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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 285 KB, 436x408, hachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3003797 No.3003797 [Reply] [Original]

"Better than anything I could ever do. I cant even draw a stick figure lololol"

I hate this.

>> No.3003798

if you dont like it dont read it :)

>> No.3003805

Just normies making small talk, how awful.

"Haha, yea, my stepfather can't draw stick figures either, so he just sticks his figures up my ass"

>> No.3003807

I like that one. makes me feel special.

>> No.3003809
File: 224 KB, 640x480, Ojamajo Doremi Motto - 08 (DVD 640x480 WMV3 MP3).avi_snapshot_09.00_[2017.05.30_14.56.50].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya'.

>> No.3003832
File: 23 KB, 600x336, CYOST7AWYAUxBgP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"oh wow hey yeah, that's just like my style of drawing."


>> No.3003837

Stop talking to these people
Seriously I don't talk to anyone who isn't an artist nowdays
They just don't understand
Their mindset of thinking is so far away from mine we have nothing to talk about
Fuck non artists

>> No.3003839

That's a polite way of saying:
Oh how nice, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.3003878

>Hating people who give you compliments, regardless of how dumb they sound

>> No.3003898

>normie friend complimentig illustration
>wow, this is awesome, i wish i was this talented
>normie friend inspecting my pocket sketchbook
>huh? why do you draw shitty on purpose?

other dumb things normies ask/say
>how long did it take?
>can you draw me?
>why not, you draw anyway and it's good exercise
>is that (random figure drawing/portait study) supposed to be (random friend/celeb)?
>i have an idea for a comic/manga

>> No.3003935

The only people I ask for critique from are my siblings who are also artists. It's in our blood.

>> No.3003943

>here's my drawing, i'm not good at this hehe please tell me i good i need to hear this

>> No.3003972

>I hate the fact that drawing is a tradeskill that isn't easy and thus can be profited from


>> No.3005691


>"Better than anything I could ever do. I cant even draw a stick figure lololol"

"Too bad I'm not comparing myself to YOU."

>> No.3005695

>how long did it take?

I don't see how it is a bad question. Knowing how long it took, what are the materials and size of paper/canvas is pretty vital info.

>> No.3005704

>"Hey check out this drawing my brother/sister/friend/cousin made"

We all know it's YOUR shitty Dragon Ball Z fanart, stop trying to hide it.

>> No.3005734

>can draw better than stickman
>classmates think you can do anything art-related from illustration graphic design to oil painting
what the fuck
also, for comparison purposes:
>another overachieving classmate is good at sprinting
>can't into Long distance
>"it's okay you're so good at running tho!!"
>the can't draw everything from my pores to the forests
>".... well anon it's okay :) at least you tried"
??? Is there something I'm missing? Why are we expected to know how to draw every single thing and excel at it?

>> No.3005766
File: 59 KB, 896x921, 1478011726551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Wow, anon, you're so amazing at drawing. You've got a god-given gift."
Oh really, are you sure it's not who fucking knows how many hours of hard work I've put in trying to better myself?

>> No.3005774

>parents see my drawings for first time after years of practicing
>"Wow, anon, that looks really good"
>"Now let's see from who in the family you got your talent from"

>> No.3005783

Oh right, forgot about that one
>"I'm pretty sure your great-great-grandpa used a pencil once"

>> No.3005789

Just take the fucking compliment... Why do artists always have to be so pissy about this sort of thing?

>> No.3005794

In my case my father drew with pencil and did watercolours for a while, but way before I started drawing. I've seen his previous artwork and it was pretty /beg/-tier desu.

>> No.3005870

Non-artists are subhuman anyway.

>> No.3005876

>"Haha, yea, my stepfather can't draw stick figures either, so he just sticks his figures up my ass"
I'm using this next time

>> No.3005891
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, nisemonogatari-09-hachikuji-smile-gag-comedy-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3006130

> implying art is something useful like science, labour or economics
> implying artists aren't the subhumans

>> No.3006396

>implying everyone wouldn't an hero if there was no more art in the world
Not to say that other professions are useless or that art is more important

>> No.3006401

art is something recent in human history that only brings pain and degenerates though

>> No.3006407
File: 35 KB, 550x363, cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's a very recent thing

>> No.3006775

I see you're still stuck in the 'artists are special' mindset.

Do you also think carrying a sketchbook is somewhow cooler than a briefcase?
That being messy and chaotic is 'just how you are?'
That your fixation on a narrow goal makes you interesting?

It doesn't.
Go talk to the plumber next time you need him, and attend a meeting of the neighborhood association.
You might hate it, but those experiences will make you a better artist and maybe less of a contemptible shitbag. Isolating yourself among 'your kind' is a wonderful way to stagnate and convince yourself you're simply superior and misunderstood.

>> No.3007664

Are you fucking retarded?

>I see you're still stuck in the 'artists are special' mindset.
Stop projecting.
Not everyone enjoys small talk. And it's easier to find stuff to talk about with people who have similar interests. That's all there is to it.

>Go talk to the plumber next time you need him, and attend a meeting of the neighborhood association.
>those experiences will make you a better artist
Post your art, faggot. If you really believe this stupid bullshit, then I doubt that you even know what fundamentals are.

>Isolating yourself among 'your kind' is a wonderful way to stagnate
Citation needed.

>> No.3007683


Natural-talentfag here, my first memories are of my pre-school teacher discovering my bomb-ass paintings of firetrucks and wondering if some adult artist snuck into the classroom and left his artwork on the floor. Some people are just born with exceptional talent. I guess I'm like the Freiza or Sasuke Uchiha of drawing

>> No.3007712

40k years ago is recent, how long do you think humans have been alive for?

>> No.3008019


>> No.3008023

Art has been a thing as long as humans have been civilized.
Same with agriculture, science, philosophy and all that other shit that basically defines civilization.

>> No.3008389


>> No.3008397
File: 17 KB, 500x500, 220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yep. We offically tumblr now.

>> No.3008400

>I seek other artists when I want genuine criticism that I can learn from

>I show my work to normies when I want an erection

>> No.3008641

It's annoying because it implies that drawing is just something that some people can do well and some can't, rather than being something that anyone can learn with enough effort, practice, and studying.

It's like going up to a brain surgeon and saying, "That's better than anything I can do, I can't even stitch up a wound haha."

>> No.3008716

>draw some random person from imagination

>"who is that supposed to be anon"


>> No.3008799

>You're so lucky you're talented.

Fuck off. If anything I feel unlucky for choosing a hobby that requires so much dedicated grinding and study to even be competent.

>Wow, this portrait is so good! You should go to school for graphic design!

What the hell does that have to do with portrait illustration? More than one person has made this suggestion.

>> No.3009184
File: 62 KB, 1200x675, 1495708874480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't need to work on the fundamentals, I already know my style
>lol anon why do you practice so much
>yep im pretty much talented - i can draw without using references and it still turns out good

Best of all...

>hey can you rate my oc

>> No.3009238

You're right.

And art is a product of a society with too much time on it's hands.

>> No.3010082


>> No.3010578

never happened to me, i come from a family of engineers and musicians
i guess im adopted

>> No.3010600

>i have an idea for a comic/manga


>> No.3010886

fuckin' lel

>> No.3010893

I'm the anon it happens to, I'm from a family of low-paying jobs, cleaners and construction workers.

>> No.3011002

>"I can't even draw a straight line!"

>> No.3011004

> Implying entertainment has no value
You better be working instead of watching movies

>> No.3011159
File: 21 KB, 397x397, slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>''That looks realy good!''


>You're welcome!

Is this how people genuinley talk irl or just internet folk?

Atleast here in krautland no one ever says ''you're welcome'' just for complimenting you.
Are people now taught to mindlessly say ''you're welcome'' whenever someone thanks them?
I only know it as something you say after being thanked for your help with something.

It does not upset me, I'm just curious.

>> No.3011233

Here in the US, many just grow up saying that since it's considered a polite response. Doesn't run much deeper than that, really

>> No.3011294

>"I can't even draw a loli getting raped by japanese demon men" haha

>> No.3011306

It should upset you. It's not real praise, they're just repeating what people taught them to seem nice.

>> No.3011530

This is retarded, there are tons of things that people do that require more work and talent than drawing. Drawing on a tablet does not make you superior to an electrical engineer or an architect, or anything else. Those jobs require just as much, if not more, work and dedication than being an artist

>> No.3011668

yeah dude ur kinda dumb.
The great thing about being an adult is you get to choose who you are friends with. Being friends with only artists is completely understandable you normie

>> No.3011677

I hate to admit but if you are an illustator then putting on that elusive "talented person" mask is more attractive to normies than anything else
Though as a concept artist I like to share knowledge, techniques and pain with others

>> No.3011680

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.3013931

Media is the end to which "useful" things are the means desu

>> No.3015453
File: 498 KB, 500x375, laugh-sailor-moon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my gosh I am a laffin

>> No.3015512

You don't get it MOM, artists are SPECIAL and I'm SPECIAL and YOU NORMIES DON'T FUCKING GET ME.

Is /ic/ the most insecure bundle of faggots on 4chan?

>> No.3018324

Im the last friend,and those ideas are what motivates me as an artist

>> No.3018336

He gave you solid advice you autistic piece of shit. Actual good artists life their lives, appreciate small things and find beauty in every single person. You just sound like a disgusting worthless hipster. I exclusively associate with artists to get critique and guidance, cause most of them nowadays are retards like you.

>> No.3019016

Only you guys could take a literal compliment from a homie and find a way to cry about it.

>> No.3022473

Is art the only thing you are good at?

>> No.3022475
File: 29 KB, 499x500, 1494841801383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Cheers, man, glad you like it!"
Learn to take a compliment, come on. They didn't like your work in the correct way so you'll resent them for it.

Bloody hell.

>> No.3022481

No, art is a product of a society of conscious spiritual beings who have the ability to think creatively and abstractly, fuck you mean too much time on it's hands? How would you be able to spend all the time you have on earth on just things completely unrelated to art in some form or another? It'd be fucking miserable, unless you have low intelligence. The scientists and engineers do their thing and the artists will do theirs, the world needs both and it's not optional. It's how we bridge the gap from the known and the unknown, yin and yang and all that shit

>> No.3022484

Yes, This is so fucking enoying. I want to literally slith their throat with a boxcutter for saying that. Like wtf are they thinking. amirite

>> No.3022487

>rather than being something that anyone can learn with enough effort, practice, and studying

Plus the fact that the difference in skill level is completely invisible to non artists, like you can tell how a professional would be like 10 years ahead of some okay amateur but to them it's like that's a cool drawing and that's also a cool drawing., so they've no idea and can't appreciate how much more work someone has put in compared to another

and to use your analogy granted this might not be great lol like they wouldn't see the gap between a brain surgeon and a horse vet

>> No.3022490

>Wow, this portrait is so good! You should go to school for graphic design!
yea lol before we decided on our discipline in college everyone assumed I would have picked graphic design, even though most of the shit I do is portraits

but now they all like omg you're so good at painting!! so how bout dat normie bitches

>> No.3022491

Yeah, Totally. I Just want them to hang from their neck because of the offence they make.

Amen Brother

>> No.3022493

Well, if you do it on your own, kudos to you.
The problem is most awesome story pitches are neither as good as the person reqursting thinks and, what's the bigger problem, is, that they never wrote. I just want to clarify: I have nothing against collaborations or paid work; I just don't like people who want me to do the work for them for a share of the profit they think their idea will gain (or worse, 'exposition')

>> No.3022500

I don't think them not being artists is the main issue, but it's more their mindset. If you're an artist who's genuinely trying to get gud then you want to talk to people who either think creatively in one way or another because then they're not complete simpletons and you can try and crack into their way of thinking and seeing things, or someone who is passionate about a craft or skill of theirs because they'll appreciate the work that you put into yours

Cuz on the other hand you got do nothing be nothing useless fucktards, and normie fags who only need to study whatever for their blue collar course

>> No.3022505

my uncle is an artist and he taught me and motivated me, but yeah that must be annoying when there's absolutely no correlation

>> No.3022511

Still, just take it as a compliment. If you feel like you want to correct them, that's fine, but don't allienate people who like your art. It's a conpliment, so there is no neef to be salty about it.

>> No.3022524

Fuck off.

A "normie" is literally anyone who isn't as autistic about whatever you're into as you are. A fucking /fa/ regular could be a "normie" for not knowing what a Loomis is, while an /ic/ regular would get laughed off /mu/ for saying that Death Grips just sounded like noisy electronic garbage.

Just because they don't "get" your craft doesn't mean they don't have something they're obsessed about, and the fact that you simplify their lack of knowledge about your hobby to just meaning that they don't know anything at all shows your ignorance about whatever they're into.

There's nothing more irritating than faggots who only have drawing going for them in life. Get another hobby dude. Read a book, go out for a swim, do anything to get yourself out of the "ARTISTS ARE SPECIAL AND UNIQUE" mindset because it will bite you in the ass one day.

>> No.3022528
File: 32 KB, 378x264, 1407354415807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleaners and construction workers.
>cleaners and construction
>Figure Drawing and Construction

They were right

>> No.3022548

>Get another hobby dude. Read a book, go out for a swim, do anything to get yourself out of the "ARTISTS ARE SPECIAL AND UNIQUE" mindset because it will bite you in the ass one day.

So obviously you're retarded and missed the point of my post entirely, I literally specified it's about their mindset at the beginning.

>A fucking /fa/ regular could be a "normie" for not knowing what a Loomis is

yea you definitely missed the point, I'm not even talking about people on this board specifically, but people who are genuinely putting work into pursing an artistic career path and have actually made respectable progress, nevermind fucking /fa/ that has fuck all to do with anything you autist, how many of them do you think are pursuing fashion design as a career path? Now this is my point, there's a fashion design course in my college, and so they are artists who appreciate painting.

>Just because they don't "get" your craft doesn't mean they don't have something they're obsessed about

so obviously you didn't even bother finish reading my post

>or someone who is passionate about a craft or skill of theirs because they'll appreciate the work that you put into yours

Fuck off and stop projecting

>> No.3022550

Your mistake was mistaking me for a typical d/ic/khead loser, clear that clouded thought and read it over as if I wasn't even posting on this board

>> No.3022608

Whoopsies. Sorry, you're obviously sooo much better than us :^P

>> No.3022619

Halo effect.

>> No.3022669

>Draw me
>draw my family portrait
>I'm not willing to pay for this but it should be super realistic with colours as well
>What?!You dont wanna draw this picture for me?
>You're not a good artist anyways
>Good artist draw for fun for passion not for money.

>> No.3022672

Not forget that e are expected to draw from memory as well.

>> No.3022679

Post art faggot

>> No.3023209
File: 151 KB, 991x551, loompiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even Loomis was sick of this shit

>> No.3023220

so is farming by your measure
apparently the only thing that's legitimate to you is chucking spears at lions and being afraid of the moon

>> No.3023336

Yeah, I'm stealing this.

>> No.3023339

grill at work sees me drawing "dang anon you talented"

me: "talent doesn't exist."

>> No.3023343

>proceeds to tell me about their manga story
>starts with a girl getting bullied
>goes into this kind of avatar dbz rippoff
>in another dimension...
>cringe tier.
the morons i have to deal with.

>> No.3023424

literally all useless meme jobs

>> No.3023741

You guys are the most petty passive aggressive people on this board outside of r9gay

>> No.3023782

Im manipulative to get poses from chicks

>> No.3023849

if nothing else is accomplished in this thread, i am okay with that. this one post made the rest of this thread worth it.

>> No.3024150

I don't even know how to draw and this made me upset

>> No.3024224

Artists tend to be insufferable, self-centered cunts. I go to a well-known art school with a decent scholarship and all my best friends are all non-artists I hang out with outside school. I've had to deal with too many egotistical, two-faced people in my time here. There is nothing inherently special about being an artist and so many people in the arts are just complete normies anyways.