve, but I can’t shake the thought of how regretful I would feel wasting these countless hours for nothing if I don’t make it, instead of pursuing something else. Does anyone else know this feel?

>> No.3623951

>if I don’t make it

if failure is an option, you've already failed. you haven't "not made it" until YOU say you haven't made it. If you want to make it, decide right now that you will make it, even if it takes 20 years. Otherwise, yeah, you should do something else, because I can tell you it will be even harder than you think.

>> No.3623955

your parents have their claws in your brain.

>> No.3623956

It won't be for nothing. As a neet, I'm sure you realize the futility of working a 9-5. Yes it does earn and provide for you, but it also sucks. So you owe it to yourself, in this life, to try to find something you can actually enjoy doing and providing as a service for other people. If that to you is art, then by all means go for it. What else would you rather do? If you understand that, then it's not a waste. It's your life.

>> No.3623959

it is possible to neet and focus on nothing but art

whats the point of worrying anon? either you make it or you dont. but more time spent worrying is more tipping of the scale towards not making it.

its only you who chose to artneet

>> No.3624187

Piggybacking on this thread instead of opening up a new one. I'm desperate.

I've had depression for about 10 years now, and it's slowly eroded my life to the point where I am barely a husk. I used to draw 6-8 hours a day but I never managed to get to a professional level, so I slowly came to draw less and less until about a year ago I quit completely. It's extremely painful to think about drawing again and finding out that I'm not nearly as proficient as I used to be and I can barely doodle something before giving up. How do I start over again? What's the best way to pick up?

I used to draw comics and cartoons, I'm not interested in portraiture and digital art.

>> No.3624197

>if I don’t make it,
You need to share with us what "making it" means to you

>> No.3624273

>I used to draw 6-8 hours a day but I never managed to get to a professional level

For how long? You probably had some unrealistic expectations about how much time it would take you to get to that level, just try sticking with it regardless of how bad it feels, I can relate, since I've gotten frustrated to tears with art once.

>> No.3624277

>For how long?
5, almost 6 years. I was still awful. I put in the hours but I didn't have the method, or I more likely didn't have the talent.

>> No.3624346

I am in a similar position, I want to try again, this time accepting failure much more gently.

>> No.3624367

I mean, if its just about success financially and in popularity, then just draw generic porn, comics or memes. That stuff rarely cares about the quality, you can go with very simple and basic things.

Im terrible myself and my most popular artworks are not even my best, just happen to be porn or jokes about popular characters, which is what most people like to see.

If youre going for quality its a long road ahead

>> No.3624449

I think you need to figure out what is "making it" first.
Some people want to make a living doing art commissions.
Some people want to be 'famous', maybe museum-tier famous or just twitter/tumblr-tier famous
Some people wanted to sell art-related products, e.g. dakimakura, artbooks etc

Then maybe you should figure what is the artstyle you're aiming for. Best is the one artstyle which will complement what is your aim and also the one you won't mind drawing repeatedly. It's not impossible to fuse 2 artstyles together and make something new though.

If you don't know what you're aiming for. Then you'll just waste your time grinding fundies without a direction

Personally, I am just an engineering undergrad doing this as a hobby. It'll be nice if I can sell some stuff on Etsy though.

>> No.3624459

You won't get very far. I guarantee it. Neets are lazy, lethargic thinkers always thinking about the future that will never come rather than improvising on the present. You will spend most of your waking hours either jacking off on 4chsn or jacking off to porn, with the remaining playing games and not getting in serious practice.

>> No.3624473

Then how to make it?

>> No.3624477

The change to make it starts with you. Are you a disciplined individual? Can you work for hours on end without distraction? Can you reevaluate your own work to improve it, or do you need someone to do that for you?

>> No.3624478

What kind of engineering? Is it difficult?

>> No.3624481


What is the point of continuing when you'll never be this good? I know that I rationally should be able to ignore this fact and enjoy the act of drawing itself, but it's stronger than me. I can't help but compare myself with the best of the best and I've quit because of it. After 6 years I don't know how to start over again...

>> No.3624490
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b -based and ARTPILLED- pfp

>> No.3624498
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electric engineering
final year already, shit's getting hard to understand and I had to spend more time studying instead of drawing
>pic related
robot kinematics are the most confusing shit thus far

>> No.3624506

How the fuck are you people so goddamn intelligent

I can't do basic algebra to save my life

>> No.3624514

by being an actual chinese X^D, tho not from china though.
I used to think I'm some hot shit until I encountered those people from China and India, they make the locals look like lazy NEETs

>> No.3624521

How so? What do they do differently?

>> No.3624528

my uni is fucked up in the way that every module's final exam is moderated on a bell curve, so if you wanna get the A, A+ to raise the GPA, you better compete for like the top 10% or 5% of the cohort.
for example, if there's a lab project and it's graded based on how many extra features (expansion on the basic features), you either implement shitpile of miscellaneous, but intuitively obvious features or features that is just so batshit crazy impressive you get the instant A.
Intellect don't matter at all at that point, effort is like the 80% of the grades.
These chinese and indians, man. I don't know how they do it, but getting A+ and As just come so naturally to them. I had to work my ass off in one of the semesters just to get an A and several A-, B+.
It's just so tiresome to compete all the fucking time.

>> No.3624529

What's so important about GPA

>> No.3624531

Why don't you pick up an instructional book by an artist you admire (or watch instructional videos on youtube)? Instead of facing a blank page with prospect of laying down the kind of pieces you used to make, you'll have someone holding your hand through getting back in the swing. Temporarily put the training wheels back on, warm up your hand and eyes again. Let a teacher tell you what to do for a little while and take the pressure off

t. fellow husk

>> No.3624539

My uni's GPA is over 5 instead of the usual 4.
if your GPA is 4.5 to 5, you are first class honours and 4.5 to 4, you're 2nd class upper honours, so on and so forth
First class honours have a much easier time getting into huge MNCs like Boeing, Rolls Royce, etc
They also have a better opportunity to continue straight to PhD, skipping Masters
If they decide to sign on to the army/navy, they are on track to higher positions than the 2nd class honours graduates
Quite a lot of perks actually. the only requirement is that they have to get A/A+ for more than 50% of total module credits, which is insanely difficult when everyone is moderated on a bell curve

>> No.3624580

>instead of pursuing something else

no I don't know this feel, there is nothing else.

>> No.3624650

also inktober starts today, you could participate. Draw the prompts even if you dont post them

>> No.3624681

Holy shiza it's the same for me.
Even decided on a trade i'd fall back on "Carpentry".
Bacically i wonder if the power goes off tomorrow how fucked am i only drawing and doing 3D animations on the computer.

At least i can draw while the world burns but fk man.

>> No.3624738

Same, but I over came it.
After drawing 6 to 8 hours a day for 3 years grinding fundies and even taking classes, I quit for a good few months. I wanted to unlearn everything, and it was annoying having talked to those who made it that knew little to no fundies, but drew for a living.

For me, I had characters in my head I wanted to draw. I said fuck the fundies, and simply copied my favorite work. I'd copy it enough times to where I was at least 98% accurate (which takes A LOT of attempts, but the more you do this the more accurate you become) then drew said character I was copying in different poses.

This was a lot more fun to do and it got me drawing all day again, but this time it was a huge joy. I would recommend the same, simply draw what you want. Fuck loomis, hell, there's people in the industry who've never did figure drawing and are complete pros. Gotta follow your heart.

>> No.3624749

I agree completely but also poking your head out and learning some technically correct stuff is important.
I don't do the full loomis head but a center line with a cross at the eye and pop in the ear, that's enough for me.
But i wouldn't have known that without loomis.

Grinding fundies is a pain for me, i can't shade forms yet but i'm learning anatomy so i know what forms i'd need ot shade.

So both i think, grinding alone i don't think helps as it isn't grinding what you like/ want as an end result.

Either way we're all fkd getting involved with art in the end, Let's just fucking invade poland.

>> No.3626889

Start by trying to finish one thing a day, that helped me. Even if it's just a head or a hand, even if it looks bad, try to build endurance. It's like learning how to motivate yourself. Eventually you'll notice you can draw two things a day, then three, so on and so on until you can draw for a few hours.

>> No.3628274

t.wage cuck projector

>> No.3628281


You know I'm right.

>> No.3628322

Yea I did that's why I got a job and now really have the drive to actively make decisions that will get me closer to making it

Small steps but they're steps at least

>> No.3628323

no i dont rerally care

>> No.3628332

You're in the best possible position.

I was NEET for 15 years and didn't do shit now I have to play catch up while doing minimum wagecucking. I could've been great.

Take advantage and keep grinding.

>> No.3628495

Same but 6 years instead, I'm not playing catchup tho.
I see it as it's my time now, everyone else had there time before me and not i'm drawing-getting gud and my time will come.

No one is creating the things i like/ have in my head atm so my time will come.

>> No.3629718

>if I don’t make it
well then you better make it so it's not a waste


you're gonna die anon

keep yourself safe

>> No.3629756

>all they do is plug formulas
>the rest is abstract
