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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3135358 No.3135358 [Reply] [Original]

best youtube tutorial artist, concept artist, teachers on the tub. mostly the underrated ones.

>> No.3135369

Wow, I remember watching his videos when I was like 12 years old. I was super proud of my Hiccup dragon but I lost all of the drawings.

>> No.3135380

And my favourite youtube artist would be Mark Crilley.

>> No.3135382

Black's can't draw

>> No.3135400

Agreed. Asians are the best artiste. E. G., kjg and ruan Jia and blacks are the worst. Coincidently, this also translates to average iq level of different races. I guess at the end of the day, iq does matter in art

>> No.3135407
File: 171 KB, 636x956, hah54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You just don't know black artists. If you're black you'll know black artists. If you're asian you'll naturally look for asian artists which make up 99% of pixiv. If you're white etc...There are plenty of good black artists working in the industry and out that 99% of /ic/ will never hold a candle to. This isn't even up for debate, it's pure ignorance.

On a side note cartoonblock is a sellout. I remember watching his videos at around 13 like >>3135369 too and now his channel is nothing but patreon and kickstarter. Sad.

>> No.3135429

every other youtuber has a patreon, but what the hell is he kickstarting?

>> No.3135436

>mfw no latino artists

>> No.3135438

literally his own artbook


I could see if he was a kim jung gi or hell even a sycra (I'm curious of sycra's sketchbook).

>> No.3135442

They're out there, you just have to look past the noise.

https://neko-rina.deviantart.com 1 random example

>> No.3135447
File: 168 KB, 664x1024, N9IBbnA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm racist as hell and even I know that's bullshit.

LeSean Thomas
"Flash Me" Guy
Black Proko
Wesley Louis (and his team) made this fun animation too:


Be as racist as you want but don't let it make you entitled and complacent, that's how they get ahead ;^)

>> No.3135448

>post spain animu shit

>> No.3135451

No, the other guy's right. Blacks can't draw. Just because there's a tiny group of exceptions doesn't change that fact.

>> No.3135454

Only a tiny group of exceptions of any race can draw tho

>> No.3135456


>Just because there's a tiny group of exceptions

Again pointing out your ignorance. There are many good black artists and you have, in your mind, a tiny narrow pool to reference from because you're not black and so you won't care to look for black artists. We're done here.

>> No.3135458
File: 99 KB, 900x900, ED3D3197-9A12-4127-A6F2-D8A14EB7211A-7299-00001D0DA57FE81F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best artist

>> No.3135460
File: 50 KB, 270x200, 7D338B83-B7A8-4CD1-805D-F904CB512798-7299-00001D0DA08995AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget my boy jazza

>> No.3135462

Pretty sure whites and blacks on this board praise asians because this is an anime based site.

>> No.3135472


Right, but that has nothing to do with what I was replying to.

>> No.3135474
File: 1.42 MB, 915x1280, Ignacio Aguirre Title Mujer en la Cola del Carbón (Woman in Coal Queue) from TGPdoce..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they basically invented mural painting, that shit's hard. plus some top tier printmaking. don't know a lot of black artists off the top of my head, but aaron douglas was the spirit of harlem and inspired the dream sequence in disney's princess and the frog movie

i don't know many youtubers, but croquis cafe is great.
i keep meaning to watch this video by justin oakford but i've never gotten round to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vamqk1EtiJ0
his channel looks interesting

>> No.3135480

>If you're asian you'll naturally look for asian artists which make up 99% of pixiv. If you're white etc

>> No.3135489

lets just ignore
>You just don't know black artists. If you're black you'll know black artists.
because lets pretend you'll know black people who draw space marines and sailor moon

just drop it; I don't want OPs thread to turn into /pol/s dump bin

>> No.3135501

Kienan Lafferty has some decent tutorials.

>> No.3135660

I'm STILL disappointed that didn't get turned into a full series.

>> No.3135663

Um no. Majority of Black people just aren't interested in the Fine Arts and it's not really encouraged to go into those fields.

>> No.3135668

You could say the same about any ethnicity, no one is particularly interested in the Fine Arts, especially in America. Europe, I'm sure is different since everything began there and it's also free. Regardless of that, Black people tend to say they love anime and manga, so there's no point in bringing up Fine Art because that's not what they look for anyways.

>> No.3135672

I'm not black or white but I follow plenty of artists of different races. Some white dudes, latinos, black dudes, middle eastern, Asian, Indian, etc. If the art is good and appealing I'll follow, I think that's how most people look at it. Although maybe people are more inclined to seek out artists of the same race. Idk.

>> No.3135684

>Although maybe people are more inclined to seek out artists of the same race. Idk.

I don't speak for everyone (nobody does, but I'm sure a lot feel the same way) but when an industry is dominated by asian americans and whites and you're a minority the question will eventually come in "am I the only one of my "peoples" doing this. It can feel like a void. Just knowing there are others like you who succeeded is reassuring.

It's like when /ic/ makes age threads and if they're too old to make it. They want that reassurance that some 35 year old was able to get to a competent level.

You are right, though. I don't actively seek out black artists because I'm black on a day to day basis. If the art is good I like it. But I'd be dumb not to know artists of my own skin color. I wouldn't have to do so if I was Chinese because one trip to Artstation and 80% of the art posted there are made by Chinese. It's 'Chinese privilege' if we wanna go full tumblrtrite.

>> No.3135975
File: 54 KB, 508x557, degree_stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majority of Black people just aren't interested in the Fine Arts and it's not really encouraged to go into those fields


also - this chart

>> No.3135977

I don't even know why you highlight it. Look at the whole fucking column and blacks are a minority in every fucking field there is. Like really, when you think of blacks what kind of field do you see them working in? Probably cooking, comedy, and movies. Although, Hispanics have it almost the same too so there's that.

>> No.3135978

>blacks are a minority in every fucking field there is.

because blacks only make up like 13% of the entire US population you fucking retard

>> No.3135979

Blacks are only %12 of the population and overwhelmingly poor group which make the pool of people likely to go into higher education even smaller, honestly the numbers are fairly good given those odds.

>> No.3135981


This. Like big surprise there are a few that even make it in art. It's as almost as if you're trying to say there should be a huge percentage that should be painters but aren't because of some stupid thing like IQ.

I just can't see blacks in the projects owning a decent PC and wacom tablet. They'd have to get lucky to get red pilled on their situation and take matters in their own hands. It's the blacks who live in comfy white neighborhoods that have the dice roll. I myself am very fortunate.

>> No.3135982

wasnt america 50% niggers?

>> No.3135986

This is /pol/-tier delusion.

>> No.3135987


No, it always has been a steady 13% and declining. If anything the hispanic population is growing.

>> No.3135988

>I just can't see blacks in the projects owning a decent PC and wacom tablet. They'd have to get lucky to get red pilled on their situation and take matters in their own hands. It's the blacks who live in comfy white neighborhoods that have the dice roll.
That explains why hispanics have 4k over blacks in the arts.

>> No.3135990

Whites can't draw. Just because there's a tiny group of exceptions doesn't change that fact.

>> No.3135994

Except whites have a huge group of exceptions that most people could name off the top of their heads. Naming a black person who can draw? Good luck.

>> No.3135998

>bigger computer nerds than asian
I'm impressed.

>> No.3136000

That's because asians don't do computer things, they do engineering you dumb ass. No asian parent tells their kid to become a computer scientist or an IT guy. They say engineer.

>> No.3136001

Can you name a white person off the top of your head that can play the harmonica professionally, you dumb faggot?

>> No.3136002


as >>3135663 said, blacks generally aren't interested in fine art. if you could read you would see that most of them end up going into business, social sciences, medicine, law enforcement, etc.

it's interesting how much whites dominate in studying gender and race studies though

>> No.3136005

>he uses outliers to argue statistics

>> No.3136006

And Asians.

>> No.3136012

All good artist are "outliers" given that majority of people regardless of race can't draw for shit.

>> No.3136041

Yes. 13% black niggers. 37% white niggers.

>> No.3136792

Proud to be brown

>> No.3138295

"Racism derails a thread" the thread.

>> No.3138300

Not necessarily, OP asked about underrated people and it just so happens that black artists are extremely underrated. It's on topic as you can get.

>> No.3138309

"cucks derail a thread" the thread

>> No.3138330

Can't forget HC Brown, either!

>> No.3138545

Reiq is Latino I think

>> No.3138599

Yea Venezuelan.

>> No.3138604

what statistics? do you even have reliable and trustworthy data about artists race and their respective skills?

>> No.3138605


>> No.3138634

>It's like when /ic/ makes age threads and if they're too old to make it. They want that reassurance that some 35 year old was able to get to a competent level.
True af, you could smell the desperation in some of the walls of text that gets posted there. They're trying to convince themselves more than others.

>> No.3140430

Because playing the harmonica is as culturally important to the west as art.

>> No.3140444

Music is an art, dumbass. Now name me someone off the top of your head.

>> No.3140452

Useful stuff

>> No.3140527

You just described me and some of my other black friends. Time to actually meet people and learn about the world around you. We aren't all ghetto hoodrats with no ambition in life. Jesus....

>> No.3140533

Marco Bucci is a goddman art priest. This vid alone hit on many points that I've experienced.


>> No.3140534
File: 13 KB, 500x259, creycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time to actually meet people and learn about the world around you. We aren't all ghetto hoodrats with no ambition in life.

b-b-but who else am i gonna blame for everything wrong in my life if you're not like that?

>> No.3140544

>ctrl+f sinix
>0 results

>> No.3140549

ok fine then

>> No.3140566

jeff miracola is pretty good


>> No.3140569

Sinix is fucking great

>> No.3142572
