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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 507 KB, 2037x3056, glboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3222205 No.3222205 [Reply] [Original]

Loomis is for fucking retards, you will never draw like Murata with your shity loomis method fuck tards

>> No.3222242
File: 22 KB, 355x351, 614VmsFwoNL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3222245
File: 508 KB, 900x900, smug_anime_grill48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say kiddo.

>> No.3222259

I agree that people who take loomis to an autistic level are never gonna get good

I cringe everytime someone tries to draw a body counting heads

>> No.3222262
File: 90 KB, 2000x1992, 564677647ghtjuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying past and today's Japanese artists don't suck Western art's dick like crazy
sure boo-boo, sure

>> No.3222270
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 8qqGzHqv_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks loomis is a meme

>> No.3222276
File: 61 KB, 550x765, hmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggest an alternative/better method.

>> No.3222286
File: 61 KB, 400x402, card_1fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW you will never draw shounenshit

>> No.3222298

draw from memory

>> No.3222314

"loomis is a meme" is a meme

>> No.3222320
File: 2.80 MB, 480x366, milhouse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3222360


It's obvious you just come here to shitpost normie.

>> No.3222374

Enjoy the drawing process

>> No.3222377

Literally drawing with your eyes and looking at plenty of references.
Construction is a crutch for people who are bad, and at best is a useful way of breaking down things you aren't able to easily break down with just your eyes if you don't have talent.

Ironically, one of the first exercises that is "draw with your eyes, not with your brain" is the first thing people forget when they pick up construction. By just looking at references and having a good visual library you should be able to tell if what you're drawing looks good or bad, and you can fix it by utilizing that.
Unlike say perspective where things actually follow the rules of vanishing points, construction isn't actually how things work in reality, its just a way of abstracting something that is too hard for beginners to do themselves.

>> No.3222383

>Construction is a crutch for people who are bad

>> No.3222425
File: 212 KB, 969x1000, manga_vs_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon.

>> No.3222431 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger
both anime and loomis are cancer

>> No.3222437

Is this the same faggot bitching about loomis form all the other threads recently?

>> No.3222444

fucking hell. Boy I'd wish my fucking balls I could draw like that.

>> No.3222453
File: 491 KB, 899x1600, S9HQHy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a anime and loomis thread you fucking stupid bitch

>> No.3222463

>Loomis and anime are cancer
>Western and Eastern are cancer
What do you draw then? Alien art?

>> No.3222464

shut the fuck up you weeb.
this board went to shit because you retards keep posting the loomis meme, not to mention your retarded animu threads.
just face it, you guys will never be famous manga artists in japan.
get over it.

>> No.3222473


>> No.3222474

>ALL eastern and western art can be simplified to anime and Loomis
The dipshit that said Loomis is cancer is retarded but your ducking retarded too anon

>> No.3222476

nope just loomis is cancer.
shitty "draw the rest of the fucking owl" tutorials nobody can fucking understand.
go die in a horse vagina, you fucko.

>> No.3222490

Post manga book

>> No.3222507
File: 327 KB, 717x1000, htdm_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from pic related.

>> No.3222512

You know Murata constructs his drawings right? The majority of artists use construction. Even fucking Dave Rapoza who draws a lot from imagination usually uses construction.

>> No.3222517
File: 322 KB, 729x658, this is art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would gladly die balls deep in a horse vagina

>> No.3222580

>You know Murata constructs his drawings right?
No, he doesn't.

>> No.3222585

watch his streams, construction doesn't necessarily mean rigidly drawing a box or loomis head. Most people use a method of loose scribbly construction where they lay down the basic shapes and find the form. This is exactly what Murata does.

>> No.3222596

I don't even like or draw manga but this series of books is actually useful. Not for a beg, but for artists who are already decent enough and want to get into doing a manga.

>> No.3222599

The cover made me think it was one of those generic shitty books that you might buy as kid. Is that one made by someone who actually knows what they're talking about? Might check it out.

>> No.3222648

this better not be a meme

>> No.3222651

Not >>3222596 but he's right. I've never outright used those books before but I had looked through them out of curiosity and they are genuinely good.

(great fap material in some of them too, not gonna lie)

>> No.3222695

Yeah they're actually edited and drawn by industry professionals, just flipping through them you can tell they're put together by legit Japanese artists that know their shit.

>> No.3222855

The construction that Murata does and most good artists isn't "construction" its more of a loose sketch than actually constructing the thing out of shapes.
Sketching isn't construction, construction is a methodology of forming the object out of easier drawn shapes.

>> No.3222870

>The construction that Murata does and most good artists isn't "construction" its more of a loose sketch than actually constructing the thing out of shapes.

That's literally the same as what Loomis and the whole Bridgeman school of construction is about though. Are you by any chance slightly retarded and you think some of the example drawings showing the shape abstraction to explain the simplified volume are something you are supposed to do every time you draw a human figure? Surely you can't be that dumb.

>> No.3222873

The entire point of construction is breaking down shapes.
Murata and other artists don't do that, they have placeholders for visualizing the drawing.
If you're bothering to "construct" things for a placeholder you're doing it horribly wrong and inefficiently.

>> No.3222878
File: 185 KB, 806x949, 124235346767657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be legitimately mentally challenged. No one actually uses construction the way you think it is being used. Have you ever even read Loomis before? He teaches a mannequin that is literally just what you are talking about, a placeholder for the actual figure, mostly for beginners to get comfortable with the concept of gesture and proportions. Afterwards, he goes straight to sketchign figures like pic related.

I swear, idiots like you need to take a fucking step back and actually fire up their brain for once and THINK about this. What is the placeholder used for? To make informed decisions that help you with the final drawing. These decisions usually are: Gesture / movement / balance, the relation between ribcage and pelvis, proportions and most importantly volume and perspective. ANY type of placeholder you will draw that does these things IS some form of construction.

>> No.3222884


>> No.3222987
File: 155 KB, 929x659, outline_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is old and busted. No manga artist uses construction drawing. The newest and quickest way is the Silhouette drawing.

>> No.3222992
File: 395 KB, 1124x1589, robot_construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(cont) Stop drawing mannequin robot. Nobody cares for mountains when you draw a map of America. Drawing is all about making flat picture. Switch to the silhouette drawing and concentrate on the outlines.

>> No.3223001

wait, isn't this that the same author of that autobiographic manga about becoming a mangaka?

>> No.3223002
File: 95 KB, 638x960, 185169_229725167157145_517966116_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kim jung gi would like to have a word with you

>> No.3223008
File: 133 KB, 1000x549, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get that book will the ghost of this guy come out and beat my ass with a kendo sword every time I fuck up?

>> No.3223015

>Silhouette drawing
What is that book called you got a link to it?

>> No.3223026
File: 370 KB, 857x1200, 936full-yoshitaka-amano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post work

People have been simplifying forms and feeling out shapes and motion using construction since the dawn of art. Look at the Lascoux cave paintings. Look at the Greek statues and the workshops with anatomical breakdowns and careful measuring. Look at the simplicity of form in Rodin's oeuvre

I agree that some anons forget to add the motion and flow in their work, but this is easily fixed by concentrating hard, feeling instinctually, drawing curves from the shoulder or elbow, studying some composition and remembering to add gesture as the guidelines for your construction.

>> No.3223030

Why do crabs make such a big deal out of this? There are good artists who do construction and there are good artists who do direct drawing. Just do whichever gets you the best results. And if you have trouble with perspective or foreshortening on a figure you started with direct drawing, you can always do a quick construction sketch to solve the problem.

Though I have the sneaking suspicion that 99% of the direct drawing advocates on /ic/ are utterly terrible and just want to trick beginners to join them down at the bottom of the bucket.

>> No.3223034

Though I should add that virtually no professional artist does direct drawing for client work or anything they care about. Not even KJG. Everyone uses a sketch if they want to do the best work possible.

>> No.3223085

Are you, perhaps, metally ill?

>> No.3223087

>TFW characters are anatomically correct but unappealing
Why god hates us?

>> No.3223089


>> No.3223140

how do I git gud fast at drawing hot bara men, anon?

>> No.3223153

link to book?

>> No.3223154

What anime is this? I want her to be my wife

>> No.3223156

the """"""""anime""""""""
Is rwby

>> No.3223167

>you will never draw like Murata if you learn how to draw well
is this a subtle knock at murata, or what

>> No.3223279

how can I make lineart like this?

>> No.3223294

Can someone fill me in about how/WHY the fuck did it reach its current level of popularity? it boggles my mind that something so unironically bad is that popular that even the Japs enjoy it.

>> No.3223298

Pretty much what you can find in murata's tutorial manga

>> No.3223312

is this real?
do japs really know loomis at all?

>> No.3223322

>murata's tutorial manga
what's this?

>> No.3223325

Yeah she is that chick from that manga with that old strict teacher who just told her to draw. Good advice, good manga and she is a good artist. But mostly focuses on quantity over quality. Always keeps it simple in her manga but works super hard and puts out more work than other more particular artists.

>> No.3223326
File: 752 KB, 1699x1388, Scan22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.3223333
File: 81 KB, 360x500, loomis_1_fun_with_a_pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually do have most of his books.

>> No.3223334

so easy to notice the normalfags once you start getting a hang of drawing

>> No.3223341


>> No.3223342

maybe take a look at his instructional videos where he explains his thought process and how he construct things in his mind

>> No.3223345

yeah, I know he uses construction, but that is not a good example of one

>> No.3223362

>Even japs love it
Japs have no standards. see kemono and friends

>> No.3223373

>Japs have no standards
yah I pretty much realized after discovering anime

>> No.3223402

wew is there an upload of this?!

>> No.3223405

>kemono and friends
The fact that you do not see the brilliance in that series is why you simply will never make it as a creator.

>> No.3223424

hahahha he can't into loomis
what a fucking scrub
get gud you weaboo shit aaahaha

>> No.3223426


>> No.3223432

They even recommend him.

>> No.3223449

>They even recommend him.

>> No.3223457

Wow, it's almost like there are some sort of FUNDAMENTAL concepts in drawing that all competent drawers follow that also happens to be what Loomis teaches about in his books.


>> No.3223685

Who's the artist behind this one? I really like the way it's drawn/

>> No.3223731

it wasn't supposed to be

>> No.3224152

Never watched it but it looks crap.

>> No.3224156


so obvious you don't draw, just shut the fuck up, dumb piece of shit false flagging retard

>> No.3224158
File: 29 KB, 281x286, 1512323632921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's loomis?

>> No.3224193

Did using those words make you feel better

>> No.3224203


why do they make the cover art so fucking unappealing then, literally every cover in that whole series looks like shit

>> No.3224207

any method that helps you understand how to represent 3-dimentional shapes in 2 dimensions will do the trick, loomi's is kinda of a meme because people recomend it a lot, but its actually good you know, its simple well explained... I

>> No.3224354


>> No.3224356

i'm very interested as well

>> No.3224362

pretty obvious you draw like shit or can't go beyond basic anime shit. There are many ways to approach drawing and construction is done subconsciously if you already know the subject. There are many artists who can start out by putting down a silhouette and have the internal proportions match up afterwards.

>> No.3224388

Someone must have sauce on this beaut. Please...

>> No.3224395
File: 1.03 MB, 600x946, murata_hetappi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this cunt:

He just posts the image without saying which manga it belongs to.
The manga in fact is “Hetappi Manga Kenkyuujo R” or "ヘタッピマンガ研究所R" and it's just a How-to-Draw manga book by Yusuke Murata.

Just google the japanese name and you'll find it on Amazon.

>> No.3224401


>> No.3224414

fuck off fucking nigger
way to spoil the fun
fucking cunt

>> No.3224472
File: 579 KB, 815x931, thanks loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3224478

You see what's wrong with it or you wouldn't be posting. Try again, motherfucker. Follow the steps as they appear in the book and don't move on from one step until it looks right.

>> No.3224480
File: 3.80 MB, 365x274, top kek mate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robertson/Hampton >>>>>> Loomis
Loomis is a fucking meme

>> No.3224524

is that what i am supposed to do? grind 4 hours on a single head just to get it perfect? if i would do that it would take me a whole year to finish this 120 pages book

i have zero fucking motivation drawing old pieces of shits, i just want to fucking draw anime and not this old fuck

>> No.3224527

>he can't visualize things in 3d and lacks a critical
>i-ik-i-i-i-it's the BOOKS fault!!!!

Maybe if you would study how to draw successfully draw instead of just memeing you could actually amount to something more than a shitpost.

>> No.3224530


>> No.3224534
File: 229 KB, 1451x571, 1459462935098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may sound pretty surprising but the more you do something the faster you learn to do it. Fix the head you piece of shit!

>> No.3224536
File: 782 KB, 2048x2048, george condo's seminal work 'dickface number 27'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says MOMAron the Condo Cuck


>> No.3224545
File: 64 KB, 632x603, e92a190a1fed114a7c83d99f37a2c2d5--anatomy-study-anatomy-reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did OP use a painting for comparison. In figure drawing for all its worth, Loomis does not touch on painting once. Also, loomis's book would be too realistic to match anything like OP's pic because OP's pic uses forced perspective to make the arm look bigger. anyway, loomis is notorious for having beautiful anatomy and construction, but very stiff poses. You baka gotta get down with the hogarth to draw manga' truly the god of construction. Only soyboy virgin anatomical perfectionists dont like the hogarth.

>> No.3224547
File: 24 KB, 709x170, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but loomis taught me to be original? it's just my style bro there is no need "fixing" that head the fuck you talking about.

>> No.3224549

thanks but i already knew it was the how to draw by murata. i actually was hoping someone had a scan of it... or at least photos of all pages

>> No.3224569
File: 1.69 MB, 320x240, uoZwCg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no concept about anything you just said.

>> No.3224938



Not the best scans, but it's something.

>> No.3224944

Thank you very much!

>> No.3225021

Now you know why artists are anti-social.

>> No.3225034

Noice. Thank you anon!

>> No.3225054
File: 402 KB, 582x520, draw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3225066


>> No.3225089

Does any kind of English translation exist?

>> No.3225096
File: 193 KB, 554x636, 1440380866344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't anime. it's some grotesque western halfbreed.

>> No.3225162
File: 170 KB, 390x339, 1476483053494.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and I doubt there will be a translation anytime soon.
You can get a copy for super cheap off amazon or ebay, even though there's walls of text in it all pictures can be understood without context.

>> No.3225246

Someone scan and translate this

>> No.3225258

Learn basic Perspective ( how 2 draw a cube and mirroring etc ) then go back to Loomis

>> No.3225278

Already scanned:
Actually, I know some moonrunes so technically I can *sort* of translate it, but I think it would probably be better if I provide the script and some other anon translates it or something.
Also, the shitty scans make it hard to transcribe some characters.

Btw, fuck Firefox for fucking up the support for Rikaichan.

>> No.3225286

>OP BTFOed hard
Even Hirohiko Araki mentioned Loomis in his book.

>> No.3225288
File: 44 KB, 1385x320, 1512086806989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3225290

>Even Hirohiko Araki mentioned Loomis in his book.

>> No.3225293

I call him king crab

>> No.3225297

This book. It's scanned.

>> No.3225540

where can i find the video?

>> No.3225558

It's people like you who make this board a shitty place to learn art.

>> No.3225562

desu I'm actually interested in fine art but it seems like it'd be even more difficult to get into than commercial art. At least with commercial art if you have a decent portfolio you'll eventually get hired by someone. With fine art I think it's really tough to even get your foot in the door unless you have the required connections.

>> No.3226125

so everyone who screams about loomis not being good is actually just shit? i always suspected, but thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.3228624

>recommend loomis to people so they git gud
>people surprised at people being shit trying to learn from loomis to git gud

the fuck is your logic nigga

>> No.3228639

>idiot picks some random tutorial from loomis
>idiot proceeds to not comprehend anything about what he's reading or why any of what loomis is saying is important
>idiot blindly tries to copy the bits and pieces of the tutorial that are shown while thinking that just doing that will magically make him better without having to comprehend any of the basic concepts that are being taught to him
>idiot continues to be an idiot

wow you're right loomis is bad wow you're not an idiot at all wow

>> No.3228647

Is she laughing at construction meme.

>> No.3228659

recommend me a book then that makes me understand the basics? cause everyone else just says loomis?

>> No.3228674

Have you actually read, from front to back in detail, any loomis book?

>> No.3228682

i'm on like page 25 on fun with pencil

>> No.3228697

The important thing to ascertain from that book is how to think in 3D forms.
It is a basic introduction to many concepts. After you finish reading that book then look for more advanced books in particular areas.
Such as figure drawing, perspective, and painting.
Finish the Loomis book and then think about what you need to work on and what your artistic goals are.
If figure drawing you can get books like
Vilppu:Drawing Manual
Vilppiu: Figure Drawing
Micheal Hampton: Figure Drawing
Loomis: Figure Drawing
Combined with an anatomy book like
Eliot Goldfinger: Human Anatomy for Artists
Uldis Zarins: Anatomy for Sculptors

For more perspective and generalist books
Scott Robertson: How to Draw
Loomis: Successful Drawing
Handprint: Elements of Perspective

For more painting
Loomis: Eye of the Painter
Richard Schmid: Alla Prima
James Gurney: Color and Light

>> No.3228701

if you're expecting things to just magically fit into place after a day of reading, yeah you better temper your expectations
just keep returning to loomis when you have problems while you go about struggling for years without a teacher to watch and guide you and eventually, hopefully, you'll get the whole "being able to think of drawings three dimensionally" thing.

>> No.3228710

thank you, by the way i am following the guide in the sticky i'm just really procrastinating with fun with pencil cause i'm really not into cartoon drawing some 90 year old characters with 500 folds in their faces

>> No.3228712

Pay less attention to the style of loomis and more on the general idea

>> No.3228731

exactly this is whats holding me back from buying any of that. are they actually good?

>> No.3228820

Link to book pls? Years of Loomis have done little for me

>> No.3228922
File: 178 KB, 900x1346, Even_a_Monkey_Can_Draw_Manga[m-s]_Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga - Lesson 04_Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga 023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she says she never draw a mannequin before drawing people. And no manga artist does. But every how-to book start with the mannequin drawing. That's because most of the authors of these books are not real manga artists but second rate illustrators.

>> No.3228935


>> No.3228937

lol, that guy's a fucking idiot

>> No.3228944

>Togashi and Masakazu Katsura are in there as well.
Really wish I knew how to read Japanese

>> No.3228949

>It's another art school dropout thinning out the competition thread

>> No.3228955

Not that it matters but i just realized Fun With Whatever made draw stop drawing without noticing it. I drew yesterday after more than a year trying to learn from that book.
He keeps saying it is easy and everyone can do it, tells you to do something it turns out to be shit and he says "See! it told you are good". The pace on how much you improve and how good the book expects you to be by that point is totally off.

>> No.3228964

Take a (you), you absolute jerk. Now get the fuck out of here.

>> No.3229055

Name one good artist that actually follows the construction "formula"

>> No.3229059


>> No.3229092
File: 666 KB, 940x1355, 49718298_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3229055 (You)

>> No.3229096
File: 122 KB, 692x900, Michelangelo_libyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3229055 (You)

>> No.3229106

Not construction

>> No.3229109
File: 135 KB, 961x837, 1231543769879797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3229106 (You)

>> No.3229111
File: 1.01 MB, 800x3918, 56942706_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3229106 (You)

>> No.3229119

Why, I didn't think it could catch on here on /ic/, but people have actually listened to my criticism on Loomis the past few days. (you even call it a "crutch" like I did).

I can't stress this enough: If you love drawing a lot and you have enough motivation to do it everyday, you DON'T NEED Loomis, Vilppu or any other of the shit authors recommended in the Beginners guide. Your practice alone is the best teacher you can get.

Are you impatient? Feeling like you don't "learn fast enough"? –––– It's normal. You don't become a pro overnight.

Stop comparing yourself with others. This is what people on /ic/ are constantly doing. Did you notive this thread?

People actually put their own work next to the work of their idols. Well, do you want to become your idol? No, you are yourself. You have your own style, your own mind, your own hands, your own understanding. Why on earth would you want to adopt the style of someone else?

Stop looking at the works of other beginners and start looking at your own works. Draw from real life everyday. If all you do is draw from references, photographs, internet, you will never train your eyes to draw directly from life, instead you become a copy machine.

>> No.3229120

No it's actually not. I responded here >>3229119
lol, seems like I'm in good company.

>> No.3229123

butthurt suckers for Loomis once again.
>"don't insult muh Loomis, muh Vilppu, muh lovely teachers desu desu!"

nothing wrong with "approaching the form" … this is what pretty much artists do!

But it's not the same as the painting-by-numbers construction bullshit by Loomis, measuring everything like it's a fucking math exercise. This is truly for people who are completely uninspired and want to learn drawing as a hobby to pass time.

>> No.3229124

>That's literally the same as what Loomis and the whole Bridgeman school of construction is about though.

You are too simple to understand that there is a difference between mathematical construction taught by Loomis and a rough sketch to appropriate the final form as done by most fine artists. The latter requires actual talent as a basis.

>> No.3229125

>this fucking MOMAtard spreg again
you should stop advertising /ic/ on tumblr and streams

>> No.3229127
File: 99 KB, 707x1000, 1512623278033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google how to use tripcodes. Save our time please. Trip will fit you perfectly.

>> No.3229128

Oh, hello my untalented friend! You again. Still got that screenshot of my post? I hope you know it verbatim by now.
Now seriously, your autism is real. I think you're the most upset little fag I've seen on here, all because I shat on your beloved Loomis. ngmi

>> No.3229135
File: 279 KB, 1199x848, 1512594741555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOMAtard, this site has archive. Everyone knows about your autism. And no, you can't delete posts from archive. You already embarrassed yourself thousand times. Stop.

>> No.3229136

His cartoon characters are actually so infuriatingly shitty …. lmao.
Will Eisner was way better. His book "Comics and Sequential Art" is a way better read, too. You can actually get some nice theory in there, instead of you "one box here, one sphere there!" bullshit.

>> No.3229137

mah man!

Oh, here he is again, Mr. Upsetty! Too bad Georg Condo is a successful artist and you aren't. You're a basement dweller, mommy is your biggest fan.

>> No.3229141
File: 263 KB, 650x807, 1511969463532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need Loomis if you don't want to draw like this.

>> No.3229142
File: 29 KB, 292x220, iur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you posted it again! lmao, you are obsessed with my posts. nice.

>pic related. is you

>> No.3229143


>> No.3229146

how has the board been around for like 10 years and this same thing happens over and over, it's like groundhogs day in here

>> No.3229169
File: 409 KB, 750x590, Loomisacademy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/ic/ commandment 1
>construction is awesome!
>/ic/ commandment 2
>use construction!

>> No.3229170
File: 709 KB, 1688x518, 6ffa65142b33c9a9c17b27dbe47623e0b534d85d0017016795d7bf2c1308bab3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ, he's trying to meme now

>> No.3229236

I'm gonna make it, don't worry.

>> No.3229240

>Pay less attention to the style of loomis and more on the general idea
That's the problem. The majority of /beg/inners just copies Loomis with zero understanding. It's a source of confusion and creative arrest rather than proper teaching. No book can replace a teacher, same applies for learning to place music.

>> No.3229241


>> No.3229317

are you that one guy who draws really bad symbol drawn anime girls with horns and their titties out? i can tell because your english is shitty

>> No.3229425
File: 218 KB, 360x614, 1484446093665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting out and thus have no idea but wouldn't Loomis be super helpful as it teaches you how to draw with the construction technique?
I mean yeah it would be hard to do that with every thing you draw but eventually wouldn't you be able to do that accurately in your head?

>> No.3229485

If you actually apply any meme from 4chan in your life you are a fucking moron, whether it's this or drinking fucking onion juice, adopting meme behavious just shows you are retarded

>> No.3229500

you can't teach artistic intuition, you have to learn it, ingrain it in your mind through constant practice. it means wiring your brain to develope an eye for shapes, contrast and composition. to achieve a very short distance from your motive in front of you to the idea you want to bring to the canvas or paper.

so what is Loomis doing? he promotes a drawing school that could teach a stock broker, a car mechanic, any idiot with no talent to draw mediocre portraits.

if you are just as much of a lowfi artist, you can't see the hundreds of mistakes. you can't see beyond the try-hard little masturbation over details, which neglect a balanced allover image

look at this reference

and look at this bland shit

this sketch is from a guy who uses exactly these schematic aids, which are completely distracting from translating your impression of the motive. instead, you end up concentrating on something that is basically not different from "painting by numbers"

any fucking idiot can practice mediocre sketching with Loomis and all the other fucktards. it means nothing. the results are not worth mentioning.

>> No.3229505
File: 19 KB, 300x399, 1496924413311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit man calm down, it's just drawing. Why are getting mad at others just for wanting to draw?

>> No.3229526
File: 35 KB, 698x361, Capturee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apparently the book suggested ITT tells you just to trace shit
toppest of keks
Still about to buy it just because it has some decent reference photos.

>> No.3229612

The characters are the only reason people like it. The amount of shipping should be a hint. Everything else in the show is just window dressing. The characters aren't even good but their simple design appeals to tumblr.

>> No.3229831

>copied my post from the other thread
noice :3

>> No.3229834

not me. english isn't my first language. what languages do you speak?
if all you can do is distract by hinting at typos, you probably have no other arguments anymore.

>> No.3229837

If I need to force myself to remember every angle of human anatomy then where do I find such reference material?

>> No.3229844


Anatomy reference books like Classic Human Anatomy and buttloads of practice.

>> No.3229845

>where do I find such reference material?
Did you ever think about the possibility to draw from real life? I mean, come on. How come everybody on here thinks it's ok to be a basement dweller type couch potato, drawing nothing but photos and references from the web, sitting at home … the fuck?
Sit in a café, draw the people around you, get a sketchbook and carry it with you all day, draw as much as you can from real life, try to make quick sketches of people passing by. Draw as much as you can, that's the key!


>> No.3229847

>force myself to remember every angle of human anatomy
To be honest, you sound like you don't WANT to learn at all.

Personally, I think there's nothing more interesting than drawing random people around you. I'm almost obsessed with human nature in drawing. I can always pick up a piece of paper and draw a face and I'm having a good time. If you don't love doing that, maybe this isn't for you.

>> No.3229857

>Mathematical construction

I think you just dislike loomis' art style, because his constructions are quite stylised and no way "mathematical".

Different styles require different degrees of construction (or "rough sketch", as you call them), and the artstyle of that era happen to require more preparation.

>> No.3229872

Look at the cartoon character construction he teaches. The man is awkward af.
I do dislike his style, but what really bugs me is his "that's how you do it" attitude that fucks with beginners minds. I'm really fucking sad that people destroy their natural basis by jumping right into construction and other schematic crutches instead of learning their own understanding, actually practicing for years to become better, which is quite literally what any good artist used to do.

You buy yourself an easy way in with these books for the cost of your individual developement. You end up as just another student of Loomis, who draws like Loomis and will keep these crutches forever.

>> No.3229886
File: 54 KB, 633x758, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man fuck all this negativity
I'm just a loser who can't draw for shit and wants to get better. What the fuck do i do? Who do I read?
And don't say read the sticky because Loomis was highly recommended there

>> No.3229918

How is it possible that the people in this thread who are quite possibly far younger than me are STRUGGLING to learn the basics in this era of the internet? You fucking brats when I was your age we only had some old vilppu tapes, gnomon dvds from the fzd chink, and loomis. People were still able to get good with the few limited resources.

Back then we didn't have broadband connection where you can download 100 torrents in under an hour. We had either dial-up or if you were lucky, DSL and even DSL was shit tier. You had to leave on your computer for a whole WEEK just to download vilcocks dvds. You're all ungrateful sons of bitches. Pick something and DRAW. Loomis is a God tier reference. DRAW the pictures in the book. Try to make sense of his readings and draw some more. Fuck you all.

>> No.3229919

Dude, don't ruin your motivation like that. Have fun drawing and don't expect to become a pro overnight. Enjoy drawing as much as you can, draw from real life, as it's the shortest, best route, from eye to paper, to get an understanding. As a beginner, the further your motif has travelled through other media, the less it will be beneficial for your practice:

real life model --> your drawing

If all you ever do is find references from the web or from books, you will end up with this chain:

anatomy drawing reference from book ---> is in itself an interpretation by another artist ---> ho worked from a model ---> your copy of that drawing

a photo is taken of a model ---> it is edited for uploading to the web ---> you look at it through a computer screen ----> your drawing from the reference

The shorter the chain, the better. The photographic lense works very differently than your eye and the result, a photograph, is flat and 2D. Each lense has a very specific distortion. The lense and camera have done a lot of work that you would need to figure out, if you were drawing directly from a real life model. It is already a composition with visible borders, so you would be tempted to copy that composition to paper (not good, if you want to practice that skill), it is 2D and flat so all you could do is copy the contours, not working to get your own sense of space.

I cant stress enough how important it is to draw from real life models, objects, people in cafés, whatever catches your eye. This is how you practice as a beginner. When you have a good sense of what you are doing, you can move on and use references to get your point across.

>> No.3229921

show your work please.

>> No.3229923


I'll show you this *unzips*.

>> No.3229930

*cue cheap porn music*

>> No.3229945
File: 270 KB, 525x478, buzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes you just want to have the mechanics down so you can move forward from that.

All the other porblems you say are more deeply ingrained in the people than whatever Loomis is doing.

It's a matter of taste and education, of the person using the book.

Yeah if someone approaches Loomis expecting a by the numbers approach that's what they're getting out of it and maybe that's all they want from it, but if you want to build upon it, take away from it, and just take some tips that will help you out then that's something completely different.

It's just the work of a commercial illustrator with some tips since he has been down that road.

>> No.3229947

>It's a matter of taste and education, of the person using the book.
Around 80% of people on here recommend Loomis to one another, because it makes them feel smart. And the same people often adopted Loomis' methods to an extend where they can't and don't want to break out of it.

I'm saying that all these books recommended in the beg. guide are venus traps for people who have no teacher to tell them what they are doing wrong. If you blindly adopt all the methods, just to get quick results going, you ruin your intuition completely. It is very hard to unlearn these flaws, if not impossible.

>> No.3230044

why is this shit-tier bait getting so much attention?

>> No.3230046

shit-tier bait always bait shit tier artist and high-tier bait always bait high tier artist. now guess what /ic/ is made of :^)

>> No.3230047

because it's literally advertised in the beginners guide, you moron.

>> No.3230048

>now guess what /ic/ is made of :^)
shit-tier bait artist high tier faggot artist bait artists?

>> No.3230049


>> No.3230076

Except counting heads is a useful schema, senpai.

>> No.3230080

yes. it's very useful. it perfectly distracts from the fact that all bodies are different and that you are too lazy and untalented to draw without aids and crutches.

>> No.3230109

Being unable to adapt strong design schema and rules of thumb to observed reality makes you an idiot and an untalented pleb. Schema helps you to solve artistic problems quickly and to provide a strong substructure to adapt and build on in an original drawing.

You're too lazy to learn principles of design that help you draw.

>> No.3230117

>helps you to solve artistic problems quickly
crutches, cheats, aids. you confirm it yourself.

>> No.3230130

Maybe they don't want to break out of it because it works? Let's see your art shitposter, post the artwork you've created all by yourself with no education or influence from anything even approaching a teacher.

>> No.3230140
File: 3.38 MB, 700x285, 1510774297448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowledge is cheating
Oof. The retard is strong with this one.

>> No.3230143
File: 162 KB, 1000x1164, 1512664021650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you aren't motivated enough to become an artist, so you resort to "quick guide to" bullshit.

--> http://i.4cdn.org/ic/1512761136444.jpg

>> No.3230150
File: 77 KB, 1500x1000, 1500495250319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3230157
File: 179 KB, 500x375, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3230160
File: 11 KB, 265x297, 1476827405633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's just too cute tho.

>> No.3230163

Give up, they just too scared to accept that there might be slightest possibility that they wasted years using loomis tard way

>> No.3230166
File: 37 KB, 565x575, 096 - dkiphny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say kiddo.

>> No.3230167
File: 34 KB, 360x400, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of sorry excuses for your "instant talent soup" Loomism.

>> No.3230181

>runs out of arguments
>"projecting! projecting!"
I never used Loomis or any of that shit. How is it projecting?

I've had real teachers as I could afford to study. We engaged in discussions. "I like this part, you should try and see how you can use that in your next works." "The foreshortening of the foot isn't right, but you've managed to get a some very nice cross-hatching going" … direct feedback, harsh feedback, honest feedback. None of my teachers has ever encouraged to resort to any such literature. You'd be laughed at, if you mentioned it.
Compared to buying a $30 Loomis shit in its 50th publishing cycle that you read at home alone and then think you'll become a masterful artist by being a basement dweller. Reassurance from fellow basement dwellers on /ic/ is so nice.

>> No.3230183

you still can't draw worth shit.

>> No.3230191

sure, whatever you say.

>> No.3230193


>> No.3230198

>linking me to a pic of 1874 portrait and the other pic is just unfinished shit draw with shitty arms and hands with blurry feet.

thanks for proving my point.

>> No.3230199

>shitty arms and hands with blurry feet.
so butthurt. must shit on it!

show yours, my child.

that first linking >>3230191 is just the thread where i've posted it. it's a cropped detail of a painting done by me in 2014.

show me your excellent work please, i beg you senpai.

>> No.3230201

>posting crop shit because he knows full pic is shit.

>> No.3230204

post your cropped shit please, big mouth. we haven't seen anything original from you, not even a fraction. possibly because you suck? prove me wrong.

>> No.3230205

Atelier artists learn theory alongside practice, moron. Learning something like capturing a line of action, governing shapes, blocking in, anatomy, visual landmarks all help train the artist in the long run. I not once mentioned Loomis. Holy shit, you not only can't draw you also can't fucking read.

They all help with learning solid principles. A quick technique, I agree, is shit in the long run. But models and theory help you understand what is in front of your eyes. Memorising the anatomy of geometric solids form the building blocks of complex structures. If you learn from Loomis, let it not just be Loomis. If you don't learn Loomis, then learn something else. Holy shit are you a moron for putting someone down for wanting to draw. Get the fuck out with your shit. Your assumptions ruin you.

>> No.3230206

I trust that you have a lot of very noble excuses why you don't want to post your stuff to show you are legit, just as you have a lot of sorry excuses for praising Loomis.

>> No.3230207

Post work

>> No.3230209
File: 97 KB, 428x250, IMG27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hand for a hand pic

>> No.3230210

>Holy shit, you not only can't draw you also can't fucking read.
>Holy shit are you a moron for putting someone down for wanting to draw.
going full retard now. nice.
I'm encouraging each and everyone to draw as much as they can and as often as they like to. I'm discouraging people from blindly following Loomis and all the other authors and tricking themselves into believing that that is all you need.

So hard to understand, right?

>> No.3230211

Loomis is good if you just have a half a brain that has the processing power to understand that the point isn't to copy the outdated cartooning style he uses as an example for the efficiency of simple construction. Just apply the methodology to your own characters.

>> No.3230212

>telling people to be DA kids with 0 improvement because they never seek the knowledge

great argument there retard

>> No.3230213

>JPEG artefact ridden crap

lol, now we can see if you can prove it is really from you. If that is your artwork, you most certainly have a highres version of it, the original .psd or other file.

Post the same cropped segment, but zoom in on the best possible resolution. If you fail to do so, you are a fake.

>> No.3230215

Don't read; draw.
Get used to drawing all the time everywhere.
Just draw.

You can care about shit like books and tutorials when the act of drawing already comes natural.

>> No.3230216

What the fuck is "DA", you meme ridden child?

>> No.3230217

For all it's worth, you could've pulled this shit from any concept art website.
Post the highres segment.

>> No.3230218

must be nice being this ignorant, small wonder why you can't see that you're spouting shit.

>> No.3230220


And I can guarantee you have the stiffest, most boring looking art out there

>> No.3230221

Yup, I guess I went full retard on that part. Apologies. The point stands, however, that refusing to seek and apply theory cripples you. Hence:

>> No.3230223

sure I'll post high res and full, if you post uncropped pic of yours.

>> No.3230227
File: 38 KB, 609x224, IMG_8746 detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice excuse. You've proposed it is a work you did. It is on YOU to prove that that's true.
see--> >>3230213

I will show you another portion of the picture, so you can wiggle your way out of this now, you lame fake cunt.

>> No.3230230
File: 32 KB, 106x246, IMG420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'll show you another portion as well but I'll be more gallant and give you a portrait part

>> No.3230232

>low web resolution

That settles it. Got the fake cunt right where he's at.

Post a highres or fuck off, you fucking phoney piece of shit. Calling out others to show their work while being a fake little piece of shit himself. lmao

safe your ass and stop being pathetic, post a highres detail.

>> No.3230235

if I wanted high res I could rip off other artist that provides them and there are plenty tons on the internet and easy to do, I'm posting low res so that I'll post full high res if you post your pic full.

>> No.3230237

No, the rules are clear. If that was made by you, you, with 100% certainty you'd still have the original file where you can zoom in on a detail of the hand in here : >>3230209

It would take you a minute to do that, if it was really made by you. There is absolutely no excuse for you to not provide that, other than you've ripped it from some website.

>> No.3230240
File: 830 KB, 791x818, IMG420bla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here then, now your turn.

>> No.3230241

And why in the fuck would you call it "IMG", you moron? Did you just try to make it seem more authentic? Who gives his digital art file names like "IMGxxx", when those are only used in Cameras like the Canon EOS 600 I used to photograph the painting I posted?

There is only one way to safe your ass. Post a highres detail of the hand area.

Right now, everything points at you being a fake fucking deal.

>> No.3230242

because I have to save with any name anyway? it's cropped not full why would I bother naming it in full name

>> No.3230245
File: 241 KB, 1744x818, enlarged+blurred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>enlarged, blurred, cartoon filter added.
whoops! gotcha

>> No.3230248

>using jpeg artifact as proof


>> No.3230255
File: 343 KB, 400x928, imadedis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Look! I made this! I have the detailed portion of the head! Hahaha!"

the fake cunt lost his cover.

>> No.3230257

why is it blurry?

>> No.3230260
File: 468 KB, 606x536, 1512837432574-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The typical, wiggly results of a cartoon filter.

lmao, you little fake ass cunt. Why would you emulate soft, round edges on the armor that are exactly the kind that you see with cartoonize filters?
You don't. You are a fake. screencapped.

>> No.3230264

>cartoon filter meme

it's called brushstrokes, how about you learn how things look in thumbnail and high res.

>> No.3230266
File: 544 KB, 611x691, the fake little shithead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

care do give us some more proof, master?
maybe show your highres work on the beautiful soldier face "you" made?

>> No.3230268

>asking for more twice

how about you stop being greedy because it's your turn to show off, I'll post high res after you post another one. and if you're so sure about your cartoon meme, how about doing that filter and show me the result?

>> No.3230270


Nice bait. It's probaly upscaled with waifux2 or similar. It has that look.

>> No.3230272

>stop being greedy

you are afraid, because you got caught.

>> No.3230274


said the guy who can't post on his turn.

>> No.3230278
File: 180 KB, 680x1483, ed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3230279

so this drawing is what your skill boils down from disregarding loomis and such

thanks for proving my point again

>> No.3230288
File: 625 KB, 1401x843, 09-12-2017_18-18-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys please stop impersonating me?

>> No.3230290


are you retarded? they just memed you with merc_wip and you where all serious trying to proof it was fake. It looked so fucking stupid.

>> No.3230291
File: 938 KB, 1401x843, 1512839916290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cartoon filter you got there chum

>> No.3230292

yup, which is why this guy here with his "authentic" camera series file name for "his digital art" is a fake fucking piece of shit >>3230209

>> No.3230293
File: 453 KB, 856x500, hand_waifu2x_art_noise3_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waifu2x applied

>> No.3230297
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good eye! there you have it


is a thieving little bitch

>> No.3230299

great job detectives. *tips fiduro*

>> No.3230301
File: 999 KB, 500x282, ''IMG27''.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3230304
File: 1.92 MB, 1624x816, IMG27 IMG27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3230306
File: 670 KB, 1529x703, 09-12-2017_18-46-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok guys not funny anymore

>> No.3230320


whoops, forgot your fancy "authentic" name. nice collage. too bad it's just the very same arm and gun, pasted onto some other shit segment and completely falling apart with visible cosmetic bullshit on the edges

wow, you are pathetic.

>> No.3230335
File: 182 KB, 677x633, IMG27 merc_wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>posting crop shit because he knows full pic is shit.

then proceeds to post "merc_wip" from some archived thread and says it's his work
fails to provide highres detailed crops
gets caught
let that sink in for a while.

>> No.3230340
File: 535 KB, 1600x1150, 108-109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be like Murata tho
I'm trying to study hogarth and vilppu

>> No.3230342
File: 456 KB, 1864x2630, lenny.wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because im the real one.
have a high res

>> No.3230343

this is so painful to watch please just stop

>> No.3230471

eat shit crabposter

>> No.3230498

This thread is fucking pathetic.

>> No.3230503

Oh man, I had this book as a kid. Talk about nostalgia. Not groundbreaking by a stretch but the comics in it were pretty cute.

>> No.3230559

what was the point of loomis fun with pencil. i have it and do like it but is it going to teach me to draw cartoons or some shit

>> No.3230570

Draw With a Pencil is designed for absolute beginners. It'll teach you how to think about heads and the like within space.

>> No.3230576

just that?

>> No.3230584

merc_wip is a literal meme. a joke. kill yourself

>> No.3232149
File: 273 KB, 1536x2048, D335FFFD-E201-435F-8CB9-14BB8847B26E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got an iPad Pro and tried to draw this. It was fun.

>> No.3232257

You say "just that?" as though it's a basic thing that everyone can do.

We wouldn't be recommending fucking Loomis to so many goddamn beginners if it were as simple to do as it sounds.

>> No.3233190

but it is easy to do. i mean.....when i see the book i see how to draw heads and faces not how to space the heads and whatnot

>> No.3233192

Maybe easy isn't the right word, but it's pretty straight forward.

>> No.3233220

You should post some drawings of yours for our amusement.

>> No.3233501

>We wouldn't be recommending fucking Loomis to so many goddamn beginners if it were as simple to do as it sounds.
You recommend Loomis to all beginners, because you need easy answers. There are absolutely no easy answers for becoming an artist. /ic/ is merely promoting to learn to draw porn cartoon, cheap illustrations with stylistic ripoffs from successful commercial illustrators and blindly learning anatomy while completely ignoring that artistic aspect. Most people who give smart advice in /beg/ have themselves just copied from Loomis and all the other commercial morons. They feel good about it and that's why they love to be smart and recommend it.

You basically castrate your creativity with the easy solutions from Loomis. And it will be hard if not impossible to shake that thinking of "paint by the numbers" that you have ingrained in the course.

>> No.3233513

>gets caught
dude EVERYONE here, but you knows about merc_wip
seriously, are you clinically retarded?

>> No.3233516

wow, I feel so dumb for not knowing meme #23489304923480

you are so cool for knowing it.

>> No.3233525

>shitty "draw the rest of the fucking owl" tutorials nobody can fucking understand.
low IQ spotted.

>> No.3233530

It is probably the largest meme on /ic/ other than loomis. I haven't posted on this thread yet, but I saw this a few days ago and can't believe it devolved into this. Like I know the position you're taking and all, but it really doesn't wrk for the one meme that everyone post when it comes to
>show your work

>> No.3233532

You basically castrated yourself because you're an idiot.

>> No.3233533

>because you're an idiot.
wow, much impressed at that comeback. so eloquent!

yeah, not knowing every goddamn meme on the internet is a real disadvantage and a huge gap in common sense, got it.

>> No.3233568

If you're goal was to eloquently explain that you're an idiot, congratulations on succeeding there.

>> No.3233575

>"you're an idiot"
>start copying answers
seen it too often. you are pathetic, stupid, have no arguments, resort to trolling.


>> No.3233612

Got be honest anon, but >>3233575 is right. Why can't you put up an argument instead of just call names. It's making you seem braindamaged lol. Even if you're trolling, it's not even the effective kind. I legit think you have down syndrome or something which causes you to behave the way you are. If that's the case, can you please go elsewhere and shit up someone elses forum, you're ruining the community for everyone else by lowering the quality of the conversations here. It's always weird to see someone lose an argument and they start chimping out and resorting to insults.

>> No.3233735

>"If you're goal"
>"If You are goal"

>> No.3233756
File: 136 KB, 598x710, 1510663285684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so fucking funny, I can't believe this fucking retard doesn't know merc_wip, holy shit.
Remember kids, always lurk before posting. Also don't forget to report shitty threads like this one, maybe the mods will remember /ic/ still exist.

>> No.3233759

>he thinks it's an accomplishment to be a no life loser who spends all his time on 4chan instead of actually drawing

>he actually looks down on other artists who don't do the same.

>> No.3233764

You know, something makes me think that actually knowing every goddamn meme on /ic/ makes you a fucking loser.

>> No.3234671

he meant "your" you idiot.

>> No.3235075

Some day AI technologies will be advanced enough to make proper shitposting filters. I wonder how /ic/ will cope with that.