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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 170 KB, 596x764, las-118-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3144000 No.3144000 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to draw today and submit your work.
Last thread >>3131243


>Submit your artwork everyday at Drawing Today to earn your streak
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be eliminated and lose your streak
>Feeling overwhelmed? You can set the limit from everyday to every other day/four days/week

>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Something's broken, what do I do?
>Call w for help in the thread

What is the goal?
>The site is not a competition site, its purpose is to help beginners and unmotivated artists discipline themselves to draw everyday.
>If you feel like the everyday constraint is holding you back or you have formed a habit of drawing everyday you don't need to rely on it anymore.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. May it rest in pieces.

Lava who?
>a dead lemur and a half empty toothpaste who will never ever come back again.

The official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.3144007
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Remember them

>> No.3144008

RIP in peace

>> No.3144031

Who's still in?

>> No.3144058

>Who's still in?
nobody, LAS is over

>> No.3144105
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These were the last 10.

>> No.3144115

>>Have fun.
Filthy casual.

>> No.3144138

I want to suck the art juices out of Naf and drink them all

>> No.3144146

just change these generals to 'naf worship'

>> No.3144156

Let's appreciate the lesser mentioned lassies. Who do you guys think has improved since the start? Or just someone who's art you find appealing. Or just someone you feel like mentioning.

>> No.3144168

I'll say something about myself, these days I'm only doing shitty figures over a gray background, I'm Lava level. NGMI.

>> No.3144176

I rarely see Naf even mentioned, stop obsessing over the dude.

>> No.3144210

Is that manga in the OP by someone here?

I read it in the Jump contest, it was one of the better entries.

>> No.3144215

I just noticed the change in the thread description. L-lava ;_;

>> No.3144217

I like Fluff's Kaede's. But he needs to stop drawing the head so big.

>> No.3144249


>> No.3144250

Fug, is Naf gonna be a mangaka now?

>> No.3144256

I have a huge collection of art books covering a wide variety of subjects. Everything from the most basic to the highly specialized. Where can I post these to make them available to this community that won't shut me down like Dropbox?

>> No.3144261


>> No.3144264

Got a link to their blog?

>> No.3144267

his competition is garbage in that contest.

>> No.3144269

Mega is usually what they use in the book thread

>> No.3144270

How jaded will you guys be if naf wins and becomes a world renowned famous mangaka while your still submitting shitty doodles on this site.

>> No.3144274

Being the first ever western mangaka is pretty huge.

I wish him the best, I'll be entering too.

All the early entries are obviously gonna be trash, it's people who aren't taking it seriously. Anyone who legit cares about making this into a profession is obviously taking their time with it. Better and better entries are slowly trickling in each week. I'll be submitting mine in by December.

Imo, if you wanna win you gotta give it 110%.

>> No.3144276

naf what are you studying in college?

>> No.3144283
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>Being the first ever western mangaka

>> No.3144287

Don't they have this competition every year? What happened to the other winners?

>> No.3144295

hi manlayspurit, I don't like either of you but I hope naf beats you

>> No.3144298

This is the first one they've held where the winner gets serialized in their Japanese magazine. Kodansha is holding one too. It's obvious they're seeking new talent. Kodansha's is also open to pros and amateurs alike, and doesn't promise there'll be a winner (if the entries are all shit). But if there is a winner, they get assigned an editor and a spot in their weekly magazine.

I'm entering both, higher odds of winning, and getting into a weekly magazine in Japan is huge!

>> No.3144299

Anyone care to explain a bit about this competition and maybe some links?

>> No.3144304


Yeah, but you baka gaijin entering won't be the first ever even if you win
There's a lot out there already

>> No.3144307

I've never heard of a Westerner getting serialized by Jump or WSM. I know of Peepo Choo or whatever, and Miki Falls, but neither was exactly a sensation... well anywhere.

>> No.3144317
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Shonen Jump isn't the only magazine around
The only one remember off the top of my head is a lady who does a manga about being a foreigner in Kirara
I think

>> No.3144329

Yes, but Jump is the BIGGEST magazine, guarateeing millions of views to your stuff. Even the more obscure stuff in Jump still pushes volume numbers in the millions and has a high chance of getting animated.

Even stuff like World Trigger and Black Clover got an anime. On WSM you ofc have Attack on Titan and Fairy Tail and Seven Deadly Sins, with the first one being the second best selling manga right now.

Me and my friend, we're not treating this as a contest, we see it as an audition. We know that if we can get within the pages of either magazine we have a clear shot at making the next big thing, as we were gonna push for that with our manga before the contests anyway. That's why more than looking at the stuff in the competition, were instead looking at the stuff currently running in both magazines. We wanna really WOW the judges, and know if we present them with something that could be the next big thing, they'll not only sign us on, but also push it for us (esp. Kodansha, Jump's rival).

We know are idea is that, we just gotta nail it with the pilot. Really capture the potential behind this in just 50 pages. That's why we're using up every single day possible to make sure it's perfect.

I don't just wanna win, I wanna make the next big thing.

>> No.3144338

you and your friend are a couple of homosexuals.

>> No.3144340
File: 32 KB, 240x220, 1449869327253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew, good luck that. You'd better have something really fucking stellar with the way you're talking
Also, blog?

>> No.3144343

this, fuck you both, naf does it by himself

>> No.3144347

That was legitimately funny だ.

>> No.3144348

I'm not really updating my blogs atm cause of the contest. But my handle is manlyspirit regardless.

Dunno why you gotta be so salty. Two heads are obviously better than one. And it's cause I got a stellar writer backing me that I know we can make it big. It's our combined talent that makes us great. You gotta have ambition in life man, and aim for the heavens. And if you don't make it, you keep and keep trying till you do. That's life man, I mean, what else is there to live for?

>> No.3144353

you mean aim for his asshole you couple of faggots

>> No.3144355
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Ah, it's you. I thought it was some stealth drawing wizard I hadn't seen

>> No.3144363

Nah, it's me. I lurk /ic/ from time to time, and keep a close eye on the contest, so obviously the OP having one of the contest entries was gonna draw my attention.

I found it curious that another d/ic/k was entering, and I wanted to learn more about them.

I hope more people from /ic/ enter, then it really would be a contest to see who among the best of us is the very best.

>> No.3144366

naf is the best, there's no contest

>> No.3144376

i though people who worked for shone jump were abused on hard schedules and very difficult/ low payments. i remember kubo (bleach)and oda (fuck off) saying they would have quit it if they would have realized it sooner...shit naft god speed. not gonna lie, it would be a nice mark on your resume.

>> No.3144378

are they any comic book dreamers here? i have a solid idea but i suck so i just write it down till i get better. nice to see naf and lonku going for it. i wonder what happened to danielM and the guy who was doing that comic about a biking girl?

>> No.3144380

Nah, they're aware of what kind of deal they're getting into when they get serialised, I'm sure

>> No.3144381

post idea

>> No.3144389

Monthly and Bimonthly releases exist. Also, they assign you assistants. Kohei Hirokoshi of BnHA has 5 assistants to help him out. Churning 17 pages a week, in high quality with that much aid is very doable.

Plus, if you're not already drawing +8hrs a day, what are you doing? Your body should already be used to that sort of workload.

>> No.3144402

what makes you think your writer isn't shit?

>> No.3144406
File: 76 KB, 500x500, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its about government espionage with magic,robots guns and aliens, some fun ideas on how a government would interact with different alien monarchies. i got the writing down but since im in an echo chamber it probably sucks.

TLDR: sherlock holmes meets once piece with magic aliens and guns.

>> No.3144407

mite b cool

>> No.3144408

I hope Naf beats your wall talking ass

>> No.3144410

sure, in 10 years when i can actually draw a face.

>> No.3144412

nigga no need, his gay sports shit is no match for naf's superior loli vampire

>> No.3144442

Is doing studies from a book as scrubmode allowed?

>> No.3144443


>> No.3144444

scrubmode: enabled

>> No.3144459

Why do the first 2 submissions to the contest have a metric fuck ton of likes while all the others have 3 digits tops? They aren-t even 218 times better than the ones getting 100s

>> No.3144468

Maybe the submissions are sorted chronologically and people are only looking at the first couple?

>> No.3144472

Because the site itself hosts manga and has a large community, and those have been present on there for a while.

It's like a Tapatastic for manga.

>> No.3144474

So much salt ITT.

Can't /ic/ just be happy for others who are making it just once? I don't get the anger.

>> No.3144478

They haven't made it yet and it's angsty because it's a competition. A real competition unlike the fake one LAS was. Where there's winners and there's losers. Actual stakes on the line in which only your skills can take you up.

>> No.3144479
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It's for your own good anon.

>> No.3144481

Why can't I see submissions in japanese?

>> No.3144482

Don't worry Manly. I like your stuff. I hope you win.

>> No.3144483

But only one artist can be left standing.

>> No.3144484

Read the submission rules.

>> No.3144486

Yeah, just did, only shows a few tho and it doesn't look nearly as lethal as I thought

>> No.3144488

Russia, Korea, and China have the good stuff.

>> No.3144489

Good thing we don't have to compete with them.

>> No.3144490

If you're entering the contest, you are. It's global. One winner from the whole world. Entries in Russian, Korean, and both forms of Chinese are valid.

>> No.3144503

haha, shitters BTFO. bet a bunch of cucks only looked at the english submissions

>> No.3144507

You are a terrible person.

>> No.3144520

>horizontal writing
>nip entries are top down
what did they mean by this?

>> No.3144521

better luck next year fag

>> No.3144524

how can /ic/ even compete against chinks? I bet their submissions are insane

>> No.3144526

>get worried
>Russia has nothing of worth
>China has like only four things that are good
>Korean only has two
What a joke this contest is, kek. Why don't actually good people enter? It's like a bunch of talentless plebs wanted to reach their dreams but are dunning krueger and didn't learn their fundamentals.

>> No.3144536

post work

>> No.3144542

Which one is your entry?

>> No.3144543

There are still like 3 months to go or more, I'm guessing a lot of skilled people are waiting to post theirs or are still working on them.

>> No.3144545

Trust me the English category has the fiercest competition in which there are actually some good people. Even Naf might not be able to match up.

>> No.3144547

the fuck? post an entry better than naf's. he is clearly the best so far

>> No.3144548

>Naf draws like Murata
N-Nani?! Is this how you capture the widest audience?

>> No.3144550

not him but there are some there better than his

>> No.3144552

>a bunch of plebs and their dreams
That's it with contests like this, though. Unless you need the 1mil cash prize or are on the other side of the planet or something, you just go directly to the building and get an interview

>> No.3144553

so link the one you think is better

>> No.3144561
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x1836, 1505939542396-2132438813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>3144543 said.

Don't be so confident it's set in stone yet. I'm certain it's not just me who's taking their time with it to make sure it's perfect and blows people away.

>> No.3144566

this was last year (or year before) winners
runner ups

He is gonna get body bagged and toe tagged when the people who are putting in 200% effort will outclass him. I admire his talent but lets be real here. At best he might become a runner up (and hey that's good too).

>> No.3144573

>when talent can only take you so far
Feels bad man

>> No.3144576

His art doesn't lose to any of those entries, but I can't speak on content. Either way, I'm asking about current entries since that's what the original post implied. As of right now, I see no english submission that can even come close.

>> No.3144579

>miss the part where I said people will wait last minute and are taking their time

are you his boyfriend?

>> No.3144580

Damn, the best probably wait until the end so they don't get their work redone better by their competition.

>> No.3144582


>> No.3144585

>missed the part where I said CURRENT SUBMISSION
I'm not contesting that there may be better ones faggot, I'm talking about right NOW, as that's what the original post implied. That there is an english submission RIGHT NOW (multiple in fact) that is better than naf's.

Still waiting

>> No.3144587

Not that anon, but Princess of Mars was pretty nice.

>> No.3144590


>> No.3144593
File: 48 KB, 750x740, bbnkka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm talking about right NOW
Have you ever heard of the phrase "it's not how you start, but how you finish?". Well that applies, naf.

>> No.3144597

Has Naf been the salty one who's been shitposting all thread?

>> No.3144598
File: 17 KB, 282x300, 1448309231122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, boy, Naf my lad

>> No.3144599


I can't tell. It's not like he doesn't post in the threads defending himself from the truth.

>> No.3144605

The only reason I mention 'right now' is because that's what the original poster implied you retard. How many times do I have to explain this before it gets through your vacant skull?

I don't even give that much of a shit about naf, but if there's an entry already submitted better than his, I'd like to see it.

>> No.3144608

There's a couple entries from Korea and Russia that rival his. I still think Naf's is finalist material so far, but I do think he'd benefit from taking it back into the workshop and polishing up some pages. The art was a bit inconsistent at times. Some pages looked really great, but others felt a bit rushed or sloppy.

You've got three months still. Use them well.

>> No.3144609

Better in what way? Art direction or story? It sounds to me you want to be biased. The story of dracula has been done by Tokyopop ten thousand times.

I'll read some later today when I get the time and give you my unfiltered opinion.

>> No.3144614

>dat bunny girl in the top left
Ok, I'm interested. Got more?

>> No.3144616

BETTER, as in, your OPINION. Christ you people are the ones that are biased, you act as if I'm asking you to post your own work. I'm literally asking the original dude to post his opinion on who he thinks is better so I can take a look, and you guys act as if I'm shitting on you personally.

again, which ones? can we get some links?

>> No.3144617


why are you so worked up for another man?

>> No.3144621

I'll post them later, I'm busy right now drawing.

>> No.3144625

There it is, check your bias. Why wouldn't you care what the public thinks? It may only be one man's opinion, but as a creator I still want to know what he thought was the best so I can gauge public thoughts. Maybe this one ENGLISH submission (again, what the original dude stated) IS better, I'd like to see it. Maybe I missed it.

But no, it's because I have a hardon for this dude I never heard of until now. Lmao you morons have zero self awareness

>> No.3144626
File: 114 KB, 258x258, 1448592862732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't win when you ask ic to deliver, anon
Just go back to drawing and avoid headache

>> No.3144633

Damn calm down I said
>I'll read some later today
I need to draw. Chill out, naf. If it turns out that you're the best "right now" (to stroke your peenor further) then all the power to you my friend-a.

>> No.3144640

how insecure can you get?

>> No.3144641

>top left
I have some bad news for you

>> No.3144642

Why is Black Rock shooter here

>> No.3144644

I'm not the one frantically spurging out.

>> No.3144650

Girls in cosplay.

>> No.3144660

Yes, you are.

>this submission is amazing
>there are plenty of better ones
>wow u have a hardon for this one, ur just biased
You are literally so butthurt about this guy your entire perception of reality is distorted.

>> No.3144672

Wow this is the most active the threads have been in weeks.

>> No.3144673

It's more like
(you)>this submission is amazing
(anon)>there are plenty of better ones
(anon)>Let me show you last years entries and why the best wait the last minute.
(you)>yeah well I want to see NOW because NOW means I win in this very moment
(anon)>allow me to take a few hours to draw first then I'll be back to read some to give you my opinion on the content as a whole.
(you)>yeah that's what I though. My boyfriend has the best art and that's what matters in comics. Period.
(anon)>why are you so angry. I am starting to think you're naf himself.
(naf)>you're butthurt that I'm better than you
(anon)>ah naruhodo...

>> No.3144678

Was naf the nafposter all this time?

>> No.3144682


If you really are Naf, anon, I'll tell you this:

-If you're serious about this competition, you should have read EVERY single entry so far to see how they stack up to yours.

-overall your entry is defo a finalist so far, I really enjoyed it, and it's among the best, but there are others that rival it

-overall I rank entries as: is it shit? and, if not, can I beat it? Your's passes the first one, but I rank it among the others that are decent. Competent, but I don't see it as a threat.

-you showed your hand way too early, as another anon pointed out, the people who are serious/smart, are gonna wait to the last month to show their hand, that way they have more time to work on it, but also, they don't motivate the competition to try harder/give others a chance to copy them but better.

-I think you've got talent, but you should still keep working hard. You show great potential in your work, but you've still got ways to go. If you keep going, I'm sure you'll get published in time.

-its foolish to assume a victory so early anon. The good stuff is yet to come. Again, on a personal level, I don't see any of the current entries as a legitimate threat. That said, that doesn't mean someone really good isn't gonna pop out of the blue and btfo everyone, including me. I still have the advantage of a team effort, previous exp, and a year of planning and preparation, that's why I'm so confident. But anything can happen dude. Don't underestimate the people who've yet to show their hand. It's like a game of poker m8. You hold your cards and keep them close to your chest till the very end.

>> No.3144692

>here are some irrelevant to the criteria at hand
Why would you link past submissions when we're talking about the current contest?

>(you)>yeah well I want to see NOW because NOW means I win in this very moment
Look at your giant string of strawmans, then look at what I actually posted. Again, you are so triggered by this dude that it's distorting your perception and you are documenting it yourself.

Frankly, I don't care anymore. Never visited LAS before this, only came because I was interested in comics and saw the OP. Don't give a shit about your drama and why this namefag makes you so butthurt.

>> No.3144701

>Why would you link past submissions when we're talking about the current contest?
you're a special kind of stupid
>Frankly, I don't care anymore. Never visited LAS before this,
I doubt it. I'm pretty sure you're either him or someone who comments on his submissions every week. Either way, chill out.

>> No.3144707

>only came because I was interested in comics and saw the OP
If this was the case you wouldn't have been such a dick to Manly, who's also one of us, and also entering.

>> No.3144709

to elaborate on why you're dumb

it's naive not to look at what was put in previously submitted. Those that came before will submit again and try to aim to be 1st place. Their skill also has likely gotten better as their exposure and following. All you (naf) has is 4chan (unless it gets in the runner up which he (you) has a chance.

Anyway I'll be back in 4 hours. You're taking up my time.

>> No.3144721
File: 380 KB, 531x651, 1429763003257[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>check thread
>see all these new posts
>holy shit
>think the threads are finally alive again
>start reading
>it's just a couple shitters going at it over some dumb bullshit

>> No.3144723

>thinking there's ever art on /ic/

>> No.3144727

>think the threads are finally alive again

>> No.3144756
File: 99 KB, 233x334, 1443593809949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I always see it right after posting
One day I'll remember to zoom out or better yet just stop fucking it up in the first place.

>> No.3144759


Here, but with supplementary animations.

>> No.3144764

back to mexico amigo

>> No.3144824

Naf, the grill Dracula doesn't look moe enough, I thought it was a boy at first. Please hire an editor

>> No.3144842

Hey naf! Just a lurker here, who hasn't posted in about a year on the main site. If you're reading this topic, just wanted to say I read your entry and it's wonderful!
I clicked a few of the other entries, just out of curiosity, and followed the link here to last year's runners-up and none of them were really my cup of tea. On the other hand, the taste I got of yours actually made me want to invest in the story, but I ran out of pages too early. I seriously love the main character, and it's really rare for me take a liking to characters in manga. But anyway. You've got this. Nevertheless, best of luck!

>> No.3144844

Nice projection, you're probably along the same guy that shitposts on this site.

>Not that anon

>> No.3144855

>Generic anime vampires
>Not mechas
Fucking Naf

>> No.3144861

okay naf

>> No.3144863
File: 55 KB, 800x800, 1469208342879[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how does one actually approach Naf's level? He's not that old and if I remember correctly he said he got that good by studying for like a year. He was already breddy gud at the start of LAS and I don't see anyone else approaching his skill level. What's the secret?
>inb4 talent meme

>> No.3144864

Naf this, naf that. Where the hell is choobposter?

>> No.3144867


>> No.3144868

He's really not that good, judging by his manga

>> No.3144869

banned by shrineycat aka the janitor

>> No.3144873

Naf looks like a guy who just draws a lot.

>> No.3144881

>op of the thread
>all these posts
>naf still did not respond allegedly

really makes you ponder a bit

>> No.3144887


Ok did the other entries disappear or am I retarded?

>> No.3144893

looks like more were added

>> No.3144894

I'll give him the benefit of a doubt. I've had people on /ic/ impersonate me as well, just to try and smear me. It's why I started using a trip for a while.

>> No.3144896

post work

>> No.3144901

literally talent and neuroplasticity. like you said, he's young. anyway fuck naf, call me a bucket crab but I like this board with less talented people that remind me of my own inadequacies.

>> No.3144904

Okay time to read some. So far I like how the bad art comics have interesting paneling but the good art comics have uninteresting paneling.

>> No.3144907

How old is naf?

>> No.3144908

Right? Holy shit do those bad art comics have great paneling.

>> No.3144909

post some

>> No.3144912

That stuff is important though imo. Last years winner wasn't necessarily the best artist but the editors thought he had a well executed concept that could be serialized for a long time. Some of the people from last year who had good art got crits from them like "the art is nice but work on the story" or "the characters aren't engaging" or "your story doesn't make the reader want to keep reading to find out what happens next" , etc. shit like that. So the art is only important to a point imo, after that it comes down to other factors and you could still lose the competition even if you're the best artist there.

>> No.3144913


And then a bad art comic wins and the artist becomes the next ONE. Naf will then remake the comic after a couple of years.

>> No.3144923

I just gave Naf's a proper read (I only skimmed it last time), I quite like it, it's very good. Probably the best one currently. The concept of turning Dracula into a little girl and taking away his powers is not only unique enough, but the sort of thing Japan would go for. Clever. The panelling is solid, it reads nice, and the humor is well executed. The characters are likeable too, which is important. My only criticism would be the art, which can be inconsistent at times. But like others have pointed out, it's the least important out of everything so long as it's competent enough.

I'll definitely tell my m8 to give it a read so we step our game up, it's much better than I expected storywise, because it's just in the right ballpark of what Jump would publish, and could garner a strong niche following because of originality, and loli MC. It's definitely top 3 material for sure.

Congrats Naf, I really like it. Keep going. I'm gonna do my best as well.

>> No.3144926


His comic has weak points and it's the story. But I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.

>> No.3144928

>after that it comes down to other factors and you could still lose the competition even if you're the best artist there.
Just like in my japanese animus

>> No.3144930

Congrats on what you idiot, he didn't win anything yet

>> No.3144939

For a pilot, it's super solid, and well above the rest of the entries.

I'm not being ironic, I'm being super serious.

Read the first chapters of Black Clover, World Trigger, that Sumo Manga, and Robot x Laserbeam. This is better than those.

Not as good as the Promised Neverland or some of the better ones, but those were first chapters, not pilots.

The point of a pilot is to quickly establish your concept and pitch it to an audience. His comic does that effectively. I'd love to read more of that in a more fleshed out setting. The contest is a bit tricky in that you're super constrained in what you can show with only 50 pages, and this makes it difficult to effectively communicate WHY your idea is good. You're not trying to begin you're story, you're trying to convince people to read it.

Imo, he did a good job with that.

>> No.3144941
File: 37 KB, 633x604, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dissing my moe brah?
thanks dog
mechas are hard anon, maybe someday
you should aim higher than me anon
this is my first post in this thread, i didn't respond cause i did't think anything i say can defuse the situation
yeah paneling and story telling is way more important than art
old enough to party
yea i basically made the simplest story there is

>> No.3144942

But what are you aiming at Naf?

>> No.3144946

Okay I guess I'm done skimming. A lot of it was crap but I'l only note the ones that kept enough of my attention.

twisted world
-corny story
-good paneling
(better than nafs)
ethereal element
-looks like they took their entire word doc and tried stuffing it into each panel makes it look bad
a lot of the art looks blatantly traced
wind destroyer
-girl is cute
thats it
the fantastic tale of folklore
-bobobo rip off but cute
-some BG in some scenes take away contrast from the characters. Could touch that up.
death sin
-pretty okay art, well better than a lot of what was on there..edgy but okay
-some minor perspective issues and the font they're using is ass

To the anon who was claiming naf's is the best. It is, right now, for the art. But no comic on there at all had a captivating story. A lot of it is edgy teen zombie stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong if there is a specific theme everyone must draw, though.

>> No.3144947

Come on, just give us a number so I can rub it in my old friend's face. I don't have any friends, the old guy is me

>> No.3144952

where do I iread these submissions?

>> No.3144953


>> No.3144955

Did you read check out the Chinese, Korean, and Russian entries?

There was one or two competent ones there too.

I forget the names, but in the Korean entries there was this heavily stylized one with good use of perspective. There's also this Chinese one with a shit cover that's kinda decent as well.

>> No.3144956

Don't do it anon, you'll regret it and then begin to think you can win but the true good people are just hiding in the shadows looking at their competition.

>> No.3144958

link? I didn't see that

>> No.3144963

naf already submitted though

>> No.3144966

oh I see it Im retarded I will check

>> No.3144969

This one:

and this one:

I think they're alright. China has a few decent ones too. Pity I can't read them.

>> No.3144974

Really like this one, but hate the char design for MC. The animals and supporting cast look amazing though, the style is awesome.

Other one is just a one piece ripoff

>> No.3144976

>you should aim higher than me anon
If I aim any higher than you I'll fall over brah.

>> No.3144978
File: 31 KB, 391x349, 1458681612642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wasn't born with the spark

>> No.3144980

basically my same thoughts

this one looks near damn pro quality

>> No.3144982

>see cover
>instant shojo vibe
Bet this was drawn by a girl.

>pretty boys making pretty girls blush
yep, definitely a girl. why do roasties love this gay style so much

>> No.3144986

Dunno. There is something in the water but lately pretty boys is something I find just as appealing as pretty girls.

>> No.3144988

I can't tell too well, but the story seems super generic. The art is nice, panneling is a bit difficult to read and cluttered though.

I always try to get a good gist of what story/concept might be like with some of these. A lot feel very cliche.

>> No.3144991
File: 59 KB, 531x471, 1469249538421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be too late for you, but get some water filters just in case

>> No.3145121
File: 73 KB, 613x675, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random engineering major that i got forced in
the most noble goal of them all: drawing cute girls
i'm gonna be 21 in december
we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.3145126


When did you start practicing, how often did you do it, and for how long?

>> No.3145127

>naf is stuck in school
I can now finally surpass the master.

>> No.3145173

>random engineering major that i got forced in
I know that feel brah, Too real. Now I'm struggling in school cause I draw too much.

>> No.3145187
File: 606 KB, 1024x768, Tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new laptop, lost my complimentary shoop

free or cheap illustration/animation programs?

I could google it but I wanna hear it straight from the hor/ic/'s mouth

please and thank

>> No.3145242
File: 1.59 MB, 500x281, gYnfxtz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, are you guys me?

>> No.3145247

Clip Studio Paint Ex
Only 80$

>> No.3145368

>tfw filterman was right

>> No.3145567

I'm glad I have a teacher. None of you point out my suicidal mistakes.

>> No.3145572

Can I have your teacher?

>> No.3145573


No he's mine and mine alone.

>> No.3145575
File: 848 KB, 1434x1597, 1470259003947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filterman was right, just don't give him your shekels. There are cheaper and better water filters around.

>> No.3145662

less salt more content posting

>> No.3145680

God I hate non-english interviewers
poor Craigey boy

>> No.3145805


That reminds me, whatever happened to hachan?

>> No.3145813

be careful, civil and mechanical arent going to take you far, i would suggest you aim for software engi, qualcomm, amd, nvdia google and intel are hiring like crazy its the fastest growing field! consider that faggot.

>> No.3145814

sigh.. some of us just arent born great.

>> No.3145816

>implying naf won't become a manga artist

>> No.3145819

>tfw younger than Naf by a few months but way worse
A-am I gonna be great?

>> No.3145820

considering qualcomm is hiring bachelors and h1b1 Indians who barely talk english he should really consider it.

>> No.3145822

im 29 and just started, i will reach my 30s with no savings. you better take this seriously. im just glad i dont plan to have kids.

>> No.3145823
File: 13 KB, 259x206, 1492563440591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 3 years younger and almost as good

>> No.3145829

>you better take this seriously
Doing my best senpai, drawing every day at least three hours, but not sure how to get Naf gains, he's probably been drawing longer than I have since his imagination work is insane while mine are total dumpster because empty visual library.

>> No.3145830

post work

>> No.3145835
File: 129 KB, 500x444, 349595873945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3145901

rough life, huh...

>> No.3145947
File: 9 KB, 500x500, 1505030424425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night lassos

>> No.3146043
File: 820 KB, 1068x1063, 1487438922268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, the threads go fast again.
I see some cool submissions today, keep it up.
Just don't forget, work hard and you will make it!

>> No.3146056
File: 128 KB, 230x211, 1504899138013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so now we use drawing.today?
have the streaks been reseated or do i have to hack this site too?

>> No.3146063

>have the streaks been reseated
Don't be a faggot, you should've joined from the get go.

>> No.3146103


>> No.3146109
File: 294 KB, 5000x5000, g64nqa8r4g4z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my drawings and paintings from imagination look better than my studies from ref
How to fix?

>> No.3146799
File: 10 KB, 320x320, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naf, I hate manga and I don't usually post in these threads, but I like comics in general and I like Castlevania a lot, so the cover for your manga tricked me into reading it.
I quite liked it, and as a fellow comic book artist I wanted to give you my feedback. Let me be your editor for this thread, be prepared for a wall of text. I tried being as thorough as I could without taking forever to respond, and I hope you can use something from it.

I'll start with my impressions while reading it:
First page "alright, boring exposition”, then the twist hit me "oh no.... this is weaboo shit", but "ok, this is kinda funny", and then that guy burst through the wall and I was sold on this loli vampire hunt.

>> No.3146800
File: 18 KB, 313x359, nice,btw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea is pretty fun, but for the writing you fall into the same traps most manga writers do.
Go easy on the exposition and the animu babbling, use your characters expressions, don't narrate what their face is showing, less is more. Stop bringing up how Dracula is a cute girl, we get it. It's funnier if other characters don't really acknowledge it, and it's easier for the reader to ignore that this is your fetish.

For example, Page 9 is redundant, Dracula insists on asking why he was revived as a girl, and even though I laughed at the splash page of moe Igor, page 2 already told us what we need to know with a much better punchline.
Igor's reaction could be used in another joke, and the bit about Dracula being brought back with a fraction of his power could easily be inserted after page 3, when he realizes Igor didn't die from his punch.

Page 16, last panel, he already acknowledged Dracula's appearance before, no need to bring that up again just for that cheesy line we heard a thousand times before "I almost feel bad blablabla". Also, "I was listening to your chat outside"? What? Was this diva waiting to make his dramatic entrance?

Page 25, panel 1, you don't need to explain this, we can easily deduce what is happening, overexplaining everything is a terrible vice in manga, don't do it. We also don't need to know right away the reason for Dracula not being hurt by sunlight, it's ok to keep the readers in the dark. You didn't need to stop the action just to explain that, you could have waited until the fight was over to have Dracula ask Igor about it and have the information delivered more organically.

For the drawings, Dracula's character design could be touched up a bit, the rest is perfect. Loli Dracula isn't cute enough, his main problem being his permanent creepy eyes. The eyes needs to be full anime, and then get small and scary when he is angry.

>> No.3146802
File: 2.39 MB, 1270x2221, nafu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to tackle the comic's structure.
There are two major flaws I believe you need to fix, the introduction of Dracula, and the flow in the middle of the comic.

As an introduction to the story and the character of Dracula, we have a little panel of him, and before we get a chance to see him as a threatening, the whole rest of the page is him being killed. This makes him look like a whimp, and that combined with how short his introduction is don’t let much of a build up for the shock of him turning into a little girl.
I get that you just wanted to move on with this part to have the interesting stuff arrive quicker, but this is an important set up that can't be rushed. Even though everybody knows Dracula, you still need to establish your version of Dracula, I would take maybe two pages, show villages burning and shit, and don't forget to introduce his loyal servant Igor.
I go into detail for this part on pic related, your first page has all the structure mistakes that should be addressed, so I don't go much further commenting page by page, and your paneling also gets visibly better as pages progress so maybe you already noticed the things I'm pointing out.

Now, there are a few bumps in the pacing of the story, the abrupt changes in tone and mood of the characters as we get a barrage of jokes and exposition in the middle of the comic are a bit too much, but I think that would be resolved without the huge pause that is the exposition followed by the big Igor page in the middle. Start strong, slow down in the middle and put everything you got in the climax.

I sketched some of the things I suggested before, like turning the first page into two, and I have a few ideas that I think would make this chapter better, but I stopped myself from meddling with your stuff too much, your comic really inspired me to work on something of my own. Good luck in the contest!

>> No.3146848
File: 89 KB, 748x1024, do not haidomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop bringing up how Dracula is a cute girl
Why not, it's amusing to tease Dracula now that he can't just kill you

>this is your fetish
Putting little girls in everything is standard, my dude

>Dracula's character design could be touched up a bit
No, it fits quite well and it's still cute desu. He was originally an intimidating fearsome guy and it's good some of that stayed

>i hate manga
>this is weeaboo shit
Do yo know where you are

>> No.3146907
File: 116 KB, 373x406, Ritsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat is that ranking?

>> No.3146909
File: 22 KB, 398x500, alfdk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the feedback on the leaves Crt. You are a swell fella.

>> No.3147047

Probably whichever user is getting the most traffic or something like that.

>> No.3147053

>Naf has more pts than the 2-5 put together

>> No.3147144
File: 199 KB, 1006x1057, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent all summer doing value studies and i decided to render something out without reference in my style . Can i get some feedback ? What should I focus more when i do studies? Volume? Values ? Blending ? Soft and hard edges ?

>> No.3147152


>> No.3147161


I agree.

>> No.3147170

Everything you said besides value, I think
You should do other things, like the hair
Are you planning on becoming a professional or something?

>> No.3147177

How does Naf make somebody like Choob feel? You know the direct opposite, I'm just curious.

>> No.3147182

UGH stop talking about naf

>> No.3147184
File: 150 KB, 1006x1057, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planes of the head, which comes from drawing which comes from loomis/hampton/vilppu etc

>> No.3147196
File: 1.31 MB, 1366x1479, studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I haven't decided yet on what path i should go . I want to do alot of things so i'm keeping my choices pretty opened. Here's some things that i also drew . I'm trying to get used to color and volume.
>pic related

Any help and advice on what should i focus more ( besides faces ) would be amazing.
Thank you for painting over it! I can see the mistakes that i did regarding the planes of the faces. Face-related studies and drawings give me a hard time although i realise i should draw more portraits. From those 3 , which one would you recommend ?

>> No.3147199

now i would definitely let me rape him
very focused, determined, rugged

less attractive, looks more derpy

>> No.3147201


>definitely let HIM rape ME
sorry I meant the other way around, I was too distracted

>> No.3147615


>> No.3147700

I'm. Actually. Getting. Better. ;______;

>> No.3147731

Post Work .

>> No.3147745

check drawing.today my friend ty and god bless

>> No.3147800

Is this some subtle message that we're all getting better or are you just being coy

>> No.3147812

Jerry Breem?

>> No.3147813
File: 37 KB, 881x433, pain_incarnate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you doing this

>> No.3147818
File: 47 KB, 680x684, IMG_2239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I probably couldn't draw what I did today if I tried a few months ago so I guess I'm improving
>tfw still pretty unhappy with it and can see a million different problems with it

>> No.3147822

When you can see problems, you can fix them. Only a matter of time before you improve more. It's worse when you're pleased with something, since that only means you're too shit to see what's wrong with it.

Is this a healthy activity I wonder at times..

>> No.3147888

why do some lassers early stuff look better than what they're doing now?

>> No.3147913

maybe they stopped comfort zoning.

>> No.3147915

like who?

>> No.3147955

like me

>> No.3147994
File: 15 KB, 512x174, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It could be many things.

>comfort zone
>free time

>> No.3148128

truly the last artist standing

>> No.3148310
File: 116 KB, 1075x379, 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck are you doing

>> No.3148368


>> No.3148369

for whatever reason I cant upload todays art

>> No.3148380
File: 680 KB, 990x990, ukilasxedfsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh there's no-one there anymore? I didn't even notice. I guess I should stop posting then. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.3148382


Sorry meant to quote


>> No.3148401

He can post 3d if he wants to, but I doubt he will get much feedback when nobody else here is 3d modeling.

>> No.3148447
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1383260953658.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3148513

Man I forgot to upload my drawing of a dog yesterday.

>> No.3148636

can you comment even if they dont ask for crits? I do some 3d modelling so Id be happy to give some pointers

>> No.3148645

Crit requests are just to highlight that someone wants help, you can comment without someone asking for it, people generally seem to be happy with any comments/feedback even if not requested. If they don't want comments they can disable it themselves, so post as much as you like.

In other news, if your streak is about to die now and you have an email registered you will get emailed a reminder 2 hours before the deadline (by default). You can change the 2 hours to however long you want in your account settings. e.g 0.5 for 30 minutes before deadline, or 5 for 5 hours. Set it to 0 to disable the emails.

>> No.3148835

So tell me about the Discord server. What's it like? Is it worth joining?

>> No.3148837

how about you join and see for yourself you helpless mong. leave if you dont like it

>> No.3148856

do you have pets?

>> No.3148858
File: 335 KB, 484x527, 1478942587712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone praise me!
Someone please notice me!

>> No.3148863

go back to hyw

>> No.3148868
File: 1.31 MB, 500x281, badkunk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good job

you're all gonna make it

>> No.3148869

tfw not gonna make it

>> No.3148871

you'll make it too, fluff, i just didnt list you because you already got mentioned in the thread

>> No.3148877

That wasn't me, but th-thanks

>> No.3148881

>Tfw didn't submit yet so not mentioned

>> No.3148885
File: 219 KB, 675x250, 1505071114411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks, that was just what I needed!

>> No.3148888
File: 495 KB, 592x766, arteezy hippos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> including shit beginners who are still stuck on drawabox shit with no serious signs of improvement

how did you come up with this shit list

>> No.3148889

i think its just everyone who posted today

>> No.3148890


I included all that submitted today you dorkazoid

>> No.3148891

>those tweets
is autism artour's secret?

>> No.3148892

name the "beginners still stuck on drawabox with no signs of improvement".

>> No.3148894

Drop us some names, we need to help those anons!

>> No.3148900


>> No.3148912


Decode these. Some of these are easier than others.

New Testament Prophet
Potassium Berry
Levitating Epidermis
Seinfeld Abramis Brama
Sexdecuple Penetration
Super Smash Bros Melee TV
Tête de haricots
Anti-Werewolf, Anti-Marriage
WinterBobby (fuck it)

>> No.3148915

>Tête de haricots
Yeah that must be me, I know I'm still a beginner but I gave up on drawabox a long time ago and now busy with anatomy, cut me some slack.

>> No.3148930

what just name them

>> No.3148937

All those people appear to be working towards their goal and for that they deserve some praise.
I bet you don't even draw every day yourself.

>> No.3148940

I initially didn't want to disable html tags in descriptions and comments, since script tags are easily avoidable, and making lists or bold etc is fun, but I cba to deal with inline styling, so you could break the site with just a comment
<div style="body {display: none;}">memes</div>

So all html tags are now stripped out. Sorry banana, no more corny poems in italic. I'm going to add a markdown editor eventually so text can be styled without html, but low prio, too much other shit to add atm.

>> No.3148943


They're not poems, just lyrics from this song, which I've been listening to on repeat while drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAVUPu7URbc

It's basically just meaningless placeholder text since there's nothing significant to say about DrawABox exercises.


Y-you too.

>> No.3148952

adding no text is also allowed, like 80% of submissions

>> No.3148956
File: 711 KB, 710x610, everything is ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, huh. That's right. Yeah.

>> No.3148960

New Testament Prophet is not a begginner

>> No.3148963

T-thanks, but I haven't drawn in months and most has been forgotten since last time. I'm back at pleb level, not that I ever really get out of it before. FeelsBadMan. Maybe the learning curve is a little sharper this time around, or maybe not since drawing every other day now.

>> No.3149012


>> No.3149014

Yeah, doing warm up's only when I do not want to draw is a nasty habit, need to cut that shit.

Not far from one desu. But thanks family man.

False prophet.

>> No.3149027

Am I on this list? I honestly can't tell

>> No.3149028


Who are you?

>> No.3149031

I'm F

>> No.3149032


I don't see anything that even remotely matches that in that list.

>> No.3149034

So autistic that he can't even name people by their fake internet aliases on neet containment board

>makes you think

>> No.3149035

Alright, well: it's time to keep going. It's time for everyone to keep going regardless of how poorly we're doing

>> No.3149036

>>makes you think
of what

>> No.3149039

Potassium Berry is really good though

>> No.3149042

Lol same. Can someone please decode this shit? I have to know if I've been deluding myself.

>> No.3149044


Bullshit. Link me one thing that he made that even indicates a speck of learning/mastery.

>> No.3149082
File: 18 KB, 284x339, 1479272399638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're stagnating again because of school + work combo

>> No.3149085

>not being a NEET

>> No.3149124
File: 121 KB, 924x501, contest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a question about this Medibang contest.
With "serialization" they're talking about just publishing your one-shot? Or they're talking about giving you your own weekly series? Cuz' I don't think I wanna turn into a manga-drawing slave for Shueisha just like that.

>> No.3149130

>not wanting to be a manga-drawing slave and getting to live in tokyo

but that's the ultimate dream

>> No.3149135

I don't wanna die yet, anon-kun.

>> No.3149136

>you'll never be Naf and win, get noticed and marry a Japanese wife to live there forever

>> No.3149147

could someone translate this? seems funny but I only got two

>> No.3149156

i don't think they'll let a gaijin who doesn't speak nor lives in jap be serialized, seems like risky business

>> No.3149175
File: 6 KB, 208x80, true true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3149190
File: 55 KB, 639x502, 16fy57[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you draw something you like but have nobody to show it too

>> No.3149221

Does Naf have a site?

>> No.3149224

>Being this new

>> No.3149286


>> No.3149321


>> No.3149325

>print or digital

They'll post your comic on some corner of their website for a couple weeks.

>> No.3149358

you can show it to me Anon

>> No.3149360

Obviously they mean a one-shot. You can't instantly get serialized unless you're a genius. It's like you never watched japanese animu or read manga about people making manga.

>> No.3149506

Can naf draw trees?

>> No.3149712
File: 86 KB, 479x285, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3149753


>> No.3149764

8 hours a day and a strict diet and exercise regime

>> No.3149957

less shitpost more content

>> No.3150024

Naf didnt get gud by watching tutorials like that.

>> No.3150028

ok naf, how did you get good then, naf?

>> No.3150029

this, fuck that shit

>> No.3150030

I think alot of Lasso's would pass Naf if they just grinded perspective for a year.

>> No.3150058

That's what Jeremias has been doing. Idk if it's been a year yet though. Miloyoyo also grinder through olson's course if I remember correctly, he did the whole aguri guide. Whatever happened to the lad?

>> No.3150066


I figured as much but I know now to avoid jumping from one thing to another and to just get good enough at one thing first.

>> No.3150139

>tfw struggling doing some simple sketches and getting frustrated

>> No.3150145

Miloyoyo was a faggot and gave up because it was too hardcore for him. He then opted for Sycra as his mentor instead of Aguri.

>> No.3150154

Has pure perspective ever helped anyone draw that much better? The only examples I can cite are probably Art School students, but I've never see a self taught person get very far. Art Center in particular has you designing and building already which is insane as a first class, but apparently everyone can pass that and it just works. Almost makes you wonder if they forget it by graduation, but then again, almost everyone who graduates is amazing.

>> No.3150244
File: 37 KB, 912x591, 1AQcCGf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've traveled to recursion hell and come back with comment replies. Hopefully it isn't very buggy, but I ran into some bullshit while implementing, so who knows at this point. Holler if something broken.

>> No.3150257

harsh, he seemed like a chill dude who made some decent progress. Who was "Aguri" anyway? I've only ever heard of them from the /ic/ guide and could never really find anything about them.

>> No.3150261

>pure perspective
"Pure Perspective" is a meme man. /ic/ keeps going on and on about how you need to draw nothing but boxes for years or "grind" your way through 60 hour video courses but that's the completely wrong way to go about it. If you look at the curriculum from any art school you'll see that none of them recommend this. They teach you the fundamentals of perspective which is like 1 course, maybe 2 tops and then they tell you how to APPLY those things. That's the part that people on /ic/ never do, they can draw boxes from any angle perceived by the human eye, they can tell you how big a rectangle will be on a grid, etc. They can do all that stuff but they can't draw mechanical objects, or vehicles, or environments to save their life. It's basically like learning all the theory behind boxing and never getting in the ring to actually try it out for yourself. Just grinding "pure perspective" is a joke.

>> No.3150263

But what you're talking about isn't pure perspective but boxes which in itself aren't bad either.

>> No.3150282

A smug cartoon girl.

>> No.3150568

fluff why does your working process remind me of that one japanese youtuber who also draws the same character religiously? Is he your influence?

>> No.3150571

this person btw


>> No.3150729

thank you for all W

>> No.3150754
File: 73 KB, 543x549, 1437508612077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w why did you put that blue header and buttons at the top there? It's really blue and it was ok before

>> No.3150775

I think it looks better, and easier to add the mobile collapse menu. Gives me more space to add new buttons

>> No.3150824

Heh, I watched what he was doing and liked the idea of it. The quick coloring gives me a different perspective on the drawing than the line sketch, which (hopefully) helps catch issues before moving onto later and harder to change stages.

>> No.3150948

I found his process nice, too. I've been look for nips who paint solely in photoshop and came across his channel a while back. He made the cutest sakura.

>> No.3151014

Fisher, do you have a blog? Really like your work

>> No.3151101
File: 31 KB, 402x604, 1504370156751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3151100

>> No.3151415

okay but wait can one join whenever or did i miss the date?