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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2816341 No.2816341 [Reply] [Original]

>Call myself an artist
>Friend ask me to draw on the spot
>Try doing it from imagination
>No references
>Loose spagetti
>Result looks like an amputee with parkinson
Remember to do from imagination from time to time guys.
Don't always rely on references you may not always have at hand

>> No.2816361


You learn to draw from imagination by studying from references.

>> No.2816390

Yeah, no shit. What is your point? He's not saying references are bad, just that you need to learn from them, not rely on them.

>> No.2817106

thanks Anon

>> No.2817117

Whenever I draw people from imagination they end up having stock Loomis face.
How do I change it?

>> No.2817129

do more like 2min faces from reference or from masters. Try to capture the likeness during those 2min

>> No.2817147

I'll do this starting today.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.2817148

>Loose spagetti
I like my spaghetti tight desu

>> No.2817152
File: 551 KB, 900x900, JUST FUCK MY IMAGINATION UP FAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-yeah! You t-tell 'em!

>> No.2817158

There's a difference between studying references and just drawing references.

>> No.2817215

You need more loomis

>> No.2817365
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Stop kicking him.

>> No.2817550

do caricature drawings
you learn much of the unique features of people that way

>> No.2817553

>caricature drawings
>see those ugly things

>> No.2817567

I am so glad we can show a case where we can see all the reference drawing in the world doesn't make you better at imagination drawing

I wasted so many years of no imagination drawing, thinking I just have to keep drawing from reference and someday I will me good at imagination

>> No.2817568

Yeah, it completely changed my perspective on the world too seeing this case. It's like /ic/ was wrong all along.

>> No.2817596


/ic/ is wrong on lots of things like thinking Loomis is good, Feng isn't hack fraud exploiting good and naive people and that Gurney books are something more than pretty pics memed by bloggers.

>> No.2817627


You're a dummy.

Look. Drawing from references is learning material and having a realistic basis for your work.

But it isn't how you get better. You only supplement your education from references. You're supposed to be learning FROM them.

There's a balance. You can't draw strictly from imagination. You're not going to know what you're doing and it won't look good. It'll all be made up nonsense with no basis in reality. It'll lack structure.

But you can't draw solely from references. Otherwise all you can do is draw from references.

Books and teachers tell you about what you're seeing, references and life make these things you draw live in real space, and from imagination uses what you've learned.

You have to use the lessons you've learned. Otherwise you've wasted your time learning at all.

>> No.2817640


Post your work.

>> No.2817656

Add a third eye or some pointy features (ears, nose, chin).

>> No.2817659

>Call myself an artist

Why would anyone do this unless they're actually succesful? It's as retarded as an engineering student callig himself an engineer and you deserve getting embarrased for it.

>> No.2817662

A student calls himself a student even if he's a failure.

>> No.2818355
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>> No.2818385


That's half of how you learn to draw from imagination, the other half is actually fucking drawing from imagination. Imagination drawing is a very different skill from observation drawing. If you don't train it it won't matter how many studies you do. If you do studies all day every day expecting it'll magically make you good at imagination work you're in for a rude awakening.

>> No.2818388

I wonder if Proko had that rude awakening.

>> No.2818414


How do you got the anatomy right? You use references. You could try and guess the anatomy and fake it, but you won't learn anything new.

So, don't even try and draw realistic characters purely from imagination unless you have done a tone of studies from references.

>> No.2818415

Easy, look at anatomy, memorize it. Draw it, look at the anatomy again, memorize it, correct, repeat until memory is close enough that it looks right.

>> No.2818419


That's what


is saying.

>> No.2818427


completely false

most people who only draw from reference can only draw aesthetically unpleasant drawings from reference. you at the very least need to do life drawing to avoid that photo collage look

it depends on what you want to draw specifically. if you want to do a kind of comic art you need to draw like they do.

>> No.2818476


>completely false
>you at the very least need to do life drawing to avoid that photo collage look
>implying what you learn from life drawings isn't a reference

Most good comic book artists use references. Not enough references equals same face and generic anatomy.

>> No.2818818

What are the origins of this maymay? Did he try to draw something from imagination? Any links?

>> No.2818944

Yes, he tried to on his stream, and he failed miserably. Sorry, I don't have pics.

>> No.2818966
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>he made the video private


>> No.2818975

Holy fuck dude.

>> No.2818989


>Confirmed proko visits ic

>> No.2818992
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>> No.2818997
File: 338 KB, 538x572, 1470830907217.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry, Proko.

>> No.2819037

Scroto baggins has been shilling here for years