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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 334 KB, 1000x756, aaww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2651285 No.2651285 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last Thread >>2645220

>> No.2651287

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2651290

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.


Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

Here is a helpful tool that lets you see who is streaming at the moment:


You can also hang out with the community on the official discord:

>> No.2651309

i love you lava

>> No.2651328
File: 444 KB, 3774x1931, Submission Count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LAS is dying

How can we fix this? I enjoy drawing with you fags but we are not going to survive the year if we do nothing. Should we start shilling everywhere to get new people to join?

Also Lava if you're reading give the fucking website to someone who is willing to continue on this project.

>> No.2651335

If it dies, it dies, it doesn't need to be fixed

>tfw I will be the last artist standing

>> No.2651343

>all time low
It's over
Just let it die, /ic/ was so alive in the summer, but it's dead now.

>> No.2651344

>LAS isn't dying they said
>everything is fine they said

>> No.2651357

Those people couldn't make it or they DID make it. Staying in LAS is a comfort zone, you either leave because you won't make it or because you can. The last one standing, make sure to turn off the lights.

>> No.2651370

that's the point isn't it, last one standing

las is supposed to die

>> No.2651376

las was a mistake

>> No.2651385

That's not true. We wouldn't be starting a new challenge every week if that was the case

>> No.2651388

Some people just won't die, sometimes you have to wait for age to kill them.

>> No.2651395

The drop-off of participants reminds me of mmorpgs (and loads of things in general t b h), wherein a lot of people join, then the participant count drops down in a nice slope until it's mostly a ghost town with only the hardcore maxed out players are left, always feels sad to login to an old mmorpg and see everyone on my friends list offline

>tfw the same thing is happening to my follows list as we speak

>> No.2651399

man you are really fucking dense, new challenges are just to give you something new to draw that you haven't tried before or need more practice on, they also help form the community

>> No.2651402

>tfw you'll leave this shitty place for a better place one day

>> No.2651404

>tfw the same thing is happening to my follows list as we speak
follow me and I will never let you down senpai!

>> No.2651408


>> No.2651416

I say let it die, Lava will bring it back when its ready for a reboot.

>> No.2651420

It's already dead. And the remaining people? Jokes apparently.

>> No.2651426

the cycle continues!

>> No.2651428

I'll let you're mom die

>> No.2651445

>I wasn’t joking about trying to sleep until I felt better. I’m awake for maybe half the day and I spend a lot of that time in bed trying to go back to sleep. I’d go back to bed right now and I’ve only been up a couple hours.

>There are some doctor appointments coming up and there’ll be more painful tests so I guess I’ll sleep through the worst of that too. Drawing is a lot of fun so I’m glad I have that in my life.

Lava is sleeping (◡ ‿ ◡ )

>> No.2651454
File: 46 KB, 540x429, LAS when lava returns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm worried he's going to return to this

>> No.2651463
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>> No.2651501

Who are half these people?

>> No.2651533

Lava died

>> No.2651602

It's still a bit early, but we're heading into holiday season. Any events you guys plan to integrate into your submissions? 24-hour comic day is October 1, and also Inktober. LASgiving in November. Maybe a not-so-secret art santa event for December?

>> No.2651638

I've never drawn in ink before, what're some decent pens to get before Inktober?

>> No.2651639

>tfw haven't learned how to do clothes and drapes yet for the holiday season

>> No.2651643

I might do inktober

also november 1st is national self portrait day
can't wait to see all those beautiful faces lassies

>> No.2651646

>also november 1st is national self portrait day
>can't wait to see all those beautiful faces lassies

>posting my ugly mug on LAS


>> No.2651647

>implying I won't use a cute korean girl for my ref

>> No.2651652

>Maybe a not-so-secret art santa event for December?
>psst we all give Lava a present

>> No.2651653

Personally I'm excited for all of the spooky Halloween drawings.

I know people have brought up secret santa, but what is LASgiving?

>> No.2651654

If you wanna go dip pen, get a tachikawa nib holder and some G nibs. Speedball, Higgins, and Zig are some ink brands that I've used. Staedtler pigment liners are my favorite brand for drawing pens/microns (I think also the cheapest brand I've tried).

Ink is really fun, especially with dip pens. It takes some time to get used to them, but there's a lot you can do. I know at least one other Lassie that uses ink regularly, so maybe they will share their recs as well!

>> No.2651658

c-cowards I wasn't looking forward to seeing your faces anyway

>> No.2651660

sounds like a good community challenge

>> No.2652079
File: 34 KB, 480x851, 1466647153468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I had a dream that I was back in art school. I was going through my year end portfolio and my teacher was over my shoulder praising some of my stuff, picking out pieces to go in the student gallery. Some classmates even came over to tell me how much they liked my work.
I was really happy. I woke up feeling excited and energetic.

Then I remembered when I was in art school I was in the lowest tier. I never made it to the student gallery and no one talked to me about anything.

>> No.2652082

>Secret Santi
>Everyone gifts something harmful to Santi anonymously

>> No.2652090

Don't worry senpai, Ive never been best at art in any of my classes, before or in uni. Can't say the "been drawing since before I can remember" or "it seemed natural I'd become an artist" cliches either. It was very much a conscious decision for me.

It was just bad dream, if it makes you feel better I slept like shit too.

I had nightmares about bugs. Again.
Found a few teeny tiny dust sized bugs on the lid of the bin before bed, and had to purge it all and take it outside and go full scorched earth, because I can't sleep with bugs near me.

Then had nightmares about it for the past 6 hours. My entire room teeming with the things, like it's covered in shifting sand but you look close and it's tiny bugs. In other places they were larger, flies and flying ants crawling through cracks, beetles and earwigs coming out the cupboards of my desk. Where my bin would normally be was just a writhing mass of insects. Under my bed was some kind of creepy spores or shrooms or sonething, pale tendrils reaching from mattress to floor and back like stalagmites and stalactites. It was some kind of breeding ground or nest, like something out of Alien in miniature.

Couldn't even close the door and quarantine the room while I slept down the hall, since beetles would keep forcing the lock open somehow.

I hate bugs.

>> No.2652094

Is this fucking Lava's blog now?

>> No.2652098

I'm not even part of /las/ but lmao the bug thing sounds exactly like hallucinations I used to have. Like weirdly similar. I don't have an issue with bugs like you do at least but disturbing nontheless.

>> No.2652103

Oh sorry anon, let's get back to the scheduled programme.

las is dieying...
i miss anon1337
(repeat until new thread)

>> No.2652106

Aaaah, yes, now THIS is a good old LAS thread...

>> No.2652114

You bastards better keep las alive till I can come back.

>> No.2652125

I've had fever dreams/hallucinations like that before, my nightmares are usually more straightforward, e.g. bigass ugly spider jumps onto my face

No wonder everyone's abandoned the threads for the discord.

>> No.2652127

What's stopping you from rejoining now? If you're posting you have Internet.

>> No.2652226
File: 8 KB, 310x163, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im taking you in for not joining the Police Squad challenge!
dont let this happen to you lassies, i cant afford your bail

>> No.2652258

If you're coming back I'm definitely not coming back.

>> No.2652309

I don't know what to draw today :/

>> No.2652428

you're self

>> No.2652437

I almost forgot how good LAS threads could be :')

>> No.2652459

MAl, I don't know if you pot in these threads but I really like your fashion era submission.

>> No.2652513

>tfw people who don't even submit anymore get more mentions than me
But yeah, I really dig Mal's stuff too. He's got real nice lines.

>> No.2652538

I assumed he was in because that challenge just ended.

What's up with lassies ditching then submitting to challenges postmortem? We get a new challenge maybe once a week. Just use a draw roulette if you can't think of anything to draw.

>> No.2652598

I can't join the daily because I have a backpacking trip soon and it's a shame to join then immediately leave. </3

>> No.2652657

hey friends i just thought of a brilliant idea

How about we make an LAS for studying japanese?
It'd be more intuitive since using anki every day already takes about ~30 minutes. but I dont really know how to prove that I've done 30 minutes though.

>> No.2652665

how about no

>> No.2652671
File: 216 KB, 320x240, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh okay..

>> No.2652673

Anki literally already does that for you by showing that you did your reps.

>> No.2652674

go to /a/ and when you realize how full of shit they are, learn jap on your own

>> No.2652696
File: 513 KB, 500x285, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but frends its so boring going lone wolf
I wish there were anki/jap-learning strems and discos

/ic/ is just as full of shit when it comes to drawing, but i just want the community mang

>> No.2652704

as boring as it may be, at least you get shit done alone

>> No.2652882

What if we all draw loli porn? Maybe Lava will do something then

>> No.2652887

it's not saved on the site anyway so he'd only need to remove your account

>> No.2652920

Oh look, a week1ner token is lost.

>> No.2652924
File: 52 KB, 600x900, figure-6-1303877559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so good?

>> No.2652932

Make a 5 minute gesture drawing of this person and post it as a reply.

>> No.2652952
File: 917 KB, 1944x2592, nbytyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2652954

>submitting before 30 minutes have passed
Do you report these fucks

>> No.2652958

m8, they obviously worked more than 30 minutes on that stuff before the deadline.

>> No.2652960

essentially means they drew it the day before
which is -cheating-

>> No.2652964

it's "draw every day", not "draw today's upload today"

>> No.2652976

The "day" resets at 5pm and I draw before I go to bed and when I wake up.

>> No.2652980

>they drew it the day before
which is not drawing everyday
by drawing for 1 hr just before the deadline and posting it before and after the deadline, you only have to work once every other day... ya fuckin gay retard

and i draw everyday, how come im eliminated JUST because i didnt upload it? thats bs

>> No.2652985

Glad you know why 90% of las left.

>> No.2652986

what the fuck are you on about
if you've been here long enough you'll have noticed that the 00:00 submitters are mostly the same guys, who do it every day. They draw every day, just for the following day.

>> No.2652994

>tfw the view market is drying up
What happened to all the views? I used to average at least 20 but now I get under 10. At first I thought it was just cause I produced uninteresting turds but then I looked at people like Naf and Grach and they often get under 10 views too. What's going on? How do we save the view market?

>> No.2652997

>less people submitting
>less viewers
Gee, I wonder if there's a causation.

>> No.2653000

have you also noticed that the last people to post just before the deadline are the ones who post first the day after?

clear evidence of working once every other day. cheaters caught cucking

>> No.2653013

they're not though. I went a couple of days back and it's alsways Nelli, Cackle, Humanbean, jmgn and some other guys at around the same time +- an hour or two.

>> No.2653026

but i do this. heh~ no surprise im under the radar again. ull never catch me ;p

>> No.2653028

m8, it's only YOUR loss for not drawing more. LAS is just here to encourage

>> No.2653044

??? ive actually been eliminated for months now. can we not talk about it? its complicated :x

>> No.2653073

god damn it man make your own discord for japanese and invite weebs off 4chan then, how do you think the discord was created? some fucking guy, in this case niche, decided to create the discord and then put an invite link in thread

allll you gotta do, is make a discord, make a thread on fuckin /a/ or something, mention it once on /las/ for anyone else on here who might want to join, and thats it

>> No.2653120

How to I subscribe to this newsletter?

>> No.2653124

wtf I hate niche now

>> No.2653259

I think that's misguided hate, friend. The idea of forming a discord group was already being tossed around in the thread. Someone was going to do it eventually.

>> No.2653265

Good taste anon.

>> No.2653281


"wtf i hate x now"

>its a meme you dip
>re rebbit is spreading

>> No.2653293

wtf I hate memes now

>> No.2653306
File: 408 KB, 1536x1152, 62c917b981414e6bbec7625143089eee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>got home at 2 PM
>currently 2 AM
>still haven't drawn yet
>have shitload of uni work to do
>ahve to wake up at 6 AM
>wont be back tomorrow until after the deadline
This is the end for me.

>> No.2653366

>got home at 2 PM
>currently 2 AM
What happened to those 12 hours, anon?

>> No.2653379

Depression, procrastination, little bit of uni work, more depression.

>> No.2653514



>> No.2653877

>Summer is ending.
>All week1oners who survive it are going to be here forever.

>> No.2653898

can't wait to see you gone, summer kun

>> No.2653927

Man, I really need to get myself back on a study schedule. I've been drawing aimlessly for weeks.

>> No.2653930

don't join topic hell

>> No.2653937

Don't have to tell me twice. Shit's suicide.

>> No.2653997

Same :\ don't know why I can't get myself to do anything

>> No.2654002


>> No.2654105

Why do so few people join challenges? Feels like its the same general handful of people

>I ask having never joined a challenge myself

>> No.2654126

because they're laazy

>> No.2654129

I only join challenges for things I need to study.
I'll join a >fun one every once in a while, but a lot of the fun ones have some requirements thrown in that makes them not fun.

But I've been wondering the same thing. It seems like the number of people participating in challenges has dropped significantly.

>> No.2654218

maybe if they weren't so shit :^)

>> No.2654222

dont say that, you'll make slump cry

>> No.2654277

who /wanna die/ here?

>> No.2654286

you mean in las or just in general?

>> No.2654288


>> No.2654345

In general

>> No.2654430


>> No.2654434
File: 515 KB, 1261x863, epz9qjO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw trying to make something presentable.. JUST

>> No.2654479

>be carrying bracelet
>Mosquito chooses that spot to bite so it itches every time the bracelet passes through that spot
>Get bitten in ankles soles and toes so it itches with every step
Mosquitos are the devil

>> No.2654482

shut the fuck up santi

>> No.2654483

looks gay as fuck
stop trying to make LAS the next deviantart

we got enough autists already

>> No.2654486

Why are you here go back to the discord let me farm (you)s in this wasteland alone

>> No.2654487

I like it. Good work, designer anon.

>> No.2654489

>LAS is dead.... ;_;
>>2654434 Here maybe this will improve things
>fuck off leave it alone we have enough people REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2654497

how's it da? The only step closer than las this is, is the option to give your submission some text

>> No.2654501

it's completely unneeded UI that's meant to appeal to more and more people joining for fun
next we get facebook integration and a means to follow your favorite spergs on dumblr, oh and don't forget the official discord if you want to be really fucking gay
draw, just fucking draw, is it so fucking hard?

>> No.2654515

lmao at this retard trying to fit in superhard, first week on 4chan buddy?

>> No.2654525

Can't put my finger on it but there is something about the UI that I like.

>> No.2654559

naf i really like your balance of detailed area to simpler areas (detail conecntration? is that what its called) you were always good at it but I feel like youve gotten better

>> No.2654576
File: 31 KB, 433x243, Music.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grach coming back and posting early
>still only get 3 views
seriously though, why is this happening?

>> No.2654584

Your traditional lines look better than your digital ones Sasori.

>> No.2654618

grach sucks

>> No.2654619
File: 9 KB, 94x194, itsok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654620

what did he mean by this?

>> No.2654631

Thank you

>> No.2654638

I hate you

>> No.2654645

>tfw not sure if should go to FZD or not

>> No.2654648

Looks a little busy imo, maybe limit the amount of icons on the front page and numb up the size of them. Also not a huge fan of the color scheme. Aside from that it looks nice, looking forward to seeing how it comes along.

>> No.2654649

Then dont. That kind of shit only works when you are fully invested.

>> No.2654653

FZD is something you go to when you already have a job in the industry to further hone your skills, or if you are a really really promising student
if you can't even draw a circle, don't waste your time and money

>> No.2654674

>being fully invested into anything
Glad that you got your life set, anon, but not everyone does.

Your first statement doesn't match your second. Anyways, FZD doesn't say that at all, so not sure what kind of point you're trying to make here at all. It sounds more made up than anything.

>> No.2654675

look at the requirements to be accepted at FZD
they don't just take random hobos knocking at their doors
I suppose what I meant with don't waste your time was, don't waste their fucking time

>> No.2654705

site clock broken for anyone else?

>> No.2654708

no, that happens to those eliminated, congrats

>> No.2654710

FZD is expensive and a massive commitment. It means traveling to and living in a new country and basically handing over your self life to those instructors for a year. It should be a tool you use and the path to your goals. They are very upfront and blunt about what FZD is and what you will get out of it, in every single video feng has put out he stresses the qualities and the characteristics it takes to be able to get the most out of FZD. Its not the kind of thing to be on the fence about. Its either for you or its not, and thats okay.

And as a sidenote, it is a very common thing for folks already in the industry to go into FZD, in fact thats almost exactly what their advanced diploma is designed for. I remember hearing Feng talk about occasionally and showing those people off in the end of the year videos with all the students work

>> No.2654712


fucc u

>> No.2654715

I just realized, Santi would be 1st place in a leaderboard purely about the longest streak :D

>one of the few remaining Flawless
>now that Cyan dropped out he's the first among the remaining Flawless to have submitted to LAS http://lavaflake.com/draw/active.php

Unless you do something else to tie break, but I can only think of alphabetical or join date which are equally as silly

By the way, will people still be able to change their usernames?

>> No.2654719

>And as a sidenote, it is a very common thing for folks already in the industry to go into FZD
yeah that's what I meant
it's like already having a bachelor and then going for a master, just as analogy

>> No.2654724

I'm pretty sure there's different tiers. One for beginners and another for experienced artists.

>> No.2654726

don't let the views get to you, focus on improving

>> No.2654765

Hello lava, why are you being this way?

>> No.2654865

they usually bite where the veins are closer to the surface of the skin

>> No.2654874

friendly remainder the last artist standing won't have anybody to brag to because he will literally be the last

and others won't care about the achievements on a site with just one visitor

>> No.2654882


>> No.2654889

that is why it is more fun when we have a community (´ㆁ ᴗ ㆁ`)

>> No.2654891

More like a hugbox

>> No.2654894

More like a punchbox

>> No.2654905
File: 864 KB, 500x500, okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2654921


Nelli here, I live in a timezone where LAS restarts every time at 6pm. I'm working on art during that time. I used to post before 6pm because I had a different schedule in the summer.

>> No.2654926

haha, exact same thing for me. It's at 7 PM for me and uni just started back up so I have to submit before bed every day. Summer went by too fast.

>> No.2654928

Right? 5pm here, not sure how I'll pull it off this coming week, but I guess I'll do what you do.

>> No.2654974

So how's everyone doing?

>> No.2654975

I am doing fine, thank you

>> No.2654976

Feeling pretty shit.
I only drew for 30 minutes today and have been wondering whether or not to draw more for the past 7 hours. I think I'm just going to go to sleep now.

>> No.2654980

Aw do feel better soon!
Night anon.

>> No.2654982

good night friend and family!

>> No.2654988

to me it looks like we weed out all the shitposters

>> No.2654990

RIP anon313 ;_;

>> No.2654999

It's been a bad week for me. I hate that emotions can get in the way of my daily practice but at least I know this stuff is fleeting, and as long as I keep drawing I'll make some progress instead of none.

>> No.2655002
File: 26 KB, 731x565, 1469514350366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confronting my weak points makes me want to stop and watch a movie or play games or do anything but art, but I'm doing it.

Wish I was better.

>> No.2655006

What have you made so far?

>> No.2655007

At least you're confronting them. I'm too scared to even touch anatomy. Keep going, take breaks and play games then get back to drawin!

>> No.2655016

Just a few studies, gradual understandings of things. Forcing the habit of drawing every day even when it hurts.

>> No.2655023

Drawing comfort zone anime heads

>> No.2655024

draw them dripping with blood please

>> No.2655025

Are you calling me out anon, the amount of time it takes me to do each one is stupid, gotta keep practicing

>> No.2655032

No, i do them all the time too, pihori.
But traditional and each looks exactly the same

>> No.2655037

stop being so self conscious this is the /las/ thread if someone wanted to call you out they'd use a name

>> No.2655054

Pihori, draw a girl with a different body type, like voluptuous or athletic, let's see if you know to draw something else than lolis.

>> No.2655056

>two anons calling out pihori
I think it's time to shut le fuck up anon :^]

>> No.2655059

Pihori and anyone else mindlessly drawing
you fucks aren't getting nowhere drawing the same things over and over, get out of your comfort zone

>> No.2655061

no names were mentioned when she complained

>> No.2655062

But lassies always know who's posting even when its anon

>> No.2655078


>> No.2655099

I'm thinking the timestamps on newest users is cluttering up a lot, so removed them.
I'm not great with color palettes/schemes for websites. I'm thinking about letting the user control it or at least have some presets. If you got any color schemes you think would look nice drop em and I'll check or implement.

I dunno about username changes, I don't see much of a point besides shitposting. I could do it manually if someone really wants it. I don't know what to do about tiebreaks on streaks. I figure that's hopefully only going to be a problem short-term.
I will be implementing letting users ask for critique and if the person being critiqued says it was helpful or some shit they gain a point. I could have this helpful point system combined with streak on the frontpage, and leave the streak leaderboards in the stats page.

Should critique be on a user based on all submissions, connected to a single submission, or letting a user select a group of submissions they want to get one wholesome critique for? They're all options I think works.

>> No.2655101
File: 12 KB, 480x360, whydontwehaveboth girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should critique be on a user based on all submissions, connected to a single submission, or letting a user select a group of submissions they want to get one wholesome critique for? They're all options I think works.

>> No.2655192

>want to draw lolis
>practice everyday and get better at drawing lolis
>"why don't u draw thicc girls like I want u to reeeeeee"

>> No.2655193

Does anyone else have nightmares every single night?
hold me lassies

>> No.2655204

not gonna make it

>> No.2655208

Stream up https://picarto.tv/SubCryo

>> No.2655210

you're worse than Nile at this point
drop out for good already

>> No.2655211

still better than some pussy scared of posting work :^)

>> No.2655219

at least I'm posting to the site daily, unlike some people that can't be assed to spend 30 minutes a day to do so

>> No.2655223

wow talking shit bout lava again, no wonder he left :^)

>> No.2655229

Hang in there. Write your nightmares down for insp. Draw them.

>> No.2655298

lava... ;_;

>> No.2655300

when does the next one start I'm new to /ic/ and art in general and really wanna try this out so if anyone could help me out that would cool.

>> No.2655301

How does one go about getting harsh critique to get used to them

>> No.2655302

Name on the site?

>> No.2655303

in 2017 :^)
read the faq on the site

>> No.2655304


>> No.2655309

Thanks mate

>> No.2655318

Thanks anon, and I'll try that, tend to remember them well anyway. It's terrible for my sleep cycle though, I have nightmares and wake up halfway through night and drink se water and try cool down and relax, but then it's right back into a different nightmare.

>> No.2655336

post your work

>> No.2655367

None of those, make it so that a user has to submit their work in a critique section or check a critique box when submitting regularly, that way only those who ask for it get crit

>> No.2655369

>bad memes

>> No.2655379

imo you don't ever really get used to them, because your ego is just constantly building itself up only to be torn back down, that's how you improve.

That being said you should always take criticism with modesty and appreciation, unless the person critting you is obviously being a jealous, toxic cunt

>> No.2655393

what happened to turd-nip? He nuked his tumblr.

>> No.2655449
File: 101 KB, 581x588, 1436853013085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who made pic related right?
suicide. he was really depressed last time i talked to him. blogged about dropping college, his parents got divorced, etc
poor guy

>> No.2655461

Holy shit.
How many lasses are gonna kill themselves before Lava comes back?

>> No.2655464

>tfw he was so good

>> No.2655470
File: 28 KB, 437x501, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lassie killed himself before I made it
This ain't how it was supposed to happen

>> No.2655473


>> No.2655475


>> No.2655478

Lava? heh... I haven't heard that name... in a long, long time...

>> No.2655484

holy shit
last artist standing is actually going to be the last artist standing

>> No.2655490

m-my dick... ;_;

>> No.2655493

What if we decide just all left right now and let someone win
That way, we can start over anew in every artist standing together

>> No.2655500

Sure, let me win :)

>> No.2655506

>told this guy to kill himself
>kills himself
not sure whether to feel disappointed or not
heh... you were too weak... weak to the grave..

>> No.2655567

proof? I really hope that aint true.

>> No.2655568
File: 143 KB, 261x337, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the bright side:

literally all of us are now better than him because the dead can't hold pencils

>> No.2655569

sure, but losers have to die, and the winning gets lava's place in guiding the new line of lassies

>> No.2655570


>> No.2655571

so...by that logic you're better than all the old masters?

>> No.2655574

Of course.

>> No.2655577
File: 307 KB, 1024x982, 1472136882369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

especially van gough

van gough was just a crazy person and his art was poo

>> No.2655581
File: 17 KB, 608x102, lastseen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2655582

He's just taking a break, r-right?

>> No.2655584



>> No.2655585

>tfw haven't even begun to draw yet

>> No.2655590


>> No.2655598

let's all draw, friends!

>> No.2655599

nice joke

>> No.2655600

Give me something to draw.

>> No.2655601


>> No.2655602


>> No.2655603


>> No.2655604

How do you guys get yourself to draw when you just don't feel like it? I've been drained the whole week and really had to force myself to draw everyday and now I just don't feel like doing it cause it's the weekend.

>> No.2655611

Know that not drawing doesn't get you anywhere and may in fact regress you. Also that drawing is a habit that must be built into the muscles to be able to correctly do what you want it to.

>> No.2655616

i just try and think about how good i feel once im in the actual process of drawing, and a little bit of >>2655611 when that isnt enough

>> No.2655650

I've payed a man to shoot me if I don't draw everyday
It's been working just fine for the past 23 years

>> No.2655654

>not a 1weeker
>draws everyday

>> No.2655655
File: 189 KB, 294x282, sweaty jap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WEW Pihori

>> No.2655658

do you guys really believe in the comfort zone meme? /ic/ is really detrimental for the young and developing mind.

>> No.2655661

It's pretty obvious that people understand that by not drawing what you think is hard will not help you get better at them and therefore comfort zone is real.

>> No.2655668

There's only one human alive on this planet that has been able to be worse than Nile.
And SubCry-o' lot is not the one.

>> No.2655687

I meant dropping out of LAS wise

>> No.2655713

And you'd still be very wrong :^)

>> No.2655733

Not only is comfort zone very real, it applies across all mediums and professions.
All it means is that you are not challenging yourself. i.e. Stagnating.

It's only a bad thing if you want to improve and never try. Nothing wrong with drawing something you know you are capable of once in a while.

>> No.2655755

using lube is the best

>> No.2655778

Oh hey, the clock is working again.

>> No.2655799

>projections and conjectures.

oh right, i forgot we have psychologists,mind readers and detectives on this thread.

>> No.2655800


>> No.2655812

Your idea that it's somehow conjecture is conjecture itself. You don't need to be a psychologist, mind reader, or a detective to comprehend the research that's already been done on this subject.

>> No.2655926
File: 856 KB, 918x515, b51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven’t felt good about my drawing in a couple days. In record time I’ve reached the point where I’m garbage and I’ll never get good.

>I don’t actually believe it but I feel that way sometimes if I think I’m not progressing fast enough. I’m sleeping so much it’s hard to get in the hours I want but I should be on track to get through Hampton’s book by the end of my first year. I’m looking forward to it so I can start life studies.

>But for now I’m going back to bed (after I fix a LAS problem)

>(after I fix a LAS problem)


>> No.2655931

lava has to learn to take it easy. He put the bullshit "I'll git gud in two months" deadline on himself and now he's depressed that he didn't make it. Also he doesn't do any personal stuff where he applies his studies, it's just non-stop studies. That's exactly what JerryBreem was doing and the same thing will happen to Lava if he doesn't lighten up.

>> No.2655944

Whoa he actually mentioned LAS

>> No.2655973

probably the missing comic challenge

>> No.2656013

Just draw fun stuff- it doesn't have to always be academic

>> No.2656019

I've just realized that the last thing I drew for fun was at the beginning of June.

>> No.2656022

>tfw pulled that two months shit
>didn't make it a week
>tried it again the next month
>didn't make it a week again
>got depressed for a while
>decide to pull off something that will definitely make me draw because I invested money
>get a tablet
>decide that's not enough
>join LAS
>actually miss first day, but it's alright didn't submit
>do the next day
>so glad
>next deadline comes up
>las actually gives you anxiety to submit before deadline because if you don't, it's super shameful
>been going a week+ now
Feels good. I think I'll make it.

>> No.2656023

Welcome to LAS and good job mang. Just keep at it and you'll git gud. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.2656028

>las actually gives you anxiety to submit before deadline because if you don't, it's super shameful
232 days in and I had my first nightmare about not submitting.

>> No.2656072

I feel like reading, link me one of those research papers on how drawing one specific subject a lot of times is somehow detrimental to the honing of the skill of draftsmanship.

>> No.2656342

I wonder if this is going to be the first LAS thread to 404.

>> No.2656359

why would it be?

>> No.2656418

what is this shit

>> No.2656428

ya nan

>> No.2656516

yer maw

>> No.2656523


>> No.2656618

>you lived to see the las threads die in your lifetime

>> No.2656672


>> No.2656686

what do you mean?? literally every las thread dies....
its been dead since the beginning..

>> No.2656709

He means figuratively, as in they're no longer active like they used to be. These threads usually lasted 2 days maybe 3 days max, but now we're hitting day 4 and we barely hit 250 posts. We used to get at least a 1000.

>> No.2656783

don't give up las ;_;

>> No.2656810

these threads are cancer
zero posts containing original art
just let it die

>> No.2656827

>at least 1000
We hit 1k two or three times, mostly through deliberate shitposting to see who could get the #1000 reply. Don't exaggerate things.

>> No.2656829

It at least averaged 700

>> No.2656830

I'm not exaggerating things, look up all the early threads, 90% got 1000 or atleast got real close.

>> No.2656874

How many hours a day do lassies get to sleep?

Been thinking about cutting from 8 hours to 4-6 hours to increase that mileage.

>> No.2656912

I remember being pissed off cus thready used my image and it reached 1000 in less than a day.

>> No.2656914

Don't go below 7 hours. It will hurt you more than help you.

>> No.2657018

Why am i getting so many downvotes on imugur I'm getting 6-9 downvotes and 200-400 views
>started drawing 2 months ago
>2 imugur posts
>mfw 15 total downvotes and 0 upvotes or likes.
my photos aren't hideous and I tried my best on them. ://

>> No.2657024

>giving a shit about downboats
end your life

>> No.2657028

>asuming I give a shit
I don't I'm just wondering why.

>> No.2657033

you give enough of a shit to cry about it here
what kind of answer do you expect to begin with without a name
if you wanna be cuddled go to dumblr

>> No.2657040
File: 103 KB, 800x850, 1424933369558[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw found your name by going through posts
;^) But for real, imgur isn't an art site so they don't give a shit what you draw. I've seen some of the better artists on here accidentaly make their submissions public and they either get maybe 2-3 upvotes or a bunch of downboats + comments from normies trying to critique them about shit they don't know about. It's best just to make your stuff private. If you do want upboats then you have to attach a story to your sketch, tell the normies about how hard you worked and how the sketch is a tribute to your Ugandan autistic son who died of lymphoma. Or do some cutesy fanart of whatever's popular now like pokemon. If it doesn't emotionally appeal to normies or if ti isn't something that they already like, chances are that they'll ignore you or try to give you "advice." Also you're probably more likely to get upboats if you only share finished pieces, normies don't like looking at unfinished stuff.

>> No.2657043
File: 24 KB, 456x297, 1468591142145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not crying just curious if people in general on imgur are harsh and downvote a lot or my drawings aren't good. Didn't mean to come off as a whiny cunt.

>> No.2657044

>making your art public to begin with and then cry
you really really belong on tumblr, my friend

>> No.2657051

it says in my settings they are private... also not crying

>> No.2657055

oh my posts were private but my album was public
>tfw literally slightly autistic

>> No.2657058

yeah I get it and thanks for the reply got a good kek outa this.

>> No.2657059

>what is reading comprehension?
I don't make my shit public. I was explaining to him how people tend to vote on imgur you gargantuan faggot.

>> No.2657065

I was talking to him to begin with you nigger
your post talks of the "dangers" of having your shit public
was that too complicated for you?

>> No.2657185

w e w lassies cmon, I know you bakas want to be the last artist standing but calling eachother names is not the way to do it :^)

besides, just give up already, I'm gonna be the last one standing

>> No.2657186

Why don't you, you know, keep your art on a RAID so it's offshore or on google drive folders if you never want this to happen? Or use tumblr and set the blog to private if you're submitting to las. Oh that's right, you're a viewfag.

>> No.2657188


>> No.2657191


Doesn't matter, it applies to all imgurfags.

>> No.2657224

I wanna see lassies progress. Let's all make one of those improvement things and post them here. I'm not at home right now but I'll try to post when I can.

>> No.2657228

How's everyone doing today?

>> No.2657233

Fine, was just about to go to bed.

>> No.2657236


>> No.2657238

Sweet dreams anon.
Be safe and take care!

>> No.2657240

Y-yeah, about that...

>> No.2657253

What's a good way to show progress if all you do is sketch and studies?

>> No.2657254

>redrawing things from high school lately
>look at them side by side and feel proud
>realize high school was 10 years ago
>this is terrible progress by /ic/ standards

I need to find something from the start of /las/ and redraw it. Maybe I'll feel less miserable.

>> No.2657264

do similar sketches or studies. Or if you can find 1 or 2 semi finished things try redrawing them. Even something as basic as redrawing head constructions can be a good way to show progress.

I'm in a similar boat since I've done mostly studies or lazy doodles.

>> No.2657273

Make finished work mate.

>> No.2657274

come on anon! Even if you haven't improved, at least show us so we can tell you what you're doing wrong.
haha, same thing happened to me.
>open up binder filled with all my drawings
>look at the first gestures I ever did
>laugh at how awful they look and feel proud of my progress
>realize that was like 4-5 years ago
Although to be fair, I wasn't serious about art until a month or two before LAS started.

>> No.2657349



joking aside

>tfw we can finally get some badgers


>> No.2657353


>> No.2657362


>> No.2657378

>implying Lava will give a fuck about these
Also, remember when Lava said the badges were going to be ready in a couple of days and then he disappeared without telling us anything?

>> No.2657481


>> No.2657505


>> No.2657514


>> No.2657522

Fluffable, your topic submission today is for the wrong topic.

>> No.2657535
File: 99 KB, 650x440, 52932823_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it'd be ok to draw just any figure since they have appendages. Besides, the background was yesterday's work. Pic related, me after giving up trying to fix the busted up faces and perspective.

>> No.2657541

Do you think you are going to get tired of LAS?

>> No.2657553

Already am, go fuckyuorself

>> No.2657554

No, I'm tired of being shit.

>> No.2657599

runnyguns, i think youd benefit greatly from a more polished piece right now. the way you paint reminds me of a lot of pixiv artists. if you push yourself that extra mile you could learn a lot- cross reference your work with your inspirational artists

wish u da best. u gon make it lil' cub

>> No.2657602

who the fuck is runnyguns

>> No.2657603

who the fuck are you

>> No.2657606

your nan

>> No.2657609


>> No.2657628

Amen brother

>> No.2657700


>> No.2657704

meme somewhere else, nigger

>> No.2657714


>> No.2657809
File: 30 KB, 779x216, las.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A movie, Lava, you want to make a movie.

>> No.2657810

the fuck am i reading, lava?

>> No.2657812

I think what he has in mind it's a thing like the modern Telltale games, David Cage's games or any visual novel.
He just doesn't know enough about videogames I guess.

>> No.2657843

wew the cripple starting new projects while completely abandoning the one that actually has people in it.

>> No.2657844
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 1363323314083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just spent an hour and a half constructing a sphere

>> No.2657848

>the project i wanted to work on after LAS
lava writes an entire blogpost about video games and people still find away to bitch about it

>> No.2657861

lava ;_;

>> No.2657866

Yeah that sounds about right. But I don't know how he would tie doing 2d art to a video game like that since they're mostly 3d. Those types of games are surprisingly fun too despite all the people that bitch about "HURR WALKING SIMULATOR"
Post it

>> No.2657868

If I was lava I wouldn't come back either t b h.

Look at how lassies whine every day about his blog, wether he mentions LAS or not. What do you want, you think him posting in thread will make them active again, hitting 1k posts and filled with dank memes and good vibes? Nope. People have moved to the discord. You think it'll bring in more new people? Nope. If you don't advertise on other boards or sites then how will anyone even hear about LAS let alone join it, hell even on our home board of /ic/ we just keep to ourselves in these threads and probably get ignored or hidden by everyone else because for months it's just been off topic shitposting.

If the threads are quiet and community stagnating, it's because of you, the anonymous shitposters, desperate for memes and drama but now regretting how lonely the threads are. If you want to make things better then it's up to you too. You want a new challenge, make one, you want new members, go recruit them, you want something specific from lava, go email the fucker instead of spamming in a thread no one reads anymore, especially not the lemur.

>> No.2657871

Get off your soap box faggot.

>> No.2657872

ok lava

>> No.2657885

and then there's this dumbass

>> No.2657902

I think I'll do a couple more then submit it, so I feel less embarrassed.

>> No.2657932
File: 557 KB, 900x1222, tumblr_ocopf3XBD91v4cbmwo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lokki, you better not submit this to your blog tomorrow. Amazing piece btw.

>> No.2658091

>tfw try to get maximum art gains
>sleep only 3 hours
>get massive head aches now
>don't know whether or not it's life threatening to continue on
I-I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.2658093
File: 63 KB, 781x657, 1472335940069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to sleep 6 hours minimum every night. You can cut things down to 7.5 from whatever your norm is, which is the standard, or if you want to feel good about sleeping less then go for 6. But anything below that and you'll be running on fumes for parts of the day, and it affects your energy too, so you might need to have more snacks to keep going, which will ofc make you fat.

6 hours minimu, 7.5 recommended. Don't be an idiot familyman.

>> No.2658106

>shitposting on /ic/
>leaving skidmarks on my keyboard
>really on edge
>sister pisses me off
>she gets an attitude
>shouted in all caps at her face
>hit her with that smug anime reaction face
>reported her to my mom
>shitposted on her irl
>left skidmarks on her face
did i do good?

>> No.2658116


>> No.2658124

Snacks, you say? What kind of snacks?

>> No.2658133


>> No.2658193

>only a few more minutes left
>haven't drawn anything

>> No.2658194

So BondageFairy is going to meet up with another lassie

Is this a first?

>> No.2658204

who fucking cares
he jsut wants his ass slammed because nobody else wants to hang with that fucking freak

>> No.2658205

Being this jealous of other people having friends

>> No.2658218

yeah these threads are nothing but friends and happy time
now end your life

>> No.2658227

you must be the reason depressed, friendless, suicidal pepe pictures exist.
when is the last time you spoke to someone other than begging your dad to stop fucking your ass

>> No.2658232

you are mom last night
she has a way with words like with dicks, she likes to take a mouthful

>> No.2658234
File: 187 KB, 624x480, vlcsnap-2016-08-29-16h30m32s039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2658238


>> No.2658267

Why not?
I don't think it's good at all. The values are too dark and all over the place without any depth to them, on top of the stiff figure and the nonsensical hair/seat thing.

>> No.2658306


>> No.2658315

I gotta make some progress thing then

what should I post, day 1 of las and the most recent upload?

>> No.2658344
File: 142 KB, 1440x1200, Progress1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2658357

whatever you think most illustrates your progress.

>> No.2658395
File: 891 KB, 3000x3000, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2658413
File: 1.36 MB, 2000x1048, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2658423

zzz =3=

>> No.2658433
File: 2.99 MB, 4498x1704, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the file name for the drawing on the bottom right of 2014 is "pixel brush test" so im pretty sure it was the first time i tried the binary brush :o

>> No.2658447

Not trying to be harsh but I'm not seeing too much progress. Maybe it's just cause there all studies. Your boxes look a bit better so it's definitely possible your pic doesn't properly represent your progress. Maybe reevaluate what you're doing or if you think you're getting closer to your goals then ignore this. Keep on trekking!
I think your construction has definitely improved, hard to judge though since your recent stuff is only heads. Good job though, keep it up!
>tfw I like your older stuff better
Your older stuff seems more loose and expressive. It looks like you've definitely improved your understanding of form though, just not a huge fan of the style. Good job.

>> No.2658452

Alright thanks for the feed back, I do feel lost when attempting studies, I'm currently reading Hamptons figure drawing book, but I havent progressed much in it since I keep going back to previous chapters. I honestly just started gestures and figure drawing daily, in fact I was honestly doodling for most of my time here, I rarely did studies or anything. So you'd be right in that there isn't much progress.

>> No.2658455

Too lazy to compile an image, so here are two submissions:
Jan '16: http://i.imgur.com/Ib5DeDa.png
Aug '16: https://i.imgur.com/9tvMD9b.png

>> No.2658463

yeah no worries m8. I ended up doing nothing but doodles for a couple months too and didn't improve much. As long as you know what you need to work on/ how you can improve that's awesome! Keep on drawing!

>> No.2658469

Anyone else find it difficult to work on perspective on digital medium? Maybe I just suck at it on traditional medium.

>> No.2658472

Yeah I do too. I think part of it is just cause I have a tiny tablet so I can't use my arm to make straight lines. Also with traditional you can do stuff like rotate the paper around or grip your pencil in different ways. I think digital probably has a bunch of tools to help with perspective (like holding shift to make straight lines) but free hand perspective is usually too hard for me.

>> No.2658475

Yeah I really think I need to hunker down and learn some human structure. major muscle groups and the like, cause I can not for the life of me draw a twisting abdomen.
Hampton's book seems to go into some detail on this, Im not sure how extensive he is on it though.

>> No.2658500
File: 1.29 MB, 2605x2016, sure is summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly June/July
Don't think I did anything else till LAS started in January though.

>> No.2658508

Love that you also saw the cute asian gal and painted her super well.

>> No.2658516
File: 222 KB, 1024x1820, nice pencils anonchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. And ja I have huge folders of qtp2t azn girls.

>> No.2658528
File: 521 KB, 895x1045, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not much has changed.jpg

>> No.2658550

I guess you could say... it got... shittier.... :^)

>> No.2658582

really nice, your lines are pretty awesome now and your anatomy is starting to get good.

>> No.2658699

i much preferred your style in your old tumblr. what happened?

>> No.2658715


did you reply to the wrong person? for las i only use lj

>> No.2658786
File: 357 KB, 640x480, ??.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah... i see, i was under the impression you were someone else. that actually makes me VERY happy.. thank you for the motivation. im gonna draw now.

>> No.2658827

>only two people in the badge design challenge

>> No.2658835


>> No.2658914

I'll remove it before it starts since there's no interest.

>> No.2658935

how do you start one it wont let me.

>> No.2658941

newfag detected

>> No.2658944
File: 36 KB, 377x421, faggotdetected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit to it

>> No.2658952
File: 345 KB, 1024x768, melli kurisumasu~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man I cant wait till the christm/a/s toradora stream :3 I get so much (You)s in holiday season

What's the plan for the holiday season, LAS?
inktober challenge? thanksgiving/halloween/christmas themed challenges? That is if LAS doesn't die before then

>> No.2658955

you gotta have spent a certain amount of days in LAS to be able to open up a challenge

>> No.2658965

yeah thats what I was guessing

>> No.2659103

I'm gonna keep studying my fundies like a good little lass :3

>> No.2659106

I support you w, it,s just that you really wouldn't want my beginner ass anywhere near designing the badgers

>> No.2659111
File: 255 KB, 702x761, 1468409851973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started under 4 months ago
>tfw will never make it

>> No.2659116

they're just badges senpaitachi, how hard could it be

>> No.2659120

I guess your right maybe I will take a crack at it but does it still count if I dont draw it and make them as a /gd/

>> No.2659133

what even does that mean

>> No.2659134

i am gomenasai みな i have a bad cold and it is hard to draw ( ノ ﹏ ヽ )

>> No.2659138

ex-weekwunner who jumped ship at day 100 reporting in, good to see this still going strong

Anyone see any tangible progress yet?

>> No.2659139

no drawing just shapes and pen tool

>> No.2659155

im so bored anons
the thread and discord is empty
and theres no one shitposting on /ic/
i keep refreshing but its like everyone's busy drawing or something...

>> No.2659156
File: 820 KB, 680x510, feels damp man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what will happen with the site? will it die? will someone make a LAS 2.0? will lava comment here again?
you seem to keep getting better choob, so jealous and powerless at the same time, hahaha

>> No.2659159

las will die slowly until las 2.0 starts and everyone jumps over (and old lasses keep submitting to the original one anyway :^))

>will lava comment here again
I'm betting he won't comment before Christmas

>> No.2659186

I think las should have an annual reset. That'll prevent it from properly dying. gives new people an opportunity to get in without feeling overwhelmed when week1s get to 500+ days. You could just add a counter for every year that person has drawn for without being eliminated.

drawing for 365 days is less overwhelming than drawing indefinitely and there would be less eliminations at this time of the year since its so close to finishing (if it finishes in january)

>> No.2659189

but then so many people would tie and lose motivation to be the LAS cause there wouldnt be one.

>> No.2659194

relegate week system to background and discontinue it for newcomers
add ladder system center stage

>> No.2659202

hmm. youre right, but you can still have a dick measuring contest by comparing the number of completed years. it wouldnt be LAS though, just Longest Drawing Artist or smth. half full, half empty same concept etc.

>add ladder system
what did he mean by this?

>> No.2659208

>what did he mean by this?

this is like the billionth time we've discussed this


the cycle continues!

>> No.2659214


>Lava !FlakeB38Qg
>Profiles and the leaderboard is next up after the tribunal

>Sun Feb 28


>> No.2659221

Wow lava, why are you so autistic with your studies. Jesus christ.
"I think if I work hard for another year I’ll actually be good"

Yeah right.

>> No.2659224

las should reset every season

>> No.2659226
File: 120 KB, 290x290, I SWEAR-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2659233

SubCryo + LoomisAlter multi ft. Crystals and Figures

>> No.2659236

drop out and stay gone you pathetic oxygen thief

>> No.2659337
File: 72 KB, 540x303, tumblr_ncbnxyYhPH1ta83ebo5_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pin up girls, I like how every had their own take. And noone seemed just easymode it, alotta of them felt like they were trying something new or pushing past their comfort zone which is great! I really liked lokk's and rads

>> No.2659359

Now this is the las I know and love!

>> No.2659414

I made a new challenge based on the ctrl+paint basic rendering series, it's gonna be a beast.

>> No.2659419
File: 245 KB, 1400x789, allnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mane, I could be way better though. There's lots of lassies who work more and harder and smarter than me, so don't be surprised when I'm overtaken by everyone by day 400.

>> No.2659420

>tfw will never get told this

>> No.2659427

If there were a badge for doing a ton of challenges, you would definitely be the one with it.

>> No.2659430

Are all the resources needed on peers etc, or will we need to hunt them down or pay for things?

>> No.2659437

the two I link to are free on his site, basic rendering 1-4 you need to buy (or it is on cgpeers)

>> No.2659444

gotta git gud

>> No.2659522

las tools senpai should give us the stats on the top challenge makers and participants

>> No.2659540

i hope i crush you by day 400 then ;)

and by that i mean with my meaty man thighs

>> No.2659567

New bread for the two of you who still post here

