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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.33 MB, 2879x2367, reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2547535 No.2547535 [Reply] [Original]

draw your fetish edition

>not my art

>> No.2547544

How do you get that kind of fading effect on the nipples?

>> No.2547547
File: 100 KB, 609x682, how fucked is this really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(sorry if size is shit)

>> No.2547550

im guessing blending tool or a very light brush

>> No.2547555

summer please go to deviantart

>> No.2547565


>> No.2547570

none sorry

i suck anyway

>> No.2547909

>tfw not good enough to draw girls shitting themselves in a daiper while finger themselves

>> No.2547912

>draw your fetish edition
Crossing my fingers for a fellow diaperfag who frequents these threads

>inb4 draw it yourself
I'm not gud, I gotta git gud first.

Also threadly reminder that you should think with your head and dick in equal parts

>> No.2548090
File: 1.85 MB, 4128x2322, 20160604_022124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2548111

look here fucker.


>> No.2548123


>> No.2548384


>> No.2548462

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2548471

why is he tongue fucking her belly button
is that some sort of new fetish?

I am genuinely confused

>> No.2548673
File: 288 KB, 750x528, fart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2548724


>> No.2548988
File: 48 KB, 790x759, mercy zarya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up reworking most of the bottom woman's torso, I think I managed to fix her face too.

>> No.2549011


>> No.2549017


>> No.2549023

My brother just saw me looking at this thread, please kill me and end my misery

>> No.2549034

Draw him banging an orc or something and slide it under his door

>> No.2549071

There is nothing racey in here - no problem

>> No.2549107


>> No.2549124

(COMIC15) [Yami ni Ugomeku (Dokuro-san)] (Do)Hentai Musume + Omake Paper (Puella Magi MadokaMagica) (English) =Little White Butterflies=


Skip the last 8 pages, it goes to shit, literally.

>> No.2549153

My fetish is rule 34 and big guys fucking petite girls.
I'm not gud enough to post my stuff here with confidence but I draw my own pr0n sooo....

How do you guys draw dicks?

>> No.2549204

what the fuck is honface?

>> No.2549265
File: 113 KB, 736x1296, 2a10972a19110c6755304fdbeea72bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> My fetish is rule 34
I don't think porn is a "fetish". But what do I know.

Anyways, pic related. Google is your ally.

The demographic in this thread seems lower than usual. But whatever.

>> No.2549312
File: 79 KB, 979x661, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feet and background added
what does that mean?

>> No.2549339
File: 122 KB, 798x959, midna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, something is up with the arms but I'm not good enough to tell. I can't bring myself it finish it because I feel like something is off. Can someone help me out? Redline or something? Any feedback is appreciated.

>> No.2549393
File: 142 KB, 798x959, redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her upper arms are far too long. Just because she's short, that doesn't mean her arms shouldn't also proportionate to the rest of the body. Pic related, a very, very quick redline.

>> No.2549418
File: 399 KB, 1500x900, kess 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awaiting ban

>> No.2549492

>awaiting ban

I waste so much time here, its ridiculous. Getting banned is a blessing in disguise.

Also, you can get away with the head.
Adjust the width of the neck's base
Move breast closer together and fix the nipples
Her right hand, you can get away with as well
Move her left arm more towards her back. Her breast and torso should be blocking part of her left arm from our view

>> No.2549714

>I don't think porn is a "fetish". But what do I know.
No, I mean that seeing familiar characters in unfamiliar (porn) circumstances.
I don't enjoy seeing no-name doing sex, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing a character I've known for a long time doing sex, you feel me?

>> No.2550104

Not a fetish

>> No.2550120

Anon you were talking to, eh, I don't consider it a fetish, as >>2550104 said. But whatever, whatever floats your boat.

>> No.2550125

yes it is a fetish

>> No.2550132

its a monster btw

>> No.2550430
File: 125 KB, 640x922, tumblr_n0p0paLyDH1ql0jkxo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good redline my man. Thank you. It looks good but the only issue I have is that midna has very long arms for her body.How is it that she can have long arms yet it feels right in official art but my long arms seem out of place?

>> No.2550437

Because the arms you drew are even longer than that. Check out the official art you posted, her elbows are at her waist. In your drawing, they are at her hips. The redline arms are still "too long" for her body but they match her proportions in the official art.

>> No.2550452

Ok, I see what you are saying. Thanks, I'll get to work.

>> No.2550484

Yeah, as >>2550437 said, that's how I approached it for the redline. But another reason was her upper arm length was longer than her forearms, where it should be the opposite. Assuming that's not a foreshortening problem.

>> No.2550870
File: 329 KB, 750x750, Dva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'm I doin

>> No.2551151

Why is dva floating in front of her much, or maybe I'm misinterpreting it

>> No.2551155

That's D.Va in the front. The back is going to be Tracer getting fucked by her mech.

>> No.2551253

lol never thought I'd see this again, still kinda like how I did the feet on the right but overall it looks like her spine is broken.

apply soft brush lightly and then erase the highlight

>> No.2551630
File: 679 KB, 2000x1037, loveseat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2551653

>loli not allowed
>put tiny breasts on a loli, suddenly allowed
>shota x milf is allowed because muh mommy fetish
>really curvy loli allowed because theyre fat
>loli/shota looking furry allowed

this "no drawing lolis" meme is kind of arbitrary and dumb. just pointing that out.

>> No.2551667

I don't even abide by this rule. I just post them and don't give a fuck. No one has complained.

>> No.2551692
File: 188 KB, 615x820, IMG_0688 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2551698

I don't think there's a rule against loli, just furshit last time I checked

>> No.2552105

Will it make you feel proud about yourself if I fap to this?

>> No.2552107


>> No.2552137

Yeah, a little.

>> No.2552140

Blog? I see great potential in you.

>> No.2552156


There's not really too much going on though.

>> No.2552188
File: 429 KB, 1400x1259, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2552204
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, tracer4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First porn thread post, fuck my shit up

>> No.2552239

lots of anatomy mistakes here, i'd redline it but i have stuff to work on atm sorry. throwing some quick thoughts out there still. don't draw without a reference at your stage, avoid these kinds of flowy lines which convey no sense of form. proportions + anatomical width are incorrect, look at the arm for instance. perspective on the shoulder is fucked. what even is going on with the legs. you should really elaborate your construction skills, youre not at a level where you can do loose sketches. you need structure and meticulous construction. dont place a perspective grid on your drawing if youre not going to follow it. different forms will have different vanishing points, you only have one here and i have trouble figuring out whats it for and whether you are using it at all. elaborate on anatomical detail too, add muscular masses on top of the construction. when you draw a nude figure and the full figure is not part of the composition you still need to construct the entire figure at least mentally otherwise the drawing is going to make no sense

tl;dr work on your construction and actually think perspective through. id advise you to scrap it and do a lot of studies before you produce finished work unless you do it with ref because whatever youre going to do right now without ref is going to have a lot of mistakes.

>> No.2552245

your construction, values, anatomy and linework are totally off. do some studies from photos and apply what you learn from them

>> No.2552261
File: 48 KB, 995x845, mercyxzarya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2552262
File: 209 KB, 1280x853, 1464716231153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choose another color for the shadows, especially don't do darker yellow shadows with yellow skin, shit looks dirty. breasts don't work this way / perspective mistake on the breasts. think about how the pectoral muscle attaches to the shoulder and apply this to your drawing. always keep in mind muscle attachments otherwise the structure looks illogical and also you lose gesture. bad gesture on this one, the ribcage is supposed to be tilted upwards in such a position as the back is arched, youve lost that arch in the front. same for breasts as ive said, should be tilted upwards. torso too small, may be a stylistic choice but looks weird/uncanny. here have a ref. nice hand and feet.

>> No.2552277

(cont) also right knee is totally off, right leg makes no sense compared to the rest of the body etc (think perspective). i mean you really just should work on construction and gesture as a whole but since studying takes a long time i'm pointing out individual features

>> No.2552283

Oh wow, thanks. Unfortunately "my level" is "been drawing my whole life". I'm ok with reference, but I still have extreme difficulty drawing without, so I've been doing it more to try and improve. Everyone says to work on construction, but I really don't know how anymore.

>> No.2552304

what books on construction have you read? what personally helped me when i realised my construction needed improvement was using a three-books combination : book on perspective + book on general figure drawing + book on detailed anatomy (inner muscles, muscle attachments, all muscles and their connections). i've read the three to start off and then whenever i'd do a drawing i'd check all three books on the pages that would interest me (for example when drawing a figure and having trouble with perspective i'd reread the perspective tips in how to draw, then reread advice on general gesture, then when i'd struggle with drawing particular muscles i'd read in detail about the particular muscles in the third book.). these can be books of your choice but keep them at your side. keep in mind thats only whats worked for me nor am i shockingly good but it helps me a lot to work this way and the three-books choice encompasses nearly everything thats needed in figure drawing as opposed to studying from only one book (ex only working from hampton and not knowing shit about detailed anatomy / only working from detailed anatomy and not knowing shit about gesture + design)

>> No.2552324

holy shit raininess is that you?

>> No.2552329

(cont) also obviously always read more books and pick your favorites/ones that suit your thinking the most, draw from life... good luck

>> No.2552357
File: 80 KB, 698x1000, gril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2552366

just wondering if shes supposed to be tiny and a child or just a child or just tiny

>> No.2552369

sorry, asking because her proportions suggest that she would be taller (than you drew her) in comparison to the guy shes sitting on

>> No.2552378

clearly it's a normal woman on top of a giant man

>> No.2552380


>> No.2552385

Nope, sorry. Sounds like you were excited him/her returned but nope. Just me. Just some guy waiting for the hammer. Do the mods not care about this board?

>> No.2552426
File: 156 KB, 533x800, shindoum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2552434
File: 39 KB, 298x318, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to keep being inspired to draw porn?

I'm not sure if it's just me being lazy or a procrastinator or what. But I feel like there are only so many poses you can draw until you start repeating.

Anytime i feel that magical kick of inspiration, I don't know where to start...Do I need constant references in front of me or what?

>> No.2552438

>not always thinking about actual plot for your porn
Not gonna make it, senpai.

>> No.2552441

haven't seen you in a while, like your stuff, did you ever setup a gallary somewhere?
regardless, i would suggest having her breasts spill over the lip of the bra a bit, or at least cup into the bra in a way that shows that they're being held up/supported by it, really helps with selling the softness of form you'd want from boob

>> No.2552447
File: 779 KB, 1024x970, 7ce987f0-302b-47c1-9dc6-0c669ac4c0c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not super porn but porn enough? Thoughts?

>> No.2552450

I actually do think of plot when it comes to my porn. (I'd argue that it's kind of a problem for me because a sexy robot pose could end up as a 4 page comic or have an attached mini-fic that goes along with it.) Doing simple things is a major challenge for me.

It's the motivation part that I have trouble with.

>> No.2552451

I'm not really sure what I'm looking at.

>> No.2552454

My biggest concern is the lightsource. Besides blatant pillowshading, where the hell is that light around her crouch coming from? I can see her dress is blocking her legs, so where is the light coming from?

>> No.2552457

> I'm not sure if it's just me being lazy or a procrastinator or what. But I feel like there are only so many poses you can draw until you start repeating.

do not worry about that until you've reached it

> Anytime i feel that magical kick of inspiration, I don't know where to start...Do I need constant references in front of me or what?

you should be keeping a mental note (or physical if that helps you remember better) of every idea you ever have that even seems like it'd be good. pick one and get to work. by the time you finish that one you'll have likely thought of more. lather, rinse, repeat. do not wait for inspiration, make inspiration wait for you.

besides >>2552438 antagonistic nature, they have a good point. thinking of the plot (or as it's probably more accurate to call, the scenario) will help you come up with new and/or unique ideas for that specific work. regardless, do not worry about repeating a certain pose/angle every once in a while, your audience is here to masturbate, not lambaste you for repeating certain cinematographic elements. hell, some would even go so far as to consider that part of your "style"

good luck and god speed

>> No.2552459 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1358x918, galsbeingpals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing at all?

>> No.2552464
File: 109 KB, 1340x905, galsbeingpals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing at all?

>> No.2552477


Thanks bruv.

I warm up with an hour of 30 second gesture drawings a day. I'll get there.

>> No.2552490

>Does anyone know how to keep being inspired to draw porn?
Just draw weirder and weirder fetishes, anon.
>. But I feel like there are only so many poses you can draw until you start repeating.
This isn't a bad thing though. Drawing the same thing multiple times is how you improve. If you draw a butt 10 times from the same angle, I'm sure you'll see mistakes in all of them somehow. It's okay to draw the same thing repeatedly.

>an hour of 30 second gesture drawings a day
Maybe this is just me, but I think that's a waste. Maybe if you're JUST starting out that would be an okay schedule. An entire hour seems like a long time for only ever (really) drawing stick figures.
I mean, I'll sometimes do 5 minutes gesture studies but even that is barely any time to really learn everything about that figure. Maybe I'm just slow, I don't know. It's just 30 seconds isn't that much time to for something as complicated as the human body.

>> No.2552499

I think anons gave up on you last thread

>> No.2552505
File: 300 KB, 2000x763, Paintover_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I paint over other people's work as a warm up. I'm not friends with anatomy yet.

>> No.2552509
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, gesture5.28.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Works well for getting me in the mood/mindset.

Been at it a little over a week so far.

Been Loomis: Successful Drawing. For a few weeks also. Nice to draw what you see at the star of the day before boxes and X's and perspective lines

>> No.2552515
File: 38 KB, 600x800, no_aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tracing over drawn
>Tracing over drawn anime-like
>Tracing over drawn anime-like porn

>> No.2552544


>> No.2552580

Noob please. Get out. Studying can be done however you like.

>> No.2552581

tracing =/= studying
You won't learn jack by tracing

>> No.2552613

i aint the best but ill give my two cents

ponytails goodie box is skewed, also her other foot is gone unless shes half off the chair

butch looks like shes dazed and confused which is funny considering shes two fingers deep in trouble

perspective of the furnishing is slanted, especially the chair in the back and the column

>> No.2552619
File: 3.43 MB, 600x6667, the_basics___using_references_by_shattered_earth-d48cakt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless this is just for color practice and don't pass this off as your own; pic related. This is what helped me when an anon shared this before, source is here: http://www.deviantart.com/art/The-BASICS-Using-References-255875213

Referencing is fine, tracing; if not someone else's work, is fine too, learn from what helps you understand things better.

>> No.2552636

Congrats, you've fallen into the valley of "not bad enough to get good critique, not good enough to be praised."

Anyway, Mercy looks pretty good, but Zarya has some issues: her ass is way too bubbly for someone as muscular as her, her boobs should be closer together, her right kneecap appears to be on her lower thigh rather than where the knee is bending, and the index finger on her left hand is way too big. Her legs are way to short, it looks like they're the same height. You draw nice feet.

Lastly, this angle is pretty boring, it looks like you're drawing a room that just happens to have a couple in it, rather than focusing on the action. Maybe zoom in on them some more at a lower angle, or maybe even put the camera between Zarya's feet. Gotta fill the frame with the good stuff, y'know?

>> No.2552640

hon is a mtf trans that transitioned when they were old and so they just look like a man trying desperately hard to be a lady. idk why he didn't just say manface but there you go.

>> No.2552685

that pic is cute and all, but that's not how professionals do it.

might be great for practice, but is a complete waste of time if you're on a rush, as it usually happens.

>> No.2552736

Not him but the process shown there isn't for someone who's already professional and needs a quick guide for a pose or details for some object or material. What's shown there is for someone who's still learning how to draw, to make sure they come to understand what they're drawing instead of becoming dependent on copying references for everything they draw. A professional ideally already knows how to draw a solid and believable figure in many poses without reference so if they did ever grab a reference for something they wouldn't need to be this thorough because they already know how to make it their own and not end up with a flat copy (but that does happen sometimes if they're really on a tight deadline).

>> No.2553090
File: 944 KB, 500x281, 1458496956836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't visited /ic/ in literally months
>decide to browse on a whim to see if the quality of this thread got any better
>one of my favorite porn drawfags of the thread is still at it

You really need a gallery m8. I still like your stuff.

>> No.2553354

as I said in the last thread, please gtfo to the beginner thread and stop spamming this piece of crap already.

>> No.2553441

you are a total beginner. instead of working for fucking days on a single flawed picture (which is basically the equivalent of polishing a turd) do more studies, do more sketches, do more quick stuff and learn from your mistakes. the way you are approaching learning art is the worst possible one.

>> No.2553649

Point out one drawing in this thread that's better. You could say that to 90% of the "artists" posting itt so what is even the point of these threads?

>> No.2553669

> that's not how professionals do it.
Who the fuck is a "professional" on this damn site? No "professional" would spend their time on /ic/, that's why I shared that pic above, for beginners, as everyone in this thread currently is.
> complete waste of time if you're on a rush
It's a complete waste of time TO rush. Fucking hell, tired of faggots with this "gutta go fest" mentality with their art, GOOD artist use their time reasonably. They "go fast" because they know what they are doing and do what they do with knowledge backing them up. Novice don't have this leisure, so they should take their time LEARNING first, instead of rushing polished turds out the water, like many "good" well known artists out there that only get praised by dickbrain normies because said artist panderize with shitty fetish crap.

>> No.2553726
File: 760 KB, 505x504, lustpotion-p3_gif_l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a thing, and it was terrible.

Learned how to use the timeline in PS though.

>> No.2553740

i would kill myself if i had to do this to learn something

>> No.2553751

>No balls

>> No.2553753

> What is futa?

>> No.2553758

>Not posting superior balls and vagina
Idk, it just seems weird without 'em

>> No.2553778

nah, it looks better

>> No.2553797

I disagree completely. How does it look better? It feels incomplete.

>> No.2553812

Because futa /= guy with tits.
To each their own, friendo.

>> No.2553862

you are exactly right, dear sir.
90% of people that post here are beginners that don't have a clue about what they're doing. porn is simply too hard for them. and yes, they shouldn't be posting here and instead doing simpler studies to actually learn how to draw.

>> No.2553884

thanks a lot, I've screenshotted your critiques and will apply them to this drawing as I can. I know my posing is boring, I need to get in the habit of thumbnailing before starting.

Won't be posting again, but thanks for the help

>> No.2554027

good riddance

>> No.2554134
File: 738 KB, 1340x905, redline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick redline to help a bit. Your forms arent flowing into each other, they are kind of pieced together. Best thing you can do it google the fuck out of similar poses and try to figure out what the limbs and body should look like.

>> No.2554289
File: 291 KB, 1835x2160, T1jwo27ZS2Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone halp me with her tits(i dont geting what wrong with than), anf critique in general, please

>> No.2554322
File: 1.04 MB, 1835x2160, 1465351126236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main problem was the nipple was in the wrong spot. You drew it as if looking at the nipple straight on rather than at a slight angle

>> No.2554329

when you post, make your images smaller so it fits a normal screen, please. But so far these look pretty cool to me

>> No.2554330

not that anon, but what does "sausage fingers" mean? English isn't my native language

>> No.2554333

basically means that his fingers look like sausages, and not human fingers.

>> No.2554334

>implying human fingers don't look like sausages

>> No.2554335

"sausage fingers" Is a euphemism for saying something looking off, being the fingers look too thick/too long. The former being the problem I think.

>> No.2554356

Loli porn, is it worth doing? I want to do some loli porn in the future, just one animated short, but Im kind scared. When I look at Joel Jurion, and how he removed all his loli/shota porn, Im really unsure if thats a subject worth trying.

Once Im better at animating and drawing, I want to do a loli rape animation that'll pull some heart strings; hopefully.

I understand its best to hide behind a pen-name for something like that. Should I also hide behind a proxy server if I decide to do loli porn? If you guys could share your thoughts, thatd be great

>> No.2554359

Just do it and fuck any one else's opinion.

>> No.2554361

With your style you're more likely to trigger a gag reflex than pull any heartstrings, bruh

>> No.2554375

>Just do it and fuck any one else's opinion
That'd be great, but I kinda want a career in art, at least in 2d animation. So my fear in getting doxxed feels logical. Thats why I brought up Joel Jurion, after the announcement of a group project he was doing, he removed all of his loli shota stuff from tumblr and deviant art. So its obvious it affected his career in some way.

I do plan on studying FSeason and Murata, their loli works are interesting imho. You think thats a good plan?

>> No.2554381


that's very cute and an appealing drawing. I'm going to choose to believe that her proportions are adult and that she's just a gnome or something.

>> No.2554382

I dunno - what's your motivation? Is creating something edgy and likely to affect you later down the road really worth it?

>> No.2554392

>what's your motivation
I have yet to see a well animated loli getting ganbanged with no hope of her escaping. maybe someone will do it before me, who knows.

>Is creating something edgy and likely to affect you later down the road really worth it?
Well thats what a pen name is for, i could get away with making a separate pen name just to post edgy stuff on. I guess it would be worth it, putting something out there that a niche group would enjoy and appreciate.

lol I shouldve just asked if anons here have messed with multiple pen-names; at the same time. mb senpai, thanks for the replies though!

>> No.2554396

Yeah, I have messed with multiple pen names. It's a bit of work managing them all, but it feels cool to have multiple identities. You pretty much have no ties to anything unless you make one yourself. So you start of life woth a clean slate. Don't try to have more than 4 though. Gets time consuming and might put you into a working hell.

>> No.2554401

Whas the best way to draw nipples without it looking like pepperoni slices?

>> No.2554416

Draw nipples a lot.

>> No.2554441
File: 1.55 MB, 1835x2160, Redline2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did one for you. Some are more stylistic choices that i thought would make it more appealing. The ear seems to be from a side angle rather than the angle the head seems to be....the short jaw made her face weird. Not sure if you meant for her feet to look like that or not, but if they were supposed to be human looking i gave a redline for that too.

>> No.2554447

Please help. Im desperate!

>> No.2554470

the way you redlined the torso looks even more out of proportion than the original. yes, stylisation can include thinner waists, but its not believable in this case. the blind leading the blind. you didnt correct the proportion mistakes nor the bad (nonexistent) gesture nor the absurd weight distribution nor the anatomically impossible position nor the, i just noticed, left foot perspective in relationship to the left leg, and i could go on and on, instead of this you did, i dont even know what you did there, moved the neck a bit. congratulations. "torso a bit too thick". seeing "advice" like this makes my eyes pop out of my head.

dont listen to him

>> No.2554474
File: 241 KB, 865x805, Boob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Draw it as the pepperoni slice and then blend the edges in a bit while still retaining the shape. The areola can be raised up from the rest of the breast so giving it its own value changes gives the impression of a slightly puffy nip which is more appealing in R34 than a plain one.

>> No.2554477

Wow thanks thats actually really helpful. Thank you so much!!! You are a lifesaver!

>> No.2554478

But what you're suggesting is he scrap the whole thing and start over. I'm not going to redraw his entire pic. It looks pretty good enough for most R34 consumers. Why do people like YOU have to start shit over someone helping. If you can do better than do it...if not fuck off.

>> No.2554480

Lips way too big and bright red
Try more modest colors.also her left foot looks wonky.

>> No.2554484

Although I agree with the size of the torso should stay closer to OA's version but. Care to give any pointers? Instead of completely bashing dude for at least trying to redline something to be better than it is?

>> No.2554487

Ive never understood how people can draw lines so smooth so fluent digitally. Is there a specific program for that? I can do it in pencil and poer but never on my tablet. Can someone care to explain?

>> No.2554499

Takes months of using a tablet. I'm not even very good at it either. When i started it would take me sometimes 30 strokes to get the line i wanted....now i'm lucky to get it within 5. Most of the time if you get it nearly right you can just cheat and area select the line and use the Transform tool to make it look the way you want. Also it may be the program you use...i heard that Photoshop sucks for linework...i use SAI and it's supposed to be pretty good for lines.

>> No.2554515

Ive never thought about it that way. Funny thing is, ive tried sai and switched over to photoshop because of that. Maybe theres some settings im missing in sai. Idk. Sai seems too complicated for me. Are there any other prigrams you suggest? Or what are optimal setting for drawing in sai?

>> No.2554523

Well your drivers may not be installed right for the tablet...or maybe your anti virus is blocking them. In SAI they have a stabilizer setting thats up top on the main window but below the File, Edit, etc.. I have mine set to S2. S7 is really smooth but will cause draw lag.

>> No.2554525

Thanks for that info i'll have to check.

>> No.2554526
File: 8 KB, 558x248, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can change the settings of a brush type's control from the tablet by double clicking the tool and changing the stroke level seen here. I set mine at the higher levels to get a smoother stroke. But it does depend on your tablet quality as well. Better tablets work better in general, obviously.

>> No.2554532

When you draw lines digitally do you often make them using swift hand movements or are you more percise? Currently im using photoshop and i think, when youre really zoomed in you can make smoother calculated lines. But sometimes they do end up looking a bit crooked. Is digital drawing generally suppose to be like that? it feels so weird being new to this.

>> No.2554540

Yes, tablet strokes have to be swifter. This is good and bad. On the one hand you have to take alot of time learning how to draw with a tablet, but on the other hand you also learn about line confidence because if you can't make the correct line in a fast/smooth motion it ends up shaky and crooked.

>> No.2554543

The former. Granted I don't know if all tablets are like this, but due to the smooth surface, it's generally hard for me to be really precise and I just keep stroking a line out and undoing them until I get good line that works, just like I'm doing now actually. It takes time to get used to, but I started this since the beginning of the year, and I feel like I'm improving over time at the very least.

>> No.2554545

Gosh. I wish it was like as easy as pencil and paper.. The whole reason i stopped with them was becausei often got them smudged with my hards, i ended up mislacing them and because its easier to color large soaces with a digital brush: well thanks for eveything. Sorry for the inconveience. Im pretty stupid sometimes

>> No.2554551

I still draw with pencil and paper first just because i like it better to start a drawing...then i'll scan it and fix mistakes/redline before redoing the lines in digital. Before using pencil and paper always wash/dry your hands to get any skin oils off...that's why it's smudging.

>> No.2554565 [DELETED] 

okay so can you tell me why exactly you made the torso thinner. like can you explain that theoretically, can you justify the thinner torso choice so that the arguments are in your favor. this is just beyond me i dont understand this is like my big question of the day, why did he make the torso thinner. "I'm not going to redraw his entire pic" yes obviously but if you're going to redraw the feet (which you did. so you did bother to redraw the feet), redraw the feet with the RIGHT perspective, why did you redraw the feet with wrong perspective."someone helping" HOW are you helping if you draw fucked up perspective over fucked up perspective. thats not what help is. i cannot redline anything for the guy as of now because im working and browsing /ic/ on breaks but ive mentioned some issues. thats also why i got angry im just really tired but what the hell. the best thing i can advice to the guy as of now is to use ref. to take that pose (which would be impossible, EVEN with your helpful redline, so a similar pose) and look at himself in the mirror, study how he's standing and how it feels, etc, then think about weight distribution and such, not even anatomy just basic gesture/weight/masses stuff, think the first chapters any figure drawing book

>> No.2554566 [DELETED] 

meant to reply to >>>25544780

>> No.2554568 [DELETED] 

fuck ugh >>2554478

>> No.2554570

im sorry im super tired, my bad

>> No.2554612

once you'll get good enough, you'll stop trying to be edgy, so no worries, you'll get over this
Nose "I think I'll be good soon enough that I'll still think like I'm a 15 year old edgy teenager" Bro phase
also, stop trying to troll at all costs, you retarded piece of untalented shit.

>> No.2554614

you should really learn what perspective is buddy.

>> No.2554648

Come on anon, the time and effort you put into replying to me, couldve been used to help these anons


So before you type a reply, please give these guys a crit! thanks in advance

>> No.2554655
File: 280 KB, 688x1374, Orok Ironmaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm designing a tainted orc character for cuckolding elf boys. What's your thoughts so far?

>> No.2554677

>Who the fuck is a "professional" on this damn site? No "professional" would spend their time on /ic/, that's why I shared that pic above, for beginners, as everyone in this thread currently is.

You really think that? Are professionals robots in your mind, who have no free time? I'm a pro, have been for years. I still visit this place at least twice a week.

>> No.2554679

>No "professional" would spend their time on /ic/

You clearly haven't been on /ic/ for long then.

>> No.2554696

look it a fossil

>> No.2554776

nah, Nose "trollhard" Bro, I'll rather keep mocking you.

>> No.2555266

I could call samefagging right now, but that's besides the point. A "professional" shouldn't be here. These porn threads always have more noobs doing shit they shouldn't do at their current level than anyone that has proper understanding of anatomy structure and perceptive. And that's fine, as a "professional" has no business shilling their work here UNLESS it's to help dickbrain anons how to draw porn better with redlines. That's the only excuse a "professional" should be here for, aka: BBC-Chan or others that already has a high enough understanding of the fundamentals. If you're not here to do said redlines, critiques, or anything to show low level anons how to do what they are trying hard at and failing with correctly, then yes, you shouldn't be here, lurking for improvements to your work, which is the main point of these threads.
tl;dr, just because you're "a pro" doesn't matter if you do spend time here or not, the point here is "you shouldn't have to" in the first place. If you are going to however, being a "professional" yourself it seems, as >>2554648 said, care to give a proper critique of anons that were linked a crit, cuz they would really need the help m8.

>> No.2555441


not me for the record

>> No.2555443

oh and for the record, have never done porn. Not really considering it either. don't have anything against it for the most part, I don't care.

>> No.2555598
File: 514 KB, 2560x1707, 14654333264330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need Critique

>> No.2555632

You don't see the hook in her ass in the bottom right, otherwise good.

>> No.2555639
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x791, tumblr_nykaiyzwfl1u7dzigo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related, found these tutorials recently by some halal about drawing cocks


>> No.2555670



>> No.2555678
File: 87 KB, 516x598, but_why_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2555682
File: 2.73 MB, 2560x1707, redline3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd advise fixing the foot for the dude, it doesn't portray properly on the ground from that perspective, even though the perspective in general looks off from how that building looks. He looks like he's floating. And I think you should reconstruct that bottom panel there, she looks off visually. But interesting concept overall.

>> No.2555684
File: 579 KB, 1024x1293, Riding cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2555686

what the fuck

>> No.2555689

Nobody listen to this

>> No.2555690

Got any other advice to give? You seem all wise and knowing.

>> No.2555726

Please never redline again.

>> No.2555735

It was a quick line work, I wasn't going for complete accuracy fag. Try a better one yourself, dude could use one.

>> No.2555737

Her hand might be a little small. Also something about your lightsource seems off.

>> No.2555740

nice pic

- ass-hook in bottom frame
- i think maybe rotate the pad on the ground clockwise a bit, also it looks like it's getting sucked in behind his foot (if that's just due to being a rough i understand)
- i feel like maybe the tongue on his right boot could be a bit bigger?

>> No.2555809

For the sake of discussion, and because I want more study material, who are your guys' favorite porn artists? There have been a couple of new people I've seen through these threads and I wanna see some more recommended artists.

>> No.2555812

If you're going to be sloppy don't bother. It's a waste of everyone's time.

>> No.2555838

>pulled through mid-air by a hook in your ass
ouch, cant imagine that wouldnt leave internal bleeding

his feet are too close to the pad(?) its like he's on its slope which is terrible for balance given his action
her face in the second panel is off, she already pursing her lips to suck it instead of being more surprised, also her further leg is to straight and down

>> No.2555839

generic, might as well be human
dick might be too high?

>> No.2555852

Yeah he should just redraw it and make it into a guro art piece.

>> No.2555872
File: 523 KB, 887x1439, gurl bttm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont even care y was just horny

>> No.2555875

Learn how to draw hair

>> No.2556119

>Learn how to draw, period

>> No.2556156
File: 635 KB, 2673x1398, rtyfyyfguky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont even know what im doing just doodling at this point

>> No.2556367

big fan of Joël, have seen all his stuff and talked to him in french. Really if you ever get to his level of skill nobody is going to care what you did in the past, and if you don't nobody's gonna care at all, unless you get haters who report you then you'll get in trouble but as long as you're using a pen name, which I recommend until you get good, there's really no risk at all. btw great taste I fucking love Season and Range

>> No.2556374
File: 472 KB, 600x600, 20160413132334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is genuinely shit at art
>makes art tutorial.

>> No.2556388

most of beginner artists are delusional and totally unaware of how shitty they really are.

>> No.2556520

Sounds like an okay method though.
Got me less confused when drawing hands. Also helped me notice what I need to work on more.

>> No.2556559

It reminds me of that mastery "guide" that people like to post in every tutorial thread.

>> No.2556562

No idea what that is. Got a link?

>> No.2556568

You're really good at shading and good with anatomy, please don't fuck up yourself by drawing anime.
It can ruin your art style like crazy.

>> No.2556571

>ruining his art style when his art style is anime
Anon please

>> No.2556598

He posted his tumblr later, check it out.
And I guess I worded it badly. What I suggest is that he should focus on realistic a bit more, because he does it well, and try develop his own, unique, maybe a bit animeish style from there.
Also from the detail he puts into bodies and lack of detail in the anime faces it's apparent to me that it's not his thing, seems forced and like he's trying to be something he's not.

And drawing anime exclusively never really helped anyone, if anything trying to draw a certain stylized way from the get go can stunt artistic growth - realistic studies are crucial, point.

>> No.2556600
File: 75 KB, 538x697, goof troop nOW We'LL ALWAYS STICK TOGETHER, GOOF TROOP BesT OF FRIENds FOREVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arms and bat are super rough because i was focusing on trying to get the lower abdomen/hips/butt looking right only to realize the way she has to reach behind her to hold the other end of the bat looks awkward/goofy as fuck from this angle, hahaha

>> No.2556604

oh wait, i'm a dummy an jus realized i could probably have her press her arm close up behind her back an it'd probably look way less goof

>> No.2556708
File: 535 KB, 998x626, bigdicc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556726

Her shoulder would be way back in that pose, try it yourself and see.

Cool drawing nonetheless though.

>> No.2556735

love the style, got a tumblr for me senpai

>> No.2556741

It's Tony with who? Galactus?

>> No.2556744
File: 408 KB, 160x148, le perspiring formal wear man face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anterior superior iliac spine

Teach me your ways family man

>> No.2556745

Meant Thanos

>> No.2556757

yep. titan of dong himself

>> No.2556826

Do you go to sheridan by any chance
There's an ASIS fetish over here

>> No.2556881
File: 115 KB, 600x911, 1450162547216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i refound these when sorting through a folder filled with images saved from a few months ago

>> No.2556885
File: 121 KB, 600x925, 1450176643280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2556887

What a terrible way to learn anatomy

>> No.2556891

The way the body is cut reminds me of an artist I saw a while ago that did gore/vore furry. Made all the damn bodies look like cuts of ham as well.

>> No.2556894
File: 22 KB, 640x480, le master shredder hottenings face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, I don't have that kind of money.

Interesting way to go about it, I'd probably need a lot more examples before I could hope to understand it though.

>> No.2556905

These are actually from a set of 37

>> No.2556908

please quit being annoying and contribute
it goes without saying that every anatomy diagram (for lack of a better term) should be cross referenced with the study of real people so that you can piece together and internalize the human structure on your own

lotta furry/kemono-ish artists seem to be into that, i know seely likes to do fruit gore in a similar cartoony style, it's interesting

see the first response, minus the annoying part.
the thing to take away from it is to think of the illiac crest as an extension of the thigh into the abdomen

these were the only ones posted when i got them and google image search at the time didn't get me anywhere, would love to see the rest of them if you know where nwn

>> No.2556916

what a fucking retard

>> No.2556923

You learn the skeletal structure and the muscle groups for anatomy. Those images mostly just serve as a gore fetish ref, as somebody mentioned above. It should be obvious why it's bad if you had any idea about learning art as a craft.

Stop whining shithead.

>> No.2556924

Let's see if this works

>> No.2556947

It's just a guy showing how he likes to think about the forms. Part of learning means looking and considering lots of sources and finding what works for you.

>> No.2556955

Anatomy is forms. It's important to learn how stuff works underneath so you can make things look realistic once your character starts moving. Thinking about forms as in those pictures will not prepare you for that. But then again being bad works for some people and you can have success despite being it so that part is true.

>> No.2556962


>It is the newfag thinks anything is wrong with tracing episode

>> No.2556994

thank you very much

hence why you cross reference with real pictures of people/live models, you need to do this for skeletal and muscle charts as well, stop willfully misinterpreting people's words for the sake of argument, your dismissive and acerbic tone is tiring

>> No.2557019

You are the only one here who insist on arguing a simple and true statement. You don't need such a chart to make a caricature of a body once you have mastered anatomy and if you haven't then that's a shitty way to learn.

>> No.2557036

> You don't need such a chart to make a caricature of a body once you have mastered anatomy and if you haven't then that's a shitty way to learn.
So, tell us wise Master of the Arts, what IS a good way to learn when you're a shit artist? Or, are you that said shit artist and are just shitposting? By all means, teach to this thread how can they improve themselves, the right and only way by your words?

>> No.2557049

Don't worry. Just continue tracing manga or whatever it is you do since you seem to have a hard time rapping your head around the concept that a "shit artist" should focus on learning anatomy judging by your question.

>> No.2557055


hey i'm the one that posted them a while back.
they're from namajake on twitter, they have even more stuff now, over 70 or so pics that are pretty useful study for anatomy, as well as heck knows how much other beautiful drawings.

>> No.2557059


>> No.2557061

Whew, all those works in ink. An inspiration.

>> No.2557067

Fyi, I wasn't the same anon you were originally talking to. I asked for you to actually post your work proving the better way to learn from for the anons that have posted in this thread.
Or, are you that fellow anon from other porn threads that talks like he's a God that knows everything and doesn't post his work because he "doesn't want to get doxxed"? There were so many of those kinds of anons, I honestly don't know for sure.

>> No.2557080

anybody have sauce on op?

>> No.2557114

Thanks for the compliments. I agree I'm not that great with making anime from my imagination but it's mostly something I just do for fun. I spend most of my time doing more realistic studies and working through book exercises. I'll keep grinding bro and make something you'll like someday, I appreciate the advice.

>> No.2557279
File: 79 KB, 485x677, batter up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

danke for the feedback, does this look more proper?

moo, not yet unfortunately :c

i'm glad you like it so far nwn

>> No.2557286

I think the likes of Angel Blade and Bible Black spoiled me.

Futas with balls+vag, shemales, and the ball-less futas are all fine to me.

>> No.2557361

you are still a retard. it's obvious those are stylization studies and not actual anatomy studies, you retarded tardo. now gtfo before you hurt yourself, tardo.

>> No.2557363

tracing to create finalized art is something only scrubs would do.
yeah, if you do it because otherwise you couldn't draw anything, then you are shit, not a skillful artist that knows their craft.

>> No.2557855

Angel Blade and Bible Black are the reason why I only accept ball-less futa.

>> No.2558717
File: 58 KB, 860x834, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone help me fix this

>> No.2558753
File: 1.00 MB, 1440x960, fxnativeMERCYWIP1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy y'all! I have two questions:
1. I had to scrap the background. Any suggestions?
2. Is it worth drawing futa alternates of your finished pieces? Should they be uploaded in the same blog post? Will it expand your audience/potential commission base enough to be worth the time invested?

>> No.2558763

might as well if you like that kind of thing

>> No.2558864

See >>2552619
But you need better understanding of anatomy, and genital placement. Search "Doxy tutorials" for guidelines.
> 1
Do something from the game itself. That or just be creative and do something you like and works for the piece.
> 2
You decide. Do what you want to do. You can do whatever you want to your own work, people won't mind either way.

>> No.2558898

First of all improve your perspective knowledge. You don't want to be polishing turds, right?

>> No.2558905

>Will it expand your audience/potential commission base enough
yes, get as many weirdos as possible. Since they're not in relationships, generally, they have a lot of money to spend on their abnormal fetishes like dickgirls and furries.

>> No.2558915
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_o3wm4nj1tI1r8n53qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2559008

are you even trying, trollhard?

>> No.2559009

like that's the major problem of that artwork, kek.
let me guess. you are a dickbrain, ain't you?

>> No.2559033
File: 50 KB, 580x387, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't get to guess, you aren't smart enough.

>> No.2559043

doesn't even make sense, kek. I guess I can't expect more from a dickbrain.

>> No.2559045
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x714, 1417170518808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's not to get fucker? You're opinion is as invalid as you are.


>> No.2559098

guessing is supposing something when there's not enough information. so that's something a smart person wouldn't do as they'd have all the information they need. that's why your post doesn't make any sense, tardo.
just keep posting and hurting yourself, dickbrain. you are cracking me up.

>> No.2559107


>> No.2559115


>mf during allergy season

>> No.2559166
File: 43 KB, 720x787, Practice 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to learn foreshortening and perspective, but its really difficult. anatomy is pretty easy in some cases when i dont have to deal with foreshortening and perspective. still got alot to learn though.

>> No.2559173

Well you're getting a decent grasp of things so far judging this from your previous post, assuming you used the ref I provided. It's getting there, just keep hammering it down. One thing, experiment with more appealing expressions to make the character nicer to look at.

>> No.2559314

This is how lazy people who only want to stick to drawing one thing for the rest of their art career learn anatomy.

If they stepped out of this shitty area of expertise they'd be absolutely fucked in terms on knowledge.

>> No.2559332

perspective is an art fundamental much more important than anatomy. learn it by drawing simple shapes in perspective and leave figures alone for now. your level is way too low to be able to pull this off.

>> No.2559348

thanks for the advice, ill put that to practice.

>> No.2560193
File: 90 KB, 667x503, crystal buns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit before i polish these? the right one is especially fucked lol, redline would be appreciated.

>> No.2560200
File: 1.06 MB, 1329x2560, rakakuzazeno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and then he _____!

>> No.2560207

>...lets him go

Also girl farts are best farts.

>> No.2560242
File: 166 KB, 993x1080, frog person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2561219
File: 95 KB, 714x640, 6-13-16-practice-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2561224

Anon you're extrapolating info and I can whole heartedly promise that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.2561811


>> No.2563582
File: 228 KB, 597x800, 100 percent human, totally not a monkey, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoulda made the head smaller and/or the body bigger
also ignore that pixelated thing, some bad attempt at a head i gave up on

>> No.2563589

Clip Studio Paint

>> No.2563608

god i fucking hate those anime pubes

>> No.2563609

face would look better without a nose than what you did with it. also wtf is that body

>> No.2563617

it's a spike patch for dealin damage hahaha, nah, i jus thought they looked aesthetically interesting, but i can understand your hatred, they are hella dumb

yeah, i run into that problem a lot with traditional where i can't easily go in an clean up my sloppiness like with the nose, unless you don't like the style in which case i understand. would love for you to expand upon your issues with the body tho. trynna make him look like a young 20's femmy/twinkish dude with a wee bit of muscle but i should probably go back an rework his proportions

>> No.2563729
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, WiiU_screenshot_TV_017BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about that Nintendo Treehouse, huh?

>> No.2563756

study boobs more, work on your line confidence, try not to go for too symmetrical a composition, tends to be very boring, not to mention it's a pain in the ass to draw in a way that doesn't look like... ass (the bad kind)
also be wary of drawing sexually suggestive/explicit images of real people, most find that very creepy (unless the person you're drawing is a pornstar or similar)

>> No.2563772

Different anon, I'd prefer you'd keep the pube spikes, it works for the character, and is a much better approach than "realistic line fuz" you get in most drawings.

>> No.2563995
File: 196 KB, 762x1074, 2016-06-09 04.02.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I did on a /y drawthread request.

Also, I wanted to know. Do you think my work is good enough to do some simple commissions? My friends are all egging me on, but you know, you're lenient with criticism when it comes to your friends.

I know I still have practicing to do, but what do you guys think?

>> No.2564191
File: 685 KB, 981x1900, firekeeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this? Is the pixelated brush too gimmicky?

Really nice man. The breasts could probably use some more attention like >>2558915 pointed out

>> No.2564200

stop copying reference pics. instead use them to help yourself invent the pose.

>> No.2564202

Looks traced.

>> No.2564214

That's what I did man, I don't know what to say.
I didn't trace, but maybe it looks too realistic/static?

>> No.2564218
File: 977 KB, 1000x1000, tumblr_o8m9gdzmit1s1j5euo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I achieve this level of rendering?

>> No.2564222

Time, practice, and effort.

>> No.2564226
File: 729 KB, 1020x723, tumblr_o8u9qoz29R1vqcwfxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some porn I made for the LAS challenge today.

>> No.2564449

>nitpicking picture
>shitty redline
>not going for complete accuracy.. f-fag

>> No.2564452

You can certainly get some commissions; I hope you like drawing fat dudes.
lol I thought this was thdark for a second

>> No.2564550

Be a tracing hack

>> No.2564589
File: 698 KB, 1860x1240, daz200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wip. How feel so far?
P-pls no bully ;_;

>> No.2564592


>> No.2564600

Teach me your rendering secrets and I'll help you with your form problems

>> No.2564608
File: 550 KB, 1200x1726, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my best to follow this. That's the most notable thing I can think of

>> No.2564610

You have a very, very broken leg/foot there!

>> No.2564613

That's the foot of the girl behind the one being molested. Unless you already knew that and it still looks off.

>> No.2564616
File: 610 KB, 1860x1240, 1_redline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I mean. Drop that foot and just make the leg travel out of frame. Sorry if you're a foot-fag, but it needs to go or you need to redraw the whole leg and foot, it doesn't work like it is now!

>> No.2564619
File: 54 KB, 428x393, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just something for fun Would appriciate redline/literally any kind of advice especially about the torso. I feel like it's off but i cant SEE it.

>> No.2564625
File: 452 KB, 1063x708, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>2564613
Cause I'm pretty sure that's what you meant. The molested girl's right foot is off scene.

>> No.2564649
File: 354 KB, 1240x1000, Zeta Gundam - Haman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? The right arm's perspective bugs me a little.

>> No.2564668

Ah, that's what it supposed to be! Well, it's still pretty broken and it doesn't read well, the artist should still consider making some tweaks.

>> No.2564673

how long did it take you to draw that? btw your lineart is incredible

>> No.2564688

Hmm. I can see how it would be an issue. I'll tinker with it, thank you

Why thank you. I think I sunk over 4 hours into it. Maybe more. The line art took a long while. Line art is always so slow and tedious

>> No.2564713

J-just gonna d-delete my post then...

>> No.2564716

Calm your autism
It's hard to critique anatomy on such heavily stylized figures
It looks fine for what it is

>> No.2564718

give me a gosh dang minute (or an hour or so, i'm waiting on a package that is due any minute)

>> No.2564735

Thank you. You saying that actually means a lot to me. And I do like drawing fat dudes. They aren't my favorite but y'know.

More work? More fatties?

>> No.2564748


>> No.2564752
File: 799 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160615_193413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2564753


>> No.2564797
File: 186 KB, 1119x592, sittingsketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help, there's (probably) something wrong with the face, but I don't know what.

>> No.2565023

I like sunibees work but am not aroused by it
Look at a guy called scifijackrabbit, some of his older booty stuff is fantastic

>> No.2565226

then you are eyeballing the refs too much. the problem is that your anatomy and perspective knowledge don't match the accuracy with which you draw the pose and proportions.
the leg and arm guards are out of perspective compared to the perspective of the rest of the body. basically all that you invented looks out of place. that's why I can tell you either traced or just over referenced the ref pic.

>> No.2565230

stop tracing, idiot.

>> No.2565233

this lineart is boring and it fails at perspective. but that's not the main problem. the proportions of the body parts are all over the place. this is basically pretty shitty art.

>> No.2565269

Pretty good for a blind contour drawing

>> No.2565286

Yeah I may be using references too much. I feel like anatomy is important to get right, especially in porn, but maybe I got tunnel vision and forgot the overall gesture. What do you suggest I try for my next drawing?

>> No.2565339
File: 189 KB, 1755x2641, nutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2565382

I suggest you use references as you did, but maybe try to do your poses without eyeballing it. instead try to draw as much as possible of it from memory. this way you'll match the stuff you actually draw from memory to the referenced artwork. using references isn't bad at all, but it becomes bad when it is too obvious that that's the case. not because people might think lesser of you as an artist, but because this makes you lose your personal style.

>> No.2565385

Thanks, I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.2565666

Is furry stuff allowed to be critiqued? Recent;y drew something I'd like some pointers on for what I did wrong.

>> No.2565676

Are those the dazzles from Equestria Girls?

>> No.2565722

I mean, visually it's pretty hot, but the things that stand out to me the most is the gigantic hips the spread girl has and how baby tiny the girl's hands are on the right.
Heavily stylized and sexualized, blowing up the things that are sexy, breasts, vagina, ass, but shrinking the other body parts like the shoulders, hands, waist.

If this was a final piece I'd save it to my comp no problem, but I wouldn't emulate the anatomy to learn myself. Just your lineart and rendering techniques.

>> No.2565742

stop drawing symbols without knowing how and instead learn how perspective works. the eyes on the left and right girls are atrocious to look at, and those are just two examples. second thing, learn to draw hands instead of these spider digits that don't make any sense (again mostly due to your lack of perspective knowledge). thirdly learn perspective construction thoroughly if you want to draw poses like these from memory. that pelvis at the center of the artwork is hilariously huge. and like that wasn't enough, you had to couple it with those inhumanly tiny spider hands.
last remark, your lineart. learn to think of lineart as stylized ambient occlusion, not just lines that make it easier for you to lay down forms. the way you do it now is just boring and flat.

>> No.2565744

>I wouldn't emulate the anatomy to learn myself. Just your lineart and rendering techniques.
do yourself a favor and don't.

>> No.2565745

furry porn isn't allowed on /ic/ anymore

>> No.2565746

Where would I go to have my furry porn critiqued then?

>> No.2565778

/trash/ drawthread maybe?

>> No.2565811

just censor furry parts.

>> No.2565839
File: 86 KB, 1024x781, seahorse_mamas__part_2___mpreg__by_portablecat-da67bvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna take that "fetish edition" thing seriously. This is a female on male mpreg series the wife and I are doing.
Wife does the line art because I suck at that, I do the colors because I'm better than her at colors. Together we make up a complete artist. We want to get good, tear this thing apart. I know the arms are shit, what else?

>> No.2565849

>Together we make up a complete artist.
Maybe a complete shit artist.

>I know the arms are shit, what else?
Basically everything that is important for drawing appealing porn. Anatomy knowledge and perspective most of all.
The linear is flat and your shading is just a tiny bit less shitty.
You both lack fundamental knowledge to draw good appealing art.

>> No.2565893

You the same guy that hates on people in the critique forum on HF? The baseless anger in your words makes it hard to take even the legit things you say seriously. Take your pills anon.

>> No.2566013

please gtfo and kill yourself. as toxic as my posts can be I always tell the truth about how shitty somebody is and what they lack. if you are here just to post your stupid tumblr sjw comments, then do everyone a favor and gtfo.

>> No.2566567

Calm the fuck down. I could care less how you project your "critiquing skills" here, but state the point, not your anger, we don't give a shit about yourself. As stated above, >>2564589 needs better perspective knowledge, more interesting line control, and practice, practice, practice, yada yada yada. Hopefully he get's the point.

>> No.2566585

He does this every time, there's no point in arguing with him. He thinks he's some self-important father figure dishing out 'tough love' when it really just makes him look incredibly insecure about his own shortcomings, like a father trying to live vicariously through his maltreated children. You can't reason with him, you'll just get top keks.

>> No.2566592

post ur work m8

>> No.2566720

like I'm fucking angry lol. I'm just trying to make idiots realize art isn't easy. they'll have to suffer much much more to get good than what they're experiencing here with my posts. seriously dude, gtfo, I really don't need your moral teachings. critique art or stfu.

my policy is that I show art only after the one asking kill themselves.
so yeah, kill yourself m8.

>> No.2567250

>she looks off visually

how else would she look off? verbally?

>> No.2567253
File: 581 KB, 2560x1707, Ie3QXy2KK_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand i finaly did this.

>> No.2567577
File: 63 KB, 568x568, 1432225752027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.2567594

samefags. you can't do anything about them besides kekking.

>> No.2567663

fapworthy. I like it.

>> No.2567684

confirmed dickbrain kek

>> No.2567912

What happened to the lower panel? Didn't feel up to it?

>> No.2568565
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]