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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 180 KB, 1414x1885, las-109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3012420 No.3012420 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

>> No.3012422

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The original developer of the site has taken a leave for quite a while, originally due to medical reasons. Progress on the site is almost non-existant at this point. You can try contacting him at @LavaFlake or emailing him at lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>Your streak will go back to 0 and you will have to start again. No other penalties.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>There is no week system anymore, instead new users are given "streaks" based on the number of consecutive days you can submit without getting eliminated. (token losses do not reset your streak)

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.
there. kick rocks.

>> No.3012425

This is a list of anons who stream once every blue moon, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

VSOCK: twitch channel: professorsugoi




Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:


This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:


Please compliment or give crits to your fellow lassies if you have time to spare, even if it's only one person at a time.
Lassies like to feed on mentions and attentions.


>> No.3012437

I wish I had an art friend.
I am so lost sometimes.

>> No.3012443

join the discord! :D

>> No.3012458

were all your art friends in here ;)
>but actually im also lonely and lost :(

>> No.3012464

Why are there no good artists in las?

>> No.3012466

We are lonely together now.

>> No.3012467 [DELETED] 


>> No.3012475
File: 64 KB, 400x320, sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like it's a group focused on learning..

There's some suprisingly good people in las, actualy.

>> No.3012506

Why would any good artist hang on this godforsaken place?

>> No.3012542

>tfw when want to join
>Art is so shit I'd probably get kicked for low quality even if I spent hours on it

>> No.3012558

If you spent hours on something then it's good enough for LAS.
So join instead of crying about it.

>> No.3012567

community not active enough to kick anyone.
I wouldnt be surprised if tribunal did nothing anyways, since it used to boot you from the weeks, but we have no more weeks now. Fucking lavaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.3012584
File: 678 KB, 600x800, Patrick Petitjean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it took me something like 10 hours to do this. Y'all really think I can get away with this shit?

>> No.3012586

yeah, tribunal is basically toothless


>> No.3012588

You sound like you want attention, even if it's negative, stop posting and do whatever, nobody cares.

>> No.3012599
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>> No.3012603

Nope, just not sure how strict LAS standards are. Sorry, I have what basically equates to autism and I don't know how to function or communicate properly. Don't mind me.

Awesome. Hope you're right, I'll give it a shot.

>> No.3012608

Welcome and good luck.

>> No.3012657

aw thanks for the support anon! :^)
I'm only posting in the rpg challenge for now since I'm travelling so not really drawing every day

>> No.3012680

there are quite a few near professional level

>> No.3012685

You'll fit right in.

>> No.3012687

Name a few

>> No.3012688

Naf, Mathias

>> No.3012689

>doesn't mention me

>> No.3012701

& you too of course anon :^)

>> No.3012704

I think they lacks certain qualities.

I would say barkode has more professional quality since he can renders well, sketches aint professional

>> No.3012708


>> No.3012709

I guess, I feel the pro vs non-pro thing is kind of moot anyway, it's not like you suddenly cross a line and magically you're now a "pro," It's more of a gradual thing.

>> No.3012711

.my.name ;^)

>> No.3012718
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Wellcome aboard! hope you draw a lot.

>> No.3012727

I'm thinking there is at least 5 or so that should probably be working on a portfolio and marketing themselves at this point.

Even then just because if there is no biters, they would have a body of work to pick apart and study what they are lacking.
mathias issue is that he seems not to be decided in a direction yet, which is fine. since hes like 16 and living with family still. He could very easily take his work and start pushing towards illustrations though and find clients.

naf just doesn't seem to be making a portfolio yet.. for whatever reason. I don't know their backstory well enough

Keep in mind, professional does not mean master. professional means able to do art as your profession. If you were to actually look at the level of art indie game studios put out you'll fine there are quite a few at our below the level of some of the /las/sies.

vadstart just got a job at a game art studio and susipari has been working at an animation studio. as well

Sure maybe nobody here is good enough to work on an AAA game, but that's partly because very few here are actually grinding 3D

>> No.3012732

"Engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as an amateur."

There's definitely a line but there's nothing magical about it.

>> No.3012734

oh, to also name a few. Off the top of my head


I'm sure there are more that was just all that came to mind

>> No.3012744

There's definitely a line and there's nothing magical about it.

>> No.3012787
File: 26 KB, 400x300, IMG_1260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this cool app called handy that lets you rotate 3D models of skulls, heads, feet and hands. It doesn't have any full body stuff tho, do you guys know of any app that does? I found proko's skelly app but that only has a skeleton and not the anatomy on top.

>> No.3012799

I bought something called l'echorche
It's decent, I use it often.

>> No.3012835
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>talks about this cool app
>doesn't say the name

>> No.3012886

It's called "handy art reference tool" you can find it by searching for "handy art" or something like that.

>> No.3012919

Huh weird. It's seems like i can do much cleaner lines with my normal wacom tablet than my cintiq.

Do i really need straight surface that badly?

>> No.3012924

maybe you just suck at using a cintiq

>> No.3012927

I doesnt take any specific skill to use a Cintiq.

>> No.3013015

Any favourite submissions so far for today?

>> No.3013018

Wow, what a surprise, I drew something completely underwhelming again.

How do you guys get into the mood for drawing when you're really tired?

>> No.3013020

All of them, except mine.

>> No.3013023

Take a nap.

>> No.3013024

I use a really big brush and squint my eyes while making big strokes
then I try to find something in it like in a cloud while I make my brush smaller gradually
it's nice as warm up and sometimes you'll be surprised what you'll find

>> No.3013027

I barely have time for that.
Work is sucking up all my time and energy.
But I'm still going, I don't plan to give up just yet, I'm just struggling a bit.

I'll try that, I've been thinking about getting a bigger watercolor brush.

>> No.3013046

Always a lot of cool submissions, the ones that stuck out for me are the pixel dragon and the rose

>> No.3013047

Last time I was realy down I just drew some mushrooms because they had simple and cool shapes and it was nice and relaxing drawing them.

>> No.3013050
File: 230 KB, 724x768, IMG_20170527_164309_921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not mentioning senpai papa

>> No.3013056

her jaw is caveman.

>> No.3013060

lol literaly the 3rd name he wrote

>> No.3013065

what about me?

>> No.3013067


>> No.3013069
File: 1.08 MB, 1440x900, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3013104

Thanks very much! I'll start with that fuckin thumbs up face because it made me zozzle

>> No.3013105

Yeah, I'm technically a professional and my artwork is completely unmemorable by LAS standards.

>> No.3013109

Your work is shit Lava.

>> No.3013124

no doubt there are plenty more, didn't want to dig through everyone though!

lava isnt technically a professional

>> No.3013129

I'm not Lava but my work is pretty mediocre. It's kind of disheartening to get overtaken artistically by people who do it as a hobby and are ten years my junior, but fuck, it's not like I can stop drawing.

>> No.3013130

Anyone do any 3D work here? I've been trying to get into sculpting with Zbrush, trying out different brushes and getting used to the whole UI and shortcut keys, coming off of Maya though the UI feels just as busy. Guess I just gotta stick with it.

>> No.3013131

Get out of your comfort zone maybe?

>> No.3013162

Fuck, man, you're not wrong. It really is that simple.
I spend hours upon hours working on art every day, but it's on stuff where I don't experiment at all - I hate working on the stuff that makes me money, so I don't want to spend any more time on it than I have to, and I'm so emotionally invested in my passion projects (and the deadlines are so tight) that I don't want to risk getting a bad result.

Thank you for the reminder. I don't know if I can really trust the seeming infinite clarity of these sorts of late-night revelations, but I'll have to try and make time for things that aren't so goal-focused.

I'm rambling. I should go to bed.

>> No.3013182


this can kind of apply too, glad I helped!

>> No.3013190

For LAS, does it need to be a finished piece to count? I'm bad about getting like 3/4 done with a piece and then moving on

>> No.3013193

it can be anything so long as it took you at least 30 minutes to draw

>> No.3013320

thats a leyendecker study, and he mentioned them already

>> No.3013349

Hasta luego lassies. Wish I could say I enjoyed the ride.

>> No.3013475

why you leavin, I didn't say you could leave

>> No.3013491

Woah. Not that anon, but damn, a TED video that isn't just empty "Do what you love and you'll be great at it!" pseudo-advice? Never thought I'd see that. This is actually really helpful.

>> No.3013501

>tfw forgot I even joined a challenge
Better get to work

>> No.3013521


>> No.3013577

im at the end of the line with the LAS website and Lava. Tomorrow will be the end of the line one way or the other, and either lava will see and things will change or ill leave the thread and site for good

>> No.3013583

Bye anon, I guess you should start packing.

>> No.3013590

Well... Lava isn't coming back any decade soon sooo... BYE! :)

>> No.3013593

Maybe there'll be a miracle and lava will actually fix the site but I doubt it. Although he did post on his blog that he found some bugs and that he'd try to fix them. Anyways, take care anon.

>> No.3013598
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>> No.3013622

any updates on DED?

>> No.3013626

nicnac is focusing on school

>> No.3013630

I think las is gonna produce more successful coders than artists because of how many people are now working on their own site.

>> No.3013634

runnerman will inadvertently create the singularity while learning programming

>> No.3013677

It's been 10 years since the ded servers came online, assimilating most of humanity. A vast myriad of clones, all with a mastery of 3D modeling and photobashing. The few brave lassies strong enough to remain pure in these dark times- scattered to the edges of civilization. One would think they were myths if not for the crumbled up drawings left in their wake. The Ded AI knows no borders though and they soon will join the rest...


>> No.3013836

I like that he didnt even try to make it look like the original, an interpretation is always better than a copy. Or does it look spot on? I havent seen the reference.

>> No.3013840
File: 27 KB, 131x121, Akko5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3013849

What? the proportions are wildly off, it was intentional, no?

>> No.3013882

I do some 3D, usually I watch all the intro tutorials on the official software website and some supplementary stuff on youtube. It's kind of boring, but it helps to remember all the UI if I just take it one by one.

>> No.3013884

No fuzz on that fact, for sure.

>> No.3014199

How do we revive LAS?

>> No.3014204

Replace the sleeping driver, or get a different vehicle.

>> No.3014218

Yeah Ive been watching this intro to zbrush that has some 40 vids, its pretty nice

>> No.3014248

Its called Last Artist Standing, let it die, that was the point.

>> No.3014253

Yeah, it's good the next will likely be called "Draw Every Day" or something along those lines, a much better ideal.

>> No.3014256

ikr i mean we are all sitting drawing anyway

>> No.3014257

Draw Every Day doesn't sound as cool and motivating as being the Last Artist Standing. You have to think about how in anime and manga the protagonist always wants to be number one, but that means climbing over and throwing other people down. Everyone wants to be number one, but don't realize that part.

>> No.3014258

that was terrible and you should feel terrible

>> No.3014265

Im balls deep in 3d, only to add to my tradish stuff though, working it into my pipeline along with MD.

>> No.3014269

We email lava about it.

>> No.3014270

at lava@lavaflake.com he'll fix the website :)

>> No.3014278

You're just encouraging everyone to stop so you can be the last artist standing.
I'm not falling for it.

>> No.3014284

are the guys that wanted a Seasons System way back in the early days of LAS still around?

>> No.3014364
File: 1.18 MB, 1922x1080, 17410_screenshots_2012-07-26_00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3014369

Drawing the longest doesn't mean you draw the best or even improve the most though, so why does it matter

>> No.3014373

regardless of what people think, the majority of us aren't idiots. i can tell the difference between a 30 minute study and a 3 minute doodle. just join anon

>> No.3014374

i force myself to draw or i take a short nap and force myself to draw when i wake up

>> No.3014388
File: 946 KB, 400x300, hzV0f0v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drawing the longest doesn't mean you draw the best or even improve the most though
True story :\

>> No.3014391

It means you at least didn't give up and are able to hold a position as well as one day be able to improve to further heights. Those who gave up may never come back. They might as well be dead as competition.

>> No.3014492


Las can be detrimental because people start getting worried about their submissions not looking good so they stay in their comfort zone

I know quite a few ex-lassies that still draw everyday but they have the freedom of not worrying about people judging their learning pieces

>> No.3014522

This is very true and something I've struggled with for a long time. When I have more time to draw I do stuff I know I won't submit, but when time or health don't permit it, presentability plays a big factor in what I work on.

>> No.3014524

>When you realize lava hasn't submitted in a few days

>> No.3014528

So what'd you guys think of the donut steal challenge?

>> No.3014557

Not enough people entered it, I thought it was a good idea though. All them Naf admirers, its kinda cute. Only Tekky actively tried to show finlay something, but even that was kind of half assed, especially when he shares some of finlays problems too.

>> No.3014632

tripfags attempt to color like choob turns out shit, great job tripfag, just like choob.

>> No.3014662

Not entirely true, a tight tracing can appear to have taken a long time, until you run across the original, then you realize it probably took 10 minutes from start to finish.

>> No.3014734

Where'd everyone go?

>> No.3014736

Still here lurking. Like I have been for 500+ days.

>> No.3014737

So how was your day?

>> No.3014741

Pretty okay, Anon. I did 8 hours of drawing then marathoned re:Zero. I didn't like it.

What did you do today?

>> No.3014742

shit. This >>3014741

>> No.3014743

I ate good art all day and drew a little bit. I spent most of the day listening to music though.

If you don't like re:Zero, what do you like?

>> No.3014747

Probably gonna quit soon.

>> No.3014757

I like other Isekai, I just thought it was pretty lackluster. Insufferable protag, and the entire second half dragged. I hear they cut a lot from the novel, but it seemed like a lot of basic things weren't really explained.

>> No.3014758
File: 44 KB, 800x490, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you tried bruteforcing Lavas password from his shitty web login page and it has been running for 16 hours
>hoped to login to his account and do something to get his attention to the problems at hand
>over 17000 passwords tried and to no avail
>web traffic from login requests from me are likely massive
>lava still doesnt care
>probably will post to his blog and do his submission today without a mind of it

i havent given up yet lassos but If you see a new challenge made by lavas account or something just know that I made it through, we will see tho Im not very hopeful

t. a namefag going nameless

>> No.3014759

Reminds me of that person who was going to bring down the site and finally end it for once, but never did.

>> No.3014762

>This level of autism

>> No.3014765

Does Lava not have a fucking lock out or something?

>> No.3014768

another reason to fix the site anon...

>> No.3014773

new goal get banned and go down in history kek

>> No.3014811

I checked his las page for the first time in a while and he's been submitting pretty irregularly. It's only a matter of time before he stops giving a shit.

>> No.3014813

It's pretty fucking impressive that LAS doesn't even need a fucking site maintenance every month like most other sites. Just how strong and stable is the server?

>> No.3014860

not that anon but
although it's still not an excuse, but as well as cutting stuff, apparently they only adapted the prologue of the LNs.
Agree about the second half, my overall opinion would've been a lot higher if it ended at the credits of ep 15, would've been a ballsy move and stayed with the viewer longer.

also could you recommend any isekai that you do like? I tend to find all isekai protags are insufferable desu

>> No.3014939

fair enough :(

>> No.3014942

fucking kek

he's been stagnating pretty hard, the stuff he drew last year is on the same level as the stuff he's drawing now

>> No.3014952

hey /las/, Professional 10x software ninja here.

I really like LAS. I've been making an alternative website with the plan of open sourcing it as soon as it goes live, so even if I were to stop maintenance of it someone could potentially continue on the work. I'm open to open sourcing it early, but adding build and configuration scripts for the database side of things is a pain. If anyone is really interested, I'll open source the SPA, API gateway, and scheduler sooner though.

I'm doing it entirely for fun and to explore some technologies, so whether or not anyone chooses to use or not it is fine with me

I've got a few questions about desired features though.

Do the weekly challenges add any value for anyone, or do people just want streaks (miss two days, lose your streak, restart the next day), with user created challenges and topics being the only challenges with time spans?

Ratings (1-10 vs Like/Dislike vs Facebook Style Reactions)? Skill categories for users (not good, good, really good)? Commenting on pictures?

I'm not at all a dirty neet, so it's going to be a couple of months before I have all the main functionality in place and live, but I am slowly building out features.

Feel free to leave any suggestions or wishes in the threads, I'll be reading them.

>> No.3014954

You talk like a guy who would sell our data. Can't be trusted to be honest desu.

>> No.3014962


>> No.3014975
File: 10 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>those fucking art guys already found out im trying to sell their streak data for literally dozens of cents to big time streak data buyers

>mfw gotta come up with another 4 million dollars in seed money now for my next big start up idea

>> No.3014978

it's w's version open source?

>> No.3014990

call it Last Artist Sitting!

>> No.3014992

Last Autist Memeing

>> No.3014993


>> No.3014996

Is this ded? We have someone doing the same already

>> No.3015002

We'll add you to the list of people who are working on a new site. lol we're gonna have like 5 different las sites by the end of this.

>> No.3015003

I don't think a rating system would work, because people would just spam the threads, whining about no one rating/liking their art.
Maybe some sort of anonymous comment function?

>> No.3015005

>yfw despite all the people working on new lasses we actually get 0 new las sites by the end of this

>> No.3015006

Another fucking LAS website...

>> No.3015009

Summary of all the people that're working/worked on LAS sites:

- Lava: AWOL, site crawling with bugs but lots of new people, possibly going to fix bugs (??)
- W: Programmed new site but fucked up running it, code is available for anyone else to try (if they know how to program and run it)
- Runnerman1: A several months into learning how to program.
- Nicnac: Setup basic website but still going through highschool, setting up hosting and domain
- >>3014952

>> No.3015010
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>by the end of this

>> No.3015011


>> No.3015014

I have an idea. Why don't we all just make our own las websites and make it so only the creator can post on them?

>> No.3015015

I'll make a las website that links to all the other las websites so you can watch the creators submit like on the original las website.

>> No.3015019

But then someone has to make an las website that links to your las website that links to all the other las websites so we can watch the creators submit like on the original las website.

>> No.3015020

Almost like having a blog. It's a genius idea.

>> No.3015021

Last LAS Website Standing

>> No.3015026

The only thing LAS needs is comments.

>> No.3015029

What do you think this thread is for?

>> No.3015030
File: 18 KB, 395x387, 1418065254144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a LAS Website everyday.

>> No.3015031


>> No.3015032

Not much. There are many people that rarely get mentioned in these threads, if at all. We don't get critiques.
Allowing comments on the website will encourage communication and improvement. And it'll be easier for everyone involved.

>> No.3015034


>> No.3015207

>open sourcing it as soon as it goes live, so even if I were to stop maintenance of it someone could potentially continue on the work
Already tried, doesn't work. If you stop, the site stops.

Undocumented angular piece of shit reeeee
Had I written DED in Vue I would've been keeping at it atm just out of interest, but I don't feel like rewriting all the frontend, and I've grow to hate the framework I used here.

>> No.3015264

Why do all of you niggers know how to build websites?

>> No.3015265

not any of them, but I spent a few years learning to program and mostly posted around /g/ and lurked /agdg/ before finding /ic/

>> No.3015270
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>> No.3015289

>calls others niggers when his school didn't teach basic web building
You poor rural amerifat.

>> No.3015316

Because I had to make a living somehow and I'm autistic enough to learn basic programming.

>> No.3015324

I am a big fat slob, but all you need is an instagram or Artstation with good artwork to get noticed nowadays. All the time you spent learning web design shouldve went towards something else. I'm fucking amazing at making arty goodness btw.

>> No.3015390



>> No.3015395
File: 671 KB, 1200x669, town day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to do normie stuff, see you tomorrow lassers

>> No.3015398
File: 28 KB, 400x400, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.3015405


link directly to timestamp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDlbJdmo7KE#t=12m

>> No.3015410

Oh wow didn't know you could do that, neat.

>> No.3015414

You got pretty far! My stack for the LAS im working on is vue, node, postgres. I'll message you on GitHub when I get closer to open sourcing it, always open to collaboration.

>> No.3015474

Not really interested sorry

>> No.3015675

I've lost my streak two times already, should I keep going anyways?

>> No.3015676

sure why not

>> No.3015686
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tfw the loomis meme is real

>> No.3015689
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>> No.3015694
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tracing is unacceptable in a community based around improving your own art. you shouldnt be doing it in las anyways

>> No.3015701
File: 146 KB, 620x531, 1467547416438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care about website updates and i am completely fine with current site
>i just need a place to post and keep me drawing bullshit
>Still, every day check these threads if someone has made a new website just because i want to be where the community is
>one day the new site will come
>the new sites will keep multiplying
>you have to post to ten different sites every day
>new different topic hell in each site

>> No.3015712

You can improve your art while tracing senpai.

Quick example would be control f paint tutorial on edge control. He wanted to show studying edges so he traced the skull and spent 30 min on edges.

another example would be drawing the head from observation and then tracing it so you can really get a feel for the proportions etc.

Get over yourself really desu- there's no right way to learn

>> No.3015716

>joining multiple topic hells
Are you insane lad? Is there something you have to atone for?

>> No.3015764

His password is 'toothpaste'

>> No.3015857
File: 1.15 MB, 1314x1024, 1485997385114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost gave up today.

>> No.3015864

Lara, are cats in your country a delicacy or something?

>> No.3015962

your art will never be as sad and basic as jerrys, look at his crap its just basic shapes over and over again.

>> No.3016054

who are the most degenerate lassers?

>> No.3016082

Ubf. Only saucy could've rivaled ubf, god rest his soul.

>> No.3016087

>Decide to drop out of las to focus on longer project
>Wait for timer to tick down with no submission
>Day changes
>Still have my streak and token
Wew Lava

>> No.3016102

This has been an issue for a while now. Do you not check the breads friend?

>> No.3016103

I agree with this comment.

>> No.3016115

Oh and I'd put sasori in the running as well, almost forgot about him.

>> No.3016134

>Only like a week or two left in the fog challenge
>didn't get past day 2
Can I still make it? Should I even bother?

>> No.3016289


>> No.3016339

las won't last until 2018, will it

>> No.3016342

won't be surprised, although it would be trivial for lava to keep the site up

>> No.3016434

link to scans of the streetfighter anatomy guide mentioned:

>> No.3016612


>> No.3016628


>> No.3016655

Only a degenerate would trace another artists work and pass it off as their own. Choob gets my vote.

>> No.3016664

>not a degenerate anymore
what did I do wrong?

>> No.3016730
File: 67 KB, 500x482, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a job..a good job hahaha in a hotel none the less a seating office job too. this will be great for my time management .

>> No.3016738

Jerry has a good life! :)

>> No.3016745

i hope so. a year from now if anyone of you live in north Carolina i might give you a reference.

>> No.3016761

I'd come to North Carolina to suck your dick and help you improve just to make you feel better jerry :)

>> No.3016764
File: 26 KB, 279x215, 1345284407080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, Jerry! I'm happy for you, wish you luck!

>> No.3016766

Good job, I'm proud of ya man! How'd you land it? I've been thinking about working in a hotel part time or something.

>> No.3016768

bless anon, I was just about to search for these

>> No.3016783

i have past experience with MS word and excel i used that in my resume and got lucky. i got the entry job as a bellman for 2 days a month . i worked there while helping my uncle in his carshop then they extended it to be front desk

>> No.3016786

>one state over from the dream, the meme, the breem

>> No.3016873

Dope. I'm certified in word and I think maybe excel too so maybe I'll also get lucky. Wish you the best.

>> No.3016899

Lately I've been more and more paranoid about economic collapse. I feel like it would be better to just give up on art and learn subsistence farming or foreign language or something.

Do you guys ever think about what will happen if the skills you're gaining become completely useless?

>> No.3016902

the collapse will take about 30 years it wont just happen. keep going get money and start prepping
i prep too. maybe you're lucky and find a GI's home that hes trying to sell low. worst case there's always chiraq.

>> No.3016916


>> No.3016917

yeh and my interest begins to gravitate towards firearms and animal trapping

>> No.3016921

Venezuela's situation was pretty much overnight.

We already have munitions, and family overseas in a worst case scenario. But if all I ever have is pretty pictures, I'll be worthless.

That sounds cool. Do you live in an area with lots of wildlife?

>> No.3016929
File: 18 KB, 328x277, 1442186797435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuela was the result of GENERATIONS of communism it took DECADES for the government to take absolute control of the means of production. we just chose to ignore it because Chavez got lucky and got arrogant. Americans are entrepreneurs and independent by creed, more than likely you will fare much better than us when the time comes. that does mean gated communities that will shoot on sight if you're a stranger though. madmax will turned real in nevada. i can see mexicans trying to take over the hoover dam.

>> No.3016930

Thank you.

>> No.3016957

>past experience with ms word

>> No.3017032
File: 162 KB, 1200x875, Schjeldahl-Faux-Rembrandt-1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the stuff computers are being taught to do nowadays kinda make me worried about the future usefulness of knowing how to render shapes in 2d.

>> No.3017041

You're good for several decades, I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.3017047 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.3017092
File: 99 KB, 478x549, 1472857089086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna make it!

>> No.3017095

this rpg challenge is coming along, only 9 more days guys

>> No.3017099


>> No.3017117

I'm getting tired of my own work and I don't know what to do

>> No.3017148

idk either

>> No.3017178
File: 65 KB, 598x192, 1496996952187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going, like always. From time to time you'll churn out something far better than what you normally do, which most of the times means an overall increase in skill, and you'll feel great, just remind yourself of those times when you're feeling down.

>> No.3017202 [DELETED] 


>> No.3017294

I dont think I can make it. I always skip or cheat on days that are outside of my comfort zone.

>> No.3017299 [DELETED] 

Digital Artists are fucked, traditional will always be respected..

>> No.3017383

How many people do you guys think will actually finish the rpg challenge? Which lassies will fail?

>> No.3017391

The ones that are keeping up and are on time likely will. I know Naf is but I havent really looked at the others.

>> No.3017394

Unless Seffy posts 18 different submissions for each topic, he counts as a failure.

>> No.3017395

b-but 18 shibes :(

>> No.3017496

yesterday's submissions that caught my attention from the thumbnail alone (regardless of skill level):
pijin, Aestro, alm0nde, CRT, VuSta, Cath and coinhero

anyways, good job for another successful day, everyone! looking forward to today's submissions

>> No.3017512 [DELETED] 


>> No.3017553

not you

>> No.3017587
File: 1.15 MB, 1500x1022, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3017649

would you say something about those submissions?

>> No.3017655

haha lassies are so needy

>> No.3017657 [DELETED] 


>> No.3017769

Last Artist Standing #1
183 artists joined and made 819 submissions in the first week.

170 have been eliminated.

13 remain, fighting to be the Last Artist Standing.

>> No.3017784

how many of those came back, though
LAS is won by outlasting everyone else after all with the most submissions

>> No.3017787


You should be safe unless if your country votes for a socialist/communist regime, those societies are fragile.

>> No.3017798
File: 49 KB, 300x225, Feng-Zhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3017799
File: 411 KB, 1000x1000, 1495483563100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3017951

>max # of views someone has gotten today is 6
What is happening to the view market? Is it another crash? I thought the market was done fluctuating and had adapted to Lava's departure.

>> No.3018001

think a lot of people just submit for the day and close the site

>> No.3018010

I had a pic I worked on for like 2 days and it only got 4 views.

>> No.3018036

Try posting first, the first submissions always get more views.

>> No.3018038

today's thumbnails that made me curious:
morosoto, Spiritist, rorg, Aestro, BondageFairy

special mention: HumanBean for that very interesting clump of faces

>> No.3018051

th-the day is'nt over yet! D:

>> No.3018063
File: 253 KB, 1000x393, Wrxnugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we know BondageFairy hasn't CHEATED?

>> No.3018068
File: 94 KB, 867x1193, 1454882314897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost on the level of "i recognize that bulge"

>> No.3018076

I just saw those little parts and I went to check her submissions.

>> No.3018080

I'll add more people later on. Maybe even you

>> No.3018095
File: 454 KB, 750x522, display_Screen_Shot_2016-03-17_at_1.39.26_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3018107

Welcome back

>> No.3018125

Is the 6/11 one not a later addition to the ref sheet?

>> No.3018134

maybe she drew the tongue rape on the same ref sheet the next day?

I don't think she has any reason to cheat.

>> No.3018146

>looking at their furshit closely enough to notice that one day's drawing is an extension of a previous day's
Uh huh...

>> No.3018154

thanks desu

>> No.3018178

grow up

>> No.3018230
File: 25 KB, 443x388, 1382816631415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's up

>> No.3018239

How are you

>> No.3018260

i thought you left las, choob

>> No.3018265

>tfw wasting time watching e3 and browsing /v/
I can't resist mang

>> No.3018272

At least you're having fun

I've been drawing shit for the past few hours, realized it's too shit to show, started something new. Lassies that show everything they draw have my respect

>> No.3018331
File: 82 KB, 480x320, sidious_panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feeling bad about drawing
>Try to drudge through it
>End up having fun
>Feeling good about drawing
>I know that in a couple hours I'm going to hate what I drew and go back to feeling like shit

>> No.3018360

It's and endless cycle. Same shit happens to me, I just try to remember those moments of joy and push through all the shit moments. Doesn't always work tho.

>> No.3018528

I'm not going to finish my RPG challenge in time, but I'm going to keep going by posting my work into these threads until I reach the very end of the challenge.

>> No.3018539

just wait, you will feel the feel of being truly satisfied with your creations one day.

>> No.3018568

It's nice to keep a folder of (You) and compliments you've received over time, really helps when you've down

>> No.3018576

w-who keeps looking at my rpg submissions?

>> No.3018592

Thanks for the mention friend. You helped me not feel like a huge piece of shit for a few hours. =)

>> No.3018607

not choob

>> No.3018672
File: 290 KB, 1280x528, tumblr_oreu91gwKb1qbwlsco1_r1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello folks, lets go over some cool submissions for the day.

Here we've got Mooff's submission. Very cool environment with a nice cool palette (maybe even too cool). Looks super cool although the edges are weirding me out a little bit, maybe some 3d used in this? Solid submission!

>> No.3018674
File: 119 KB, 2000x2000, yelBc4p[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next up is Jozu. It looks like he's been working on this painting for 2 days now. He's smoothed out the face and given the dude a liposuction. The painting has gotten a little muddy although it's nothing a few more hard edges can't clean up. He also did a superb job of channeling his frustration and pain into the eyes of this dude, you can just feel him saying "why the fuck did you paint me bro?" Neat submission!

>> No.3018682
File: 157 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_orf5eqUg6w1udbtfio1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For our third post of the day we have Tekky! It looks like he's taking a well needed detour from his usual stuff of human figures and working on compositions and color blocking. The dolphin thing definitely looks cool with the curvlinear horizon. Looks like Tekky wasn't feeling the linework today though. That fish on the top left looks like a smug abomination. Good work Tekky, you've been improving recently so keep it up!

>> No.3018684
File: 626 KB, 1920x1080, qfFRjzq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we'll take a detour from the daily submissions and take a look at some of the challenge submissions.

Here you can see Carl channeling his inner James Gurney while working on these dinos. All of his challenge submissions are centered around this prehistoric theme and you can see his passion for the over grown reptiles. It looks like he's worked on 2 designs with 2 views each, both look interesting and unique. Idk if he used actual dinosaur stuff as ref but It looks like he experimented with using normal animals to come up with these. The bottom one kinda reminds me of a kangaroo head while the top one looks kinda fish like to me. Anyways, good job on the designs Carl and I look forward to seeing the rest of your stuff!

>> No.3018689
File: 577 KB, 1200x503, 1BvED4u[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the final one. Another image from the rpg challenge, this time from Bandit.

Bandit has been experimenting with this really cool psychedelic style both with his strokes, shapes and especially color. I definitely think this could be cleaned up much more and the values don't quite do the piece justice but the chaotic nature is part of the charm. It's kinda out their and really weird looking but Bandit executes it in a way that manages to make it visually appealing. Great work Bandit, you've been doing a great job on the challenge, esp. on the environments.

>> No.3018706

Oh this is neat, I look forward to this

>> No.3018732
File: 610 KB, 1200x740, 62402092_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw something new clicks and you feel like a MC lvling up

>> No.3018750

This is so fun! hope you do it a lot of times!

>> No.3018767
File: 99 KB, 233x334, 1443593809949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know that feel. Everything is so gradual it feels like I'm not moving at all

>> No.3018770

New challenge, when?

>> No.3018783

when one of the 2 people who can still make one decide to make one.

>> No.3018790

I was giving up on RPG challenge but then I get mentioned. Time to get back to the hustle. Cheers for the motivation.

>> No.3018795

Cath here, I had a lot of fun with the character swap challenge and I was thinking to do the third one already, but since most of us draw characters often what about a "scenery swap challenge"? drawing a place instead of a figure will take a lot of us out of the comfort zone.

>> No.3018797

>scenery swap challenge
That's a good idea. Just put a bit more time to do properly the challenge.

>> No.3018820

>you can't see old challenges
>to do it you have to change the order and hope the old ones you're looking for appears above

>> No.3018822

[muffled sounds of "email lava at lava@lavaflake.com he will fix the website :)" in distance]

>> No.3018866
File: 5 KB, 160x160, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go and compare your current work with your 1st submission at /las, there must be some kind of noticeable improvements..

unless you're still quite new here or you're doing something wrong

>> No.3019004

I do a lot of things wrong

>> No.3019025

>you're doing something wrong
I'm not actively learning, that's what's wrong. Drawing every day isn't enough.

>> No.3019087

Try harder faggot.

>> No.3019091

Try smarter faggot.

>> No.3019095

Hey everybody, its Choobs boyfriend Lampblack.

>> No.3019145


I wish I could enjoy E3.

A lot of the games will be downgraded open-world collectations with microtransactions, linear cinematic games that take a few hours to complete, and pre-rendered cinematics that will have lackluster gameplay like Brink.

Devolver Digital was the best so far.

>> No.3019148

Indie games are better than big budget crapola.

>> No.3019252


>> No.3019271


I like The Last Night.

>> No.3019428

WHat was that game they announced last year with the bioshock aesthetic and the creepy drug rat eating shit. Did it ever come out?

The last night also seemed cool, It seems cool visually now I just have to see how it plays.

>> No.3019431

Why is the thread so dead
Just end it already then

>> No.3019436


We Happy Few? I think it's still in development. They had a release for Chapter 1 though.

>> No.3019485

I think I've just about gotten what I needed from topic hell. I'm putting a number on a dying website ahead of my progress, and that is unacceptable.

>> No.3019553

Oh yeah that's the one. It looked really cool but then I didn't hear anything about it. Thanks

>> No.3019565

Did you not get out of your comfort zone and improve thanks to these topics?
I'm asking because I've been considering it

>> No.3019576

I'm surprised you didn't go back through all my old submissions and find every time I updated that ref sheet, I think there are 5 or so iterations of it

>> No.3019796

The topics did a lot of good because they forced me to draw a wide breadth of stuff, and I needed as much experience with drawing/painting/observation as I could get. That could carry over from one topic to the next because doing a study is basically the same no matter what the topic is.

The problem is that daily RNG-based topics thrash around too quickly for the learning cycle to happen efficiently. Ideally you study something from working (immediate-term) memory to short-term memory, then once the information is out of your working memory you bring it back repeatedly until it gets baked into long-term memory. That process of bringing information back into working memory once it's gone is how things stick.

If I could Feng it up and work on drawing-related things 16 hours a day I could theoretically juggle some number of past topics, revisiting them repeatedly to make sure it all sticks. I don't have that much time, and even if I did it would be better used targeting my weak areas. I still plan on doing topics, but I won't be forced to do a one-off, minimum effort study for topics I hate and can spend multiple days on ones I like.

>> No.3019798


>> No.3020214

yesterday's interesting thumbnails:
mooff, Lara, Carl, Fuza, Whizzard, Pernix

honorable mention: Aruvee. Really confused me at first glance

>> No.3020245


>> No.3020318

try your best today and maybe you'll get mentioned

>> No.3020431

Are people tired?

>> No.3020433

>Tfw haven't felt motivated to draw ever since las and these threads died
I've been in a slump for like 6 months now.

>> No.3020439

cba to post much anymore, thread's always choobposter, at least the autist seems to have shut the fuck up a bit lately

>> No.3020443


but tomorrow I will draw. I will draw lots. No video games allowed.

>> No.3020445

Well, it certainly makes it less interesting to bother with las at all.
I'll keep submitting anyway since I made it a point to draw every day at the start of the year but las has certainly lost it's appeal lately.
The lack of any user interactivity has always been problem.

>> No.3020447

why tomorrow and not today?

>> No.3020448
File: 67 KB, 269x350, 1443188723731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I agree, I guess it's served it's immediate purpose in that I'm drawing every day, but LAS itself could've been so much more, pic related is my feeling about LAS

>> No.3020452

going to bed now anon. today was already wasted.

>> No.3020453

Stop your guilt. Guilt is one of the biggest issues in the strive to reach your intensely high expectations. Being hard on yourself leads to increased failures and procrastination. You're creating a perception that there's something rotten inside you. Cut that shit out. Every time you fuck up, tell yourself it's fine, you're human and dissipate that useless guilt. With no guilt, there's nothing to mentally run from. Your accountability &resolve increases. Endless self-crit leads to stress, avoidance, comfort coping fap offs and vid game indulgence.

And if you're telling yourself every night before bed "Tomorrow's the day for change" bullshit, that's a strategy to "feel better", not a strategy for meaningful changes. You're generating a false hope that immediately has your enthusiasm fucked as soon as you face the challenges of reality the next day. Develop habits. Motivation will come and go but habits stick around. Now fuck off and come back with some pics

>> No.3020463
File: 24 KB, 316x202, nal1ncGFh41r0yldj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, some guilt is required here. I think you underestimate my level of procrastination.

>> No.3020467

You're not part of LAS right?

Since I joined I've been drawing every day, even if it's only 30 minutes or an hour, I drew. And drawing something is always better than nothing.

Join faggot.

>> No.3020473

no, I posted for 150 days or something and stopped since I couldnt keep up every day anymore. Planned to draw every other day or so on my own, but ended up drawing none instead.

>> No.3020511

sleep tight

>> No.3020521

(◡ ‿ ◡ )

>> No.3020581

>tfw you've been doing digital painting for nearly a decade and you've only now realized that there's a keyboard shortcut to change the size of your brush that you should've been using all along
I want to die.

>> No.3020631

>keep making the same mistakes I did on day one

Guess it's finally time to open a fucking book.

>> No.3020706

Know what makes you instantly as good as your favorite artist?

>> No.3020708

That I try?

>> No.3020718

Similar inspirations maybe? Drive possibly?

>> No.3020719

NOTHING cause I'm a useless sad sack of shit who will never ever make it.

>> No.3020720
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 59d8061550d1cfc3eab7a444b3f736b9_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3020721

I-I guess so haha

>> No.3021138

Choobposting was a mistake.

>> No.3021187


>> No.3021294

NO, Choob posting was a mistake.

>> No.3021299

NO, both were a mistake.

>> No.3021324
File: 45 KB, 252x310, Tangerine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly how far forward is the neck supposed to be

>> No.3021476

E3 was basically a big fuck you to the alt-right, looking forward to buying alot of games this year.

>> No.3021494

What the fuck does that have to do with drawing every day you inbred

>> No.3021515

yes, god forbid anyone posts anything in these threads.

>> No.3021521

I don't think so desu, I thought there were more black characters than usual and all the designs ended up looking samey and generic but there was nothing that sjw about it. People were getting triggered when they showed the new wolfenstein game because he was killing nazis.

>> No.3021526

So, a building in london went on fire. Pretty boring day otherwise.

>> No.3021532

Finaly are you aiming to be a portrait artist?

>> No.3021596

Actually doesn't really appeal much at all; I'm not all that interested in drawing humans at all. By studying them, though, I thought it might bring some flexibility to what I actually wanted to do, which is create environments

I want to make landscapes and environments, primarily

>> No.3021606

I want to do furry art for the rest of my life actually

>> No.3021607


>> No.3021622

Am I being trolled

Why would you do that?

>> No.3021672

Am I being trolled why would you do that

>> No.3021677

If you're the real Finlay then prove it by posting an original drawing of a HB Pencil

>> No.3021681
File: 36 KB, 640x480, WIN_20170614_22_59_56_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad photography skill and printer paper included
These posts are mine

>> No.3021686

Protip: next time you post proof, use a trip or you're going to have to keep posting proof.

>> No.3021691

I understand; how do you secure tripcode?

>> No.3021697

In the name field:

>> No.3021698


>> No.3021699


Enjoy wasting your time and money with them then. Gives us time to go ahead of you or catch up.

>> No.3021700

Oh shit no that's not me though

>> No.3021711
File: 7 KB, 218x200, 1483900111137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3021713

jesus fucking christ what a shitshow

>> No.3021721

Why is animation so difficult?
Just spend hours only to make a mediocre walk.

>> No.3021725

Sorry; it won't happen again

>> No.3021733

it's okay, I got a trip now

>> No.3021736 [DELETED] 


all me

>> No.3021737

It's okay, I got a trip now

>> No.3021738
File: 95 KB, 193x273, ujvnaBW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"walks are just about the hardest thing to animate"


>> No.3021746
File: 6 KB, 150x239, Finlay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's where you're wrong

>> No.3021747
File: 166 KB, 640x480, run2jumppinganimationnn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's faster whenever I use a program like Easytoon. Too bad it lacks features like layers though.

>> No.3022017

Did we lose some prominent lassies recently? What's with the dead thread?

>> No.3022168


>> No.3022224
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1496386802375.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using this dead ass thread anymore

>> No.3022234

It's over. I've been coming to this thread everyday for 18 months now and even I don't feel like coming here anymore. I'm sure people less autistic than me have on it a long one ago and now all that's left is those with only the most potent of autism.

>> No.3022238

Mathias come back wipe off those medium tier lassies disappearance.

>> No.3022271
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 3-min-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mew thread >>3022267