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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3461987 No.3461987 [Reply] [Original]

Q&A thread

ask questions

>> No.3461990

Thank you but next time link all general threads and 1 good meta thread.

>> No.3461999

Sorry, I'll keep that in mind next time.

Draw thread: >>3457308
Alternative art/style thread: >>3461943
Porn thread: >>3458609
Anime Study thread: >>3458653
Artbook thread: >>3441637
Sketchbook thread: >>3454530

Not sure what you mean by meta thread though.

>> No.3462009

not getting an answer in the DT
is it bad to use quick figures from imagination as warmup?

>> No.3462069

Not at all. If it works for you then by all means go ahead.

>> No.3462085

Question: is that a desk for babies or is that girl a giant?

>> No.3462102

Yeah it's off. At least those legs looking good.

>> No.3462121

im on it

>> No.3462149

How do you go from life to stylizing the colors and such like in the OP image? As far as I'm aware, human skin doesn't really look like that. Also how do you render the textures of the wooden floor?

>> No.3463394

Is there a way to apply smoothing to the lasso tool in CSP?

>> No.3463755

How can I draw good lookibg li es? Also how in the world am I supposed to draw straight lines in digital? Use the line tool?

>> No.3463773

getting into copics

bought cool grays and neutral

c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 and c8

along with the starter sketching grays for neutral.

what colors should i be working on collecting from now on? or should i just buy those copic sets ( A, B etc),

>> No.3463954


You can draw straight lies by never drawing a thing and go around on /ic/ pretending that you do.

>> No.3463960

I want to work with concept art and design, but live in europe where most art schools teach you to do pic related. I'm probably going to have to study abroad to find a good school, but don't know a lot about the process.

What's the process like for finding a good design school?

>> No.3463969

What european art schools teach you to do pic related? I want to attend there.

>> No.3463991
File: 184 KB, 580x1562, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need advice for learning to draw from the elbow or shoulder; currently suffering from mild wrist pains after drawing every day for a month.
Pic is a 15 minute sketch of mine, as you can see I try to go for small details and clean lines, and the movement required for those short, accurate lines usually has me using my wrist and fingers as the pivot. Should I just try drawing bigger or more zoomed in? I don't really wanna change my whole style just cause of some temporary pain.

Also any tips for healing wrist/hand pains in general would be appreciated.

>> No.3463996
File: 48 KB, 588x427, starbucks-barista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm braindead

>> No.3463998

As far as I know, you sort of need your wrist for fine detail and careful strokes. Try stretching, resting, changing up your workflow.

>> No.3464009

whats your discord, you really remind me of myself

>> No.3464064

I don't give away discord but my username on twitter and tumblr is yoshimisart

>> No.3464085

Check out their student work and who works there. Brainstorm for example has a ton of high profile concept artists. There's CGMA, there's Gnomon, Art Center, FZD, and a lot more.

>> No.3464103
File: 459 KB, 760x960, frignegirl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had to give someone one resource to learn digital painting(photoshop) with what would you give them?

>> No.3464104


>> No.3464166

I looked at FZD, but they want to have a look at your work and I'm not that far yet. Besides, it's only one year of schooling, so it would seem logical to work on my fundamentals before going there so that I could focus more on the design aspects and networking.

>> No.3464367

Do Sai and clip studio paint licenses expire or is it buy them from site then have them forever?

>> No.3464379

Forever for both.

>> No.3464473

Just pirate them.

>> No.3464490

learn squared

>> No.3464505

How do I draw figures in perspective, KJG style? I know, use boxes etc etc but I cant figure it out, any tips?

>> No.3464519

click, shift click?

>> No.3464530


>> No.3464554

Where and how

>> No.3464770

look for illustration programs instead of fine art ones, silly

>> No.3464788

Does the difference between western and eastern scripts have a significant impact on the way drawings look between western and eastern countries?

>> No.3465848

Might be a stupid question. Should I study the male figure even if I don't care about it? I want to draw cute girls

>> No.3465855

you don't have to, but it wouldn't hurt you

>> No.3465879

How do I make two models of different size in DesignDoll without having to manually scale every body part?

>> No.3466310
File: 182 KB, 1295x918, 1503461892655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pirated photoshop, but the brushes don't show their textures on a transparent layer; only when they're drawn on top of another color. What's wrong/how to fix?

>> No.3466319

What's better for building a visual library of the human form: drawing from direct observation, or committing to memory the image of a subject by just intently looking at it without drawing it at first, and then attempting to replicate it on paper without the subject at hand?

>> No.3466326

Not that i know what I'm talking about but apparently the anatomical forms of a man are more obvious/less subtle than women's so by just studying girls it might take you longer to get what you're looking at.

>> No.3466340

I just want to draw simple/cute characters, like you see in drawthreads. Every artist I know that draws cute characters can actually draw really well too, though.

Should I be practicing cute characters or actually learning how to really draw (from life)?

>> No.3466355

Everything is connected. Draw what you want and use the stuff in the sticky as supplement. You might get more interested in the real physical nature of things by accident that way and choose to spend more time on the latter than the former.

>> No.3466487

Don't push through the pain.

Seriously, I have tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and a fucked ulnar. I pushed through the pain because I thought it would go away. It didn't, it got worse.

Rest, ice, compression, elevation. Take a steady dose of ibuprofen. Do stretches, keep your shit in a brace, stay hydrated and sleep a lot.


Take at least a week off, probably more. Ease into it, and if anything hurts, stop.

>> No.3466640
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What's the name of this kind of animation?

>> No.3466657
File: 513 KB, 1478x2048, Cute Pearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this pearl.. What colors would look good with her?..

>> No.3466659


>> No.3466681
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>> No.3466836

How does one apply what they've learned from Keys to Drawing towards imaginative and creative drawing? Do you combine observation with construction drawing while studying something?

>> No.3466837

Write down the Keys to Drawing and remember them by heart. You will understand as you continue to use them.

>> No.3466889

Noted thanks. Also what are some more effective ways to practice? I'm going to try my hand and doing some drawing outside rather than staying couped up in my computer all day.

>> No.3466894

Why are so many young artists weeb shitsa these days? And why has furfag art been slowly getting normalized and accepted as not a fetish?

>> No.3466926
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Have a question that's part of another question.. I'm 25 years old and looking to start putting in 5-7 hours if not more a day in order to improve my drawing skills. I haven't went to college since I've been out of high school, I am on the fence if I should look into doing college for art or if I'd be better off learning at home with videos, books, etc. Which choice would be best? I would like to be able to draw anime/manga style very similar to how my uploaded image looks as reference, but still not limit myself to that style if I were to be hired anywhere within the states.

My other question based on the info above.. Is there any different study material or different ways to learn what I'm interested in that isn't going through the order of books in the sticky? (framed perspective, figure drawing/anatomy, framed ink, color & light, how to render.) I'm perfectly fine with using those, I just wanted to be sure if there was anything special to practice along with those?

I understand the time that will be needed to improve and even though I'm fairly old, I've fully decided that I want draw for my work.

>> No.3466931
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This is a drawing I recently did to give an idea of where my skill is currently sitting at. I'm not happy with a few things for the body, perspective and I don't really know what the hell I'm doing with shadow and lighting if I were to add it to this.

>> No.3466990

nvm, I figured it out. Had to load the brushes as a preset.

>> No.3467001

>these days
you were young then. everything has always been terrible.

how bout orange and peach

>> No.3467089

Bumping for an answer

>> No.3467212

What are some practical tips/advices for someone starting from ground zero? I know that to become decent at drawing cute animu waifus isn't as easy as it seems but I'm a long time decent pianist/keyboardist so let's say that I'm already used with grinding in learning art lol, please tell me some practical tips you will give to beginners. Thank you very much

>> No.3467255


>> No.3467256

I will not help you

>> No.3467258

If you have the funds to go to art school I say go for it. Art school is great for improving your skills.
Research around first before deciding on where to go. Always check on works of people who have graduated.

I don't know if you know this most anime/manga artist actually study anatomy and stuff just like the rest of us. The thing is they don't like to show it because they are embarrassed to show the crappy looking studies they drew.

I like to draw anime too. Something I like to do is draw figures from ref. Of people running, boxing, etc. And draw my waifus face on top of it. Like for example a drew Rem from Re:zero doing a cross counter to Emilia. I get to do figure drawing and anime drawing at the same time. Its still shitty but it's kinda fun drawing my waifus doing dumb stuff like that.

>> No.3467370

Thanks for the info, I haven't looked too far into schools yet but I live in IL and know Chicago has something. I'm actually going to be hitting up a 2nd hand book store in the area this weekend and have been writing down recommended books for study in the mean time while I'm still drawing and waiting to figure out more info on my schooling. What exactly would I be looking around for, I take it stay away from fine arts with what I want out of art? Anyone have good experience with any certain online program courses?

Also I'm pretty new to browsing around on /ic/ compared to other boards, but I saw there's a thread focused towards doing anime/manga style and have read through that. It seems that even people over there have started to figure out that those artists in japan do use anatomy or at least make the most use in their fundamentals.

Would you say that it's useful to try copying the anime look and style of a favorite artist along the same time of going through fundamentals? I take it that when doing figure drawing that practicing anime faces is okay? (maybe not too over exaggerated with crazy huge eyes and stuff that'll make it more confusing?)

>> No.3467392

What is some cheap cotton watercolor paper

>> No.3467413
File: 701 KB, 1196x1640, wfeifeifey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, similar anon here. Endgoals are about the same, I want to make comics and draw like mangaka like Yusuke Murata and Kohei Horikoshi. Pic is a recent 15 minute study I did so you can decide if you wanna listen to my advice or not.

Anyway, I tried doing college but I didn't really feel it was worth the money or time investment. It's true art classes will teach you fundamentals and will help you improve, but having to work in mediums I knew I wasn't gonna use in future work, drawing in styles that were opposite of my goals, and having arbitrary drawing quotas to meet every week didn't feel like the right direction. I stopped going to college, eventually found /ic/ and its abundance of resources for self teaching, and learned all about the fundies and shit. With all that in mind I've just been practicing everyday and the gains are there. Would there have been more gains if I stayed in college? I can't say, but I feel this has been better.

Anyway, what I can recommend to you is read up on /ic/'s shit and all of its /beg/ guides. Go through the fundies and learn what they're trying to teach you about drawing at its core. Read all those books you listed, go on youtube and go through the big art channels like Proko, Sinixdesigns, KNKL, ModernDayJames, etc etc.
After that, focus in on your endgoals and figure out what you're gonna have to learn to reach those goals. Set up benchmarks you can reach in a reasonable timeframe and start practicing everyday. For exercises, there's a handfull I like doing. Photo studies, redrawing old drawings, going thorugh pixiv/danbooru and doing studies of good drawings you find and redraws of bad drawings you find, studies of comics and manga you like, redrawing comic strips you find online. Just a couple hours of practice everyday and the gains will come. I'd say you're almost there, with some anatomy and aesthetic improvements you'd be in the upper ranking of /alt/ artists.

>> No.3467414

What do you do now if you don't go to school? Are you a NEET? Also do you have a blog?

>> No.3467419
File: 85 KB, 427x255, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly where and how am I supposed to draw the side circle?

>> No.3467421

Doesn't matter as you'll see as you keep reading. Some people have wide faces. Some people have thin faces.

>> No.3467437

I have been NEETing, although I heavily recommend having a part time job. Assuming you sleep 8 hours a day, drawing 16 hours a day is unrealistic and unhealthy. It's overall more productive to dedicate 4-5 hours of that timeframe to a job and make some money, especially if you're not getting commissions or have patreon.
blog's https://twitter.com/yoshimisart

>> No.3467454

>Yusuke Murata
Thanks for the info man, I'm all open for advice. I tend to hear that very same thing from many other artists with college, that it tends to not do much for them. (anatomy and figure life drawing seem to be the most useful parts they note from their college days.) I'm still doing research into courses and schools but I've been feeling as if I'd almost be better off with doing my own study from books, online videos and maybe add in some online programs that touch up on certain things.

Been writing down and saving all the useful info from guides that I've been finding here on /ic/. There's a lot to take in, but the more I practice and continue to draw with these guides and study material, the more easier things will just click as I'm going through it. At least I hope so

Have you tried any online art program courses? If so anything that sticks out specially? I've seen a little bit of info on what I assume is over seas online courses that seem to target the style of anime/manga, but most likely requires understanding of Japanese, Korean or Chinese to mess with those.

I feel like I could do studies and practice on my own on a daily basis, but maybe having a good online course that's directed towards at least the fundamentals to go along with my other study would be a good way for me to learn. Currently I've been in NEET mode for the last so many years and I kick myself for not putting more time into this earlier. I will have to get me a part time job again soon to help with funds, but for now I can make use of anywhere between 6-9 hours of drawing. Might as well take full use of that time now, before I'll have to shave it down to 5-6 hours with a part time job. Also thanks for the encouragement anon, although I still feel I'm lacking in a lot still before I'd be more happy with my drawings. I look forward to catching your updates on drawing on here over time, by the way.. how long have you been doing studies and practice on a steady basis?

>> No.3467511
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I just never went on a lot of art sites before, I guess. I mean, I used to go on early 2000s dA quite a bit, but anime art back then seemed better and less often over sexualised. Maybe I just didn't pay attention until weeb shit art went to.... Well, shit. Kind of a big shame.

>> No.3467556

I've never tried any online courses or anything, but like I said I have read through a good amount of art books and gone through almost every big art tutorial vid on Youtube. I won't stop you from taking courses or anything, some do look worth the time and I periodically consider returning to college for a figure drawing class or something similar.

As for practice, I've been drawing for a couple years but only started studying seriously bout 9-10 months back. I did a lot of DrawABox, always spent warm ups doing basic shapes and some perspective exercises. Also bean exercises and 2-minute gesture exercises off quickposes. Been struggling to draw draw daily this year but started doing pretty well as of last month.

As for fundamentals, I'd say you just have to get an understanding of core principals they're trying to teach you and with that you could practice however you want. Understanding form, anatomy, perspective, etc. It's all about working from the basics up.

>> No.3467559

Can anyone suggest the most lucrative areas I can go in to? I currently have a job where I do illustration for a living and I also do traditional commissions, but I never quite tapped into the online market. I'm making enough to live very comfortably in an upper-class neighbourhood but I'd be a fool not to try to make even more with patreon and online commissions. I've been upping my digital game recently and I've been experimenting with styles I haven't done before (anime stuff). So far I've done good doing traditional western stuff but I see so much money in this other shit I just have to try in my free time. What's the most paid/in demand? Post examples and artists I can look at.

>> No.3467564

Gotcha, I'll do some research on some online programs that'd help, along side my own study I'll be doing. Also it's good to know how long you've been studying to give me a idea of things, I've drawn off and on through my life but never buckled down on fundamentals. So hopefully with the time spent into doing fundamentals, practice and study will show some improvement within a time frame similar to that.

Thanks for being really helpful with info, I've been trying to cram my head with a good idea on how to start my full focus on taking this serious lately.

>> No.3467720

Are there any problems with learning to draw in tablet (not paper) directly as a beginner? I understand that there aren't any cheats to be good at drawing but digital seems way more convenient to clean/undo mistakes/choose colors etc unless we purposely intent to draw in canvas

>> No.3467732

Different people will tell you different things. IMHO, the latency on even the best digital setups will never beat the real and tangible immediacy of graphite or ink touching paper. But I don't understand how you even came in this position? How do you already have a graphic tablet but don't know how to draw? If you bought it then you made the grave mistake of focusing on the material rather than skill. Start with pen and paper, is my advice to you, but if you already have a tablet then play around on both but focus your fundamentals and improvement on paper.

>> No.3467751

I would say do both but mostly paper. You have to eventually learn to use software and a tablet but you don't want to do that at the same time as learning fundamentals it will just slow you down so paper would be better for that.

>> No.3467762

How do I translate real life to 2d with a style?

>> No.3467901

what's a good non jewtube/twitch streaming website for streaming drawing?
namely, looking for one without orwellian policies to curttail speech

>> No.3467962

Yes copying styles of your favorite anime artist is useful. Do it along side your fundamentals so you can practice drawing anime too. If you're going to draw anime faces however you have to study anime heads only because the proportions are a little different than realistic ones. For figure drawing you don't need to worry too much just draw the body normally and slap an anime head on there for funsies.

If you really want to draw anime right. You need to study a lot of anime. Watch a lot of anime. Look at a lot of anime and draw a lot of anime. Most artist think anime is easy just draw big eyes add pink hair and you're done. No. Anime is much more complicated than that. Moe factor and tropes take years to study to get it right. If you do anime alongside your funniest you'll make it in no time. Hope my answer helps you and good luck.

>> No.3467971

From zero?
Draw your waifu a lot along side studying fundamentals.
Don't focus on one thing for too long.
Start out broad. For example if you want to draw anime. You should start out doing figure drawing first once you get good at figure drawing then you can go do individual body parts head arms leg etc. Meanwhile drawing anime alongside those studies.

>> No.3467981
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To do this right you gotta really visualize the circle as a sphere. Cutting the sphere on the side really depends on how wide or narrow you want the face to be.

>> No.3467982

based chickenscratch fun with a pencil exercise poster

>> No.3468023

Thanks for the info anon! I'll keep that in mind and try to make the most out of it.

>> No.3468190
File: 6 KB, 284x177, desktop dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into digital drawing, but first I need a PC Trouble is, I can't find any tutorials into making a computer for digital drawing. How strong is my pc supposed to be? What parts matter the most? I got 700$ that I can spend for desktop and monitor.

>> No.3468191

With gouache, should I make darker values with black and lighter values with white or there is another way ?

>> No.3468193


Here you go anon

>> No.3468455

>Don't focus on one thing for too long
Why? Do you mean that I shouldn't overdetailing too much?

My music teacher used to say that I should pass certain standards (which are reachable only by grinding lol) in all music lessons/homeworks/materials before moving on to the next ones, so more or less my purposes to grind everyday are 50% to pass standards for previous lessons and 50% to learn new materials, once I pass that previous lessons the once new materials will be the previous lessons ones and then he gave me another new materials to learn. When I'm not being taught by teachers my practices goes more or less that way too. This is just my understanding in learning art through music though but I figured that the only differences in learning to draw are the methods, muscle/brain memory, and raw skills/fundamentals, the mindset to approach learning is more or less the same

Also thanks for your explanations dude, much appreciated

>> No.3468475

Proko will give you an exact measurement on where to put that circle, but you'll still need to learn how to place it intuitively freehand if you want to get gud

>> No.3468578

From what I gather, don't focus on one subject area for too long.

Just like in music all your fundamentals in art have implications on each other. So if you solely focus on figures, you might not be good at understanding form, or doing values and they might appear as flat or not dynamic enough. Or maybe you want to do more than just figures and haven't studied composition and environments. Or, if you solely focus on faces, you might be garbage at hands, and etc. You get the idea.

The problem with comparing drawing with music is that imo musical standards are much more "tangible" than art standards are. The keys you press are physical and the sounds you hear are too. Scales and chords are more physically present for you to work with because the parts you need to make them are on the instrument (I'm not a music person but that's just my take on it). In art you don't have as tangible of a standard to work with; rather, it presents you with ideas (like value, and line and form) and you have to make the parts from scratch with the tools you've got.

>> No.3468952
File: 22 KB, 500x375, mfw no zane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do royalties??

So I basically got some big opportunities bc a huge rapper shared my fanart. I've gotten some requests from people to draw them art / mascots that will be printed on their merchandise and sold. How much should I even charge in terms of royalties for that? They're not like super big designers, but I'm still down for the opportunity. Is there an option on paypal to do royalties, or would I just have to trust the other person? Any advice is appreciated. I'm very overwhelmed right now haha, I never would have expected anything like this to happen.

>> No.3469179

Can I get good by drawing Skyrim environments and NPCs?

>> No.3469186


>> No.3469200


>> No.3469644
File: 16 KB, 613x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i import psbrushs to csp exactly? when i try to use import brush csp has this stupid tab pops up and have no idea how to navigate further than that..

>> No.3469914
File: 138 KB, 500x750, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this bump?

>> No.3470253
File: 76 KB, 802x802, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you sharpen pic related? My pencil sharpener doesn't do anything to them and using their sides don't keep them sharp enough.

>> No.3470530

how to grind accuracy? are there any exercises that will kickstart my eye-hand coordination? just trying to copy shit works, but i feel like it's not the most efficient method.

>> No.3470785

Is there a good online course that guides you along in lessons for learning the fundamentals? I know there's a bunch of videos out there, but I feel like having a good guideline to follow as I learn would help me start out better than starting without a path to follow.

>> No.3470871

You have to do it manually. Depending on the kind of brushes, it might not be possible at all, since CSP doesn't offer certain brush features that PS have

>> No.3470877

accuracy will comme with time. But in the mean time just jot down a line then compare it and you'll know if the line is to long or to short. then draw a new line with the right length.

It's easier to just draw something, compare then fix rather then hoping you'll get the measurment right when you have nothing to compare it to. With time you'll get better at guessing the right length and placement but in the beggining it's trial and error. You'll get slowly but surley more accurate the more you do it.

>> No.3470911
File: 152 KB, 315x435, 2018-06-14_08-46-46.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a really wild guess, but I think that bump is caused by the Richer's band clamping down on the Vastus Medialis. Sorry for the rough quality and inaccuracies

>> No.3470957

How do I approach learning how to draw and design dragons? I'd guess you would start studying lizards first, but all animal drawing books I found focuses only on mammals

>> No.3470965

You don't think learning how to draw other animals first could help you draw lizards?

>> No.3470968

Yes, I'm doing that too right now, my goal is to draw various real and fantasy animals But I'd be interested if there's any resources that tackle stuff like lizards or dragons directly.

>> No.3470969

How do I get good at drawing hands?

>> No.3471331

Sounds legit. That actually helped a lot, thank you!

>> No.3471339

idk what they are but you could try whittling them with a craft knife. that works for most things that don't fit in a sharpener

you don't, no one's good at it

>> No.3471379


>> No.3471381
File: 187 KB, 1008x654, Screenshot_20180614-104418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone learn how to do fluid and intrested poses, like pic related they used to just draw standing shit, but now they can do fluid poses?

>> No.3471382
File: 101 KB, 1300x958, girl-sitting-on-floor-stock-image-2144164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

References, anon. Identify the fact that you do boring, standing poses, avoid it, and look for reference photos with interesting poses. Maybe collect them in a folder or pinterest account.

>> No.3472114
File: 156 KB, 1440x1472, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I start if I want to learn painting textures for 3D models. Any book recomendations?

Also ignore the image I had nothing better to post

>> No.3472374

How can I get Instagram's filters on some of my drawings without loss of quality? I can't find any site that reproduces them.

>> No.3473480

>Richer's band

English name?

>> No.3473844

If I traded it all, If I gave it all away for one thing... Just for one thing... If I sorted it out, If I knew all about this one thing, Wouldn't that be something?

>> No.3473869

Patreon and online commissions are only profitable for people who already have an online following. If you're making traditional things for an online market, you can sell originals on etsy and as long as it's pretty and home-decor worthy, someone will buy it eventually.
The most popular digital style now-a-days is that semi-realistic not-anime type look, and most people support themselves by pushing out "not porn" (pinups with nude version exclusives).
Stylistically, you can look up the top art patreons and see a lot of them are emulating a certain person. You'll also see their bread and butter is all pornographic, and that a lot of them are comic artists.

Keep drawing and make mistakes. You eventually will improve in some areas but keep making the same mistakes. You get attached to the way they look, and you can't imagine your drawings without them. At some point you'll fix those mistakes to be less obvious, but the essence of them are still there. That's how a style develops across whatever you're doing.
picarto and piczel.tv
Picarto doesn't give two shits but it's full of teenage girls and hentai artists. The other is just full of hentai artists.

>> No.3474281
File: 117 KB, 728x1000, 61rp9wuaNgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I found .pdfs of posebooks? They're really expensive. I looked on cgpeers and searched "Posebook" and "pose book" but couldn't find anything.

>> No.3474287

theres like thousands of pose books you can just grab for free with 10 times the amount. its pretty obvious you just want these for fap materal.

>> No.3474288

>thousands you can grab for free
...What are you referring to?
No I don't want the fap material. I'm not a 14 year old boy. If I want to fap I will use my cellphone to lay on my back and jack it in bed to porn hub.

>> No.3474309

By using only few lines

>> No.3474484
File: 36 KB, 740x416, 466198-amazon-fire-hd-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question; which tablet should I get if the only thing I care about is being able to draw digitally in a similar way I do traditionally?
Which tablet is the cheapest I can get that will allow me to do this?
Please, I would really appreciate it.

>> No.3474651

I watched design theory: big medium small by sinix
So what characters can I look at and analyze as a beginner (I can draw ok and I'm still grinding)
I'd thought I start off with simple designs and work my way up to more complex like mechs/robots (my end goal). All I can think of character designs that do their job is Pokemon. Are there any other simple yet effective designs I can study?

>> No.3474703
File: 712 KB, 800x558, d60a824988a5bca4bfc0dc315af5619acb94acfef0ab83778a32f0ed1667dc41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good 3D modeling programs that aren't too intensive but will let me view video game characters and their wireframes?

>> No.3477086
File: 1.58 MB, 3976x5120, 1529022628892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I can't use non-monochrome colors for the mask layer in Procreate

How do I fix this

>> No.3477095
File: 255 KB, 512x650, 1528695792040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a 3 week nofap and good god this gif makes me want to destroy my meat right now

>> No.3477097


>non-monochrome colors for the mask layer
non-monochrome lmao wat?
masks are suppose to be black and white retard

>> No.3477101

For some reason these are insanely hard to find copies of online despite there being thousands of them.

>> No.3477106
File: 190 KB, 540x482, kot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck????
all i know is I can't apply anything other than black,white, and grey when in other software i don't have such issues

>> No.3477122

do you not understand the concept behind what masks are? they reveal and conceal pixels thats all

>> No.3477128

I guess not.
I thought they just helped you apply colors and shading to a base layer without going outside the lines.

>> No.3477145
File: 225 KB, 1055x1155, I was fapping and I had high blood pressure and there was an earthquake-786165345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non drawfag here. I'd like to ask, how exactly do drawfags draw smooth lines like the ones on the right?


Blender with Python and Google Sketchup are both free. Sketchup offers better camera control while Blender offers more views (solid, wireframe, texture etc), a ready grid on the background and better hotkeys for the camera.
For game models you can try models-resource.com and tf3dm.com. What do you have in mind?

>> No.3477164

i mean you can do that normally with layers, mask just adds the benefit of making the layer non destructive

>> No.3477172

stabilize your brush in your program, almost every widely used drawing program has a stabilizer option

>> No.3477189
File: 37 KB, 602x640, redlinemeplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone red line me? I'm kind of not used to foreshortening and would like to know how her arm would correctly look like in a foreshortened point of view.

Any help is appreciated.

>> No.3477201
File: 15 KB, 387x350, reaching_out___stock_by_senshistock-d59gj9s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't ask people to do work for you for one
and for two what is she perched on and how is she perched on it? is there a spike up her asshole?

spend some time looking for a reference that works for you

>> No.3477206


Thanks guy.

>> No.3477212

You're an angle, thank u

>> No.3477689
File: 384 KB, 641x720, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I downloaded Clip Studio Paint without paying for it, is there any way for me to download models off the shop thing?

I want to see if I can look up their skirts.

>> No.3477919

Does selling fan art give you legal problems? How likely am I going to be fucked if I sell fan art or open a patreon for it?

>> No.3477921

>You're an angle
Is this a meme?

>> No.3478129

>I have a lot more to share on the topic of fan art, but let me get the most important piece out of the way: it is 100% illegal to sell fan art. You cannot sell derivative artworks made of copyrighted characters, and the only exception is if you have written permission from the copyright holder.

>> No.3478146

When you draw, do you rest your hand/arm on the table/drawing? Or is your pencil the only thing in contact with whatever you're doing?

>> No.3478248

you can

>> No.3478350

Layer Masks and Clipping Masks are different.

>> No.3478401

how? I don't have an account linked to my 'purchase'

>> No.3478444

Nothing major. Most you'll get is a dmca takedown which u need yo follow. If u incur too many you might get banned from whatever platform you're on.

If u sell physical merch you get sued if you get big enough.

Sakimichan has one of the most profitable patreons and the majority of her work is fanart.

>> No.3478655
File: 618 KB, 906x1280, 1507732718227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How strong is the security on Clip Studio If I downloaded it naughtily without paying money? like if I make an account will they notice i didn't pay and stop me from using it on my computer?

>> No.3478665

question: If I practice painting in black and white every day will that actually make me better at painting in color?

>> No.3478669

No. It will help you with contrast and what you can get away with NOT painting, but color theory is a whole world by itself.

>> No.3478713

way i would look at it is if you have the time to do only black n white for a while. Yes you will benefit from it. But if you wanna see results, then start with monochrome color and go from there.

>> No.3478719

Theres quite a few big artists that have a very well documented method of painting via grayscale first and then applying color. Definitely a way to learn unless you want to do really vibrant pieces which the method is not good for

>> No.3478722

best times to pose on various social media including da?

>> No.3478929
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I improve and actually work on art. I tried studying shit from books/videos which definitely helped, I tried taking requests and applying shit but looking back I'm producing shit of the same quality as last year only slightly faster.

It's so demotivating. I want to get good and produce shit I like, maybe make a comic one day, but my methods aren't working. What am I supposed to do here?
I'm thinking a more structured approach might be better, like a curriculum, but idk where to find something like that

>> No.3478935

>slightly faster
that is improvement

are you a slave to you style? what is your work lacking in your opinion? Whats the difference between what you want to produce and what you do produce?

>> No.3478947

No, you'll be fine, I regularly download brushes using a pirated copy of Clip Studio

>> No.3478972
File: 670 KB, 1280x923, 8860721bc5a5c1d7efa50359358d4281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>considering going to an art school
>concerned I'll be surrounded by insufferable sjw/liberals

To anyone actually in art school, how bad is it actually?
>inb4 /pol/tard

>> No.3478977

youre in luck! art school is mostly autists like you than libs. the few sjws/tumblr artists there usually keep to themselves. the majority is just normal people, sheepishly pursuing their dreams

>> No.3478978

/ic/ says to go to an atelier instead

>> No.3478984
File: 77 KB, 750x250, 778D0497-D702-4EF2-8D67-1E0922BC8751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to find the original illustration for this?

>> No.3478985

Don't worry anon, 70% of kids in artschools like to draw anime just like you.

>> No.3479008

When you say study, you mean with a clear idea of learning fundamentals while applying and learning them through practice? or just random study on how to guides, videos, etc?

I'm a bit curious as to where you stand, post a example of your art or something very similar to your level?

>> No.3479013

>similar to your level
ic is full of dunning krugers, dont ask for similar level work, ask for their work and only their work lol

>> No.3479017
File: 20 KB, 543x373, 0A45DA73-31BA-43DE-9867-E9C189FA6B8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a book in a similar style to pic related. Im not artistic at all but figured I would have some fun and give it a chance. What kind of software should I use to do slmething simple like this? Or if i need a drawing tablet, etc. If i can get away with just a program that would be great

>> No.3479032

Still gonna need a tablet but probs not a screen one so congrats, it'll cost less than a 100 bucks and less than 10,000 hours of time.

>> No.3479036

My brother lives three houses down. I’ll just borrow his. As far as programs go what should I look for. I also want to make labels for my salsa’s sauces and jerky

>> No.3479210

My lineweights are shit. Can I get tips on getting better control?

I'm not sure how much of it is me and how much of it could be not having my brushes set up correctly. I'm working in SAI. Should I be using large, sensitive brushes to get good tapers even on small lines or should I be adjusting brush size constantly?

>> No.3479595
File: 73 KB, 300x234, 3d-300x234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between 3d software, such as Maya 3D, 3Ds max, Cinema 4D,etc and game engines such as Unity and Unreal Engine? And why aren't concept artists using the latter more than the first? Looks very similar from outsiders perspective, i only am learning in Maya and Zbrush so far, but i don't really see reason why should i learn other. Yet some pros advice you to do so, has my head spinning honestly.

>> No.3479849

I recently started a new tumblr blog, though I noticed I wasn't showing up in tags so I googled it.

>If your posts aren't appearing on Tumblr-wide tag pages, it might be because your blog is pretty new and we need to make sure you’re not a robot or a spammer. Make sure you’ve verified your account via the email we sent when you joined Tumblr. Once you’ve used your account for a while (and done normal, human things with it like follow other blogs and like or reblog posts), your posts will start appearing on tag pages.

Does anyone know how long tumblr fucks you around until you start showing up? I wanted to start off with a bang on this blog but if dumping a bunch of new art is a waste of time I'd rather hold onto it until people can actually see it.

>> No.3479851


Any program is fine, really, photoshop is the go-to but lots of people use programs like SAI and Clip Studio.

At the start it isn't going to be the program that's your bottleneck, guaranteed. So just pick one you like.

>> No.3479853

Game engines are made for rendering, not modeling. Though artists don't seem to use them for that either, they'd rather use octane/keyshot/redshift.

>> No.3480181

Hey thanks anon. I just think being able to play with a 3D modeling program will help me get better at visualizing and rotating in my mind's eye. Worth a shot!

>> No.3480207
File: 472 KB, 660x1020, arcade_sona_by_tsuaii-d96lhve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this one very usefull to study skin

>> No.3480208
File: 78 KB, 750x460, skin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope this helps

>> No.3480209
File: 108 KB, 800x722, normal_vs_my_shading_by_kawacy-d8pnrfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3480215
File: 784 KB, 245x177, 31.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art related quarter life crisis:

Family disallowed me to follow art as a career. Dropped out of college cause I hated it. Worked a job that has allowed me to own a house and be financially independent. Now I'm sick, doctors think it's cancer but can't find it. Had to quit my job with all this medical shit. Now with nothing to do I return to art. I thought since I hadn't done it in awhile I would have lost some of it but I didn't. Now I'm contemplating returning to it as a career

The question: After doing research some people say that when it comes to art, a jack of all trades is a master of none. I learned wood working, sewing, cake decorating, and jewlery making in hopes to turn art into a traditional career my family would approve of. Is this bad? Should I abandon all my other crafts to pursue art or would it be more lucrative to embrace more than a few at a time?

>> No.3480217

what helped me a lot is taking schoolism courses. For example taking the beginners digital course, even tho I do my work differently I took notes of each way described and made work using only the instuctions provided. After that I had a clear idea of what I will use in my work and what I feel is better/comfortable for me.
A good idea in general when your stuck is to take a course like that, or even just pirating them from CGpeers. You won't have to think about anything but following the guidelines given. After each homework/assigment make a new piece and apply only the things from the lesson. Slowly you will integrate all the little pieces of information in your own art.

>> No.3480242

stop caring about what your family thinks. if its a matter of inheritance, doubly stop caring. alcohol is a great help. in terms of income, all those other crafts will not scale well as they are all heavily dependent on your available work hours. "fine" art is one of the few scams left where you can still price gouge yuppies.

>> No.3480248

How long can you go without pooping?

>> No.3480273

No inheritance, just love my mom despite everything. I know she's just worried about me all the time. I haven't listened to her anymore. I dropped out of college 2 years ago and I'm never going back. She started talking to me a year ago.

Can't drink alcohol because of my meds and my possible cancer. Makes me throw up immediately. Sides, drugs don't make me more creative, just weird.

I'm not looking to scam or price gouge, I'm looking for a living. I've done commission porn in the past but the market is over saturated and I really started to hate the clients who were getting creepier and more penny pinching by the day. I realized my art has to stand out, I figured the best way to do that was try a ton of different things. I love all of them and want to work with all of them still. But according to a lot of people it's an "amateur move" to jump around to different medians. I'm so happy with all of them, but I know I could be wrong.

>> No.3480274

Am i pressing too hard or are tablet nibs just made of cheeto?
They disintegrate within a week and I've resorted to sanding down old ones into a proper shape so i can still get some use out of them.

>> No.3480571
File: 65 KB, 1312x713, ColorAndValue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just started learning about color theory and was reading up on Rob Lemen's post on conceptart
(here's a link http://web.archive.org/web/20141111105652/http://www.conceptart.org:80/forums/showthread.php/17837-Theory-Discussion-quot-Color-Theory-quot-Principles-and-Practices ).

If someone could help answer some questions I have, just to clarify things, I would greatly appreciate it...
So if I am understanding this correctly, at high chroma (saturation), color can be used to represent value, or rather, as Lemen puts it, color IS value.
But when I grab his examples and desaturate using an art program, I find that the actual values are not that present.
I even tried making my own color wheel at maximum saturation for all the colors and desaturating it, only to find that all of it is the same value.

But it's still obvious that color can be used to describe light and shadow in the bottom left of pic related.
So my question is, is this just how the human mind interprets color? That colors at a high chroma level can, for a lack of better words, replace value to define light and shadow?
Sorry if I am confusing to follow, but I am a bit mind blown and confused myself.

>> No.3480636

How hard is it for a decent digital painter to pick up traditional painting?

>> No.3480718
File: 200 KB, 1500x410, values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're desaturating in photoshop with hue saturation you won't get a true value representation of the colors. If you want the true value representation you need to set the hue saturation filter as color filter.

>> No.3480816
File: 354 KB, 704x2029, ColorAndValueForABrainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! Thank you! I see it now. So the values still read.

Trying to manage values is already very tough, but I can see why managing color is infinitely harder because of how adding hue and saturation means that you have keep in mind the value of the color as well.
Just to make sure I understand this, I made a shitty guide for myself in MS paint. Maybe some of you will find it useful.
If I am wrong, please correct me.

>> No.3481410


>> No.3481539

Do we have some sort of shared space for references (anatomy, textures, models, cloths etc)?
Also, how to fight being horny af while doing anatomy studies?

>> No.3481544

>horny while doing anatomy studies
I don't know maybe age 5 years and try to learn drawing then

>> No.3481581
File: 301 KB, 466x371, 2c62a33e9584cae977359be63711af5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to create a PS brush that allows you to control opacity with pen pressure without "transfer" enabled? I want a brush that mimics how a real pencil shades. While transfer exists even with real pencils, its way less obvious.

Maybe a plugin than makes pressure control color value rather than opacity?

>> No.3481611

>horny af while doing anatomy studies
Wank it until you don't feel a thing, or, even better, actually focus on studying?

>> No.3481925

What exactly do you want? Getting rid of the darkened overlaps?

>> No.3482042
File: 22 KB, 207x259, Yoko_littner_outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb leaf question but here it goes.

Obviously loli is illegal, but what I want to know is what the legality is for characters like Yoko, or Misty? (Characters where lore age and appearance are completely at odds)

As far as I can tell US and Canadian law is relatively similar on paper, but then there are creators like Zone or other artists producing porn with similar characters, posting on websites that are moderated for underage content.

>> No.3482080
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait one week

>> No.3482453

Haven't drawn in a couple months. What is a good place to start

>> No.3482457

I think someone said it was like six months before.

>> No.3482469


>> No.3482472

which book are you studying anatomy from?

i dont get horny from goldfinger or bridgman.

>> No.3482482

technically yes. value is one aspect of color and the most important aspect, the other ones being hue (like red, green etc) and also saturation.

>> No.3482487

hogarth, bridgman

>> No.3482623

Is there an actual difference between mechanical pencils? I'm not talking about the really expensive ones with some extra features like rotating tips, just the more mid to low range ones you can easily afford.

>> No.3482847
File: 16 KB, 1097x707, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to remove this monitor? I feel like wacom driver is messing up with SAI by reporting both as tablet or something.

>> No.3483113

Good books/videos to learn cross hatching?

>> No.3483275
File: 185 KB, 1194x1020, 4da6cf13b82ccc1d05da423f70954fe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know of a 3d model site/software where you can pose the model and see the muscle structures of it and what happens when it bends etc.?
I know Zygote body exists but it doesn't show the bending part.

>> No.3483473

>How do you sharpen pic related?

Use sandpaper.

No, really, I'm serious. Get yourself some sandpaper at Walmart. Lay it out on your table, and scrape the graphite stick on it until you achieve the desired effect.

>> No.3483650
File: 301 KB, 682x861, 1528941632374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best and most useful source for learning anatomy and applying to imaginary drawing?

What I mean are mainly drawing educational packages like from Proko, or a playlist of videos or whatever

>> No.3483726
File: 28 KB, 550x733, IMG_20180621_135334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying a monitor soon for my PC, what size should I get?
I hear sizes too big are awkward to use with tablets (mine is as big as a Wacom Medium)

>> No.3483830
File: 26 KB, 550x530, Professional_CPL_2018-06-21_21-08-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pressing too hard. I've been using the same nib for 6 months and it's barely worn down. Tinker with pressure sensitivity in tablet settings, it might be too low

>> No.3483918

there are ios/android apps for this. I think NMA has an online 3d skeleton/muscle visualizer thing.

>> No.3483957
File: 90 KB, 448x336, 1300846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 3D artist that has started drawing recently, I've had a few eureka moments and figuring things out bit by bit.
There is a hardcore link with 2D and getting good work done with 3D.

My question is related to whether i stop learning/ doing 2D or not. I already spend hours daily in 3D and adding 2D without a clear end goal doesn't seem proper.

Currently 2D is useful for locking down concepts with basic scribbles being more than enough, experimenting with poses when animating and basic character/ clothing design etc, again so far basic scribbles seems to be enough.

So i guess the question is; should i get gud with 2D (Leet shading-rendering, coloring etc) or settle with the proportion/posing/anatomy i've learned so far?

>> No.3484071
File: 312 KB, 576x618, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw a face from imagination and rotate it while keeping the likeness? I can't find anything in loomis books that tells me how to actually keep the likeness.

>> No.3484074

Because loomis construction should keep the likeness itself. I mean despite minute details perhaps. But your proportions are all being measured by the construction so if you’re maintaining that the likeness should fall into place. If you’re losing the likeness you’re fucking up construction

>> No.3484172

where get started on digital painting?

>> No.3484571


>> No.3484610
File: 194 KB, 500x500, 01B00027-408E-4924-86D7-F2028382F489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In design doll you can pop out a window by pressing “end” on the keyboard, which is real nice, but is there a way to keep the perspective lines in that pop out and not just the model?

>> No.3484616

you mean change the h/s layer mode from "normal" to "color"? Not sure if I understand correctly..

>> No.3484619
File: 38 KB, 90x557, csp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is clip studio paint but its the same for sai and photoshop. fill the layer with black or white and set the mode to Color

>> No.3484662

Is the difference between a cintiq and a tablet that significant?
I have no illusions about "if I buy a more expensive tool it'll make my art better" but I absolutely despised using my tablet before the troubles. From the handeye disconnect to the tiny surface to the constant driver and connection bullshit it killed my will to draw because I had to deal with it.
Now that the troubles are done and I have income again I was thinking about shelling out the money for a cintiq, because I still want to draw and I feel like it would be a lot better for me
Would I just be wasting $2000 for a more expensive version of my old problems or are cintiqs worth it?

>> No.3484679

If you have a windows computer I’d hold off. My Cintiq’s drivers are constantly conflicting with Windows, not to mention the tilt function on the thing has never worked right.

It sucks because after all this time I feel like there still isn’t a really good monitor to draw on, especially not a cost efficient one, yet at the same time if you want to pursue art seriously you definitely need something with a screen to draw on.

>> No.3484682

cintiq would fix your problems. dont ask the crabs here (who are bitter and cant afford a cintiq and will tell you to fuck off). if you have the means to buy it, do it. if you are serious about art (doesnt mean you want to pursue a career, just that you want to create at your highest capability) get a cintiq

>> No.3484683

I have a cintiq 24hd and this is not an issue for me.

>> No.3484718

Try out an iPad pro first. Easier to return/resell if you don't like it

>> No.3484721
File: 2.89 MB, 4000x5600, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make line work from something like this?

>> No.3484722

you don't cus it has tons of errors

>> No.3484725

I don't have arms and I was using paint all along
now tell me how to make line work

>> No.3484727

by drawing lines basically
get a transparent layer on top that and draw clean lines

>> No.3484731

when I do it it looks like shit. When I find line work on the net it looks clean.
Is there any method how to do it so it doesn't look like shit?
Something special?

>> No.3484741

couple things

make sure youre working with a far larger canvas than you want the final product to be. this will help your lineart look crisper
don't know what program youre using but that can effect the quality of your lineart as well. you need a really hard brush with a good amount of Stabilization - if you have sai or clip studio paint there is a setting for this (I think photoshop has one now too but idk)
and then theres line confidence. which you do not have. in your sketch all of your lines are super scratchy. stabilization will help with the super wobbly bits and maybe that will even help your scratchiness. if not then you need to practice this

>> No.3484759

I've only heard bad things about those
The only time I ever see them come up is when people are lamenting about how shitty wacom's competition is

>> No.3485155

I'm having a bit of a problem. I've been doing ink sketches with a dip pen and winsor newton liquid indian ink (chinese stick stuff). I wanted the waterproof kind so I could do watercolour/markers over my lines so I bought a thing of Deleter Black #4. It seems really gunky and it doesn't flow properly at all. I tried adding water to it but it hasn't improved and 5 minutes into drawing the whole nib is clogged up with gunk.

Did I just get a bad bottle of ink? Am I doing something wrong, should I pour a bit out and just add more water? Did I get the wrong kind of ink?

>> No.3485172
File: 894 KB, 916x416, marco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have this please lord tell me someone has this

>> No.3485244


>> No.3485387

yes that's what i meant

>> No.3485392

japs just don't pirate much

>> No.3485529
File: 1.47 MB, 3840x2500, tumblr_nu4of82ZZL1sqh0kno1_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to paint and obviously I need to learn the basics and realism before I try to do studies of paintings like this, which I plan on doing, but in the meantime, how exactly do I approach learning how to paint like this image by studying it? The person who made it doesn't have his process uploaded so it's even more difficult but I really want to learn the process.

>> No.3485536

This consists of blocking in structure with different values, by layering them. That is it. Understand structure/form and how light works and this method of painting is second nature

>> No.3485591


>> No.3485655

Does video card matter for drawing?

>> No.3485680

He does

>> No.3485743
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what can i do to improve this

>> No.3485808

should i study perspective first above all? does it vary depending on what you want?

what are you going for?

it's kind of charming already

>> No.3485845

its abt my bf's dream where he dreams about his childhood dog that passed away and sometimes he cries waking up

gg to exhibit this in a gallery, didnt know whether it was good enough ,standard wise(´-`).。oO

study what interests you
animals, plants, certain place and go from there (your passion)

you will reach a stage where you feel ready and curious enough about perspective to supplement your concept

>> No.3485870
File: 69 KB, 232x202, 136542654518765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man

oh is this a different technique for the same result, aka just filling a new layer with b/w and setting it to color, instead of changing the h/s layer mode to color?

>> No.3486178
File: 147 KB, 426x405, 0610601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tools/brushes are used to shade like this? I'm asking about the pink shades on the bottom of the soles specifically.

>> No.3486247

looks like a fairly standard soft brush. try painting with a very big brush(on an extra layer) then erase the excess.

>> No.3486304

Damn, its hard to get good results. Gotta practice, I see.
Thanks anon.

>> No.3486552

Use plastic weed-eater string. You can buy it in big spools and just trim off a new nib as you need.

>> No.3486557

no prob anon, good luck

>> No.3486611
File: 1.44 MB, 942x1251, 1493069696933371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i ask you a question?

>> No.3486644
File: 68 KB, 500x360, 1529351755428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what online courses out there have the best observation/drawing fundamentals lessons? I have some money to spend but still I don't know which one will actually teach me shit instead of saying "uh yeah you just gotta feel it bro".
I don't mean college, but just a month long (or longer) lesson.

>> No.3486648

istebrak does 1 on 1 stuff via patreon that are like I think starting 20 dollars per month. no idea what its like/how it works but I really like her teaching method. she does free "critique classes" available to everyone who submits work on her google page (even non-patrons). I know for her apprentice tier patrons she also does private classes that are similar but more in depth. she teaches in a very realistic no-bulllshit way and she knows all about what shes teaching and can answer any question you have. she gives the "what" and the "why" instead of the "what" and the "because i said so"

if nothing else you should check out her critique videos on youtube

>> No.3486764

does anyone else have a problem with their cintiq pen not registering on the borders of the screen?
my pen basically won't interact with the taskbar or anything else within an inch or 2 of the edge, it's really annoying.

>> No.3486769

make sure its the right screen resolution
windows - change display settings
resolution depends on which cintiq you have
i have 24hd which is 1920 x 1200

>> No.3487000

Is there a good online course that'll help teach the fundamentals so that by the end of it, you'll have a clear mindset of where you stand with drawing and what to focus on next without anymore hand holding? I know >>3486644
question is similar and I looked into istebrak and from what I could find, it sounds like she does help cover most if not all fundamentals. I just wanted to know if anyone else has tried out her teaching stuff to give a better idea on how it's like, or if there's anyone else that's well known for good teaching in a similar way?

My end goal is to do mangaka or anime style, further on that would be doing my own web comic and possibly look into animation as a follow up goal. I know that what I'm aiming for is stylized, which means that I need to keep any of that out of my mind for now till I've got the basics figured out first.

>> No.3487018

If you want to do manga stuff then don’t bother with istebrak because it’ll be vastly above the level of anime style art and she will hound you for having anime influence in your drawings. She’s very much “know the rules before you break them” and would teach you stuff you don’t even need for manga. That being said I don’t know someone who COULD help you so sorry about that, good luck tho

>> No.3487029

Yeah I figured by the looks of things on her pages, it looks like she dislikes that direction or that her end goal leans towards digital painting stuff which is nice and all for those looking for that.

I know there's some stuff that she'd teach that isn't completely useful for my end goal but keeping in mind that if I were to completely leave any stylized stuff at the door, does she do good on teaching the fundamentals so that people can learn from that, then run off towards their other focuses? I'm well aware though that during the fundamentals, even with my mangka/anime style goal that I don't want to be doing anything with that during my fundamental studies. Mostly just included my end goal as a idea of what I want to work towards (after having a very good grasp of anatomy, life studies, gesture, etc.)

I've been grinding through drawabox right now to give me a good hand holding guideline with the basics, but I believe that will only scrap part of the basics.

>> No.3487050
File: 621 KB, 1600x1179, TnP_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question regarding dynamic sketching vehicles, especially when drawing with a side view

It seems like a lot of artists are just drawing a flat box, and breaking down that box into smaller sub boxes to draw their vehicle

I'm having trouble with that method in that sometimes the box just ends up being a bit long or shorter then it needs to be

Would it be viable instead split the vehicle I'm trying to draw into individual shapes, using the wheels to measure proportions and designate landmarks?

>> No.3487093

The problem you get by drawing wheels first is that you make it way harder to get the general proportions of the vehicle because you don't have these big shapes to help you visualize the entire thing. Its like drawing a face by starting with the eyes or the mouth instead of the general shapes, its very counter intuitive and restrictive. The reason most artists start by drawing with big forms is that so they can visualize whatever they're drawing inside of it in its entirety.
The best would be to draw a box you think encompasses the shape of the vehicle you're trying to draw and narrow it down in more precise shapes and put landmarks as you detail wheels, the frame, etc., you can always enlarge it if it seems too tiny. You can't go wrong with the box method, just practice every day, experiment a bit with it and you will get better.

>> No.3487098

I'm not really drawing the wheels; I'm more like using them as unit of measurement the same way you would use heads to measure when figure drawing

>> No.3487118
File: 950 KB, 1600x868, ji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get a better workflow
i dont know how my backgrounds should look like
so i keep looking at them as they look now (shit unfinished) and i know they need work but i feel like the global image is wrong
any tips to fix this mental problem

>> No.3487150
File: 59 KB, 548x255, wacom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had the ctl480 for about 4 years now looking for a new tablet, should I just go with the ctl4100? Does anyone have any other recommendations?

>> No.3487274
File: 429 KB, 1000x1000, Wraith51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i improve this ? please critique it

>> No.3487278
File: 166 KB, 900x675, 1459735254837-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please please

>> No.3487305

paint a layer blue...or an other shadow color. set to mutiply. then lower the opacity to what you feel seems right.

No take your eraser and try to imagine where the light comes from and erase where the light comes from.

additionally you can after this select the area where you set up the light. make a new layer set to color dodge. select the color of your light. and fill it. then lower the opacity to what seems right.

>> No.3487337

to a degree i would assume.windows and mac are full of bloat and their desktop environments are going to cause some hiccuping if youre on a shitty old igpu

>> No.3487359

so i need more contrast right ?

>> No.3487361

Any of you do airbrush? How can I get started/any tips? I'm bored with drawing on paper but oil painting doesn't interest me and digital drawing using cintiq is way out of my budget right now

>> No.3487373

no you need to decide where you light comes from and decide where the light hits and were it doesn't.

Basically you don't have any athmosphere.

>> No.3487382

Also I already have a like new unused 2 HP compressor in my storage, my brother was the one who originally bought it and he said that it can be used to paint car (he intended to use it to learn car painting but apparently he isn't interested anymore). I'm wondering whether it can be used for airbrushing too?

>> No.3487485
File: 320 KB, 600x407, 06a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to break down how Lackism uses layers but the fact that it's all in moonrunes is preventing me

Can someone try and break down the process of, say, this?

>> No.3487487

They do, but their file sharing culture is more about trading than uploading to mediafire so everyone can download.

>> No.3487546

yeah japs pirate but its all p2p

>> No.3487740

look at real skulls for ref? work out the perspective on the cylinder? idk

>> No.3487752

he just draws bro, unironically. There isn't much to it, he does a very standard approach.

More interested in his gradients he applies to grayscale. Like where to find such a huge list of them.

>> No.3487980

I'm interested because it seems both simpler and better than my autistic approach

He draws a line layer, then a grayscale values layer below that, and then he puts the base colors above that. What blending mode is he using for that base color layer? That's the part I'm mostly interested in. After that he merges it and overpaints most of it while colorpicking directly from the merged layer.

>> No.3488147
File: 328 KB, 700x875, Nanoless-501678-Bunny_Suit_Ahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could someone help me figure out how to draw like nanoless? Pic and video related.

I know anatomy, I just need to learn how to shade, blend, color, and highlight like this. It's driving me nuts that I can't figure out how to do it to my own drawings.

What steps in general should I follow?

>> No.3488163

Do form studies (helps you understand how light bounces on objects of different shapes) and become familiar with color theory, layer modes, and sai blending tools

>> No.3488198

Are you having trouble with the more abstract stuff like color theory or the technical stuff like layers and blending modes?

>> No.3488201
File: 222 KB, 450x750, tumblr_pa1jgg7ge51wyaluao3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, I'll start on form studies. Thank you very much, I just didn't know where to begin, to improve toward this.

I've just been so frustrated lately with my own work, wanting to be at nanoless' level has been making me pull my hair out.

Like, I just WISH I was at this by now. I feel like I've lost so much time, not knowing where to go or who to consult on this.

She uses sai 2 and I use sai 2 as well. "So what am I missing" I keep asking myself.


Review color theory, you say? alright, though I'm not too worried about coloring anymore. Actually pretty comfortable, but yeah I'll look at it more.

Layer modes? Like overlay, multiply, etc?

See with sai 2, there was no blur tool. I had to make one on my own, which I found really weird.



Regarding pic related,

I really REALLY want to be able to just achieve this look of, of softness, smooth, shiny, silky looking skin like nanoless has here.

Something I noticed is that she uses a sort of see through white to go along the edges of the skin as a highlight? I don't fully understand that trick.

I don't know how to label it to you... the way she blends the skin to look soft, shading in the right places like under the breasts and along the stomach?

Like, look at the miia video I posted above (with the ahri pic)

christ my sketches aren't even anywhere near as complete-looking as hers. But I digress.

>> No.3488204

Not to mention the goddamn hair. What fucking brush does this? It's like a sort of watercolor look? But still solid?

>> No.3488209

She’s using cheap tricks. Form studies won’t help you paint like her they’ll help you paint BETTER than her. just looks like the sai “water” tool to me. From the moment I first used sai water tool I realized that was the fucking rub, that’s how everyone made smooth and aesthetically appealing rendering.

>> No.3488212
File: 1.99 MB, 2975x3850, Tar21MonthlyCommNudearmlegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheap tricks? Shit, why didn't I guess that sooner? Water tool? Alright, I see.

So what would you recommend I do? At the moment, this is all I can achieve.

I am in no way happy with this, it's still flat looking and nothing jumps out.

I will write this down as a 'improvement' list.

Whatever tips you can give me, because my goal, is to be able to draw on the same level as that pink bitch drawing at LEAST.

>> No.3488216

Easy mode: Study lighting. Color pick all her work and save the colors in palettes

>> No.3488220

Work on unified color palettes (you can easily unify them with layer modes too, play around). Harden your cast shadows. You’re blowing out your rendering too much. Your rendering needs to give your figure form if I was on a computer I could “redline” your rendering to show you what I mean. Work on softening your lineart and varying the density/weight. Notice also nanos line work color is harmonious with her palette. Lock the opacity on your lineart layer and play with different colors.

>> No.3488223

Adding on to this too. Note the ambient occlusion in nanos art (I doubt she knows what this from the speed paint you posted she’s just using tricks without knowing what they mean). But it’s that effect that creates a soft shadow at her edges. Google ambient occlusion for a better understanding. But it will help give your work that soft 3d rendered look

>> No.3488230
File: 769 KB, 1561x900, Screenshot (47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So lighting, form, and color pick the pieces I like?


I did notice that her skin outlines are like a dark red, instead of black. I'll try that, thank you.

(quick way to find the piece we're talking about)

Shit, that's one more thing! I'm not sure how to make my line art look solid, but still 'soft' like nanoless or kanachiro.

Any brush settings you can recommend for your lineart advice?

pic is a screenshot of her stream I caught, if this helps.

I would like to have another way to contact you, so that I could consult with you more. If that's alright?

Oh my god, Ambient occlusion! I didn't think of that. Thank you.

>> No.3488234

Looks like she uses pencil or marker tool then blows out some parts with water tool. I would try working with a less dense pencil or search on YouTube for doxy’s “lineart hack” for really nice lines that still look polished but retain the expressiveness of your sketch. Also he in general probably had a lot of tips and tutorials that will help you so check out his channel

>> No.3488241

I'm watching his video now, thank you.

You mentioned my rendering is blown out? What did you mean?

>> No.3488243

Bumped up, I want an answer as well. Best value for dollars beginner's drawing tablet with screen

>> No.3488245

Since you’re a newbie at rendering and light you’re emulating an artists coloring without really knowing why or what it means. So for instance the cast shadow on the neck from the head needs to be a bit more crisp and not just a kind of airbrushed blob.

>> No.3488250


More crisp? Hm, okay. That's where my problem comes in.

I've been told I create this weird hybrid of trying to get a 2D and 3D look to my drawing, because as you said, I'm just trying to emulate nanoless without understanding why or how.

I'll be honest, I don't understand how to render, or apply lighting/form very well at the moment. I've only ever studied life drawing, and that was in sketch/line form traditionally.



study form,


play around with different brush densities until I like my lineart,

try coloring the line art while it's locked to see if I can match the palettes together

finish watching doxy's lineart video

Color pick my favorite drawings and play with the palettes on my own work

Anything I'm missing?

I wish I could just SHOW you me drawing, so you could help me as I go.

>> No.3488449

Study on your own till you get the basic fundamentals down for maybe a year or two then use the money you would spend on an accredited college to move and live in California and attend concept design academy or brainstorm to learn specialized topics like character design or story boarding. It will come out to be way cheaper. And if you're truely motivated you will do fine. No cares about some silly piece of paper, they only care about your skill level and personal voice. Also your ability to work in a team. I attended my 1st year at ringling and it was really demotivating honestly. The students have a shit lazy attitude about art with no sense of urgency or self awareness of how /beg/ tier they are, and it feels like they only scratch the surface of what they teach. The only plus is that some of the teachers are high quality. It's just a sad environment to be in. I'm going to stick it one more year to see if it gets any better. Interested to hear from people who have taken classes at cda.

>> No.3488458

How's it like to have a mentor? Also how do you get a mentor?

>> No.3488674
File: 69 KB, 1352x1370, Sin título2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im looking for this picture,but the actual one,this is one i drew in like 3 minutes for reference,the original one
>is rendered
>the face is stylized,eyes are two vertical dots and mouth is anime like
>the rest of the anatomy is realistic
>girl has purple hair
>white background
>different perspective,leaning to the left,too

>> No.3488807

Cintiq 13 here, never had any issues like this

>> No.3488810

Why would he get an actual tablet and not a drawing one? Seems dumb

>> No.3488815

Schoolism. They have pretty dope lessons led by great artists

>> No.3488820

Then buy a bamboo.
Cintiques aren't meant to be affordable for beginners.

>> No.3488876
File: 3.92 MB, 4000x3000, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of reposting from another thread but I'm in a similar situation:

I've got $1000 to burn on a graphics tablet and although I really liked the low latency of the IPad Pro + Pencil I tried in a store I would prefer something that worked with my Windows pc and allowed me to use my version of CSP. What are some tablets with a similar screen size + latency to the IPad Pro + Pencil that /ic/ recommends? Also what are some reasons why the IPad Pro is disliked here?

>> No.3489013

how hard is make 100bucks per month with almost no followers (150 on fb ) ?

>> No.3489283


How can I trace without getting caught? I need to finish something FAST and if I drew it it'd just take too long.

>> No.3489287

Frankenstein your reference picture from a few different pictures then flip it. and trace a few pixels off of the exact lines. use screenshots of videos for tracing if possible. if you suck you might still get caught

>> No.3489327

I found a bottle of liquin that I haven't used in quite a while and now it's all dried up. Is it salvageable or should I throw it out?

>> No.3489344

Use 3D models. What do you want to trace though?

>> No.3489360

is there no draw thread?

>> No.3489449

Alright dumb question here!
Where would ya recommend i go for getting a picture drawn that is detailed with military gear?? Im a shit drawer and i need a pic made

>> No.3489538

Look for artists that are into military stuff and see if they're offering commissions?

>> No.3489557

Ok were do i find them? I can’t into art scene

>> No.3489581

How can I download VODs from Picarto?

>> No.3489619

anybody feel like making a draw thread?

>> No.3489772
File: 671 KB, 908x768, 1_20-28-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to make it if I don't really have a passion for art? I just want a freelance job in the future and art seems like one of the best.

>> No.3489779

Thanks fa m that's just what I came here to ask about.

>> No.3489782

I hear this guy named Marco Bucci has them.

>> No.3489787

Do programming retard.

>> No.3489798

I've dabbled with programming but I do not like it at all. It's just not for me.

>> No.3489843

Is there a way to derive the saturation/value that give the color+greyscale value you want without eyeballing it and checking 100 times?

>> No.3489889
File: 127 KB, 468x704, ClVYggjXIAAQTAR.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do i go for weird shit.
i'm getting into art but i make weirder more expressive stuff. like neo-expressionism and some street art. mostly i just draw to deal with my mental issues. wanna find some cool places but every place for art seems to have the vibe of

>weebs who only draw anime girls
>people treating art like a sport and trying to be as accurate as possible
>"hi this is my character i made inspired by steven universe please only say nice things"

>> No.3490042

i want them but i dont want to pay for them i already spent all my money on a charizard tin (its got mystery pokemon cards in, but it's garauenteed to come with a Charzard EX which is cool)

>> No.3490548

Where do you guys go for art critiques?

>> No.3491419

