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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2486661 No.2486661 [Reply] [Original]

What are your 3 most visited boards assuming /ic/ is one of them.

/ic/, /fit/ and /vr/ and /co/ tied.

>> No.2486665
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That's 4 boards doofus. I'd say /ic/, /fit/ and /sp/. I used to go to /co/ a lot but Marvel and DC killed any enjoyment I had in comics since my childhood.

>> No.2486734
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/ic/ and /tg/. I don't really visit anything else here very often. I guess third would be /pol/ on 8ch. I go there like once a week just to catch up on latest memes and conspiracy theories.

>> No.2486735
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I rarely on any of them.

>> No.2486739

most visited:

special mentions:

>> No.2486744
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>> No.2486754

/ck/ & /gif/

>> No.2486757

>naked butler
oh man i went into that blind

also op meant the last two were tied for third

/ic/, /co/, and an even tie for third between /a/, /cm/, /y/ and /x/

>> No.2486759

mmmm probably /ic/, /p/, /fit and h/

>> No.2486761

/ic/, /d/, /mu/ but I'm rapidly losing hope.

>> No.2486776

/ic/, /a/, /adv/, starting to go to /trash/ pretty frequently too.

>> No.2486778
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/a/, /vr/ and /ic/

/x/ when its 3am and am bored af

>> No.2486795

Do people on /x/ legit believe in the supernatural or is it some sort of roleplay board?

>> No.2486797
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/his/ - for history
/n/ - in a vain hope for the ever rare unicycle threads
/mu/- for some 80s shit, vaporwave and metal share threads
/pol/ - Gas the kikes and make the art world great again!

>> No.2486803

/tg/, /his/. Used to frequent /v/ but got sick of that cesspit. Occasionally /biz/ lately.

>> No.2486816
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/ic/, /loomis/ and /co/

>> No.2486839

Do /pol/lacks actually believe in Christianity?

No, it's just for shits and giggles.

>> No.2486841
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/ic/ and glorious /pol/

>> No.2486844

/r9k/ /fit/ /co/

>> No.2486876
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/ic/ /mlp/ /g/
f8 me faggots

>> No.2486882

you are me

>> No.2486883
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/ic/ /a/ /mu/ /his/ and /wsr/

>> No.2486927

/a/, /ic/ and /d/.

I used to frequent /g/ too but I stopped a while ago because too little interesting threads and too many generals.

>> No.2486928

vg's d2g, /mov/, /ic/

>> No.2486929
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I believe in it as an integral part of cultural identity, tradition and a good source for moral development when growing up, I also see how the lack of it in the new generation has decayed their social and ethical obligations to one another.

Also jews are responsible for everything

1488 gas the kikes, uncle Addy dindunuffin wrong.

>> No.2486934

It really depends. I'm essentially a 4chan nomad. I've been here for over a decade, but I never really settled down on one board. While I have some staple boards that I usually return to, I tend to drift, spend a few months or years on a handful of boards, then move on. Currently, it's /ic/, /tv/, /h/ and /pol/.
Two years ago it was /ic, /fit/, /v/ and /vg/.
In the early days, it was mostly /a/, /b/, /e/ and /h/.
I've also spent some time on /g/, /k/, /an/, /ck/, /tg/ and a few other boards.

The furthest back I can remember posting art on /ic/ would be in 2007.

>> No.2486936

/pol/, /v/, and /aco/

>> No.2486956

/cgl/, /fa/, /ic/

>> No.2486960

These day I only visit /ic/, got tired of most other boards. A decade ago I spent a lot of time on /b/ and /d/, but those days are long gone.

>> No.2486993

/ic/, /lit/ and /a/.

>> No.2486996
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First it was 100% /i/.
Later it was /ic/ /lit/ /fit/ /ck/ and /fa/ in equal measure.
Now it's 94% /ic/ 5% /cm/ and 1% /lit/.
Like some of you I'd guess I've also been here for maybe thirteen years.

>> No.2486998

/ic/, /ic/ and /ic/ 99%

I found out 4chan through /ic/. The only other boards I visit are papercraft and 3.

>> No.2487020

Oh, nice call as to mentioning your introduction.
Here. My first use of the internet was through drawing for many and various online oekaki boards. I think the first were non-english, then I moved to a private oekakiBBS forum, and later still, to larger and more public interfaces. I found and used /i/'s shi-painter program as I did the others, and became much more active here once I grew to like 4chan's character.

>> No.2487029

Thought more of you guys, actually workout.
/ic/, /fit/ and oh, you're gonna love the last one, trust me: it's /tv/.

>> No.2487066

/ic/, /fit/, /out/

>> No.2487120

the photography board is fun sometimes, I dont really understand their lingo but some of them have decent pictures.

PS: Have you guys seen their faces, why are they also so pretty? Does having a pretty face just force you into photography pretentiousness somehow?

>> No.2487123

/ic/ /pol/, the third is still between /g/ /v/ /gif/ /h/ /a/

>> No.2487132

>"gold standard" whey
What a waste of money.

>> No.2487398


>> No.2487401

/g/ /ck/ /diy/

>> No.2487406
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/lit/ /fit/ and 420chan's /wooo/, /pol/ if I have to stick to 4chan

honorable mentions:
/vg/ /asp/ /m/ /s/ /hr/ and /tv/

>> No.2487408

pretty much just /ic/
on which i am also more active than any social media
or RL for that matter...

sometimes /gif/, seldomly /hm/ or /hr/, for collecting drawing references obviously

>> No.2487412

just /ic/ lately but occasionally i'll go on /x/ if there's decent threads up, and go on /fit when I need motivation (but the past year it's been very homoerotic there, more than usual).

OP confirmed for fag tho.

>> No.2487450

/a/ /ic/ /co/

>> No.2487454

/ic/ & /fa/

>> No.2487459

/ic/ for motivation to draw more...sometimes get brave n post a drawing n watch it get no feedback at all/x/ cuz i like reading creepy spoopy stuffs alone in the dark /adv/ cuz i love reading personal train wrecks happening. Keeps me happy for my small lil nothing problems.
Rarely on occasion /fit/ to show off my six pack n rustle jimmies. Apparently calling someone a pudgy manlet is highly offensive.

>> No.2487508

/ic/, /int/, /b/ and sometimes /wsg/

>> No.2487538

You are going to make it.

The rest should reevaluate their priorities in art and life.

>> No.2487542

/ic/, /fit/, /r9k/

>> No.2487545

it really is, it gave me irritable bowel syndrome
but i also think it depends on the brand quality. the most expensive kind is easier to digest

>> No.2487632


>> No.2487732
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>> No.2487739

The more expensive brands are uslaly easier on your stomach and taste alot better, but that's about it. They are just a bunch of vitamins and extra calories you can get from eating normal food.

>> No.2487740
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/a/ /ic/ and /vg/ (/d2g/)

>> No.2487741

/ic/,/toy/, recently started browsing /fit/

/v/, /vg/, and /co/ used to be on that list but fuck those boards

>> No.2487765
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/a/ and /cgl/

>> No.2488517

/ic/, /fa/, /his/

>> No.2488655

/asp/ > /wooo/

>> No.2488667

/ic/ /s/ /gif/

>> No.2488682
File: 1.54 MB, 1364x787, Pepperoni Calzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa//fit/ tied

occasionally /r9k/ for a feels n frog thread

>> No.2488699

/lit/, /wg/, /ic/

/gif/ too, but I don't interact with it.

>> No.2488721

/cgl/ /vg/ /ic/

>> No.2488724

/gd/ /wsr/ /lit/

>> No.2488726

nothing else really now a days

>> No.2488744
File: 652 KB, 1264x1520, computer_arts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interestingly not so many people visit /gd/ even tho you guys could earn easy money with intermediate artsy skills.

>> No.2488748

/pol/ & /v/

>> No.2488775

/pol/ /fit/ /fa/

>> No.2488820

not as easy as it looks, anon.

>> No.2489987

Usually to give actual non-meme advice as I'm a CSCC, personal trainer, and a strength / track and field coach at my high school. I've not been posting as much lately though as trappy-chan has infected the routine generals and the entire fucking board.
I enjoy guns and the memes are top notch
Teach British Lit, Western Civ., and Civics. Don't go as much as I used to because I've pretty much read every popular /lit/ book and nobody talks about any of the others I read.
During my off periods and breaks reading and drawing in my sketch book is pretty much all I do. Figured I might as well learn some shit.
Pure cancer but still enjoyable. I only play vidya a few hours a week nowadays so I'm not very jaded about them.
>/pol/ and /b/
Pure cancer but I still find both boards lulzy.

>I've been here since 2007

>> No.2490257


(no homo)

>> No.2490446
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/ic/ /vr/ /g/

/a/ only on the weekends cause I rarely watch ongoing anime

>> No.2490466
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/ic/ mainly for the inspiration and depression
/fit/ for my body and hot men for gay drawing refs
/hm/ for hot men, jerking off and gay drawing refs.

>> No.2490489
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1455363935642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can work out and not browse /fit/, anon.

Anyways, /fit/ is a shithole now, nothing like it was 5+ years ago.

>> No.2493798

/fa/, /ic/ and /mu/

>> No.2493827

Most of /x/ consist of gullible people and roleplayers but in some cases Inve gotten there loads of good books on spirituality/symbolism/etc. In some cases too it can get really entertaining.

>> No.2493831

Not 4chan a

>> No.2493890

I literally forgot /mlp/ existed until just now. How is the board/show doing?

I mostly just browse /ic/ /an/ and occasionally /ck/

>> No.2493957

>/pol/ on 8ch

8ch /pol/ is fucking terrible, visited once when 4chan was down. Never again, their memes are weak as fuck famalam.

>> No.2494383
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that's the good shit son

>> No.2494396
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/lit/, /co/ and /mu/. Actually, those three and /ic/ are the only boards i go nowadays. Sometimes /jp/, when i'm in the mood for VN and Touhou.