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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 174 KB, 950x714, 20180922_041335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3611792 No.3611792 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make someone proud.


>screenshot the image and post that instead

>change camera capture settings to something smaller

>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

→ →
There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

>> No.3611795

What kind of feedback are you looking for? Also what is that stain on your paper?

>> No.3611872
File: 84 KB, 800x320, bridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my perspective fine? i want to start adding details

>> No.3611874

is the first tower supposed to be higher?

>> No.3611876

theyre all supposed to be even height along (i guess) roughly even terrain

>> No.3611877

yeah the perspective's improved now that you've cleared up the chicken scratch

>> No.3611878

Where does the eye line go?

>> No.3611879

the middle of the gated part of the gate. its not supposed to be 'super low'. i want to show that its kind of a basin so the ground area would be like a bowl

>> No.3611880
File: 80 KB, 799x333, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theyre all supposed to be even height along (i guess) roughly even terrain
than the first tower is wrong

>> No.3611882

Did you take into consideration the wall the pillars are part of is curved?

>> No.3611885

Yes and the height dif is still too big

>> No.3611891

well im,the one who drew it, buts intended to be almost parallel to the viewers line of sight for the first section then it starts curving. bit it probably is to tall so ill play with it.

>> No.3611901
File: 628 KB, 905x1460, 20180922_104917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew a mood test that I liked

>> No.3611951
File: 66 KB, 744x1074, jis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3611964

Where's the horizon?

>> No.3611968

Her foot is in the opposite direction of her knee, try this pose in real life

>> No.3611976

They say that once you learn about Loomis or other human proportion books, you can apply it to anything right? If so, how can I apply it onto more stylized drawings? Any time I try something stylized the proportions never come out right.

Also if I want to draw other things besides humans (animals, mythology, etc.) should I also put in the research into their own proportions?

>> No.3611982

If you can't apply it. You don' know it.

>> No.3611984
File: 44 KB, 530x530, eugeniacooney_13827181_1142397365783384_1343865646_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to learn skeletal anatomy if I want to draw fanart of Eugenia Cooney?

>> No.3611993

I just did it, it wasn't hard. Are you handicapped?

>> No.3611996

if you can comfortably and naturally do this pose youre an alien, so ill let you know that humans would struggle to maintain such a pose and would not naturally fall into it, though it may be physically possible.

>> No.3611997

she has a nice cooch

>> No.3612003
File: 251 KB, 1008x756, values and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so besides the borked box, how does this look?
struggled real hard with light spots, my eraser always seems to take off too much when I try to make it

>> No.3612004
File: 1.03 MB, 1253x1043, 432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this helps my man

>> No.3612045

perspective is off

>> No.3612050

you mean everything or just the box, nothing really seemed wrong to me

>> No.3612053

besides the box that is

>> No.3612067
File: 271 KB, 987x672, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first try on digital painting, I've never done something like this before.
But I need critique.

>> No.3612068

Have you never seen an arrow before?

>> No.3612073

I didn't used any reference on the image, only one picture for the mouth, but it barely showed on the final piece.
I know the arrow is looking like shit.

>> No.3612078

Loomis is not for stylization

>> No.3612086

It looks pretty okay besides the arrow.

>> No.3612101

Look at the circles of the cylinder and the Pointy pyramid

>> No.3612102

I'm not sure I get what you're saying, what's wrong with them?

>> No.3612106
File: 177 KB, 420x293, circles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perspective of the base is different even tho they are on the same ground
Learn how to draw elipses in perspective

>> No.3612111

And yes the box is werid too but you already now this
When we think about the shading
try to go with the form of the object and work cleaner it looks rushed

>> No.3612115

If we look at the shading*
sorry i'm tired

>> No.3612118

drawabox vs loomis which is better?

>> No.3612120


>> No.3612121

Loomis if you're a wine drinker
Drawabox if you prefer beer

>> No.3612130
File: 271 KB, 711x1182, Sans titre-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Need critique please.

>> No.3612131

Take that noodle off of his shoulders

>> No.3612144
File: 247 KB, 1013x643, second attempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did this help? or did it make it worse

>> No.3612148

a little bit better but now the cube is totaly off
Fix this and you got the perspective right

>> No.3612164
File: 432 KB, 760x970, John_F._Kennedy_White_House_photo_portrait_looking_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've become enamored by JFK. I used to draw pretty almost non total beginnerly and then stopped for 2 years. First attempt in awhile.

>> No.3612165
File: 125 KB, 524x932, 20180922_132330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempt

>> No.3612167
File: 779 KB, 918x548, circles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go
it isn't 100% right what i did but you get the idea

>> No.3612179

Look up plumb lines, super helpful to getting proportions and positions.

>> No.3612182
File: 321 KB, 1008x756, third time's the charm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third time's the charm?

>> No.3612184

A lot better. The top right cube contour needs to pivot left but overall a nude improvement.

>> No.3612188

Very good the perspective is ok now

>> No.3612210

Every time I finish a drawing I put effort into, I hate it. It doesn't make sense because the entire rest of the time I'm working on it, I feel great and think it looks pretty good.

What causes this? How do I prevent this in the future? Will this always happen?

>> No.3612225
File: 131 KB, 744x912, SCAN0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done with this, moving on and hoping I can apply what I've learned to my next piece. Looking at Reily's method, but I like drawing anime girls too so I don't know if it's worth it to learn.

I find that when I'm drawing I'm not really paying attention to the whole as much as I should. This is why you have to stop yourself after you do some basic construction to make absolutely sure your construction is correct in proportions, perspective and form. At least that's what I've come to learn about myself, who also suffers from the same thing you do.

>> No.3612227


I should add to my post, that because I'm not paying attention to the whole, I feel the individual pieces are great, even though they might not be correctly proportioned, or positioned in relation to the whole.

>> No.3612250

Get his right ear--the attempt at detail makes the lack of a key feature look all the more jarring.

>> No.3612259


>> No.3612266

hey thanks guys. I know it's shit so I really do appreciate the direction rather than, "Yeah, no you are ass."

>> No.3612269

The good news is that you're thinking in tones and not lines. That's already a step ahead of most beginners. However, you DO want to define your measurements in line, generally, followed by placing in the darkest tones and moving up as you model the form. Keep working.

>> No.3612274

So in your opinion. Where should I go from here? As in practice wise. Should I keep attempting on portraits to get better at tones, regardless of how shit they may be? Also sorry for the spoonfeed, but can I get some direction on learning how to define my line measurements?

P.S. Thank you so much man. I really should of never stopped trying at art and I regret it.

>> No.3612323
File: 197 KB, 600x300, 1409612744342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being in terrifying uncanny valley means I'm making progress. r-right?

>> No.3612368
File: 211 KB, 666x1000, Sat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I tried today.. I don't know how to paint in photshop I'm just geussing desu,

>> No.3612372

>can draw non living things fine
>can't draw people worth shit because it looks terrible
>eyes and the stylized jaw/head are my biggest weakness
>instantly demotivated every time I try

>> No.3612448

non-living things are usually easier because it's harder for us to tell what is "correct."

Meanwhile, the human body is something we are entirely hardwired to recognize. We know how a human should look like on average and if it doesn't fit the criteria we can tell almost right away.

Human faces are the hardest things to draw, not because of complexity, but because we know right away when somethings off.

>> No.3612537

So is my assumption to turn my brain off and just practice them even if they're garbage a good one? I mean obviously not just draw whateverthefuck and call it a day, but like draw terrible heads but at least put the features in the correct spot even if I'm bad at said features.

>> No.3612560
File: 340 KB, 1364x1200, knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people say you have to get worse before getting better.

BUT I DONT BELIEVE THEM ;_; WHY ISNT MY ART AS GOOD AS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHH!!!!!! please tell me what i should fix/ what you think looks "wrong"

also does anyone else get like scared when they draw. like you want to fix a part of the drawing but get scared youre going to ruin it? that happens to me every time i draw. i try to stay on one layer and not save multiple files

>> No.3612561

>turn my brain off
No, that's never a good idea. You want to know why you're creating certain lines at all time.

It wouldn't hurt to practice the features of the face individually, such as drawing just eyes, just noses etc...

What it seems you want to do right now is practice construction, construct the face proportionally, in the correct position, and with the same perspective. (Three P's)

How you do this is up to you, I've looked at Bargue plates to draw the individual parts of the face to practice them quickly. I mostly use the loomis method for placing my heads correctly with the three P's. Once I've placed the head correctly I divide the portions into thirds and at that point it's just plumb lines, angles, and tedious grinding to get construction done.

I've found this video in particular to be quite useful in seeing how you should be going about constructing a head. He uses a bit of the Reily method for constructing heads which I'm trying to incorporate at the moment.


>> No.3612565
File: 177 KB, 864x1152, IMG_20180922_192856-864x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying portraits

>> No.3612569
File: 148 KB, 744x1028, SCAN0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fun. Used a reference.

>> No.3612576


>> No.3612584

You didn't even attempt to think of this character as an object in three dimensional space.

>> No.3612589

the background was random and i made it separately and just added it on afterwards

>> No.3612592
File: 70 KB, 1094x583, heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612593

Draw from life.

>> No.3612615
File: 75 KB, 630x855, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know whats going on in my picture

>> No.3612623


You thought you could skip gesture and construction, noticed something was wrong early on, but kept going anyway.

>> No.3612636

>You thought you could skip gesture and construction
where do i learn to do those for anime people i dont care about drawing anything else

>> No.3612637

okay saying shit like this is so unhelpful. the reason people come to beginner threads is because we are bad at construction, were bad at gesture, and drawing from life. you cant just say "USE CONSTRUCTION!!" because we dont even know what that is. i come here because people (sometimes, hopefully) provide details on what we do wrong. for example, telling us the leg is positioned incorrectly, the head it too big, redlining, etc. these things are far more helpful than using vague language and buzzwords, and will actually make us better

>> No.3612640

>you cant just say "USE CONSTRUCTION!!" because we dont even know what that is.

it's explained in the sticky. if you don't even attempt to use construction, how can we help you?

>> No.3612643

I've been trying to draw from life more, but I feel like everything I draw from life looks horrible. I try applying all the fundies I learnt and it still looks like shit. Is this just part of the learning curve? Do drawings from life always looks bad at first?

>> No.3612645

i did attempt to use construction, though. and i obviously got some things wrong.
didn't you guys go to school, or were ever tutored by someone? you should know that dismissing a student and telling him just to just read from the textbook is really detrimental to learning. constructive, detailed criticism is what helps people, along with help from the textbook, if that makes sense. you need both. and you need to step out of bounds and experiment in order to improve

>> No.3612646

What is it specifically you're trying to improve? What do you, personally feel like is off? If you don't have the jargon to describe it. use whatever you can.

>> No.3612647

Loomis, lol. It's not my job to rehash exactly what Loomis covers in every book available free online. If you don't put in the effort, go fuck yourself.

>> No.3612649

No, I read free art books available online and didn't waste other people's time asking to be spoonfed like a fucking retard.

>> No.3612651

You don't. Enjoy being shit.

>> No.3612653


they're called fundamentals because they're fundamental to every kind of drawing. don't skip the sticky, you're just making everything harder for yourself. drawing is hard. people can point you in the right direction, but there's no shortcuts.

>> No.3612655

if you dont want to critique art then why you on an imageboard titled "artwork/critique"??

i don't know what looks off which is why im posting in the beginner thread

>> No.3612656

I will critique art and provide help to people who don't shit on paper and then ask for help when they literally have to read 5 minutes of the most basic intro level book to improve.

>> No.3612657

study hair and burlap

>> No.3612660

it just boggles my mind that there are people like you who will sit in the beginner thread on the artwork critique board and get angry over me. how do you know i haven't read anything about art. how do you know that i haven't practiced and used real models before. because my artwork is bad? oh, you're surprised a beginner is bad?
stop taking out your anger on random people on the internet freak. this conversation is over

>> No.3612662

I was literally better than you are right now within 30 minutes of practicing Loomis, and I am not an artistically-minded person. That's how I know.

>> No.3612663


did you use construction in your artwork?

>> No.3612664

I'm going to be a naughty anon and spoonfeed you because I understand your frustration and desire to improve.

First, start with the sticky as other anons have suggested.
/beg/ sticky is linked in OP post.
/ic/ sticky >>1579290

Then, go to the artbook thread and browse some of the links here for books. >>3599895

The more you look at other /ic/ threads, and the more you hang out in /beg/, the more titles and authors you'll hear suggested in response to technical or artistic problems. Download whatever of theirs is available and try it out.

However, some of the suggested beginner books suck ass. Use Scott Robertson's How to Draw to learn perspective. It includes some technical exercises and good info in chapter 1, so DO NOT skip that section. Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching/Dynamic Bible are basically drawabox but less shit; those will help with construction and form. Loomis is still needed for construction and form but other people like Hampton and Bridgman more. Fpr gesture/figure drawing, I use the Vilppu Drawing Manual. Anatomy for Sculptors by Uldis Zarins is also a fantastic resource.

Keys to Drawing and Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain are still necessary tho, but DRSB includes a lot of psychobabble and self-endorsement in the beginning, but skip it and get straight to the exercises (but read through the exercises so you know what you're focusing on and how it'll help your art).

Don't make me wipe your face after feeding you, too. Go download this shit and draw.

>> No.3612665

He has no desire to improve or he wouldn't be shitposting here, he'd be reading and practicing.

>> No.3612666

But you know something is off. The first step is trying to describe it so you know where to go next.

>> No.3612668

I like to give people the benefit of the doubt the first time. I haven't been here long enough to be so dead inside.

>> No.3612693
File: 139 KB, 1054x1700, its_me_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the composition look okay on this? About to work more on local values and then shadows/highlights to render the forms and such. I really need to push through and finish this, I'm so sick and tired of grinding 24/7 without completing anything.

>> No.3612706

Does learning the fundamentals also teach you how to make pixel art?

>> No.3612712

Absolutely, yes. While they don't necessarily tell you how to go about in a specific medium, traditional or digital, they're broad enough for the knowledge to be applied to it with relative ease. Don't try so hard to avoid them for the sake of jumping directly into what you want to do but instead as stepping stones to make it easier for yourself.

>> No.3612722

Seems fine although I feel like there's not much of interest in the bottom 1/3, you could stand to crop it or add a little something.

>> No.3612728


>> No.3612735

I haven't finished adding it, but it's going to be some more hands and the rest of her body, including her feet. I'm taking the time to study the shape of feet before I try sketching it on.

>> No.3612738

I can't see shit.
On the bottom is just straight brown.

>> No.3612742
File: 158 KB, 1054x1700, its_me_draft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few layers above the initial sketch which I haven't drawn in just yet.

>> No.3612757

dumb drama fags
i already do half that though..ive studied loomis and didnt find his practices helpful and i read a lot of drawing on the right side and vilppu

>> No.3612759

If that drawing with the stiff boy was yours then you're not taking the time to understand what the books are trying to teach you about form and construction. You should look into Hampton or another book to help you with gestures and building blocks in addition to perspective. If you have a better grasp of those three things then you wouldn't have so many people criticizing your work; don't be so dismissive and hasty.

>> No.3612770

imho the feet are boring and kind of an eyesore, the hand is very visually interesting so when put next to the feet, it sort of ruins the appeal.

I suppose keep that in mind for when you add the feet.

>> No.3612772

>i do that half that

Good, then do the other half, retard.

>> No.3612775
File: 45 KB, 588x507, nothatkindoforc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612779

I will. I'm considering adding one more hand on the ball of her foot or making her rest her foot soles up to help guide the eye upwards and not focus too much on her lower half.

>> No.3612781

loomis didn't invent construction. find other teachers. masters have been using simple geometric forms to construct the figure for centuries. there's a reason why you see this technique emphasized so often. drawing becomes much more manageable once you grasp it. you're welcome to draw your own way, but dont be surprised when it takes years to draw a decent figure instead of months.

>> No.3612789

The feet are all that matter. Make them the focal point.

>> No.3612794

that wasnt mine
how could you even get us confused im using a name

>> No.3612810
File: 206 KB, 1000x750, 20180922_210847-1000x750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with week 2 of Dynamic Sketching. Are there any exercises to improve line quality other than "draw over the same line 8 times?" I've been doing a lot of those but still have lots of wobbly lines.

>> No.3612817

ty for the book rec’s i posted the crappy 5 min digital art anime drawing

>> No.3612844

Your lines are pretty great. If anything, continuing with pen and trying to limit yourself to getting your lines done in one stroke will pretty much force your hand into making better quality lines.

>> No.3612861
File: 28 KB, 540x554, 92218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the shading so far? not sure how to detail in the eyebrows yet, should i just use a small hard brush and line them in?

>> No.3612863
File: 30 KB, 399x462, peoplewhorolledforbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3612877

Go away Kyoppi

>> No.3612903

I don't know who Kyoppi is but please give feedback so I can get better.

>> No.3612917

Thanks anon, I'll keep at it

>> No.3612930

wrong thread, you're not a beginner

>> No.3612934

I am where I belong anon, even if that image is actually good and you're not yanking my leg. It's probably one out of a hundred. Please give feedback.

>> No.3612946
File: 113 KB, 744x831, SCAN0113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting together a tactical knight, trying hard to put together various elemnts and working it down. Any tips for doing this or am I on the right track.

Also, any ideas on how to make a cool looking sniper poleaxe thingy. I like the spear point but I'm thinking of replacing it with some sort of barrel from a sniper rifle.

>> No.3612948

You understand form and shading well enough that this is the wrong thread.

>> No.3612949

If he isn't using firearms first and foremost, the tac vest that should have mag pouches but doesn't isn't appropriate.

>> No.3612953

Did you translate this from another language. I think I get what you're saying. The idea is that his weapon is supposed to double as a firearm.

>> No.3612955

he copied a reference from a video game (blade and soul) I don't see how that's anything but beg

>> No.3612961
File: 25 KB, 441x483, 32123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How horrible is my game art?

>> No.3612969

If everything you draw from life doesn't look like it does in real life, big chance your drawings of non-real life are just as bad but you can't see it (perspective gap). You WILL be able to see it if you keep learning the fundamentals and don't give up. If you're drawing so that you can love your own art, it's only logical to practice the fundamentals until your art looks good.

>> No.3612977

I feel you, Anon. I only want to draw anime people too, but you'll get better at drawing anime people if you study the real human body. Please trust me. Think about your practice like you're doing it for the anime art.

I you don't try to improve your fundamentals, and only draw what you want to (anime) you'll find that your improvement will be so very slow. I am 20 years old and this happened to me.

>> No.3612984

Do what I do, study cosplay!

>> No.3612987

A bit of warning though. After that, the next problem you will have is learning how to stylize.

>> No.3612996

Style is never an issue, if you draw cartoons, your style is there, ask anyone who isn't yourself. I feel it's better to not worry about having a unique style, draw what looks good to you and your style will just be a thing other people notice.

>> No.3613032


pls give me critique

>> No.3613045
File: 867 KB, 1548x985, Beforeandafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a before and after version of my latest piece, the first was before I got a critique for it, and they said that I should improve on the values and contrast, and to fix up the contours. The after is me putting in a wider range of values and trying to bring out the contours, as well as getting rid of the scratchy line look. If both aren't good, can you tell me where I'm going wrong?

>> No.3613053

What do you guys mean with symbol drawing? like, "stop symbol drawing eyes" etc.

>> No.3613054

im not 100% familiar on the topic but it has to do with drawing things the way you think they should look, not how they actually look in reality.

>> No.3613057

you should work on the proportions of the head. First of all, the measurements for the eye, nose and mouthline isn't measured in thirds of the face, but is actually in the middle for the eye line, halfway between the eyeline and the chin for the noseline, and halfway between the noseline and the chin for the mouthline.

>> No.3613100

How the fuck do I work through a book that isn't loomis. It seems so much like "here's some lines, now here is a complete figure"

I just feel so lost.

>> No.3613102

Read something easier.

>> No.3613105

like michael hampton

>> No.3613106

Like read the sticky.

>> No.3613116
File: 1.83 MB, 4800x5100, wizard master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did i do?

>> No.3613125

The problems is that you're drawing him after the shot.

>> No.3613129

It's pretty lack luster.

>> No.3613140
File: 1.50 MB, 2448x3264, 20180923_171040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My imagination sucks

>> No.3613141

Sorry for retard-tier question, but when I downloaded the stuff from the artbook thread, all I found was the dynamic bible. are there other videos or books in there that i'm missing?

>> No.3613142

Your values look nice but is that shade in black? If so, try not to do that, shade with a warmer or cooler tone of your base colour.

>> No.3613143

how to draw

>> No.3613147
File: 113 KB, 898x1200, DHZXt42U0AAsQkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613148
File: 36 KB, 400x616, e2024d02ee1f72d3e66e809eeaa4a610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw this.

>> No.3613149

it's not in black but it is kind of too close for comfort I guess. I'll try adjusting it but a lot of refs that I look at for skin kind of trend towards a more ashy color for shadows and I'm not entirely sure why

>> No.3613151


I'm a master draughtsman now, though when I was starting out I too used to try and draw from imagination.. Don't when you're learning, learn form, shape, structure, perspective from ref

>> No.3613154

Looks a bit messy. Maybe try to design the shapes to make it read better. If this is just a quick sketch then you're good in my book.

Don't really understand how hard the light is but maybe the tusks should be casting shadows over his face.
This is a minute detail though don't fuss over it.

>> No.3613155

How so

>> No.3613170

Colors are good, shapes are readable.
It's pretty good when I think about it.
Use a hard brush and draw in the shape of the brows.
Nose looks a bit out of perspective like it's twisting towards the right as it goes forward.
It seems like the features are in perspective with each other but don't work together with the head. You should probably construct the head first so you get a feel for the details. Abstractions like this can be confusing to people who aren't very experienced.
You're good at this, great job.
Don't know if we can help you.
If you have problems you should voice them maybe someone can help you out.

>> No.3613185

Need feedback

>> No.3613187

ah that's really helpful I think the ident/the placement of the left nostril is what is messing up the nose perspective. I tweaked it a bit earlier but didn't post the update, will take another look at it in the morning. I actually did have a sketch layer but I ended up messing around with the head shape in the colors so I'll go back to that and adjust it some more. Thanks!

>> No.3613192

For the wizard I think you made a design error. When you look at the thumbnail he's undefined and mysterious. your drawing keeps his body undefined but adds the face so now he's just stuck between two design ideas. Either give him a more identifiable shape in the body department or hide the face completely. The girl is good from the belt up but going down and including the hips the angles don't feel right. The facing of the planes for the pelvis knees and ankles feels off and unnatural.

>> No.3613193

Lack of structure plus poor perspective.

>> No.3613195

Yes, this basically. Like I said in >>3613192
for the girl. It feels like you're thinking left, right, up, down, but not forward and back.

>> No.3613207

The Dynamic Sketching 1 and 2 video courses are available on cgpeers, which has open signups on the 1st and 15th of every month.

>> No.3613215

People who are unpracticed in drawing tend not to draw what they see, but instead what their brain is interpreting thing as. For an eye, you don't want to just do the "pointed oval with a circle inside"; instead look carefully and draw the actual lines that you're seeing. Eyes are shaped a bit differently than the simplified versions people are used to seeing. Try not to even think "now I'll draw in the eye", but instead "here are the lines I see at this part of the reference". The sticky has an upside-down practice exercise, if you haven't given that a shot yet.

>> No.3613220
File: 81 KB, 480x640, IMG_1336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I decided to try it. I'm struggling right now with getting to minor details. It doesn't help my eyesight is kinda shitty and I can't see the lines I draw unless I do them thick.

>> No.3613223

I don't torrent, my computer is that shit, lol. I was the anon who asked for Hutson's book in a .zip a few threads ago.

Thank you for the info though, will keep it handy.

>> No.3613225

Was meant for >>3613207

>> No.3613228

Focus on the big shapes. If your big shapes are wrong the minor shapes wont fit.

>> No.3613257

Go to school then my dude, we aren't teachers. We can point you in the right direction, and you have no right telling us to do any more.

>> No.3613261
File: 29 KB, 250x285, Dissidia-Revolver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL no offence but just a scope on a halberd? Look at some other gun weapons like this.

>> No.3613262
File: 226 KB, 1000x750, 20180923_063933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but I decided to go ahead and study this too, thanks for posting it. I've been wanting to do a value study and this image inspired me.

This is my first value study ever, so any feedback on areas to improve would be appreciated.

>> No.3613264
File: 405 KB, 1024x640, murasama__metal_gear_rising__by_jackbryanreynard-d7vmhwi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613285

pointless question but, what does the letter grading the pencil lead stand for, H? HB? 2B? also why is there suddenly an F in the middle

>> No.3613287


>> No.3613292

generally for drawing you wanna draw with B or below or you'll have no contrast

>> No.3613334

Just wanted to thank the anon that posted these.
They've leapfrogged my LOOMIS progress by a huge amount by giving me something to shoot for.

>> No.3613336

The lines defining his pectorals, especially towards the outside of the muscles (near the armpits) are WAY too thick.

You should be giving just the barest suggestion of the muscle definition there - really, it should be done with shading and not lines. As it is they look like titties because the thick lines give too much feeling of depth and weight.

>> No.3613338

>How the fuck do I work through a book that isn't loomis
Why would you need any other book than loomis?

>> No.3613342

to learn construction? I thought I had to read books to learn that

>> No.3613346

this but unironically

>> No.3613349

Loomis is fucking trash

>> No.3613353

This a lot of mistakes in his books no feeling of form
and an attitude that comes off as
>Oh look i'm so great i wrote a book
The virgin loomis and the chad hampton

>> No.3613366

I do this but then I’m told I need to start doin pose and construction to save myself time so it doesn’t take 2 hrs to draw something that should take 15 mins but idk what those Are because all I’ve done is “just draw”

>> No.3613368


>> No.3613390
File: 26 KB, 300x250, rcqqwneey5-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone says to study Loomis
Start to read Loomis
>Everyone says that Loomis is shit
I'm confused

>> No.3613391

Literally one shitposter is saying Loomis is bad

>> No.3613419
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 376b893c335f0968eb2bc84fcfa971ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is? When I do stylized stuff I get told to look into proportion tutorials

>> No.3613422
File: 129 KB, 635x617, 61289359028489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from memory

>> No.3613429

Hampton design and invention?

>> No.3613431

Your flow is getting there but your proportions leave a lot to be desired, also the standing figures don't seem to have a sense of balance to them. The foreshortening and gesture of the hand at the bottom left is gorgeous and probably my favorite part about all of them; your lines are also somewhat consistent and not hairy so that's a great thing. I suggest you keep going on but pay special care to the balance of figures and learn a bit more about basic anatomy, construction, and proportional placement of the limbs.

>> No.3613432
File: 281 KB, 576x910, Project1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time ever doing a person on digital drawing

would really love some feedback on this WIP

>> No.3613434

theres a second video course?!
I have cgmw dyanamic sketching with peter han. 6 videos.

god I hate that place I keep getting my account locked due to inactivity.

>> No.3613477

You're welcome mate

>> No.3613497

It would be good if you made it in illustrator
Right now it sucks

>> No.3613501

God damn that's a gross barf color. What the fuck is up with her skin on the chest and neck?
Hurry up and finish this so you can focus on figure drawing instead because this figure is fucking stiff as a board.
The proportions seem human like, so good job on that front.

>> No.3613518 [DELETED] 


woah that leg, that's one crazy optical illusion, I can't tell if it's left or right

>> No.3613538
File: 183 KB, 1000x800, rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate please.

>> No.3613553

pretty nice

>> No.3613557
File: 293 KB, 522x459, trocadero1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to break into digital painting, what do you guys think of this study?

>> No.3613558

The Oji-san is alright, but the girl is missing balance. See bridgman's drawing from life (first pages) for more info.

Could you post reference? It would make it easier to compare.

>> No.3613560

Bridgman drawing from life * sorry.

I like it!

>> No.3613562

Really sloppy - and not in an appealing, intentional way.

>> No.3613565

What a dumb fucking post. Show me an image of an artist being intentionally sloppy while still adhering to the fundamentals.

>> No.3613570

Face is really cute.

>> No.3613573
File: 99 KB, 500x700, john larriva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613585
File: 75 KB, 685x506, a5671-15d77e23e35f7a2c13a5687605ef8b2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613596
File: 1.12 MB, 1440x1967, Screenshot_20180918-000201_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613598
File: 126 KB, 670x1000, 20180923_211909-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2 of Loomis is hard

>> No.3613601

This is awful.

>> No.3613604
File: 495 KB, 657x931, Project2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers for the reply,

the colours of the environment, clothing or neck/chest area are not finished. I am still experimenting with what works together well.

The figure is very stiff, I agree, will try to do something about it and then I will move to tutorials on figure drawing.

What do you think of this work I've finished a while back?

>> No.3613617

I've seen first year high school art students do better.

>> No.3613620

Thumbnail was good but fullview was meh--you're under-rendered.

>> No.3613624

Crits please

>> No.3613635
File: 685 KB, 1440x1058, Screenshot_20180923-215602_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are awful.

>> No.3613637

If I literally shit on a piece of paper it would be enjoyed by more people than this.

>> No.3613639

It's good.

>> No.3613646

basic lines should be on point before adding the details, like the different height of the eyebrows

>> No.3613654

then by all means, do it; be sure to use canson paper

>> No.3613656

i'd suggest you to decrease the wideness of the nose and between the eyes (in the ideological person, there's enough space to fit a third eye between the real eyes). then, you should add more contrast to make it less homogeneous (less grey and more white where there's light, darker the shadows on his right side and under the eyebrows)

>> No.3613712
File: 182 KB, 1000x560, 20180923_133707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 minutes with a broken brush pen. Doing some prep for inktober.

>> No.3613717


you're not a beginner

>> No.3613718

Angles on the right leg make it look broken, you can't tell where the ground is. Her chest is cut into too sharply in the front which makes it look like you used the eraser on the layer she is on.

you went too detailed on the skin on her neck and it just makes her look really old and saggy. Giving the top of the hair more clumps or organic shapes might help.

The tilt of the head makes her look like a dog you just asked a question. As others have said it's stiff.

Where the legs meet the hips looks janky.

>> No.3613721

Fuck Loomis, Study James Gurney if you want to learn to paint.

This doesn't make sense if the sword is in the scabbard then the gun has no barrel....

>> No.3613723

This helps, thank you anon! I might be too far in to fix the anatomy issues but I'll see what I can do and definitely keep it in mind for the future.

Do you think if I darken the greys, that the lights will look better, or should I just go ahead and erase what I have? The grey parts are pretty light IRL so I'm worried about erasing them.
I was using my darkest pencil for the dark parts, too. I'll have to look into if there are darker pencils than 8B, in order to up the contrast on the darks. I also felt my darks didn't quite make it so I'm glad you confirmed it.

>> No.3613724

I feel pretty beginner though, despite drawing and painting for years.

pic related is my average between game doodles.

desu Brushpens and some cheap grey alcohol makers just make you look 733t

>> No.3613725
File: 189 KB, 1328x747, 20180923_114349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There ya go.

>> No.3613729

You're not a beginner.

>> No.3613732

You're clearly naturally talented but you should focus more on fundamental construction to ensure every drawing has real form

>> No.3613738
File: 158 KB, 699x1000, 20180923_230816-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much fun with a pencil

>> No.3613740
File: 412 KB, 420x314, exquisite.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3613741
File: 1.18 MB, 1100x1112, jjdiff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe my 5th painting

>> No.3613743

Don't be afraid to put more detail in. You're not bad.

>> No.3613744
File: 56 KB, 540x720, tumblr_pfj18ygZsW1vv9k1i_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing around two weeks ago, trying to get the basics, drawing from the references threads in here.
This one i tried to draw from scratch with only a few pictures of the comic joker just to get some of his features right.
The thing is, i wanted him to have a more menacing look,any tips on how to make him look more menacing? like i wanted him to have a look that says ''come on....you know you want to kick my ass''

>> No.3613749


>> No.3613750

Get the form and proportions correct and then add menacing details. It doesn't matter what you do if the proportions are this off.

>> No.3613752

you know this isn't /v/,right?

Thanks for the tip, i might have fucked up the proportions by trying to give him an enlongated face.

>> No.3613760

What are some good resources for construction stuff?

Draw a box or something?

>> No.3613766


>> No.3613767

can i be a bother and ask specifically what Loomis, Hampton, Bridgman books apply for drawing (constructing?) human bodies

>> No.3613770

Not the dude you're replying to, but I honestly hate Loomis for construction, at least for fun with a pencil. He's just trying to show that even if you suck at drawing, you can still make that funky shape a head or a body as long as you put features on it. But he doesn't really explain where to put them all that well.

Hell, this parody video has more construction tips than Loomis does.

>> No.3613771

Loomis has several books that deal with construction.

>> No.3613774

Hence why I said >at least for fun with a pencil

Most people pick that up as their first loomis, and it fucks things up.

>> No.3613775

Does anyone know why my lines in Paint Tool SAI are blurry even though I have a large resolution and a good width and height?
Also please post your standard canvas settings if possible.

>> No.3613779


>> No.3613791

Yep. This guy seems to have uploaded most of if not all of it, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9_A6i595wM

>> No.3613798

lmfao, are you sure you're qualified to do redlines yet?

>> No.3613802

Dpi doesn't show up as an option for me,any idea where I can find it?

>> No.3613808
File: 126 KB, 692x1028, SCAN0114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaborated on it, I did think it looked silly. The long barrel of the polearm made it would hybridize better with a sniper rifle of sorts.

>> No.3613810

use Krita

>> No.3613821

oh ive watched that one. so same stuff really. thanks for replying. thought if missed something big.
I like watching him draw the animals. when he breaks them down to simpler shapes.

>> No.3613837

Nice, make the axe head detachable, it would look strange if it stayed on when using the sniper since it would end up weighing in one side. Maybe it could even detach as a smaller axe.

>> No.3613839
File: 151 KB, 864x1152, IMG_20180923_202538-864x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's study

>> No.3613866

Ditch the outline around the lips. The bridge of the nose also looks unnaturally thin; it fans out starting at the corners of the eyes

>> No.3613889

Thank you, I seem to outline the mouth heavily out of habit and it's very annoying, definitely a trouble area for me at the moment. I'll focus in on nose and mouths more for the next while.

>> No.3613899
File: 3.23 MB, 3024x3356, IMG_20180923_152800_551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acrylic on canvas board

>> No.3613901

I think you're generally wasting time with these. Make 5 min sketches max you should probably learn more.

>> No.3613909

I enjoy making them :(
You're right though, I started on drawabox this evening and I plan on doing a lesson a day after college and keep myself sane with a for fun sketch here and there. For now.

>> No.3613920

If you enjoy them do them but they can't be your base.

>> No.3613922

I stand corrected, fuck. But at the very least, the artists comply to fundamentals and the sloppy appearance is mostly a result of the tools/media they're using.

>> No.3613924

Is there some kind of art gauntlet I can do? an Incrementally more difficult series of tasks/challenges all in one place? I didn't see anything quite like that in the wiki.

Also are there any good hangouts/group chats to chill in while you draw? I've seen a few discord links thrown around but they either seemed to be a niche I'm not in or just dubious

>> No.3613927

Honestly, I feel like there was no direction for this piece. Composition and texture are the only things that are worthy of some praise here. The colors, values, and shapes are all pretty lacking. It doesn't seem interesting at all, it feels like it has no purpose to exist.

>> No.3613929

It's just loose. It has more energy.
Fully rendered images to the minute detail with pinpoint precision are boring and dead.
Compare Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta.
No matter how well rendered Vallejo's figures are a Frazetta will have infinitely more energy.

>> No.3613946

Waited a whole day to hear this exact correction.

>> No.3613980

literally just use the ellipse tool. fucking hell why are your lines still so shit? you didnt even construct the perspective did you? this is why you havent improved at all eric

>> No.3613981

It's more of a quick sketch but I can def make the shapes and structure more clean and clear. And oh yes, forgot about the cast shadow! Will work on those things, thank you.

>> No.3613983


>> No.3614026
File: 2.21 MB, 4000x5500, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... thoughts?

>> No.3614048
File: 244 KB, 989x813, anatomy comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going for a more exaggerated super hero look on the right and the left is basic anatomy practice. I'm going to try to be more patient when drawing. I jump to conclusions often.

>> No.3614053
File: 1.14 MB, 1789x1058, 2018923_211658131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got bored doing homework and doodled this.
Am I any good?

>> No.3614055 [DELETED] 

You 12?

>> No.3614068
File: 223 KB, 1200x954, archer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

positioning of the bow hand is off (see pic)
face looks great, no complaints there
would probably add some smaller highlight/lowlight lines on the clothes like you did for the hair

>> No.3614079

yea. how about resizing your images

>> No.3614086
File: 32 KB, 541x541, 92318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucked around with the face shape/nose a lot, not sure if its better or worse bc ive been staring at it for way too long. thoughts on the hair placement? think i mightve fucked the perspective on the hair/face already.

>> No.3614092
File: 1.42 MB, 2448x3264, 20180924_110017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried measuring it

>> No.3614103
File: 27 KB, 400x600, assistedexp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im new to digital and Ive been watching how-tos with the software im using (medibang) and i have zero clue how to color in the flash to make this look good.

>> No.3614114
File: 171 KB, 500x460, 100_5455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up picture of camera flash
>Grab soft brush
>Paint camera flash

It's not that hard. Just know your lighting's gonna have to match it though. Look at what flashes in photography do to a picture as a second light source.

>> No.3614124

No, keep trying. Stop shading you're not there yet.

Not that anon but you need to understand that your pencil marks denote the perspective of the form. You need to draw it as if you're tracing over the form, not just scribble wildly in different directions. Also a change in value (shading) is a change in form. Some need to be hard, some need to be soft. You need to softly outline your hard edges and make sure you're not flattening out your shit by scribbling like that.

Also you're not even in the stage for shading anything in yet. You're still supposed to be blocking in your lines and doing proportion checks. Clean them up, erase your stupid shading marks completely. Get your lines down right first and foremost or this is going to make you suffer.

>> No.3614126

That's better. The more you do it, the more you'll be able to do it intuitively. Measuring is a bitch, but eventually you start being able to "see" naturally.

>> No.3614181
File: 305 KB, 589x450, F8FE0367-CA17-4D64-B925-2E78620F8378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is hard:(

>> No.3614188

Blog? This is some good stuff.

>> No.3614189
File: 126 KB, 744x994, SCAN0115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something I'm working on, anything wrong with construction that I'm missing. Red arrows are two problems I found on mirroring the image.

1. Spear point is bending
2. Head is kind of slanting a bit at the top

>> No.3614224
File: 426 KB, 1539x1925, peachy Aigis .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this one earlier today for a request

i feel like the sketch turned out much better than the coloured version

>> No.3614228

Try adding some lighting.

>> No.3614245

So can you post those and some other construction resources?

I am willing to try putting in the work, I feel like people just spout loomis as a bad meme.

>> No.3614273
File: 431 KB, 1200x912, Claustrophobic Nightmare for Upload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've experimented a lot in it trying to see what works and what doesn't. Overall the general idea was to portray some sort of decay. But I think I got really sloppy towards the end. Not used any external textures or anything like that, it's all manually crafted, which again might be a part of the problem you pointed out.

This is the second piece I've done after that tree, what do you think?

>> No.3614275
File: 172 KB, 1328x747, 20180923_232736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more beg shiz.

RIP hands and feet.

>> No.3614277

Fun with a pencil is a meme, sure. But he does have some better books, like figure drawing for all it's worth, and well pretty much every other book.

And not gunna lie, the Manga Sketching Style series is actually pretty fucking decent.

book 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?04dtkbqoy3shy82

book 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?gl0nm24qvq89l8b

book 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?1a2sentnvev2o5s

book 4: http://www.mediafire.com/?5799rg68e70exjf

book 5: http://www.mediafire.com/?tnkhcbktqv0n2n8

>> No.3614278

i think you should try to draw them in even if theyre going to "ruin" the piece, since you can only ever get better by practicing

>> No.3614293
File: 119 KB, 668x961, kys1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun With a Pencil is a meme
>Here, have this watered down Jap shit instead

>> No.3614294
File: 48 KB, 636x466, kys2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeaboos are so retarded it's actually mind-boggling

>> No.3614299

For the record the How to Draw Manga books are actually pretty good, but disparaging FWAP when you've never read it is just dumb, it's literally the same shit just with old people instead of uwu girls. There's literally nothing wrong with it. "FWAP is a meme" is a fuckin' meme supreme. That book touches up on almost everything.

>> No.3614304

I'll do that and more studies in the morning.

>> No.3614315

Where's your book/manga tard?

>> No.3614415

is it generally speaking fine to ask for redlinings of our art, or is that too much to request?

>that crown
are you from /v/

>> No.3614439

It's just a scabbard that uses an AR-15 receiver and 5.56 blanks to eject the sword at incredibly hihg speed

>> No.3614443
File: 1.53 MB, 1792x2560, A1Z-ksohk9L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This a good book to start with?

I want my foundations to be soild

>> No.3614531

forget all the memes,

the only good book for beginners is Wei Xu's Drawing in the Digital Age: An Observational Method for Artists and Animators

>> No.3614548

shut up crab

>> No.3614579

That wouldn't work. It would eject the sword about 5-10ft in front of the person at an incredibly low speed. There's no way to contain the pressure of the blank, and the sword is ridiculously heavy compared to a 55gr 5.56 round.

>> No.3614634

Who cares man it's cool, it's gook magic for all I care not every design needs to work irl

>> No.3614649
File: 659 KB, 881x1079, 5C2D7D9A-C24B-43F5-9CAC-4F5CA6845E64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3614651

looks breddy gud. big toe is legit, the others look noodly tho (especially pinky).

>> No.3614654

too early to tell. try doing something harder with a reference so we can see

>> No.3614657

>you 4months after SS+GOMAD
srs tho good job

>> No.3614658

seems sweet to me, just polish it like you did the face and it will all fit together nicely.

>> No.3614659
File: 115 KB, 1080x1015, received_2152845911623741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /beg/, I have a pretty good idea to blend fitness with my daily art practice, looking for second opinions on its validity as a practice method for I am just a beginner.

I call it the "Stretch and Sketch"

This idea came to me when I grew tired of poorly trying to understand and capture gesture from images using sites like quickpose.com because it's difficult to understand motion from a static image as a beginner.

My solution?

participate in a 10-20 minute yoga practice via youtube, rewatch the video but this time capturing the gestures in the asanas performed.

here's why I think it could help me (and possibly others)

- allows the artist to move through the pose on their own and get a feel of their body by acting out the pose before drawing it

- variety of difficult and easy poses to draw, so it is always a challenge

- Allows you to clearly visualize the rhythm and movement in the pose (twisting, pinching, lengthening) through the flow of the practice.

- some branches of yoga i.e. yin yoga, hold poses from 30 seconds up to 2 minutes; giving you enough time to capture detail.

Cons are that some yogis on youtube move through their practices a little fast and you may have to pause on occassion, apart from that I cant think of any other cons.

Any thoughts?

pic unrelated, just a cool turtle.

>> No.3614663
File: 97 KB, 1055x664, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I getting the basics of perspective right, /beg/?

>> No.3614665
File: 146 KB, 1200x900, hairstyles-jld6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about anon?
Just draw.

>> No.3614670

owlturd is proof you can make a comic about anything with the bare minimum talent needed and still get followers.

>> No.3614673

Can't say I dislike the turtle.

>> No.3614685

>triggering /k/ommandos

>> No.3614699

im only suggesting a possible method to those who find tactile methods of teaching valuable.

I personally find that with learning gesture and just relying on visual and auditory instruction wasn't enough for me so i found that when I actually stand up and do the pose that I'm drawing, I have a better feel for the motion that goes into it and where on the body the force is pushing/pulling etc.

then again, what do I know. I'm just a noob.

>> No.3614737

Your boxes look distorted because the two vanishing points are too close together, try doing it again with greater distance between your points, then your boxes will look great.

>> No.3614794

Yeah, i tend to go around draw threads for ideas

>> No.3614797

Is making this shit actually useful?
It looks like it's just a boring thing that you copy over and over until it looks fairly good

>> No.3614811
File: 56 KB, 640x853, hb02u7kqw3o11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3614827

Sounds cool, might try it

>> No.3614892

You know, if you read past the initial intro chapters there, it gets in to a fuckton of detail about actual anatomy

>> No.3614917
File: 817 KB, 1040x1386, 1537816555240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn didn't see /beg/ was up posted in draw thread as well... That said, eyes are hell...

>> No.3614931
File: 38 KB, 479x300, B053BD87-F601-4667-935C-9E8D6D1447C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks for real.
This is the first thing I have posted ever online for criticism.
I spent the mot time on the big toe and then got frustrated with the amount of time to get the other toes right.
I have an eye appointment next Monday to get glasses so I’m stoked and then I’ll have no more excuses.
I have a new found respect for ANYONE who tries actual drawing... whether or not they get it right or it looks good.
Shit is hard but will be worth it.
Here’s some Daniel Sprick just because.

>> No.3614953
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180924-164247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello I have a study I'm copying, it's sloppy and those plates on the right are ugly as hell, anything else you see that could help improve it?

>> No.3614973

Do YOU think it's useful?

>> No.3614978

The idea behind this exercise is to make you understand to draw, or at least visualize the entire form instead of drawing just what's on the surface. Drawing the behind the scene's is just as important as drawing what is in the final product. Try to use your brain to think critically why you're doing exercises, if you still think it's useless then don't bother.

>> No.3614981
File: 280 KB, 586x453, 01922351-E626-4AFF-BE86-A6866D7376ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m using this as a drawing/value study for an oil painting study just because I need to start somewhere.
I already fucked up the drawing/ values but fuck it...... slopping paint on a canvas will magically fix all my errors I’m sure!
Here’s a skewed drawing of a silver bowl.
My eclipse up top is lopsided.
It’s funny, I know values are a thing to see and get right but actually doing it is another thing altogether.

>> No.3614992



>> No.3615072
File: 186 KB, 744x912, close them teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man. I don't know if you're still browsing the thread, just thought I'd drop a tip with the very little knowledge I've accumulated.
When it comes to portrait drawing, the teeth are one of the few times where you don't want to draw exactly what you see. When you outline the individual teeth you're left with the picket-fence kind of teeth you see in your sketch. I did a quick touch-up with the spot healing brush in PS to hopefully show what i mean. It's a small change, but I think it helps diminish that uncanny valley effect.

>> No.3615130

just draw. stop overthinking things while you're a beginner and think you're doing something revolutionary. the more you do, the less you actually put pen to paper

>> No.3615172

really? because with this method I've actually drawn more with more effectiveness rather than aimlessly grinding boxes every time I sit to draw.

I must just be weird then

>> No.3615348
File: 942 KB, 2160x2160, 20180924_161531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surgery took me out of my shitty paperboy job. Decided to go back to school and am currently 3 weeks into my third attempt at the local figure drawing course w/out financial aid.

Really hope it's worth it.

>> No.3615351
File: 798 KB, 1080x1645, 20180924_184245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same model

>> No.3615353
File: 632 KB, 1080x1444, Screenshot_20180924-184217_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torso study

>> No.3615355
File: 1.34 MB, 2160x2160, 20180905_155327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also got a few generalized muscle diagrams and shit we copy and put in our notebooks if anyone wants them. Lemme know

>> No.3615440

hey if it works for you bud, more power to ya

>> No.3616554

kinda ugly if im honest.
who fucking cares