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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 345 KB, 728x409, 5489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2748229 No.2748229 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)
>have fun

Last Thread >>2742309

>> No.2748230

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2748231

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:


>> No.2748241

mommy, when is lava coming back?

>> No.2748244

We're all gonna make it

>> No.2748261

Friendly reminder:

>> No.2748300

manadabes, don't shade color with black or gray so much. it makes it look muddy and unappealing. try using a darker color to shade with instead, like dark brown over regular brown.
also the scraggly grass lines don't help when almost everything else is fuzzy and poorly-defined. you could have made it blobs of green and it would at least match with the rest of the background.

marvolo, you're better off just drawing in the general shape of the hair like you did with some prior pics. if you try to define hair and its highlights in strands it looks like yarn instead.
I can't comment on the face because it doesn't have one.

turket, this is a really minor thing but the nasolabial folds (lines on sides of nose & mouth) are too dark, and make her look older and/or less feminine.
why does the pic look like someone smudged all around the outline?

>> No.2748317

>tfw don't even know what my art goal is anymore
I originally wanted to do YouTube animations but now I'm not feeling it. Still wanna git gud but have no clue what I'm aiming for. What're your guys' goals? How have the changed from the start of las to now?(if they have changed)

>> No.2748320

I want to make paintings that are interesting and novel to look at while remaining technically excellent, short games that are experimental while grounded and sink their hooks into the memory, and sketches that'll wow other peeps when I have to go enlist because I need a job and those are the only guys hiring.

Somewhat vague but still achievable and quantifiable goals, that's what's important.

>> No.2748328

To git gud and make vidya with nice art in my own time

>> No.2748342

My dream was to establish an animation studio with friends or likeminds, but I'm realizing now I'm just too socially inept to pull it together.

I'm taking a couple years off to make a short, but now my husband's telling me he doesn't care if I never go back to work. I'm afraid I'll just blow the whole thing off to be a housewife. I'm only making this to feel like I accomplished something. My long term dreams are dead and I don't know where to go when/if I finish. /blog

>> No.2748344

>establish an animation studio with friends or likeminds, but I'm realizing now I'm just too socially inept to pull it together.
I don't know if the same person keeps posting this or if there's just that many people on las with that exact goal. I also have the exact same goal, and I know a few others do too. Maybe if well all git gud in the next couple years and stick to las (more importantly Larva doesn't fuck the site) we'll pull a massive black and become a GOAT studio.

>> No.2748346

>(more importantly Larva doesn't fuck the site)
If Lava dies someone will just make a new site.

>> No.2748348

I-I've been burned before anon. Don't wanna say any names.......dubya.

>> No.2748352

We all gotta die sometime. DED, LAS, all monuments to the road of Progress.

>> No.2748354

Yeah, I've seen other lassies post about it too, which is why I had high hopes going into LAS. But the discord going live is what made me think it was impossible. I'm really not trying to shit on them, but it proved that people with stronger personalities will take over and the less sociable will fade into the background or drop it out of disinterest. If there was some guarantee that we could work 100% collaboratively then I'd be more optimistic.

>> No.2748357

>no pepe after 3 and a half hours
D-did I finally do it?

>> No.2748360

Internet persona is different than real life anyways. We all know Choob isn't that bad. Right?

>> No.2748362

>Internet persona is different than real life anyways
A bit. I've figured that it just lowers inhibitions.

>> No.2748389

I want to do concept art for a movie so I can take my mom to the theater and show her my name in the credits.

>> No.2748401

Don't worry - if you don't make it, I'll be sure to take your mom to the theater for you.

>> No.2748432

illustration with animation influences. I didn't get into drawing to draw pretty pictures, but to draw stuff with a lot of movement in it

I don't even know how to go about since I am still a beginner, but all I know is I have to git gud

>> No.2748436

Not unless pepeposter was waiting for my shit to get used instead of his own.

>> No.2748437

drawing keeps me away from vidya, for now atleast.
got an intuos 5med and everything.
i have a day job but the market is fucked right now
maybe ill make some short comics / mango, if i get good enough

>> No.2748447

>keeps me away
Man I wish I had enough time for videogames. At this rate I'll never finish Gothic.

>> No.2748470
File: 19 KB, 400x388, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too late to REEEEEE

>> No.2748482

Lava you better come back you massive CUNT

>> No.2748487

In the Anger stage of grief, are we?

>> No.2748507

Please come back lava, I'll give you my mom ;-;

>> No.2748509

So who won the from the original week oners? Haven't been in this thread since I was eliminated months ago

>> No.2748512

Choob did.

>> No.2748538

How many times has aircraft been a topic? I am not in the topic challenge but I feel I have seen it thousand times.

>> No.2748556

Week one is still going on, there are ~25 week oners remaining.

>> No.2748597

>thinking concept artists are mentioned in the credits
Sorry to destroy your dream, anon.

>> No.2748605

wot? The lists of names no one ever remembers unless it's one of the main actors?

I thought those things were only properly looked over by other companies looking for people to hire.

>> No.2748631


>>anonymous asked:

>>yo lava where can i throw you some motherfuckin money. i cant find a paypal anywhere ive looked

>Heyo, when I finish the LAS I’ll put a donate button up to help with hosting costs but until then you hold on to your cash


>> No.2748638

He stated that he intends to finish the LAS like, right there.

>> No.2748665

he started all this for us literally for free. stop being an ass hole and offer to help if it means so much to you.

>> No.2748672

I would if he open sourced the code, but he's said he doesn't want to work with others on it.

>> No.2748686

Like the opposite of a politician under fire for child sex trade, I'm here to make multiple comments.

Soronier, nice value practice, but pool of light management gets more interesting when applied on a more macro scale or over objects.

Vsock, eyyyy. Working with black line on a pure white canvas has totally fucked your values, though, you've way overcompensated. Also RIP your hands.

Cacklepotato, I love fucking around with chroma too but those are some pretty weak values.

CRT, I'm not the person to be giving unsolicited advice
>at all
on clean digital linework but I can assure you that gray in gray construction with no line width management isn't the way to do it.

>> No.2748823

Susi still 90% of the chat?

>> No.2748850

Comment after submission time.

Mechafish, you have tried but that body doesn't follow the perspective at all, start the sketch with a box next time.

Eddcer, I like this one a lot, great atmosphere.

Nelli, that's just ugly, start practicing rendering.

Turket, you are on the right way but you still have to study a lot, it doesn't look like you have built the body's structure at all.

>> No.2748851

I'd be very surprised if anything else was the case

>> No.2748857

Yes, and most of the cool people have already left because of her retarded opinions on everything, so there's nothing really going on there.

>> No.2748867

I haven't been there in a while, but it's not like it's all Susi. There are a lot of outgoing posters. If it was 90% one person it'd probably be easier to get your voice in.

>> No.2748932

Reminder that Leslie is a cute name, but ONLY for females.

>> No.2748936
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>> No.2748977
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>> No.2749027
File: 881 KB, 1870x1050, 1479341107759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of each user of the leaderboard top 10, LAS?

>> No.2749029

Stop trying to force your shit meme lad, it wont work.

>> No.2749035

Who's gonna be Travis?

>> No.2749036


>> No.2749038

b-but Loomis is supposed to be dead D:

>> No.2749044

Only 6 are flawless. Only 6 matter.

>> No.2749046

who are they?

>> No.2749048


>> No.2749051

>Tfw eliminations don't work so I'm just gonna take a couple days off
Yes I'm week one and no I don't have a token. Thanks for the much needed time off larva.

>> No.2749054

>implying that won't be fixed and you will be fucked

>> No.2749056
File: 36 KB, 804x515, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of poisons does /las/ user consume?

What eases your suffering?

>> No.2749059

>larva fixing anything
>the site ever working
Pick none.

>> No.2749062

Coffee, and just for emergencies.
I don't want to put too much shit in my body, I also drink very little alcohol, maybe two drinks in one or two months.

>> No.2749140
File: 29 KB, 500x318, tricky mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no goals. all i want is to get good enough to live off of this to the point where i can buy a pizza once a month, no family or care with a minimalist lifestyle so its easy enough.

>> No.2749145

pff i dont want to be know as someone who post in 4chingaz,its professional suicide. the moment i get better ill develop 2 styles, the LAS (cuz i wont quit till i reach #1 on the board) and the business one. you will never know i post here.

>> No.2749150
File: 25 KB, 607x603, feck off Rover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody was eliminated. Good job chums.
>No tokens used.
every day

>> No.2749160

lava is just hiding and waiting for as many lassies as possible to sleep on an ear knowing they will not be eliminated then drop the hammer and fix the elimination system

>> No.2749164

yet another one of his evil schemes to will the weak oners

>> No.2749165


>> No.2749201

I drink a lot. A lot.

>> No.2749289

boxing, and the gym. erryday.

>> No.2749292

I don't ease my suffering. I just do something that distracts me from it. You feel it come back full force when the distraction is gone.

>> No.2749356

lemon pepsi, co2 water, yogurt, some cofee now and then

>> No.2749414
File: 231 KB, 861x646, kdVfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.2749438

I hope you're at least ripped to show for it.

>> No.2749443


>> No.2749447
File: 2.19 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and caffeine

everything else in my life is comfy healthy

>> No.2749449

It has recently dawn on me that the junk I buy from the dollar store is slowly killing me. I have become paranoid and started reading the labels on the food carefully like one product "cheese" which isn't really cheese it just says "sandwich slices" but looks like cheese. No matter how much I put it in the microwave or oven it will never melt. You can nuke this cheese and it will still retain its thickness.

Then there is the ramen. If I leave it out for like a day it grows moss and fungus looking stuff like instantly and the noodles looks like it turns into plastic. Cookies from the dollar store never seem to get stale unlike oreos where if you leave it out of its package it's texture gets soft. I guess this is how they kill off the poor people. I'm going to look into healthier diets.

>> No.2749489

Fuck of trans filth degenerate

>> No.2749498

How do you know that person is trans filth?

>> No.2749500

Literally one person out of two in this thread is either a furry or a trans or a female rights activist. I guess I was right.

>> No.2749512


That explains some things...

>> No.2749684

Commenting because this little game is even more boring if participated in with complete isolation.

Coinhero, nice... Study? Nice use of desaturated tones on the floor. Ceiling window cast shadows are a bit saturated though.

Well, Rorg, the trouble with lighting that isn't direct and cast is that you're in danger of an underwhelming picture. You have to really work at it to make the picture work without the contrasting values.

Sasori, you might want to look into getting a decent sketching brush. Yeah, you can achieve anything with the hard round, but it looks like you're petting lines to get the opacity you want and it's just a whole lot easier to get a sketch and ink brush combo.

I mean really, there's gotta be a middle ground between sticking with the hard round and delving into FZD photobasher texture/symbol brush overload. You can experiment.

Saucy, thanks for reminding me of that one artist who drew fifty billion images if traps throatfucking morbidly obese men.

>> No.2749761

How do you select which peoples work to comment on? There are 26 submissions right now and you only chose a couple. Are there rules to this?

>> No.2749797

Just make comments of whichever submissions you want when you submit your drawing.

That way we give advice or just said things we like, the threads are alive and the sense of community is better.

>> No.2749807

Rorg here, very much agree. Thanks for the point about lighting. I've been having some wrist pain in the last few days so I didn't get to spend as long on it as I would've liked. If I put more time into it I would be thinking about building wear, adding debree, a figure or two, that kind of thing. As it stands it's a very boring image.

>> No.2749832

Tfw trans filth is better at painting than you...........

>> No.2749842

then grow, prove your superiority dammit, train ten, 100 times harder.

>> No.2749895

You must really suck

>> No.2749954

That fairy is nice, Kinder, but I'm sure you can do it way better. Draw her again it putting more time on the construction, and maybe make the wings bigger, I'm sure it will come out 100 times better.

Turket, your anatomy is going on the right way, but let's talk about the lines, there's no line weight at all. I'd suggest practicing that with traditional inking.

>> No.2749961

any update on secret santi?

>> No.2749962

yeah, it's fucking dumb and was cancelled

>> No.2749965

why? I love these small community things
I think sending physical stuff wouldn't have worked but digital art trade would've been cool

>> No.2749978
File: 238 KB, 980x551, 1477313239153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i cant draw anymore

>> No.2749979

RIP jellybean

>> No.2749982


>> No.2749986


>> No.2749990


>> No.2750021

The meme trifecta. They say no one who has watched all three of these videos will ever make it.

>> No.2750024

fucking kek

>> No.2750069

Nice baby sketch Luci, I dig the silhouette.

>> No.2750075
File: 315 KB, 476x691, 1457968424963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2750089

Literally at random.

>> No.2750094

I remember this. Kek

>> No.2750097

'member the old times?

>> No.2750100

Coinhero, I'm digging the piece except for the figure - she seems way too bright to fit.

>> No.2750116

I like that Chun-Li's face a lot Rhydwyn

>> No.2750132

I 'member.

>> No.2750188

So what do I have to draw in order to get mentions. I've tried titties, nudes, anime, Loli, fan art, and memes but I haven't even been mentioned once. What must I do to be rid of this cruel fate?

>> No.2750190

Well, for one, you have to be good.

>> No.2750197

It's better to go unnoticed my friend, use it to rise to the top and become The LAS, take the victory right out from under their noses; Destroy them. Build yourself up in the shadows.

>> No.2750203


Draw an anime loli naked with big tits and somehow make it a meme and don't forget to put her smug face in the thumbnail.

>> No.2750204

This, but not for the reason you think. Scrubs tend to flip out when handed what is essentially unsolicited advice so 9/10 times you really ought not to bother.

Whereas with someone who's made some progress, you can be completely off the mark with criticism that crashes and burns harder than the twin towers and they'll be like "aight".

>> No.2750207

>Scrubs tend to flip out when handed what is essentially unsolicited advice

I don't think anyone on LAS has ever complained about getting advice or crits.

>> No.2750213

Because nobody is dumb enough to crit scrubs.

>> No.2750220

That's objectively false tho.

>> No.2750231

That shit's dank, Tom. Good job.

>> No.2750233

Kirikae that monument looks great

Nice variation in hands Naf

>> No.2750242

getting mentions here is only given to those who have actual skills or bullies who want to shame people.

>> No.2750243



>> No.2750244

hman is based

>> No.2750252

At least the script is working again.

He never did finish those stairs.

>> No.2750321

>hman submitted now
What happened mang? Glad to see your still submitting tho.

>> No.2750342


Real advice for anyone in a similar situation.

Go to Walmart and buy one of those 8 kg bags of parboiled rice for 10 dollars. That bag will last you a month of easy meals before you need to buy more.
My favorite recipe with it is to set the rice boiling while I saute a chopped onion in a bunch of olive oil, then once the water in the rice pot is almost boiled off I dump the rice into the onion pan and fry the rice until it starts to clump slightly. Once it's clumping it's almost done, I add a bunch of sriracha sauce at this point for flavor and color, then it's ready to serve.
One cup of dry rice and one onion makes a full plate of delicious food, and costs less than a dollar for the portion.
Usually i make this rice as a good snack, but if I'm making it as an actual dinner meal I like to add a can of either salmon or sardines to the onion as it is frying. I make sure to fry the fish until it is starting to crisp up (it mostly disintegrates into flakes since it was already cooked), then continue the recipe as usual. That modification adds a bunch of protein and makes the rice much more hearty.

What you need to do is stop thinking that buying the cheapest food in the store means that you're spending less money on food. By doing that you're actually spending more money overall plus you're eating garbage. You need to start thinking in terms of buying bulk ingredients and using them to cook good meals that have a much lower unit price than anything you could buy anywhere else. Buy a pound of ground beef, several cans of assorted beans, canned or fresh mushrooms and tomatoes, fresh peppers and onions, and use them all to make several gallons of delicious chili that you can portion out and freeze in order to eat for the next couple of months. Grow herbs and spices on your windowsill. Buy discount unsliced bread loaves at Walmart or your local baker, learn how to bake bread yourself.

Eating like this is so easy, and it's cheap and good for you.

>> No.2750351


Thanks anon, saved.

>> No.2750357

Thanks, m8. Tried to make her look more asian than some drawings she's depicted in.

>> No.2750360


oh shit son, that rice recipe is my fuckin jam

and u know what

in addition to the onion, you beat some eggs with seasoning and pour that in the center with a little circle hollowed out in the rice bed. A little milk and coffee creamer in the eggs if you dig sweetness. Stir that shit up when it thickens, add oyster sauce and soy sauce, bam, enjoy that struggle-fry my nigga

>> No.2750365

hey thanks man

>> No.2750372


more pls

>> No.2750373

LAC- Last Artist Cooking when?

>> No.2750374

When can I finally live with you faggots?

>> No.2750390

We could call it the d/ic/khouse.

>> No.2750394

>tfw found that out about the cheese too
>never bought it again

>> No.2750428


>> No.2750433
File: 35 KB, 480x480, o8yq8wr16fyx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too real

>> No.2750502

Wow, someone actually looked at my trash. It's nice to be acknowledged every so often.

>gray in gray construction with no line width management isn't the way to do it.

Yeah, I really need to add more variation in there. The brush I use actually does have some width variation built in, but only like 20%. Think I should crank that up or just practice with a static opacity, weight-varied brush for a while? I can't wrap my head around 100% sensitivity for both, yet. It just doesn't feel right.

November's a bad month to really get to focus on drawing, but I'll have to make the time, I guess.

Probably spend some time in the comfort zone (sort of. I'm not at all comfortable with digital, yet) until things calm down a bit and I have more free time to practice.

>> No.2750523

get beans too mates, you can get a huge bag for cheap and you just leave them in a pan overnight

>> No.2750539

Is it possible for everyone to give up? Or does that take talent too?

>> No.2750574

yea I got frustrated with the painting and just wanted to stop so I made her in like 5 strokes :D

>> No.2750618

Damn Rozzle. Looks good.

>> No.2750652
File: 304 KB, 491x532, Member_berries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Member when anon313 and fmmood used to post?

>> No.2750653

Does that mean they made better friends than us?

>> No.2750654

Member when las was new and exciting and everyone was having fun trying to form a community?

>> No.2750659
File: 40 KB, 479x296, 14991995_10209742194943123_5777308156342185565_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I member :S

>> No.2750694
File: 257 KB, 1600x940, Reilley method mark-value_page.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys have Loomis&co. diagrams printed out and stuck to your wall for easy reference? I'm having a tough time thinking of more comprehensive or important ones to print at bigger sizes.


>> No.2750698

>everyone was having fun
fucking when?
since day 1 nothing of that sort ever happened

>> No.2750699

lost track of time

>> No.2750706

Thats not true, people were streaming and chatting and none of these faggot degenerates were here.

>> No.2750714

>streaming and chatting
that's basically when it started going to shit if you remember the threads then
people complaining about cliques and secret chatroom and not a single drawing was discussed properly

>> No.2750715 [DELETED] 

Does this website actually work? I keep pressing ''Submit'' but nothing is happening.

>> No.2750718

did you input a link to your image and a thumbnail?
the thumbnail has to be under 2mb

>> No.2750720


Nope, just realized that. Thanks for responding anyway, Anon.

>> No.2750724

Whatever, I had fun. People complaining about cliques are beta nu male epsilon cucks that project their sadness about not being able to make friends.

>> No.2750725

then what the fuck were the secret chats and discords for, and the super sekrit X hours challenges even lava was in?
all a load of shit

>> No.2750727

Boohoo i wasnt included.
There were no secret chats, everyone just came and chilled you giant autist. If you werent there its because you are too socially awkward to engage in conversation. That not everyone elses problem.

>> No.2750728

>Boohoo i wasnt included.
>this nigger speaks of a fucking community
nigger, go be a dumb newfag somewhere else

>> No.2750733

Will you bully me, if i draw like 6 year old? I'd like to participate and force myself into drawing, but from what ive seen, theres a big gap between me and typical las user ;-;

>> No.2750734

draw every day, take the ridicule and make it your fuel, faggot

>> No.2750735

It's not about being good, it's about developing a habit of practicing and getting used to people seeing your work so that you can get good, at least that's how I'm using it.

>> No.2750736

Wew, you're about as salty as liberal tears after nov 8.

>> No.2750738

and you're just as wrong as liberals are throughout their entire life time

>> No.2750739

who cares if youre bad, I don't. Just draw everyday and put in the genuine effort and it'll speak for itself eventually.

>> No.2750788

Almost every submission is shit anyway, you'll fit right in.

>> No.2750822

post your work da vinci

>> No.2750824

If you consider that as shit, I guess I won't fit

>> No.2750867

Comment time: I closed the tab and lost all the comments edition.

Yotsuya, nice indication of form but there's some weird proportion decisions that throw me off. Stubby legs, long torso, detached upper lip, that sorta stuff.

Also why would you waste your time with Towergirls, man? That shit is a black hole of pointless contribution that has been raging for half a decade across multiple boards and sites.

Viktor, nice, uh, circle with lines. WIP? Say yes.

Cath, not sure if it was bad lighting but you're awfully conservative with that hatching, looks almost pillow shaded as a result.

Lava, who gives a fuck what I say we all know you stopped visiting these threads.

Self-deprecation is an art in itself. And also a defense mechanism.

Just post. Nobody cares. As long as you've got half an hours worth of retarded scribbles, nobody will.

>> No.2750904

Let me think... the first time I saw myself mentioned in the threads was because I was one of the only two flawless of our day left, and they were cheering us up. Some other times were comments about my entrys on a finished challenge, and most I remember were about my lewd drawings.
Last one I recall was because somebody recognized me when the streak challenge started and I uploaded a screenshot of mine.

>> No.2750917

Sasori: please, please, you have a lot of work to do, I'm sure you know it, study anatomy, don't always do finished drawings, you still don't know the fundamentals.

Nelli: yep, notebook paper

Soroneir: the idea is cute but all seems off, also that foot looks too big.

Hman: why so blurry, don't do that

>> No.2750987

I saw Dr Strange at the weekend, the amount of VFX work on that film is insane, and each studio had 3 or so people listed as concept artist, that's as well as the lead guys at the top who worked directly with Marvel. No one in the audience will notice or care, but it's pretty cute to show your mom your name in credits.

>> No.2750991
File: 2.39 MB, 448x252, 1474162125662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw watch these on loop while making LAS submissions and will keep doing so until all other lassies have fallen

>> No.2750996
File: 46 KB, 400x568, 1469641585559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Member when week ones falling was something to celebrate, and didn't feel depressing like the community and site was dying? We're being picked off one by one now lassies, pic related.

>> No.2751005
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 1479596863096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still celebrate.

>> No.2751074

another fag here
yeah but the movie was shit, I wouldn't take my mom to that even if I did work on that

>> No.2751084
File: 122 KB, 928x804, santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for the secret Santa / christmas card exchange thing we have 7 people signed up at the moment, most for the physical exchange and a couple for the digital/both. Do you think we should we wait longer for more people, maybe get lava or the discord lassies to post about it, or just start setting things up now so people have weeks to make and send/email their card?

>> No.2751147

Make it a challenge on las, atleast for the digital people. More people will join that way.

>> No.2751238
File: 95 KB, 807x812, 11-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this color study thing right?

>> No.2751239

HumanBean, very nice feature study!

Mathias, amazing as always but I feel you could sometime stand to push values a bit more

Saucy, cute- I like your submission today more than your usual stuff

Digitixe, it's nice but the ball is misaligned with the cylinder it is supposed to be sitting on top of, and the diameter of that cast shadow is too small and is not the same shape as within your ref

manadabes, good job on those gestures!

>> No.2751241

Well, did you learn something?

>> No.2751243

I don't know

>> No.2751247

oh and >rozzle
your work is always very strong
I really commend your dedication to your pieces

this one in particular looks very good despite the fact that your colored work is generally more interesting. The fine details are very appealing so well done.

>> No.2751323

mooff, what the fuck are you even still doing here holy shit

>> No.2751331

^ I know I would

>> No.2751359

>dem 0033 hands

noice naf

>> No.2751368

Marvolo, music would be less distracting than TV, even if you're not actively watching. Hatching takes time too. Try using flat tone to define the shadows instead.

CraniumOverLord, love the brushstrokes, but that frontal view is a little off kilter.

I love your sketches Nelli.

At no point did you ask yourself why the color was there and what makes it look that way?

>> No.2751373

>At no point did you ask yourself why the color was there and what makes it look that way?
I don't understand the question.

>> No.2751378

what happened innaaaa?

>> No.2751380

The point of a study is to STUDY. Were you just painting what you saw, or were you actively thinking about the colors?

>> No.2751384

I was thinking about them in the sense that I was trying to paint what I saw wrt value, hue and saturation, rather than what I thought I saw.
What do you mean by "actively thinking about"?

>> No.2751396

I think I know what he means. What you're doing is basically replicating the colors and values on the ref, which is helpful and it trains your eye to better analyze this stuff. BUT if you're doing a color study then you might wanna specifically focus on how the colors actually work. I.E. Why is the water some weird green tint instead of blue? What colors are used to indicate shade? Why are certain colors used in conjunction? How do they work together? What kind of color properties does water have? Just basically asking yourself WHY and trying to understand the reasoning behind certain colors being where they are. So when you do something from imagination you'll be able to go "Oh yeah, x color goes well with y".

>> No.2751398

Hey thank you man!

>> No.2751404

This >>2751396

Read through Gurney's Color and Light if you haven't. That should help you notice things when you study.

>> No.2751408

>Gurney's Color and Light
It's not that great of a book. It's like a series of anecdotes on various effects.

Robertson's How to Draw/Render is the much safer bet.

>> No.2751410


Alright, thanks. I think I might already have kind of been doing that, but I'll try to remember to focus on it.
I see both Gurney's and Robertson's books are over in the artbook thread, so I'll check them out.

>> No.2751517

need to work on the depression anxiety and composition/narrative memes. plug my figures are atrocious still

>> No.2751518

>plug my figures
Don't have to ask me twice. Unf unf.

>> No.2751577
File: 55 KB, 499x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearing day 365
Don't think I've forgotten about making that progress thread lads. You still have some time to git gud before all of /ic/ shames you. No pressure ;^)

>> No.2751578

What if I haven't been here since the beginning

>> No.2751581

I'll come for you once you hit 365 days ;^)

>> No.2751583

You better. Show the world how much improvement a year can be.

>> No.2751584

yes but how do you translate that to digital (i didnt read the whole thingm but saw that he uses real mterials)

>> No.2751586

Well, for one, you should read the whole thing.

>> No.2751593

He doesn't involve medium specific tips at fucking all. It's about colour and light.

>that giddy writing whenever he shows off that he's "digitally altered" something
Gurney a qt.

>> No.2751729
File: 34 KB, 360x200, I am ready .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw today is day one for you both in there, and drawing

See you a year from now, buddy. Imma gonna git gud.

>> No.2751732

>he thinks he'll last a year

>> No.2751734

Just remember that the LAS isn't a goal. It's not something you strive to keep to. The LAS is a way of showboating on other artists with barely any of the effort that you put in on any given day. Hours are what you're aiming for, not half an hour.

LAS should be such a minute factor that even on an off day, where you don't feel like drawing a thing, you've still got so much done that you can easily toss something to the beast.

Baby steps tho.

>> No.2751739

>even on an off day, where you don't feel like drawing a thing, you've still got so much done that you can easily toss something to the beast.


>> No.2751741


I will, I can force myself even when I don't feel like it. Just take in the pain and keep going.


Thanks for the advice Anon.

>> No.2751742

It's a lot worse when you don't live by yourself and you aren't able to submit to LAS.

>> No.2751800

What the fuck are you talking about nerd.

>> No.2751801
File: 59 KB, 720x480, 😂😂.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2751898
File: 85 KB, 650x650, aXm2577xjU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u dead

>> No.2751986

On this episode of Wallace and Comment: Insert a tagline here before you press post.

Kinder, nice ass but the lack of drapery fuckery on that bent arm's sleeves makes it all seem much more flat than it ought to be.

Tripfag, nice colour... study? Can't say I've ever noticed that much hue variance in the average face, but if the old masters swear by it and it makes for a more interesting picture than who the fuck am I to say.

Rhywydnyshyreyshezg whatever your Welsh monstrosity of a name is: nice study. Bit high on the specular map if that was your goal. A tad.

Hman, didn't you die? Does failing to submit even do anything? This fucking site.

Trying my best.

>> No.2751988

lava is

>> No.2751999

>LAS isn't a goal
Dropout detected

>> No.2752107

Why are threads so kill, lava u fuk invite more people. Is it supposed to be just 20 of us posting. nigger i want more friends

>> No.2752109

lava is never coming back anon-kun :*(

>> No.2752154

>i want more friends
get the fuck off my board this instant

>> No.2752158

ill be ur friend too.

>> No.2752159

>being this tsun

>> No.2752186


>> No.2752231


>> No.2752241

CraniumOverLord: I like this one a lot, very nice and colorful

chazillah: Great, but please resize your images. Also I don't think the real chair has only three legs.

Rhydwyn: I like this study even if it's all made with the hard brush, the light is pretty good.

yotsuyu: Great cyclops, the body is pretty good.

>> No.2752255
File: 22 KB, 236x317, 02916d3e46deb96e7328b2a8045fb21c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you a lot

>> No.2752284
File: 148 KB, 1200x800, 1025068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your turn now
Thanks, I just wanted to look at some fabric before redoing an old dress design. I have a lot of nice/detailed fashion refs.

>> No.2752382

Rhydwyn here. Thanks, amigo. Now that I look back at it, I could've pulled back some on the rimlighting a bit. Maybe even use a hint of yellow as opposed to straight-up white.
Thanks again. I tried the hard brush approach to force me to think about what color would actually fit in a section of the pic. I learned a lot from it, but I'll admit that it definitely looks sloppy as hell, lel.

>> No.2752384
File: 628 KB, 680x478, 680full-the-hateful-eight-screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference pic here btw. The Hateful 8 has some really cool fucking lighting if people want any movie stills to study.

>> No.2752415

i miss poon

>> No.2752430

cute stuff haachan

>> No.2752435

>even if it's all made with the hard brush
Wait, is this bad?

>> No.2752505


It's a meme

>> No.2752508

>Nobody was eliminated. Good job chums.
>No tokens used.

>> No.2752519


>> No.2752521

>tfw las finally weeded out all the bad artists
>including me

>> No.2752674

why are these threads so slow now?

>> No.2752746

how many people do we have using a binary/ no pen pressure brush in las

>> No.2752842


like one person

>> No.2752902

/las/ses are sleeping (◡ ‿ ◡ )

>> No.2752999
File: 604 KB, 704x754, 0kikongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people submitting without commenting REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Turket, nice drawing but for some reason something seems off... I feel like the colors should be more vivid.

CRT, you have to grind more anatomy, keep going!

Viktor, this doesn't look like 30 minutes AT ALL, even for a beginner, the other day It seemed the same, be careful.

Yotsuyu, what happened? you cand do better than this, and you know it.

Nelli, this is just plain ugly, please search rendering tutorials or something.

>> No.2753002

Comment Time
"Do what I do and die".

Innocent, very nice debut! Is the hangman your signature? That's kinda cool. Little edgy. But cool.

Viktor - Gestural Lines might be Cruise Control for cool, but even with cruise control you still have to steer.

I'm jealous of your ability to actually render, Eddcer, but that probably says more about me than you. Nice work anyways.

imvisitingearth, digging the red construction base. Finally, a use for coloured pencils that isn't just immediately throwing them in the trash.

Yeah moving on.

cacklepotato, nice amount of edge but the values are a little weak, especially around where that Hayabusa hand interacts with the face.

Lokki, nice indication of form, very graceful handling of it. Like the way you approached rendering hair too, especially that front view.

>> No.2753019
File: 163 KB, 493x740, 92C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turket here, yeah it look a little too pastel but the image I choose to take have really horrible plain palette. Ireally like the cosplay and was a good practice of coloring.

>> No.2753046

why would you want a noob to comment?
whose opinion would you value?

>> No.2753051

You can just say if you like a drawing you dumb, this is a community.

>> No.2753053

You sound like a giant faggot desu senpai

>> No.2753054

You just have to comment, you don't actually have to criticize anything.

"I blew a load to that fat fucking vagina you drew on that horse, Choob."
"I want you to make love to my tiny boy asshole with those values, Hman. Uuuuuh, uuuuuuuuh."
"Fuck me, LavaFlake, and then don't call me in the morning because I like being treated like an emotional doormat you fucking stud."

You know, average /ic/ comments. Friendly chatting. It's about making this endeavour seem less like a total waste of fucking time.

>> No.2753057
File: 381 KB, 2048x1638, 15110259_10210402851082124_3571929812080789893_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might not make it today im so tired after this long ass day i cant stay awake fuck me i dont want it to end again

>> No.2753062

>not a single mention on the progress I'm making


>> No.2753063


I like it, anon, keep it up.

>> No.2753072

Not sure if this is sasori or bondagefairy

>> No.2753081
File: 34 KB, 606x540, you serious2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a community

>> No.2753091

This may be a hell, but It's our hell.

>> No.2753092

quick post your tablet and preferred software
if traditional, tool and paper

>> No.2753098

wacom bamboo pen and touch, Krita

>> No.2753100

Crayola super tips with a Disney princess color pad.

>> No.2753115

Wacom Bamboo, Photoshop
Pencil and ink if traditional

>> No.2753117

Sketchers super sketcher and leapfrog draw studio 7

>> No.2753127
File: 5 KB, 130x119, ss+(2016-11-23+at+07.38.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this looks good job eddcer

>> No.2753128

wacom bamboo CTH-470 photoshop/painter 2016 (I havent used it in a while)

>> No.2753133
File: 29 KB, 599x453, holdme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick, ur mom

>> No.2753134
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cath.. that nose.. why..
First it's UNF and then you can't help but see it.

>> No.2753142

Intuos3 M, Krita

>> No.2753149

Huion H610+, Photoshop.

>> No.2753165

intuos 3, photoshop

>> No.2753173
File: 1.18 MB, 312x444, tumblr_inline_ogxt5eKuCd1r3wwhp_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, that's how the character is! glad you like the rest though.

>> No.2753176

>"Fuck me, LavaFlake, and then don't call me in the morning because I like being treated like an emotional doormat you fucking stud."
th-this is me :S

>> No.2753177

dreamworks movie by chance

>> No.2753179

Inner Workings, the short previous to Moana.

>> No.2753201

Mathias, Nice sense of proportions and linework. I dig looking at your figures, man.

>> No.2753207

Wacom Intuos pro Med with Paint Tool SAI 2

>> No.2753215
File: 161 KB, 564x846, aeb1d1a1241c5eb4b095a0a2fa89f653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking good Mathias ,
eddcer ur my favourite alien girl drawing person never stop

>> No.2753221
File: 18 KB, 261x247, 1400491778357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2753233

>The downside to not talking to anyone is that I no longer get to learn about peoples’ hopes and dreams. Everybody wants to do something different with art and it’s always interesting. I think the rarest in my collection was a guy that wanted to be a fashion artist. I didn’t know that was a thing before I met him but it’s got its appeal. Most of it is function over form but even those are interesting. I guess that’s not so rare in the real world but I still think it’s cool.

Why is our lord and savior so autistic, someone please help his sorry ass

>> No.2753238

gotta post something

>> No.2753240

>tfw feel the same
>always feel the same as lord and savior
Why is he so based?

>> No.2753243

>the rarest in my collection
does Lava see lassies as his collection, like butterflies he's pinning to a board?

>> No.2753252

what the fuck

>> No.2753263

Lava confirmed for serial killer. He only kills artists he finds interesting and that's why he created las, to find the most interesting artists. Too bad the poor fool didn't realize las would be filled with boring in creative folk like you and me. I think that's what triggered his spiral into madness.

>> No.2753308

Taking bets on how long til Lava commits suicide

>> No.2753338

pihori get out of your comfort zone once in a while.

>> No.2753341

nice pose with that bunnygirl bondagefairy!

>> No.2753357

kirikae - ok, good perspective practice but your object's shape is really wonky. i'd go a little more precise with these to make them convincing

jbrennan - still life is great, but if you don't understand perspective--especially how to draw ellipses, they will keep looking wonky.

mooff - your color temperatures are inaccurate. you need to research color temperature and how it works, and you also need to fix your facial structure and proportions

jeremias - are these life drawings? keep doing them, always. look into rhythmic strokes (like even amundsen's stuff, or read the practice and science of drawing) instead of just replicating texture with boring and even strokes

mathias - cool, looking good. your male torsos are too small in proportion to the lower body. also noticing your perspective is off in a lot of your paintings/drawings/still life studies throughout your blog so look into that.

>> No.2753400

maybe collection of memories

>> No.2753404

Wacom intuos draw, photoshop. If trad, pencil

>> No.2753408

Nice submission, innocent. Welcome to LAS.

>> No.2753439

Yeah I've been struggling with accurate proportions and likeness in shorter paintings. Keep swapping between rough construction and relying on sight/size angle measuring. Need to work through some more formal construction methods and get some mileage in outside of enviros

>> No.2753444

Yes they are from life. I'll check out your recommendations, thanks for the feedback my man.

>> No.2753489

Sorry LAS I couldn't submit the usual 2+ hours. :(
I'll be back later though.

>> No.2753498


again, no mention of me. I know I summited only a 30 min effort, but a mention would be nice

>> No.2753500

Skeletonjelly - Kafka is cute!

Tom - nice range of expressions.

Lordslump - I'll admit I'm not normally a fan of your imagined work, but I love the way you do studies.

>> No.2753503

still missed me, nice dubs tho

>> No.2753510

RIP Alekiel, week 12er

>> No.2753515

did eliminations start working again?

>> No.2753519

could be, there were still some properly announced token loses and deaths during the period when people were not getting announced, so can't really tell for sure unless we get it from the horse's mouth

>> No.2753533

>public execution is a thing now
Can I use a token to not be publicly executed?

>> No.2753534

whine whine whine. people have to draw too, not just comment on the internet.

if you need immediate feedback make your own thread

>> No.2753543

Niggaaaa, once you start commenting you realize what catches your eye enough to comment on.

From one literally who to another.

>> No.2753545

>if you need immediate feedback make your own thread

>> No.2753549

It's true. It works. Literally anyone will post to tell you what's wrong.

>> No.2753567

maybe if you post in the draw thread or beg thread. If you make your own, there's a good chance people will just sperg out and tell you not to make your own thread.

>> No.2753570

>spend an extra three hours on submission
>still no comments


>> No.2753576

the blood of a virgin

cut your wrist or something before starting to draw, preferably as close as possible to the ligameme

>> No.2753577

>tfw purposefully not commenting about you

>> No.2753578

All you have to do is say your name breh. You could post something good but people might not see just cause there's so many other submissions or because of the timing of your post.

>> No.2753580

not gonna make it

>> No.2753582

if he does I do it too

>> No.2753596

>tfw posted my name asking for help and got ignored

>> No.2753611


>> No.2753613

Fuck you.

>> No.2753623


>> No.2753639

consciously choosing to not comment on certain users is a form of attention, too. :^)

>> No.2753649

nobody likes you Choob.

>> No.2753650

Kafka is very cute!

>> No.2753653

I like Choob...

>> No.2753695


Fuck the haters
Break the rules

Ignore the shit and just take whatever feedback you get

>> No.2753699

stop being a pussy, just do it if you're desperate for comments. it's the internet

>> No.2753702

i like choobs photo choices
i wish i was as young as santi and this teenager poster, neuroplasticity meme aside, the older you get, the smaller your drive gets

>> No.2753717

I'm not the guy who was whining, I'm just telling you what it's like on /ic/. Most people don't like it if you make your own thread.

>> No.2753734


that anon should go to the critique thread then.

honestly everyone is responsible for their OWN progress, you can't sit and bitch that people aren't commenting wah wah wah the community sucks

the responsibility is your own.
own you shit, anons,

don't whine about lack of comments or mean people. go find yourself some comments, come up with solutions, save up for a mentorship if you need it. ask questions. pester artists. do what you need to fucking do

no one is going to hold your hand

so no more whining "omg no comment on my work" shit seriously, toughen up

>> No.2753739

I mean I doubt it's actually eating away at people or affecting them in any significant way. It's just an offhand comment people make while looking through the thread. Sometimes people just want to hear a comment about their stuff, especially if they've been in las for so long. It's just kinda like a nice gesture. But yeah, if people want feedback they should take charge and post their work in the other threads.

>> No.2753803

nah. i think this generation just expects everything handed to them for free and likes to whine.

>> No.2753828

I've made my peace.
See you on the other side lassies.

>> No.2753834

I'll join ya. I'm broken.

>> No.2753884

The LAS deal is easy enough, it's just kinda boring.

>> No.2753915


>> No.2754043
File: 47 KB, 600x800, 1464892389161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up senpai

>> No.2754084

am I the only one who can't open the site?

>> No.2754088


>> No.2754090
File: 674 KB, 500x491, 1459980398076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.2754096
File: 65 KB, 600x469, 6700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my condolences

>> No.2754104

Uhhhh comment time fuck.

Nice CRT, CRT. Nice town bicycle, Cath. Nice picture that you've posted for the past three days Hman. Nice slanted picture Blooves. Nice manass artscrub.

Short for time. So irregularly worthless comments.

Whatever people just want to get mentioned, if that. Post earlier, you losers, I can't be fucked to go trawl through the submissions for yesterday.

>> No.2754127

Hman, are you going to learn to render any of these days? the way you do it is stupid, and so blurry it hurts

imvisitingearth, you are great, I hope you stay here for a long time unlike most new users.

Soroneir, the colors are good but It's all a bit clunky, those legs are terrible.

Viktor, you are not taking this seriously at all, all your drawings are made at the back of printed papers (from class, maybe?) and are just doodldes. Start studying, read the sticky.

>> No.2754138

so there are 6? loomis books. Ive skimmed them and they seem pretty detailed and usefull
should i do them all then branch out?
in the w/ic/ky there are other authors mentioned.

>> No.2754140


Hey, as long as you're working your way through something and starting with the fundementals, nowhere to go but up.

>> No.2754217

crack for rebelle is out, go and do some watercolor paintings

>> No.2754265

Nozatom, simple and effective. I like the expression.

>> No.2754286 [DELETED] 

Do you have the reference of that drawing, Turket?

>> No.2754289

Do you have the reference for that drawing, Turket?

>> No.2754415

nice job I really like the colors

you applying to RISD?

>> No.2754423

Hum... Rhode Island School of Design? No, I'm studying illustration in an art school.

>> No.2754435

good job everyone, especially you

>> No.2754479

Coinhero, i want the same vehicle.

>> No.2754495

Jesus Christ what a failure

>> No.2754496


have you tried Dom's supps? they any good?

>> No.2754513

I havent :(

Also Nelli and Oneironaut i love ur stuff lets be friends

>> No.2754514

I'm gonna go down the dark path of supps, where do I hand in my natty card

>> No.2754516

Are there any supplements I can take to increase my art gains? What about roids for art? Has anyone actually gotten gud natty?

>> No.2754518

nootropics I guess

no idea if they actually work or not, probably not desu

>> No.2754519

if you have time to be retarded here you have time to draw

>> No.2754524

>posting here instead of spending literally every moment of freedom on art and rest
you can try and justify 4chan as r&r but I won't believe you :^)

>> No.2754526

>he doesn't have his own robot slave who types down everything he tells him to, while he's making mad art gains
shake my head, faggot

>> No.2754528

>tfw I am my own robot slave

>> No.2754529

>thinking I would be such a hypocrite as to not do as I preach
I haven't spent a moment replying to these threads since /las/ began

>robot slaves
get humans faggot, I bet you don't even have them give you blowjobs during to make mad art gains

>> No.2754531

>disease ridden flesh bags

>> No.2754532

>the person typing this right now is giving a blowjob

>> No.2754534

>disease ridden
fucking poorfags lmao

airscrubbers on a hunnah, humans bred for maximum immunity

2 slaves, only one dick, I am but a man

>> No.2754539

>what is mortality
get the fuck off my board, plebian

>> No.2754540
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>eternal youth

>> No.2754541

if i become one of artscrubs cocksuckers will i git gud?

>> No.2754552

Have memes gone too far?

>> No.2754558

Memes got Donald Trump elected, let's keep going.

>> No.2754560

>dumbs don't lie
but I though we should have stopped when bane posting crashed that plane

>> No.2754564

The fire rises.

>> No.2754567

>have we started the spark?

>> No.2754574

What do you mean ?

>> No.2754579

only one of you gets to stay on the gonna-make-it plane

>> No.2754580

the ligameme tightens

>> No.2754583

>you have big neuroplasticity!

>> No.2754584

The Neuroplasticity rises!

>> No.2754585

now is not the time for style, ... that comes later

>> No.2754587

Are your talking about Pihori ?

>> No.2754590
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, the fire rises.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They expect one of the flawless in the wreckage brother

>> No.2754594

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

>> No.2754596

they are not my lassies

>> No.2754598

Don't worry, no tokens for them.

>> No.2754601

they were trying to grab your prize, they work for the mercenary, W

>> No.2754602

-Have we started the fire?
-Yes, Santi, the fire rises!

>> No.2754603

No, no, they were trying to steal you gains, they work for the lemur, the half-empty tube of toothpaste.

>> No.2754604
File: 60 KB, 339x463, bane-tdkr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been given a false idol!

>> No.2754605
File: 2 KB, 400x400, cia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr Pihori

>> No.2754610

tell me CTR, do you feel in charge?

>> No.2754612

/tv/ was a fucking mistake

>> No.2754613

somebody get this tokenless out of here

>> No.2754617


>> No.2754618


>> No.2754628
File: 234 KB, 500x363, manh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of you are going to make it

>> No.2754629

>he didn't make it so good

>> No.2754635

was getting eliminated part of your plan?

>> No.2754642


>> No.2754644

well congratulation, in 15 mins you are eliminated, pls be week one

>> No.2754651

Gottagitgud are you really gonna remember all that perspective shit when you finally finish? Olson is a perspective connoisseur.

>> No.2754652
File: 122 KB, 472x398, wa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2754655

don't you fucking die on me skellyjelly

>> No.2754661

just be gentle -as

>> No.2754669

fucking kek

>> No.2754673

20 years Choob.

>> No.2754678

happy Thanksgiving las. without you I would just have aimless alcoholism.

>> No.2754681

Runnerman stop drawing with your dick

>> No.2754682

Happy Thanksgiving Anon. Let's drink to your health tonight.

>> No.2754693

Yeah same. Now it's focused alcoholism.

>> No.2754708

Sometimes I wonder why I don't get comments, but then I look through the previous day's submissions and I can't even pick out my own work at a glance, it's so generic.

>> No.2754710

name? I want to see what you consider generic

>> No.2754711


>> No.2754715

the lightening stands out compared to the surrounding submisions

>> No.2754716


It's just pencil studies from a literallywho.

Fucking memed out.

>> No.2754723

(literally) who, I can''t find that name
>Fucking memed out.
I was expecting that but I figured I would give a genuine answer

luci, while I was looking for choob submission I saw yours, you are being e-stalked now

>> No.2754726
File: 575 KB, 1108x878, m7yeBLn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(literally) who, I can''t find that name

>> No.2754728

I submitted though! D:

>> No.2754729


>> No.2754730

It's okay anon, I'm still in it to win it. :)

>> No.2754733
File: 51 KB, 283x251, 1372937696532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2754736

Rude, dude.

Also, I thought you had to submit twice when you lost a token. Why not?

>> No.2754738

where the fuck have you been the last 7 months, nigger

>> No.2754741

That stopped being a thing AGES ago, like after the first month after LAS started or something, Lava just dropped it I think cause it was annoying to program around or something.

>> No.2754748
File: 591 KB, 314x447, fig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going with the flow, baby.

Lava is lazy, but I still love him.

>> No.2754780


>> No.2754787


>> No.2754794


>> No.2754796


>> No.2754799


>> No.2754804

20. quit trying to derail the memes.

>> No.2754895


>> No.2754897


>> No.2754906

The same vehicle? Im not sure what you mean

>> No.2754912

come on you noob anons, let's see you work harder

soroneir - could you take higher quality photos? it looks cool but so hard to see.

artscrub - very flat values :( come on dude read some stuff on how to render light

tabascoshrimp - nose on your portrait lady is very upturned, and the forehead doesn’t really work like that. check out the skull again

skeleton jelly - avoid using soft brushes for any perspective stuff. get as accurate as possible if you’re working in photoshop. otherwise keep it up *_*

cath - i think your shading is cool, but your proportions are super wonky, they look like midget proportions :(

lokki - nice lines, good rhythm in the hair. maaaybe it’s stylistic but your head is huge and the body is tiny :x the arms/hands look wobbly and unstructured too…i feel like stylistic works can’t get away with lack of attention to structure either, so be careful

>> No.2754956

>come on you noob anons
Do you consider everyone you listed a noob or did you just mean in general?

>> No.2754977

Will do, man. Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.2755006

>but I still love him.
I see you haven't been in LAS in the last few monts

>> No.2755014

resources for studying animal anatomy?

>> No.2755017


in GENERAL!!! yeeesh

noob is a good thing, you should always think you're a noob, even if you're bringing in the $$ from art. as soon as you think you know everything you will miss out on all the shit you don't know. the KNOWLEDGE IS ENDLESS. NEVER STOP


want to see you guys push HARDER!!!!

let's go, give it your best 4chan anons!!!
kick the shit out of those other stupid social media groups!!

>> No.2755018

checkout the artbook thread, someone posted a mega link that has like 15GB worth of animal anatomy

>> No.2755071

Not the "erotic animal bible", right?

>> No.2755076

Nah it has of PDFs and is organized by its subject matter, being animal refs, animation, architecture...and so on. its not necssarily 15GB of JUST animal refs though, but its got several PDFs worth of animal related things

>> No.2755078

I swear all of this is going to be useful one day. Future me will be proud that I save everything.

>> No.2755080

what the fuck is this spam?

>> No.2755221


>> No.2755222


>> No.2755248

we're gonna spend christmas without lava :(

>> No.2755346

Alright assholes, here's some comments.

CraniumOverLord, digging the canvas, don't think that tits are usually that far apart though. You've got old woman saggy tits on your anime babes.

DRH, novel presentation but they're pretty static poses for what seems to be proportional exercises? That's the trouble with glossy art references models, try as they might they're still standing there.

Louse, nice exercises and studies and stuff, lotta content. I don't see myself doing all that construction shit for every single picture I make, which is probably why I'll never make it.

Tripfag... are you sure that took you half an hour?

Eddcer, props for doing one of those every fucking day, man. Gives me a warframe vibe, dig the way you push the form, too.

Innocent, you're taking this "draw a billion boxes" thing pretty seriously, huh? Or is this some weird art challenge I'm not in on, come up with a different way to present a box each day?

cacklepotato, nice ponytail you fucking nerrrrrd.

>> No.2755352

will i get more than 2 views if i post a thumbnail and the link to the page itself not the drawing?

>> No.2755355


>> No.2755356


>> No.2755376

Nah, it really just depends on out attention-grabbing the picture is.

And is this really the venue for attention? There's like 60 participants, most of whom don't even bother past the submission screen.

>> No.2755390

Hey, the breasts on one of the girl seem alright because she has her elbows touching behind her back or whatever. I get what you mean about the other one tho, thanks m8. I need to work more with reference/ touch more boobs

>> No.2755540



