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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 304 KB, 1157x1410, 1506271886606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3438959 No.3438959 [Reply] [Original]

What are some tips for tracing/photobashing so that people don't find the reference?

Personally I always flip the canvas and make sure none of the pixels align when you overlay it

>> No.3438966

Study perspective, the best way to steal an image is to draw the exact same pose but from a slightly different angle with the vanishing point(s) slightly higher or lower or shifted to the right

>> No.3438988

can you explain this with an example

>> No.3439005
File: 539 KB, 1157x1410, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but i think like this

>> No.3439020

Just do a loose trace dumbass, no one can definitively say you copied it exactly, you'll always be able to claim you eyeballed it.

>> No.3439024


>> No.3439037

Make the reference yourself and don't put it anywhere on the internet

>> No.3439210

Wrong, the correct way is to trace the outline of the body, go into designdoll and put the models pose to match the layer of the outline you have. Then you either change the angle of the 3D model or you slightly modify its pose, like lift the leg up a bit or something else.

I have got away with this for 2 years now and I post my art publicly.

>> No.3439401

Why don't you just use DD from the start?

>> No.3439406

The pose is so generic that I can accuse you in tracing even if you draw entire figure from imagination. Hell you probably can find "references" for all poses.

>> No.3439428
File: 18 KB, 500x322, 134236545766585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tracing some photo
>posing a doll for 3h instead of actually learning new things and drawing

nice stiff porn there lol

he's too dumb to think of a realistic pose himself, and (in this case) to pose a model in a believable fashion. Little does he know that it's just plain obvious for anyone that at least has some experience in art, twisting a thigh for 180° and moving it upwards surely doesn't make it seem more believable. That's how it is when you have no visual library.

>> No.3439460

You're stupid and don't even draw, people draw from real life all the time and you think 3D models are much different. Go learn to draw before you speak about it.

>> No.3439468

3D models aren't comparable to real people especially when you're the one posing them

>> No.3439480
File: 150 KB, 689x232, 1522600060357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related a decent way to help me learn perspective? or is it more suited for shape/form?

>> No.3439510

Always fascinated to see people having the photo memory to "recognize that ass/bulge" whatever.

>> No.3439513

>you think 3D models are much different.
They are though. models don't have individual mass shift from muscle tension/contraction as you move them, same for fat physics.
They also lack the "learned behavior and personality" aspect which means your pose is neutral at best, when real people have habits or hidden disease forcing details to vary from one to another.
don't learn from 3D it's just as bad as staged photoshopped magazine photos.

>> No.3439516

1. Use only your own resources
2. Only upload finished jpegs
3. Never talk about your process to anyone including your friends and family.
4. Use a pen name.
5. Never tell anyone you do art. To avoid people asking to show them how you draw.

>> No.3439828

take the photos yourself not from fucking google images

>> No.3439865

6. make multiple accounts, just in case shit hits the fan with one

>> No.3439876

You can't. As soon as you're getting traction someone will notice and call you out. There are even people actively hunting down tracers and artists that rely heavily on reference.

So either have plenty of reference and combine it with your own imagination/skill, or simply own it. If you link the stuff you referenced, there will be nothing for people to point out.

Then again, most people will never know you traced and most people will also not give a fuck if you do. Just look at Kr0nprinz, who is heavily relying on others' works for his compositions. I know they are supposed to be studies, but most of the time he doesn't tag them as such. Relying heavily on reference is something only autists on /ic/ and some DA tards and tumblrinas care about, so you might as well do it.

My own take on this topic is: Take a composition, take a color scheme, take design elements, take a pose; BUT from different sources. That way you don't mindlessly copy, but pay attention to who you emulate and why you chose to do so. As for referencing poses: Use them as reference, not as a 2-D motive you copy, and turn them around in your head. You could simply change the angle and people couldn't track it back - because you put in minimal effort to make it your own thing. You may also try to take the pose as a base, but try out other movements of the limbs, tilt the torso, etc. If you can't do that without the help of a program, you should definitely work a bit more on your fundamentals again. It's on thing to come up with a specific pose from imagination, but another to fail at basic composition and perspective.

>> No.3439881

Why do you even want to trace?

>> No.3439912

Just get good instead, cunt.

>> No.3439965

Use photoshop and combine a lot of photos before tracing, or you can use frames from movies (not animated ones because people will sure notice). Also you can make good use of warp and liquifiy tool on photoshop.

>> No.3439971

Tracing is the loomis method
Only winners trace
you ngmi if you don't trace

>> No.3439975


>> No.3439979

only the beginning to 15 minutes is the actual lesson by the way

>> No.3440011

This shit is getting so convoluted, you might as well just be straightup drawing from scratch?? If you can put this much effort getting away with tracing, you can put the effort into drawing normally or at the very least referencing. I don't get the fucking point.

>> No.3440018

Exactly, retard. Do it or stfu and learn to draw from scratch. Or else enjoy getting caught stealing.

>> No.3440040

The funny thing is that their final product is still ubappealing trash that anyone with taste will spit on, fucking lmao

>> No.3440055

Just dont.
Get a photo, leave it on the side and try to copy it with your own lines.
Thats how I learned to draw. When you master the lines and curves of a body by yourself you wont even need references anymore, just imagination.

>> No.3440061

there is a thrill from cheating that is worth more than the prize

>> No.3440099

Just steal and don't copy.

>> No.3440114

Aren't you pornfags tired of seeing always the same dozen positions

>> No.3440184

Well, you would be surprised about how much your favorite artists get away with tracing, but hey... you must always be honest right?

>> No.3440371

>all these retarded crabs trying to come up with desperate rationalizations as to why you shouldn't use tools
lol, even experienced artists draw over a reference layer to save time.

>> No.3440383
File: 35 KB, 470x381, m-me too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3440465

The idea is to present an alternative to tracing so that you can't get caught, but still be able to basically steal a pose. But it does require you to actually be able to draw at a basic level, so NGMI's like yourself wouldn't be able to make it work.

>> No.3440552

Because being seen as someone who can draw well is more important than actually being able to draw well.

>> No.3440554

>tfw this is too true

>> No.3440570

fake it till you make it

>> No.3440582

get lost fucktard

>> No.3440587

OP literally everything I draw is traced. Nobody has ever discovered it or ever will. People don't look that closely.

>> No.3440615

>learn basics
>Get a little good
>End up getting used to relying on references
>Make sure you have some sort of "signature" for your art style (I use style loosely; learn the basics)
>Learn how to color, especially animu renders

>Get image
>Flip image
>Loosely sketch w skeleton over image, be as detailed as you want
>Turn off original image layer
>Do a refined sketch layer over the messy sketch
>Do that again but polish it
>Start a thumbnail process so you weren't focusing deeply on precision
>At this point your image should vary quite a bit from original image
>Do your way of coloring, don't try to copy how the image is colored
>Add a light source different from the original image
>The more personal touches, the better, even if it's a shat out BG

Nobody can claim you copied a pose or other art if it's JUST a pose you copied. Making sure the face is original is the most important, as that's typically an artist's "signature." This and any stylized shit they do with proportions.

And that's how I've been successful for 6 years. I've even learned quite a bit from copying images, to the point where I can mostly hold my own. So I actually don't do this very often anymore. Just takes time and a little extra effort.
Eventually you can just "redraw" anime caps and shit and people won't give you shit for trying to stick close to the original. And by then, you should have developed *something* probably.

But whatever. I horribly simplified things.

>> No.3440617

Yeah and sometimes they do get caught.

There's a twitter shitstorm right now because the Dragon Ball Super artist just got caught tracing Marvel.

>> No.3440619

>tracing Marvel

No wonder the show is such a dumpster fire.

>> No.3440626

Also never copy from popular shit. Ever. If you have to go into the depths of pixiv for something, do it.
But copying a real life image will be much better and easier to get yourself out of if youre caught

>> No.3440635
File: 63 KB, 595x449, froggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shape and form, i think. Also thanks for sharing this I can draw frogs now.

>> No.3440656

This but I'll tell you my secret.
>Gather anime statues/figure pictures from amature photographers.
>Loosely trace the skeleton
>Chang one aspect of the pose
>Draw whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.3440659

Anime figurines are great, cause they really capture the forms well while keeping the overall 2D aethetic.

If you on mfc you can find people taking like 360 degree photos for popular figures, or getting the lewd angles. Really great if you need inspiration or just need to figure out how the thigh squishes against the butt at a specific angle.

>> No.3440662

This is alright, but you'll end up getting stuck in generic, bland pose hell. You'd be better off just getting some good poseable dolls/figures yourself.

But, I mean, if you're just out for the money, people eat generic anime pose bullshit right up.

>> No.3440668
File: 1.34 MB, 1643x790, my refs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you find good photographers. Granted I also do have my own posible dolls but this tends to be easier and faster depending on what I'm doing.

What's mfc? I'd love to check it out! Currently I just get shit from flickr.

>> No.3440670

That's a p good froggo. You're on your way.

>> No.3440675

Yeah, makes sense. I mean, if you get enough angles of a figure, it'll help to an extent. It still can hold you back quite a bit, if you aren't familiar with posing in general. You could get stuck doing pin ups forever and nothing dynamic.
I'd suggest this method more to people already familiar with art and copying. Not newbies wanting to get that sweet patreon money.

It seems like a great method, as long as you have a good bit of knowledge yourself... It's a risky play, more on your own abilities and education, rather than getting caught.

Your method, while the above worries me, will probably never get you caught. And, even if it does, you could easily talk your way out of it.
Good suggestion Anon.

>> No.3440678

>people already familiar with art and copying. Not newbies

I agree with this. I only started doing this more recently as a way to save time. I also try to study while I'm drawing it so I know what's going on with the figure. I don't always rely on these, just when I'm in a rush. So I'd say one out of every five fully rendered pictures. Things can get stale though which is why I don't want to use this all the time.

I just figured it'd be a nice tip for those who were looking. I'm glad the suggestion works~

>> No.3440682

Completely agree. It's a bonus that you actually try to study the figures too. That alone redeems you in my book from money hungry panderer haha.

Tracing without getting any understanding of the subject will lead to shit art. And typically, especially with newbies, you can just tell if shits traced.

Good luck to ya Anon. Here's hoping you never get caught!
>Although the only real problems you'd get is if you were caught tracing some anime/manga or especially fan art
>That's when shit gets dicey

>> No.3440707

Myfigurecollection it's MAL for anime figurines. Most of the popular figs have 200+ photos

>> No.3440709

Drawing from refs = tracing

>> No.3440717
File: 197 KB, 2500x1645, 1515366245575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3440726

Holy shit you guys are trying way too hard. Just take your own reference pictures. Thats the big secret. And learn to enjoy drawing things other than hot naked anime women or you'll never make it.

>> No.3440732
File: 66 KB, 561x679, 1527023755329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, the DBS mangaka is currently being ridiculed and shat on by thousands of people on twitter because he was caught tracing a Captain America cover.

Do not listen to the crabs, people. Yes, there are exceptions to everything, but you are not Kron. If you are caught tracing, your career and reputation, if you have any, is very likely to be heavily damaged. Just remember this, when it happens, do not come to /ic/ and whine about "b-but you guys told me only t-tools, no rules" There is a reason why EVERY tracer tries to hide the fact that they are tracing. People WILL think less of you as an artist.

>> No.3440903

one of the thing the "why are Japanese better" spammer should learn is that Japanese people aren't nice to each other. This pushes people to either improve or quit.

>> No.3440904

so messy

>> No.3440916

no art to post, kid?

>> No.3440926


share your ref folder ?

>> No.3443458

people are fuckin dumb about tracing. They trace pictures from google or some other site, which is easily trackable. why don't they trace from a frame in a movie / live action tv show? it would be a lot harder to track down a source for that, since who's gonna remember every single frame in a video.