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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3010596 No.3010596 [Reply] [Original]

we need to have a resolute discussion about the quality of threads and discussion here.

E-celeb threads
ironic shitposts, trolls, and other unsavouries
request threads that should be in /r/
anything other to call into question
undeserving individual artist threads

before you say it, rare meta threads are completely fine when they are fixing problems.

>> No.3010604 [DELETED] 

im gay

>> No.3010605
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>> No.3010613

make me a mod and i'll purge all non believers

>> No.3010619

there is a very clear reason why that doesnt solve the problem

>> No.3010620

The problem is, this doesn't stop good threads from being 404d. On weekends, half the productive shit gets bumped to the back of the catalog, and the front is littered with shitposting.

Would be a lot easier if people would stop replying to that garbage, but we all know it won't happen. I'm fine with one or two off topicish threads, but this has gotten way out of hand.

>> No.3010695

/ic/ doesn't deserve better, even if you think it does. Let the cesspool choke on it's own shit.

For people here who want to get better and who are investing their time into practice, the best thing to do is to leave and go to other communities that are more in tune with the professional/commercial world.

It's not to say there aren't good threads here, but they are rare and very, very ephemeral. You need to use the archive to dig up the good stuff because none of it is stickied or otherwise referenced anywhere remotely accessible to people.

But hey, it's all good because there are always at least two e-celeb threads on the first page where people can circlejerk to their hearts content.

>> No.3010699

What other communities?

>> No.3010716

Any community that has a mix of professionals and newbies that are willing to C&C/help and eager to learn respectively. These aren't set in stone, but if you do your research you can find a handful, depending on what you're into (traditional, manga, sculpting, modeling, animation, ...)

Compare the quality of work that other websites have to quality of /ic/. Make a decision on which one tends to encourage better production.

Think about what learning material /ic/ is after the most. Which communities do these materials come from? Where were these artists trained?

You can find a handful if you search for them. Good communities produce good artists who help others produce. /ic/ will never reach this point.

>> No.3010737

>can't name a single one

>> No.3010907

Fuck off you newfag. /ic/ has been shit for years, nothing's gonna change.

>> No.3010914

There needs to be someone that will sticky the draw threads. That way they won't keep being pushed down, and it would stop some people from making their own threads.

>> No.3010921

that's a good idea
I also propose to make this place a blue board with the exception of artistic nudity, to enforce the idea of a grinder state proposed by >>3006221

>> No.3010932

Then nothing of value will be lost if board culture is forced through a meat grinder.

>> No.3010933

The best way to fix /ic/ isn't to complain about all the shit threads but rather to do your part and create quality threads.

>> No.3010936

but it's not possible, productive people have stuff to do we can't compete with the stalwart dedication of the people trying to ruin the board, do you think that shadman thread posting guy would be where he is today if he'd wasted time with a life?

>> No.3010942

Okay. So which ones do you frequent?

>> No.3010945


>> No.3010952

Those threads don't even get all that much attention though. The shad troll thread was at like 7 replies yesterday before it got deleted or was pushed down so far I didn't even notice it anymore. It's the lack of quality threads that we used to have that is the reason why the quality of this board is so visibly worse than it used to be. The number of shitposters stayed mostly the same, just their names and topics changed.

>> No.3010980

I just think it would be of service if we spent just a little bit of out time offering tips and advice that we learned, resources from the internet, anything that we can that might be of use to someone else might need. The sticky has done a fine job of that - but a lot of people come here asking about jobs and commissions and I think it's time we just have generals for those so we can post results and give feedback to why we are and are not getting work. Also whatever happened to QTDDTOT?

>> No.3010982


>> No.3010991

Hi Choob.

>> No.3011010

yeah but he doesn't do just the shadman stuff, 30% of the board is him shitposting

>> No.3011099

The board is and will always be shit, comprised of underaged shitposters with little interest in art and no real moderation.

>> No.3011161

Can we just be glad we're not /p/? That board is absolute garbage now. I don't know who's the best out of the art boards now, /3/, or /gd/?

>> No.3011178
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My only problem with /ic/ is there is too much /r9k/-tier whining. Like fuck off you miserable cunt, no one cares.

Other than that, this art board is still better than 90% of art communities online.

>> No.3011180
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>this art board is still better than 90% of art communities online
is this really true?

>> No.3011199

It's not. Whoever thinks /ic/ is better than Reddit (starting at the worst one for obvious reasons) is delusional as fuck.

/ic/'s output is subpar, the threads are degenerate, and the constant shitting on artists who have made it looking to nitpick their work is pathetic.

And don't get me started on how /ic/ picks on newbies from other communities and casts judgement on the community as a whole.

I've yet to see one person on /ic/ produce stuff as good as some things on /r/art. Never mind Artstation or other communities.

>> No.3011204


well, probably. if you consider ALL art communities online, I'm sure there are lots of shitty groups of a dozen teenagers. but there are still plenty of better communities, you just need to figure out what your preferred medium or style is and look for those groups.

>> No.3011206

i just looked at r/art and its just people posting professional's work. of course they are going to pick the best ones. doensnt seem to be a place where people post their own for critique.

artstation is for professionals only looks like.

i dont know why people post if they are just going to bullshit and use fallacies.

>> No.3011207

>I've yet to see one person on /ic/ produce stuff as good as some things on /r/art. Never mind Artstation or other communities.
lurk more. they exist, but they definitely aren't the main contributors and they don't stick around/post their work for long. illastrat gets more attention than these artists, because this board rewards trolling and shitposting.

>> No.3011208

all the good artists left at one point, you probably joined when this was a shithole already.

>> No.3011209


r/art? Are you fucking real? It's just artists shilling their shit constantly. How is that a good art community you dumb fuck?

It is the worst one.

>> No.3011216

ArtStation does regular challenges, hosts interviews with professionals and keeps links to workshops available. People share their processes and step by step methods. They link to their gum road lessons if they have any. Companies post there looking for competent people to get things done.

It's not a fallacy, it's a foregone conclusion: no professional artist wants to be associated with 4chan or /ic/. So the only ones here are lepers.

To the other anons: yes there were decent artists here. They're long gone. There's nothing wrong with artists posting their work on Reddit, Instagram or whatever even if they aren't asking for critique. There's nothing wrong with them posting links to a tutorial they made on Gumroad that costs.

We have had these conversations before. /ic/ isn't getting out of the hole it's dug for itself until it starts purging trolls, shitposts and e-celeb witch hunts.

/ic/ is not a diamond in the rough. You're the bottom feeders in a cesspool that leeches off of other communities and doesn't give or produce anything.

Good day gentlemen.

>> No.3011235

Was /ic/ ever supposed to give or produce anything? /ic/ just has a way different audience than ArtStation, is how I see it. /ic/ is just one board on an animu tiddies image board, while ArtStation is a company that just focusses on giving art professionals a good time. 4chan as a whole is a cesspool. Anyone who comes here thinking they will be in contact with professionals are an idiot. I like /ic/ as the cesspool it is, I'm not interested at all in ArtStation, because I am not a professional and I don't wish to be and that's fine.

>> No.3011244

Artstation and ic are different concepts, you cant compare. One is art publishing platforn the other is discussion based

Also ic didnt change much content wise for past few years, but we get more traffic now and board got faster, hence its harder to follow

>> No.3011348

Pick a discussion board then. Cgsociety, polycount, 3dtotal. All have a mix of 2D/3D, people have their names and portfolios attached to every comment and crit. Pros post dumps of art work, breakdowns, offer advice and there are challenges and interviews regularly. Lists of Gumroad tutorials by professionals ordered by category.

If /ic/ doesnt want to be in this game then that's fair. But trite nonsense like "we are better than 90% of communities out there because we are not a hug box and offer honest crits" is laughable. You have no work to show that is anywhere near the level of the work in these communities. And this includes Reddit. The output of /ic/ does not even register.

You've made the good people quit because they got fed up with stupidity and went to better communities.

Start a thread on one of those and ask if a recent blizz hire got a job because she's a girl or because of her portfolio. See what happens. The grown ups are never going to tolerate your shit.

But if all you're into is drawing furry anime traps then I guess you're in the right community.

>> No.3011495

I stopped coming here just because I don't have as much free time anymore, but I decided to check the catalog today after a long while. And honestly, I already feel how badly it could affect me to come back here and stay every day again, kinda like how I used to go to /r9k/ when feeling slightly off, which only made the problems worse over time. I don't know what happened to the board or how to fix it, but I can only confirm that, while it was always pretty shitty, it's just too full of shit now to even bother to look for the hidden useful gems.

I owe /ic/ a lot of stuff, it's thanks to this place that I learned a lot of my shit, a lot of great artists, and even some things unrelated to art. But judging by the current state of the board, staying here would be detrimental.

>> No.3011531

We have:
-reference threads
-artbook sharing threads
-a sticky with abundant resources and advice
-confined generals
-an offshore site to motivate people to draw daily
-a questions and answers thread that you know pros who pass by that lurk here give their wisdom
-promotion thread to promote yourself
-good META threads like the FZD thread
-Tablet recommendation threads (often answered by tabletotaku)

This community is great. You people in here are the problem; make good threads, contribute, and just draw.

>> No.3011560

most of them garbage, outdated and full of shitposts and idiots screaming post your work

>> No.3011575

explain further
in what way?
>full of shitposts and idiots screaming post your work
well you'll get your dosage of shitposting on every board and 'post your work' is board culture. Maybe you meant "blog?" which should be deleted if ironic.

>> No.3011580
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>E-celeb threads
>ironic shitposts, trolls, and other unsavouries

i don't mind these as long as threads like las, draw, alt, and the like continue to stick around. they're all i come here for anyway. the other threads are just icing on the cake

>> No.3011953
File: 82 KB, 536x598, flavortown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring the sea of piss and shit because you can still bathe in it
>Implying the sticky isn't outdated and could be reworked
>Implying generals aren't quite cancerous because eventually they all become productivity-killers and little drama whores infest them

Having a decent thread here and there is not a excuse to let the board become utter cancer you dense retard, if someone here is the problem is people like you with this retarded mindset of
>Just let people be dude, the good content always prevail

Except it doesn't, if you unironically believe this retarded romantic ideia you need to grow a brain, the good just doesn't win vs the bad because it is, Wikipedia has a lot of archives which are in lock mode, if you want to change it, you need to make a suggestion so an admin can review it and then change it

You know why? because if the archives were all free to anyone to change any asshole for the ''luls xdd'' would go there and fuck everything up, its a romantic retarded ideia to think ''the good mindset will always win for the sake of it''

Purge the shitposters, purge the bait threads, if the board is already dead then we are not losing nothing nuking the cancer away

>> No.3011991

pretty much every line of this

>> No.3012057


I highly doubt someone who posts reaction images like you do is a productive member of this board. I take notice of what goes on this board and it's really just the same person(s) who has been here for years being fools. None of what you're saying goes on here--you are blowing it out of proportion.

>> No.3012094

>ad hominem
>trust me guys im an oldfag XDD
>u r wrong
>unproved anecdote
in that order

>> No.3012097

who are you quoting

>> No.3012116

Ignore the threads you don't like and post and bump the ones you do. Don't respond to obvious trolls, tripfags, and the recent wave of high school attending shitposters.

Honestly speaking, if everyone did this there would be little reason for the idiots to make the threads other than looking to get banned or reported since no one would fucking post in them because they would ignore it. Also, remember that SAGE fucking exists if you feel the need to actually post in the thread.

>> No.3012119

Also this >>3011531

/ic/ is doing very well on it's own at the moment, and I'm glad I can always come here from the sea of fucking muck that is faster boards with younger posters. Enough resources here for everyone to share and a relatively decent community to share your work and improve beside.

/v/, for example, has actually made me dislike video games and attempt to abstain from them, despite getting a good majority of my inspiration from them.

>> No.3012122

you are not the first to claim that just individually hiding the thread solves the problem. there are a few reasons why this is incorrect. you would find them above.

your standards are too low. it can be better (although slower) with some simple changes. the idea is that the decrease in board speed would be worth it.

>> No.3012125

You misused the word resolute.
Perhaps you meant candid.
>Perhaps this is an observation about the board.

>> No.3012126

They were valid points but self-moderation should also be prevalent here, is all I'm saying. I honestly believe the shitposters are just trying to get attention and will starve if they don't get their little dopamine rushes from some petty (You)s.

The solutions spoken above will only be brought on by better moderation in general, which I haven't seen in such a long fucking time at all. Especially not boards with a dedicated sticky on front page. Every board discusses in circles what we need but there seems to be next to nothing that we can actually do to execute any of the ideals that require heavier moderation besides self-moderation. And believe me, I would fuckin' love some public bans to make a come back, stickied, and locked if it meant deterring shitposters.

>> No.3012147

I neither expect nor desire a "quality" board. More moderation just means more good posts being deleted along with the bad and the banal. I don't want more subjective interference from mods, and frankly it's unfair to ask them of it. It undermines the basic foundation of image boards, which is that the community is actively self-moderating by bumping threads they find interesting and pushing down threads that aren't.

The range of topics is vast, and the community isn't always going to like what you like, and you just need to learn to get over yourself and deal with it. If you can't stand the breadth of discussion, it's time to find a more focused community rather than forcing /ic/ to conform to your standards. Amid all the chaos and shitposting are the occasional spontaneous bursts of quality and insight that wouldn't be possible anywhere else, and I wouldn't trade this for surface-level civility.

>> No.3012635

Agreed, however you can't self-moderate flame wars that derail an entire thread into nonsense.

As the other anon mentioned, most of the "problem will fix itself if you ignore it" suggestions are wishful thinking. Anons are better off reporting shitposts than hiding them.

The board needs active mods who can issue bans. If what another anon says is true, that it's a very small group of people responsible for majority of it, then you'll see the shitposts drop significantly right away.

Get some janitors. Get a list of common bait/shitpost topics and add them to the rules.

The sticky is fairly content free. Some of it is good. Most is useless.

If, on the other hand, the state that the board is in is because the mods are complicit and this is their doing, then all bets are off and you might as well fuck off back to posting futas

>> No.3012670

>rare meta threads are completely fine when they are fixing problems.
And they never do. The demographic that browses /ic/ doesn't give a fuck about making a better community for art.

>> No.3013148

i want more people posting abstract art
i need see abstract art threads

>> No.3013150
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Are all d/ic/ks this whiny?

>> No.3013153

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks
fuck yes if I get chosen. or tl;dr anon. just anyone that'll clean this fucking place up a bit

>> No.3013205

Artstation is just a portfolio site, it's not even comparable to ic. They don't even have the same purpose or goal. Apples and oranges.

>> No.3013229

those are all oriented towards the game industry or illustration, isnt there a good forum for any kind of art?
polycount is nice though, recommend it

>> No.3013241

Is that even a place where a hobbyist could even go? Having every picture I post tied to my username sounds... intimidating. Especially since my pictures aren't that good.

>> No.3013271

>fuck yes if I get chosen. or tl;dr anon. just anyone that'll clean this fucking place up a bit

I doubt I'd get accepted tbqh. I don't come here often enough.

>> No.3013274

>Is that even a place where a hobbyist could even go? Having every picture I post tied to my username sounds... intimidating. Especially since my pictures aren't that good.

Polycount does have regular newbie challenges and you have to post your shit, and it's nerve wrecking but once you get over that hurdle, then it doesn't matter any more.

I mean hell, dA has tons and tons of crappy shit with real names attached to it. It's not as huge of a deal as people make it out to be.

Anonymity on a board full of autism overdrive however is a whole other topic.

>> No.3013277

Remember to report bad threads and comments.

>> No.3013279

>good forum for any kind of art?

WetCanvas.com has a huge variety of sub-forums, although it's hit and miss in general the regulars have many years of experience. A lot of work gets posted regularly for C&C and you can find workshops, schools etc on there.

>> No.3013458

any is better than none
also are janitors not allowed to vacation or something?

>> No.3013582
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Kick all the manga/cartoon weeaboo shit out or contain them in a general.

Kick all the wannabe concept/character/game design fucks out or contain them in a general.

>> No.3013596

Genre isn't and can't be the problem, the best contributors of /ic/ are often weebs. Religious weebs and people who don't genuinely love art are the problem.

I agree with purging trolls, shitposters and bait threads, but what's up with this "sticky is outdated" everyone keeps saying?
You do realize the general principles of improving your drawing skills haven't changed since they were discovered in early fucking renaissance, right?

>> No.3013699

if it were me, I'd insta-purge
>threads solely for oneself/blogpost threads
>shittalk threads
>question threads that belong in qtddtot
>meme threads (or at least keep to a minimum)

>> No.3013987


>> No.3013996

weebshit already has a general and I don't think I've ever seen a dedicated concept art thread...what shit are you spewing?

>> No.3014009

C'mon man. I draw weebshit too but just take a look at the fucking catalog and see for yourself how many shitters are posting their animu outside of the general.

Also the deletion of all those "rate my drawing" threads outside of beg and the drawthread needs to be enforced.

>> No.3014023


Why don't you name a few for us so we can participate in them as well? Where do you find that healthy mix of professionals and others?

>> No.3014173

I gave a list up there already. If you want a game industry centric place where professional artists gather and share working methods and breakdowns, Polycount is probably the top forum for that. You have people from all the top companies giving C&C and answering questions.

Thing that I mentioned tho is none of those boards will tolerate the attitudes here. Witch hunting and shit posting will get you banned quickly.

And this is why /ic/ will remain a sub-par place and professionals won't post here. I love the art book thread and occasional post on great art work that slipped through the cracks of banality, however keep the e-celeb and meme garbage out.

People on /ic/ that are serious would be better off opening a forum away from 4chan such that it's not branded with its tasteless label. Although there's already CGPeers which has torrents and what not, I haven't looked through their forums too closely.

>> No.3014275

Polycount is for 3d mostly though

>> No.3014819
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personally? i think its just gotten to the point where self moderation isnt enough of a solution. newfags will still come in here and fuck everything up, shitposters will continue to shitpost. what we need are more vigilant moderators who are willing to knock this shit down right when it starts. we need to clip this rosebush of bullshit at the roots.

unfortunately, the (gods)mods have abandoned us, so we're kinda fucked. was nice while it lasted folks.

>> No.3014839

They have regular threads where people take a concept art (their own or someone elses) all the way from 2d, through the 3d modeling pipeline and into a game engine like UE4/Unity, with critiques and tips along the way.

>> No.3014840

what's the context of this pic

>> No.3015159

Mom takes daughter to anime convention is my guess. Daughter is drinking herself stupid because she just realized she can't let the cute Sephiroth she met plow her asshole with her mom in the room.

>> No.3015161

that's a dude

>> No.3015183

Word. I was wondering why her hand and wrist were so weird looking. Would totally wear a Sephiroth costume and plow her asshole for her though. Mum can watch I don't even care.

>> No.3015848
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>Projection and Pretension, The Post

>> No.3016030
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I know e-celeb threads and random artists coming here and being like "LOOK AT MY WORK XD" (which are trolls 99% of the time) are really bad but even the generals can be shit. I'm an occasional lurker and the alt general has turned into the same three shitposters who put minimal effort into their art and expect (You)s as they shove their crap in our faces. They never take any advice and are wastes of air, the last time I tried to give critique to one he threw a temper tantrum and it made me sad for the state of this place. The namefags are really annoying too but that's a given.

I don't really know what the point of typing all this was but I hope someone understands what I'm talking about. I'm this close to just posting in the draw thread because I'm actually trying to improve unlike the circlejerk that is the alt thread.

>> No.3016036


how is alt a circlejerk

>> No.3016071

The art generals on every other board but /ic/ are way better than the ones on /ic/.

>> No.3016076

I only know of drawthreads
which ones do you mean?

>> No.3016199

Not so much, discord killed a lot of communities, /a/ used to host some sick draw threads for example but after discord bringing drama cringe-lord weeb faggots, the productivity took a big hit and it never recovered

>> No.3018656

What are good discord art communities these days? Sucks to hear that something like art discussion is inside of a private system :/

>> No.3018762

bullshit. shadman doesn't put his name in the OP most of the time.

>> No.3018769

There are more than 3 shitposters in alt/style.
It'd be a full-time job with overtime for 3 people to squeeze out that much shit.
The temper tantrums over critique are interesting... They're worse in that thread than in beg.
If I wanted to hear IT'S A STYLE CHOICE as a sad excuse for incompetence, in all caps, I'd just go critique somebody on deviantart or tumblr.
Any productive critique has been chased out of alt/style by bitching and whining, and so not many people go there for critique anymore. It's become a self-sustaining loop of (you) farming, shitposting, and bloooooooogggggggg????????
I used to ask for critique there, but I have had no actual advice in a long time, even when my questions are specific and direct... It's way more productive to just read art books and watch videos... Flip the "canvas" by holding the paper up to the light and self-critiquing...

>> No.3018772

Someone should make a discord and be very fascistic about what content is allowed and let /ic/ die.

I genuinely want to be helpful and supportive to the few desperates who come here in search of a community that isn't a hugbox but it's impossible to do on an anonymous board with no mods that is 70% hentai.

>> No.3018777 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 768x1024, DAdyFFwXoAIpe74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, check out https://www.cjb.tokyo and you can be the critic or the contributor!

>> No.3018779 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 600x674, DBuzNjJXUAACGbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's http://www.cjb.tokyo

>> No.3018782 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 1000x1412, 1497010087302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna shoot some dope, some hentai would be good too! Ha http://www.cjb.tokyo o yeah, and how to make delta tri-force? New fags, I Kno, love DB SUPER AWESOME!!!!

>> No.3018785

should have done it on paper first

>> No.3018786 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out http://www.cjb.tokyo , fucking post whatever u want just use contact form or blog

>> No.3018788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3018828

/ic/ is an honest to god crab barrel

>> No.3018847

nice reference and tru

>> No.3018915

heh you're still around?

>> No.3019099

Not him but there's an /i/ discord that could benefit from people that really do want to help. Don't have the link on hand rn but it is linked through smaller boards' discords

>> No.3019111

This subject usually gravitates around the issue that /ic/ is on 4chan and that the hentai/loli and general attitude is part and parcel of the broader community (with some exceptions).


* These weeabo fags have nowhere else to congregate.

* Most art newcomers don't hear about /ic/ at all since, as I mentioned before, the board does not produce anything at all. It doesn't have anything it can point to that says "we are better than this community you should participate here and not there".

You can try to take the good of /ic/ and shift to a new community but it's paltry - really the books thread is the only decent thing. The rest, including the stickies, can be thrown out without losing anything substantial.

Lack of mods is part of the problem. But it's not the only one.

>> No.3019139

Do both. There's nothing stopping you.

>> No.3019173

>/v/, for example, has actually made me dislike video games and attempt to abstain from them, despite getting a good majority of my inspiration from them.

I quit visiting /v/ for basically the same reason.

>> No.3019191

Not to be a downer, but we have like a meta thread a month and it never ever brought any long term changes. Raising awareness is good, but the only thing we can do is starting by cutting our shitposting down and go in the direction of being more productive and constructive in our posts. So, if you want a change, start by being a better person on this board.

Yes, dedicated janitors and mods would help, but we don't have them. So sage and report bad threads and help those who deserve it.

>> No.3019192


how come?

>> No.3019198

Alternative: launch a forum elsewhere, migrate the book thread there into a permanent sticky, recommend /beg/ to post there. Segregate weeabos into their own category. Moderate the rest heavily.

>> No.3019233

The new janitors are likely going to start working in August. Maybe then this shithole of a board will get some attention.

>> No.3019269

Rules need to be updated to allow janitors to do the work tho

>> No.3019327

You'd need the board to decide and compile a list of changes first though

>> No.3019505


>> No.3019582

Pretty much.

>> No.3020322

>when they are fixing problems.
This thread fixing nothing.
It is part of the problem.

>> No.3020333

It's a step in the right direction tho. Now it's on the janitors to do the damn work

>> No.3020337

we need ID's like /soc/ since this is a social board. I've made threads about it years ago but they just got deleted.

>> No.3020338

>but they just got deleted

Bless the old Gods.

>> No.3020361


>> No.3020364

where would it end? what's stopping every board from doing that?

>> No.3020369

>where would it end? what's stopping every board from doing that?
Every board DID do that for a while. And then it went away one day.

>> No.3020397
File: 482 KB, 500x880, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shouldn't be news to anyone.

>> No.3020411

huh, wonder why

why is /ic/ so damn petty? I don't think any board rivals it in pettiness and that's saying something

>> No.3020436

Because the parts that make /ic/ great also invite people that need therapy more than they need /ic/ and art. Crab in a bucket is an illness of the mind.

Bringing back IDs, I don't know if that's a great idea. I'd much rather try to improve the sticky and ban the shitposters at first sight.

>> No.3020460

improving the sticky won't do anything. /fa/ improved their sticky and it still went to shit. What exactly would improving the sticky do?

>> No.3020496

Because we're all each other's competition.

>> No.3020499

By itself very little. It's about moving in the right direction. More quality content with less shitposts. We don't need N threads asking the same rehash with people flinging shit back and forth when a sticky that covers it will do. Close the thread and move on.

>> No.3020500

youre not looking hard enough

also i question your use of the word petty. some people deserve the hate

>> No.3020507

You sound bitter. Care to share some stories?

>> No.3020517

/fa/ did not improve its sticky, it just redid it with more gayness.

if you don't know how to draw, or know what goes into drawing, chances are you don't know how to improve the sticky.

If all you know how to do is recite what is said somewhere else on the web, or you copypasta what you found in a book or from a video, chances are you will never make any sticky worth while

>> No.3020526

and? you're gonna have competition no matter what. whether you have allies is up to you

unless some asshole doxed you I don't see a reason to hate some rando on an anonymous clam diving forum

>> No.3020566

What would you add to the sticky that you think would both benefit and be approved by the community?

>> No.3020571

No we're not. That's part of the reason this place is the way it is. It's not supposed to be a fucking competition... Insecure people turn it into one.

>> No.3020681


One of /ic/'s advantages is that it hoards and links to content that infringes copyright. Use it to your advantage.

You can toss out the navel gazing "here is a digital painting from someone who doesn't know what they are doing" nonsense that's in there. Scrap anything that isn't moving forward. Focus on directions and steps that people can apply almost immediately.

(Step 0: scrap Betty Edwards)

Start simple: take the best-of the beginner books from the art books thread and hoist them up into the sticky. Amazon link to buy Norling's perspective book? Really? Put a straight mega.co.nz link to a directory of beginner books that can be downloaded at once.

Show some step-by-step breakdowns using redlines, especially things like gesture drawings and Vilppu's feeling the form meme. Basic shadow block in.

This will directly lead into the /beg/ thread. Since a lot of /beg/ is drawing the nude figure, it's a logical thing to show as an example in the sticky so that people have a starting point to practice it further. You can discuss comparative measurement here to get people to accurately assess where major landmarks should go.

From here on you can split it out and have a section on portraiture, Loomis, Reilly, whatever. Section on anatomy/muscle masses and redlining those. All of that can be directly /beg/'d as exercises for people to do.

The sticky should be reviewed and update when a better (or more intuitive?) approach is discovered through /beg/ critique or newer books come out that demonstrate a clearer approach to something that beginners have issues with.

This may seem like a lot but it's exactly how NMA/Watts/CtrlPaint and a host of books start out. You're better off linking one of these books as the sticky and saying "Read this front to back" rather than what's on there right now.

>> No.3020716

>I genuinely want to be helpful and supportive to the few desperates
Y-you... you could be my art fr-fr-friend anon...

>> No.3020738


>> No.3020813

I agree but /ic/'s draw isn't just the artbook threads as much as the fact you can get anonymous critique. By all means I'm the first to say that critique on /ic/ is shit, but it's absolutely true that every other community is a gigantic hugbox where nobody has any interest in critiquing as much as being 'social' - that is if hugboxing isn't directly enforced by the mods. Within the turds that /ic/ throws at you there's maybe a little hint of advice that is genuinely good and that's so damn precious to artists, especially intermediates who are stuck in a rut.

The fact /ic/ also has access to all the pirated shit also means that although they're (mostly) not competent in what in taught, they'll still be aware of the basics whereas with other communities you can't give it for granted. It's great if /ic/ could simply be a large study group where users work on the courses and report back.

>> No.3020833

I have a good post here about art and critique, can u plz telle what you think? http://wp.me/p8uEbg-3v

>> No.3021241


While your article reads like autism (that's totally fine, I like it anyway) it made me think a little.

>> No.3021278
File: 495 KB, 698x882, naru4hodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Art as a meaning, technology, and the benefit to humanity. Each generation the technology gets better which in turn gives us
of the possibility of what we can do with
which is the study and application of foundation concepts adapted with technological advancement that came before us (never changing but influencing by change) which in turn
>benefits humanity
contributes to our desires, gives back to the community and the purpose of why
has new meaning; technology shows us the visions, the dreams and without it we don't have
which shows what humanity can achieve, what drives a man to produce his creation--his vision to paper or in the 3D captured universe is mans accomplishments itself and without technological advancement that drive and vision is stalled
>Advancement in software, hardware, and trends
woven together to create to show humanity what art is--the advancement of mankind in the form of
and these realized visions inspire others to do the same which creates
crab bucket mentality or competitive otherwise /ic/ is in the stage of
>benifiting humanity
which comes back to technology and the drive to show why we make art

You sir >>3020833 are a genius. I subscribed to your blog.

>> No.3021618

Part of the problem is /ic/ ends up being an echo chamber out of fear of being a "hugbox", to which is usually considered to be anything that is less than 100 percent hostile and abrasive in it's conduct. Another thing is people thinking that somehow people are more "honest" with their critique due to being anonymous, and the more "brutal", and thus "honest", a post is, the more correct it is.

Tl;dr Hostility=/=competence or knowledge.

>> No.3021901

Thank you.

/ic/ is deluded if it doesn't believe it's a hugbox spewing shit about how they're better than other communities.

/ic/ haven't seen crits they give on polycount. Take a moment and go through their forums to see how it's done. Plenty of honest feedback is given along with overdraws/redlines. Professionals don't hide behind anonymity - there is no reason to shit post. Thinking honest crits are somehow an exclusive thing to /ic/ is absolutely fucking demented.

>> No.3021902


Maybe stay on polycount, you'll make this board a better place.

>> No.3021907


You've made a fine janitor so far.

>> No.3021926
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>> No.3022188
File: 17 KB, 457x396, 1497334800242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't steal my friend. I'm actually desperate enough to join a Discord at this point because I want to get better but this board has nothing.
>tfw look at polycount
>actually has some pretty good art
>way better art than our shitholes of stylization threads
So this... is the power... of kindness...
Maybe stay here because you're a shitter who thinks insulting people is enlightening them :D

>> No.3022465
File: 140 KB, 286x277, 1463712222566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't steal my friend.
>i-implying I can't be your friend too

>> No.3022729
File: 53 KB, 228x392, 1497553481578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3023361

>thread degenerates into erp

>> No.3023707

What the fuck

>> No.3023771

Improving at art isn't a competition you fucking faggot. Jesus Christ, no wonder this board sucks so much. You should only be worried about your own progress. If other people are progressing faster, it's time to look inward, not lash out at others.

>> No.3024062

Why is everyone on here so serious? Can't you take a joke every once in a while?